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Forwards Proprietary Fax Re Min Effort on Responding to on GSI & USI Guide for NRC Advanced LWR Review. Encl Withheld
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 07/08/1992
From: Fox J
To: Poslusny C
Shared Package
ML19303E941 List:
NUDOCS 9207300151
Download: ML20099B079 (4)


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Sp- oof GENuclewEnergy \


ABWFi Date .2/s /9 2.

To Fax No. -

che.i Po3 1u s m ///13 J

This page plus 8__ page(s)

From J o c. k Fox __.

Mail code 78 2.

175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Phone (408)925- 4 8 24 FAX (408)925-1193 or (408) 925-1687 Subject u s.1/c s a _

Message C%ek .

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. GE Nuclear Energy Jcly 7.1992 To: Jack Fox i:

1 rom:llan Seeh.v "' '


CSI & USI Resolutinn Comments for Tnble 19B.12

-The US! and GSI listed in Table 198.1-2 were reviewed and modified as necessary to show ABWR SSAR resolutions. The issues requiring modi 0 cations were those that referenced Tables 1.819,1.8-20 and 1,8-22 for resolution. Although these tables support '

the NRC resolutions, they do not address specific ABWR design commitments.

Each issue was reviewed and referenced to the most appropri.4te SSAR section. The following sections clarity several issues hsted in the table. This information will be incorporated into the SSAR as appropriate, ISSUE 15 Radiation Effects on Reactor vessel Supports: ,

The AllWR uses a skirt type vessel support w hich is located belor lite bottom of active

fuel. Since the skirt is outside any high fluence regicas, radiation embrittlement is not anticipated.

ISSUE O Reliability of Air Sptems:

In addition to the specific SS AR sections descrit ing the design of air systems, several COI. applicant x;tions are required. These actions include verification that maintenance pract)ces, emerfency procedures and training are adequate.

ISSUE 87 bilure of HPCI Steam 1.ine W/O Isolation; '

Although the ABWR design does not use HPCI steam lines . the issue is relevant to other sy;tems including RWCU and RCIC. The in situ full now, full differential pressure testing many not be possible since DB A conchions may not be achievedJ Therefore, in-situ testing may be conditions. llowever, theperformed ABWR ITA at ACadoes lower differential require pressure verification of certified andvendor tiow than DBA documents that valves close against maximum differential pressure.

ISSUE Aal0 BWR Feedwater Nozzle Cracking:

Although not specifically stated in the SSAR, the feedwater nozzle is designed to L

minimite cracking concerns. The nozzle wiih thermal sleeve is shown in Figure 201 of-l the Reactor Vesse! Equipment Reqmrement Specifica; ion. The nozzle utilizes a welded -

in double thermal sleeve which prevents any leakage between the thermal sleeve and ,

L nozzle w hich may cause high cycle fatigue. This leakage induced cycling fatigue posed i

problems in preuous designs.- The purpose of the second outer thermal sleeve is to b

protect the nozzle bore from the shedding of subcuoted water from the inner therinal L

! sleeve. Successful wc!ded designs have been used in overseas BWRs without any cracking ..'


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ISSUE A 16 Steam Effects on DWR Core Spray Distributiom

- The ABWR does not have a core spray. The core spray has t,een replaced with a core ficoder design which climmates the concern of spray distribuhon.

4 ISSUE A.28 increase m Spent Fuel Pool Storage Capacity This issue regards the desclopment of acceptance criteria f or converting spent fuel storage pools to a high density design. Smte the ABWR is origmally designed for high density tuel as referenced in Table 198. l-2, this issue is not applicable.

ISSUE A 33 NEPA Review of Accident Risks:

GE bas supplied two documents to the NRC supporting its ubhgations under the National Environmental Policy Act NEPA. The fitst document is *EnvironmentalInformation _

. Submittal in Support of a Rulemaking Prciceeding Cerufying the ABWR Design under . l Part $2? This document provides environmentalinformanon to facthrate the '

Comnussion's prepar.ition of an enuronmental as>enment assocuted with the proposed  ;

action, narnely issuance of amendments to Parts 51 and $2 in a unitary rulemalang l proceeding for cettincation of the ABWR design and closure of severe accidems issues for i the ABWR design.. The second document n Technical Support Document for l'

Amendments to 10 C.F.R.'Part 51: Consideration of Severe Accidents under NEPA for Plants of ABWR Design.". This document provides the technical basis for amenda:cnt to .

Part SI torlose severe accident issues under NEPA. The amendments would orovide that further modifications to the ABWR design through the addnion of oi.e or more Sever Accident Mitigation Design Alternatnes (S AMDAs) are not necessary in order to satisfy NEPA, and that further NEPA consideration of severe accidents is not necersary in preparing applications or in issuing licenses for ABWR plants.

ISSUE A 39 Determination of SRV Pool Dynamic Loads and Temperature Limits in DWR Containtnent:

The issue will be included in SS AR appenda 38. The ABWR design does not specify plant operanon restrictions on steam mass Oux vs. local pool temperature map. Recent

studies (DWR Owners Group activity) have concluded that such plant operation restrictions are no longer needed. A previous GE transmittal (FAX,6/1/92 Fox to ,

Postusny) addresses and documents this issue, ISSUE B 55 Limprosed Reliability of Target Rock Safety Relief Valves: .


Although this issue is vendor specific and becomes n CdL applicant action item, the concern over pilot actuated reliet valves has been addressedc The ABWR design intends to use direct actuating safety relief valves (SRVs) as imphed in SS AR subsection $.2.2,4 Direct Actuating valves ehmmate the problems found in the Target Rock SRV design.

ISSUE B 56 Diesel Reliability; ,

in addition to the ADWR design items referenced in Table 19B.12, the COL applicant is t required to address NUREG/CR 0600 to resche ihn inue. SS AR subseClion 8.1.4 addresses the COL appbcant a:tions.

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IS$11E IF70 Power Grid Fretttienn and Effect on Primary Reactor Coolant Pumps:

.This issue will be meorporated into'SS AR Chaptei 8 This wil) include establishing a ,

design tequirement that the 0)wheci for the MG set be doigned to provide suf6cient  !

energy to mamtain opercSon of the ASDs for three seconds donng a coast down that stif ts at no more than $8 cycles per second. This frequency was choscri because power ,

systems can be expected to egrienec and recostt from snuations where the frequency  ;

has dropped at low as $8.2 cnics pet second. Al>u, a top of the supply breaker on 60w '

MG set speed and rev. tse power now will tx provided.

ISSUE C 01 Assurance of Contmued Long Term Capabihty of Hermette Seals of instrumentation and Electrierj Equipment: '

in addition to the scetions listed in the ADWR SS AR, there is a COL apnlicani acoon item to prov.Je sorseill.ince testing of the equipnwnt. [



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