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Revised Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
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Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1984
Shared Package
ML20095B588 List:
PROC-840810, NUDOCS 8408220168
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        . ~- g ,                       ' Attachment 2 Offsito Data Cciculcticn M:nual Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2
Philadelphia Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-352 E 50-353 1

9 5 t I l i


1 l V 8408220168 840815 DR ADOCK 050003sg m u 1 AUG 101984 !

         "       ~ - - - - - - - - -   , , _ , , . _ , _ . . . _ , ,,

Tablo sf Cantento I. Purpose II.~ Liquid Pathway Dose Calculat ions A. Surveillance Requirement B. Surveillance Requirement C. Surveillance Requirement III. G:seous Pathway Dose Calculations A. Surveillance Requirement B. Surveillance Requirement C. Surveillance Requirement D. Surveillance Requirement IV. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Dose Assessment'- 40 CFR 190 A. Surveillance Requirement B. Surveillance Requirement V. Calendar Year Dose Calculations A. Unique Reporting Requirement VI. R diological Environmental Monitoring Program A. Surveillance Requirement 4.12.1 VII. Effluent Radiation Monitor Setpoints VIII. B:ses IX. Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Flow Diagrams 4 AUG 101984


I. Purnose The purpore of the Of f site Dose Calculation Mariual is to cotablish methodologies and procedures f or calculat ing

   . doses to individual- in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to radioactive effluent from Limerick G:nerating Station and establishing setpoints for radioactive affluent monitoring instrumentation. The ecsults of these calculations are required to determine cropliance with Appendix A to Operating Licenses (numbers to be assigned), " Technical Speci f icat ion and Bases f or Limerick Generating Station Units No. I and 2.

II. L inuld Pat hway Dose Calcuations A. Surveillance Reautrement - L lauld Radwest e Release Comollance with 10CFR20 L imit s Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2 have one common discharge point f or liquid releases. The following calculat ion assures t hat t he redweste release Ilmits are met.

        ~ The flow rate of Ilquid radwaste released f rom the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be such that the concentration of radioactive material af ter dilution shall be limited to the concentration specified in 10 CFR 20.lO6(a) for radionuclides other than the dissolved or entrained noble gases and the concentration listed on Technical Specification Table for all dissolved or entrained noble gases as specified in Technical Specification
         .Each tank of radioactive waste is sampled prior to release and is quantitatively analyzed for-identifiable gamma emitters as specified in Table 4.11-1 of _ the Technical Specificat ion. From this geen.a isotopic analysis the maximum permissible release flow rate is determined as follows:

Determine a Dilution Factor hv Dilution Factor : j{,uCi/mli MPCI i uCl/ml i = t he act ivity of each ident ified gamma emitter in uCl/mi o AUG 101984

n MFCI : The MFC sp:cified in 10 CFR 20, Apprndix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other , than dissolved or entrained noble gases or t he concentrat ions listed on Technical Specification Table for dissolved or entrained noble gases. Any unidentified concentration is assigned an NPC value of IX10-7 uCi/ml. Determine the Maximum Permissible Release Rate with this Dilut ion Factor hv Release Rate (gpm)  : A B X Dilution Factor A = The cooling tower blowdown volume which will provide dilution. Maximum flow rate is 10,000 gpm. B: margin of assurance which includes consideration of the maximum error in the activity setpoint and the maximum error in the flow setpoint. B. Surveillance Reauirement Dose contributions from liquid effluents released to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be calculated using the equation below. This dose calculation uses as a minimum those appropriate radionuclides listed in Table II.A.1. These radionuclides account for virtually 100 percent of the total body dose and bone dose from liquid effluents. m . D t i h IT i { 1 t 1 C il F 1-where: D  : the cumulative dose commitment to the total body or any organ,1P , from liquid effluents for the total time period m , in mrom

                                                ]~ AL t i: 1       I J1t     : the length of the Ith time period over which 1     C     and F are averased for the liquid release, il       1 in hours.

C = the average cone.entration of radionuclide, 1, 11 in undiluted liquid ef fluent during t ime period Jbt from any liquid release, (determined by the effluent sampling analysis program, Technical Specification Table, in uCl/ml. k A l.lG 1 0 138 4

A-  : the site related ingestion dose commitment 11F f actor to the total body or organ,77, f or each radionuclide listed in Table II.A.1, in mrem-m1 per hr-uCl. See Site Specific Data.** F = the near field average dilution f actor f or 2 C during any liquid effluent release. 11 Defined as the ratio of the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the average flow f rom the discharge structure to the Schuylkill River. II.C Surveillance Reautrement 4.11.1,3.1 Projected dose contributions from liquid effluents shall be c=lculated using the methodology described in Sect ion II.B. To estimate expected concentration of the various radionuclides (C4 g) in the undiluted liquid affluent, the duration of liquid release (At), and the near field average dilution factor (F ), the expected plant operating status chall be reviewed.f If no operational changes are expected which would af f ect C g , At e or Fj the same values as used to evaluate Section II.B may be used. If any operational changes are expected during the following 31 days which could affect Cg , At or Fj , the values used shall be based on plant history. During the initial stages of plant operation, the values for C// , at, cnd Fj as given in LGS FSAR Section 11.2 and EROL Section 5.2 may be used. 1 i 1 03 See Note 1 in Bases 5 AUG 101984


TABLE II.A.1 LIQUID EFFLUENT INGESTION DOSE FACTORS (Decay Corrected) A Dose Factor (mrem-ml per br-uci) (T

 .Radionuclide                  Total Bodv                  Bone C3-137                       3.42x105                  3.82x105 Cc-134                       5.79x105                  2.98x105 P-32                         5.fix104                  2.05x105 Cc-136                       8.42x10'                  2.97x10' Zn-65                        3.32x109                  2.31x10' Sr-90                        1.35x105                  5.52x105 H-3                          3.29x10-8
  • N;-24 1.35x102 1.35x102 I-131 1.16xlO2 1.40x102 C;-60 5.70x102 e I-133 1.23x108 2.31xlOf F;-55 1.06x102 6.61x102 Sr-89 6.36x102 2.21x10' Tc-129m 1.70x103 1.08xt0*

Mn-54 8.34x102 8.34x102

  'CE-58                        2.00x102                      e FO-f9                        9.26xt02                  1.02xt03 Tc-131a-                     3.88x102                  9.53x102 80-140                       1.33x101                  2.03x102 Tc-132                       1.21x103                  1.99x103 NOTE: The listed dose f actors are for radionuclides that may be d:tected in liquid effluents and have significant dose c:nsequences. These factors are decayed for one day to cecount f or the t ime between ef fluent release and ingest ion of fish by the maximum exposed individual.

O There is no bone dose factor given in R.G. 1.109 f or these nuclides, f 1 AUG 101384

III. : Ganeous Pat hway Dose Calculations Ttm controling receptor locations for the gaseous pathway dase calculations are based on a land-use census performed in 1975 to 1976 which has been periodically updated. The i esst recent update was in 1983. A. Surveillance Reautrement The dose rate in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to radioactive materials released in gaseous af fluents shall be determined by the expressions , below: Noble Gases The dose rate from radioactive noble gas releases shall be determined by either of two methods. Method (a), the Isotopic Analysis Method, utilizes the results of noble gas analysis required by specification and Method (b), the Gross Release Method, assumes that all noble gases released are the most limit ing nuclide-Kr-88 f or total body dose and Kr-87 for skin dose. For normal operations, it is expected that method (a) will be used. However, if isotopic release data are not available method (b) can be used. Method (a) 4 allows more operating flexibility by using data that more accurately reflect actual releases, j a. Isotopic Analysis Method D  : j[(K (X/4) 4 ) TB i i v Iv D = 2(((L + 1.1M ) (X/Q) I s i i i v where: The location is the site boudary, 762m ESE from the vents. This location results in the highest l calculated dose to an individual from noble gas l releases, l i D  : total body dose rate, in mrem /yr. TB D  : skin dose, in mrem /yr. t _7 AUG 101984

K  : the tstal b:dy deco fcctar dua to games i . emissions fer each identified noble gas redlonuclide. Values are listed on Table III.A.1 and are taken from R.G. 1.109, in mrom/yr per uCl/m3, (X/Q). ': 6.29xte*7 sec/m3; the highest calculated v annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY f or all

                    . vent releases (ESE boundary).

9  : the release rate of noble gas radionuclide, Iv 1, in gaseous effluents from all vent releases determined by isotopic anlaysis averaged over one hour, in uCl/sec. L = the skin dose factor due to beta emissions i for each identified noble gas radionuclide.

                    ' Values are listed on Table III.A.1 and are taken from R.G. 1.109, in mrom/yr per uCi/m3 M             : the air dose f actor due to gamma emissions i             for each identified noble gas redlonuclide.

Values are listed on Table III.A.t and are taken from R.G. l.109, in mead /yr per uCl/m3 1.1  : unit conversion, converts air dose to skin dose, mrom/ mrad.

b. Gross Release Method D  : K (X/Q) Q TB V HV D = (L + 1.lM) (X/0) 4 s NV where:

The location is the site boundary, 762m ESE f rom the vents. This location results in the highest calculated dose to an individual form noble gas releases. D = total body dose rate, in mrom/yr. TB D = skin dose rate, in mrem yr. s K  : 1.47x10% mrem /yr per uCl/m3s the total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for Kr-88 (Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1). I AllG 101984

                                 .    .. _ _ - - _ ._     . _ _ . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   ___ _ . . _ _ _ _ _

(X/9) = 6.29x10-7 ssc/o3 t he highest cciculeted j v annual average relative concentration for i any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY for all vent releases (ESE boundary). L i 9  : the gross release rate of noble gases in MV gaseous effluents from vent releases determined by gross activity vent monitors averaged over one hour, in uCl/sec. L = 9.73xt03 mrom/yr per Cl/m3; the skin dose  ; factor due to beta emissions for Kr-87 (Reg. t Guide 1.109. Table B-1). M = 6.17x103 mrad /yr per uCl/m3; the air dose factor due to gemma emissions for Kr-87 (Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1).

2. Iodine-131, lodine-133, tritium, and radioactive materials in perticulate form, other than noble gases, with half-lives greater than eight days:

D = (CF) P IW h 1 , T I i v iv i where: The location is the site boundary, 762m ESE from the f vents. D = dose rate to the thyrold, in mrom/yr. T

CF = 1.023 the correct ion f actor accounting f or ,

the use of lodine-131 and lodine-133 in lieu of all redlonuclides released in gaseous , effluents. i P = 1.62x107 mrom/yr per uCl/m3; the inhalat ion , I-131 dose parameter for I-131 inhalat ion pat hway. The dose factor is based on the critical Individual organ, thyrold, and most restrictive age group, child. All values are from Reg. Guide 1.109 (Tables E-5 and E-9).s* P s 3.85x104 mrom/yr per uCl/m3 s the inhalat ion r 1-133 dose parameter for 1-133 inhalation pathway. Tho' dose factor is based on the critical Individual organ, thyrold, and most restrictive - age group, child. All values are from Reg. ' Guide 1.109 (Tables E-5 and E-9).## CO- See Note 2 in Bases AUG 101984

W s 5.27x10-7 tec/a s s the highest calculatcd v ennual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the SITE B0UNDARY for all vent releases (ESE boundary). k a the release rate of lodine-131 and/or IV lodine-133 in gaseous effluents from all vent releases, determined by the affluent  ! sampling and analysis program (Technical Specification Table 4.4.2) in uCl/sec. III.B Burveillance Ranulemment 4 11.2.2 The air dose in areas at and beyond the SITE SOUNDARY due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents shall be determined by the expressions below. The dose rate f rom radioactive noble gas releases shall be determined by eit her of two met hods. Met hod (a), the Itotopic Analysis Met hod, ut ilizes the results of noble gas analysis required by specification and, Met hod (b), the Gross Release Method, assumes that all noble gases released are the most Ilmiting nuclide

                          - Kr-84.for total body dose and Kr-47 f or skin done.

Fcr normal operations, it is expected that method (a) will be used. However, if isotopic release data are not cvallable method (b) can be used. Met hod (a) allows more cperating flexibility by using data that more accurately reflect actual releases.

1. for gamma radiation
e) Isotopic Analysis Method D y a 3.17xig e [ M (X/4) 4 i*I v Iw where


!                               The locat ion is t he SITE BOUNDARY, 762m ESE f rom the
vents. This location results in the highest calculated gamma air dose froa noble gas releases.

i. wheres t ' l Dy a gamma air dose, in mead. t 3.17xit*e a years per second. l l AUG 10 884

I L . . M s the cir domo fcctse dua to gamma emisslano i for each identified noble gas radionuclide. Values are listed on Tsale III.A.I and are taken from R.G. 1.109 in mrad /yr per uCl/m3 (X/4)

  • 6.29x10*F sec/m3s the highest calculated

! V average relative concentration from vent releases f or any area at or beyond the SITE I BOUNDARY. t = the release of noble gas radionuclides, I, IV in geseous effluents from all vents as determined by isotopic analysis, in uCl. Releases shall be cumulat ive over the calendar quarter or year, as appropriate. l

b. Gross Release Met hod Dy a 3.17x10 e (M (X/Q) 4) i v v i

mh.,., L The location is the SITE BOUNDARY 762m ESE f rom the vents. This location results in the highest calculated gamma air dose from noble gas releases. l Dy

  • gamma air dose, in mrad.

3.17x10*8 s years per second. . M a 1.52x104 mrad /yr per uCl/m3s the air dose I factor due to gamma emissions for Kr-88 (Reg. Guide 1.109 Table 8-1). (X/4)

  • 6.29x10
  • F sec/m3s t he highest calculated V annual average relative concentration l from vent releases for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

4 s the gross release of noble gas redlo-l v nuclides in gaseous effluents from al! ! vents, determined by gross activity vent monitors, in uCl. Releases shall be cumulative over the celender quarter or year as appropriate. j h r i I l


L AUG 101984 i L

2. fcr beto radiction
a. Isotopic Analysis Dg 3.17x10**[ N (X/Q) Q l*I v II where The location is the SITE BOUNDARY 762m ESE f rom the vents. This location is the highest calculated gamma air dose from noble gas releases. .

3.17x10-e = years por second. N  : the air dose factor due to beta omissions i for each identified noblo gas radionuclide. Values are listed on Tablo III.A.I and are tsken from Reg. Guide 1.109, in mrad /yr por uCl/m3 (X/Q) = 6.29x10-7 soc /m3s the highest calculated v annual averago relativo concentration from vont roloases for any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY. 9  : the release of noble gas radionucilde, iv 1, in gaseous affluents from all vents as determined by isotopic analysis, in uCl. Roloases shall be cumulative over the colondar quarter or year, as appropriate,

b. Gross Release Method D 3.17x10-e H (X/Q) Q k v v whore:

The location is the SITE BOUNDARY 762m ESE from the vonts. This location results in the highest calculated gamma air dose from noblo gas releases. D = beta air dose, in mrad. g 3.17x10-e = years por second. H = 1.03x109 mrad /yr per uCi/m3s the air dose factor due to bota emissions for Kr-87 (Reg. Guido 1.109 Table B-1). (X/Q) = 6.29xt0*F soc /m3; tho highest calculated v annual averago rotativo concontration from vont releases for any area at or beyond the  ; SITE BOUHDARY. AUG 10 004

9  : the gross release of noble gas radionuclides v in gaseous effluents from all vents determined by gross activity vent monitors, l in uCl. Releases shall be cumulative over the calender quarter or year, as appropriate.  ; l III.C Surveillance Reautrement The dose to an individual from Iodine-131. Iodine-133, tritium, and radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases with half-lives greater t han eight days in gaseous effluents released to creas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be determined by the f ollowing expression:


D = 3.17 x le-o (CF) (0,5)][ R W 9 I~I v IV where Lccation is the critical pat hway dairy 1770m ESE f rom v:nts. D = critical organ dose, thyroid, from all pathways, in mrom. 3.17x10-e = years per second. CF  : 1.00s the correction factor accounting for the use of Iodine-131 and Iodine-133 in lieu of all radionuclides released in gaseous affluents. 0.5 = f raction of ladine releases which are nonelemental. R  : 9.51x108'm2 (mrom/yr) per uCl/ sect the dose I-131 factor for Iodine-131.- The dose factor is based I on the critical individual organ, thryoid, and most restrictive age group, infant. See Site Specific R = 8.13x10'm2 (mrom/yr) per uCl/sec; the dose factor I-133 factor for Iodine-133. The dose factor is based i on the critical individual organ, thyrold, and j most restrictive age group, infant. See Site Specific Data.## - W = 3.93xt0 se meters as (D/Q) f or t he f ood v pathway for vent releases. EO See Note 3 in Bases AUG 101984 f-a - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _-- _ __ _ . -___

9-  : the releamo of Isdina-131 and/sr Isdins-133 IV determined by the ef fluent sampling and analysis program (Technical Specification Table in uCl. Releases shall be cumulative over the calender quarter or year, as appropriate. III.D Surveillance Reautrement The projected doses f rom releases of gaseous ef fluents to creas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be calculated in accordance with the following sections of this manuals

o. gamma air dose - III.B.1
b. beta air dose - III.B.2
c. organ dose - III.C The projected dose calculat ion shall be based on expected releases from plant operation. The normal release pat hways result in the maximum releases f rom the plant. Any citernative release pathways result in lower releases and therefore lower doses.

To est imate the expected releases of noble gases and rcdlolodines in gaseous offluents, the expected plant aperating status shall be reviewed. If no operational changes are expected whcih would af fect the magnitude or type of releases t he same values used to evaluate Sect ions III.B.1, III.B.2 and III.C may be used. If any operational changes are expected during the f ollowing 31 days which could af f ect the magnitude or type of releases, the values used shall be based on plant history. During the initial stages of plant operation the values for releases expected as given in LGS FSAR Section 11.3 may be used. s -i4- { MIG 101984

e . TABLE III.A.1 DOSE FACTORS FOR EXPOSURE TO A SEMI-IHFINITE CLOUD OF HOBLE CASES Nuclide f-str#(NI) /I-Skin ##(LI) I'-Air #(MI) 7'-Bodv##(KI) Kr-83a 2.88E-04### --- 1.93E-05 7.56E-08 Kr-85m 1.97E-03 1.46E-03 1.23E-03 1.17E-03 Kr-85 1.95E-03 1.34E-03 1.72E-05 1.61E-05 Kr-87 1.03E-02 9.73E-03 6.17E-03 5.92E-03 Kr-88 2.93E-03 2.37E-03 1.52E-02 1.47E-02 sKr-89 1.06E-02 1.01E-02 1.73E-02 1.66E-02 iKr-90 7.83E-03 7.29E-03 1.63E-02 1.56E-02 X;-131a 1.11E-03 4.76E-04 1.56E-04 9.15E-05 X;-133m 1.48E-03 9.94E-04 3.27E-04 2.51E-04 X;- 133 1.05E-03 3.06E-04 3.53E-04 2.94E-04 X;-135m 7.39E-04 7.11E-04 3.36E-03 3.12E-03 X;-135 2.46E-03 1.86E-03 1.92E-03 f.8tE-03 X;-137 1.27E-02 1.22E-02 1.5tE-03 1.42E-03 X;-138 4.75E-05 4.13E-03 9.21E-03 8.83E-03 Ar-41 3.28E-03 2.69E-03 9.30E-03 8.84E-03

  • mrad-m3 pCl yr C#mrom m3 pCl yr CC 2.88E-04 = 2.88 x 10**



Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, October 1977 I s hII@ $ 0 $}@A

IV. TOTAL DOSE A. Surveillance Reautrement If the doses as calculated by the equations in this manual do not exceed the limits given in Technical Specifications 3.II.l.2.a, 3.11.2.b, 3.11.2.a,, or 3.II.2.3.b by more than two times, the conditions of Technical Specification have been met. B. Surveillance Reautrement If the doses as calculated by the equations in this manual exceed the limits given in Technical Specifications 3.II.1.2.a. 3.fl.1.2.b, 3.II.2.2.a,, or by more than two tim 6r, the maximum dose or dose commitment to a real individual shall be determined utilizing the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109,

            " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluat ing Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977. Any deviationg f rom t he methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109 shall be documented in the Special Report to be prepared in accordance with Technical Specification

The cumulative dose contribution from direct radiation , f rom the two reactors at the site and f rom radwaste storage shall be determined by the following methods: Cumulative dose contribution from direct radiation : Total dose at the site of interest (as evaluated by TLD measurement) - Mean of background dose (as evaluated by TLD's at background sites) - Effluent contribution to dose (as evaluated above). This evaluation is in accordance with AHSI/AHS 6.6.1-1979 Section 7. The error using this method is estimated to be approximately 8%. AUG 101984 L

       .V.A- Uniaue Renortina Reautrement ( - Dose Calculations f or t he Radioact ive Ef fluent Release EBQ9E.L The assessment of radiation doses for the radiation dose assessment report shall be performed utilizing the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109,
             " Calculation of Annual Dosos to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977. Any deviations from the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109 shall be documented in the radiat ion dose assessment report.

The meteorological conditions concurrent with the time of release of radioactive materials (as determined by sampling frequency of measurement) or approximate methods shall be used as input to the dose model. The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall be submitted within 60 days af ter January 1 of each year. VI.A Surveillance Reauirement 4.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table VI. A.1 f rom the i locations shown on Figures VI.A.1, VI.A.2 and VI.A.3 and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table 3.12-1. l AUG 101984


1. Direct 48 LOCATIONS (a3 TLD sites were chosen in asserdance Radiation (a) INNER RING LOCATIONS with Limerick Senerating Station's 13 Evergreen E Senatoga Road 3658 N 9.6 Technical Spesifications Table 3.12-7.
2) Sanatoga Road 351 NNE 4.6 Iten 1. The inner ring and outer '
3) Possun Nellou Road 551 NE 0.4 ring stations sever all sosters.

43 Ess Trainias Center 751 ENE 8.5

5) Eeen need test E 4.5 The control and spostal interest
6) LES Information Center 1951 ESE 4.5 stations provide information en "J ) Lenssion Road. SE Sester 1951 SE 0.6 population senters and other spesial Site Boundary interest leentions. '

43 Leagviou Road. SSE Sector 1652 SSE 0.6 Site Soundary 95 Beitread Track Along 18St S 8.3 Longview Seed

10) Impounding Basin. SSM 2131 SSW S.5 Sector Site Boundary
11) Transmission Temer. 35 23S2 SW e.5 Sester Site Boundary
12) MSN Sester. Site soundary 2551 MSW 0.5 133 Mateerelegical Tener 2 Site 2633 u 9.4 ft) IING Sester Site Soundary 2951 WNM 0.5 153 3Ms Seater Site Boundary 32S1 NW 8.6
16) Rateerelegical Teuer 1 Site 3452 Muu e.6 OWTER RING LOCATIONS 13 Biaging Beck Substation 35F1 M 4.2
2) Laughing Maters SSC 2Et NME 5.1 33 meiffer Road 4E1 NE 4.6
4) Pheasant Reed. Game Farn 7El INE 4.2 Site

. 53 Transmission Corrider. 10Et E 3.9 63 Trappe Substation 10F3 ESE 5.5

7) vaughn Substation 13E1 SE 4.3 83 Fikoland Substation 16Ft SSE 4.9 93 Shouden Substation 1981 S 3.6 ISS Sheeder Substation 20Ft SSW 5.2 113 Porter's Mill Substation 2431 SM 3.9 128 Transmission Corrider. 2591 WSu 4.0 Reifecker and Eoin Streets
13) Transmission Corrider. 2032 W 3.4

_ M. Cedarville Road 143 Prince Street 29E1 WNW 4.9 ISD Peplar Substation 3192 MW 3.9 163 Yarnell Road 34E1 NNM 4.6

                                                                            ' ll                                                                                                                            ~


             ..                                                                                                                                                                          q CeWTeet SAS SPSCIEE INTESEST SeCST3 ems                                                                                                                                       ,1 13 Cf.coh Substcties (sentrs13   Sat                  NE     35.8                                                                              _'
                  ,                       33  Potteteen Leading Field     .6C1                  ENE    3.1 33 Seed Boed                    .9C1                  E      3.3 43 Eing Seed                      13C1'               SE     3.9 53 Systes City Sebetaties       -1581                 SE     3.3 63 Einiteld Seheteties            1731                S      t.6
                                        '73 311&s moede Seed               Seti                 SSN    3.I S3 Einsola Sahetation            3191                 Nu     3.0 5 18C473855
              '3. Siebesme                13 seen Seed                      1953                E      S.5     lb3 These stations provide der sevesage 33 548 Emiesmetten Centes         1938                ESE    0.5         ei the highest amamel geomme level medictediae and 33 Leagwies Beed                        1989                SE     9.6         D/t, and a senteel locaties. Radie-Pastiselates          43 Etas seed                      13Cl                SE     3.9         tedine eastridges shich have been (b)                   53 3309 Wasket Stseet.           1984                 SE     38.8        tested des perieseense by the Ph&1adelphia, Pa teemtsel)                                            messiastuser ase used at all times
3. Isotesbesas to) 9 SecaTIces tot att susiese and drinking stations beoe -

esattamous semplets. Seafase 13 timerket Intehe toestroll 3481 Resu 9.3 33 11 mite &d tsiege 1483 SSE 1.1 Sseemd 13 ESS Iciessettee Centes 118I ESE S.5 33 Seeth Seetes Fase IBear Site Ital S 1.8 Ss4=h w 13 We =ville unter teesks 15F7 SSE 5.3 33 Pottetesa mates authesity SSFS umu 5.9 toestsell

                                        . 33 Philadelebte Sehmsham teater  15F9                SSE     7.4 CeePeaf 43 Cittsees seen mates compear   16C3                SSE     3.4 Sedieset Psee         Il g&aseet Das poet asee         16C9                 S      1.9 Shese11ae 4 Ingestica              6 54C&T5 ems aita (43              13 centset Stettee               33Ft                                til Milk senyles are taken free seeeset 33                               Sct                                     isses surgomading ESS. These seres 33                               981                                     tastede these eith the highest dose 43                               1791                                    potentist isee ubisk semples ese routinely available. as esm11 as a samtsel staties. The loestions of the fases is met listed hose 1m due to a longstandtag agreseemt esith the f armers ineelsed. In setusa for botas altoesed to semple and analyse t&e salt, PEco has ogseed met to divulge the locaties of l

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l /0 mile.s l FIGURE - VI. A.3

       . 4 VII. Effluent' Radiation Monitor Setooint Calculations A.      Liquid Effluents
1. Radweste Discharge Line Radiation Monitor -

Monitor alarm setpoints will be determined in order to assure compliance with 10CFR20. The setpoints will indicate if the concentration of radionuclides in the liquid ef fluent at the site boundary is approaching the concentrations specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 f or radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. The setpoints will also assure that a concentrations listed on Technical Specificaticn Table for dissolved or entrained noble gases is not exceeded. The following method applies to liquid releases f rom the plant via the cooling tower

                     . blowdown line when determining the high-high alarm setpoint for the Liquid Redwaste Effluent Monitor during all operational conditions. When the high-high alarm setpoint is reached or exceeded, the releases will be automatically terminated,
a. The setpoint for the Liquid Radweste Effluent monitor will be calculated as follows:
1. Determine C t

C = j[C x D t i

                                         )( l MPCg where C          = concentrat ion at the liquid radweste discharge line i           monitor (prior to dilution to assure 10CFR20.106 limits are not exceeded; uCi/cc
     )[C           = total concentration of liquid offluent discharge i           prior to dilution with cooling tower blowdowns uCi/cc 3          :  margin of safety factor to assure that the high-high alarm will terminate the discharge bef ore 10CFR20 limits are exceeded.

!- Ci  : sum of the rat io of the isotopic concentrations MPC divided by their respective NPC. I AUG 101984

D = dilution f actor due to blowdown f rom the cooling tower; calculated by dividing the total flow l (cooling tower blowdown plus radwaste discharge l flow) by the radweste discharge flow. l l

2) Determine C.R.

C.R. : C 1 t E where C.R. = the calculated monitor count rate above background attributable to the radionuclides CPS E = the detection efficiency of the monitors uCl/cc/ cps.

3) The monitor high-high alarm setpoint above background should be set at the C.R. value,
b. The monitor high-high alarm setpoint will be calculated monthly. The calculation will be based on isotopes dotected in the liquid redweste . sample tanks during the previous month. If there were no isotopes detected during the previous month then the annual average concentrations (EROL Table 3.5-3) of those isotopes listed in Table II.A.I will be used to determine the setpoint. If the calculated setpoint is less than the existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint will be reduced to the new value. If the calculated setpoint is greater than the existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint may remain at the lower value or increased to the new value.
2. Plant Service Water Monitor - Monitor alarm setpoint will be determined in order to be able to identify and rectify any potential problem due to excessive leakage of heat exchangers. This  ;

setpoint results in concentrations at the site boundary far below 10CFR20, Appendix B Table II limits. The service water side of the fuel pool heat exchangers is kept at higher pressure on the shell side to prevent potential radioactive contamination of the service water. ( AUG 101984

o. The octp2 int fsr the Plant Servica Wster monitor will be calculated as follows:
1. Determine C
                                                              ][C x D C-   :

t i C MPC; where C = concentration at the plant service water monitor t (prior to dilution to assure 10CFR20.iO6 limits are not excoceed; uCl/cc

                     = total concentration of primary coolant prior to
    }IC i dilution with plant service water flow uCi/cc y Cl             : sum of the ratio of the isotopic concer'. cations L MPC                       divided by their respective NPC.

I D-  : dilution factor due to ratio of primary coolant leakage into service water to service water flow calculated by dividing the primary leakage by the service water flow.

2) Determine C.R.

C.R. : C t E where: C.R.  : the calculated monitor count rate above background attributable to the radionuclides; CPM E  : the detection efficiency of the monitor; uCi/cc/ CPM.

3) The monitor high alarm setpoint above background should be set at the C.R.

value. 1 i i 1 4 l l AUG 101984 l 1 l

b. The acnitor high alarm satpsint will be calculated monthly. The calculation will be based on isotopes detected in reactor water during the previous month. If the calculated setpoint i s les s t han t he existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint will be reduced to the new value. I f t he calculated setpoint is greater than the existing setpoint, the setpoint may remain at the lower value or increased at the new value.
3. RHR Service Water Monitor - Monitor alarm setpoints will be determined in order to assure compliance with 10CFR20. The setpoints will indicate-if the concentration of radionuclides in the liquid ef fluent at the site boundary is approaching the concentrat ions specif ied in f
              '10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. The setpoints will also assure that a concentrations listed on Technical Specification Table for dissolved or entrained noble gases is not exceeded. The following method applies to liquid releases from the plant to the spray pond when determining the high-high alarm setpoint f or the RHR Service Water Monitor during all operational conditions.

When the high alarm setpoint is reached or exceeded, the releases will be automatically terminated.

a. The setpoint for the RHR Service Water monitor will be calculated as follow::
1. Determine C t

t i 3 C MPC[ where: C = concentration at the RHR service water monitor.

t. (prior to dilution to assure 10CFR20.106 limits are not exceeded; uCi/cc y ][C = total' concentration of RHR service water discharge i prior to dilut ion with spray pond volume;- uCl/cc j i AUG 101984
  .. a   ,

3 = margin of scfety f acter to saeuro that the high-

                   ' high alarm will terminate the discharge bef ore 10CFR20 limits are exceeded.
  - Cl          - : sum o f t he rat io o f t he isotopic concentrations MPC              divided by their respective MPC.

i _ l 5

2) Determine C.R. -

C.R. : C where C.R.  : the calculated monitor count rate above background attributable to the radionuclides; CPM E  : the detection ef ficiency of the monitor; uCl/cc/ CPM.

3) The monitor high-high alarm setpoint above background should be set at the C.R. value.
b. The monitor high-high alarm setpoint will be calculated monthly. The calculation will be based on isotopes detected in the tanks during the previous month. If there were no isotopes detected during the previous month then the annual average concentrations (EROL Table 3.5-3) of those isotopes listed in Table II.A.i will be used to determine the setpoint. If the calculated setpoint is less than the existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint will be reduced to the new value.

j If the calculated setpoint is greater t han the existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint may remain at the lower value or increased to the new value. l t i' B. Gaseous Effluents

i. North and South Stack Vent Radiation Monitors -

Monitor alarm setpoints will be determined in l order to assure compliance with 10CFR20. The setpoints will indicate if the dose rate at or beyond the site boundary due to radionuclides in the gaseous effluent released from the site is 1 AUG 101984

J ~ w-~ -e - a - e


approsching 500 mrem /yr to thm whole body and 3000 mrem /yr to the skin from noble gases, or 1500 mrem /yr to the thyroid f rom I-131 and I-133 (inhalat ion pat hway only) . The alarm setpoint for the gaseous effluent radiation monitors will be calculated as~follows:

a. North and South Stack Vent Noble Gas Channel
1) Determine C t

C 2.12E-3 Q t t F where C = the concent rat ion at _the vent noble gas radiat ion t monitor which indicates that the 10CFR20 dose rate limit at the site boundary has been reached; uCi/cc 2.12E-3 : unit conversion factor to convert uCi/sec/CFM to uCi/cc.

    -Q          = the total release rate of all noble gas radio-t         nuclides in the gaseous effluent (uCi/sec) based on the lower of either the whole body exposure limit (500 mrem /yr) or the skin exposure (3000 mrem /yr) Q will be calculated as shown t

in Attachment 1. Ff  : anticipated maximum vent flow rate; CFM

2) Determine the noble gas channel alarm setpoint (S )

N S VF C N i t 4 where: V F_ = fraction of total gaseous releases f or t he l' previous month that are f rom the release point of interest; e.g. north vent releases (north vent releases + south vent releases) AlJG 101984

b. Hseth End Ssuth Stack Vant Icdino Channal
1) Determine C t

C = 2.12E-3 9 t t F l where l C = t he concentrat ion at the vent iodine radiation t monitor which indicates that the 10CFR20 dose l rate limit at the site boundary has been reached; l uCl/cc. l I 2.12E-3 = unit converstion factor to convert uCl/sec/CFM to uCi/ce.  ! 9  : the total release rate of radiciodines in the

   .t        gaseous effluents (uci/ser) Q will be t

calculated as shown in Attachment 1. F = maximum antcipated vent-flows CFM.

2) Determine the iodine channel alarm setpoint (S )

I S : VF C I i t where: VF = fraction of icdine releases for the previous i month that are from the release point of interest; e.g. north vent releases (ncrth vent releases + south vent releases) k-i- AllR 101384

2. Tha monitor algra satpnints will bs calculstad monthly. These calculations will be based on isotopic analysis of releases made during the previous month. If there were no isotopes detected during the previous month then isotopic concentrations calculated from the expected annual average noble gas and iodine-131 and 133 Isotopic release rates (EROL Table 3.5-6) will be used to determine the setpoint. If any calculated setr eint is less than the exist ing monitor setpo.nt, the setpoint will be reduced to the new value. If the calculated setpoint is greater t han the exist ing value, the setpoint may remain at the lower value or increased to the new value.

Due to the f act that I-131 and I-133 comprise 98.5% of the total dose based on expected annual average releases (LGS FSAR Table 11.3-1) and particulates contribute a minor fraction of the total dose, a particulate channel setpoint will not be calculated for purposes of the ODCM.

3. Containment Purge Isolation
a. Monitor alarm setpoints will be determined f or the North Stack Vent Wide Range Gas

! Monitor to initiate closure of the containment purge supply and exhaust lines in the event that high radioactivity releases are detected. The setpoint will be determined to alarm and isolate containment in t he event t hat 10CFR20 dose rates at the

,                         site boundary are approached or exceeded.

The setpoint for the Wide Range Gas Monitor will be calculated as follows:

1) Determine C t

i C = 2.12E-3 Q t i F where: I . C = the concentration at the Wide Range Gas Radiation ! t Monitor which indicates that the 10CFR20 dose rate limit at the site boundary has been reached; uCi/cc t 2.12E-3 : unit conversion factor to convert uCi/cc/CFM to uCl/sec. AUG 101984

 .      i n 9                :      the total relcazo rcto of all nsble gas radienuclidas in the gaseous affluent (uci/sec) based on the lower of either the whole body exposure limit (500mrom/yr) or the skin exposure limit (3000 mrem /yr).

F  : maximum anticipated vent flow rates CFM.

2) Determine the Wide Range Gas Monitor trip setpoint (5 )

S  : VF CH H i t where: VF  : fraction of total gaseous releases f or t he i previous month that are f rom the release point of interest; e.g. north vent releases (north vent releases + south vent releases)

b. Prior to containment purge and venting, the monitor setpoint will be recalculated. The calculations will be based on the noble gases detected by isotopic analysis of the containment atmosphere. If the calculated setpoint is less than the existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint will be reduced to the new value. If the calculated setpoint
                                             ' is greater t han t he exist ing value, the setpoint may remain at the lower value or increased to the new value.

I A'lR 101984 l

            -                                                                   -___           --- _ - -                               m

ATTACHMENT 1 Q Calculations t

1. Q = 500 t(whole body) (X/Q) KS v 1 i where:

Q = the total release rate of a!! noble gas t radionuclides in the gaseous effluent; uCi/sec. (X/Q) = 6.29x10-7sec/m3; the highest calculated v annual average relative concentration for en area at or beyond the site boundary f or all vent releases (ESE boundary). K = whole body gamma dose factors due to noble i gases listed on Table III.A.1 (from Reg. Guide 1.109. Table B-1). S  : the fraction of the total radioactivity in the i gaseous effluent comprised by noble gas radionuclide "i".

2. 9 = 3000 t(skin) (X/Q) ][(L + 1.1M )S v i i i i (X/Q) = 6.29x10-7sec/m3; the highest calculated v annual average relative concentration for en area at or beyond the site boundary for all vent releases (ESE boundary).

L = beta skin dose f actor due to noble gases, i listed on Table III.A.1 (from Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1). M = air dose factor due to noble gases, i listed on Table III.A.1 (from Reg. Guide 1.109, Table B-1). S  : the fraction of the total radioactivity in the i gaseous effluent comprised by noble gase radionuclide "i". a

3. 0 = 1500 t(thyroid) (X/Q) ][P A d i i 4 33-AUG 101984 1

wheros-Q = the total release rate of radiolodines t in the gaseous effluent; uCi/sec. (X/Q) = 5.27x10-7sec/m3; the highest calculated d annual average depleted concentration for an area at or beyond the site boundary for all vent releases (ESE boundary). P = inhalation dose factor for child thyroid for i radiolodines mrem-m3 /uci yr, 1.62x10x107 for I-131 and 3.85x10' for I-133 A  : the fraction of the total radioactivity in the e i gaseous ef fluent (iodine channel) comprised by radionuclide "i". -VII. BASES Site Soecific Data Nato 1: Liquid dose factors, A, for section III.A were I developed using the following site specific data.

               . The liquid pat hways involved are drinking water and fish. The maximum exposed individual is an adult.

A  : (U /D + U x BF ) K x DF

          ' it            w w         F           i     0    i=

, U = 730 liters per year; maximum adult usage of w drinking water (Reg. Guide 1.109, Table 3-5). D  : 85; everage annual dilution at Phoenixville Water w Authority intake.

               =        21 kg per year; maximum adult usage of fish (Reg.

f U l- F Guide 1.109, Table E-5). BF : bloaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in fresh-

            .I          water fish. Reg. Guide 1.109, Table A-1, 6xcept P-32 which uses a value of 3.0E03 pCi/kg per pCi/ liter.


1.14x105(10' pCi/uCl x 103ml/kg x 8760 hr/yr) f K

! .0 units conversion factor. DF- : dose conversion factor for nuclide, i, for adults i in total body or bone, as applicable. Reg. Guide 1.109, Table E-II, except P-32 bone which uses a j value of 3.0x10-5 mrem /pCi ingested. l~ l AUG 101984 i

        .The dato far D w s taken from data publishsd in Limsrick G:norating Station Units I and 2 Environmental Ronort Doeratina License Staae, Volume 3.                      All other_ data except P-32 BF and DFi were used as given in Reg. Guide 1.109.

R vision 1, October 1977. A P-32 BFi value was taken f rom Kahn , B. and K. S. Turgelon, "Tho Bioaccumulation Factor f ar Phosphorus-32 in Edible Fish Tissue", HUREG-CR-1336, March, 1980. A P-32 DF value was taken from Limits for Intakes of Radionuclidos by Workers, International Ctmmission on Radiological Protection ICRP Publication 30, Supplement to Part 1, 1979. Nato 2: To develop constant P for Section III.A. the I-131 following data were used: P = K' (BR) (DFA)

  -I-131 K'       =      106 pCi/uci; unit conversion factor BR =           3700 m3/yr; child's inhalation rate.

DFA : 4.39x10-3 mrem /pCi; the thyroid inhalat ion I-131 dose factor for I-131 in the child. Tha p:t hway is the inhalation pathway for a child. All values are

 .tcken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision I, October 1977.

Nato 3: To develop constant R f or section III.C, the following site specific data were used: G R (D/4) : K'Q (U ) F x r x (DFL ) f (1-f ) hit i F ap m i a p se f A +A Y l- w p K' ' : 10'pCl/uci unit conversion factor 9  : 6Kg/ day; goat's consumption rate F i U = 330 1/yr; yearly milk consumption by an infant Cp l

         ).              9.97 x 10-7 sec-8 decay constant for I-131; i            9.48x10-8 for I-133.

3-  : 5.73 x 10-7 sec-1 decay constant for removal w of activity in leaf and plant surfaces. F = 6.0 x 10-z day / liter, the stable element a transfer coefficient for I-131. AUG 101984

e  : 1.0 frrcticn of dapsalted rcdioicdins retainrd in goat's feed grass. DFL = 1.39x10-2 mrem /pCl - the t hyroid ingest ion dose i factor for I-131 in the infant; 3.31x10-3 mrem / pCi for I-133. f  : 0.75; the f raction of theyear the goat is on p pasture (average of all farms). f  : 0.0; the f ract ion of goat f eed t hat is stored a feed while the goat ison pasture (average of all farms). Y  : 0.7 Kg/m2 - the agricultural productivity of p pasture feed grass. t  : 2 days - the transport t ime f rom pasture to goat, f to milk, to receptor. The pathway is the grass goat milk ingest ion pathway. These data were derived from data published in Limerick G1nerating Station Units 1 and 2 Environmental Report Doeratina Staae, Volume 3. All other data were used as given in Reg. Guide 1.109, Revision 1, October 1977. Similar data were used to develop the constant R for I-133. Hato 4: The methodology described herein will be implemented via computer codes. These codes have been verified as documented in:

1. G.A. Technologies, RM-21A Comoutational Models, Document No. E-115-1241, June 1984.
2. G. A. Technologies, Meteorolonical Monitorina, Disolen and Reportina Svstem/RM-21A, Document No.

0375-9032, January, 1984. Surveillance Reautrement L iould Pat hway Dose Calculations The cquetions f or calculat ing the doses due to the actual release

rstos of radioactive materials in liquid effluents were developed frc2 the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, 3C
lculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Recstar Ef fluents f or the Purpose of Evaluat ing Compliance with 10CFRPcrt 50, Appendix I", Revision I, October 1977 and HUREG-0133 " Preparation of Radiological Ef fluent lechnical
Sp;cifications for Nuclear Power Plants". October 1978.

i f AUG 10 TA4

Survalliance Reautrement and - Dose Noble Gases The cqust ions for calculat ing the doses due to t he actual release

 ,rctos of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents were "d:volep d from the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases pf Rscctor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977, NUREG-0133 "Preparat ion of Radiological Ef fluent Technical Sp;cifications for Nuclear Power Plants", October 1978, and Rcgulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric (Trantpart and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases
frca Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1. July 1977 with cite sp2cific dispersion curves and disperion methodolooy. The (Ep;cificd equations provide for determining the air doses in crass et and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY based upon the historical cycrsg2 atmospheric conditions.

.The diso due to noble gas release as calculated by the Gross Ralosso Method is much more conservat ive than the dose calculated by the Isotopic Analysis Method. Assuming the release rates givcn in Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Environmental j Rooort Doeratina License Staae, Volume 3, t he values calculated by tha Gross Release-Method for total body doso rate and skin

'dsso este are 4.8 times and 3.25 times, respect ively, the values
cciculcted by the Isotopic Analysis Method.

Far the Gross Release Method, Kr-87 and Kr-88 are used f or the

limit ing skin and total body dose f actors respect ively, due to half-life considerations. Kr-89, the nuclide with the highest dato fcctors per Regulatory Guide 1.109 Table B-1 has a half-life
'of 3.2 ninutes while the half-lives of Kr-87 and Kr-88 are 76 binutos and 2.8 hours respectively. Therefore, by ihe t ime t hat gasccus effluents have been transported offsite, Kr-89 will have d:caycd enough so that Ki-87 and Kr-88 are ef f ect ively the most flicitin2 nuclides.

The cadal Technical Specification LCO for all radionuclides and rcdissctive materials in particulate from and radionuclides other t ten nsble gases requires t hat t he instantaneous dose rate be

 !cso t han the equivalent of 1500 meem per year. For the purpose pf estculating this instantaneous dose rate, t hyroid dose f rom jisdine-131 and iodine-133 through the inhalation pathway will be vacd. Since the expected annual releases presented in LGS FSAR iTchlo -.11.3 indicate that iodine-131 and iodine-133 releases hava the ; major dose impact this approach is appropriate. The

.valua cslculated is multiplied by 1.02 to account for the thyroid l 'daea frem all other nuclides. This allows for expedited analysis $nd c01culation of compliance with the LCO. s' i 4 AUG 101984 l o l

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