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NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920613 Spill Originated from Overfilled Chemical Addition Tank Inside Turbine Bldg. Approx 161 Lbs of Hydrazine Solution Spilled.No Unpermitted Release to Environ Occurred.Surveillances Increased
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1992
From: Marshall B
To: David Wright
NUDOCS 9208180123
Download: ML20099H097 (21)


loto J>nsk Tal>rtrud f erster 5 Mi l b '9*l1*Ilust flotsje t s gen]

( sh ol. Vin'fl \\ 'try:sts,I ' V eg t August 12, 1992 voncourA powcre i

Mr. David Wright, Chief 011 and Title III Section (3HW34)


Environmental Protection Agency Region III 303 Methodist Building lith and Chapline Streets Wheeling, WV 26003 RE:


'th92329 ; JUNE 13, 1992; LOUISA COUNTY, MINERAL, VA

Dear Mr. Wright:

Attached is the completed chemical response questionnaire for the above referenced incident.

Should you desire additional information or have any questions in this matter, please contact Daniel James at (804) 273-2996.



tis rs all, Manager Water Quality cc:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 50-338/50-339 101 Marietta St.,


Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30323 10.S.~ Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:

Docket Control Desk Docket No. 50-338/50-339 Washington, DC 20555 Mr. M.


Lesser NRC Sr. Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station l

l 9208100123 920812 1

I PDR ADOCK 05000338 S


ym u,,



REGION lit w

B41 Cte,tnut Building Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 Omco of Suportund Direct Dial (304) 2344r256 Mail Codo 3HW34 Paula Curtin Chemical Fesponse Virginia Power gg P.O. Box 402 4

Mineral, VA 23117 RE: VA92329 June 13, 1992 Louisa Cnty, Mineral, VA Gentlemen This office has received notification that your facility discharged oil or hazardous materials in harmful quantities in violation of Section 311(b) (3) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. Section 1321(b) (3) as referenced above.

Pursuant to Section 308(a).

33 U.S.C.

Section 1318(a). you are hereby required to submit to EPA the following intormation.

Any person who violates Section 308 is subject to a civil penalty of up to $10 000 per day of violation 33 U.S.C.

Section 1319(d).

Further, any person who willfully or negligently violates section 308 may be punished by a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than $25 000 per day of violation or by imprinonment for not more than one year or both.

33 U.S.C. Section 1319 (c) (1).


Does the facility have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit or permit application?




If YES, state the Permit number or when the application was filed.

VPDES Pennit No. VA0052451.


List the time, date, and duration of the discharge incider*

_ Spill occurred June 13, 1992. between 0615 to 0735 hours0.00851 days <br />0.204 hours <br />0.00122 weeks <br />2.796675e-4 months <br />.

List the time and date of the discovery of the discharge.


Soill was discovered at 0735 hours0.00851 days <br />0.204 hours <br />0.00122 weeks <br />2.796675e-4 months <br /> on June 13. 1992.

s 5.

Description of the facility, the vehicle, containers from which the material was discharged.

outfall, tanks, or Spill originated from an overfilled chemical addition tank inside hi>41dinn at thn Unrth Anns Dnuge T+s+4cn


List the name and address of the owner / operator of the vehicle 6.

or facility described in question 5.

Virginia Power, 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Attn:


'4. fiars;1all, P.E., Manager, Water Ouality i

7 List the location of the discharge, including county and state uneth ann, ocyer gt3t4nn pt 7nn. +14noral. I ni,4 a rniin ty v4rg4n4, 8.

If the material was discharged from an outfall, state whether the outfall was covered by an HPDES permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Act.

Internal Outfall 004, VPDES Permit flo. VA0052451.

F 9.

List the types of material stored and the total storage capacity of the facility, and describe the storage units at the facility, above ground tanks and underground tanks.


See attachaent.

% 10.

In pounds, list the quantity of undiluted material lost.

By " worst case" calculations,161 pounds of hydrazine spilled.

Not all was lost through the discharge but actual amounts could not be deteruined.

Some of the spilled material was contained in a sump and the oicina and was neutralized prior to discharge.

11. List the quantity, concentration and name of each material discharged, and the method by which the concentration was measured or estimated.

At most,161 pounds of hydrazine dn a 35% solution soilled.

Known concentration, cuantity calculated on basis of accroximatelv 57 callnns spilled.

12.- State the solubility and specific gravity of each material discharged.

Completely soluble in water, specific gravity = 1.02.


Description and location of any water body which the material entered.

Some of the spilled hydrazine discharged, via Outfall 004, to the station's

' discharge canal, which discharges to the Waste Heat Treatment Facility (WHTF).

e The WHTF ultimately discharges to Lake Anna.


State the quantity of material entering the water described in question 13.

An undetennined amount of hydrazine less than 161 pounds.

See #10 and

  1. 11 above.

4 15.

List the name, address, telephone number, and affiliation of any and all persons making the observations in questions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

D. L. James, Water Quality Dept., Va. Power, 5000 Dominion Blvd.,

Glen Allen VA 23060.

(804) 273-2996 A. C. Cooke. North Anna Power Station, Va. Power, P.O. Box 402, "ineral, VA 23117.

(703)894-2856 f

16. State the flow in cubic feet per second of the water body described in question 13.

If thare is no guage station in the vicinity, please estimate the flow.

Discharge canal finw rate = approximately 4,000 cfs.


Was the water described above in question 13 at the time of the spill a tributary of, or physically connected to a hydrological or creek system? (YES OR NO)



If YES, describe or name the waterways.

See #13 above.

s e

. 19.

Describe any observed damage to animal life or vegetation.



State the llPDES or State wastewater discharge permit conditions that were violated by the spill.



Identify the ef fect of the spill on any water supply and give 1

details if available (e.g., shutdown of public or private water supply).



Give a short but complete summary of the circumstances of the discharge (e.g.. pump failur6. by-pass of treatment system).

Accidental overfillina of a chemical addition tank.

0,yerfill flowed into the Unit 2 Turbine Building sump which was being pumped through Outfall 004 as allowed by the VPDES permit.

l l'

l l

I l

. 23.

Provide a description of all procedures used to contain any spill of material from any of the tanks, tank cars and tank trucks listed in response to question 5.

This description should indicate which tanks, tank cars, and tank trucks are protected by dikes, the amount of material that can be contained by each dike, and the number of tanks, tank cars, and tank trucks protected by each dike.

I See attachment.


Indicate the material used to construct each dike and condition of each dike listed in question 23.

See attachment.

25. Describe the steps taken to contain and clean up the spill material and to mitigate any environmental damage and any actions-taken or planned to prevent recurrence of the incident.

Sump pump was secured and-sump contents neutralized prior to further discharge.

Increased surveillance of tank filling operation and the equipment involved has been implemented to prevent recurrence.

2 6..

List the name, address,. telephone number, and affiliation of any and all persons who were on the scene during the incident or.during clean up operations.

Jim Crossman, NAPS, Operations, (703) 894-2004.-

Bob-Lamberson, HAPS, Chemistry. (703) 894-2802.

Carter Cooke, NAPS, Environmental Compliance, (703) 894-2856.

aii or aoove:

North Anna Power Station l

Virginia Power P.O. Box 402 fiineral, VA 23117-

o s


p a.,,



(% #)

S41 Chestnut Duilding Philadelphia, PennsyNania 19107 Office of Superfund Direct Dial (304) 2344256 Paula Curtin Mall Codo 3FM34 Chemical Response Virginia Power gg ng P.O. Box 402 Oc Mineral, VA 23117 RE: VA92329 June 13, 1992 Louisa Cnty, Mineral, VA Gentlemen This office has received notification that your facility discharged oil or hazardous materials in harmful quantities in violation of Section 311(b) (3) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. Section 1321(b) (3) as referenced above.

Pursuant to Section 308(a).

33 U.S.C.

Section 1318(a). you are hereby required to submit to EPA the following information.

Any person who violates Section 308 is subject to a civil penalty of up to $10 000 per day of violation 33 U.S.C.

y Section 1319(d).

Further, any person who willfully or negligently violates Section 308 may be punished by a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than $25 000 per day of violation or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both.

33 U.S.C. Section 1319 (c) (1).


Does the facility have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit or permit application?




If YES, state the Permit number or when the application was filed.

VPDES Permit No. VA0052451.

i 3.

List che time, date, and duration of the discharge inciden Spill occurred June 13, 1992, between 0615 to 0735 hours0.00851 days <br />0.204 hours <br />0.00122 weeks <br />2.796675e-4 months <br />.

List the time and date of the discovery of the discharge.


Soill was discovered at 0735 hours0.00851 days <br />0.204 hours <br />0.00122 weeks <br />2.796675e-4 months <br /> on June 13. 1992.


Description of the facility, the vehicle, outfall, tanks, or containers from which the material was discharged.

Spill originated from an overfilled chemical addition tank inside th huildinn at thn Unrth Anna Dmen c $ tat 3nn urbine List the name and address of the owner / operator of the vehicle 6.

or facility described in question 5.

Virginia Power, 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Attn: B. M. fiarshall, P.E., Manager Water Ouality 7.

List the location of the discharge, including county and state Morth a n n e Dr" m n--- S t a t 4 aaRt 70n. Siint.ral. Innio enuntv. virnini, B.

If the material was discharged from an outfall, state whether

,q the outfall was covered by an NPDES permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Act.

Internal Outfall 004. VPDES Permit No. VA0052451.


List the types of material stored and the total storage capacity of the facility, and describe the storage units at the facility, e.g., above ground tanks and underground tanks.

See attachment.


s 2-5.

Description of the facility, the vehicle, outfall, tanks, or containers from which the material was discharged.

Spill originated from an overfilled chemical addition tank inside t i

sn 41,4 4 nn a+ #so unr+h Ann, n~n r es+<nn List the name and address of the owner / operator of the vehicle 6.

or facility described in question 5.

Virginia Power, 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen VA 23060 A,ttn : B. M. fiarshall, P.E., Manager, Water Duality 7.

List the location of the discharge, including county and state.

_n rth anne o e

eg e st3t4en At-70n. Minr>ral-fnoio ennn+y v4rnin4, 8.

If the material was discharged from an outfall, state whether the outfall was covered by an NPDES permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Act.

Internal Outfall 004, VPDES Permit No. VA0052451.


List the types'of material stored and the total storage capacity of the facility, and describe the storage units at the facility, e.g., above ground tanks and underground tanks.

See attachment.


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In pounds, list the quantity of undiluted material lost.

By " worst case" calculations. 161 pounds of hydrazine spilled.

Not all was lost through the discharge but actual amounts could not be determined.

Some of the spilled material was contained in a sump and the Dioina and was neutralized prior to discharge.

11. List the quantity, concentration and name of each material discharged, and the method by which the concentration was measured or estimated.

At most.161 pounds of h_ydrazine in a 35% solution soilled.

Known concentratien, cuantity calculated on basis of acorcy.imatelv 8i7 ca11nns i


12. State the solubility and specific gravity of each material discharged.

Completely ~ soluble in water, specific gravity = 1.02.

13 '.

Description and location of any water body which the material entered.

Some of the spilled'hydrazine discharged, via Outfall 004, to the station's discharge canal, which discharges to the Haste Heat Treatment Facility (WHTF).

The WHTF ultimately discharges to Lake Anna.

L 14.

State the quantity of material entering the water described l--

in question 13.

An undetermined amount of hydrazine less than 161 pounds.

See #10 and all above.-

l m







List the name, address, telephone number, and affiliation of any and all persons making the observations in questions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

D. L. James. Water Quality Dapt.. Va. Power, 5000 Dominion Blvd.,

Glen Allen, VA 23060.

(804) 273-2996 A. C. Cooke. North Anna Power Station. Va Power.

P.O. Box 402, "ineral.

VA 23117.


16. State the flow in cubic feet per second of the water body described

-in question 13.

If there is no guage station in the vicinity, q.

please estimate the flow.

Discharge canal flow rate = approximately 4.000 cfs.


Was the water described at n question 13 at the time of the spill a tributary of, or pt.,

cally connected to a hydrological or creek system? (YES OR NO)


18. -

If YES, describe or name the waterways.

See #13 above.

1 l


.. - ~

% 15.

List the name, address, telephone number, and affiliation of any and all persons making the observations in questions 9,

10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

D. L. James, Water Ouality Dept., Va. Power, 5000 Dominion Blvd.,

Glen Allen, VA 23060.

(804) 273-2996 A. C. Cooke, Nonn

,a Power Station, Va. Power.

P.O. Box 402, "ineral, f

VA 23117.

(703) 394-i'856 4

16. State the flow in cubic feet per second of the water body describec in question 13.

If there is no guage station in the vicinity, please estimate the flow.

Discharge canal flow rate = approximately 4,000 cfs.


Was the water described above in question 13 at the time of


the spill a tributary of, or p.ysically connected to a hydrological er creek system? (YES OR NO)



If YES, describe or name the waterways.

See $13 above.

4 I 19.

Describe any observed damage to animal life or vegetation.


20. State the llPDES or State wastewater discharge permit conditions that were violated by the spill.
None, 21.

Identify the ef fect of the spill on any water supply and give details if available (e.g., shutdown of public or private water i




Give a short but complete summary of the circumstances of the discharge (e.g.. pump fallut, by-pass of treatment system).

Accidental overfillina of a chemical addition tank:

Overfill flowed into the Unit 2 Turbine Building sump which was being pumped through Outfall 004, as allowed by the VPDES permit.

d 4

4 23.

Provide a description of all procedures used to contain any spill of material from any of the tanks, tank cars and tank trucks listed in response to question 5.

Tnis description sho'11d indicate.which tanks, tank cars, and tank trucks are protected by dikes, the amount of material that can be contained by each dike, and the number of tanks, tank cars, and tank trucks protected by each dike.

See attachment.


' e ate the material used to construct each dike and condition each dike listed in question 23.

See attachment.

25. Describe the steps taken to contain and clean up the spill material and-to mitigate any environmental damage-and any actions taken or planned-to prevent recurrence of the incident.

Sump pump was secured and' sump contents neutralized prior to further discharge, Increased surveillance of tank filling operation and the eouipment involved has been implemented to prevent recurrence.


List the name, address, telephone number, and affiliation of any and all persons who were on the scene during the incident or during clean up operations.

L l

Jim Crossman, NAPS. Operations (703) 894-2004.

I l'

Bob Lamberson, NAPS, Chemistry, (703) 894-2802.

Carter Cooke, NAPS,-Environmental Compliance, (703) 894-2856.

tui or tne aoove:

North Anna Power Station

' Virginia Power


P.O. Box 402-

'tineral, VA 23117

A u


. -. = - a



+. -. -


Provide a: description of all procedures used to contain any spill of material from any of the tanks, tank cars and tank trucks listed in response to question 5.

This description should indicate which tanks, tank cars, and tank trucks are protected by dikes, the amount of material that can be contained by each dike, and the number of tanks, tank cars, and tank trucks protected by each dike.

See. attachment.


Indicate the material used to construct each dike and conds tion of each dike listed in question 23.

See attachment.

25. Describe the steps taken to contain and clean up the spill material and to mitigate any environmental damage and any actions taken or planned to-prevent recurrence-of the-incident.

Sump pump was secured and sump contents-neutralized prior to further discharge.

Increased surveillance of tank filling operation and the equioment involved has been implemented to prevent recurrence.

'2 6.

List the name, address, telephone number, and affiliation of any and all persons who were on the scene during the incident or during clean up operations.

Jim Crossman, NAPS, Ooerations, (703) 894-2004.

Bob Lamberson, NAPS, Chemistry. (703) 894-2802.

Carter Cooke, NAPS, Environmental Compliance.-(703) 894-2856.

tui or tne aoove:

North Anna Power Station Virginia Power P.O. Box 402

'11neral, VA 23117

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u 4 27.

List the federal and state agencies if any, to which the owner or' operator reported the discharge, the dates on which the reports were made, and the name and title of the person (s) who made the reports.


National Response Center, 6/13/92, Carter Cooke, Environmental Compliance Coord.

Va. Dept. of Emergency Services 6/13/92, Carter Cooke, Environ. Comp. Coord.

Louisa County LEPC, 6/13/02, Carter Cooke Environmental Compliance Coord.

Nuclear Reculatory Commission. 6/13/92. Jim Crossman. Ooerations surervisor.


List the state, federal and local officials who were on scene during the spill or at the clean up.


l' 29.

Name and title of the person (s) responsible for providing the abt e information and a certification cf its truth and ac racy.

A. Carter Cooke, Environmental Compliance Coordinator.

B. M. Piarshall, P.E., Pianager, Water Ouality.

l 30.

List any other information you wish to bring to the attention j.

of the federal government.

No unpermitted release to the environment occurred. Copy of fellowup letter to the SERC ettached.

l l:

' The above information should be mailed to:



, w ar A r*",1)s.Cear<

If you cannot answer this letter by July 30, 1992 or if there are any questions on this matter, you may call Paula Curtin at (304) 234-0256.



C '[2>-

David P. Wright, Chief Oil and Title III Section i


I I hereby certify the above to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

This infornation request is not subject to review by the Director of OMB pursuant to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction act, 44 U.S.C.

Section 3507.

. The above information should be mailed to:



,,jur N (*'*

'I)g' C.ca1# G If you cannot answer this letter by July 30, 1992 or if there are any questions on this matter, you may call Paula Curtin at (304) 234-0256.



i F-u David P. Wright, Chief 011 and Title III Section



s I hereby certify the above to be true and accurate to 3

the best of my knowledge.

This information request is not subject to review by the Director of OMB pursuant to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction act, 44 U.S.C.

Section 3507.




5 ADM 20.31 PAGFAOF-18' %/

06 01 92


OF THE FACILITY 5.1 General The North Anna Power Station is located in Louisa County, Virginia on the southem shore of Lake Anna. The Station consists of two pressurized water reactors with associated steam side components and an adjacent construction site. Cooling water for the power generating facithy is drawn from Lake Anna and then discharged to the Waste Heat Treatment Facility (WHTE.

The WHTF consists of a series of lagoons. Flow from the WHTF to Lake Anna is via a submerged jet at the Circulatmg Water Outlet Structure.

1 The Station has oil storage facilities, as described in the following sections. Loss of oil from storage facilities could result in oil reaching Lake Anna or the WHTF, Oil reaching the WHTF would normally be retained in the facility because of the submerged discharge to Lake Anna.

This plan is for the power generating facility and the associated construction site.

5,2 Fuel Oil System He Fuel Oil System contains most of the fuel oil stored and handled at the plant site. This system consist of one 5.000 bbl fuel oil storage tank, two 50,000 gallon underground storage tanks and four 1,000 gallen storage day tanks. There are ten ready and standby fuel oil pumps located in the oil pump house.

All of the fuel oil tanks and pumpe with the exception of the 5,000 bbl fuel oil storage tank are located either underground or in seismically designed structures which also protect the equipment from conceivable tomado generated missiles. Underground fuel oil lines are coated and wrapped to protect against corrosion.

The 5.000 bbl above ground fuel oil tank is enclosed by a concrete dike which is sized to contain the capacity of the tank. A drain dump inside of the diked area is connected to the :.ard drainage system via a Post Indication Valve which is kept closed. Storm water trapped the dike generally seeps into the ground. However, the Post Indication Valve can be opened to allow uncontaminated storrn water to enter the yard drainage system. If the storm water is contammated with oil, the water is pumped into a tank tnick and treated in the oil separator er -

oil absorbent mats are used to absorb the oil from the waste water, prior to discharge.

Two sump pits with drain pumps and 300 gallon drain tanks are located in the oil pump hee to collect any oil that could be spilled. When the drain tanks are partially full, an alarm signaj a transmitted to the control room. The drain tanks are pumped out to a tank truck for final disposal. Pumpout of the drain tanks should occur less than once per year.

l l


o-ADM.D31 PAGE%FM-shy' 06-01 92 5.2 Fuel Oil System (continued)

The fuel oil unloading area is equipped with a deep sump pit which collects runoff and oil spill from the tmck unloading area. De flow from the deep sump pit is routed to the oil separator (see Subsection 5.5). A qualified Virginia Power operator will obsen e the tmek and driver at all times and ensure that, in the event of a oil spill, appropria:e steps are taken to contain, remove, and prevent ftuther discharges. Also, signs will be posted with the following notice:

" Notice to Truckers: Check to be sure all valves are closed and hoses disconnected before moving your tmck away "

Additionally, thett are two above ground tanks associated with the five protection diesel generators and a 500 gallon below ground tank for the security emergency diesel generator located inside the protected area.

5.3 Lubrication Oil System he lubrication oil system is located in the Turbine Building. It supplies lubricating oil for the turbine-generator bearings, high pressure oil for turbine control and seal on for the generator.

The lubrication system has two 16,000 gallon storage tanks for both generating units and one 14,000 gallon lube oil reservoir per turbine generator. Each unit has a lobe oil conditioner with a storage capacity of 2,000 gallons.

The two 16.000 gallon tanks are enclosed in a fire-proof room which can contain the entire contents of the tanks. Here am no drains in this area. De 14.000 gallon reservoirs plus a 200 gallon electroh>tiraulic oil reservoir are located inside a concrete dike which can contain the entire contents of the reservoir. The diked area has a floor drain which is controlled by a normally closed valve. The drain discharger, to the lower level of the turbine building. Any oil l

allowed to drain fmm this area u ould be caught in barrels and transferred to the waste 00 storage area. The oilconditioner is surrounded by a sump. The sump has no drain ar.d can accumulate oil spillage and the entire contents of the ou conditionerin case of rupture.

Lubricating ou is delivered to the Station by tank tmcks. The hose connections are located inside of the Turbine Building. Any oil spilled inside the Turbine Building will go to one of three sumps (see Subsection 5.4) and eventually to the oil separator (see Subsection 5.5).

4 ADM.20.31 PAGE 60fM8-3/g 06 01 92

- 5.4 Turbine Building and Yard Drainage System Tne Tu-bine Building floor drains for Units I and 2 drain to or.e of three sumps. Each sump is equipped with two small skimmer pumps (100 gpm) that pump to the oil sepnator and three large pumps (1300 gpm) that pump directly to Lake Anna. Und:r normal c peratmg conditions, the large pumps are not used and all flow goes to the ou separator. However, under cenain conditions the smaller pumps cannot handle the flow and the larger pumps must te used. The level switches of the large pumps are set to shutdown the pumps before a low levelis reached, thereby preventing oil that is floating on the surface from being pumped to IAe Anna.

In the case of an oil spul in the Turbine Building, the large pumps would be shutdown. The four diesel generator rooms and auxiliary boiler room floor drains are routed to the No. 2 Turbine Building sump. Each diesel generator room has curbed entrances to ensure that any leaking oil is couected by the floor drains.

The yard drain system on the east and nonh sides of the turbine building drain to the main lake on either side of the screenwed stmeture. The yard drainage system for the south side of the Station (contamment side) drain into the WHTF adjacent to the Circulating Water discharge point. The primary sources of oil contaminated drainage into the yard drainage system are the Service Building Warehouse, Vacuum Pnming Pump House, Intake Structure Control Hous-and the Auxiliary Feedwater Pump for Units 1 and 2.

5,5 Oil Separator A ccrrugated plate oil separator is installed in the ground near the Turbine Building just nonh of the fuel oil unloading area. The oil separator is designed to remove all oil droplets 70 microns and larger at a flow rate of 200 gpm from waste water containing oil with a specific l

gravity of 0.95 at a temperature of 70'F.

The pnmary sources of oily water to the oil separator are the turbme building sumps mentioned -

in Su'esection 5.4 and the floor drains in the machine shop.

5.6 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel l

All gasoline used at Nonh Anna is unleaded and is stored at two locations: 1) outside the security fence adjacent to the Administrative Annex (Warehouse #2) in two underground taris (3.000 gallon and 1,000), and 2)in front of the Maintenance Garage in a 10.000 gallon fiberglass tank.

l All diesel fuel used on site is stored in a 10,000 gallon fiberglass underground tank in front er the Wintenance Garage.

0 ADM 20.31 /

PAGE 9-GF-it 4' g/

06-01 92 5.7 Waste Oil Storage Facilities Any waste oil reclaimed by Virginia Power is placed in norage. When enough oil is accumulated, the reclaimed oil is sold to vendors. There are three facilities for storage of waste

oil, The reclaimed oil from the Station operations is stored in a 1.500 gallon above ground tank.

This tari is located inside the oil storage ouilding and has a concrete curb around it to contam any spillage.

The reclaimed oil from the hf aintenance Garage is stored in a 550 gallon underground waste oil storage tank adjacent to the garage.

Waste oil separated from the Waste oil Separator is transferred to a 5.800 gallon underground waste oil storage tank. This tank is located inside the fence adjacent to the Fuel Oil Pumping Station.

At each location, the volume of waste oil is monitored and provisions are made to ensure adequate storage capacity is available.

5.8 Transformers There are several groups of transformers located at North Anna. All of these transformers were inspected during the summer of 1981 and it was found that none of them would be considered PCB.

There are four reserve Station transformers located at thc cooling water intake stmcture. Etree of these are in use, the fourth one is a spare. Each transformer is ated at 18 MVA and the three operations units are enclosed in a concrete container to pavent accidental spillage.

There are three main Station transformers (general step-up transformers) plus one spare, for each generating unit. Each transformer is rated at 330 MVA and each operational unit is enclosed in a concrete container to prevent accidental spills.

Also there are three Stadon service transformers for each generaung unit, rated at 15 hfVA cacn that are also enclosed in concrete containers to prevent spills.

Additionally, there are transformers located in the switchyard. These units are located away from the lake and are placed on a gravel cover as is found in most switchyards.


ADM.2031 1

PAGE ROF-tS r/[y 0641 92 5.8 Transformers (continued)

Under normal conditions, personnel from Virginia Power's Central Division inspect and perform all maintenance on all transformers. In the event of an emergency that could lead to a spill, the Station personnel will undertake emergency actions to contain any spill, prevent damage to equipment and the environment, and notify the Central Division of the situa: ion.

Any permanent or long range actions will be carried out by personnel from the Central Division.

5.9 Main Dam Emergency Diesel Fuel Oil Tank The two above ground 750 gallon main dam emergency fuel oil tanks are enclosed by a concrete dike which is sized to contain the capacity of both tanks. Here are no floor drains in this area: therefore, the oil cannot reach any storm drains. De floor is indented in one comer so that a sump pump could be placed in the aret to remove all of the oil in the event the tanks loose their integrity.

5.10 Contaminated Oil Oil which has become radioactively contammated is temporarily stored in the Clar3er Building. This oilis stored in 55 gallon drums untilit can be processed by Herith Physics.

The !!, ar is sloped and contams drams so that any leakage will be treated as a radioactively contammated liquid.

5.11 Temporary Fuel or Oil Storage Temporary tanks, including tanker trucks, may be used from time to time to provide supplemental fuel or oil storage at the Station. Normal gasoline and fuel oil deliveries are not included.

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ADM-20.31 PAGEMF48 6/g 06-01-92 6.0



S.000 bbt storage tank (210,000 gal).......................... Abo ve ground 2

50.000 g allon storage tank...................................... Below ground 4

1.000 gallon day tanks................................. Diesel Generator Room Maximum Storage Capacity...................................314.000 gallons A y erage - D ally Us age............................................. 6.000 gallons Average Dily Received........................................ 6,000 g allons 1

250 gallon dre pump. tank................ Within Service water pump house 1

270 gallor fire pump. tank........... Within Warehouse No. 5 pump house 1

500 gallon security tank......................................... Be low ground LUBRICATING OIL 2

16.000 gallon storage tank.......................... Within Turbine Building 2

14.000 gallon storage tank.......................... Within Turbine Building

-2 2.000 gallon storage tank........................... Within Turbine Building 2

200 gallon storage tank............................ Within Turbine Building Maximum Storage Capacity................................... 64,000 g allons GASOLINE (Outside security fence-Adjacent to Admin Annex)

-1 3.000 gallon tank (re gular)...................................... B elow ground 1

1.000 gallon tank (unteaded).................................... Below ground (Outside Maintenance Garage) 1 10.000 gallon tank (unleaded)............,..................... Below ground DIESEL (Outside Maintenance Garage)

-1 10,000 gallon tank............................................. Below ground WASTE OIL 1

5,800 gallon tank (oil separator)...............,................ Below ground 1-1.500 gallon tank (oil storage building)....................... Above ground 1

550 gallon tank (Mainter 'nce Garage)....................... Selow ground TRANSFORMERS 4

18 MV A Station transformers................. Cooling water intake suuctu:t 8

330 MVA Main Station transformers....... North side of Turbine Buildmg 6

15 MV A Station service transformers...... North side of Turbine Build:ng i


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u ADM.20.31 o

FAGE 10OF4&- 7/g 06-01-92



55 gallon drums.............. Stored above ground in the Clarifier Building LOCATION OF OILS. NORTH ANNA MAIN DAM FUEL CIL - DIESEL 2

75 0 g allon tank................................................... Above ground i

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ADM-20.31 PAGE M-ONS f/g 06-01 92 7.0 OIL SPILL ALERT, CONTAINMENT, AND CLEANUP 7.1 Notification In the event of an oil spill or oil determination of any kind on Lake Anna or the WHTF, the

. Operations Shift Supervisor will be notified immediately He will attempt to locate and stop the oil leak ifit is detennined that the oil came from the Station. The Shift Supervisor will organize

. a task force to contain and cleanup the spill, contact all necessary Company personnel, and initiate 0-AP-23, Oil Spill.

The Shift Supervisor, or Designee, is responsible for coordinating any cleanup operation and completing a Station Deviation Report, w hether the spill originates from the operatmg Station or the Nuclear Site Services area.

One of the following Station personnel should be notified immediatel) l mould a spill occur:

. Superintendent Operations

. Assistant Station Manager O&M Station Manager -

4 Notify the Station Environmental Compliance Coordmator (Carter Cooke), who will notify one of the t' lowing Virginia Power Water Quality personnel within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> of any reported oil spill.

Home Number D. R. Jar" -

(804) 744 4129 R.L. Bi-

cad (804) 740-0546 M.F. Kadlubowski (804) 360-3996 B. M. Marshall

.(804)360-5147 Labcr Department personnel have been trained on how to clean up oil spills on the lake or

WHTF, Labor Foreman (e.g. R. Chnstmas, S. Smith)





- ADM.20.31 '

PAGE GOF-16 pjy

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06-01 92

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n 7.26 Containhent and Cleanup of Oil on Water 7.2.1, Containtaent U

-- At this point, immediate Etion is imperative. If practical, restrict the oil flow, such as -

biking a hole in a fuelline, etc. Contain the spill by any or all of the following:

. a. Construct an earth dam to contain the spill.


b.' Dig a pit to collect the oil,

c. Dam up any flows in ditches, etc.

d.' Apply absorbent material (straw, rags, sawdust, kittv litter etc.) A supply of absorbeht material will be purchased and maintained at the Station,

e. If the oil has reached a flowing stream, containment should be effected by use of ifloating booms or dams constmeted with wire and bales of straw -


! Appendix A~ describes and illustrates containment and diversionary devices.-

7.2.2 Oil Spill Cleanup Operations-Oil pumps should be used to retrieve the surface oil. Saturated scabents, contaminated gravel and earth should be collected and removed.

7.2.3 L Contractors -

If Station personnel should require outside assistance in spill cleanup, one of the following contractors should be contacted:

iIndustrial Marine Service,Inc.

Ashland Virgmia

(24 Hour Emergency _ Service -


_with answering recorder)

- O.H. Materials Corp.

Richmond Virginia' (24 Hour Emergency Service) 804 262 4 079 800-537-9540 -

- Environmental Options,Inc.


-(24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Emergency Service) 804-264-4797-1

e ADM.20.31 l

PAGE 110F4& n/' g 06-01 92 7.3 Oil Containment and Cleanup Material and Equipment 7.3.1 Oil Containment Boom A permanent oil boom is deployed near the end of the Discharge Canal to prevent any spills from reaching the Waste Heat Treatment Facility. De 250 foot boom has 10 inch freeboard and 14 inch draft. ne boom is placed at an angle of about 60 degrees from the side of the canal. Another similar boom is deployed in a semicircle around the discharge canal to contain the oil spills from this source.

7.3.2 Oil Spill Response Boom De Station has three 50 feet sections of Slick Bar Boom. One section of boom is stored in the maintenance storage shed at the end of the discliarge canal. Two sections are kept in the spill response trailer.

7.3.3 Environmental Spill Response Trailer ne Maintenance Department has a spill response trailer diat is used by maintenance personnellocated in the Environmental Boat shed. De following matenal is kept on the trailer periodically inspected and replaced when necessary.

3 Cases sorbent sweeps 5

Cases 18" x 18" pads 3

Cases 36" x 36" pads 1

Box " pigs" 1

Bag particulate 1

Case trash bags 2

Pair Boets 2

Hip Waders 1

Dip Net 100 - Slick Bar Boom



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ADM.20.31 PAGE 14 OF IS t//'Y 06-01-92 /

7.3.4-Oil Spill Response Boat Several boats are avanable for use by Stadon personnel for oil spill contamment and cleanup. The boats are kept at the Environmental Lab. He keys for the boats are normally available in the lab. The key to the lab can be obtained from Secunty or the Environmental Compliance Cooniinator.

7.3.5 Oil Sorbent Materials A supply of oil sorbent matrrialis kept at the Maintenance storage shed at the end of the discharge canal for use in containment and cleanup of oil spills.

Sorbent Application Amount in Stock Pamculate Oil on floors, 5 baas 4-Sorbent -

water or soil Sorbent pads Oily wines, drip 8 bags pads, oil on water

i Sorbent sweeps Oil on water 3 - 100' Sorbent blanxet Oil on water Available from storeroom Jet spray pump To contain oilon I

with hose water Slick Bar Boom To contain oilon 1-50' water

'8.0 INSPECTIONS, RECORDS, AND OTHER NOTIFICATIONS 8.1 Inspection and Records of the Oil Handling and Storage System.

The fuel oil handling and storage system is inspected each day by the Operations Depanment and documemed on the Station Logs. Tank levels are continuously monitored by alarms in the Control Room to warn Operations of high levels. De Stadon Log is kept on file for the b e of the plant.

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ADM-20.30 PAGE 4-OF-4, / z,/ y f

07-24-92 4.0 GUIDELINES 4.1 Action to be Taken by Response Team A.

Ensure proper protective clothing is worn.


Stop.the source of release.


If possible, restrict the path of discharge.


Contain the release.

4.2 Cleanup Cleanup instructions or treatment methods will be given after evaluation by both Control Room Shift Supervisor and Chemistry Department as to the type and amount of material released.

4.3 Cleanup Material Locations cleanup materials are located in Warehouse

  1. 5, oil storage areas, and spill response trailer housed at the old Environmental Laboratory.

4.4 Chamical Storage and Use Areas A.

Unit 1 and 2 Turbine Buildings 1.

Reportable hazardous materials normally in use: Sodium Hydroxide.(NaOH),500 gal tank presently out of service; Hydrazine (N2H4-35%)-300 gal bin, Morpholine

( C4H9NO) -

300 gal bin, Ammonium Hydroxide (NH3-28%)-55 gal drum, and Boric Acid (BH303)-50lb bags,all at the chemical addition station. Also, 200lbs of H-900 bromine tablets in a brominator tank, a 1,000 gal. CL-707A zine tank with concrete berm, 5000 gal. Pol-E-Z tank, and a 3,000 gal PCL-713 Phosphate tank with concrete berm.


If a chemical spill occurs in the Turbine Building, the sump pumps will be placed in the "off" position to allow time for cleanup or neutralization before discharge to the WHTF via the oil separator.


If 1-HV-FL-8,1-HV-FL-9, 2-HV-FL-8, or 2-HV-FL-9 is in use during any period in which the chemical release occurred, test the charcoal filter (s) for degradation by performing 1-PT-l 76.10A and/or 1-PT-76.10B and/or 2-PT-76.10B l

and/or 2-PT-76.10A, respectively.

l l




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ADM-20.30 i

PAGE 4 0F 7 nh-07-24-92

- B.'

Warehouse-#7--Chemical' storage. Area, 1.

fJ Reportable hazardous materials normally stored:



- (Naoc1),-

1 Ammonium

. Hydroxida '(28%) ~,-- Calcium Hypochlorite

-(Ca[0Cl)2), Sodium--Hydroxide _(12&254),

Sodium Nitrite-(NANO 2),fHydrazine (35%),


l Boric.

Acid ~. (Borax),

M-380 microblocide, H-900 microblocide,.


_As there:are no-floor-drains inLWarehouse #7,

the, possibility;of these substances being-released offsite is remote.

Units 1_and 2 8 odium Byeroxide spray Addition Tanks

c. -


1. -

Reportable. hazardous. substance stored:

12 % Sodium Hydroxide..


Although the possibility of a

reportable-release: is -remote,.it should still be noted.

C'hemical--AdditionLBuilding D.


Reportable hazardous substances stored:

14,000 gal, tank of1TRC-256,: 2,000 gal. tank ofLH-130,,2,000 gal. tank:of CL-36 and a brominator' tank containing 200lbs, of. pellets.


These-tanks.are enclosed in a concrete floored building,. a_ concrete berm with a sump which will automatically pump into a 4,000

gallon waste tank, ulsofenclosed in the barm.


.Beside-Bering Cooling Tower.


Reportable-hazardous substances > stored:

1,000 gal, tank of1H-510.

-- 2. a This1 tank is' contained by a concrete berm which ~

l can hold - 1; S00 gal.

d y



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C-ADM -2 0, 30 Page 1--of-1~ /V/,y 07-24-92 REPORTA).LE OUANTITIES--Ilh3ARDOUS SUBSTANCE RELEASES Chemical Reportable Amount On Packaging Location Quantity Hand Ammonium Hydroxide 1,000lbs 27061bs 55 gal drum kH#7,Turb.


Calcitim Hypochlorite 100lbs 1200lbs 50lb drum bl#7 Sodium Hydroxide (25%) 1,000lbs 21771bs 55 gal drum hW/7,Turb.


Sodium Hypochlorite(15%)100lbs 1660lbs 55 gal drum Wh/7,STP Sodium Nitrite 100lbs 600lbs 100lb drum hm#7 Hydrazine 11b 2,700lbs 300 gal bin WH#7,Turb.


Morphaline 1,000lbs 7,5681bs 300 gal bin hW#7,Turb Bldg.

Boric Acid 1,000lbs 5,000lbs 50lb bag WH#7,Turb.



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-l June (19,_1992; l

Ms. Cathy; Harris' SARA TitleiIII Program Virginia Dept.lof Waste-Management James Monroe Building,[14th Floor 101': North 14th Street 1 Richmond,-VA 23219-RE: ' NORTH - ANNA POWER STATION, VPDES PERNIT NO.




Ms.1 Harris TA' spill of hydrazine occurrad-'at North Anna Power Station or sune

13,; 1992.
:HydrazineLis an Extremely Hazardous substance with a-Repertable _ Quantity of one pound if-released to the environment in-


1' l any.:< 24-hour-period.' _

This ' letter contiras - our reports' of the =

lincidentsto-'Mr..Evanson at the National ~Responee-Center ato0945

-i hours,sMr. Harvell-at the Department-of Emergency Services-at.0955.


hours, cand Mr. Porter of.the Louisa Coe.ty Local Emergency. Planning Committee:at:1000 hours, on that,date,


-Betwaen 4 approximately- 0615 andN0735 hours on June 13, station fpersonnel'accidently overfilled a chemical' addition-tank with a 35%

-hydrazine). solution; which - overflowed into - the-Unit 2 turbine

-building Jaump. ;. At the time of-the-overflow, the sump.wastbeing

, pumped through M the foil / water separator -(Outtall 004).to the 4

'dischargeL canal which flows into the Waste Heat Treatment Facility.

Some T of - the1 hydrazine - solution vs *
contained at the turbine 3

building sump' and neutralized with hydrogen peroxide. : By our. worst L

case calculations,fa maximum 70161 pounds of hydrazine was spilled and:could have entered!the'd3scharge canals the--actual-amount was-

.somewhatoless but-cannot be precisely determined.

t 4

Due. to thel mixing 'and aeratioli provided _~by turbulence in ; the discharge: canal and its volumr., it'is expected.that the relatively.

small;famount :of - hydrazine reaching -the canal was very quickly

'oxidizedLandS none would have1 persisted long enough to leave the:


D Lcanal. ;. No -detrimentrJ environmental offacts from1this spill were -

Fish J in the. canal' in 1 thei area lof. ' the dincharge ' were


Eobserved< fori a l period following thei spill' and there were no

~ iscernible changes. in : numbers, distribution or behawior.. There d

anticipated acute or chronic health risks are :no :known: or i

associated'with thin spill.









s i

Ms. Cathy Harris June 19, 1992 Page 2 In order to preclude future recurrence of this incident, increased surveillance of tank filling operations and the equipment involved will be implemented.

No further remedial actions are necessary as it is expected that no residual hydrazine exists in the discharge to the canal or in the Waste Heat Treatment Facility.

Hydrazine has been previously identified as a potential constituent of the station's discharge.

However, in this event, the spill route was into the station discharge

canal, where adequate treatment was provided, and the hydrazine was not released to the enviro. ment.

The notifications above were made as a precautionary measure due to the nature of the spilled substance and its potential for detrimental effects.

Should you desire additional information or have any questions about his matter, please contact Daniel James at (804) 273-2996.

Sincerely, 6

B. M. Marshall, P.E.

Manager Water Quality cc:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 50-338/50-339 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30323 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:

Docket Control Desk Docket No. 50-338/50-339 Washington, DC 20555 Mr. M. S.

Lesser NRC Sr. Resident Inspector North Anna Power Strition l

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