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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Test
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Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/1976
Shared Package
ML20079A878 List:
NUDOCS 9106190417
Download: ML20079C411 (36)






./J\UBER 1975

aport Inte: Juuary 23, Icj /G Report Prejured by:

D A Brosseau

'lest Conducted by:

9106190417 760123 D A Brosseau PDR ADOCK 0b000263 R A Goranson P PDR B L Jenness

f 4


1. Int raluctim 1 1.1 Purpose of Centainment Leakage Tests 1 1.2 Testing Requironents 1 1.2.1 Frequency of Testing 1 1.2.2 Test Acceptance Criteria 2 1.2.3 Requiral Prcenlure for Leakage Testing 2
2. Test Results 2 2.1 Type A Test Results 2 2.2 Type B and Type C Test Results 3
3. Description of Test Prwalures 3 3.1 Type B arxl Type C Test Prcredure 3 3.2 Type A Test Procedure 4 3.2.1 Type A Test instrtrnents arxl Equi linent 4 3.2.2 Type A Test Strinary of Events S
4. Stunary of Test Calculations 6 4.1 Type B an! Type C Test Calculat ions 6 k.l.1 Pressure Decay Method calculut tor.e 6 4.1.2 Jotameter Method Calculationo 6 4.2 DTe A Test Calculatior.s 7 k.3 Calculatior.c for Vertriention of BTe A Test Accur:ay  ?

5 Error Analysis 10 51 Type B nna bTe 0 Tect f.rror Andysin 10 5.1.1 Preccure Decay Meth:,3 Error 10 5 1.2 Totameter Method Error 11 52 Type A Test Error Analysis 11 APPINDIX A Type B and Type C Test Ibta and Results 22 AiTr.idlX B Sunnary Report of All Type C Tests Failing to Meet the Leakage Acceptance Criteria 28 APPINDIX C Type A Test Data and Calculations 30 APPINDIX D Type A Test Verificat ion Ibta and Calculations 33 APPDfDD: E Error Antdysic 31

- - . . - - , ,c - -- . . ,- - , _ - - . - - _ - , . . , - - - - - . _ _ , - . , . , - , , _ _ - . _ _ . , ,__m .,,_.s -- - %_..,_r,. ,-,,., , _ w.- ., . . _ -.e,p- mi.-- ..-., -

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1. 1n_t roduct im

, 1.1 Purpose of Containment 1.cakage _ Test s As statal in 10CFR 50, Apperdix J, primary contairnent Icakage i tests are corductal to assure that:

1 a) Leakage through the primary reactor containment and systuns and components penetrating primary containment shall not '

excecd allowable leakage rate values as specificd in the Technical Specifications or associatcd llases, b) Pericdic surveillance of reactor containment penetrations  !

and isolation valves is performed so that proper maint- 3 enance ard repairs are made during the service life of the contairnent, and systans and conponents penetrating primary emt ainment . i Results of containment leakage te<ts are reported to the Director-Division of Cperating Fenetors, UCNh0, followinc each periodic  !

contairnent integrated leakage test Oype A test). This report l must include:

a) . Analysis and interpretation of u type A test results. '

b) Surnary of cmtalment penetratic .ocal Icatage tests (Type li tests) and containment isoution valve local leakage tests (Type C testa) conducted since the last T)Te A test.

c c) eparate accompanying surnary report of Types A,11, and C tests which failed the acceptance criteria.

1.2 Tes,t_i_ng Requirments 1.2.1 Frequency of Test ing Type A tests are schedulcd in acconlance with Paragraph 4.7.A.2 (d) of the hhnticello Technical Specifications. Testing is required at the following intervals:

a) Iuring the first refueling outage.

b) Within 24 months of the test in (a) above. '

c) Within 48 months of the test in (b) abovt ' nry 48 months thereafter.

In the event that any testing (local or inte,, elds a leak rate in excess of L =1 ., air per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at the test prbssure.2P weight 41 percent psig, theofcondition the cc ..must ~ be corrected and the testing schedule rbverts to:


l 2-a)

At the first refueling outage following the retest made (local or integratal) to correct the excess leakage, .


Within 24 months of the test in (s ) above. -


Within 48 renths of the test in (b) above artl every 48 months thereafter.

Type B and Type C tests are scheduled in accordance with Paragraph 4.7. A.2 (b) of the ?k,nt icello Technical Speeifications. Test ing is rniaired each operating cycle.

1.2.2 Test Ac_ceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria for T:ye A tests is cont @ int in Paragraph 4.'!.A.2 (b) (2) of the Mant icello Technical Specifications. The allowable operational leak rate, L contained air per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at P =t31osig., is 0.9 weight percent of the T.e containwnt leak be less than Lrate, either as measured or following repa~ rs and retesting, must to prior to restnption of power operation.

The acce

>tance criteria for Type B and Type C tests are contained in Paragrapi 4. 7. A. 2 (f) . The allowable leatage rates are:

a) Double gasketal seals total leakage 34.49 41scfh psig(10t Lto) b) Testable penetrations and isolation valves 103.2 scfh total (30t Lto) except main stemi 917.2 sefh each ( 51 Lto) 41 psig isolation valves c) Miln stexn isolation valves 11.5 scfh each

) 25 psig 1.2.3 Required Procalore for _Leakace Test All contairunent leakage tests were conducted in accordance with 10CIR 50 Apperdix J, and American National Standard ANSI N45.4-1972, " leakage- ,

Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors".

2. Test Results 2.1 ]ype A Test Results The contairraent integrated leakage rate test was conducted over the period Novunber 12 to Novmber 16. 1975.

nnd clonure or n Inttlty Trnverrim In-Core PrctoIbilowing identification the et-lef t lenknt:e wne detemimd to be 0.MS610.0:h7 (TIP) tn11 valve, vtf/hy 8t t hc 95T confiden :e level.

Cpeci ficution necepten^e crite Thitrion leuku of Re 0.9lewtwll d thin the Te chn le n) f/any. h letniled

  • i 3 ,

leak rate calculations are presented in A ?pendix C. The measurcd ccinbined leakage during perfomance of the verification test was 0.4262 wt l/ day as ccupared to a predicted value of 0.5023 wt 1/ day.

This comparison is well within the required accuracy prescribed in 10CTR 50, Appendix J. Data and leak rate calculations for the  !

supplemental verification test are included in Appendix D. l 2.2 LpeBandTypeCTestResults_

11uring Novanber 1974 and January 1975, local Icak rate tests were conductcd on selected testable penetrations, gasketed seals, doors, i

and isolation valves. Results of all tests were reported in Smi-Annual Reports No. 8 and No. 9, July 1,1974 to Decmber 31, 1974 ,

and January 1,1975 to June 30, 1975, respectively, to the USN'RC. t Ihring September, O'tober and Novmber,1975, local leak rate tests '

were conducted on all testable penetrations, gasketed seals, doors and isolation valves. Results of all tests were tabulated ir Appendix A and stmari:ed in Tabic 1.

A separate stmary report of all Type C tests which falla! to meet the leakage acceptance criteria of the Technical Specifications and a discussion of the repairs acccuplishcd is includcd in Appendix B.

All isolation valves with Icakage in excess of the individual valve ,

leakage limit were restored to acceptable leak tightness. Total leakage for double gasketed seals and total Icakage for all other penetrations and isolation valves following repairs satisfied the Technical Specification limits.

3. Descrigtion of Test prceedures 3.1 Type B ard Type C Test procedure All tecto vere conducted with air or nitrogen usire the precoure deeny or rotmeter methcds. The rotameter method was also used to estinate gross leakage. The voltrne between redundant isolation valves, the center of double gasketed seals, or the voltrne of an expansion bellows, electrical penetration, or hot fluid piping penetration was pressuri:ed slightly above test pressure. Conditions were allowat to stabilize and the pressure decay or rotameter indicated flow was measured. In tests ,

usir.g the pressure deeny ::ethod, the decay rate at Pt was cbtair,ed by interpolation of the test data and used in conjunction with the known test volume to calculate the leakage rate. Tmperature corrections were not made because of the difficulty of positioning a tmperature sensor in the test voltrne. In addition, it is dmonstratcd in the error analysis that these corrections are small cmpared to other uncertainties in the testing procalure. Rotameter tests were vented to the atmosphere. Temperature and  :

pressure corrections were made based upon rotameter calibration.

Isolation valves were tested either singly or several in the same line were testod simultaneously depending upon the location of installcd test L r-- -

r----zm v+w -m--r---- w- w---e- - '- - - - - v- ---ew- - -- -- - - - , - -- -v-- - m -

e a.--- w -+ - + ---

l 4

conint t ions. Nit rogen was used tc. t est all elect rical penet rat ions.

Result s fran leakage test s cornlucted using nitrogen were cor7 Wted to equivalent air leakage rates.

3.2 Type A Test Procalute 3.2.1 Type A Test instrtnentr. and rguipent The integrated contairnent leahage rate test was conducted using the reference vessel methcd specifini in ANSI " 45.4 1972. The principal measuring instrtnents consistal of a reference chamber systan, a 36 inch U tube mananeter, a 0 60 psin Wallact Tiernan gauge, 20 tanperature trans-mitters with platinum resistance tenperature sensors, and six Foxboro dewcels.

The reference ch:nber (Figure il consistal of three sections sized in pro;ortion to the containment vohene represented by each. All sections were fabricatal frm 2-inch thin wall cop?er pipe connected by 1/4 inch copper tubing. Prior to the integratal leatage test the reference syston was evacuated and filled with dry nitrogen. The reference systan and all instm-ment piping was then subjectal to a 24-hour leak test at 50 psig using the absolute method specificd in ANSI N-45.41972. The reference systan leak test was also conductcd at the conclusion of the integratal leakage rate test. In both instances, the reference system was verified to have essen-tially zero Icakage under test conditions.

The U tube mananeter (Figure 2) was usal to measure reference chxnber-containnent differential pressure. Pressure gauge PI 1 was used to insure that reference chxnber pressure vas higher than containment pressure when the mananeter was placed in service. Yalves E, F and G were opencd first to pennit a sml] anount of dry nitrogen to flow frm the reference systan into contairnent thereby equalizing pressures. This procedure prevents the introduction of moisture into the reference system.

Closing valve E then places the mananeter between reference system and containnent atmospheres. Valve E is leak tested as part of the initial 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> reference systan leakage test.

The Wallace Tiernan Model 1500 pressure gaum, PI-2, was usal to indicate contairnent pressure. This gauge was certified by the manuf acturer's cmparison with a calibrating startlard traceable to Natural P.ureau of Standards.

Rosanaant Mcdel 442A ALPittLINE Tanperature Transmitt ers were plaeal through-out the contairnent to monitor tmperature. The tunperature sensing systun consistal of twenty individaal 2- wire temperature transmitters each cannectal to a platinton resistance tunperature sensor and a regulated IC power supply. Each resistance tanperature detector was assigncu a weight-ing f actor proportional to the voltrne monitored for use in calculat ing the average contairnent temperature. Tables 2 and 3 list the resistance tanperature detector Itcations and assigned weighting factors. The RID signals were transmittal to the plant process conjuter where a ten minute average of the tunperature at eacn ic.c9 was printed by the couputer typer in degrees F.



- Foxboro Fbdel 2701 RPG deweels were used to monitor containment vapor pressure. Each dewcel was assigncd a weighting factor proportimal to the containnent volme monitored for calculation of average vapor 3ressure. Tables 2 and 3 list the deweel locations and assigned weigiting factors. The deweel signals were transmittcd to the plant process canputer via resistance to current converters arxi a ten minute average of the vapor pressure at each locale was printed in inches of water by the cmpster typer. Readin a the dewcel resistance and conversion to vapor pressure was accceplismi by entering the requircd calibration curves into the cunputer mencry.

Calibr:..' ion was checked using a certified resistance decade lox to simulate each deweel RTD.

Addi'.lonal data on the integrated leakage rate test inst rtunent s are sternarind in Table 4 The containment was pressurized using 3 750 cfm portable diesel air compressors (Figure 3). The air was cooled using an air treat-ment pressurizing skid. The air was supplicd and meter (d to the drywell through a flange connection on the nitrogen purge system.

Contalment ventilation was providcd by a two spe(d drywell ventilation fan operating at low speed arxi six portable 10,000 cfm electric fans equippcd with oversi:cd motors to prcnote mixing of the air.

3.2.2 Type A Test Stemary of Events The pre test containment inspection was canpletod on Novanber 1Cth with r.a visible structural deterioration found. !bjor preliminary steps were cunplet(d and incitdcd:

a) Installation of portable electric fans in the containment, b) Final check-out of temperature and htenidity instruments.

c) Completion of pre test reference syston leakage measurenent.

d) Replacment of all manway covers followcd by Type B Tests, e) Blocking of all vacutun breakers in the open position, f) Valving out of all drywell pressure switches, g) Jumpering of all reactor water Im level switches, h) Draining of the reactor vessel below steam and feedwater no::les.

1) Draining of steam and fecdwater lines.

j) Venting of reactor vessel to containnent atmosphere.

k) Canpletion of valve lineup sheets.

1) Isolation of the drywell instnenent air systun and venting of the main steam isolation valve and safety / relief valve air acctun-ulators.


  • On Novanber 12 at 2248 the containment was clostd out and pressurl:ation

. was begun at 5 psi /hr. At 0902 on Novunber 13, the conpressors were shut ,

down at an indicated drywell pressure of 42 psig. Logging of containment parameters ccnnenecd innediately and preliminary leak rate calculations were perfonncd beginning at 1000 on Nc,vonber 13.  !

Data was loggcd hcurly and the initial measurments inateated a leakogo in excess of apprctximately 1.5 wt t/ day over a period of 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> f rcrn 1400 on Novonber 13 to 0100 on Novmber 14. Nring this time, searches ,

were conductal to locate the sources of leakage. At 2345 on Novunber 13 l leakage was found in the 83 Tip ball valve. Investigation revealed that '

n wVer-type limit t.altch on the vnl -e mr, r,t t.ek pre tent irc the yhlve

! rum clostrv N11y. Fo r fr.o r e i nfo mation or this problern refer to the Licencee tver.t hrt e r' d'it e.1 fim "mbe r 26. lir/5 cn thic sub,'ect. The vnUce vne r.uhequently dored and the lenk rate tett wuc cantirued. At, 6 00 on fioverJ er ILth dst n nolle tf an rer imed. Intn enc rec;orded hourly and a point-to point calculation of leakage rate was plottal to detect possible spirious readings. At 1000 on Novenber 15, sufficient data had been collectal and the integrated contalment leakage rate test was considercd emplete.

The controlled bleed verification test was begun at 1015. At 1715 on Novmber 15, sufficient data lnd been collectcd to verify the accuracy of the integrated leakage rate test within the allowable accuracy of 10CIR 50, Appendix J.

The contalment was depressurized through the torus 2 inch and 18-inch vent lines to the Standby Gas Treatment System. At 0000 on November 16 depressuri:ation was empletal and the containment was inspected. No damage was discovercd.

4. Sirvarv of Test Calculat ions 4.J Type B and Type C Calculations y.1.1 Prers 4re Iway !kthoi ihlralt ticr.t I'r.e '&pe B ar.d c local lusk rSte test eniculhtior.c r:.nde us t r.c the pret ra re decay metho:3 are ns reported it. the sutwtr/ technten1 rtp:>rt tabritt ea August 3.1973 entitled "mactor Qntaire,ent Bailding Ir.terrnted leenk Tet.t - Ihy, 1473."

1,1.a Natameter Method calculations for the rotameter method, indicated leakage flow was corrected (where applicable) as follows:


  • I t*I t p

where fp* iPt+__14.7)I/1 g l (Pc + 14.7 ) /2 b 2 , )g f


  • {c.+460L)/2_

1 1,,

f tg 4

,. 4(p14.7 9 1/2 4/2 ('


, The nmenclature is defincd as follows:


. L = Observcd Icakage rate corrected to current calibration i records (CRI). l Lc = Corrected Icakage rate (SCHI) f p= Rotameter discharge pressure correction factor.

l't = Rotameter discharge pressure during test (psig)

I'c = R tameter discharge pressure during calibration (psig) f = Nitrogen correction factor b'2 f t= Rotameter discharge tonperature correct ion factor.

Tt = R tameter discharge tanperature during test (*F)

Tg = Rotameter discharge tcuperature during calibration (*F) f t= Reduccd test pressure correction factor.

P  ;

Pr = Required test pressure (psig)

!. 2 Type A Test Calculations Each hour during the integrated ccntainment leakage test and during the accuracy verification test, the following calculations were made to l

detemine the point-to point method leak rate:

t I

a) cont Mienent At,cohte Pre:t. care CQ(TA!!MNT PRIESURE (psia) = PRAR

  • IPI-2 Pygg = lsomi Baronetric Pressure (psia)

P pj,7 a Drywell Wallace Tieman Couge Pressure (psig)

  • b) Containnent Average Temperature (og ) =

i = 20 l T -

g,)wti y + 459.72 wg = Weighting factor for RTD g frua (tables 2 6 3) tg = Com; uter reaJing of RfDg ( F)  ;

c) Containment Average '.'apor Pressure WE10ffED AVIA\Gb CONTAl!MNT VAPOR PRESSURE (inches water) =

i=6 1 1 "vi E vi wyg = weighting factor tor deweel 1 (tables 2 5 3 '

Pyg = Cominter reading (inches water) for dewcel i d) Containment - Reference Chamber A p I

CONTAl?NFNT - REF OlVB DIFF PRES (inches water) =

LRL ' bli Ig = Right leg IcVel (inches) of DPI-l La = Left leg level (inches) of DPl 1 e) Leak Rate Calculation CO?irAi!MNT LIMKAGE RATE (lfU /24-l[R) =

,2400 7 T3(M2'Ev2) ' P1*Evl P -p

.T3 (P) - P )) 3 3

i 9

T3 = Average absolute contairrent tunperature at start of interval ('R)

T'3= Average absolute containment tunperature at end of interval ('R) oP 3= Contalment ref cha'ab dp at start of interval (inches water) o p, = Containnent ref chxnb dp at end of interval (inches water)

Py3= Containment vapor pressure at start of interval (inches water) py',= Contairrnent vapor pressure at end of interval (inches water)

P) = Absolute containment pressure at start of interval (inches water) h = Length of interval (hours)

Derivation of the leakage rate equation may be found in ANSI N 45.4-1972 Appendix B.

The purpose of the hourly calculations was to construct a plot of point to-point Icatage rate (Figure C-1). This plot was useful in detecting trends or possible anmalies. The actual containment Icabge rate however, was taken as the average of data comparisons from five 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> intervals. The first five hours of data following stabili:ation of the contalment atmosphere and the last five hours of data were used for this pirpose. All data arwl calculations for the integrated containment leak rate test are tabulated in Appendix C.

, , 3 Calculat ions for Verificat ion of Type _ A Test Accuracy .

Six hours of useful data were talen with a controlled leakage rate establishcd in addition to the nonnal contairtment leakage rate. The integrated Icatage rate tcat validity was established by comparing Ly' and L y, where:

Ly ' = 1. c -L g Lv = Measured integrated leatage rate (wt t/ day)

Lc= Leakage measured during controlled bien] (wt'./J ay)

Lg= Cont ro11al bleed rate (wit / day) l


. w.

As described in 10ClK 50, Appendix J, results frun the controlled leak test are acctptable providal LV ' L , is less than or equal tthe o 0. 1.fFor 2 5ment rqui is ?bnticello

e. that 1,* - with 3

anwt Ly5 0.3 allowhble 1/ day L} of 1.2 wtt/ day Throttle valve 11 (Figure 1) was adjustal for approximately lo - 1 3

  • throtch the controllat bleed rctameter. Rotwncter indication rux! actual bleol rate were rela.ed in the following wutner, l.o (wtt/ day) = l Scf - 14.7 1400 min 100%

Y l'c day F= ,Rotaneter indicatul flowrate) = 0.9 scfm


S cf = Rot amet er scale fact or corr ec t ion' = 1.88 4 for air neterut at Pc with 14.7 5 ,,

psia scale (I = Average contc.inment absolute pressure during controllej bleed = 56.40 psia Y = Containment free air voltrae during test ing = 247,353 ft'T ruta and calculations for the verification phase of the integrated leak rate test are tabulated in Appendix D.

5. Error Analysis, 5.1 T3pe B and Type C Test I rror Analvsis 5.1.1 ly t u re reny M th d Prrar 7t.e Type B nr.d 0 test error tablyt ir t aced en t he pretoure deeny method r.oc tee. Ie .an.m at:..r ihe . . . . . :> . re p a. . e 3 1 a t b r 2;w,- t e b. ! . e 1 ,

report t attitted Aa,;ur t 3,1M erd itled "ivnwtor 1r.this.rie t Daildir.,:

It.t e c rut e d IC O. l'est - Ihy, 1)/f." A more a ra n.t e pre c r ure et.a,'e , .

wi th a :-e rt i fie d ac curuy of 0.11 o # r ail ter.le wrtr e mpivyed ir. the Nvember D TD tet t!!.c, ;,ueve r, rec all ing t r.17.e.: est irritml errort; ut:

TYPE !$ TWT 957 , g , g, j g y. fh

. ' !/ LDO.'T I N TF/AL TIPE '. Ti J 9,'M

UNFI!Di?E INTE:iA1, =L4~ C . P r e nt l


. . i 1 * . [; i

                    .                                                                                                                                                                                                   I 5 1.2 Potteeter 1&thod Error                                                                                                                        !


                  .                                                              For the rotameter method, two different rotameters were usn!. One, a                                                                  i Fischer Porter Malel 7112A0997A2 with a 600 millimeter scale graduatal                                                                 !

from 0.5 to 4.5 sefm was certifini accurate to 0.001 scfm or 0.02% of i full scale. For results in scfh, the rotameter ins a 1.2% error. The [

,                                                                                second rotameter, a Brooks hkdel 1110 0111161A, using a glass finit and                                                                [

10 to 100% scale, has a Iublishal industrial accuracy of + 2% of full  ! .; scale. With the glass flor,t, full scale corresponds to 8705 sefh, so I error in measurunent is f,0.16 scfh. j 5.2 *1ype A Test Error Analysis ' i "k test date been cabjected to e ethndard error ara.lycir.

                                                                                 'Ihe rec.alte of this analysis are presented in Apper. dix E.

i I' i t I f l t i l l  ! a k

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                                                                                                                                              -,,v- -,.,me,,..-m,-- .,n,,n. - - . - - < , , y , .v-,--
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co!.TacllLD MAR T<0TM. 'TEri i _ 1



           'R                                                                                                                       -CK                  3
                       /                                                                       _I I TWELL

WICUT f (1 .c .l . . . b 1.,. . . c. 1.7 L l, IKTWLLL F100D LL'i;1 D' ITCH /

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j .. . . s X-;',

                             .        a                  ,      __                __              L d
                      .p-,b g     ~
                                          ,                                                                             f' hEFEF1NCE                                                                                               /
                                                                                                                                             -l' Cf'W158
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                                                                                                               \, ', i,..g. , ' .pN/i. N/ x i                     ,
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g y .. ,/ .\,% , ./ - FIG.1 Cror>r. c.ection of contrtirrent veccel rhovinc locntion of refemnce chrster rmd cont rolled bleed rotc::nter cormoction.

13 - 4 1 1 hD DENC.c CIW48 Pl I P12 1



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TABil 1. StM4\RY OF 1YPli B AND 1YPli C TliST Rl! Stills - NOVlMI:R 1975 Leakane (sefh) No. Cmponents No. Components Type of Test As Found As Gft Tested Needing Repair Double Gasketcd Seal 23.51 4.82 14 3 Type B Tests (combined leakage) All other Type B 4.65 4.65 48 0 Tests (combined leakage) All Type C Tests 1045 76.07 68 8 except tbin Steam Note 1 Note 1 ' Isolation \alves (combin(d leakage) L Ubin Steam Isol- 8 4 ation Yalves A0 2-6CA 21.67 0.00 A0 2-66A 24.95 0. 00 AD 2-9C5 h.45 4.45 l A0 2-6(B b ti5 H.65 AD2-802 10.85 0.00 A0 2-660 33 26 0.00 AD 2-BOL 2.20 2.20 A0 2 86D 9.9B v,93 i NOTfiS: 1. Total "as found" and "as lef t" lealage was determined bastd on a worst single failure analysis l l I l i

 . . . . , . _ _ . . ~ . _ . - - - . . , . . - - - - - - - - - , - , - - -                            - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - ' '                              -     ~ - - ' ' ' * ' ' - " ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ' '                   ~~~  

3(3 . l i TABLE 2. i

                                          ,DRYh111, DDCELS AND_ RfD's i

Canpiter _Locati_on _ a Voltune Weighting - Sensor Type Sensor No. Point 711cyat ion Az_imuth Factor [ i

Dewel 1 D126 933 0 .2158 2 D127 951 90 .2050 f!

3 D128 966 180 .0787 ., 4 D129 994 270 .0936 i J RTD 1 Cl33 933 0 .0537 2 Cl34 933 90 .0537  ; 3 Cl35 933 180 .0537 . 4 Cl36 933 270 .0537 I ~ 5 Cl37 951 0 .0513 6 C138 951 90 .0513 7 Cl39 951 180 .0513 l 8 C140 951 270 0513 l 9 C141 966 0 .0198 l l 10 C142 966 90 .0198 11 C143 966 180 .0198 12 C144 966 270 .0198 l 13 F152 994 0 .0235 , 14 F153 994 90 .0235 l 15 F154 994 180 .0235 16 F155 994 270 .0235  ; TABLE 3. TORllS DIXCELS AND RfD's ' Canpiter Iw ation

  • Voltene Weighting Sensor Type Sensor No, Po_in t_ ~Tilevation Animutf Factor  !

Deweel 5 D130 915 0 .2034 - 6 D131 915 150 .2034 RTD 17 F156 915 0 .1017 18 F157 915 90 .1017  ! 11 F158 915 180 .1017 20 F159 915 270 .1017 [ {

  • Referenced to drywell floor at 920.5 ft. , the torus center line at 912.5 ft , I and the drywell airlock at 0 degrees.


  • I
                                                                                                                                                                                                      . t i                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;

TABLE 4 . TEST INS 17 DENT DATA i Instrtraent Range Manufacturer Serial t Certification


Dewels -50*F to R1XBOTO IW 24S

                                  + 142*F                                                                                Manufacturer's Certification am!                                                !

W 255 cocparison check with a certified Dewpoint EA 465 decade resistance box. l 4 EA 544 ' E6 244  ! E6 264  ! l 1 I ~  : l I RTD's -15'F to IOSDOUNT #96673 thru Manufacturer's Certification and

                                 + 185'F                                                                                                                                                                 !

896694 comparison check with a certified { A abient decade resistance box. i Barometer 36" fiercury MRIAM G-75731 -t Ihnufacturer's certification. .

;       ; FI-2                   0-60 PSIG               KAL! ACE TIIANAN              IU-13922                         Compared with certifial test device,                                       Z     i i         FI_1                  0-60 PSIG                AC00 IIELICOID                                                                                                                                  :

' 2719-0 Coqured with certified test devicci [ DPI-1 36" 11 0 MERIAM NONE i 3 I4 nufacturer's certified scale. I I Flow Rator 0-4.6 SCBI FISOIER PORER 7112 A0 997-A2 Capared to certified Rotaneter 1 lt i f i 4 ( 1

  !                                                                                                                                                                                                      L

( 1 l I

 !                                                                                                               '                                                                                       r
 !                                                                                                                                                                                                       k L , _          _ _        . _ , .        - _ ,_.------             - -  - . - -- -~~         - - - - - --- - -             - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - -

4 18 APPlWDlX A. lyPE B AND 1YPE C TINT MTA M'D Rl3UI.TS + FAl.1,1975 Yalve or lest klmical Specification J1casured 1 ca), Rate (SC111) Penetration Volume (ft3 ) Leakag1.imi t As liund As i.ef t X-230 0.76 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00

  • X 100A 2.26 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 1003 2.31 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 100C 1.92 17.2 SChi 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 100D 2.05 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 101B 1.93 17.2 SCHI P 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 101D 1.97 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-103 2.05 17.2 Scill 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 104A 1.94 17.2 SCnl 0 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X 104B 2.06 17.2 SChi 0 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X lC4C 1.93 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00
!                   X-104D                2.05                                               17.2 Scill 9 41 psig                                       0.00                                       0.00 X10M                  1.92                                               17.2 SCnl 0 41 psig                                        0.00                                       0.00 X 105C                2.05                                               17.2 Schl 0 41 psig                                        0.00                                       0.00                                              >

X 105D 1.93 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 , A0 2541A G .044 17.2 SCnl 0 41 psig 1.73 1.73 A0 2541B A0 2561A G .044 17.2 SCD1 9 41 psig 33b 0.21 AD 2561.B N, Control Systua 0.25 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.12 0.12 ha i 4 (Note 1) ' G' 3267 CV 3168 4 1.15 17.2 SCnl 0 41 psig 0.15 0.15 G' 269 FD 2373 G 0.973 17.2 SCHI 0 41 psig 306 0.01 FD 2374 A0 2-8m 40.74 11.5 SCnl 0 25 psig 21.87 0.00 A0 2-86A 40.74 11.5 SCnl @ 25 psig 24.95 0.00 A0 2-80B 40.74 11.5 SCnl @ 25 psig 4.45 4.45 AD 2 86B 40.74 11.5 SCnl 0 25 psig 8.65 8.65 A0 249C 40.74- 11.5 SCnl 9 25 psig 10.85 0.00  ; A0 2-86C 40.74 11.5 SCnl 0 25 psig 33.26 0.00 _ ._ - =_ --. r

        - . . , , -         . . . , .  . , _ . . _ ~      _ . . . . . . . - _ _ , . . . . . . _ - . , . . .    . . . . . .     , . . , , , , , , - _ _ . , -                   . . - . . . - , , ,          . . . , , , _ _ , . _ , , - , . . -

19 APPINDIX A (contd)

        .                                Yalve or           Test                               Technical Specification                           Measural I.cak Rate (SCHO 3

Penetration Voltne(ft ) Leakage Limit As Fotni As Left A0 2 80D 40.74 11.5 SCnl 9 25 psig 2.20 2.20 A0 2 86D 40.74 11.5 SCHI 9 25 psig 9.98 9.98 A0 2379 6 DhY 8 2 11.8 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 AD 2380 6 IhY 8 1 11.8 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 2.02 2.02 A0 2377 A0 2378 6 210 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.86 0.86 AD 2381 A0 238b A0 2387 6 3.7 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 0.36 0.36 G' 238 5 A0 2896 A0 2383 6 3.7 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 7.55 7.55 G' 2384 FO 2034 G FD 2035 10.4 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 0.89 0.89 itPCI 9 6.7 17.2 SCHI J 41 psig 21.88 14.77 l lIPCI 14 0.05 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 0.02 0.02 kCIC 9 1.1 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 0.10 0.10 RCIC 16 0.06 17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig 3.05 3.05 G' 2790 $ G' 2791 0.04 17.2 SCnl 5 41 psig 0.00 0.00 FD 2075 6 FD 2076 1,46 17.2 SCn10 41 psig 0.03 0.03

XP 6 0.14 17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig 60 0.06 FD 2397 5 FD 2398 1.7 17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig 12.42 12.42 Ih' 94 1 18.8 17.2 SCnl ? 41 psig 0.38 0.38 IM 94-2 18.8 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 1.23 1.23
      .                                  W 971              6. 9                               17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig                               0.68                    0.68 l

iM 97 2 6.9 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 0.37 0.37

l. A0 10 46A 44.1 17.2 SCnl 9 41 psig 1.26 1.26 l A0 10 46B 43.1 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 1.94 1.94 l

50 2014 80.9 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 2.31 2.31 10 2015 77.1 17.2 Scal 9 41 psig 0.32 0.32 w-,- -- w.,e------,,--,.-.,w-,om,--,e-m-.,,--,.--m- .-mg , - - - , _ - , ,.mm.,--y-. ..- -_ve,.,---.-,,.,,,,,_,,---y,e.,.-%,_

                                                                                                                                                             - v..---_.,  -3.m,,.-me. ,.,,,y.,._-----,y-, y

4 APPENDIX A tcontd) Valve or Test Technical Specification fin:sured Leak Rate (SCRI) Penetration Voltane(ft3) Leakage Limit As Found As Left FD 2020 6  ! FD 2022 5. 9 17.2 SCFil 0 41 psig 0.07 0.05 hD 2021 6 50 2023 13.7 17.2 Scal ? 41 psig 0.17 1.40 FD 2026 6 hD 2027 1.23 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 hD 2029 20.8 17.2 SCHI @ 41 psig 9.25 9.25 50 2030 83.7 17.2 SCHI @ 41 psig 12.53 12.53 , 50 1753 8.3 17.2 SCHI 3 41 psig 0.00 0.00 5D 1754 7.13 17.2 SCHi 0 41 psig 0.00 0.00 A0 14-1M 2.5 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 29.12 12.87 A0 14-13B 1,69 17.2 SCHI 0 41 psig 103.5 13.42 CRD 31 1.2 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 450 10.2 CV 7436 0.011 17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig 0.28 0.28 CV-7437 0.010 17.2 SCHI ? 41 psig 0.5S 0.58

             \irlock      380            Ensure Scaling 310 psig Not tested      4.94 Torus SLmway       Note 2          Note 3                  0.04            0.01 Northeast                                                            Note 4 Torus hbnwi        Note 2          Not e 3                 0.01            0.01 Southw,est                                                             Note 4 Drywell       Note 2         Note 3                  0.05            0.0) licad                                                Note 5 Drywell lle:Li       Note 2          Note 3                  0.01            0.01 Shnway CRD bbnway    Note 2          Note 3                  0.00            0.00 Drywell Equi [raent  Note 2          Note 3                  4.74            4.69 liatch Seismic Restraint      Note 2          Note 3                  0.73            0.00 Port A Seismic Rest ra int   Note 2          Note 3                  0.00            0.00 Port H e                                                                    -

l i

APPINDIX A (contd) Valve or Test Technical Specification Measural 1.cak Rate (SCRI) Penetration Voltzne(ft3 ) Leakage Limit As Found As Left Seismic Restraint Note 2 Note 3 0.005 0.005

     ,           Port C Seismic Restraint    Note 2       Note 3                             14.76                  0.00 Port D Seismic Restraint    Note 2       Not e 3                            0.00                   0.00 Port E Seismic Restraint    Note 2       Note 3                             0.00                   0.00 Port F Seismic Restraint    Note 2       Note 3                             0.01                   0.01 Port G         '

Seismic Restraint Note 2 Note 3 3.15 0.06 Port !! X-7A Note 2 17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig 0.03 0.03 Inbohrd X-7A Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig C 00 0.00 X-7B Inboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig 1.33 1.33 X-7B Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCRi 0 41 psig 0.83 0.83 X-7C Inboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI e 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-7C Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-7D Inboard Note ~ 17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig 0.00 0.00 l X-7D Notc 2 17.2 SCHI @ 41 psig 0.o' O.04 l Outboard

   ,             X-8A Inboard      Note 2       17.2 SCRI # 41 psig                0.11                   0.11 X-8A Outboard     Note 2       17.2 SCRi @ 41 psig                0.00                   0.00 X-9A Inboard      Note 2       17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig                0.00                   0.00 l                                                                                                                     __.i

. APPINDIX A (contd) Valve or Test 3 Technical Specification Measured Icak Rate (SCHO Penetrant Vol_tne (f t )_ Leakage Limit As Found i As Left X-9A Dutboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig 1 ,41 1.41 X-9B Inboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-9B Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCHI 0 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-10 Inboard Note 2 17.2 SCHI 0 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-10 Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCHI 9 41 psig 0.01 0.01 X-11 Inboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI J 41 psig 0.02 0.00 X-11 Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCHI O 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-12 Inboard Note 2 17.2 SCFli ? 41 psig 0.00 0.00 X-12 Outboard Note 2 17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig 0.00 0,00 X-13A Inboard ' ote 2

                                    .              17.2 SCFH 9 41 psig                       0.00           0.00 X-13A Dutboard                   Note 2          17.2 SCFH @ 41 psig                       0.11           0.11 X-13B Inboard                  Note 2          17.2 SCRI 0 41 psig                       0.00           0.00 X-13B Outboard                  Note 2          17.2 SCFH 0 41 psig                        0.03          0.03 X-14 Inboard                  Note 2           17.2 SCFH 0 41 psig                       0.04          0.04 X-14 Outboard                   Note 2          17.2 SCFH 0 41 psig                       0.00          0.00 X-16A Inboard                  Note 2          17.2 SCHI 0 41 psig                       0.00           0.00 X-16A Dutboard                  Note 2          17.2 SCRI 9 41 psig                       0.00           0.00 X-16B Inboard                  Note 2          17.2 SCHI C 41 psig                       0.10           0.10 X-16B Outboard                 Note 2          17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig                       0.39           0.39 X-17 Inboard                 Note 2          17.2 SCRI @ 41 psig                        0.18          0.18 X-17 Outboard                  Note 2         Note 3                                     0.00          0.00

NOTIS: 1. The following valves were tested as a group by pressurizing a comon drain line manifold CV 3305 G CV 3306

    .                                                                CV 3307 G CV 3308 CV 3309 6 CV 3310 CV 3311 6 CV 3312 G' 3313 G G' 3314
2. The volumes of the toroidal spaces in the double-gasketed seals are uncertain due to the presence of flexible rubber, and in any case are quite small. For all seals except the drywell head, the voltne of the test rig was used as the test volume. For the drys: ell head, twice the voltne of the test rig was used as the test volume.

The expansion bellows penetration similarly have a small voltne and the voltne of the test rig was used as the test volume.

3. The Technical Specification for doubic-gasketed seals is that the total leakage not exceed 34.4 scfh/hr 9 41 psig. -

No specification is given for an individual double-gasketed seal.

4. The "as left" Icak rate for these penetrations was the leak rate measured i.nediately prior to the integrated leakage rate test. All Type B penetrations opened for the outage were retested when closed.
5. Drywell head "as found"is"as left"Icakage from previous outage. Could not test due to bad test connection.

After maintenance, seals were tested after re-installation. l 1

 ,                                                        - Ph -

APPINDIX B SU5tARY REPORT OF ALL TYPE C TESTS FALLING TO MiET~ TIE LEAkTLETCCIWARCE CRITERIA Fall 1975 Local leakage tests were conducted on all testable isolation valves during the Fall 1975 hbnticello refueling outage. Of the 76 valves tested,12 failed to meet applicable individual Icakage limits. The following is a sunnary of the causes of leakage and corrective actions taken for these valves: a) bhin Steam Isolation YaIves Three MSIV's were found to exceed the Technten1 Cpecification leakace 'mit and the initial tert result o for or.e addit PCIV were quert ionnble. All were dirassembled. L defeetr> rarh as cracks, chips, or ceratchec could be observcd. The pilot valve and main poppet seats were lappcd on all four valves and they were renscembled. All valves exhibited zero leakare fol10wir1c :epnier, b) Core Spray Isolation Check Valves Both core check valves, A014-13A and A014-13B, were disassenbled and the valve internals examined. The cause of Icakage was detennined to be an accunulation of scale on valve seating surfaces of both valves. The valve seats were cleaned and valves reassembled, with satisfactory leak testing following reassanbly. c) Drywell Equipnent Drain Stop Isolation Valves Both drywell equipnent drain strnp isolation valves, A0 2561A and A0 2561B, were separately disassanbled and examined. A piece of flexitallic gasket from maintenance work on an upstream valve was found lodged in the seat of A0 2561A. Valve seats in both valves were c1 caned and the valves were reassenbled. The valves were subsequently satisfactorily tested, d) Standby Liquid Control Isolat ion Check Valve The SBLC Isolation Check Valve, XP-6, was disassembled and examined, reveal-ing scale acctraulation on the valve seating surface. The valve seat was cleaned and lapped anl the valve reassembled and satisfactorily tested. e) Control Rod Drive Isolation Check Valve CRD-31 was disassenbled and found to have scale accunulations on the valve seat ing surface. The valve seat was cleaned and lapped, valve reassunbled and satisfactorily tested, f) Shin Steam Inboard Drain Isolat ion Valve Leak testing between the nain steam line drain isolation valves, SD 2373 and 2374, showed that the inboard valve, N 2373, was leaking excessively.

25 - APPINDIX B (contd) Due to high contact exposure rate, the valve seating surface and valve intemals were not inspected. The valve was replaced with a similar valve and both isolation valves were then satisfactorily leak testod. g) HPCI 'Ibrbine Exhaust Check Valve The llPCI Turbine Exhaust Check Valve, HPCI-9, was disassembled and examined. Scratches were found on the valve seating surface. The valve seat was cleaned and lapped and the valve was reassanblal. A satisfactory leak test followed maintenance on the valve. i \ l i l l l l

i s



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                                                                                                 .t}irz/g vtty 08qua1
                                                                                                                                                                                         'Calculatal Containment Press.               Containment       Containnent Ave.                 Containment-Ref                Test Inter.ul Rate (wt Mili      TDE         - (psia)        (In 110)               Average Tenp(*R)    Vapor Press (in 110) 2                                                                  2   Chamber DP(in!!20)               A n)                        J/24 hr)             ;

11-15 1100 56.35 1561.41 538.34 6.43 4.70 0 - 1200 56.32 1560.71 538.39 6.43 5.00 1300 56.32 1 0.4620 1560.71 538.44 6.44 5.27 1 0.4312 1400 56.31 1560.30 538.48 6.41 5.58 1 0.4316  ! 1500 56.29 1559.75 538.53 6.43 5.86 1600 56.28 1559.61 1 0.4622 538.58 6.37 6.18 1 0.4005 1700 56.28 1559.60 538.63 6.36 6.43 1 0.3695 , 0.4262 Ave. of 6 Lc= O J262 m 1/ 4 Lg = 0.2567 g L' y= 0.4262 - 0.2567 *

                                                                             = 0.1695 Ly - L'y = 0.2456 - 0.1695                                                                                                           i
                                                                                   = 0.0761 _< 0.3 i

1 i I I t' [

APPENDIX D (cont'd) TYPE A *ITSr VERIFICATICN 1RTA AND CAIDJIATI(MS . 1 1.0 ' l  !  ; - r l  ! { l- i

                                     .j _             l
                                                  ._e_ _.._.p                              l             [          .[          .._j                     l             .      L       -.e l              {_L._._ _ _ '
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s _ _ 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 11/15/75 IRTE MD TUE OF IRY FIG. D-1. Point to Point Plot of flourly Leak Rate Calculations

 .                                                                                                                              During Contro11al Bleed Test                                                                                                                                                                              -

i g o I j-

_ . - - _ . _ . - . . - - . - - - . . . . ~ -

             '                                                                            ~         ~
        ,                      'APPPEDIX D ERROR ANALYSIS                                                                                                                             I
        ,,                                   MONTICELLC !LRT P0lN1 TO POINT D A T A - NOVEMB E R, 1975                                                                              7 STATISilCAL ANALYSIS INPUT XOAT A IS 1.00000E CO 2.C0000f OC 3.CCCC0E C0 4.00000E 00 5.00000E 00 6.00000E 00 7.00000E 00 E . R00 0E CC 9.C(CC0E 60 1.C(>000F 01 1.10000E 01 1.20000E 01 1.300000 01 1 40000E C1 1.SCCCOE 01 1.60030E 01 1.7JC00E CL 1.P)c00E 01
1. 900 00E 01 2.00000E C1 2.1(CCCE 01 2.20000E 01 2.30000E C1 2.40C00E 01 2.50000E C1 2.LC000E C1 2.7C C00E C1 2.eC000E 01 t-s t


2. 601 C vE- 01 2.7 570CE- 01 3. 84C COE-C 1 1. 21800E-01 3 07000E-01 2.91300E-01


3. 07000E-01 2. 60700E -C 1 1.8 3 500E-01 3. 6 64005-01 1.2 2000E-01 2.76100E -01 t


3. 22 4 J0E -01 1. 83 900E- 01 2. 3 C 0 00E- 01 3.06900E-01 3.84600E-01'1.06700E-01 2.60500E-01 2.92300E-01 1. 5 2 700E-01 6. 0 3000E-0 2 3.2 33005-01 7.54 000E-02 2.46000E-01 2. 4 5 600E - 01 1. 315C OE-01 2. 6140 0 E-01 TFE MEAN OF TFE 28 YOATA PCIATS IS: 2.48111E-01 THE STAND ARD CEVI AT ION CF -E ACH YOA1 A POINT IS: 0.93454E-02 THE ST AND ARD CEVI AT ION CF TFE MEAN IS: 1.68847E-02 STUDENTS T 0]STRIBUTICN ERRCP EASEC LN 27 OtGREES OF FREE DC M THE 95 PChi CONF I DENC E INTERVAL 15: 2.82809E-01, 2.13413E-01

APPENDIX D (continued) ~N~ ' MCNTICELLC ILRT 24-H00R COMPAR Isch L E AK AGE C ALCULA TIONS - NOVEMBER , 1975 STATISTIC AL AhALYSI S ' INPUT XOATA IS: , 1.0J000E 00 2.C0000E C0 3.CCC00F 00 4.0C000E 00 5.00000E 00 lNP UT YDATA ISt

2. 515 00E -01 2 . 50 90 0E - 01 2. 4 5 6 C CE- 01 2.39400E-01 2 36900E-01 THc MEAN CF TFE 5 YCATA F C t h 15 151 2.45660E-01 EH: STANDAhL CEVIATION OF EACF YDATA PCthT IS: E.94643E-03 THE S T ANC ARD CEVI AT ION CF TFE WEAN IS: 3.10654E-03 STJDhNTS T DI STR IBUTICN ERPCP EASEC CN 4 DEGREES OF FREEOCM TH E 9 5 P C f,T C C h F I D Et< C E INTERVAL IS: 2.54327E-01, 2. 369 93 E- 11 l


APPEDIX D (contirued) - 33 - 6~

 ,                                                 MC NilCELL C ILRT VERIFICATION TEST - NCVE MBER , 1975 4

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS INPUT xDATA IS: 1.00000E CO 2.C0000E 00 3.CCC00E 00 4.00000F 00 5.00000E 00 6 .00 000E 00 INPUT VDATA IS:

4. 62 0 00E -01 4. ? l 2 0 01 - 01 4. ! ! t COE- 01 4. 6 2 2 0 0 E-01 4. 0 0 500E- 01 3.69 5f'05 -01 THE MEAN OF TFE 6 YOATA PCIk1S I5: 4. 2616 7 E -01 T r5E STANDARD CEVIATION CF EACF YCA1A PCIAT IS: . 60 7 54E-02 THE STANCARD CEVIATION CF TFE MEAN 15 1. 4 72 7 7E-02 STJDENTS i DISTRIBUTION ERWCR 0ASEC CA $ DEGREES CF FREEDCM THE 95 PCNT COh.F I D E N C E INTERVAL 15: 4.64311E-01, 3.88022E-01 l

l l


                                              . NRC DIST. ,UTION FOR PART 50 DOCKET M/__                     Hl AL
   '                              .                                (TEMPORARY FORM)
      #     '                                                                                                  CONTROL NO:                    8 El FILE:

i DATE OF DOC D ATE REC'D LTR TWX RPT OTHER FROM: Northern States Power Co Minneapolis, Mn 1 23-76 1-28 76 XXX _L o Mayer yr CC OTHER SENT NRC POR TO: ORIG Mr Stello one a1gn SENT LOCAL PDR _XX CLASS UNCLASS PROPINFO INPUT Nb CYS REC'D DOCKET NO: XXXXXXn 1 50-263 DESCRIPTION: EN6Lb URES: Ltr trans the following: " Reactor Cantatnment Building Ingegrated Leak Test - N ov 19 7 5 '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (40 .ys enc 1 red;d) PLANT NAME: Monticello ecd SAFETY FOR ACTION /lNFL RMATION Elpinm 1-28-71 chf ASSIGNED AD ASSIGNED BRANCil ClllEF

           , BRANCH ClllET Z t e m a <1               4     (f,).                      PROJECT M/liACER f      FROJECT MMiAGER           d uc /(/d -f _                            LIC ASST.                                     W/        ACRS LIC , ASST . 0 6 c3 6 5                W/ /6 CYS ACP.S
                                                      . y a // w ats.


     !.OELD COSS1CK/ STAFF                                          LAIN AS                    ENYlRO TECll.          SITE ANALYSIS jj.2&E (2)                           ENC 1NEER1NC           1PPOLITO                   CRN5T                  VOL11:ER MIPC                             MACCARY                                           EALI. ARD              BUNCll CASE                            KNICllT                OPT.R ATING RE ACTORS SPANGLER                    J. COLLINS PROJECT 11ANAGEMENT Silfa'EIL                           STELLO                                            KREGER BOYD                             PAWLICK1                                          SITE TECil.



EXTt.r<N AL DISTRIBUTION 14C AL PDit /#, o o c w /, < , Art NAT101AL LAB _,_ W/ CYS BROO;'llAVEN NAT . LAB f ' ULRIKSON (ORNL) j TIC ItEC10N V-]&E-(WALNUT CREEK) NSIC LA PDR f CONSULTAhTS ASLB I , l l -. . . _ . ._ .}}