MONTHYEARML18039A6231998-11-18018 November 1998 Rev 0 to Calculation MD-Q0999-970046, NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR & CS Pumps ML18039A6271998-11-10010 November 1998 Rev 1 to 50147-C-012, HCLPF Calculations for Selected Blockwalls ML18039A5571998-10-0404 October 1998 Rev 0 to CD-Q3068-980061, Evaluation of IGSCC Indication at Weld GR-3-63 ML18039A5391998-09-0303 September 1998 Rev 1 to CD-Q0082-970020, Eqe Evaluation A-46 Outliers to DG Neutral Ground Transformers ML20217Q6921998-04-23023 April 1998 Rev R8 to Calculation ND-Q0031-920075, Control Room Doses ML20217A5111998-03-24024 March 1998 Rev 4 to Calculation MD-Q-0999-920136, Post Accident Primary Containment Penetration Isolated Piping Over Pressure Analysis ML18039A5341997-08-13013 August 1997 Rev 2 to CD-Q2999-940343, Qualification of Cable Tray & Conduit Systems by A-46 Program ML18039A5411996-12-0101 December 1996 Rev 0 to 50147-C-003, Outlier & HCLPF Evaluations for RHR Pump Anchorage ML20129C0761996-10-23023 October 1996 Press Release II-96-88, NRC Staff Issues Assessment of Performance at Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant in Al ML20129D6391996-09-25025 September 1996 Rev 2 to Calculation Package for Application of Revised DBA Source Term to Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML18039A5441996-08-0606 August 1996 Rev 0 to CD-Q3071-960089, Verification of Anchorage for Panel 3-25-31 to Resolve Outlier Identified by USI A-46 Evaluation (Ssel 39204) ML18039A6261996-07-15015 July 1996 Rev 1 to 50147-C-011, HCLPF Calculations for Electrical Equipment on A-46 Safe Shutdown Equipment List ML20129D8191996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 1 to Suppression Pool Scrubbing Efficency (Including Pool Bypass) ML20129D8101996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 1 to Max Elemental I Decontamination Factors ML20129D7601996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 2 to Volumetric Flowrate as Function of Time from Drywell to Torus (& Return) ML20129D8441996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 1 to Addl Radionuclide Data ML20129D8911996-05-27027 May 1996 Rev 1 to Aerosol Decontamination Factor in Main Steam Lines & Condenser ML18039A5331996-05-0303 May 1996 Rev 0 to 50147-C-004, Bfnd A-46/IPEEE Outlier Evaluation - RHR Heat Exchangers ML18039A5361996-04-15015 April 1996 Rev 6 to CD-Q0000-931227, Qualification of Cable Tray & Conduit Systems by A-46 Program ML18039A5381996-02-24024 February 1996 Rev 0 to 50147-C-006, GE 7700 MCC Seismic Capacity Vs Demand - Outlier Resolution ML20205K7891996-02-15015 February 1996 Press Release II-96-21, NRC Saff Proposed $80,000 Civil Penalty Against TVA for Alleged Discrimination at Browns Ferry ML18038B6651996-02-0505 February 1996 Non-proprietary Calculations for Application of Revised DBA Source Term to Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML18039A6251995-10-16016 October 1995 Rev 1 to CD-Q0000-940339, Calculation of Basic Parameters for A46 & IPEEE Seismic Program ML18039A5431995-10-0101 October 1995 Rev 0 to 50147-C-002, MSIV Outlier Resolution ML18038B6661995-09-29029 September 1995 Non-proprietary Calculation of Containment Leakage Doses for Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML20129D8981995-09-28028 September 1995 Rev 0 to Elemental I Filter Efficiency in Main Steam Lines ML20129D8741995-09-27027 September 1995 Rev 0 to Source Term for Use on Browns Ferry Application of NUREG-1465 ML20129D7371995-09-22022 September 1995 Rev 2 to Design Data Base for Application of Revised DBA Source Term to TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML20129D8831995-09-22022 September 1995 Rev 0 to Drywell Leakage Rate Direct to Environment Mimicking Case 2 Early Bypass of Sgts ML20129D7861995-09-0101 September 1995 Rev 0 to Aerosol Decay Rates (Lambda) in Drywell ML18039A5371995-03-23023 March 1995 Rev 2 to CD-Q0248-910431, Seismic Analysis of Battery Rack for Units 1 & 2 Battery Rooms A,B,C & D at El 6213 ML20093E4071994-02-0707 February 1994 Rev 0 to Calculation MD-Q3001-940005, Vessel Weld Flaw Evaluation for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 ML20058N8251993-07-29029 July 1993 Package Consisting of Attachment to Employee Concerns Program ML18036B1941992-05-26026 May 1992 Reactor Bldg Vents Radiation Monitoring Sys Drift Rate Calculation for TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant ML20085M6321991-11-11011 November 1991 NUMARC Industry Survey in Support of License Renewal Rulemaking Aquatic Biology Dept Response to Aquatic Resource Questions ML18036A4021991-10-0808 October 1991 Audit Rept Re Util Conformance w/10CFR50.4,50.59 & 50.71(e) Requirements Concerning Amend 8 to Facility Updated FSAR ML18036A3241991-08-14014 August 1991 Audit Rept on TVA Conformance W/Title 10 of Code of Federal Regulations Part 50.4,50.59,50.71(e) in Amend 7 of Browns Ferry Updated Fsar ML20059A4911990-08-13013 August 1990 Control Room Habitability Following Potential Barge Shipment Accident of Hazardous Chemicals ML20085M6251990-07-0505 July 1990 DMR Summary for Plant & Specific Parameters Violated at Each Outfall ML20059A4991990-05-29029 May 1990 Rev 0 to Frequency of Chlorine Concentration in Control Room in Excess of Toxicity Limit Due to Barge Accident ML20059A4951990-05-23023 May 1990 Toxic Barge Study ML20043B1131990-05-0303 May 1990 Rev 1 to ED-Q2000-87135, Cable Ampacity Calculation - V4 & V5 Safety-Related Trays for Unit 2 Operation ML18039A5311989-12-0202 December 1989 Rev 3 to CD-Q2253-883859, Center of Gravity for JBs 7193 & 7196 ML18039A5301989-12-0202 December 1989 Rev 2 to CD-Q2253-883954, Seismic Qualification for Breakers in JB 7193 & 7196 ML18039A5291989-09-21021 September 1989 Rev 1 to CD-Q2253-870722, Conduit Support ML18033A4851988-11-18018 November 1988 Sys Preoperability Checklist & Sys Plant Acceptance Evaluation Programs ML20154Q7921988-08-16016 August 1988 Rev 0 to Calculation ED-Q0268-88463, 480-Volt Reactor Motor-Operated Valve Boards 3A/B ML20155B6241988-08-11011 August 1988 Rev 1 to Calculation ED-Q2268-87322, Thermal Overload Heater Calculations - 480V Reactor MOV Bd 2A ML20155B6291988-08-11011 August 1988 Rev 1 to Calculation ED-Q2268-87324, Thermal Overload Heater Calculations - 480V Reactor MOV Bd 2C ML20154Q8441988-05-19019 May 1988 Attachment 10 to Calculation ED-Q0281-88139 Re Fuse Program for Stated motor-operated Valve Boards 1998-09-03
MONTHYEARML18039A6231998-11-18018 November 1998 Rev 0 to Calculation MD-Q0999-970046, NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR & CS Pumps ML18039A6271998-11-10010 November 1998 Rev 1 to 50147-C-012, HCLPF Calculations for Selected Blockwalls ML18039A5571998-10-0404 October 1998 Rev 0 to CD-Q3068-980061, Evaluation of IGSCC Indication at Weld GR-3-63 ML18039A5391998-09-0303 September 1998 Rev 1 to CD-Q0082-970020, Eqe Evaluation A-46 Outliers to DG Neutral Ground Transformers ML20217Q6921998-04-23023 April 1998 Rev R8 to Calculation ND-Q0031-920075, Control Room Doses ML20217A5111998-03-24024 March 1998 Rev 4 to Calculation MD-Q-0999-920136, Post Accident Primary Containment Penetration Isolated Piping Over Pressure Analysis ML18039A5341997-08-13013 August 1997 Rev 2 to CD-Q2999-940343, Qualification of Cable Tray & Conduit Systems by A-46 Program ML18039A5411996-12-0101 December 1996 Rev 0 to 50147-C-003, Outlier & HCLPF Evaluations for RHR Pump Anchorage ML20129D6391996-09-25025 September 1996 Rev 2 to Calculation Package for Application of Revised DBA Source Term to Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML18039A5441996-08-0606 August 1996 Rev 0 to CD-Q3071-960089, Verification of Anchorage for Panel 3-25-31 to Resolve Outlier Identified by USI A-46 Evaluation (Ssel 39204) ML18039A6261996-07-15015 July 1996 Rev 1 to 50147-C-011, HCLPF Calculations for Electrical Equipment on A-46 Safe Shutdown Equipment List ML20129D7601996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 2 to Volumetric Flowrate as Function of Time from Drywell to Torus (& Return) ML20129D8101996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 1 to Max Elemental I Decontamination Factors ML20129D8191996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 1 to Suppression Pool Scrubbing Efficency (Including Pool Bypass) ML20129D8441996-06-13013 June 1996 Rev 1 to Addl Radionuclide Data ML20129D8911996-05-27027 May 1996 Rev 1 to Aerosol Decontamination Factor in Main Steam Lines & Condenser ML18039A5331996-05-0303 May 1996 Rev 0 to 50147-C-004, Bfnd A-46/IPEEE Outlier Evaluation - RHR Heat Exchangers ML18039A5361996-04-15015 April 1996 Rev 6 to CD-Q0000-931227, Qualification of Cable Tray & Conduit Systems by A-46 Program ML18039A5381996-02-24024 February 1996 Rev 0 to 50147-C-006, GE 7700 MCC Seismic Capacity Vs Demand - Outlier Resolution ML18038B6651996-02-0505 February 1996 Non-proprietary Calculations for Application of Revised DBA Source Term to Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML18039A6251995-10-16016 October 1995 Rev 1 to CD-Q0000-940339, Calculation of Basic Parameters for A46 & IPEEE Seismic Program ML18039A5431995-10-0101 October 1995 Rev 0 to 50147-C-002, MSIV Outlier Resolution ML18038B6661995-09-29029 September 1995 Non-proprietary Calculation of Containment Leakage Doses for Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML20129D8981995-09-28028 September 1995 Rev 0 to Elemental I Filter Efficiency in Main Steam Lines ML20129D8741995-09-27027 September 1995 Rev 0 to Source Term for Use on Browns Ferry Application of NUREG-1465 ML20129D7371995-09-22022 September 1995 Rev 2 to Design Data Base for Application of Revised DBA Source Term to TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant ML20129D8831995-09-22022 September 1995 Rev 0 to Drywell Leakage Rate Direct to Environment Mimicking Case 2 Early Bypass of Sgts ML20129D7861995-09-0101 September 1995 Rev 0 to Aerosol Decay Rates (Lambda) in Drywell ML18039A5371995-03-23023 March 1995 Rev 2 to CD-Q0248-910431, Seismic Analysis of Battery Rack for Units 1 & 2 Battery Rooms A,B,C & D at El 6213 ML20093E4071994-02-0707 February 1994 Rev 0 to Calculation MD-Q3001-940005, Vessel Weld Flaw Evaluation for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 ML18036B1941992-05-26026 May 1992 Reactor Bldg Vents Radiation Monitoring Sys Drift Rate Calculation for TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant ML20059A4911990-08-13013 August 1990 Control Room Habitability Following Potential Barge Shipment Accident of Hazardous Chemicals ML20059A4991990-05-29029 May 1990 Rev 0 to Frequency of Chlorine Concentration in Control Room in Excess of Toxicity Limit Due to Barge Accident ML20059A4951990-05-23023 May 1990 Toxic Barge Study ML20043B1131990-05-0303 May 1990 Rev 1 to ED-Q2000-87135, Cable Ampacity Calculation - V4 & V5 Safety-Related Trays for Unit 2 Operation ML18039A5301989-12-0202 December 1989 Rev 2 to CD-Q2253-883954, Seismic Qualification for Breakers in JB 7193 & 7196 ML18039A5311989-12-0202 December 1989 Rev 3 to CD-Q2253-883859, Center of Gravity for JBs 7193 & 7196 ML18039A5291989-09-21021 September 1989 Rev 1 to CD-Q2253-870722, Conduit Support ML20154Q7921988-08-16016 August 1988 Rev 0 to Calculation ED-Q0268-88463, 480-Volt Reactor Motor-Operated Valve Boards 3A/B ML20155B6291988-08-11011 August 1988 Rev 1 to Calculation ED-Q2268-87324, Thermal Overload Heater Calculations - 480V Reactor MOV Bd 2C ML20155B6241988-08-11011 August 1988 Rev 1 to Calculation ED-Q2268-87322, Thermal Overload Heater Calculations - 480V Reactor MOV Bd 2A ML20154Q8251988-05-19019 May 1988 Rev 0 to Calculation ED-Q0281-88139, 250-Volt DC Reactor Motor-Operated Valve Boards 2A,2B & 2C ML18039A5321986-11-19019 November 1986 Seismic Qualification of Conduit & Supports 1998-09-03
[Table view] |
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PSAT 04000U.04 l
1 i
'I PSAT Calculation 0401IH.07 "Drywell Leakage Rate Direct to Environment Mimicking Case 2 Early Bypass of SGTS" s
l 9610250176 961018 PDR ADOCK 05000259 P
"Drywell Leakage Rate Direct to Environment Mimicking Case 2 Early Bypass of SGTS" ORIGINATOR CHECKER IND REVIEWER J
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REVISION: 0 ~wo Meteath Da o.A L-bA L-(-
K9py/fr b?l Sh1Mr Mk 7 lt ? (sr
\\b 2
3 4
Nonconformance Rot 0 -Initial Issue N/A 4
2 3
PSAT 0401IH.07 Page: 2 of 6 Rev:@l 2 3 4 Table of Contents Section Eagn Purpose 2
Methodology 2
Assumptions 4
References 4
Calculation 4
Results 5
Conclusions 5
j Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to address an issue raised in Reference I regarding a 90 second interval (from t=15 seconds to t=105 seconds) at the beginning of the DBA LOCA during which the RB may exhibit a positive pressure and during which some flow out of the RB, therefore, may bypass the SGTS. In Reference I this issue was handled with a supplementary model shown on Exhibit 1. In this model the RB is explicitly modeled as a " hold-up" control volume between the drywell as a source and the environment. For the revised source term analysis (covered by this calculation) a direct release model is being used in which there is no " hold-up" control volume between the drywell and the environment for this release. The purpose of this calculation, therefore, is to develop a surrogate leak rate directly from the drywell to the environment that would conservatively represent the model of Exhibit 1.
Methodology The approach is to:
(1) Calculate the release from the drywell to the RB assuming the containment is leaking at the design leakrate with "A" as the time-averaged activity airborne in the drywell over the first 105 seconds, (2) Calculate the effective reduction in what would then be leaked to the environment
PSAT 04011H.07 Page: 3 of 6 Rev:@ l 2 3 4 Exhibit 1 The STP model used to determine the RB leakage contribution to the CR doses is shown in Figure 3.
The flows associated with the model are shown in Figure 4.
Apo % N4 STP MODEL y% f (/No46)
"S2 LEAK" y
A L. W D D AYWG.o A wIrio J
@ RGA WON Vs /.936s F
@ RS LEAKAss Vs /,o CO M h Wenff" 3 ($
2 2%/d = 235.8 cfh 2
3 t=0-0.00417hr (15 sec) 0.0 cfh t=0.00417hr-0.02917hr (105 sec) 1542.4 cfh t>0.02917hr 0.0 To guarantee conservatism to the RB leakage dose, there is no flow assumed during the 15 to 105 second time period when SGTS This assures the maximum RB concentration the leakage occurs.
from the during the period of RB leakage and hence a maximum dose leakage.
PSAT 04011H.07 Page: 4 of 6 l
Rev:hl 2 3 4 i
l considering the presence of the RB, and (3) Calculate a revised diacileakrate from the drywell that would then match that release to l
the environment from (2).
3 i
Assumptions Assumption 1:
It is conservative to place all drywell leakage that would occur over the I
first 105 seconds into the RB at the start of the accident.
L Justification: The release from the containment does not begin until the start of the gap release at t=30 seconds (see Item 2.1 of Reference 2). Therefore, the RB has lost its residual negative pressure 15 seconds before the start of the gap release to the drywell and the corresponding release from the drywell to the RB. During the next i
75 seconds (t=30 seconds to t=105 seconds), there will be a progressive release i
from the drywell to the RB as the drywell radionuclide concentration builds.
During the first 105 seconds of the event, a time-averaged airborne radionuclide j
concentration, A, in the drywell can be defined. The leakage into the RB during j
the first 105 seconds can then be calculated as "A" times the fraction of the drywell volume leaked into the RB over the first 105 seconds. For simplification, then, it can be conservatively assumed that this product "AxB" (where "B" is the fraction 4
of the drywell volume leaked to the RB over the first 105 seconds) appears in the RB at t=0 since this will maximize the radionuclide leakage from the RB to the environment over the subsequent 105 seconds.
References Reference 1: TVA Calc ND-QOO65-900052, "CR Doses for 2 SGTS Fans Including'RB Leakage", Revision 2, S/4/93 Reference 2: PSAT 04000U.03, " Design Data Base for Application of the Revised DBA Source Term to the TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant", Revision 1, September 22, 1995 Calculation By Assumption 1, the radioactivity in the RB during the first 105 seconds of the DBA LOCA may be conservatively calculated to be:
PSAT 04011H.07 Page: 5 of 6 Rev:hl 2 3 4 RB activity = AxVolumetric Lenkrate. Drvwell to RB (Item 3.12 of Reference 21x105 see Volume of Drywell (Item 3.1 of Reference 2) where "A" is the time-averaged airborne activity in the drywell over the first 105 seconds.
=A x'(132.5 cfh/159000 ft') x 105 sec/3600 sec/hr = 2.43E-5 x A This activity, if placed in the RB at t=0 and ifleaked from the RB at the RB leakrate of 1540 cfh (the flow out of the RB that does not pass through the SGTS when the RB pressure is positive, Item 3.30 of Reference 2), would yield a corresponding re! ease of activity to the environment over the first 105 seconds (even neglecting the first 15 seconds when the RB pressure is negative) of:
Activity released =
2.43E-5 x A x 1540 cfh x 105 seconds Volume of the RB x 3600 sec/hr 0.0011 A/ Volume of the RB in ft'
0.0011 A/1.932E6 ft' (Item 3.4 of Reference 2) = 5.7E-10 x A
To release the same amount of activity directly from the drywell over 105 seconds, the leakrate (in efh) would have to be:
Leakrate = (5.7E-10 x A x 3600 sec/hr x drywell volume in ft')/(A x 105 seconds)
=.1.95E-8 x drywell volume in ft'
= 1.95E-8 x 159000 ft' = 3.lE-3 cfh Results A drywell leakrate directly to the environment which would conservatively mimic the " hold-up" model presented in Exhibit 1 is 3.lE-3 cfh.
Conclusions Using this approach, about IE-4 ft' ofdrywell atmosphere (3.lE-3 cfh x 105/3600 hours)is assumed to be released directly to the environment over the first 105 seconds as opposed to the four cubic feet that would actually be released (to the RB) if the leakrate were the design value of
= -. -. -
i PS AT 04011H.07 Page: 6 of 6 Rev:@l 2 3 4 132.5 cfh. Dilution of this four cubic feet in the secondary containment atmosphere (with a volume of about 2 million cubic feet) would amount to about a factor of 500000. Since the leakrate out of the RB, however, is a factor of 12 greater than that from the drywell (1540 cfh vs 132.5 cfh) the " effective" dilution in the RB is reduced to about a factor of 40000. Therefore, one I
would expect that four cubic feet of drywell atmosphere released through the RB would contain about the same amount of activity as 4/40000 cubic feet of drywell atmosphere released without benefit of mixing and dilution in the RB. This value "4/40000 cubic feet" is 1E-4 ft', the same "drywell volume released" value calculated above using the leakrate of 3.lE-3 cfh.