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Proposed Tech Spec Section 3.8, Auxiliary Electrical Sys, Re Improvement to & Consistency W/Sts
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Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1992
Shared Package
ML20116D420 List:
NUDOCS 9211050388
Download: ML20116D422 (16)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ - _ - - _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ DAEC-1 l L1 HIT!!JG cofJDI710!JS FOR OPERATIOf1 SURVEILLAtJCE REQUI D EltE!JTS G. Minimum I,ow Preneure cooling and l G. Minimum Low Pressure Cooling and liGuel Ionerator Ava7 FaFEfTty Dieool conorator Availability 1. During any period when one diesel 1. When it is determined that one generator is inoperable, diesel generator is inoperable, continued reactor operation is the romaining diec,el generator permissible only during the shall be demonstrated to be nucceeding seven dayb unless such l OPERABLE in accordance with diecol gen?rator is raoner made l Spoelfication 4.8.A.2.a.l.a within OPERADLE, provided that the the first eight (8) hours and remaining diesel generator and daily thereafter. In.ddition, all low pressure core and all low p; assure core cooling and containmcat cooling subsystems containmont cooling suboystems supported by the OPERABLE dienel supported by the OPERABLE diosol generator are OPERABLE. If this shall be verified to be OPERABLE. reyut.rement cannot be met, an orderly SHUTDOWN shall bo initiated and the roactor shall be in at least ilOT SilVTDOWN within the rWxt 12 hours and in COLD SilUTDOWN within the follcuing 24 hours. 2. Any combination of inoperable component. In the core and containmaat cooling systems shall not defeat the capability of the romaining OPERABLE components to fulfill tho - -ling functions. 3. When irradiated fuel is in the reactor vossel and the reactor is in the COLD SilUTDOWN Condition or l REFUEL Hades a. If no work is being porformed which has the potential for draining the reactor vessel, both coro spray and RilR systems may be inoptrable; or b. If work is boing po. formed i which has the potential for draining the reactor vessel, at least two of any combination of core spray a and/or RilR (LPCI or chutdown cooling ncje) pumps aball be OPERABLE (including the capability to inject water int-the reactor vessel with suction from the suppression pool) except as R?s-243 3.5-10 10/92 92110503D0 921030 PDR ADOCK 05000331 PDR p I

a ;. 73. 4 DAEC-1 l. LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVE!LL-ANcE REQU7REMENTS 3.8-AUXILIARY. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 4.8 AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL $YSTEM Applicebilitys. Applicability t Applies to'the auxillery Applies to the periodic testing i olectrical power system. requiremonts of the auxiliary electrical systems. Objectivat Objective 1 j To amours an adequate supply of Verify the operability of the olectrical power for operation of auxiliary electrical system. thost systems' required for l .j . safety. f specifications specifications - j A. AC Power Systemn A. AC iswer Syster-At'all times'when-the reactor is - in'the RUN Mode or STARTUP Hode 3 and not in a COLD CONDITIOh,-the following AC electrical powe-sources shall be OPERABLE - t ~ 1.~ Both'offsite sources and the-startup and standby transformers-are available.and.capabla of l - supplying power to the 4kV emergency: bu ses.' '21 Operation with Inoperable 1. Surveillance Requirements with - Components. Inoperable components. a.. - With'one of the oficite sources e - or startup-or +andby-transformers inoparable, maintain - the.other offsite source OPERABLE and both-energency diosol. generators OPERABLE. i H Lb. . With one'of the offsite sources-a. With one of the offsite sources or - or the startup or standby ~the stagtup or standby - transformers and one emergency..

transformers and one emergency diesel generator inoperable, the diesel generator inoperable, the l

? requirements of Specification requirements of Specification 3.5.G.1 shall-be satisfied.- be satisfied.. c.- , With both-the startup and standby b. With both the startup and standby transformere inoperable, maintain transformers inoperable, verify , both emergency dieseligenerato:s, that both emergency-diesel-associated' buses and all-low generators art either OPEP.ABLE or and eit her s = operating and the requirements of pressure. cooling systems OPERABLE Specification 4.5.G.1 shall be a satisfied. 11) Restoreione or.both of the s transform ^rs to OPERABLE status, or" i .'j t 2) DeLin at least HJr Sf'OTDOWN. within4the next 12 hours and la -COLD SHUTDOWN wi*hin 'ne following 24 houca. sd'"_'RTS-243' - 3.8-1 10/92 b t-Y f Tc ( 1 +-wt 1 dy e-.m '-he. m ur .eera+---n-- e r. d'r & t - sraSe

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Energency Diesel Generators l

2. Emergency Diesel Generators - l:. The two> emergency diesel l a. Diesel start Test J generators. shall be OPERABLE l -with a minimum of,36,317 gallons-l 1) Once each month both emergency ,o 1-f diese)?/uei in the diesel fuel diesel generators shall bot oli $4 A a) Hanually started, the speed increased from idle to synchronous, and verified to deliver rated voltage and frequency. b) Hanually loaded to rated load. The test shall continue for at least a one-hour potled at rated load. i c) During the monthly start test the i emergency diesel generator-starting air compressors shall be checked for operation and their ability to rechargo air receivers. The operation of the diesel fuel oil transfer pumps shalt also be l demonstrated during thi6 test. 2) Once each six months Loth emergency diosel generators shall be manually started and loaded to demonstrate that they will reach rated f requency and s 'oltage within specified time limits. This test l may be run in lieu of the regular monthly test. i During the semiannual test the-same-checks to the air start system and fuel oil pumps performed during monthly testing -shall be performed. In addition, l the emergency diesel generator-starting time to reach rated do frequency and voltage shall be ~ l recorded. b. Once per OPERATING CYCLE the condition under which the i emergency diesel generator iJ required will be almulated and'a testLconducted to demonstrate that' it will start and accept-the: emergency load within the specified time sequence. =The-l emergency diesel generator baall _;s be: operated loaded for a' minimum of 5 minutes. The results shall l be recorded, c. Once per: OPERATING CYCLE, during shutdown, each emergency diesel-generator shall be given an inspection in accordance with , r ?l)RTS-243? 3.8-2 10/72 s I -J _r

Q,,T y l 4 .DAEd-1 i 11 L1MITiln 00f3DITitNS FOR OPERATTON CURVETp,pJJCE REouTRTHENTS r. t i n s. I procedures based on the. i manuf acturer's reconmendations. l l t l. d. A sample shall be drawn from each I l diesel fuel delivery and tested ^ I for API gravity, viscosity, and e"'p I water and sediment prior to I 1 -addition t-o the storage tank. l I once it is determined that the -i i fuel meets the critoria for these I I characteristics specified in-ASTM-i D975-77, the fuel may be edded to 4"~ l the tank. I e. The quantity of diesel fuel i available shall be recorded-monthly and after.each use of the diesels. l I f. Once per month a sample of diesel g fuel shall be checked for viscosity, water-and sediment. 1he values for viscosity,-water and sedin.ent shall be vithin the acceptable limits a ecified in Table 1 of ASTM D97.i-77 and I recorded. @^ l g, once each 3 months a sample of I diesel fuel shall be' checked for I particulate accumulation and the I amount recorded.- The amount of I particulates shall not. exceed 10 l I mg/ liter when filtered through a 1 0.8 micron filter. g - + I : 4.1 Operation With-Inoperable l. 3. Surveillance Requirements with . I-Componenta. I Inoperable components. ~' . l -- generators-: inoperable, the. a. When it is determined that one of-W L l j a.' With oneiof the emergency dierel I -the emergency. diesel-generators is'- H . requirements of Specification .I inoperable,- the requirements of-l ' shall'be' met. I Specifiqation 4.3.G.1 shall'be y met. i .l b. With both of~theiemorgency diesel .p ~ . generators inoperable either:- ?


.1- 'l: 1)1

Restore one:or both emergency.

I' dieseligenerators to OPERAhLE i y( . l,

status, ors

^1 : ); g 1E 2)- De'in atLleast HOT, SHUTDOWN 4 .I .within the next112 hours anc. in. -.U

COLD SHUTDOWN within the.

^ l-Efollowing 241hourag liiB DC Power Svstams: 1 B. De Power svatams

i "1.1
At? ail times;when"the reactottis 1

1. The DC power system surveillance in;the'RUN Moda or STARTUP Hode' l-shall be as follows: L .T t F~ T .and not in/a COLD CONDITION, the i t '; essential station-24,-{125 and 250 l a. Each week the-specific gravity,. i I; Jvolt DC power; systems shall be the voltage and temperature of.thi .l ~ .t h sOPERABLE.;;The associated battery pilot cell and overall battery f II:RTS 2431 ~ 3.8-3 10/92 ]l b>/ r

dl!' <y ry DAEC-1 .[L1 HIT 1NOCONDITIONS-fr0R_ OPERATION-SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS l-chargers for the 24 volt systems, voltage shall-be measured and two of the three battery chargers l recorded. ,for the 125 volt systems, and one 'of.the two battery. chargers for-l-b. -Each three months.the essential the 250 volt system chall be battaries' voltage of each cell to GPERADLE. the nearest 0.01 Volt, specific n gravity of each cell, and temperature of every fifth cell Thj. shall be. measured and recorded. 4 .. ! 4 i c. Once each OPERATING CYCLE, the essential:batteriescshall be


~ subjected to a Service Discharge Test (load profile). The specific: gravity and voltage of each cell-shall be determined'atter the l discharge and recorded. d. -Once'every five years, the< l 1ssential batteries shall be i ~-- subjected to a Performance + > Discharge Test (capacity). Thio-test will be performed in lieu-of the service: Test requirement of l 4.8.B.1.c above. l-2. Operation With1 Inoperable 2. Surveillance Requirements With-4 Components. Inoperable Components.


'With normal battery room. a.- With the battery room ventilation ventilation unavailable,, portable unavailable, samples of the < =

ventilation!-equipment shall be=

battery room atmosphere shall be 'provided.. taken daily for hydrogen concentration determination. o


With one of the two 125 volt DC systems inoperable, verify that-Specificat'.on 3. 5.0. is met,' and within 3: days eithere- - 1) l Restore the~inoperabia 125. volt -DC OPERABLE rpatus,-or- '.2 ) Be in'atEleast. HOT' SHUTDOWN-within;the next'12 hours and'in COLD SHUTDOWN withinlthe gy -fo11owingl24 hours.- c ei-- With'the 250 volt:DC system-

inoperable, the HPCI pyntem shall
be considered inoperable and the requirements 1of. Specification

-3.5.D shall be' met. -G /d. 'With one of the.24. volt DC' systemaLinoperable~,'thet ~ < requirements of; Specification: m3.2.C shall be met., 7 f 'f-,' 5 4 3 g , ][RTS-2431-3.8-4 .10/92 d-97 _'._ _. _-.b_f,., ?

~. -. ~ DAEC-1 ~3: r . l LIMITINa CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION _ SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS l 1 l C. .onsite Power Distributton Systems l C. Onsite Power Distribution Systems ' n 1.- tt all times when the reactor is 1. Once each 4 cycles each circuit in the RUN Mode or STARTUP Hude breaker shall be subjected to and not in a COLD CONDITION the inspection and preventive ,r esaential AC 4160 volt buses 1A3 maintenance in accordance with and 1A4, and 490 volt buses 183, procedures based on the

  • B4, AD9 and 1820 shall be manufacturer's recommendations.

energized and OPERABLP 2. Operation with Inoperable-Components. a. 'With one of the essential AC 400-volt buses, )09 or'1D20, inoperable, restore the bus to OPERABLE status within 7 days, or be-in at least 110T Sil0TDOWN within the next 12. hours and in-COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours. b. With--one of ths. assential'AC 4160 volt bueen, 1A3aor IA4, or 480 volt buses-183 or-1D4 inoperable, be in at least HOT SilVTDOW!! within the next 12 hours and in r -COLD SHUTDOWN within the~ following 24-hours. l D. - Auxiliary Flectrica1' Equipment - COHE ALTEHATIONS 4- - ll Refer to Specification 3.9.D. ' e' 3, 2 .x 'N l g t i .. l G RTS-2 4 3. '3.8-5 29/92 h z6 M (.

l, DAEC-1 + I'LIMITINGCONDITIONSFOROPERATION SURVEfLLANCE REQUIREMENTS Ij. E. Emergency Service Water _ system l E. Emergency ser. ice Water System 1. Emergency service water system 1. Except as required in. ..both surveillance shall-be as follows: specification 3.8.E.2 below, _ emergency service water system loops shall be OPERABLE whenever a. Simulated auto-Once/ irradiated fuel'is in the reactor matic actuation operating cycle vennot and reactor coolant test. temperature is greater than 212*F. b. Pump and motor Once/3 months operated valve l OPERADILITY c. Flow Rate Toot Each emergency After major pump oorvice water maintenanco deliver at-least_ and once per-pump shall 3 months, except that flow uoekly during determined from periods of time l Figure 4.8.E-1 the river water for the existing temperature river water exceede 80'F. temperature. 2.- With one of the amargency service 2. With one emergoney service water wator e/ptem-pumps or-loops system pump or loop inoperable, inoperablo, REACTOR POWER the OPERABLE pamp and loop shall OPERATION must be limited to-_ -l be-verified to be OPERABLE. In seven days unless OPERAHILITY of addition,.the requirements of-

that-_ system _is rretored within-l Specification shall be this period.- During ruch seven mot.

-days all active compo ents of the other emergency.servj;o water m-qystum shall be OPERABLE,

provided the requirements of

l Specification 3.5.G are met.' .3.; .If the requirements of 'Spacification 3.0.E cannot be-met, be in 'at' leastEllOT. SHUTDOWN within the next 12-hours-and in t COLD SilVTDOWN within the following 24' hours. -b o k._ r

lJRTS-2431 3.8-6 10/92 QS

_ = 4 ...m.

T; DAEC-1 3 l .1200 t I 1 j 1100 E e 1 7 .h 1000 o g C b y 900 - 8, t M 800 / j eg 2 / .a. 600. .O/ 5 k' '80 85 90 95 River Water Temperature - Degrees F L.; Duane Arnold Energy Center Iowa Electric-Light and Power Company Technical Specifications DAEC Drergency Service Water Flow Requirement Figure 4.8.E-1 l: . I'; RTSy243 3.8-7 10/92

....____._m._.. .m... ._m-m.__._.. DAEC-1 '3.8 BASEST, I The' objective of this specification is to assure that adequate power l will t o available to operate essential equit.eent. Adequate AC power can .] be provideu by any one of the-following sources: The startup i 1 !c l transformer, the standby transformer or either of the two emergency l-diesel generators. -The startup transformer provides all auxiliary power during plant startup and until the main generator is synchronized with .the system. After. synchronization, the plant auxiliary buses 1A1 and 1A2 0: are manually transferred to the auxiliary transformer. The st.artup transformer continues to provide the normal source of power to essential .l AC'busesl lA3 and 1A4. The standby transformer is connected to either of .] -the two' essential AC buses by automatic switching upon loss of-power 4 ^ from the startup transformer. 'li- .This spect!1 cation assures that at least two offeite and two onsite AC l

g. t power sources;will:be available-before the reactor is taken beyond "just

-ll critical" t.asting. - ~.he two offsite sources are-161 KV and 345 KV power e -l wiiich are supplied'to the startup.and standby transformers respectively, l: through the DAEC site switch yard. These power sources are provided Ll through tho'several transmission lines tied to the regional power grid. 'In addition to aneuring power source availability,'all-of the associated l1 _essenti s1-AC swit chgear must be - operable -as - specified-to assure that the .l ' . emergency core. cooling; equipment can be operated, kf required, from the power sources.. 1 1 ., h ' + .. ~ _ l1 RTSy24 3 3 3.8-8 10/92 ,, a-. - - a.-.-., =

1 s DAEC-1 + y :: i ,The-minimum diesel fuel supply of 36,317 gallons will supply one J I= emergency diesel generator for a minimum of seven days of operation ) 1 ' satisfying.the load requirements for tha operation of the essential -equipment. Additional fuel can be obtained and delivered to the sito i from nearby sources within the seven day period. l l-A battery charger is supplied with each of the two 125 volt DC station f-batteries..In additior., a spare charger is avcilable and can supply l- - power -to either 125 volt DC system. Sinec this alterr.ative source is 'available, one battery charger can be allowed out of service for and repairs. Similarly, one of the two battery chargers t a 1; provided_for;the 250 volt DC-statior battery can be allowed out of service for maintenance and repairs. E Adequate power is available to operate all essential equipment from i -either the startup transformer or the standby transformer. In addition, { 'l: each of the emergency diesel generator units is capable of supplying the -1. essential AC-powered-loads required under postulated design basis I p - l accident conditions. Each unit is physically and electrically w -l independent of the other and of any offsite power source.- Therefore, j, I Lone' emergency diesel generator can be allowed out of eervice for a 1

period of-seven-days to allow reasonable repairs.
In such cases, 4'

p l_ emergency diesel generator operability demonstrations will be limited to p l' an-unloaded stort test. p r s l J1 yo 11a RTs-2431 3.8-9 10/92

_F,, p. c. .a DAEC-1 .gy I

In the. event that the startup or standby transformer and one emergency

'[ ,Jdieselfger.erator is; inoperable, adequate power is available to operate 'l the essential equipment frem either.the operable transformer or the I l' operable. emergency diesel generator. If both the startup and standby 'l: ' transformers are inoperable, either emergoney diesel generator 16 \\ oufficient to operate 100 percent of the required emergency loads. i i i Esch of the two 125 volt DC and the 250 volt DC statien batteries has a l' enough capacity to acergize its vital buses and supply DC power to the. ni ll' other ennential DC powered equipment for four hours without being r9chargted. Due - to. the~ high reliability of battery systems,. cne of the two' batteries:may be out of servjce for up to three days. This minimizes-the probability of unwarranted shutdown. by providir.g adequate tirne for reasonable repaiter A station bettery is considered inoperable if more. than one cell:is out of' service. A~ cell will be considered out of y i service if its float voltage is below 2.13 volts and the specific a< 77'F.. l -- The 250' volt DC system provides,ower for the HPCI system. If the u g . battery is taken out,of service, tha HPCIIs' tem wou?.d be inoperable and the. requirements;of Specification-3.5.D for this condition must be i satisfied < -o


~ 4;y y 1 .p: I$;, '3 i ji 115.RTS-24 3, 3.8 10/92 m. i U Nn I a n;.. s

,, +,,

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.'h t ~ DAEC-1 l }., n 1 - The 24 volt C system provides power for reactor neutron mor.itoring and .m-1- -liquid process radiation monitoring. Tne neutron monitoring function


-is fail-safe-in that loss of 24 volt DC power would cause the associated v l. trip to occur (UFSAtt Section 8.3.2). 4 t The battery room is ventilated to prn'inc accumulation of hydrogen gaa exceeding 4 percent concentration. On loss of' battery room ventilation, + the use et portable ventilation equipment and daily sampling provides assurance that potentially hazardous quantities of hydrogen gas will not accumulato.. g ;. + F t ,f' 1 4 5 i 4 +v ,~ 4 + 10/92 g 11RTS-243-3.8211 y g y7 24 .,2._ -~~ -=,,.<. w -, - +,,

1 g 5 O: DAEC-1 [ 4.9SASES$- 1:offsite power availability and onsite power distribution is continuously ^ l a uonitored by-instrumentation which alerts operators to any probletas so that r 9

1. appropriatd antion can be taken.

In addition to the annunciators, automatic l switching occurs to maintain power to the emergency buses at all times. The t' breakers and distribution panels are subjected to preventive maintenance based T' ) on manufacturer's reconnendations. The schedule is based on performance of l - nelntenance on one of the buses (1hl, 1A2, 1A3 and 3A4) each Reftel Outage.

  • l [ The monthly _ tests of the emergency diesel generators - (EDas) are conducted to

' demonstrate satisf actory. system performance and operabilit'.. To prevent l. excessive wear and stress on'the diesel englans, the diesels are manually-l started and the spred incremintally increased to synchronous speed. With one


-l ', EDG; inoperable;-: the" renaining 'TDG can be demonstrated to be OPERABLE by _l starting:and verifying proper output voltage and frequency. Once every six 1 months,la fast-start test ic. performed to demoastrate the cap bilities of the diesel engines =to accelerate-to rated speed as required for the design basis for the plant. The test of tha automatic ntarting circuits will prove that I each EDG will receive all autonatic start signals. The loading of each EDG is 4 - conducted to: demonstrate-proper operation at maximum expected emergency (q loadingLand at?cquilibrium operating conditions. ~;enerator experience at llother menerating. stations, land 14RC published cuidance (Generic Letter 84-15), indicates thatsthe testing frequency is adequate to assure a high reliability 7 of operation should the system be required, _f.fEach'EDG: hat two.'.ndependent starting air supply systems, one consists of a .-a motor driven airicompressor which automatically recharges two air receivers .and the other cr.nsista ot a diesel driven air compressor which is manually operated;to. recharge a third air receiver. Durang the monthly check of the >h Ll1EDG,:both_ air _ start. systems will be checked for proper operation, t I.RTS-24i 3.8-12 10/92 1J r-

O ' Y '[ _ iz c 4E DAEC-1 4 'l TE11owingthel tests (at least monthly) or other operation of the EDGs, the t-7 fuel _ volume renaining_in the dl=*al oil storage tank will be. checked, i I AtJthe end of the monthly loaa test of the EDG, the fuel oil transfer pump will be operated to refill the day tank 'nd to check the operation of this j . pump.- The day tank level indicator and alarm switches and fuel oil transfer rp pump control switches will_be checked at this time.

lb l-The test of-the EDGs once each operating cycle will be more comprehensive in I that-it will-functionally test the system; i.e.,

it will check starting of the 'I: diesel and closure of electrical breakero and sequencing of essential loads. I The f.ect will be initiated by simutation of a loss-of-coolant accident. In 5 ITaddition, alloss of-normal AC power conditien will be imposed to simulate a

Ifloss'ofLoff-site power.-- The essential load secuence timing will be checked to assure proper loading in the time reqaired.. Periodic testa check the capability of the unite =to' start in the required time and to deliver the

. expected-emergencyjload requirements. Periodic testing of the~various components plus a "unctional test each operating cycle are ~ . sufficient to:maintsin_adaquate reliability. 11 Recording:the diesel fuel supply after each operation-(at-least monthly) IT amoures that;the mirdmum fuel supply requirements will be maintained. -New

1 - fuel. is tested against the specification, AS7M D975-71 (API gravity, viscosity -
l; and water'and sediment prior to' addition, and 'the other characteristics within -

.I 30 days of addition to-the storage tank). A monthly test for quality of the I'diese14 fuel oil will be performed to verify that viscosity and water and lisodiment are' within the limits specified in ASTM D975-77. The quality of the i diesel:fuelloil will>be acceptable if the results of the testa are within the 111miting requtrements for diesel fuel oils s'. wn on Table 1 of ACTH D975-77. .li Additionally,s alquarterly test for pa.ticulate accumulation in the stored fuel 1.: oil will' provide further-assurance that the tuel oil is not deteriorating to 1! Eli RTS-243 ' 3.8-13 10/92 tc:- t uh i z

r 3

E l p. .i L DAEC-1 i i ws This characteristic is ' y i the' point thatlEDO operation would be affected. p. q. "I -f trended so-that actions can be taken to restore fuel quality prior to reaching j ~

1. unacceptable' levels.- Should a test result show unacceptable particulate b accumulation'which does not fit an established trendi a second sample is i

la allowed to.bc_. tested prior to taking actions to restore the fuel. j h I' . Although the station natter.40s will deteriorate with time, utility experience 'Y indicates there'is almost no possibility of precipitous failure. The type of surveillance described in this specification.o that which has been i . demonstrhted over the years to provide an' indication of a cell becoming g" - irregular' or. unservicsable long1before it becomes a f ailure. R-The Service Discharge Test -provides adequate indication of the batterit1' -l ability co' satisfy the design requirements (battery duty cycle) of the i: associated >DC system.. This test vill be performed usirg simulated loads at the rates and'for the' durations the design load' profile. Tho' Performance. Discharge Tero providt.s acequate indication and assurance that l . the batteries have the'specified ampere hour capacity. The xate ot discharge i' during this test shall be:in accordance with'the manufacturer's dincharge i characteristicEcurves..The result of these tests will:be recorded and i compared withlthe manufacturer's recommendations of acceptability. g -l ~ The~ Emergency Service Water ~ System has.two loops with one pump each, if one emergencyLaervice water syatem J aop becomes inoperable, the other loop l' provides sufficientTcooling:to' assure performanci of the safety function after an accident;. Continued' plant operation witn'one loop - inoperable is restricted to a seven-day period during which time the operable o Ibemergency' service water. verified tt be OPERABLE. Tre surveillance test-intervals for the Emergency Service Water pumps and acsociated. valves are based on:Section'XI of the ASME Code. t e / 4 10/92 E IfRTSe24); ,3.8 O i ig

3 n m' + RTS-243= to j 7 NG-92-3873 Page 1 of 1 i EfNTRO!MEffrAL CONSIDERATICN .10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) identifies certain licensing and regulatery action which -aro eligible for categorical _ exclusion from the requit'ement to perform an enuironmental assessment. A proposed amendment to an operating license for j a_ facility requires nc environmental assessment if operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would nots (1) involve .a/significant'hazardw consideration; (2) result ir a significant change in u, 'tho_ types or significant increase in the amounto ot any effluents that may F* beEreleased offsite; and-{3) result-in an increase ..n individual or . sumulative occupational radiation exposure. Iowa Electric Light and Power ,'Jhas reviewed this request and-determined that the proposed amendment meets tho eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR iS1.22 (c) (9).

Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22 (b),. no environmental impact Latatement or environmenta? assessment needs to be prepared-in connection with.the issuance of the amendment.

The-basis-for this-determination Jellows:- Basin-The change meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in-10 CFR 51.22 (c) (9) for the following reasons: l'. ' -As demonstrated in: Attachment 1,_the proposed amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration. 2. The proposed: revision-to the Limiting Conditions For Operation and Surveillance: Requirements _for the systems and equipment of TS Section 3.8, Auxiliary Electrical Systems

  • have no effect on the types or

- amounts of_ effluents released offsite. -3. _ The proposed revisiona~to TS Section 3.8, Auxiliary Electrical . Systems" have^no'effect on individual or cumulative occupational . radiation exposures. E f s F hv r eh--- <-*m -,w 1 =v-v.m-- --r-v-

  • ,--r-w ew-eww

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