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Forwards Fax Re Response to Question 3 of ACRS Ltr & Exemption Requests from GDC 56
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 06/04/1992
From: Fox J
To: Burton B
NUDOCS 9206260200
Download: ML20101G634 (30)


- - --- - - - - - - - - _ -

s ca . n ca,s w . c m e.+ w , : e. m o

( , , ,. ,a ,

y (f.60f GEbdserEnergy ABWR Date 6/4/92-To Bak ek %he- Fax No.

This page plus 29 page(s)

From J o. ck Fov Mali code 7 et 175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Phone (408)925 4819 FAX (408) 925-1193 or (408) 925-1687 ,


Subject Respem - 4o hS_1_h o m s of Acg_sie.A r 9"E egstenMnw '

ts.u w e.s k t kom so C 56 4

Message -

As u ci s s eu s s _

[ ) ~ ~ [ ';

(3 920626020 20604 k PDR ADOCK ($200001 A PDR Ou[h

u i c.  ?: C?t%FM G E f tUCt.E@ B M J P,2-20 g

Comment In Letter From ACRS To NRC On GE ABWR D .R (04/13/92)

3. Protection of Emironmentallv Sensitive Eauipment The ABWR makes extensive use of en iionmentally sensitive equipu.eut (including solid-state electronic components) for essential protection, control, and data transmission functions. Such amponents are known to be susceptible to adverse en,ironmental changes, particularly temperature extremes, We are concerned that a number of these components rc.>y be located in plant areas where postulated events such as pipe breaks, Dre, internal flooding, or loss of room cooling may create an adverse environment. The response of such components to the emironmental change may be unpredictable and lead to unacceptable system interactions or responses. Such emironments need to be identified in the SSAR to ensure appropriate emironmental qualiGeation of the equipment.


JLU 04 7? 0344Ft1 G C !IUCLEAR BLDG J . F.???O 1

Response to item 3, Protection of Emironmentally Sensitive Equipmeni  !

The design philosophy for essential digital equipment of the ABWR emphasizes the

, development of qualified and tested equipment diat is pmv-n to be protected against thermal effects and mher failure causes for tne intended HVAC cnntonmem witn an

! added margin for safety. The attached Tables 1,2,3, and 4 list the identity and location of this environmentally sensitive equipment (other than the main operator control 4

console and process computer).

The SSAR, in Section 3.11, defines the emironmental conditions with respect to limiting design conditions for safety-related electrical equipment, and documents the

, qualification methods and procedures employed to demonstrate the capability of this i equipment to perform safety-related functions when exposed to the environmenthi conditions in their respective locations. Appendix 31 of the SSAR gives the equipment qualification environmental design criteria and describes the environmental condition i parameters for the various plant zones.

l ABWR equiptrent that performs essential protection functions is installed only in areas with mild cmironments. However, to ensure reliable operation under unfavorable conditions. essential ABWR equipment activated by microprocessor-based or other solid-state electronic components utdizes a defense in depth concept that results in several levels of protection against the effects of adverse environments.

[ Senarmion and Distrinution of Comoonents l At the system level, four separated, independent and redundant dhisions of protection logic and sensors are established. In the Reactor Building, the data acquisition

! electronics and actuator control electronics for each division are located in separate,

" clean", areas with c ntrolled emironments. In the main control room area, the divisions of protection logic are also separated and operate in a controlled emironment, All data communications between the main control room area and Reactor Building is via fiber optic cables (final trip outputs to the scram pdot valve solenoids and Main

Steam Isolanon Valve (MSIV) solenoids are hardwired), The fiber optic cables will I

have a firc-retarding protective covering per IEEE 383.

- Separation of essential divisional instrumentation conforms to IEEE 384 and Regulatory Guide 1Jf>. Three-hour fire barric,s are provided between equipment rooms in the j Reactor Building. These fire barriers are not provided in the main control room; there is, h : wever, considerable separation provided by the location of the dhisional back pancis around the main control area and non divisional panels (see Figure 1), In addition, the effect of total equipment loss is minimized by the availability of the Remote Shutdown' System.

All critical actuation functions for safetv-related systems depend on a 2 out-of-4 voting '

i j scheme in each of the four divisions. The trip status of the four redundant sensors for.

cach measured variable is transmitted among all divisions of logic over electricallv-independent fiber optic cables. For reactor trip (scram) and MSfV closure, the trip 1

outputs of each division of logic are also voted a3 2 out-of-4 so that only a confirmed trip rasults in action by the final actuators. l 4


, ,. ~~..g

JUN 04 '92 03154PM G E tO' LEAR BLDG J P.4/30~

In both cases of 2 outef-4 voiing, a failed or degraded channel can be removed from service by manually bypassing the logic to a 2-out-of 3 condition. Operation in the 1

presence of various degraded environments is as follows:

1 If adscrse conGWuns, such as nre, Dood or loss of HVAC c,u.uc m one protectmn

! division in the Reactor Building, the division will be isolated from the trip logic -

by means of the bypass function.

i b. Loss of any one divisional c;quipment cabinet in the main control room would

, not disable all safety funcuons. The fail-safe (de-energize-tcroperate) reactor trip and MSIV closure functions would still be available after loss of power or signal transmission. Even if the failure caused the trip output devices to stick closed, the

, system would effectively remain in a 2-out of 3 condition. Loss of ECCS initiation outputs in any one division is mitigated by the availability of other '

emergency cooling systems (independent ECCS in Div.1,2, and 3).

c. In a control room accident that results in the failure of multiple protection

! divisions, the Remote Shutdown System and manual scram capability separate l from the electronic instrumentation provide emergency backup capability, Error netectinn Microprocessor-based equipment can fail in complex and subtle ways, but only errors in the critical data path must be trapped in order to prevent false outputs to the equipment actuators.

Continuous, on line, self-diagnostics within each microprocessor based controller provide error detection oflost or corrupted data or broken cables throughout the safety

! sv3 tem channels. If a Gre or flood in a Reactor Building area damages the data transmission capability of a division ofinstrumentation, the errors are detected and the failure is annunciated in the con rol room.

Error detection capability includes data checks (reasonableness, bounds checking),

RAM and ROM checks, program Dow checks and program timing via watchdog j timers. System hardware is also monitored for shorted, open, and oscillating inputs and outputs, and high or low power supply soltages.

In addition to direct detection of data crrors, fire detection devices (smoke detectors and product-of-combustion detectors) located in the divisional Emergency Electrical i

Equipment Rooms in the Reactor Buildingwill alert the operator in the main control room to tire in the area,

. Robust Comoonent Desien All solid-state components for th<.. protection ' systems will be qualified for Class 1E service and a 190 year qualiDed radiation life in the location wnere they are installed.

Low power semiconductor technology (CMOS, low-power Schottky, etc.) will be employed to the nutxunum extent possible. All equipment will be designed to operate with loss of HVAC; cooling fans are not specified as part of the cabinet design. Normal

operation is presently specified irom 5-50 *C (75 C test) and 0 90% RH, non-condensing. However, all Class 1E equipment will be designed with MII-SPEC 3emiconductors that meet MIL STD 883C. These components are hermeticallyscaled and will operate to 110 C (125 C test).

TUN 04 *H 03:!!Pt1 G E iIUCLEiG h M J P. P 30 Table 1.1%uon i Essemial T&C Equipmen!

Eauinment Location Environment Remote Multiplexing Reactor Building Div.1 Cooled by essential Div. I Units with: Emergency Electrical HVAC.

- Analog signal Equipment Room (outside Non-radioactive area.

No piping througn area.

conditioning secondary containment).

- A/D converter Protected by 3-hour fire Contact closure inputs barriers.

and outputs

- :. tux control interface i.

, Fiber opuc :nultiplexing Between Reactor Building Non-radioactive areas.

. cables and main control room in No cables run in primary Div I cable travs or containment.


Control Room Main control room Div. I Cooled by neo redundant Multiplexing Units witin back panel area. safety-related HVAC

- Serial 1/0 syste ms.

- Parailcl l/O

- Mux control interface Safety Svstem Logic and Main control room Div. I Cooled by two redundant Conn ol cabinets with: back panel area. safety related HVAC

- Digital Tnp Modules systems,

. Trip Logic Unit Separated from other Safety System Logic - divisions by mam control Units -

area and non-divisional Output Logic Units panels.

- Load Drivers Bypass Control Unit

- Surveillance Test Controller i

Fiber optic interdivisional Main control room - optical Cooled by two redundant l data links transmission medium - safety related HVAC l provides electrical and sys te nts .

physical isolation. j

jut 1 0-1 *92 03i!!PM G E f RXLEAP ELDG I 'P,6'20 Tabie 2. Division II Essential IkOlgwpinent Equipment Location Environment Remote hiultiplexing Reactor Building Div.11 Cooled by essential Div. II Units with: Emergency Electrical HVAC.

- Analog signal Equipment Room (outside Non radioactive area.

conditioning secondary containment). No piping through area.

A/D converter Protected by 3-hour fire

- Contact closure inputs barriers.

and outputs

- Mux control interface Fther optic multiplexing Between Reactor Building Non radioactive areas.

cables and main control room in No cables run in prunary Div. II cable trays or containment.


Control Room hiain control room Div.11 Cooled by two redunda .:

Multiplexing Units with: back panel area. safety-related HVAC

- SerialI/O sys tem s.

Parallel 1/O

- Mux control interface Safety System I.ogic and Main control room Div. II Cooled by two redundant Control cabinet with: back panel area. safety-related HVAC

- Digital Trip Modules systems.

- Trip Logic Unit Separated from other

- Safety System Logic - divisions by main control Units area and non-divisional Output Logic Units panels.

Load Drivers

- Bvpass Control Unit Surveillance Test Controller Fiber optic interdivisional Main control room - optical Cooled by two redundant data-links transmission medium safety-related HVAC provide.s electrical and systems.

physical isolation.


Jun 04 =I c3:r6Ft1 G t nuctcm rtrc, J p-so Table 3. Division III EssentialI&C Eauipment Equinment 1.ncation Erwironment Remote Multiplexing Reactor Building Div.111 Cooled by essential Div.111 Units with: Emergencv Electrical HVAC.

- Analog signal Equipment Room (outside Non radioactive area.

conditioning secondarv containment). No piping through area.

- A/D converter Protected by 3-hour tire

- Contact closure inputs barriers.

and outputs

- Mux control interf ace Fiber opuc multiplexing Between Reactor Building Non-radioactive arcas.

cables and main control room in No cables run in primary Div III cahic trays or containment, conduit.

Control Room Main control room Div.111 Cooled by two redundant Multiplexing Units with; back panel area. safety related HVAC

- Serial 1/O systems.

Parallel 1/O

- Mux control interface Safety System Logic and Main control room Div.111 Cooled by nvo redundant Control cabincts with; back panel area. safety-related HVAC

- Digital Trip Modules ssstems.

- Trip Logic Itnit Separated from other

- Safety System Logic - divisions by main control U nits area and non-divisional

- Output Logic Units panek.

- Load Drivers

- Bypass Control Unit

- Surveillance Test Controller Fiber optic interdivisional Main control room - optical Cooled by two redundant data links transmission medium safety related HVAC provides electrical and systems, physical isolation.

IUT4 04 *91 03t56Pt1 C E t8XLEAR ELEG J ' P.E ?O Table 1. Division IV I ,sential I&C I'tmiploent Ecuipment 1.ocation Environment Remote Multiplexing Reactor Building Div. IV Cooled by essential Div. II Units with: area (outside secondary HVAC.

- Analog signal containment, adjacent to, Non radioactive area, conditioning but physically isolated No piping through area.

A,'D converter from, Div.1 Emergency Protected by Shour fire

- Contact closure inputs Electrical Equipment barriers.

and outputs Room).

- Mux control interface Fiber optic multiplexinn Between Reactor Building Non-radioactive areas, cabics and main control room in No cables run'in primary.

Div. TV cable trays or containment, conduit.

Control Room Main control room Div. IV Cooled by tw redundant Multiplexing Unit.s with: back panel area. safety related HVAC

- Seriall/O systems.

- Parallel I/O Mux control interface Safety System Logic and Main control room Div. IV Cooled by two redundant Control cabinets with; back panel area. safety-related HVAC

- Digital Trip Module systems.

- Trip Logic Unit Separated from other Output Logic Units divisions by main control Load Drivers area and non divisional Bypass Control Unit panels.

- Surveillance Test Controller

, Fiber optic interdivisional Main control room - optical Cooled by two redundant data links transmission medium safety-related HVAC provides electrical and systems.

physical isolation.


. Jun o.s 's: 03:56Ft1 G E TOCLtr,P ELDG J P.9/30


\ 23A6100AB Standard Plant net c TABLE 6.2-7 (Continued) -


Valve No. D11R01A/B D21R04A/B D21F005A/B D2SR06A/B D21f007A/B D2kFOCEA/D SSAR Fig 7.6 Te 7.6 *e 7.6-7e 7.6-7e - 7.6 7c 7.6 7c Applicable Basis CDC 56(x) GDC Sf(x) GDC 56(k) GDC $6(R) GDC $6(Q ODC36(y) l l RG 1.11 Iluki DW Atmos DW Aimes DW Atmos WW Atmos WW Atmos WW Atmos line Size 2GA 2CA 20A 20A 20A 20A ESF No No No No No No La % Class (a) (a) (e) (a) (a) (a) 14 cation O O O O o O-Type C Laak Test No(m) No(O No(0 No(f) No(0 No(0 l

Valve Type Gate Globe Globe Globe Globe Globe Operator Solenoid Manual Manual Manual Manus! Manual Prt Actuation Dec. Dec. Dec.

  • Cec. E!ce. Dec.

Sec. Actuation N/A N/A N/A N/A- N/A N/A Normal Position Open Shut Shut Shut Shut $ hut Shutdown Position Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut Pest Are Position Open Open Open Open Open Open Pwr Fall Postalon As u As is ' Asis- - As is As is - As is Cont. (so. Sie.( } N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Closure'Dme (see) N/A N/A N/A N/A .N/A- N/A  ;

i Pwr Soorte (Div) 1/11 1/11 1/II 1/11 t/II 1/11 Amendment 17 - &2-30.3a -


[ M1 04 '92 02:57FM G E tOCLEAR ELDG J P 1Ct/IO M 23A6100AB Standard Plant new c TABLE 6.2-7 (Continued)

CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVE INFORMATION CONTAINMEhT ATMOSPHERE MONTIORING (Continued) 4 alve No. D23 M09A/B D23 M10A/B D21R11A/B D23-PD12A/B D23-IT13A/B DSF014A/B SSAR Fig 7.6-Te 74-7c  ? 6 7c 7.6 7c 7.6 7c 7 6-7e Applicable Basis GDC36(x) GDC 56(y) GDC S6(x) GDC56(x) GDC56(y GDC56(,X)

Fluid DW Aimes DW Atmos DW Atmos WW Atmos  % W Atmos WW Atmos 1.Inc Stre 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A ESF No No- No No No No Leakage Class . (a) (e) (a) (a) (a) (a)

Imation O O O O O O Type C leak Test No(O No(0 No(O No(0 No(O No(O Valve T)Pe O! obc O!obe G;obe Globe Globe G:obe Oerster N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pri. Actuation Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual . Manual Sec. Actuation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Normal Position Open Open oa s Open Open Open Shetdown Poshian Open Open Open Open Open Open Post Ace Position Open Open Open Open Open Open P*T Fail Position N/A 'N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

' Cont. Iso. Sig.(' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 'N/A Closure Time (sed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pwr Source (Div) N/A _N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Amendment 17 6.2-30.30

Att 04 *92 03:5?Ft1 G E tU1 EAR ELDG J P.11.-20 MkN- 23A6100AD Standard Plant an c TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)


%INILL SPRAY Vahe No. E11@l9B E11 F019C SMR ng 5.4-10e 5.410g Appikable Bads GDC M(g) - GDCM(t')

Maid Water Water line She 100A 100A EST Yu Yes leakage Class (a) (a)

Location O O Type C leak Test No(g) No(s)

Valve Type Gate Gate Opetesor Motor Motor Prt. Actuation Ecc. Bee.

Sec. Actuarlen Manual Manual Nonnel Ponion Cosed Ocmed Shotdown Poshion Cacd Ocsed Post Acc Position Omed Ocsed P W FallPodelon As is Asis Cont. Iso. Sig (' N/A N/A Closure Thne (ese) 20 20 Pwr Soares (Div) II 111 Amcadenent 17. M4

.-_ . . _ . . _ __ _. . . _ _ . _ ._ .._ .._. _ ..~

j, JUtt03 '?2 03:5-Pt1 C, E'tUCLEAP ELLG J~ ;P.12 40-k '

23A6100AB -

Standard Plant -

na c


j. DRYWELL SPRAY Vahe No. E11 R17B E10!I16B E11.F017C E11.F013C SSAR Fig 5.410e 5.410e s 4-10s 5.4-10g' Applicable Rash CDC56(6 GDC56(3') .GDC56(g) GDC56(D Fluid Water Water Water Water i

Line She UQA 250A 250A- 250A

! ESF Yes Yea Yes Yes 1

1 14akage Cisss - (a) (a) (a) (e) 14 cation 0 0 0 0 i

f . TYPE C 14ak Test No(g) No(g) No(g) . No(g)

VaheType- Globe Gate Globe Gate

- Operator Motor Motor Mowl Motor


l Pri. Actuation E:se. Elec. Elec. EJec.

, Sec. Aetwation Manual Manual Manual Manual j Norinal Positka Shut Shut Shut Shut

$hatdown Position Shut Shut Shut Shut

, Post Ace Position Shut $ hut Shut Shut i

Pwr Fail Position As is As is As is As is Cont. Iso. Sig. # N/A N/A ti/A N/A Closure Tiane Ge<) 50 50 50 50 p Pwr Soure. (Div) II - U 111 111 a'

i l~


Amend:nent17 6.2-50 3 -:

ILti 0-1 *92 03:!?Ft1 G E tUCLEAR ELDG J P.1330 l

' \ 23A6100AB '

Standard Plant ne c TABLE 6.2-7 (Continued) ,



MINIMUM FLOW LINE Vahe No. E11 M21A E11.Ft21B E11 IT21C S14R flg 5 410c 5.410d 5.4-10(

Arpucable Basis GDC56(h) GDC56(3) GDC56h

! Huid Water Water Water

! Ilne Size 100A 100A 100A l

EST Yes Yes Yes f

i leakage Class (a) (a) (a)

1matica o o O l Type C14akTest No(h) No(h) No(n)

Yshe Type Gate Gate Gate Operator Motor Motor mtor i

Prt Actostion Elec. Elec. E:sc.

Sec. Astvation Manual Manual Manual Nornial Position Open Open Opea j_ Shutdown Fosition Shut Shut Shut j_ Post Acc Posteten Shut Shut Shus I

P*t Fall Posha As is As is As is

$l Cont. lso. Sig. N/A N/A N/A j l

Closure Tinw (sec) 20 20 20 Pwe Source (Div) I  !! - III i

Amendment 17 . G50.6

4 . M4 01 *?I 02t55Pr1 G E tLICLEAP ELDG'* P.1&?O i

i .hkb 23A6100AB a SIDndard Plant RmC TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued) j CONTAINMENT ISOIATION VALVE INFORMATION i



Valve No. Ell FD08A E11 F031A E11 F006B E11 TV31H E11.FV08C E11.FV31C I SSAR Fis 5A10e 5A10e 5A104 5.4104 5.4-10f 5A10f i .

AFpucable Basis ODCS6(Q ODC56h ODC56@ ODC56@ ODC56kh GDC56 fluid Water Water - Water Water Water Water Line Size 200A 100A 200A 100A 200A 100A l

i ESF Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Leakage Class (a) (s) (a) '(a) .(a) (a) i Location o o o o o o

! Typef taskTest No(j) No(j) Nog) No(j) No(j) No(j) t j Valve Type Globe Globe . Globe Globc Globc Globe i

i Operator Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor PrL Actuatwa Elec. Elae. Elec. Sec. Sec. Elce.

Sec. A tuation M4Au21 M4Awal Manual Manual Manual - Manual Normal Positkn Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut -

4 Shutdown Posillon Shut Shut Shut Shut Shot Shut Post Arc Position Shut Shut Shut Shut' Shut ' Shut 4

Pwr Fall Positiou As is As is As u As is As is As n Cont. Iso. Sis.(# N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A. N/A i

Closure Time (see) 53 20 50 20 50 20 Pwr Source (Div) -!. I 11 ' II UI III


2 i


' Amandaient 17 6.2-50.7 -


j . JLt1 04 '92 03:TEPt1 G E fAJCLEAR ELDG J P .19 20 3

s IN M 23A6100AD i Standard Plant mc i TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued) 1 4



Vahe No. E11.F001A E11.P001B E11 FD01C 1

j SSAR Fig 5.0 10: $A10d 5AICf Applicable Basis GDCM(@ GDCSh GDC36(0 3 )

fluid Water Water Water

, Llae 5tze 450A 450A 450A ESF Yes Yes Ye4 4

Lankage Class (a) (a) (a).

l Location 0 0 0 Type C teak Test No(i) No(l) No(i) l VaheType Gate Gate Gate l Operator Motor Motor Motor i Prt Actuation Dec. E:ec. Dec.

Sec. Actuation Manual Manual Manul Notimal Tosition Open Open Open

Shutdown Position Shut Shut Shut Post Act Position Shut Shut Shut j

i' Pwr Fat! Position . As is Asis As is Coat. Iso. Sig. N/A N/A N/A.

I <

C1ossre T1sne (see) 90 90 90 .l l

- Pwe Soum (Div) I 11 III -

l 2

4 T


- Amendment 17 6.2 50.8

7Ur 1 0-1 *92 03:SSPM G E rUCLEAR BLDG J P.16/20 i

4 '

Mk 23A6100AB Standard Plant ne< c TABLE 6.2-7 (Continued)



SMR Fig 6.3-7b 6.3-7b f Applkable Batts GDC$6(y) GDC56(h Duld Water Water i

I  !!ne Stse 400A 400A l _E$F Yes Yes 1

Lashnee Class (a) (a) location O O d

Type C bak Test No(6) .No(i) 1 3

valve Type Gate Gata q.

] Operator Motor . Motor e

Prt Actua
Wa Elec. Elec. ,

i Sw. Actuatica Manual Manual f

. Normal Position Shut Shut

Sheidens PosWn Shut Shut Post Ace Position Shut Shut Pwr Fail Po44ti6a As is As is 1

Cont. be. Sis.(* N/A N/A e

Closest Tiene (see) 80 80 1

Pwr Seem (Div) II III -l 2

l i


I Amendment 17 6.2-50.12


'Vil 01 *2 03:SSPt1 G E 'ilVCLEAP ELDG J . P.1740 i

ABWR 23AnwAn Standard Plant x... c -

I i

TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)



Valve No. E22-fD09B E22-F01CB E22 F0@C E22P0:0C ,

1 i S$AR ng 6S7b 617b 61?b 617b Appuceble Basis GDC56{g GDCS6(g) GDC56(3) GDC56($


!. Huid Water Water Water Water -

Ilse Siae 100A 75A 100A 75A 1

ESF Yes Yes - Yes Yes -

l Lakage Class (a) (a) (a) (a) i . .

Location O O O O.

l Type C hakTest No(b) No(h) -No(h) No(h)

Valve Type Globe Gate Globe Gate Operstor Motor Motor Motor Motor PrL Actuaties Cec. Etc. Esc, - Elec.

I i- Sec. Actestion Manual Manual - Manual Manual

! Notwel Position Shus Shut Shut Shut


I Shutdown Position - Shut Shut Shut Shut Post Act Position Shut ' Shut Shut . Shut 4

l 1 Pwr Fan Position As is As is / As 3 - As is Cont. Iso. Sig. ' N/A N/A N/A N/A

, Closure Tlaw (sec) 20 20 20 20 J

] Pwr Source (Div) ~ 11 - II '  !!! UI-a i



1-i I

j' I

. p iadmen:17 6.2 50.13

_- .. . -., .~. .. _ m .;- _ - . . - - _ . , . _ . - . . -

IJi 04 '92 03 58PM G E !OCLEAP ELDG J P,is/?O

.dM 23A6100AD Standard Plant nev c TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)


MIN. FLOW AND TEST RETURN Valve No. E51 M11 - E51 F009 SMR Fig 5.44a $444 Applicable Basis GDC56(@ GDC56{Q Duid Water Water ilne Size 50A 100A ESF Yes Yes Lankap Class (a) (a) location O O Type C leak Test No(h) No(h) 1 Valve Type G!obe Globe Operator Motor Motor PrL Actuatan Dec. Occ, Sec. Actuation Remote Manual Remote Manual Normal Position Shut Shut Shutdows Position Shat Shur

- Post Acc Position Shut Shut Pwr Fad Postllon - As is As is Cont. Iso. Sis.(# RM RM Closure Thne 9ee) <$ < 60 Pwr Source (Div) I I Amendment 17 6.2 50.21

l JUr1 04 *?! 03:!9PM G E !OCLEi,R ELDG J P.19<?O tN M 23A6100AB S,(griard Plant __ _

nnc-TABI.E 6.2 7 (Continued)


S/P SUCTION Valve No. E31-F006

$$AR fig 3.4.1a App!kabh Betis GDC$6[h Raid Water Line She 200A  !

ESF Yes leakage Class (a) tocaika o Type C leak Test No(0 l

Velve Type . Cate Operator Motor Prt Actuaten E ec. f Sec. Actuation Ramote Manual Normal Position Shut Shutdown Position shut i

Post Act Position Shut Pwr Fall Posulon As a Cons. In Slg.(# RM Closere Time (see) < 30 Pwr Source (Div) 1  :-)

i t

4 Ameodeent 17 6.2 $0.22

ut o.i 32 omwn u nuum are 2 F. c40 ABWR 23A51M AB Standard Plant vac TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)


TURBINE EXHAUST Valie No. EJ1.F039 E31-F038 SitR Fig 3484 5.44a Applicable Baits GDC 56(g)

CDC56(Q .i nuid Steam Steam Line She !CA 350A ESF Yes Yts Leakage Class (s) (a)

Location -0 0 Type C leal Tnt Yes:4)(t) Yes(0 Vah, Type . Gass Check Operator Motor Self Actuating Pri. Actuation Elet. N/A -

Sec. Actuation Manual N/A Normal Position Locksd Open - Shui Shaidown Position Open Open ross Acc Position Shut Shut Pwr Fall Position AA is N/A Cont. lso. Sig. .. RM N/A Closure Time (sec) < 73 Inst.

Pwr Source (Div) 1 -N/A Amendment 17

JtJ4 01 *?2 03159Pt1 G E IUCLEAR ELET J P 21/30 MkN 23A6100AD Standard Plant ne J TABLE 6.2-7 (Continued):


VACUUM PUMP DISC 11ARGE Valve No. E51.F047 E51 FN6 i

SSAR Fig 5.44a - S 4 8a Applicable Basis GDC36h CDC56(Q 11uid Sicam Steam .

1)ne Size 53A $0A EST Yes Yes LeakageClass (a) (a)

Location O O Type C leak Test No(l) ~ .No(l)

Yalve Type Gate Check Operator Motor Sell. Actuating Prl. Aciosiion Elec. N/A Sec. Artvatean Manual N/A

( Nomial Position Locked Open - Shut Shutdown Posilloe Open Open J

Post Ace Position Shut Shut Pwr Fail Position As as -N/A Cont. Isa. Sig ( RM N/A Closure Time (sec) <10 last. -

Pwr source (Div) I N/A.

- Amendment 18 G5aN -

M1 0-1 '92 0?t!?Pri G E f0CLEAP ELDG J F.II/20

  • 'lbkN 23A6100AB Standard Plant - %e TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)-

CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VAINE INFORMATION ATMOSPitERIC CONTROL SYSTEM Velve No. D1.F001 T31-RC2 D1-PJ03 D1-RIO4 ntPXS- T31 F006 Sid Fig 6 2 39a 6.2 39a - 61. 39a ' 6.2% 6439a 6.2 39a Appucable Buh GDC56( GDC56( 'CDCS6( j GDC56( GDC 56 GDC56(

T1uid Air Air or N2 Att or N2 DW ATMOS DW ATMOS ~ WW ATMOS line She (mm) 550A 350A - 530A 350A ' 50A 550A EST Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes '

Leakaac Clus (b) (b) (b)._ (b) (b) (b) 1 Lxatwa O O O O o O' Type C Lesk Test Yes Yes(e) Yes(e) Yes(e) Yes(e) Yes(e)

Valve Type Butter 0y Butter 0y. Dutiertif Dutterny Globe - Butter 0y  ;

Operator Pneum Pneum Pneum Pneum . Pneum Preum Prt Actwauon Air Air Air Air Air - Air Sec. Actuation N/A N/A N/A hA f N/A N/A Normal Position Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut ' Shut Autdown Position Shut Shut Shut Shut ' Shut Shut Post Act Position Shut Shut Shut

._q Shut Shut. Shut t Pwr Fail Position Shut Shat Shut Shut Shut Shut Cont. lso. Sig.("I AK . AK AK


A,K A,K - - A.K -

Closurt Thne (utt ' < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < t3 <30 Pwt Source (Div) 1 II H D II . 11 Amendment 17 6.2-5125 I . -

. . . ., __ _ _ _ _ m_ ._.___ _

, JLt4 04 ' 92 04:COPf1 G E fOCLEF.R ELDG J P,23 20 :

Mkb 23A6100AB StgIglard Plant wc

. TABI.E 6.2 7 (Continued)


Valve No. T31 Rx)6 T31 F009 T31.fm5 T31 RD9 U11940 D1.!D11 D1.F720A/B 550t fig 6.23% 6.2 39a 6.2 39a 6.2-39a 6.249a 6.2-39a - 6.2-39b Apptkable Basis ODC5h ODC56(@ GDC56@) GDC56h ODC56(k ODC56 @) GDC57 Duid PCV AntOS PCV ATMOS N2 h% N2 N2 N2 line Sin 25CA 550A 400A 30A 50A 50A 20A ESF Yes Yes Yes Yes Ysa Yes No Leakage Class (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

Location 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 Type C leakTest Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes(e) Yes(e) Yes -

l Valve Type Butteroy. Dutterfly Dutterny Globe Globe - Globe Gate Operator Fneum Pneum Pncum Pneum - Pocum Pecum 'Solenied Fri. Actuation Air Air Air Alt Air Air Dsc.

Sec. Actuaten . . . . . . .

Normal Position Shut Shut Shut open Open Open Shut Shut &ran Position Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut'- . Shut Shut Post Acc Position Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut Per Fall Pesuion Shut Shut Shut Shut Shut $hus Shut Cont. Iso. Sh*) A.K A.F. A.K A.K A.K A.K A.K Closure Tirne (see) <30 < 30 < 30 < ts < 13 < t$ <5 Per Source (Div) 1 1 1 1 11 11  !!

Amendment 17 62da26-

- --------,-----________-_-----.x

4 P,24/30

. JUti 04 '92 04:00Pt1 G E tRXLEAP Et.DG J 1


Stapdard Plant 23A6100AB wc TABLE 6.2-7 (Continued)



I Vabe No. T31.F730 T13-F732A/B T13-F734A.D SSAR Fig . 6.2 3% 6.2-3?e 6.2 39b  ;


$ Appiksbk Basis ODC56(S) CDC 56(g) GDC56b) .

l RO 1.11 - RO 1.11 RO 1.11 l i l Fluid DW AntOS DW AntOS DW A'D.tOS tue sue 20A 20A 20A 4

EST No No No Leakage class (a) (a) (s) .j

, Location O O' O  ;

i Type c imk Tese No(m) No(m) No(m) j Valve Type Globe Globe - Globe


] Operator N/A N/A 'N/A i

i Prt. Attuation Mang Manual Manual l Sec. Actuation N/A N/A 'N/A

'i Normal Position Open Open Open ,


Shutdown Position Open Open Open Post Act Position Open Open Open j i

i Pwr Fail Position N/A N/A -N/A-i I

l Cont. lso. S4 - N/A' N/A N/A i i Closure Time (sec) - N/A N/A N/A e

Pw Source (Div) N/A N/A N/A j a

.t i i j

-i l

s 4'

6.2-M27 4 Amsedment 17 ~

JUit 04?I 04 t 00PM . G E i#JCLEAP. ELLG J P.25/10 ABWR m6i=^s Standard Plant _

nev, C -

i-i TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)



Valve .No. T11-F7MA/B T31 F738A D T31 F740A.D T31.PM2A/D

SSAR flg 6.2 39b 6.2 395 &2-39b 62 39b i

Applkahle Bas l

7 GDC56(Q GDC56(63) GDC56(b) ODC56(f)

RG 1.11 RO 1.11 RO 1.11 RO 111


Iloid WW ADIOS WW ABIOS SP11 O WW ATMOS IAe Size 20A 20A 20A 20A 1


i ESF No No No. No f leakage Class (a) (a) (a) (a)

Imation O O O O i No(m) No(m) No(m) l Type CleakTest No(m)

Valve Type Globs O'.obe Clot:e Globe l

Operatoc Manual Manca: Manual Manual 4

} PTt Actuation N/A N/A N/A N/A l Sec. Actuation N/A N/A N/A N/A i

e Normal Position Open Open Open Open

Shutdown Position Open Open Open Open

} Post Act Postalon Opan Open Open Opeu Pwf fall Posttion N/A N/A N/A N/A Cont. la sig.(# -N/A N/A N/A N/A Closure Time 6ec) N/A N/A N/A N/A P*r Sovice (Div) - N/A N/A N/A N/A 1:


- Amendment 17 425028

._- _ - . , , . - , . ,. ~ , - , -

JLM 04 '?2 - 04:00PM G E tUCLEAR. ELDG J P.2610 MkN 23A6100.G nev c Standard Plant TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)

CGNTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVE INFORMATION ATMOSPHERIC CONTROL SYSTEM (Continued) vahe so. nl.F7aA/B D1.F500A/B DI.TW.A/D S$AR Fig 6.2-39b 6.2 39b 6.2-39b Applicable Basis GDC 57 GDC56(Q ODC56%

RG 1.11 RG 1.11 RG 1.11 Doid SP H O DW ATMOS DW ATMOS Line She 20A 20A ll0A EST No No No Leakate Class (b) (b) (b)


Leu:stion O O O Type C leak Teit No(m) No(m) . No(m)

Valve Type Globe Globe Globe Operator Manual Manual Manual ,

Pri. Actvation N/A N/A N/A Stt. Actuation N/A N/A N/A Notmal Position Open Opet ' Open Shutdoes Position Open Open Open Post Are Position Open Open Open Pat Fall Position - N/A N/A N/A Cont. lso. Sig. N/A N/A N/A Closun Time (m) N/A N/A N/A Pwr Source (Div) N/A N/A N/A Amendment 17 6MO.29 -

Jur4 04 *?I 04:01Pt1 G E tLCLEAR ELDG J P. I?< 20 ABM


23^62o0^s Standard Plant Rex s TABLB 6.2-7 (Continued) '.


Valve No. T31 F304A/B TJ1 D001 T31 D002 SSAR Fig 6539b 6.2-3% 6.2-39e Applicable Basis GDC56(4 GDC$6k) GDC56(3)

RO 1.11 Fluid WW ATMOS WW AntOS DW Ansos line Size 20A 350A 150A E5F No Yes Yes ledas Class (a) N/A N/A Location O O O Type C Leak Test No(m) No(o) No(o)

Yabe Type G) ode Rupturc Disk Rupture Disk Operator Manual Se!f Self PrL Actuation N/A N/A N/A Sec. Actuation N/A N/A N/A Normal Position Open Shut Shut Shutdown Position Open Shut - Shut -

Post Acc Position Open Open Open Per Fail PosWa N/A N/A N/A Cont. Iso. Sig( N/A N/A N/A ClosureTV (m) N/A N/A N/A Pwr Source (Div) N/A N/A N/A-Amendment 17 6.2 50.30 .

(. . . - . .. - .- . .. .-~ - - - .

t 1

)UN 04 '92 04:01FM G E FO:LEM E> LEG J - P.28/30 -l 1

1 23A6100AB ~

Standard Plant ne< c TABLE 6.2 7 (Cor.,5ued)

CONTAINM EN ir 150 LATION 767. IT,T3 RMATIO N Fl.AMMABILITY CONT 1tOL SYSTEM Valve No. T49 F001A T49-P001B T49.f002A T49-F002B i

S$AR Fig 6.240 . 6,2-40 6.2-40 6.2.t0 l

Applacable Basis GDC56(u) - GDC56(3) GDC54(g) GDC56(@

l Muid DW ATMOS DW AthlOS DWAIhtOS DW ATMOS Linesize 130A 100A '100A 100A i

EST Yes Yes Yes Yes

Leakage Class (a) (a) (a) .(4) _

g Imerian O o 0 O Type C 14ak Tes No(u) . No(u) No(u) No(u).

j Valve Type Gate Gate Gate Gate 1 Operator Motor Motor Motor Motor b

j Pri. Actuation Elee. Ecc. Bec. FJec.

!' See. Actuation Manual - Mar.ual Manual Manual NormalPosition - Shut Shut Shut Shut Shutdown Poution -- Shut Shut - Shut Shut Post Acc Petition Open Open Open - Open -

Pwr Fall Position As is As b - As is As is Cont. Iso. Sig.I') A.K A.K- A.K A,K Closure T'une (sec) < 30 - < 30 ' <30- < 30 -

Pwr Source (Div)  !' 11 1 11

.. Amendment 17 6.2-50.33;

, --n 3 -

Juti 04 '92 04101Pf1 G E fiUCLEAR ELLG J P,29/30 ABWR . 23A6iocAB --

Standard Plant nev c TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)


Valve No. T49-F00fA T49-IU)6B T49-F007A T49-FD07B 2 SSAR Fil 6240 6.2-40 6.2-40 6.2-40 Applicable Basis GDC56(g GDCSe(y) GDC 56(b') GDC 36 (@

Fluid WW ATMOS %v A1MOS %v ATMOS %v ATMOS 3'

une sue g U0A IS0A UQA UCA ESF Yu Yes Yes Yes IAakage Ciss (a) (a) (a) (a) n

$,, b wn O O O O Type C LeakTest So(u) No(u) No(u) No(u)


Valve Type Cate Gare Oste Gate .

Operstor Motor Motor Motor Motor Prl. Actuation ElCC. Utc. Elec. Dec.

Sec. Actuation Manual Manual Manual Manual NoriaalPosition - Shut Shut Shut Shut Shutdown Position Shut Shut ht . Shut Post Act Position Open Open . Open Open Pwr Fail Posul0F A$ Is - Aa iS A& $5 AS il Cont. In, Sig,(# A.K A.K A.K A.K -

Closure Time (set) < 30 < 30 < 30 - < 30 Pwr Source (Div) I 11 1  !!

Amu! ment 17 ~- 6.2 50.34 1

Juli 04 *?C 0 38 0!Pf1 G E f o'LEM ELM J P.10e?O ABWR zmtars Standard Plant we TABLE 6.2 7 (Continued)

NO1T.S (Continued)

(t) The outboard side of these valves is always pressurized with nitrogen gas at a pressure higher than the post accident peak containment pressure. The nitrogen supply in these lines is requitec' for post accident mitigating function.

(s) The outboard side of these valves is always filled with wate.r and pressurized above 110% post accident peak containment pressure. These lines are kept charged with cooling water for cooling emergency equipment necessary for 1.ost accident mitigation.

(t) Line Mllbe drained and teased with air.

(u) Flammability Control is a closed loop, safety. grade system required to be functional post accident.

Wtever is leaking (if any) is returned to the primary containment. In additlen, during ILRT, these sahes are opened and the lines are subjected to Type A test.

(v) These lines terminate below the drywell sumps water level and are scaled from the containment atmosphere.

(w) The outboard side of these valwa aie provide with a water leg. In addition, these valves are subject to ASME Seetion XIIWV leak tests.

00 Es:.myka r e p sbl f rom 62< 56, . :Sc.e .w h f for L.Ob" A-(.Y ) 54 tmpdor1 C *@ Sit.d k'rbm 07M66. bts 5'dutc. o(l 6,Q,2,3.2.1 1 o c h w d k eee.h $ n (f) L 7 6 .n g%v6A C rom Obc.6(o, h neh. c3 Roc forNbMo-t Amendment 17 ' 6.1 $0 &

_ _ _ _ ______ _