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Amends 69,65 & 41 to Licenses DPR-33,DPR-52 & DPR-68, Respectively,Deleting ETS Sections 2.1,2.2,3.1.2,5.4, 5.6.3.b,5.7.1.c & Changing Titles in Administrative Controls Section 5.0
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/1981
From: Ippolito T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20126F629 List:
NUDOCS 8103190259
Download: ML20126F626 (68)




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The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has found' that:

I A.

The application for amendment by Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee) dated August 29, 1979, complies with the standards and i

requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the t

i Act), and the Comission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; i

i 3.

The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Comission; C.

There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendrent can be conducted without endangering the health-and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be con-ducted in compliance with the Comission's regulations; D.

The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the comon j

defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and l


The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulation and all applicable requirerents have been satisfied.


Accordingly, the licente is amended by changes to the Technical Speciff-cations as indicated in the attachment to this license arendrent and i

paragraph 2.C(2) of Facility License No. OPR-33 is hereby arended to read as follows:

4 7

i i

81031,g oJS7, i


(21 Technical Soecifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No. 69, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

3. licens.e amendment i.s effective as of the date of its issuance.



%.4 ev._

Thomas A. Ippolito, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing


Changes to the Technical-Specifications Date of Iss.uance: March 6,1981.

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FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-33 DOCKET NO. 50-259 Revise Appendix B as follows:


?.emove the following pages and replace with. identically numbered pages:

1/2 23/24 29/30 3/T 2T/2T IT/IT -



TII/46 27/28




The underlined pages are the pages being changes; marginal lines on these pages indicate the revised area. The overleaf pages are provided for convenience.

i l

e 2.

4 8

1 1.0 Us.n a mCMS The fonowing terms are defined for uniform inte.*pretation of these specifications.

Administrative Terminolocy Environmental limiting conditica for operation--any limiting condition for plant operation as stated in Section 2 of the 3revas Terry Nealear Flaat Environamatal Technical Specifications.

Unusual event with the potential for a significant envirocacetal i= pact-en event that results in noncompliance with an environmental technical spatification, or an event that results in uncontrolled or unplanned releases of chemical, radiosetive, thermal, or other discharges from the Browns Terry Nuclear Plant in essess of applicable Federal, state, and local regulations.

Thermal Properties Ther.nal limits-11 sits defined for temperat.u es, spatial changes is temperature, and temporal changes is *emperature withis 'Aeeler Reservoir that are attributable to thermal discharges from 3r=vns Terry Nuclear Plant.

stake te:xperature-the average temperature at a given ti=a withis.he intake system at a point beTend the istake pump.

Discharge *ampersture-the average temperature at a given time in the cooling vater retura channal or at the condenser outlet butterfly valves.

Delta T (AT)-the difference in temperatures of the river at the control monitors attributable to thermal discharges from Browns Ter:y Nualeer Plant.

Instru=entation Procerties 1

Ac=uracy-a measure of the difference between the true und censured valuas of a given parameter, hence a sessure of error.

Minimum detectable level-that level telev which a specific detector, instr /.sent, or analysis is unable to detect the ;resence of a given constituent.

sensitivitf-the w== change in the variable detected Dr a given sensor.

1 Amendment Nos. 24, 69 P00R ORIGINE

3 2t continued t

l Dage deieted Amnd:nent Nos. 52, 69

5-2.2 c:O.::A:.

2.2.1 Pfakeue Water "reatwit Plant Page deleted


1 Amendment No. 69


, 3,1,2 Cther Che-teals Page deleted Amendment tios. 36, 69



Objective This section describes the administrative and management controls established to provide continuing protection to the environment and to implement the envi-ronmental Technical' Specifications. Measures to be specified in this section.

include the assignment of responsibilities, organizational structure, operating procedures, review and audit functions, and reporting requirements.

Specifications 5.1 Responsibility 5.1.1 The power plant superintendent has responsibility for operating the plant in compliance with these Technical Specifications.

l 5.1.2 The Staff Chief, Environmental Compliance, is responsible for-the j

non-radiological environmental monitoring program outside the plant. The Chief, Radiological Hygiene Branch is responsible for the radiological monitoring program outside the plant.

5.2 organization 5.2.1 Ihe organization of TVA management which directly relates to l

operation of the plant is shown on Figure 5.2-1.

j 5.2.2 The principal organizations within TVA which are concerned with environmental matters related to nuclear power plant operations are the Office of Power, Office of Natural Resources, and the i

Office of Health and Safety. The Office of Power is directly responsible for operating the plant in accordance with specified requirecents and conducting onsite monitoring. The Office of Natural Resources and the Office of Health and Safety are respon-sible for providing technical guidance, assistance, monitoring, and other services as needed for environmental compliance. The Environmental Compliance Staff is responsible for independent review and audit of procedures for meeting environmental'specifi-cations and limits. The organizations above report to the General Manager as shown in Figure 5.2.2.

5.3 Review and Audit 5.3.1 The Environ = ental Compliance Staff is responsible for independent review and audit of procedures for meeting environmental specifi-cations and limits.

5.3.2 The Office of Power Quality Assurance and Audit Staff shall ensure l

that a periodic audit of the environmental monitoring program is conducted at least once per calendar year.

5.3.3 The Office of Power Regulatory Staff conducts an interdesciplinary l

review of the following items:

Amendment Nos. 36, 69

. a.

Preparation of the propored environ = ental Technical Specifications.


Coordination of environmental Technical Specification develop-4 ment with the safety Technical Specifications to avoid conflicts I

and maintain consistency.


Proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications and the evaluated impact of the change.

i d.

n g " writtaa procedures, as described in Section 3.5 and propeeed changes therste which could significantly affect the plass's evireemental tapact.

e.. 7._;:d changes or modifications to plant systems or equip-ment which could sismificantly dieet the plant's enviree-samtal tapaat and the evaluated iw act of the changes.


Iaealts of the environmental asattering programs prior to their submittal in each Assual Operettag Esport. See Sectissa 3.6.1 and 5.6.2.

3 Esported instances of violaticas of environmental technical specifications. Where investigaties indicates, evaluation and forum 14 tion of r=*a===adations to prevent recurrence.

5.4 Action to be Taken if an Environmental I,CO is Exceeded l

l l

5.5 procedures


5.5.1 Detailed writtaa procedures for the in-plant nonrediological nemitoring program, inelading check-off lists, where applicable, shall be prepared by JEF and approved by the plant superintandant l

(or his designee) and adhered to.

5.5.2 Detailed writtaa stocedures for the environmental moniteving p ogram outside the plant, including cheek-off lists, where applicable, shall be prepared, receive appropriate administrative approval and bh adhered to.

A quality control program for the radiological environmental nomitoring program has been established with the Alabama Department of Public Realth Administration I.abeestory and tha Envirosasatal Protectica Agency, Montgomery, Alab m e.

Samples of air, water, silk, and vegetation sollected around the 3FNF are forwarded to these laboratories for analysia: and results are awhanged for esapariasm.

As internal quality control program for the radiological environ-sental sonitoring program is being conducted wnereby roughly osa tenth of all samples are analyzed in duplicate. A quality control program is conducted with the Environmental protection Agency in las veges in which epiked samples are analysed and the reenies compared.

Amendment Nos. 36, 69

b 5.5.3 All procedures described in Section 5.5.1 and all chantes thereto shall be reviewed and amoreved orior to isolementation and on an annual basis thereafter by the niant manaaement.

Temporary channes to orocedures which do not chanze the intent I

of the original procedure may be made, provided such chantes


are documented and are soproved oy two of the fellowing niant personnel:

fuoerintendent Assistant Superintendent Onorations Supervisor Assistant Operations Supervisor Shift-Engineer 5.6 Resorrine teenirements 5.6.1 A report shall be prepared by the Office of Natural Resources and submitted to DNP following the end of each 12 month seriod of operation, which shall summarize the results of the nonradiological environmental monitoring erotram.

5.6.2 toutine tenorting a.

A summary recort shall be orecared for Soch the inelant monitoring nrogram and the nonradiological monitoring programs and submitted to the Director of Division of Licensing, NRC, as cart of the Annual Operating Report within 120 days after December 31 of each year.


Radiolazical Environmental Monitorine Roticine tenortine Reporting Requirements:


TTA shall oreware a report entitled "F.avironmental Radio-activity I.evels - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Annual Report. " The report shall cover the erevious 12 maths of operation and shall be submitted to the Director of the NRC Ration II Office (with a copy to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation) v'. thin 120 days after January 1 of each vaar. The rwort format shown in Regulatory cuide 4.8 Title 1 shall be used. The report shall include summeries, interpretations, and evaluations of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report seriod, including a'comoarison with p-soperational studies and/or operational controls (as acero-priate), and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plans

  • operation on the environments. If harmful offacts or evidence of irreversible damage are dscacted by the monitoring, the licenses shall provide an analysis of the eroblem and a proposed course of action to alleviate the problem.

f Amendment Nos. 36, 69

. 2.

Results of all radiological environmental samples taken shall be summarised and tabulated on an annual basis. In the event that some results are not availabic within the l'20-day period, the report shall be submitted notint, and explaisiing the reasons for the missing results. Two missing data shall be submitted as seen as possible in a supplementary report.

5.6.3 Mon-Routine Resorts a.

Radiolatical Anomalouc Measurements 1.

If, during any 12-month report period, a measured :evel of radio-setivity in any environmental medius other than those associated with gaseous radiciodine releases excacds tea times the control-


station value, a written notification vill be subsitted within one week advising the NRC of this condition.* This* notification should include an evaluation of any release conditions, environ-eencal factors, or other aspects necessary to enlain the anomalous result.


If, during any 12-nench repre period, a measured levci of radioactivity in any environmental mediu:n other than those associated with gaseous radiciodine releases exceeds four times the control station value, a v.:1cten notification vill be submitted within 30 days advistag the HP.C of thir. condition.

This notification should inclu,le an evelea* 1c.n at any release condiciona, environaestal f act srs, or other aspects necessary to emplata che anomalous result.


I'f individual silk samples shesa I-131 concancrations of 10 picoeuries per liter or greatar, a plan shi.11 Le submitted withis 10 days advising the NAC of cha ptoposed action to ensure the plant related annu.a1 doses vill be within the design objective of 13 area /yr/ reactor to the thyroid of any individual.

4 If at1*r. sat:ples collected over a calt w.

euarter shu av+ rage concentrations of 6.0 picoeuries per 1: te r er i,:c ;ter, a plar.

shall 'ee submitted within 30 day. acvi:;ing cau m*. of the proposed action to ensure the plant-reister.; annua doses vill l

be within the design objective of 15 meos/yr/reser,ur to the thyroid of any individual.

  • In the esse of a centatively anomaisus value for radiar.rJnr hae, t.

confirr % cry reanalyus of the original, s cupittato or a seu sample st.y bit ucscr b1:.

Ir. thAs insta,tes the results of the egnfirr.acary analysi.J i; hail te co..plutoi ::, the ear

  • iast time consistent with the a alys's, and if the higa valo L r e. *., t a repart to the hAC shall be suhaitted vichin one week following this analy:.Ls.

Amendment No. 36

. 5.

If seek levels as discussed in 3.6.3(a)3 and 5.6.3(a)4 can be definitely shown to result from sources other than the Browns Ferry Nuclear Flaut, the reporting aetica called for in 5.6.3(a)3 and 5.6.3(a)4 need not be taken.

Justification for assigning high levels of radioactivity to sources seher than the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant samt be provided in'the aminal report.


Nonradi.ologica_l Violations of the NPDES Permit or the State certification

_(pursuant to Section 401 of.the Clean Water Act) shall be re-ported to the NRC by submittal of copies of the reports re-

_ quired by.the NPDES Permit or.. certification._ Change.s.and additions to the NPDES Permit or the State certification shall be reported to the ERC within 30 days following the date the change is approved. If a permit or certification, in part or in_.,

its entirety.uis_ appealed and. stayed, the NRC shall be notifiej within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.


Changes 1.

Where a change to the plant design, the plant ooeration, or to procedures is planned which could have a significant adverse effect on the environment or which involves an environmental matter or question not previonaly reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a request for the change shall be made to the NRC before isolamentation.


Changes or additions to permits and certificates required for the proteettom of the envirsement shall be reported. When the required changes ne submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they shall also be submitted to the Director, Divistas of Licensing, USRNC, for information.

l 3.

Requests for changes is environesotal technical specifications shall be subutered to the Director, Divistas of Licensing, l

USNRC, for prior review and authorization.

5.7 Environmental Records 5.7.1 operational information concer. sing the inslant portion of the environ-mental technical specifications shall be kapc by DNF in a manSer l

convenient for review. This incindes plant records and/or logs as indicated belows a.

Related plant operations b.

Related maintenance activities c.


Oodated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant Item (a) through (c) above shall be retained for a period of at least six years and item (d) shall be retained for the life of the olant.

Amendment Nos 36, 69

. _. ~.. _ _. _,. _, _...... _ _, _.. _.. _.. _. _. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _.. _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _..


.. 5.7.2 Records and/or loss shall be made and recaf.ned in a====

l convenient for review. This information emeersing the environ-mental mea 14ering program is indicated below:


Cheeks inspections, tests, and calibration of consonants and systems.


Principal maintamanes activities associated with enviros-mental nomitating equipment and systems.


Resulta of environmental annitoring surveys reisted to 3FNP.

Items (a) and (b) shall be retained for a period of at least six years and itse (c) shall be reenfand for the life of the slant.

Arnendment No. 36

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Amendment No. 69

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Amendment No. 69


Figure 2.1-1 deleted 1

f Amndmnt Nos. 52, 69


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~'!'. Officc of r,ar o

Organf:stion (nr Oncra: inn of ':ucicar 81an'.s Figure 5,2 *,

Amendment No. 69

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00fRD OF DIREC10RS of fite of the General !!anager a


Of fice of I*atural Of fice of Power Of fice of Ilealth Resources llanager of Power Operati'.ns and safety Olvisions:

(!!ivision of I!uclear Po::er)

Land and Forest llanager, Huclear Regulation Radiological Resources and Safety flygiene Branch e

llater Resources a

tlatural Resources Services Staffs:

Environmental Ctwpliance Staff Pegulatory fluality Assurance and Jiudit esta::s arm w_tta. rtea t Offices l'irectiv or Ir firectly Involved uita !*nnitcring.

Surveillance, or o,crt f.snects c

of Environnental Technical Specifications Figure 5.2-2



[g '



The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Comission) has found that:


The application for amendment by Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee) dated August.29, 1979, complies with the standards and i

requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (.the


Act), and the Comission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.

The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.

There is reasonable assurance'(.1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Comission's regulations; D.

The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.

The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.


Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifi-cations as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment and paragraph 2.C(.2) of Facility License No. DPR-52 is hereby amended to read as follows:

(2) Technical Scecifications The Tee.hnical Specifications contained in Aopendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No. 65, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

s 4 3. license amendment is effective as of the date of its issuance.


,a Thomas. Ippolito, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing


Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: March 6,1981.

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1.0 CEFINT"CNS The folloving teras are defined for uniform interpretation of these specifications.

Ada!.nistrative Terr.inoleer Envirossental limiting conditica for operation-aar limiting condition for plaat operstica as stated in Section 2 of the Brevas Terry Eunlear Plant Enviroammatal Tenhaical Specifientions.

Unusual event with the potential for a significant environaestal'i= pact-an event that results in acacompliance with an environmental technical specification, or an event that results in uncontrolled or unplaaned releases of chemical, radiomative, thermal, or other discharges from the 3 wwas Terry Nuclear Plant in ezeese of applicable Tederal, state, and local regulations.

Thermal Properties Therasi lir.its-11=1:s defined for temperatures, spatial changes in temperature, and temporal changes la temperature withia Vheeler Reservoir that are attributable to thermal discharges from 3rowns Terry lluclear Plant.

Intake ta=perature-the average temperature at a gives ti=e intake systen at a point beyond the intake pumps.

Discharge temperature-the average temperature at a given time is the cooling water retura channel or at the condenser outlet butterfly valves.

l Delta T (AT)-the difference in temperatures of the river at the contral monitore attributable to therami discharges from 3rovas Terry Nuclear Plant.

Instru=entation 7roverties Accuracy--a meneure of the difference between the true und reasured values of a given parameter, hence a sessure of error.

Minimum detectable level-that level )elov vhich a specific detector, instr 1.r.ent, or ana17 sis is usabis to detect the ;resence of a given constituent.

Sensitivity-the minimma change la the vs.eishle detected by a givna sensor.

Amendment Nos.,17, 65


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Amendment Nos. #7, 56, 65

. 2.1 Continued Page deieted l

l i

Amendment Nos. A7, 65

1 e4 l

Page deleted t

f Amendment Nos. 77, 65

. I I

2.2 CKD4! CAL 2.2.1 ftakeue Water Treateent Plant Page deleted f

Amendment No. 65


2.2 CF.DCCAL (continued) 1.2.2 Ch.lorine f

Page deleted Amendment No. 65

-P-3.1.2 Other Che-teals Page deleted 1

l l

Amendment Nos. 33, 65 i


I 46-

3. 2 Land Manseesent 3 2.1 Power Plant Site - The site shall be appropriately landscaped as allowed by co:npletion of construction.

All areas which are either unpaved or not coenitted for specific purposes will be provided with appropriate vegetative cover.

3 2.2 Tratssaission line Right-of-Vev f4aintenance ffb3ective

'ihe sole purpose of this section is to provide reporting requirements (to USNRC) on herbicide usage, if any, for purposes of right-of-way asistenance regarding only those transmission lines undar USERC's jurisdiction for the 3rovna Fer y Nuclear Plant.

Specification A statestent as to whether or not herbicides have been used in maintainiss rights of way for those transmission lines, associated with the Brovus Terry Nuclear Plant shall be provided.

If herbicides have been used, a description of the types, volu=es, cor.centrations, manners and frequencies of application, and miles of :dsht of var that have been treated shall be I

include d.

PeJertine Pecuire er s 1

Information as specified above shall be prcyided in the annual envireneestsl cperating report.


Yegetation growth on e. transmission line right of var must be controlled in such c. sanner that it, vill neither ir.terfere with safe and reliable opera.

tion af the line nor 1 psde restoration of service when outages occur.

Vegetation growth is controlled by mechanical catting a:d the limited use of harbicides. Selected chemicals approved by DA for use as herbicides are assigned (by DA) label instructicas which provide guida:ce om and

rscadures for their use.
3. 3 onsite Meteerelerieal venitorinr The onsite =a eorological== itoring progra=, ami herments meteorological conditio.s at the site, specifically at heights abor gitur.d that allow reaso=able esti=stes of staospheric disperstor. conditic=u for airborne plant effluents. yae onsite progra= shall centor= to the.ecs:-

mandations and intest of Regulatory cuida 1.23, ensite Petes :Inc.ce2 Procra. s (Tchrua 71972), and include instru=ects to se:se visc speet and tirectics at 1C=, k6=, and 32=; to allow calculation of verticci ts=pera-ture gradient between 10m sad L6. and between lie and 91 ; and to = essure r.=bient te=pertture and dev ;=1st at los. the lecctica o

  • ne -a earclogical tover is t.s specified in Sectics 2 3 7 of the 3rovr.s Ter f ::ue!. ear Plast Tir.s1 Safety Analysis Report (see A=end=ett 63). A gality assuras:e pregrr.= shall be is effect for cil =eteoplegical =easure ests and observatices.

Amendment No. 33 i


. 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Objective This section describes the administrative and management controls established to provide continuing protection co the environment and to implement the envi-ronmental Technical Specifications. Measures to be specified in this section include the assignment of responsibilities, organizational structure, operating procedures, review and audit functions, and reporting requirements.

Specifications 5.1 Responsibility 5.1.1 The power plant superintendent has responsibility for operating the plant in compliance with these Technical Specifications.

5.1.2 The Staff Chief, Environmental Compliance, is responsible for the l

non-radiological environmental monitoring program outside the plant. The Chief, Radiological Hygiene Branch is responsible for the radiological monitoring program outside the plaat.

5.2 organization 5.2.1 The organization of TVA management which directly relates to operation of the plant is shown on Figure 5.2-1.

5.2.2 The principal organizations within TVA which are concerned with environmental matters related to nuclear power plant operations are the Office of Power, Office of Natural Resources, and the Office of Health and Safety. The Office of Power is directly responsible for operating the plant in accordance with specified requirements and conducting onsite monitoring. The Office of Natural Resources and the Office of Health and Safety are respon-sible for providing technical guidance, assistance, monitoring, and other services as needed for environmental compliance. The Environmental Compliance Staff is responsible for independent review and audit of procedures for meeting environmental specifi-cations and limits. The organizations above report to the General Manager as shown in Figure-5.2.2.

5.3 Review and Audit 5.3.1 The Environmental Compliance Staff is responsible for independant review and audit of procedures for meeting environmental specifi-cations and limits.


5.3.2 The Office of Power Quality Assurance and Audit Staff shall ensure l

that a periodic audit of the environmental monitoring program is conducted at least once per calendar year.

5.3.3 The Office of Power Regulatory Staff conducts an interdesciplinary j

review of the following items:

Amendment Nos. 33, 65

= _

24 a.

Preparation of the proposed environmental Technical Specifications.


Coordination of environmental Technical Specification develop-ment with the safety Technical Specifications to avoid conflicts and maintain consistency.


Proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications and the evalwated impact of the change.

l d.

E- ' writtaa orocedures, as described in Section 5.5 and proposed changes therece which could significantly affect the plant's savironmental impact.


Propossd changes or modifications to plant systems or egetp-neat whink could significantly affect the plant's envires-amatal ispast and the evaluated favset of the changes.


Rasalts of the envireamsstal asettering programs prior to their subatttal in eseh Annual Operating Espect. See Sections 5.6.1 and 5.6.2.


Reported instances of violations of enviroansacal technical specifications. 13here investigattaa indicates, evaluation and formalation of recommendations to prevent recurrence.

5.4 Action to be Taken if an Eawironmental I,CD is Exceeded 5.5 Procedure,s 5.3.1 Detailed writtaa procedures for the in-plant neeradiological usattertag program, including check gff lists, where applicable, shall be prepared by DNP and approved by the plant superintendent l

(or his designee) and adhered to.

5.5.2 Detailed writtaa orocedures for the environmental monitoring program i

outside the plant, including check-off lists, where applicable, I

shall be prepared, receive appropriate administrative approval and be adhered to.

A quality control program for the radiological environmental aceitoring program has been established with the Alabama Departamat of Public gealth Adadef stration Labosatory and the Environmental Protectica Agency, Montgomery, Alabma. Samples of air, veter, silk, and vegetation collected aroemd the BFNP are forwarded to these laboratories for analysis: and resulta are anchanged for comparison.

As internal quality control program for the radiological environ-mental monitoring program is being conducted whereby roughly one tenth of all semples are analysed in duplicate. A quality control program is coadneted with the Environmental Protection Agency in tas veges in which spiked easeles are analysed and the reewits compared.

Amendment Nos. 33, 65

.. ~. -. - -. -

. 5.5.3 All procedures described in Section 5.5.1 and all channes thereto shall be reviewed and avoroved prior to isolamentation and on an annual basis thereafter by the slant management.

i Tesocrary channes to orocedures which do not change the intent of the original procedure may be made, provided such changes are documented and are approved oy two of the following niant personnel:

f Superintendent Assistant Superintendent onerations Supervisor Assistant Operations Supervisor Shift Engineer 5.6 Reoortine teenirements 5.6.1 A report shall be prepared by the Office of Natural Resources and submitted to DNP following the end of each 12-oonth period of operation, which shall summarise the results of the nonradiological environmental monitoring scogram.

5.6.2 toutine tenorting a.

A sunmary resort shall be orecared for both the innlant monitoring prosram and the nonradiological monitoring programs and submitted to the Director of Division of Licensing, NRC, as cart of the Annual Operating Report within 120 days after December 31 of each year.


Radioloeical Environmental Monitorine Rositine teoortine Reporting Requirements:


T7A shall oresare a report entitled " Environmental Radio =

activity Levels - 3rowns Ferry Uuclear Plant - Annual Report. " The report shall cover the orevious 12 months of operation and shall be submitted to the Director of the NRC tezion II office (with a copy to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation) within 120 days after January 1 of each veer. The report format shown in Regulatory Guide 4.8 Title 1 shall be used. The report shall include suunaries, interpretations, and evaluations of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance


activities for the report seriod, including a comoarison with i

preoperational studies and/or operational controla (as acoro-j priate), and an assessment of the observed impacts of the l

P ant

  • operation on the environmenta. If harmful offacts or i

evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitoring, 1

the licensee shall provide an analysis of the orobles and a proposed course of action to alleviate the problem.

h Amendment Nos. 33, 65

. 2.

Results of all radiological environmental samples takan shall be summarised and tabulated on an annual basis. In the event that some results are not availabic within the l'20-day period, the report shall be submitted noting and arplaining the reasona for the missing results. The missing data shall be subnitted se soon as possible in a supplementary report.

S.6.3 Mon-Routine teoorts a.

Radiolente,a1 goealour Maasurements 1.

If, during any 12-month report pariod, a measured levul of radio-activity in any environmental mediue other than those associated with gaseous radiciodine releases exceeds ten'tises the control station value, a written notificarica vill be subsitted within ens week advising the NRC of this condition." This'notifi:stion should includa an evaluation of any release conditions, environ-cental factors, or other aspects necessary to crplain the anomalous result.


I?, during any 11-nonth rsyert period. a ocasur-d level of I

radioactivity in any environmental sedium other than those associated with gaseous radiotodino releases exceeds four times the control station value, a wtitten notification vili he sub=itted within 30 days advising the NRC of this condition.

This notification should incluele an evelita' ion af any release i

conditiona, environasetal fastJes, or other aspec.a necessary to amplaim the anomaleus resuit.


If individual alik samples shee 1-131 concentrations of 10 picoeuries per liter or greatar, a plan si. ell le sub=itted within 10 days advising the NRC of tha p cpased action to


ensure the plant related annual doses vill ha within the l

design objective of 15 arte/yr/reactar to the thyroid of a 7 l


l l

4 1! mel's samples collectee over a cair mr.t csar:6r shis everage l

concentrations of 6.0 picoeuries per later er uta.r cr. a plar.

shall 're sub=ittad within 30 days sevisina cau :xc ot' the proposed action to ensure the plant-yelatec annual ooses vili he within the design objective of 15 seas /yr/rcaetur tu the I

thyroid of any individual.


  • In the esse of a tentatively anosalaus value for radiostrantius. s confirmatory rennalysts of the original & cuplicacc or a new saep;: 23y be ge3. ;..b12.

1r. this insta. ice the results of the egnfir=atary analysis shall b, completa4 :t the ear;iets time consiste.9% with the a alysis, and af tha higa vaLu, t. reel, the rei. art to the NRC shall be subeit:1d within one week follawing this anal 7 ts.

Arendnent No. 33

. 1 5.

If seek levels as discussed in 5.6.3(a)3 and 5.6.3(a)4 can be definitaly shown to result from sources other than the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, the reporting action called for in 5.6.3(a)3 and 5.6.3(a)4 need not be taken.

Justification for assigning high levels of radioactivity to sources seher than the Browns Ferry Nucinar Plant must be provided in the aansal report.


Noerediolosteal Violations of the NPDES Permit or the State certification (pur-suant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act) shall be reported to the NRC by submittal of copies of the reports required by the NPDES Pemit or certification. Changes and additions to the NPDES Permit or the State certification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change is approved. If a permit or certification, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days follo~ing the date the stay is granted.


Changes 1.

Where a change to the plant design, the plant eueration, or to procedures is planned which could have a significant adverse effect on the environment or which involves an environmental matter or quencion not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a request for the change shall be made to the NRC before isolamentation.


Changes or additions to perudte and certificates required for the protectica of the envirousset shall be reported. When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they shall alas be submitted to the Director, Divistas of Licensing, USRNC. for infor=ation.

l 3.

Reenests for changes in enviroommatal technical specifications shall be submitted to the Director, Division of Licensing, l

USNRC, for prior review and authorization.

5.7 Brvironmental Records 5.7.1 Operational information concerning the innlant portion of the environ-mental technical specifications shall be kept by UNP in a sanner l

convenient for review. This includes plant records and/or logs as indicated below a.

Related plant operations b.

Italated maintenance activittee c.


Dodated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant Ites (a) through (c) above shall be retained for a period of at j

least six years and ites (d) shall be retained for the life of the slant.

Amendment Nos. 33, 65

. 5.7.2 Records and/or less shall be made and reesiaed is a aanmer l

convenient for review. Mis information concerning the saviros-mental monitorist program is indicated belows a.

Cheeks, inspections, tests, med calibration of cosmosants and syntana.


Principal asistemanca activities associated with enviram-amatal moottering equipeast and systems.


Reesita of saviroommatal moeitering surveye falsted to 3FNP.

Itams (a) and (b) shall be retained for a period of at least six years and item (c) shall be retained for the life of the slant.

Arnendment No. 33

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4 Figure 2.1-1 deleted l

Amendment Nos. 47, 65 i



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'!.* Of'i;c of F% rp-n Organi:3; ion ?nr Oncration of *:u: car 3!an;s Fir:urc 9.2 *.

Amendment No. 65



Of fice of the General flanager 5

af i

i Office of I;atural Office of Potter I"

I Resources fianager of Power Operati<,ns and Safety (Division of l!uclear Pot:er)


Land and Forest flanager. Pluclear Reguletion Radiological Resources and Safety Hygiene Branch e

Water Resources flatural Resources m

Services a

Sta f fs:

Environmental Pegulatory Compliance Staff

()nality Assurance and Audit l

's:::s it ev** rto.1 Offices "Irectiv or Irdirectly involved uiti!*onticrinri.

Surveillanc.e or Pecor I.snec ts of Environnental Teclnical SpectIicalions i

Figure 5.2-2






j.] 1,


a; WASHINGTON, D. c. 20555 h




The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:


The application far amendments by Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee) dated August 29, 1979, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.

The facility will operate in conformity with the application, tne provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.

There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (.ii) that such activities will be cenducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D.

The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.

The issuance of this amendment is in accordaace with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.


Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Bchnical Specifi-cations as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment and paragraph 2.C(2) of Facility License No. DPR-681s hereby amended to read as follows:

(3L Technical Soecifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No. 41, are hereby incorporated in the license.

The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

4 4

e '

3. license amendment 'is effective as of the 'date of its issuance.


. s


Thomas. Ippolito, Chief--

Operating Reactors Brancit #2 Division of Licensing


Changes to the Technical Specifications-Date of Issuance: March 6,1981.

t 6





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Remove tfte paget and replace with. identi.cally numbered pages:

1/2 2 24 29/30 3T H

3T/3'E I

E BM TO 2.

The underlined pages are the pages being changed; marginal lines on these pages indicate the area being revised. The overleaf pages are provided for convenience.

t i

. 1.0 DEFINITICWS The following terms are defined for uniform interpretation of these specifications.

Adeinistrative Teminoleer Environmental limiting condition for operation--ear limiting condition for plant operation as stated in Section 2 of the 3rowns Terry Nualaar Plant Environmental Technical Specifications.

Unusual event with the potential for a significant environaestal i= pact-an event that nsults in noncompliance with an environmental technical specification, or en event that results is uncontrolled or unplaar.ed releasas of themical, radioactive, thermal, or other discharges from the Browns Terry Nuclear Plant in esassa of applicable Federal, state, anti local n gulations.

Thermal Proversies Themal li=1ts-limits defised for temperatures, spatial changes in temperatun, and temporal changes in temperature withis 'Aseler Reservoir that are attributable to thermal discharges from 3rowns Terry Aclear Plant.

Istake ta=perature-the average temperature as a given ti== vithir, the intake system at a point beyond the istake pua-2.

Discharge emperature-the average temperature at a given time is the cooling water ntura channel or at the condenser outlet butter:1y valves.

Delta T (AT)-the difference in temperatures of the river at the control monitors attributable to themal discharges from Browns Ter:y Duclear Plant.

Instru=entation ??overties Accuracy-a maneure of the difference between the true and measured values of a given parameter, hence a asasure of error.

Minimum detectable lavel-that level below whics a specific detector.

l it.strumer.t. or analysis is unable to detect the presence of a given



Sensitivity-the minimum change in the variable detected tr a given sensor.



I l

t Amendment Nos. 24, 41 -

l i


. 2.0 LIMITDec coNDMONS m mns 2.1 TEDfAL DISCHARGE LIMITS Fase deleted Amendment Nos. 24, 33, 41

. 2.1 continued Page deieted Amendment Nos. 2%, 41


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Amendment Nos. 24, 41

. 2.2 cxDt::A:.

2.2.1 7takeve istater Treat ent Plut Page deletec i

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I 1

Amendment No. 41 1


1 of.

2.2 C1'l?CCAL (ccatinued) 2.2.2 Ch.lorine Page deleted Amendment No. 41 3.1.2 Other Che-teals Page deleted Arnendment Nos.10, 41

=10-3.2. Land Manteesent 3 2.1 Fever Plant Site - The site shall be appropriately landscaped as anoved by complet:.on of construction.

An areas which are either unpaeed or not committed for specific purposes vill be provided with appropriate vegetative cover.

3 2.2 Transmission Line Richt.or.Way 14aintenance

'bjective D

The sole purpose of this section is to provide reporting require: ents (to U3trRC) on herbicide usage, if any, for purposes of right-of-way saintensace reganiing only those transmission lines undar USERC's jurisdictiot4 for the Browns Ferry Iruelear Plant.

Specification A statement as to whether or not herbicides have been used in maintaining rights of var for those transnission lines, associated with the Brovus yerry Nuclear Plant shall be provided.

If herbicides have been used, a description of the types, volu=es, concentrations, manners and frequencies of application, and miles of right of vay that have been treated shall be included.

Fetortine Feenire-ents Infor=ntion as specified above shan be provided in the annus1 environmental cperating report.

3acce Vegetation growth on a transmission line right of var ausr. be controlled is such a manner that it, vin neither interfers vith safe and r' liable opera-l tion of the line nor i=pede restoration of service when outages occur.

Vegetatica gro.rth is ecatroned by =echasical catting a:d the limited use of herbicides. Selected :hemicals approved by IPA for use as herbicides are assigned (by EPA) label instnteticas which provide guida:ce c a=d procedures for their ut.

3. 3 casite tieteorolorical Menitorter The onsite =ateorological = r.itoring pregic=, =easures a=d doct=ents ceteorological conditicas at the site, specifically at heights above ground that allow reasocable esti=stes of atmospheric dispersion conditic:s for airborne plant effluento. Tae onsite progra= shall cer.for= to the rees:-

=endations and intest of Reguistory Guide 1.23, Onstt e ?'c soreloc.ed prorra s (Febntary 1972), and include instru=ents to se:se vinc speet and carec:1c= at 1C=, k6=, and 91=; to allow calculation of versiec1 te=pera-ture gradient between 10= sad LS: and between 1C= and 91=; ar.d to =easure ent te=pe sturt end dev ;ci:t at 10=.

Tae lect. tics of tr.e =etcarolog cal tover is t.s specified in Section 2 3.7 of the 3rovr.s Ferrf Nucler.: Flast Fins 1 Safety /e.alysis Repor: (see A:end=e:S 63). A quali y sa su. An=e pro en= shall be is effect for all =steorolDEical =essurase: s and obs ervatic=s.

Amendment No. 10

- _ _ _ _ _ -._ 5.0 ADM1*CSTRATIVE CONTROLS Objective This section describes the administrative and management controls established to provide continuing protection to the environment and to implement the envi-ronmental Technical Specificatiots. Measures to be specified in this section include the assignment of responsibilities, organizational structure, operating procedures, review and audit functions, and reporting requirements.

Specifications 5.1 Responsibility 5.1.1 The power plant superintendent has respons1bility for operating the plant in conpliance with these Technical Specifications.

5.1.2 The Staff Chief Environmental Compliance, is responsible for the i

non-radiological environmental monitoring program outside the plant. The Chief, Radiological Hygiene Branch is responsible for the radiological monitoring program outside the plant.

l 5.2 Organization 5.2.1 The organization of TVA management which dir ctly relates to i

e operation of the plant is shown on Figure 5.2-1.

5.2.2 The principal organizations within TVA which are concerned with environmental matters related to nuclear power plant operations are the Office of Power, Office of Natural Resources, and the Office of Health and Safety. The Office of Power is directly responsible for operating the plant in accordance with specified requirements and conducting onsite monitoring. The Office of Natural Resources and the Office of Health and Safety are respon-sible for providing technical guidance, assistance, monitoring, and other services as needed for environmental compliance. The Environmental Compliance Staff is responsible for independent review and audit of procedures for meeting environmental specifi-cations and limits. The organizations above report to the General Manager as shown in Figure 5.2.2.

5.3 Review and Audit 5.3.1 The Environmental Compliance Staff is responsible for independent review and audit of procedures for meeting environmental specif1-cations and limits.

a 5.3.2 The Office of Power Quality Assurance and Audit Staff shall ensure l

that a periodic audit of the environmental monitoring program is conducted at least once per calendar year.

Il 5.3.3 The Office of Power Regulatory Staff conducts an inteidesciplinary l

review of the following items.

l l

Amendment Nos. 10, 41 9

. a.

Preparation of the proposed environmental Technical Specifications.


Coordination of environmental Technical Specification develop-ment with the safety Technical Specifications to avoid conflicts and maintain consistency.


Proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications and t?e evaluated impact of the change.


Proposed writtaa procedures, as described in Section 5.5 and propeeed changes therete which could significantly affect the plant's envireemental impact.

e.. Proposed changes er wridifications to plat systems or equip-mest which cosid significantly affect the plant's envires-mental impact and the evaluated N acs of the changes.


tammits of the envircummatal asettering programe prior to their subutttal is each Anomal Operating Esport. See Sectisas 3.6.1 and 5.6.2.

3 Espected instances of violatsvas of enviroansecal techsteal specifiestions. Where investigation indicates, evaluation and formalaties of recommendations to prevent recurrence.

5.4 Aerton to be Takes if an Environnescal LCD is Exceeded SJ Procedures 5.5.1 Detailed written s.eeedures for the in-plant soaradiolosteal asettering progras, incleding check-off lists, where applicable, shall be prepared by DNF and approved by the plant superistandest l

(or his designme) and adhered to.

5.5.1 Detailed writtaa stocedures for the environmental monitoring program outside the plant, incinding check-off lists, where applicable, shall be prepared, receive appropriate adutaistrative approval and be adhered to.

A quality control program for the radiological environmental moeitering program has been established with the Alabama Departaset of public Realth h aistration Labosatory and the Enviroommatal protection Agency, Montgomery Alabama. Samples of air, water, silk, and vegetation collected around the BFNp are forwarded to these laboratories for analysist and reesits are eschanged for camparison.

An internsi quality control program for the radiclogical environ-mental eenitoring program is being coeducted whereby roughly one teach of all samples are analysed in duplicate. A quality control program is conducted with the Environmental Procaction Agency in tas veges in which spiked samples are analysed and the results compared.

Amendment Nos. 10, 41

f.5.5.3 All procedures described in Section 5.5.1 and all channes thereto shall be reviewed and amoroved orfor to isolementation and on an annual basis thereafter by the niant management.

Temporary channes to procedures which do not channe the intent of the original procedure may be made, provided such channes are documented and are approved oy two of the following niant personnel:

Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Onerations Supervisor Assistaet Operations Supervisor Shift Engineer 5.6 Resortins Raoutrements 5.6.1 A resort shall be prepared by the Office of Natural Resources and submitted to DNF following the end of each 12-month seriod of operation, which shall stnumerise the results of the nonradiological environmental monitoring orogram.

5.6.2 Routine tenorting a.

A summary resort shall be creoared for both the isolant monitoring program and the nonradiological monitoring prograss and submitted to the Director of Division of Licensing, NRC, as cart of the Annual Doeratins Report within 120 days after December 31 of each year.


Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Routine tesortine Reporting Requirements:


TVA shall oreware a report entitled " Environmental Radio-activity Levels - Browns Ferry !!uclear Plant - Annual Report. " The report shall cover the erevious 12 Penths of operation and shall be submitted to the Director of the NRC Reston II office (with a copy to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation) within 120 days after January 1 of each voar. The resort format shown in Regulatory Guide 4.8 Title 1 shall be used. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and evaluations of the results of the radiolosteal environmental surveillance activities for the report oeriod, including a comoarison with preoperational studies and/or operational controls (as amoro-priate), and an assessment of the observed impacts of the pisat* operation on the environmenta. If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitorins, the licensee shall provide an analysis of the oroblem and a proposed course of action to alleviate the problem.

Amendment Nos. 10, 41

. 2.

Issults of all radiological anvironmental samples takan shall be summarised and tabulated on an annual basis. In the event that some resulta are not availabic vichin the 120-day period, the report shall be submit:ed noting sad explaining the reasons for the missing resul:s. The stasing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5.6.3 Non-Routine Recetts i


Radiological i

Anocalcuc Maasurements 1.

If, during any 12-month report period, a sensured evul of radio-activity in any environmental medium other than those associated with gascous radiciodine releases excacds ten

  • times the control station value, a vritten r.otification vill be subsisted within one week advising the NRC of this condition.* This* notification should include an evaluation of any rolessa condtrions, environ-mental fac: ors, or other aspects necessary to explair. the ano=alous result.


If, duttng any 12-nenth reyer: pecied, a ocasured level of radioac:1vi:y in any environmental medium other than : hose associated with gaseous radiciodiac rolcssas exceed four times

he control station value, a v41tten natification vill be sub=1sted vichin 30 days advising the REC of thir. condi: ion.

This notification should incluele an evelea'ic.n of any release i

conditions, enviror.sental factors, or other aspec:s necessary to expiata the anomalous resul:.


If individual silk samples shee 1-131 concaa: rations of 10 picoeuries per liter or grea:at, a plan siell Le sub L::cd within 10 days advising the NRC of tha p::oposed action to ensure the plant related annual doses vill ha vichin the design obj ective of 15 = ram /yr/ reactor to the thyroid of a:7 individual.

4 If =11*r. sa=p* es collec:ed over a cair-vr.; e,sxt:er shes average concentrations of 6.0 picoeuries per 11:er er u:c.tct, a plar.

i shall 'ce submitted wi:htn 30 days acvising tau Ns.0 si :ne l

proposed action to ensure :he planc-yel:te. ennual doces vil.

l be within the design objec:1ve of 15 seco/yr/resetur to the l

thyroid of any individual.

  • In the case of a ter.cacively anassimus value for radi,stranr tua. a con (t rr_ story reonalyais of the original, s cuplicate or a oev saep*: sr.y be
1. thss instance the resul:s of the egnfir: story analysia shall b, cospig:ai :: :ho earlias:

time consisten: with ths analysis, and if :na higa valu-. rea; the reinar: to the NRC shall be submit:ed vs' thin one week following this

t Amendment No. 10 t


i S.

If seek levels as disesseed in 5.6.3(a)3 and 5.6.3(a)4 can be definitaly shown to result from sources other than the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, the reporting action called for in 5.6.3(a)3 and 5.6.3(a)4 need not be taken.

Justification for assigning high levels of radioactivity to sources 6ther than the Browns Ferry Nuclaer Plant anst be provided in the annual report.


w Violations of the NPDES Permit or the State certification (pur-i to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act) shall be reported suant to the NRC by submittal of copies of the reports required by the NPDES Permit or certification. Changes and additions to the NPDES Permit or the State certification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change is approved. If a permit or certification, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.


Changes 1.

Where a change to the plant design, the plant ooeration, or to procedures is planned which could have a significant adverse effect on the environment or which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a request for the change whall be made to the NRC before implementation.


Changes or additions to permits and certificates required for the protection of the environment shall be reported. When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for apprownl, they shall also be submitted to the Director, Division of Licensing, USRNC, for information.

l 3.

Requests for changes in environmental technical specifications shall be subuteced to the Director, Division of Licensing, j

USNRC, for prior review and ' authorization.

5.7 hvironmental Records 5.7.1 operational information concerning the innlant portion of the environ-mental technical specifications aball be kept by DNF in a manner l

courienient for review. This incindes plant records and/or loss as indicated below; a.

Related plant operations b.

Related maintenanes activities c.


Dodated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant Itsu (a) through (c) above shall be retained fde a period of at least six years and ites (d) shall be retained.for the life of the olant.

Amendment Nos.10, 41

, 5.1.2 Records and/or loss shall be ande and retained in a manner l

convenient for review. This information concerning the environ-mental scattering program is indicated belows a.

Checks, inspections, testa, and calibration of conoosesta and systans.


principal maiatenames activities associated with environ-mental asettorias equipasst and systems.


Results of enviroammatal sonitoring surveys related to BFNP.

Items (a) and (b) shall be retained for a period of at laaet six years and ites (c) shall be retained for the life of the elast.

l l

l Amendment No. 10 i

l l

l l

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OPERATI0t45 SECTION RESULTS SECTION BRC'AnS FERRY nu::. EAR cLA:;T 7?*. Office of rew r: -

Organi:stien ?ne Oncration of *:ucicar ?! ants Ficure :. 2-;

Amendment No. 41

_,. _. _ -. - -.... _ _ _ _ _ _... _ ~. _

s 110fRD OF DIP.ECTORS li i

o Of fice of the ';eneral flanager 3

to E,

b i

4 Of fice of I atural Of fice of Power Office of Ilealth l

Resources llanager of Power Operati',ns and Safety Divisions:

(Division of t!uclear Potter)

Land and Torest lianager, !!uclear Regulation Radiological Resources and Safety

@ g ene Branch liater Resources ffatural Resources N

Services Staffs:

Environmental Compliance Staff Pegulatory f)uality Assurance and Audit i

e er/xs tt =r op.ttA* sttJ.T Offices "irectly or I /irectly Involved uita !*onitcrinri.

Surveillance, or Penm : f.snects of Invironncatal Technical Specifications


z Figure 5.2-2 s


