MONTHYEARML20217P5261999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Rev 0,Change 1 to Millstone Unit 1 Northeast Utils QA Program ML20217E9841999-10-14014 October 1999 Forwards Petition for Leave to Intervene Submitted on 991006 by Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone & Long Island Coalition Against Millstone ML20217D6741999-10-13013 October 1999 Responds to Tia, Re Requirements of 10CFR70.51 for Physical Inventories of Special Nuclear Matl in Spent Fuel Pool at Plant ML20216F5061999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards Monthly Rept on Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990831.During August,Directors Decision (DD-99-10) on Seabrook Issued & Petition Closed.Six Petitions Open,Five in NRR & One in Nmss.Attachment 2 Withheld ML20216F3591999-09-15015 September 1999 Informs That Encl SRM on COMSECY-99-016 Being Released to Public,Effective 990915.Encl Documents Including 990406 SRM in Response to Millstone Independent Review Team 990312 Rept & 990713 Memo from G Caputo Previously Released ML20211P7751999-09-10010 September 1999 Notification of 990923 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss License Termination Plan Being Prepared for Haddam Neck Plant by Cy & Contractors & Releasing Portion of Property for Unrestricted Use Before License Termination ML20211K1431999-09-0202 September 1999 Notification of 990920 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Recent Developments in New England Re Industry Deregulation & Restructuring Affecting Nu Use of Performance Indicators as Operating Plant ML20210U1461999-08-13013 August 1999 Notification of 990827 Meeting with NNECO in King of Prussia,Pennsylvania to Discuss Engineering Initiatives & Backlog Management ML20210E9311999-07-26026 July 1999 Notification of 990825 Public Meeting in Waterford,Ct Re PSDAR for Plant Unit 1 ML20210K1421999-07-22022 July 1999 Informs That Recipient Designated Chairman of Millstone Assessment Panel & E Adensam,Designated Co-Chairman.Panel Established to Assist Region I & NRR in Coordination of NRC Resources for Performance Monitoring & Inspecting Millstone ML20210E0291999-07-19019 July 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-42 with Util on 990811 to Discuss Licensee Turnover of Decommissioning Activities to Bechtel,Decommissioning Operations Contractor & Plans for SG Removal & Support Bldg Demolition ML20210C1631999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Monthly Rept Which Gives Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990630.Six Open NRR,1 OE & 2 NMSS Petitions Available.Attachment 2 Withheld ML20209G0541999-07-13013 July 1999 Submits Directors Guidance 99-001,effective Immediately,As Result of SRM in Response to Recommendations in Plant Independent Review Team Rept, ML20212J5161999-07-0101 July 1999 Documents,For Public Record,Interaction Between NNECO & NRC Staff Re Licensee Proposed Licensing Action Now Being Reviewed by NRC Staff ML20209D7621999-06-29029 June 1999 Notification of Meeting 99-40 on 990715 with Nuclear Energy Advisory Council in Waterford,Ct to Discuss Millstone Safety Conscious Work Environ/Employee Concerns Program ML20209D7721999-06-29029 June 1999 Notification of 990715 Meeting 99-39 with Util in Waterford, CT Re Corrective Action & Safety Conscious Work Environ/ Employee Concerns Program Team Exit Meeting ML20196F0711999-06-24024 June 1999 Notification of 990714 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Evaluation of Natural Gas Blast Hazards at Facility ML20212H9471999-06-22022 June 1999 Informs That No Addl Work Required on TACs M91735 & M95118 & Closes TACs Administratively ML20196F0581999-06-21021 June 1999 Discusses Update of Status of Petition,Dtd 961125,as Amended by Ltr,Dtd 961223,by Petitioners Re Millstone,Units 1,2 & 3 & Haddam Neck Nuclear Facilities ML20207F0951999-06-0404 June 1999 Forwards Figure 1 to Millstone Combined Insp Repts 50-245/99-05,50-336/99-05 & 50-423/99-05.Rept e-mailed on 990604 ML20206Q6001999-05-17017 May 1999 Notification of 990602 Meeting with Util & Bechtel in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements for Installation of Natural Gas Powered Electric Generating Facility at Plant Site IR 05000336/19990041999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards Database Used by Licensee to Track Questions Asked During Osti,Insp Rept 50-336/99-04.Summary of Licensee Responses Also Provided ML20206A6041999-04-23023 April 1999 Notification of 990506 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Provide Northest Nuclear Energy with Opportunity to Discuss Status of Development of post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept for Unit 1 ML20206A1791999-04-22022 April 1999 Forwards Supplemental Info Related to Questions Re 50 Mile Ingestion Pathway Associated with Millstone Nuclear Facility That Were Raised During 990414 Commission Meeting on Remaining Issues Re Proposed Restart of Unit 2 ML20205R1051999-04-21021 April 1999 Discusses Closeout of TAC MA3456,which Was Taken Out to Follow Developments Re Reactor Vessel Shipment from Haddam Neck Plant ML20206B2371999-04-19019 April 1999 Forwards Questions & Answers Addressing Long Island Emergency Planning Issue Raised at Commission Meeting ML20205N1641999-04-0606 April 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-18 with Util on 990420 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Plant Unit 3 Outage Plans ML20205J1961999-03-31031 March 1999 Discusses Clarification of Enforcement Discussion in 990319 Millstone Independent Review Team Rept ML20205C3041999-03-23023 March 1999 Notification of Significant Meeting 99-15 on 990407 with NNECO in Waterford,Ct,To Discuss Operational Safety Team Insp Exit Meeting for Millstone,Unit 2 ML20207M7641999-03-16016 March 1999 Forwards Monthly Rept of Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990228.During Feb Directors Decision DD-99-01,DD-99-02, DD-99-03 & DD-99-04,became Final Agency Actions & Closed. Attachment 3 Filed in Central Files ML20205J2011999-03-15015 March 1999 Forwards Annotated Draft Info Notice 99-XX Re Inadvertent Discharge of Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Sys in Cable Spreading Room,Reflecting Util Changes ML20207H4601999-03-0404 March 1999 Notification of 990318 Meeting with Northeast Nuclear Energy Co in Waterford,Connecticut to Discuss Exit Meeting Results of Millstone Unit 2 Independent C/A Program C/A Insp Performed by NRR ML20207K4011999-03-0404 March 1999 Rev 1 to Notification of Significant Meeting 99-12 with Util on 990318 in Waterford,Ct to Discuss Recovery of Millstone, Unit 2.Location of Meeting Has Been Changed ML20207K4071999-03-0404 March 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-11 with Util on 990318 in Waterford,Ct to Discuss Plans,Schedules & Progress Toward Recovery of Plant,Unit 2 ML20206U3581999-02-0303 February 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-08 with Util on 990217 Re 40500 Corrective Action Team Exit Meeting ML20206U3621999-02-0202 February 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-07 with Util on 990308 to Discuss Apparent Violation of 10CFR50.5 as Noted in NRC Correspondence to Individual , Which Referenced Office of Investigation Rept 1-97-008 ML20202H7791999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Draft Request for Addl Info Re Loss of Main Feedwater Transient Analysis ML20202H7171999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Re Reg Guide 1.97 Deviation Request Involving Containment Area Radiation ML20202H7591999-02-0101 February 1999 Forwards Draft Request for Addl Info Re Radiological Consequences of Steam Generator Tube Rupture ML20202E4391999-01-28028 January 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Transmitted by Facsimile on 990127 to R Joshi of Licensee Staff Re post-LOCA Long Term Cooling. Review of RAI Would Allow Licensee to Determine & Agree Upon Schedule to Respond to RAI ML20202E1461999-01-27027 January 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Re Application of Leak Before Break for Surge Line Sent 990125.Memo & Encl Does Not Convey Formal RAI or Represent NRC Position ML20204J6171999-01-27027 January 1999 Responds to 990107 Memo Re OI General Event Inquiry Case 99-01S,NRC Handling of Harassment & Intimidation Complaints at Millstone.Listed C/As Have Been or Will Be Taken ML20202E4511999-01-27027 January 1999 Requests Arrangements for Conference Call with Licensee to Discuss Listed Items Re Facility Electrical Mods ML20202E4081999-01-27027 January 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Re Loss of Normal Feedwater Flow.Memo & Encl Do Not Convey Formal Request for Info or Represent NRC Position ML20202E3941999-01-27027 January 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Re RG 1.97, Deviation Condensate Storage Tank Level. Memo & Encl Does Not Convey Formal Request for Info or Represent NRC Position ML20202E4361999-01-27027 January 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Transmitted by Facsimile on 990127 to R Joshi of Licensee Staff Re post-LOCA Long Term Cooling. Review of RAI Would Allow Licensee to Determine & Agree Upon Schedule to Respond to RAI ML20202E4201999-01-25025 January 1999 Requests Responses to Listed RAIs So Review Can Be Completed ML20199K4641999-01-12012 January 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 98-04 with Util on 990201 to Discuss Apparent Violation of 10CFR50.5 as Noted in NRC Correspondence to Individual ,which Referenced OI Rept 1-97-031 ML20199A4251999-01-11011 January 1999 Informs That Time within Which Commission May Act to Review Decision of ASLB (LBP-98-28) Dismissing Proceeding in Docket Has Expired.Commission Declined Any Review.Decision Became Final Agency Act on 981229.With Certificate of Svc ML20198Q8621998-12-30030 December 1998 Notification of 990209 Meeting with Util in Waterford,Ct to Discuss NRC Regulatory Programs Applicable to Decommissioning Activities.Agenda Encl 1999-09-02
MONTHYEARML20217J8951999-10-21021 October 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re Affirmation Session on 991021, Rockville,Md (Open to Public Attendance) ML20217P5261999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Rev 0,Change 1 to Millstone Unit 1 Northeast Utils QA Program ML20217E9841999-10-14014 October 1999 Forwards Petition for Leave to Intervene Submitted on 991006 by Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone & Long Island Coalition Against Millstone ML20217D3601999-10-13013 October 1999 Staff Requirements Memo on SECY-99-223 Re Millstone Independent Review Team 990312 Rept on Allegations of Discrimination in NRC Ofc of Investigation Cases NDA: 1-96-002,1-96-007 & 1-97-007 & Associated Recommendation 6 ML20217D6741999-10-13013 October 1999 Responds to Tia, Re Requirements of 10CFR70.51 for Physical Inventories of Special Nuclear Matl in Spent Fuel Pool at Plant ML20216F5061999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards Monthly Rept on Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990831.During August,Directors Decision (DD-99-10) on Seabrook Issued & Petition Closed.Six Petitions Open,Five in NRR & One in Nmss.Attachment 2 Withheld ML20216F3591999-09-15015 September 1999 Informs That Encl SRM on COMSECY-99-016 Being Released to Public,Effective 990915.Encl Documents Including 990406 SRM in Response to Millstone Independent Review Team 990312 Rept & 990713 Memo from G Caputo Previously Released ML20211P7751999-09-10010 September 1999 Notification of 990923 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss License Termination Plan Being Prepared for Haddam Neck Plant by Cy & Contractors & Releasing Portion of Property for Unrestricted Use Before License Termination ML20211K1431999-09-0202 September 1999 Notification of 990920 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Recent Developments in New England Re Industry Deregulation & Restructuring Affecting Nu Use of Performance Indicators as Operating Plant ML20210U1461999-08-13013 August 1999 Notification of 990827 Meeting with NNECO in King of Prussia,Pennsylvania to Discuss Engineering Initiatives & Backlog Management ML20210E9311999-07-26026 July 1999 Notification of 990825 Public Meeting in Waterford,Ct Re PSDAR for Plant Unit 1 ML20210K1421999-07-22022 July 1999 Informs That Recipient Designated Chairman of Millstone Assessment Panel & E Adensam,Designated Co-Chairman.Panel Established to Assist Region I & NRR in Coordination of NRC Resources for Performance Monitoring & Inspecting Millstone ML20210E0291999-07-19019 July 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-42 with Util on 990811 to Discuss Licensee Turnover of Decommissioning Activities to Bechtel,Decommissioning Operations Contractor & Plans for SG Removal & Support Bldg Demolition ML20210C1631999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Monthly Rept Which Gives Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990630.Six Open NRR,1 OE & 2 NMSS Petitions Available.Attachment 2 Withheld ML20209G0541999-07-13013 July 1999 Submits Directors Guidance 99-001,effective Immediately,As Result of SRM in Response to Recommendations in Plant Independent Review Team Rept, ML20216F3651999-07-0707 July 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re COMSECY-99-016, Recommendations 2 & 3 of Mirt,Re Witness Credibility & OI Conclusions,Staff Requirements Memo ML20212J5161999-07-0101 July 1999 Documents,For Public Record,Interaction Between NNECO & NRC Staff Re Licensee Proposed Licensing Action Now Being Reviewed by NRC Staff ML20209D7721999-06-29029 June 1999 Notification of 990715 Meeting 99-39 with Util in Waterford, CT Re Corrective Action & Safety Conscious Work Environ/ Employee Concerns Program Team Exit Meeting ML20209D7621999-06-29029 June 1999 Notification of Meeting 99-40 on 990715 with Nuclear Energy Advisory Council in Waterford,Ct to Discuss Millstone Safety Conscious Work Environ/Employee Concerns Program ML20196F0711999-06-24024 June 1999 Notification of 990714 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Evaluation of Natural Gas Blast Hazards at Facility ML20212H9471999-06-22022 June 1999 Informs That No Addl Work Required on TACs M91735 & M95118 & Closes TACs Administratively ML20196F0581999-06-21021 June 1999 Discusses Update of Status of Petition,Dtd 961125,as Amended by Ltr,Dtd 961223,by Petitioners Re Millstone,Units 1,2 & 3 & Haddam Neck Nuclear Facilities ML20207F0951999-06-0404 June 1999 Forwards Figure 1 to Millstone Combined Insp Repts 50-245/99-05,50-336/99-05 & 50-423/99-05.Rept e-mailed on 990604 ML20212A8181999-05-25025 May 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re SECY-99-010, Closure of Order Requiring Third-Party Oversight of Northeast Nuclear Energy Implementation of Resolution of Millstone Station Employee Safety Concerns ML20206Q6001999-05-17017 May 1999 Notification of 990602 Meeting with Util & Bechtel in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Requirements for Installation of Natural Gas Powered Electric Generating Facility at Plant Site IR 05000336/19990041999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards Database Used by Licensee to Track Questions Asked During Osti,Insp Rept 50-336/99-04.Summary of Licensee Responses Also Provided ML20206B2261999-04-28028 April 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re Briefing on Remaining Issues Related to Proposed Restart of Millstone Unit 2 (SECY-99-109) on 990414 in Rockville,Md.Briefing Open to Public Attendance ML20206B2501999-04-28028 April 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re SECY-99-109,recovery of Millstone Nuclear Power Station,Unit 2.Commission Agreed with Staff Conclusions That Nene Satisfied 960814,independent Corrective Action Verification Program Order ML20206B9511999-04-28028 April 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re Briefing on Remaining Issues Concerning Proposed Restart of Millstone Unit 2 (SECY-99-109) on 990414 in Rockville,Md (Open to Public) ML20206A6041999-04-23023 April 1999 Notification of 990506 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Provide Northest Nuclear Energy with Opportunity to Discuss Status of Development of post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept for Unit 1 ML20206A1791999-04-22022 April 1999 Forwards Supplemental Info Related to Questions Re 50 Mile Ingestion Pathway Associated with Millstone Nuclear Facility That Were Raised During 990414 Commission Meeting on Remaining Issues Re Proposed Restart of Unit 2 ML20205R1051999-04-21021 April 1999 Discusses Closeout of TAC MA3456,which Was Taken Out to Follow Developments Re Reactor Vessel Shipment from Haddam Neck Plant ML20206B2371999-04-19019 April 1999 Forwards Questions & Answers Addressing Long Island Emergency Planning Issue Raised at Commission Meeting ML20205H7291999-04-0606 April 1999 Staff Requirements Memo in Response to Millstone Independent Review Team 990312 Rept on Allegations of Discrimination in NRC Office of Investigations Cases 1-96-002,1-96-007, 1-97-007 & Associated Lessons Learned ML20205H7501999-04-0606 April 1999 Staff Requirements Memo in Response to EDO Memo Re OIG Inquiry,Case 99-01S & Remaining Issues from SECY-98-292.Commission Approved C/As Described in EDO Memo ML20205N1641999-04-0606 April 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-18 with Util on 990420 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Plant Unit 3 Outage Plans ML20205J1961999-03-31031 March 1999 Discusses Clarification of Enforcement Discussion in 990319 Millstone Independent Review Team Rept ML20205C3041999-03-23023 March 1999 Notification of Significant Meeting 99-15 on 990407 with NNECO in Waterford,Ct,To Discuss Operational Safety Team Insp Exit Meeting for Millstone,Unit 2 ML20207M7641999-03-16016 March 1999 Forwards Monthly Rept of Status of 10CFR2.206 Petitions as of 990228.During Feb Directors Decision DD-99-01,DD-99-02, DD-99-03 & DD-99-04,became Final Agency Actions & Closed. Attachment 3 Filed in Central Files ML20205J2011999-03-15015 March 1999 Forwards Annotated Draft Info Notice 99-XX Re Inadvertent Discharge of Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Sys in Cable Spreading Room,Reflecting Util Changes ML20207G0521999-03-0909 March 1999 Staff Requirements Memo on SECY-99-010 Re Closure of Order Requiring independent,third-party Oversight of Northeast Nuclear Energy Co Implementation of Resolution of Millstone Station Employees Safety Concerns ML20207K4011999-03-0404 March 1999 Rev 1 to Notification of Significant Meeting 99-12 with Util on 990318 in Waterford,Ct to Discuss Recovery of Millstone, Unit 2.Location of Meeting Has Been Changed ML20207K4071999-03-0404 March 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-11 with Util on 990318 in Waterford,Ct to Discuss Plans,Schedules & Progress Toward Recovery of Plant,Unit 2 ML20207H4601999-03-0404 March 1999 Notification of 990318 Meeting with Northeast Nuclear Energy Co in Waterford,Connecticut to Discuss Exit Meeting Results of Millstone Unit 2 Independent C/A Program C/A Insp Performed by NRR ML20203H1441999-02-19019 February 1999 Staff Requirements Memo Re Briefing on Status of Third Party of Oversight of Millstone Station Employee Concerns Program & Safety Conscious Work Environment on 990119 in Rockville,Md ML20206U3581999-02-0303 February 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-08 with Util on 990217 Re 40500 Corrective Action Team Exit Meeting ML20202H7171999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Draft RAI Re Reg Guide 1.97 Deviation Request Involving Containment Area Radiation ML20202H7791999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Draft Request for Addl Info Re Loss of Main Feedwater Transient Analysis ML20206U3621999-02-0202 February 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-07 with Util on 990308 to Discuss Apparent Violation of 10CFR50.5 as Noted in NRC Correspondence to Individual , Which Referenced Office of Investigation Rept 1-97-008 ML20202H7591999-02-0101 February 1999 Forwards Draft Request for Addl Info Re Radiological Consequences of Steam Generator Tube Rupture 1999-09-02
[Table view] |
-.. -
4 June 10,1996 Memorandum For:
Commissioner Dicus From:
Anthony W. Markley
OFFICER Discussion:
You will be visiting with Mr. Bernard M. Fox, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ted Feigenbaum, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Northeast Utilities, Inc. and Mr. Bob Bush, President, Energy Resources Group, Northeast Utilities, Inc. at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, June 11,1996. Their resumes are in the briefing package.
The resume of Elizabeth T. Kennan was also attached to the resumes faxed. She is on the board of directors. It appeared as though she would also be attending.
1 Northeast Utilities operates four nuclear sites, Millstone Point Unit 1 (BWR-3),2 (CE-PWR), and 3 (W-PWR), and Hadam Neck (W-PWR). The Millstone units are currently shutdown associated with NRC request due to licensing, technical, and management concerns. The Hadam Neck unit is still operating. The conccrns at the Hadam Neck facility do not appear as pernicious as those at Millstone Point.
i Focus of Visit:
Introductions and Discussion of Millstone Point and Hadam Neck issues.
Potential NRC Topics of Interest:
I Management breakdown of safety culture at Millstone Failures to resolve equipment and engineering problems Failure of Plant Review Board (safety review board)
Licensing program breakdowns at Northeast Utilities Harassment and intimidation issues Get Well Proaram 3
i (Note:'5 rom an ongoing enforcement perspective, you may only be able to discuss
'some issues in very generic terms. It will be interesting to elicit their perspective on the problems and to discern their level of concerns for making substantive improvements.)
l 9610240259 961017 PDR FOIA STOECKE96-298 PDR
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ORGANIZATION NUMBER Commissioner U.S. NRC 301 415 3504 301 415 1820 Grsta Dicus 2
,i c/c Donna Smith t
- m o c:a tn
.. '~ 3 1 i1 1
j From:
Jay M. Gutierrez Floor:
Operator 5e W/
Telephone Number: 202-467-7644 Time Sent:
Date Sent: June 996 j
t Note:
r Cominents:
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Nortbeast S'*.,eima. w.cm,.or P 0. Nu no b
h Hardord, M + 2 06141 0270
j People Profile i
i i
Bernard M. For is chairman, president, and' chief esecutive officer of the i
Northeast Utilitics system (NU).*
He is aim a trtistee of NU and president and chief executive officer and a director of the Connecticut Yankee Atumic Powcr Company.
2 c
l Bom in New York City, Fox was graduated from Regis High Schoolin 1959, a
.q Manhattan College in 1963 with a bachelor of science deFree in electrical r.
'a ~
engineering, and in 1964 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a p
master's degree in the same dir.cipline. In 1979. Fox completed the Program l
for Management Development at the If arvard Bu.siness School. In 1982, he l
4 completed a special program of study in auditing, legal affairs and financing l
activities, including a three-month assignment with Morgan Stanley and 1
Company in New York City.
l For joined The Hartford Electric Light Company (HELCO) in 1964 as a cadet engineer. In 1966. after l
HEI.CO had become a wubsidiary of NU, he was named an engmeer in NU's System Planning Dea 1rtment.
and senior engineer in 1971. He transferred to the utility's Nuclear Engineering and Operatierrs gmup in j
1973. In 1979, he was appointed system director-Engineering Management Services, and system director -Transmisalon Engineering and Construction in 1980. He was appninte' to the post of vice d
l president and general managn--Gas in 1981 and was elected to the pnsition of vice president and chief Unancial officer in 1983. In 1986 he was elected executive vice president and chief accrating and financial j
officer. In 1987 he became president and chief operating and financialofficer.and relinquished the pncition of chief financial officer in 1990. In 1993, he was elected president and chief crecutive officer, and he I
auumed his present position in 1995.
a t
Fox serven on the board nf dircetors of Fleet Financial Group, Dexter Corporation.the Connecticut B usiness and Industry Aroeiution.the institute of Nuclear Power Operations. CIGNA Corporation.The Institute of i
Living, and Hanford Hospital. In addition, he is a member of The Mount Holynke Colfege Board of Trustecs. Fox also serves on the Edison Dectric Institute Board of Directors i
i 1
1 1
4 I
. ~
.?iCM 20EGAX. '_E?i:5 - 30
- T:s (5. 05' ;5 ;5::g.c37 :5. 3.,N0, 355 53 g. 3 d
1 4
Fox sino is a member of the American Cancer Society Greater Hartford Region's Corporate' Advisory Council a trustee of the Hanferd Courant Foundation, a member of The Nature Conervancy Campaign Council,and a member of the businen commitice of Connecticut Anociation for Human Services.
He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers OEEE) and has held a number of1EEE state and national offices. In addition. he wrved as chairman of the Connecticut Valley Girl Scout Council 1995 Woman of Merit Dinner, chainnan of Leadership Greater Hanford from 1988-91. chairman l
of the Connecticut Special Olympics Hanford Corporate Advisory Comminec from 1988-91. chairman of the 1992 United Way of the Capitsi Area Campaign. and is past chairman of the Open Heanh Capital Campaign. He is a fellow and founder of the American Leadership Forum and has taught graduate coure in electrical power systems analysis and related fields as an adjunct professor at the University of j
Connecticut, i
1 1
i r
l e.
'NU is a registered twMitr2 tveyenyfermedin i966 m hone privtcipalaperurL\\t=rennpour wittidiaries are The C<urnetskut Ught and Fou er Cemrpeny. Holyrde Water Fower Cemsperny. FarMit 5errke Campany of New Howrpshire, and western i
Mosme kuserrs Eftr1ruc Ctwrpeny.cnd n+nseprincipalmyrnperating sunninMane r art North Arlantic tnergy Carporatimt.Newth Arlomic Energy Servrre Corporatimt. Northrust Marleer Eery Com.pewy. ond Northener Utilities Servitt Omspany. In eMirion. Charter Ool Errrgy. Inc.. ana HEC inc.. are NU's nonw;Irty suhridtarles.
j l
i i
4 March 1996 i
mnw. m - x m n um m esm Netheast
- = th 8er*e c=varr P 0. lkn 270 bM08 kN Nartford. Ch-t n6H10270 l
People Profile
.2. E i
Ted C. Filgesrbaum is executive vice president and chief nuclear officer for
~~~" y -
the Northeast Utilities system (NU).* Frigenbaum has overull responsibility i
,, '. {'
}I forNU's nuclear pmgram.
c 2 :
',. ?
,f39 Felynbaum is a native of New York City. He received a bachelor of WC.15F.2 % cugineering degree in mechanical engineering from The City Colk ge of New I
y ~.
York in 1972 and is a registered professional enginecr. In 1994, he completerf the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University Graduate School
of Basiness Administration.
- m..,n j After graduation. Feigenhaum was employed for six years by Stone &
y Webster Engineering Corporation of Boston, Massachusetts, where he was a
lead rnechanical engineer on several utility power projects. He was then j
cmployed forcightyears by Ebawa 5ervices.Inc..ofNew York City. wherc he wus a project cngineerduring the design, construction, and operation phases of the St. Lucic Nuclear Power Station in Florida.
j reigenbaurrr has worked at Scabrook since 1984 and joined New Hampshire Yankee (NHY) in 1986.
During the folinwing six years. l.e was responsible for the Seabrook Station's design, engineering.
construction, licensing, and start-up activitics. He became senior vice president and chiefoperating officer j
of NHY in 1989, and he was elected president and chief executive officerin 1990 He assumed the position of chief nuclear officer for North Atlantic in June 1992, and became executive viu president and chief j
nuc! car officer for NU's nucicar program in 19%.
l Frigenhaus is a member of the American Nuclear Society and is actise in many civic and cultural organizations in New England.
I i
- NUiyttregisteretthnkfittge rarspanyfbrtrottlin l%6 whnseprittripultspennine ennaputny,sobsidiarirsareThrConnet tintf Light andl'ower Cornpwtt. Iintynle Water l'ou rr Cunipuny. Public Nerrit r Company 1of Ncw Ilarnpshire.ond Westeror Ma s sarkr utt.s 1
filer reir (*runapany, surd nbronc Ivenrtpal nannperating sulnidiarire un' Nnrth.4tlantir Energy Corpnrution, North Atlanric Enrep Sert se r Craparanon. Nnrthena Nutletn' Energy ('ouropcury. und Northraxt Uttluin Servier Contpany. In addituur j
t"/.arter Oct Enetyv. Inc.. and 1ILCins.. are NU's mututaIty aulnidiw in,
I 1
January IVM 1
. EOM XORGAN '_i?i!S - X CEEi. 05'i515:20/ST.15::ScN0. 355:5E'.2 ; i 5
' Noht
. wham ushun sem cepany F.O. Em 270
UdNde9 6 9feRI Hutford,Codnecemt 061410270 7
People Profile l
l Robert E. Busch is president of the Energy Resources Group for the Northeast j
Utilities system (NU).* He has overal! responsibility for the company's nuc! car l
and fossil / hydro operations and wholesale marketing.
Kusch is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. He was graduated f.mm Case Institute of i
Technology in 1968 with a bachelor of science degree is engineering. He camed i
r a master of science degree in engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute m.
in 1971 and a master of business administration degree, summa cum loude, from l
Northeastern University in 198l.
Prior to beginning his NU career, Kurch worked on the Apollo Program and on i research for the U.S. Navy in antisubmarine warfare. He joined NU in 1974 as a cost and schedule engineer and held various position $ in the cost and scheduling area. In 1980 he became chief ofcost and schedule control. In 1981 he became project manager of the Millston.: Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 and brought the unit to completion. In 1986 he was named director-Special Financial Projects. In that capacity, he had a period of externive training in corporate lep! matters by Day, Berry & Howard, regulated utility accounting by Arthur Andersen & Co., and
.t four. month internship in public utility financing at Morgan Stanley & Company,Inc.. of New York City.
as well as completion of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration Program for Management Development. He we elected senior vice president in 1987 and, in 1990, was given the additional responsibility of chief financial officer. He was elected executive vice president in 1992.and he mumed his current position in January 1994.
He is on the board of directors of the Nuclear Energy Institute and board of regents of the Univenity of Hartford. He is a director of Connecticut Special Olympics. He is also a senior fc!!ow of the American Leadenhip Forum, and a former member of the American Nuclear Society, from which he received a Certificate of Governance for his performance as chairman of the Connecticut chapter. He has received the Wall Street Journal Awalti for academic excelicnce in businen cduention and has been elected to several honorary societies: Era Kappa NU (for electrical engineering). Beta Gamma Sigma (for businen) and Phi Kappa Phi (for academic performance),
I l
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- Nil is a resysterrcl holdine nompany formed in 19M v*nse perrrcipal operating.civrpony nulosidiaries arr Tire Cemnerrio our l
I.lyht emd Power (*1mtpuny HestyoLe water Power Crmrpany, enhlic senhe Cem,pany af New Monrphire. and western Man wthrosetts Eiertn'c Camparty, arrd wlusse prinnpal nonopcretting subsliffuries ort Nortit Artcontic Encrp Corpru'onnn.
Noartis Arhneru'Inwrn Service Corpointion. Norethrust Non leur Niter cy Company. and Northroat Utiholen Serrocc Company.
In ark!Irlnn. Charrer (luk Energy Inc..and IIEC inc., arc NU's nuntailiry ardurcisories.
-. - - - ~
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! Jh0M MORGAN. :.EW!S - X lT:tJ)C5. 05' 95 !5:20/ST. :5::SJ0. 85E5S12 2 : 5 ELIZABETH T. KENNAN l-Spring Hill Farm; Town Highway 40 i.
South Woodstock, VT 05071 l
Telephone: (802) 457-3845 EDUCATION i
i j
1962-1966 Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, WaWngton 1960+1982 M.A., Oxon, St. Hilda's College, Oxford Un;versity, England i
1956-1960 A.B., summa cum laude. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massechusetts l
1953-1956 Westfield Senior High School, Westfield, New Jersey ACADEMIC DISTJNCTIONS_ AND FELLOWSHIPS
- 1992 Doctor of Humanities, University of Hartford (Honorary) i 1988 Doctor of Letters, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Massachusetts l 1985 Doctor of Letters, Catholic Urdversity of America, Washington, D.C.
l 1984 Doctor of Laws, Smith College, Northampion, Messachusetts
- 1983 Doctor of Humane Letters, Obertin College, Obertin, Chlo
! 1982 Doctor of Humana Letters, St. Mary's Colfege, Notre Dame, Indiana j 1980 Doctor of Humane Letters, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts i 1978 Doctor of Humane Letters, Trinity Colfege, Washington, D.C.
- 1977 Catholic Univen,rry of Americs," reacher of the Year
' 1960 Marshall Scholasship Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (Honorary)
EMPLOYMENT 1995 President Emerttus, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts 1978-1995 President, Mount Holyoke College and Professor of History, South Hadtsy, Messachusetts 1985 1994 President, Five Colleges incorporated 1970-1978 Ammadata Professor of History; Director, Medieval and Byzantine Studies Program; Director, Program in Early Christian Humanism; Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
1966-1970 Assistant Professor of History, Cathollo University, Washington, D.C.
BOARDS AND. NATIONAL _ COMMITTEES 1993-Member, Soerd of Directors. Consortium on Financing Higher Education 1994-Member of the Committee, Folger Shakespeare Library 1991-Committee on Economic Development 1991-American Institute for Pubtic Service Board of Selectors-Jefferson Awards 1982. '
Member, Board of Directors. Council on Library Resources 1981-Member, Council on Foreign Relations 1985-1994 Member. Board of Trustees, University of Notre Dame 1988 1994 Member. Board of Directors. Tedmoserve. Inc.
1990 1991 Member, Govemor's Narnineting Council 1989.t 991 Vice Chair,1000 Friends of Massachusetts 1986-1991 Member, Indo-U.S. Subcommission on Education and Culture 1986-1990 Member. Dana Foundation. Higher Educa1 ton Program Committee 1980 1985 Member, Board of Trustees, M.ss Porter's School
!,710Y MORGM,117i13 - DC (TE) 06. 05' 95 15:21/ST.15:18/N0. 355055:o -
!! 1993 Talbots. Hingham, Massachusetts 1992 The Putnarn Funds. Boston, Ma.lsachusetts j
i 1991 Kentuc Home Mutual Life incirance Company. Louisville. Kentucky j
1991-Kent Home Life Insuran :e Company, Louisville, Kentucky l
1984-NYNEX Corporation, White Plains, New York i
Chair, Audit Committee j
! 1980-Northeast Utilities, Hartford, Conc,cdicut l
Chair, Corporate Responsibirsty Committee l 198}1992 Berkshire Ufa insura1ce Company, Pittsfield, Massachusetts l 1985 1992 Shawrnut Bank, N.A., Doston, Massachusetts I
! 1993 Comment in " Catholic Universities in Church and Society; A Dialogue on Ex l
corde Ecclesiae," Georgetown University Press
]1992 "The Mors' Functions of Higher Education in Modem Society,* University of Notre DarMs Sc quicentennial Symposium, " Storm Over the University:
American Hi.qher Education in an Era of Eroding Confidence."
' Liberal Education in a Post Modem Worid," in New PaiE4Myas on I iheral-Education, University of Washington Press.
The Impact of Education on National and World Affairs." 32nd World Afl' airs Symposium, The Leelanau Center for Education, Glen Arbor, Michigan.
I1984 "The Heart of the Matter,' Keynote Address, CASE Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, i
- 1983
'Mors', Leadership in the Commun6ty: Some Abbots in the 12'f Century." TN, l
Moore Lecture The Catholic University of America.
4 1983 "The Relentless Good: Some Women Artists of the 20th Century," Fairmount j.
Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, Ohio; Monadnock Summer 1 yceum, Peterborough, New Hampshire.
" Innocent til, Gro IX, and Political Cmsades," Reform and Authority in the Medieval and R rmatinn church, ed. Guy F. Lytte, Catholic University Press.
l i 1979
'The Curriculum: Osorders in Higher Education." The American Assembly, j
Columbia University, Prentice Hall, Irewpersted.
! 1977
" Innocent til Hugotino and Political Crusades: A Study in the Disintegration of Papal Power,' accepted for Poona. caunene and Author 1tv 1200-1629, ed. Guy 1
F. Lytle, Cathofic University Press.
i 1978
" Antithesis and Argument in the 'De consideratione'.' Studies Presented to
Jean Leela ra Cistercian Publications.
l 1976 On Consideratino. A translation of the Os_considerationa of St. Bemard of i
Clairvaux with introduction and notes. Co-translator John D. Anderson, j
Cistercian Publications.
a, 3e.7,. - m.,.a., w %.m c,,rew q ' = n;preign se,,rg e, c