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Summary of 720119 Meeting W/State of Mn Re AEC Determination Not to Suspend Operation & Status of Environ Statement
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1972
From: Knuth D
To: Boyd R
NUDOCS 9212030543
Download: ML20128B032 (2)


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[Th koger S. Boyd Assistant Director, PNR, Division of Reactor Licensing THRU Donald P. E.nuth, Chief, BVR-1, Division of Reactor Licensing MEETING WITil EEPRESENTATIVES OF THF STATE OF MUfMISOTA TO DISCUSS FORT 1100 MING HEARINGS CO!iCER!ilNC HORTHEEN STATES POWER COMPANT -

MONTICELLO CENEPdTING PLANT - DOCKET NO. 50-263 Eurcsary A necting was held on January 19, 1972, with representatives of the Stata of Mirnesota to discuan our determination not to suspend operation.

(Shov-Cause), the status of the environmental statement, and the issuance of a full t.ite licenne to the Honticello plant. An attendance list is a t ta ch ed .

The feasibility of conaolidating the three potential public hearinFS .

into a sinric one was also discussed.

nac} T:rounf The State of Hinneacta var, represented by Mr. John Morran f rom the State At torney General's of fice and Mr. Een Druran. Mr. Drurau now works for the Minnenota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and was an active parti-cipant as a neeber of MECCA during the Operating License henrinns for Fonticello.

Three items that are beinn couaidered for the Monticello plant involve the possibility of puh11e hearinrn. There are the 1)cternination Not to Fuspend Operation of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Tending Completion of the NETA Environnental Fevivv (Shov-Cause), dated Novenber 18, 1971: the Environ:sental Statentent, scheduled for Hovember, 1972:

and the inauance of a full term license (DPR-22, which expires on March 8, 1972). .

On Deccaber 28, 1971, the Minnesota Environmental Control Citizens Association (MECCA) petitioned to hold a public hearing on the Show Cause Deternination. The State of Minnesota has asked for an extension of 30 days to determino if they will ask for a public hearing.

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'Ihe representatives of the State of Minnesota inade the of fer to combine the three separate necessary actions each having a public hearing poten-tial into one consolidated hearing. This offer was contingent upon accelerating the issuance date for the Draf t Environmental Statement.

Mr. Dzuyan said that discussions with MECCA representatives indicate that MECCA would also be agreent>1e to out.h a consolidation of hearings.

It is expected that the single hearing would cover all the areas that each hearint would would have covered, and hopefully duplication and repetition be eliminated.

We pointed out that due to staffing probicas, acceleration of the environ-nental review of Monticello will be at the expenne of another project.

We also explained that a letter frcm the State, with an explanation of the areas of concern may belp un prepare a better and more complete Environmental 5tatteent. Eut most inport.n n t , the need for a complete and comprehensive review as required by the Calvert Cliffe decision is not compatible with tbc requented date of !! arch or April. According to Gene Blanc, haned on part experience, which admittedly is very limited, the earliest date a braft Envfronmental Statement can be prepared is the first week of May. This date was acceptable to the State of Minnesota.

It was agreed that Mr. Dzuran vould contact MECCA, and J. Knotts vill contact the licensee to prepare a joint agreement for a single hearing coverinr all three iterr..

crigne signed by Vid, tenareya Victor Benaroya, Project Leader Boiline Water Reactor Br. No. 1 Division of Reactor Licensing

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