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Proposed Ts,Deleting Current Page 3.1-2 to Incorporate Extended Channel Functional Test Interval Per GL 91-09
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/1992
Shared Package
ML20126H649 List:
GL-91-09, GL-91-9, NUDOCS 9301050277
Download: ML20126H658 (5)


RTS-253 to-NG-92-5391-Page 1 PROPOSED' CHANGE RTS-253 TO THE DUANE ARNOLD SNERGY CENTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION The holders of license DPR-49 for the Duane Arnold Energy Center propose to amend Appendix A (Technical Specifications) toisaid license by deleting current page 3.1-2 and replacing it with the attached,.new page.

Affected Page 3.1-2*

This page is also affected by Amendment Request RTS-186.



Page Description of Changes


3.1 Incorporates an extended channel functional test-interval in accordance with GL 91-09.

Also extends the channel calibration interval"from " Annually"-to "at' least once por OPERATING CYCLE" consistent with the intent of STS.


l-is revised to read " SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS" -to be consistent with other amendment; requests.


i l'



-h i


-m f * :-


-SURVEILLANCE-REQUIREMENTS tested-immediately.before the trip-system c6ctaining the failure is.

tripped. -The tilp system containing.the unsafe-failure may Le placed in the untripped condition during the period in which surveillance testing'ie-being performed on the other RPS channels. The trip system may be

-in the untripped position for no:

more than eight hours per-functional-trip period for this:



Two RPS electric power moi.itoring B.

The RPS power monitoring system modules (or Electric Protective (EPA's) instrumentation shall be Assemblies - EPA's) for each in-

-determined OPERABLE:

service RPS MG set or alternate source shall be OPERA 1LE or 1.

By performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST each time the

-plant is in COLD SHUTDOWN,for a--

period of more than 24-hours, unless performed within the previous 6 months..


With one RPS electric power l


At.least_once per OPERATING CYCLE monitoring module (or_ EPA) for an by demonstrating the OPERABILITY in-service RPS MG set or of over-voltage, under-voltage and i

alternate power supply' under-frequency protective ' '

inoperable, reatore the

-instrumentation by performance of=

inoperable module (EPA),to a CHANNEL-CALIBRATION' including OPERABLE atatus within 72-hours simulated automatic actuation off or remove the associated'RPS MG the protective relays, tripping ~

set or. alternate power supply logic and output circuit breakers' from service.

and verifying the-following limite:


With both"RPS~ electric power a.

Over voltage S 132 VAC.

monitoring modules (EPA's)-for an in-service MG set or alternate power aupply inoperable, restore b.-

Under voltage 2 108 VAC:

1 at least one to OPERABLE status-within 30 minutes or remove the associated RPS MG set or c.

Under frequency 2 57-Ha-4 alternate power supply from service.


-RTS-253 3.1-2 12/92



- RTS-253 to NG-92-5391 Page.1-SAFETY ASSESSMENT



By letter dated December 11, 1992, Iowa Electric Light and Power Company (IELP). submitted a request.for revision to Section 4.1.B of the Technical Specifications, Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-49 for the Duane Arnold Energy Center.

The proposed.

change would revise the Reactor Protection System (RPS)

Electrical-Protection Assembly (EPA) channel functional _ test requirements in_accordance with NRC Generic Letter (GL) 91-09

" Modification of Surveillance Interval for the Electrical Protective Assemblies in Power Supplies for the Reactor 7

Protection System."

This will require that the test be performed

- each time the plant is in~ cold shutdown for more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, unless the test was performed in the previous six months' In addition, the EPA channel calibration would be extended from-12 months to an operating cycle, which is defined in the DAEC TS as-18 months.


Performance of the RPS EPA channel functional test and channel calibration requires that RPS bus power be transferred from the associated RPS motor generator set to the alternate power-supply.

This transfer of power momentarily interrupts power to the RPS-bus and causes a half _ scram and group isolations to-occur.

The time spent in these half-tripped conditions increases'the potential for inadvertent scrams and other challenges to. safety systems.

The proposed change to.the EPA channel functional' test interval-is recommended by GL 91-09.

The proposed interval requires

. testing when the unit is shutdown.for-more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> _during an operating cycle unless-the-test-had been performed =in the previous six monthsf.

In the' event that-a.coldishutdown condition-is not encountered, the.effect of the reduced testing of'EPAs during the operating cycle-is a-small risk to safe _ty.

'The.NRC _ __

has concluded'that;the benefit to safety associated 1with reduced, challenges to safety systems more_than offsets the risk to safety from relaxing.the surveillance intervals.

- The proposed change to the EPA-channel calibration is.consistentc with the: intent ofLGL 91-09~1n thatLEPA testing during power-operation is_ eliminated.

An interval of-'once every operating =

cycle 11s consistent with STS, :since the ' DAEC TS defines an

-operating cycle as 18 months when_ applied-to surveillance test frequencies; 'The effect.of'an_ extended: interval on. EPA setpoint drift has also been evaluated.

This evaluation concluded that our current in-plant _ trip settings;for EPAs provide adequate 1



RTS-253 to NG-92-5391 Page 2 margin for the drift associated with the proposed interval.

This interval has been fully incorporated into our setpoint methodology.

Based on the above evaluation, we conclude that the proposed Technical specification changes are acceptable.



.a T

4 RTS-253 -to NG-92-5391 Page 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) identifies the licensing and regulatory actions eligible for categorical exclusion from performing an environmental assessment.

A proposed amendment to an operating license _for a facility requires no environmental assessment.if operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not:- (1) involve a significant hazards consideration; (2) result in a significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may-be released offsite; and (3) result in_an increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.

Iowa Electric Light and Power has reviewed this request and determined that the proposed amendment meets the criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9).

Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the amendment.

The basis for this determination follows:

Basis The change meets the criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) for the following reasons:


As demonstrated in Attachment 1, the proposed amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration.


The proposed change to the surveillance intervals for the Reactor Protection System (RPS) Electrical Protection Assemblies-(EPAs) will have no effect on the types or amounts of effluents released offsite.


The proposed change to'the surveillance intervals for the RPS EPAs will have no effect on individualoor cumulative occupational radiation exposure.

i-4 1-
