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Informs That Dept of Army Licensees Will Implement New Final Rule Published in 910521 Fr for NRC Stds for Protection Against Radiation,Effective 930101,to Allow NRC to Publish Guides to Assist in Implementation of New Stds
Person / Time
Site: 05000047
Issue date: 06/11/1991
From: Walker L
To: Glenn J
Shared Package
ML20090L695 List:
NUDOCS 9203230077
Download: ML20090L696 (8)


02'20/92 16:45- 002 i l

- 1



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gg, 11 JUN 1991 j Dr. John E. Gidnn Chief, Medical and Commercial Use Safety Branch U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1411 Stop 6H3 One White Flint Washington, D. C- 20555

Dear Dr. Glenn:

The May 21, 1991, Federal Register published the final rule for-the Nuclear Regulatory Commission stand-ards for protection against radiation. T's Departmunt of Army licenseen will implement the new v.andard effec-tive January 1, 1993. .

The Army has chosen the January 1, 1993, implementa-

' tion date to allow the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to publish guides to assist in the implementation of the new standard and to kilow Army to institute policy changes -

required for implementation censistent.With those guidos.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Mr. John Rankin or Ms. Patricia Elker_with the-U.S. Army Huteriel= Command at (703) 274-9475.

Sincerely, Y

Lewis D. Walker Deputy Assistant secretary of the Army (Environment, $4fety and Occupational Health) ,

oA$A(I,L&E) .




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cf; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Coemission, Region I, ATTN Materials Licensing Branch, 475 Allendale Rd, King of-Prussia, PA 19406 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Coemission, Region II, ATTH: Materials Licensing tranch, 101 Mariotta St.,

_NW, Atlanta, CA 30323 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cocaission, Region III, ATTNt Materials Licencing Branch, 799 Roosovcit Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV, ATTN: Materials Licensing Branch, 611 Ryan Plaza

..I Drive, Suite IC00, Arlington, TX 76011 .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccamission, Region V, ATTNt Materials Licensing Branch, 1450 Haria Lane, Suite 210, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 .


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March 9, 1992 Mr. Peter Connetta

. Radiation Protection Office Army Materials Technical Lab 405 Arsenal Street Watertown, Massachusetts 02172 ,

Dear Mr. Connetta:

Enclosed are two copies of the Massachusetts General Hospital Transfer Agreement, signed by-Dr. Buchanan, tne General Director. In order to finalize the arrangement, simply sign both ccpies c Keep one for your files and return the other to:

Alasdair:K.T. Conn, MD Chief, Emergency Services Massachusetts General Hospital 32 Fruit Street Boston, Maasachusetts 02114 have any questions regarding the Agreement, please feel' free'to-call Dr. Conn at 724-4123.




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'ansferring Hospital) e purpose of this Ac;reecenteffective as o.W "IU4[I/ '" I'IE J -- E -

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is .o facilitate +'he apprcpr' ate

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^9 the General's admission 'screeni riter?ia,

, 9"'its in acc rdance with M the medical appropriateness of th determination as te SI resources at the General I< transfer and the availability o< [

Transferring Hospital and th the General accepts the transfer the N i

the procedures described in s f ing Physician shall follow General and the Accepting Phy el n hall e op h at f f ccem ,

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_.7 e 3.- Patient Cons 3nt Before transferring any patient to the General, the Transferring Hospital shall obtain written consent to the transfer from the patient or.the patient's representative, in e.he form httached hereto as Attachment A.

4. - TJans fe r Pro _qpdul ga In addition to the responsibilities described in Section 1 above, the Transferring Fhysician shall personally confer with the Accepting Physician and ensure that the written infor.ation described in Attachment B acccmpanies the patient to the General.

Instructions for proper transfer procedures shall be given to Tranr. port Personnel by the Transferring Physician. Instructions j shall include, but not be limited to, information regarding:

(a) airway maintenance; (b) fluid volume replacement; and

-(c)- special precedures that may be necessary. The Transferring i Physician shall also instruct the Transport Personnel to notify the General of the - patier.t's arrival at the General through Central Medical Emergency Direction (C-MED).

5. -EiLJirg

-The General shall bill each patient er appropriate third party payor for services rendered to the patient at the General.

.6. Term This Agreement shall year from the date it is executed by both parties,_unless sooner terminated by one of the parties as-set forth-herein. _-Either party may' terminate this' Agreement withou'

by providing written notice of its intention to terminate the
Agreccent to the other party. Such termination shall be effective upon:the: expiration of thirty (30) days after receipt of such written--notice.
7. Ent;. lye ' Actreenent This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement betweenfthe parties,
superseding all'~ prior agreements, understandings or contracts relating to the same subject matter and may be amended-only by a written agreement signed _by both parties.

CSC L To t'aiw uDt: 7' 4 y cp: &(McCS L

_ __ _ - ___ ___.._=

8.- Applicable Lay This Agreement shall be governed by-the laws of the Commonwealth of

- Massachusetts. If any provision of this Agreement _is determined to be invalid.or unenforceable by a court of law for any reason, then such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Agrooment. #



4 Ms D Date

\Lb h  !


Title- ,

_- (Transferring-Hospital)

By: _ ,

cate Title ,

k 6/91 I


{ 6 4 'l }

Y dr* b f$'Y

. ., ._ _ _ . - . . _ . _ . . - _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . ~ . _ _

ATTAGMFET A Consent to Trangh I

- I, , hereby consent and agree as l

- follows:

1. - I agree to be transferrod from the (Transferring Hospital) to the Massachusetts General Hospital (the General) to receive necessary medical care, including the following specialized services:

2.- The transfer procedures have been explained to me by and I understand-them and agree to

. be bcund by tMm.


Signature of-Patient or Patient's Representative Relationship to Patient Date Signed-4:

4 y m

5 Of 6 (MGET

, - < - , ~ , , - - ~ . .-.-

J. .-. .

e 3

ATIAC11ENT. D The Transferring Hospital shall ensure that written information


regarding the nature of the patient's illness, the treatment given and the patient's status at the time of transfer accompanies the  :

patient to the General.- The following inforraation must be provided:

i a) patient's name, address, hospital number and age and the name, address and telephone number of the patient's next of kin, and relationship of patient to next of kin;  :

b) history of injury or illness; i

c) condition on admission to Trancferring Hospital; d) vital signs before admission to Transferring Hospital, during stay.In Transferring Hospital's Emergency Room and at:the time-of transfer; e) treatment rendered te patient, including medications given and route of administration;-

f) laboratory findings and.x-ray films and reports; -

g) type and volume of fluids given; i h) name, telephone number and address of Transferring Physician; i) name of Accepting Physician; and

j) primary. language spoken by the patient if other than English.

( )Ikib .

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