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USNRC USI A-46 Resolution Seismic Evaluation Rept Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
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Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1995
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ML20094N930 List:
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR 91C2687.A46, GL-87-02, GL-87-2, NUDOCS 9511280229
Download: ML20094N932 (394)


{{#Wiki_filter:- - - - - - - - - - -__-_- O Report 91C2687.A46 USNRC USI A-46 Resolution Seismic Evaluation Report Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant O Prepared for Northern States Power Company Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 2807 West Highway 75 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Prepared by Stevenson & Associates State Street l Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 l November 1995 O

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MNGP USIA46Resolunon SetsmicEvaluanonReport O

1. INTRODUCTION AND SEISMIC VERIFICATION METHODOLOGY 1-1 1.1 Introdnetlom 1-1 1.2 Seismic Verification Methodology 1-1 1.3 GIF Version and Deviations from the GIP 1-2 1.4 Report Organization 1-2



3. SAFE SHUTDOWN SEISMIC DEMAND 3-1 3.1 Description Of Safe Shutdown Earthquake 3-1 3.2 In-Structure Response Spectra 3-1
4. SCREENING VERIFICATION AND WALKDOWN RESULTS FOR EQUIPMENT CLASSES 1-20 4-1 4.1 Seismic Evaluation Guidelines 4-1 4.2 Seismic Capability Engineers and Peer Reviewer 4-5 4.3 Evaluation Results and Documentation 4-6 4.4 Commentary on Meeting The Intent of Caveats 4-7 4.5 Other Types of Seismic Evaluations and Interfaces 4-8
5. RESULTS OF THE TANKS AND HEAT EXCHANGER REVIEW 5-1 5.1 Evaluation Methodology 5-1 5.2 Summary of Evaluation Results 5-2 i

AINGP USI)-46ResoluTon SetsmicEvaluation Report

6. RESULTS OF THE CABLE TRAY AND CONDUlT RACEWAY REVIEW 6-1 6.1 Introduction ind Purpose 6-1 6.2 Scope of Elecidcal Raceways Assessed 6-1 6.3 Raceway Seismic Evaluation Guidelines 6-1 6.4 Walkdown llesults 6-2 6.5 IJmited Analytical Review Results 6-4

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MNGP USIA46Resoluna SeismicEnluanmRepon j List of Acronyms I

CB Control Building -

CEA Concrete Expansion Anchor , i EPRI Electnc Power ResearchInstitute i i GERS Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra

GIP Generic Impl-tation Procedure for the Seismic Verification of j Nuclear Plant Equipment GL Generic Letter l
GRS Ground Response Spectrum IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IPEEE Individual Plant Fvamination for External Events
FRS Floor Response Spectra l MNGP Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant i LAR Limited Analytical Review I

MCC Motor Control Center i OSVS Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet i { PASS Plant Area Summary Sheet i PSD Power Spectral Density

SAA Stevenson & Associates
SCE Seismic Capability Engineer ,

j p SEWS Screemng Evaluation Work Sheet i \j SQUG Seismic Qualification Utility Group j SRT Seismic ReviewTeam

SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake SSEL Safe Shutdown Equipment List

-{ SSER Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report j SVDS Screenmg Verification Data Sheet i USI Unresolved SafetyIssue ] NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NSP Northern States Power Company
ZPA Zero Period Acceleration i

i l i 4 1 i iii i

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MNGP USTA-46h=An~- SeisadeEueluanonRnport

1. Intaduction and Seismic Verification Methodology l

1.1 Introduction

         'Ihis report provides the docurnantatinn of the seismic adequacy evaluatiana performed at Northern States Power Company's Monticello Nuclear CM6g Plant (MNGP) for the resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A46, " Seismic Quahncatinn of Equipment in Operating Plants". USI A-46 was issued by the United States Nuclear R*==id=y CM A in December,1980 to address the concem with the seismic adequacy of mechanical and electncal equipment in older nuclear power plants. 'Ihis report describes the methodology used for and the results of the seismic reviews of active nwh=nical and electrical equipment, selected tanks and heat +==Fe, and electrical raceways.

1.2 Seismic Verification Methodology Utahties affected by USI A46 formed the Seisnue Qualinemtian Utility Group (SQUG) in 1982 to develop a consistent industry approach for resolving USI A46. SQUG utihties, including NSP, with the technieml and Anancial assistance of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) canducted research and studies regardmg this issue in order to formulate a thorough and reasoned program to resolve the identified concern. In February,1987, the NRC issued Generic letter 87-02, "Ven6 cation of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A46," requesting USI A46 licensees to commit to a O detaded approach for resolving USI A46 [1]. Subsequently, further rescarch conducted by SQUG (and its contractors) and reviewed by the NRC staff resulted in a detailed procedure developed by SQUG called the "Genenc Implementation Procedure (GIP) for Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment" [2]. Speci6cally, the NRC . staff reviewed Revision 2 of the GIP and accepted (with provisos) the approach in Supplement No. l 1 to Generic Letter (GL) 87-02 that Transmit ? Supplemental Safety Ensluation Report No. 2 . (SSER #2) on SQUG GenericImplementatic.s Procedure, Revision 2 as Corrected on February 14,1992 (GIP-2) [3]. 'Ihis GIP version and the clarifications, guidance and additional requirements provided by the NRC in SSER #2 are the basis for the seismic evaluation of

         =~ h=aical and electrical equipment at Monticello for resolution of USI A46. 'Ihe GIP Revision 2 referred to as GIP-2 by the NRC is referred to as the GIP in this report.

1 Separate, but related issues pertainmg to methods of analysis for above-ground flexible tanks  ! identified in USI A40, " Seismic Design Criteria" [4], and seismic adequacy of proximity items above and around important-to-safety equipment identified in USI A-17 [5] are explicitly addressed j and resolved by implementation of the GIP. The GIP approach relies on developing a safe shutdown equipment list (SSEL) which identifies I equipment needed to achieve and maintain safe hot shutdown conditions as defined by a nuclear j power plant's Technical Speci6 cations. 'Ihis equipment is then seismically reviewed in accordance ' with the GIP methodology. By means of plant walkdowns to specifically observe and evaluate j cach equipment item on the SSEL, an assessment can be made concerning its seismic adequacy. I By evaluating seismic demand criteria, selected caveats to ensure similarity to the GlP equipment l 1-1

l ADKlP USTA-46Resolutton j SetsmicEvaluationReport classes, an anchorage evaluation, and a seismic interaction proximity assessment, the tramed I walkdown engmeer can be satisfied that the equipment will survive the plant's design basis scismic j event. The basis Or this approach is rooted in detailed observations of representative, if not j identical, equipment in industrial facilities that have survived earthquakes of similar or greater magnitude in California and throughout seismically active regions around the world. Each  ; equipment assessment is documented on a Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS). Any deficiencies are documented on an Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS). 1.3 GIP Version andDeviationsfrom the GIP Evaluations were performed using Revision 2 of the GIP, corrected February 14,1992. Here were no significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP in performing the seismic adequacy evaluations documented in this report. 1.4 Report Organir,ation Section 2 of this report discusses the development of the safe shutdown path and the resulting Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) for Monticello. The SSEL is provided in Appendtx A. The safe shutdown seismic demand is discussed in Section 3 and response spectra are contained in Appendix B. He Monticello equipment walkdown and screening results for active equipment are provided in Section 4. These assessments resulted in summary level screenmg verification data sheets, SVDS, contamed in Appendix D. Section 5 discusses the results of the Tanks & Heat Exchangers assessment. Cable Tray & Conduit Raceway assessments are provided in Section 6. Sections 7 and 8 provide a listing of identified outliers, the issues involved, and their proposed resolution. O l-2

i kNGP USTA-40""

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a i V i j 2. Safe Shutdown Path j i ! ' Ibis section desenbes the assumptions used to select the safe shutdown path. "Ihis system also j describes the systems used in the safe shutdown path and how they meet the USI A-46 ) ! requi.e. 'Ibe four required neiaas of reactivity control, pressure control, inventory control l l and decayheat removalare covered i 2.1 D:=- 4 don ofSafeShutdown Path The purpose of this section is to document the selecuon of equipment to provide a safe shutdown path for i seismuc evaluation at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) using the Generic Implementation j Procedure (GIP) dr.4 by the Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG). 1

This evaluation is requued to address NRC unresolved safety issue (USI) A-46 "Scismic Qa-h*i- of
Equipmentin Wia
Plants" set forth in NRC Generic Letter 87 02. The objective of the equipment
. selection process is to identify equipment that is --y to bring the plant to and maintain it in a hot
shutdown condition dunng the first 72 hours after a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) with or without j offsite power.

t MNGP is a single unit General Electric Boiling Water Reactor, owned and operated by Northern States l: Power Co. The unit has been in commercial operation since June 30,1971. I A ! 2.2 Scope 3 MNGP used the Generic Implementation Procedure [2] as a basis for developing the Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) [6]. The SSEL will provide a primary and alternate safe shutdown path to support the four safe shutdawn functions identified in Section 2.4. (Section 1.3.2 of GIP REV 2) In addition to those systems directly required to support these functions, any support systems required for safe shutdown are also identified. 2.3 General The GIP is used as a basis to develop the Safe Shutdown Equipment List for MNGP. This list is a composite of all equipment in the primary and alternate systems that is required to meet the four safe shutdown criteria. This list is identified as the SSEL. In an attempt to maintain the list as simpic as . possible yet meet all the functional requirements, the safe shutdown path parallels the Appendix R l pathway. The SSEL is provided in Appendix A. l 1 l l 21 i

MNGP USIA-46Resolunon SeismicEvaluanon Report O 2.3.1 Key Assumptions The GIP provides utilities with a plan, methodology and supporting information to use in evaluation of safe shutdown paths. As a part of this document, some basic assumptions are documented to pro 5ide consistent evaluations. The following assumptions were used as a basis for the MNGP evaluation.

1. Offsite power may not be available for up to 72 hours following the earthquake.
2. No other extraordmary events or accidents (e.g., LOCAs, HELBs, fires, floods, extreme winds, l sabotage) are postulated to occur other than the SSE and loss of offsite power.
3. If achieving and maintaining safe shutdown is dependent on a single item of equipment whose failure to perform its active function, either due to seismic loads or random failure, would prevent accomplishment of any of the four essential safe shutdown functions, an alternative method to safe shutdown by use of a different path or a different item of equipment in the same path will be identified for seismic evaluation which is not dependent on that item of equipment.
4. Where operator actions are relied upon to achieve and maintain safe shutdown, the licensee will ensure that appropriate procedures are available which consider the time within which actions must be taken, and that operators have been trained in the use of these procedures. ,
5. The equipment to be identified for scismic evaluation will include:
   . Active mechanical and electrical equipment which operates or changes state to accomplish a safe shutdown function.
   . Active equipment in systems which support the operation ofidentified safe shutdown equipment; e.g., power supplies, control systems, cooling systems, lubrication systems.
   . Instrumentation needed to confirm that the four safe shutdown functions have been achieved and are being maintained.
  • Instmmentation needed to operate the safe shutdown equipment.

e Tanks and heat exchangers used by or in the identified safe shutdown path.

  • Cable and conduit raceways which support electrical cable for the selected safe shutdown equipment.
6. The following equipment types need not be identified for seismic evaluation.

e Equipment which could operate but does not need to operate and which, upon loss of power, will fail in the desired position or state. This type of equipment is defined as passive for the purposes of this procedure.

   . Passive equipment such as piping; filters; and electrical penetration assemblies.
   . Self-actuated check valves and manual valves.
   . Major items of equipment in the nuclear steam supply system, their supports, and components mounted on or within this equipment such as the reactor pressure vessel, reactor fuel assemblies, reactor internals, control rods and their drive mechanisms, and reactor coolant piping.
7. The plant should be capable of being brought from normal operating conditions to a safe shutdown condition following a design basis safe shutdown earthquake (SSE).

Safe shutdown is defined as bringing the plant to and maintaining it in, a hot shutdown condition during the first 72 hours following an SSE. The hot shutdown condition for Monticello is Reactor coolant temperature greater than 212* F and reactor mode switch not in RUN. 2-2

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t MM3P USTA-46Resolunon I SeismicEvaluanonRnport ; } i A V 8. Systems selected for accomplishing safe shutdown should not be M* on a single item of equipment whose failure, either due to seismic loads or random failure would preclude safe shutdown l An equipment failure is defined as the failure of the active functional capability of the equipment, not it's structuralintegrity. Evaluations at Monticello assumed single active failure to develop alternative shutdawn paths.

9. Procedures should be in place for operating equipment selected for safe shutdewn and operators should be trained in their use. At Monticello, the SSEL is consistent with the plant specific i E-My W=g Procedures (EOPs). l 2.3.2 Operations Ruiew of SSEL A comprehensive review of the Monticello SSEL has boca performed by the Operations Department. A three part review was -:= ' - f Part one validated that the identsfied flow paths would fulfill the four safe ahntdawn functions, part two performed a " desk top" review of the SSEL against phmt operating procedures, and part three performed a review by obscavation of a simulator scenario. l l

Part One Review: n- ia . reviewed the methodology which identified the mapr systems that accomplish the ftur safe shutdown functions following a SSE. This review concluded that the plant could be brought to a hot O shutdown condition and maintained there during the 72 hours following a SSE using those identified systems. Part Two Review: A " desk top" review of the SSEL was performed by the Operation Department to confirm compatibility with Monticello's normal and emergency operating procedures. This review concluded that Operations personnel will be able to establish and maintain Monticello in a safe shutdown condition, using the components identified in the SSEL by following the existing symptom-based Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), the Abnormal Procedures (C.4), the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARPs), and the Operations Manual (B Manual). No procedure changes were identified. This resiew also verified that no new operator tasks were identified with respect to relay chatter. 1 1 Part 'niree Review: A simulator scenario was developed as a secondary review to confirm compatibility of plant procedures j with the SSEL during a SSE coincidental with a loss of off-site power. An observation of a simulator scenario in,ulving a SSE coincidental with a loss of off-site power was conducted. The operating crew on the simulator consisted oflicensed operators and training instructors. No problems were encountered with plant operating procedures. During follow-up interviews with participants no new concerns were identified. In conclusion, the Operations Department has confirmed that the SSEL is compatible with existing plant operating procedures 2-3

__ ___~ ADKIP LM5A-46Resolutics Setsmic.Tvatuanon Report 2.4 SafeShutdown EquipmentList (SSEL) O To develop the SSEL for Monticello, a safe shutdown strategy using the systems identified for Appendix R . was chosen. This minimizes the size of the SSEL while taking full advantage of safety related systems.  ! Those components required to maintain the integrity of the reactor coolant system boundary, shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition are included, whether safety or non safety related. . Those components of support systems for the shutdown path and alternates are also included. l No specific operator actions have been identified other than those already called out in existing plant procedures. 'Ihe Operators are expected to respond to existing plant conditions utihzing the EOPs, abnormal and annunciator response procedures. No evaluation ofinadvertent start of equipent has been made since it is anticipated that the Operators can take action to control those systems or corsponents based on direction in existing plant procedures. 2.4.1 Methodology for SSEL Development Those systems required to perform the safe shutdown function were identified as the primar) system. To meet the requirements of the GIP, an alternate component or system was then identified for cach function. Controlled P& ids were reviewed to identify required support systems and components. 2.4.2 Reactivity Control Adequate shutdown margin will be established using the Control Rod Drive (CRD) system. The Control O Rod Drive system is considered single failure proof, and an alternate is not identified. Monticello is already analyzed for a single failure, which is a single rod stuck out. The reactor can be maintained shutdown at any time during the cycle with the remaining rods. Certain functions within the system, such as isolation of the Scram Discharge Volume, have identified primary and alternate components to proside for single failure of the primary path of these support systems. Components of the Reactor Paotection system which would give a required manual or automatic Scram signal were included in the evaluation. It is expected that the operator will input a manual Scram if an automatic signal is not genentted. The Reactor Protection system and the CRDs do not require electrical support since these are designed to de-energize to function. Since the Control Rod Drives do not require an alternate pathway, the Standby Liquid Control system (Boron Injection) is not part of a primary or alternate pathway. Monitoring reactivity in the reactor will be performed by the Rod Positioning Indicating Syst:m (RPIS). Monitoring reactivity by the use of RPIS has been addressed under Regulatory Guide 1.97. 'the resolution of RG 1.97 for neutron monitoring instrumentation is relied on for the resolution of USI A-46 neutron monitoring requirement and no additional evaluation will be done on the neutron monitoring instrumentation for A-46. 2.4.3 Reactor Coolant Pressure Control In order to provide adequate reactor coolant inventory control, it will be necessary to control and reduce reactor pressure to a level where low pressure injection systems will be capable of replacing coolant 2-4

kNGP USIA.46Resolanon SeismicE%luationReport inventory. To perform this dual function, the main steam Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) and associated , support systems will be used to first reduce reactor pressure and then control it in range where injection systems can maintain coolant inventory. The Core Spray system will be used for low pressure injection. This is conansient with the MNGP EOPs. Only three SRVs are required to depressurize the reactor. There are eight valves available, and these have been allocated along divisional lines between the primary and secondary pathways. In addition, the rejection of steam to the suppression pool will remove decay heat from the reactor.

 'Ihe energy removed from the reactor in the form of condensed steam is transferred to the suppression pool. The RHR system is used to remove this decay heat and transfer it to the ultimate heat sink.

To support the operation of the Safety Relief Valves (SRV), the Alternate Nitrogen System is required, as are the SRV discharge piping, and it truo. station to actuate and monitor the system. Essential electncal systems required to support the SRVs are also evaluated as part of this program. Monitoring of the Reactor pressure is accomplished by use of the Reactor vessel pressure instrumentation. 2.4.4 Reactor Coolant System Inventory Control Reactor coolant inventory will be maintained by operation of the Core Spray system. The Division II or "B" loop of Core Spray is the primary path, while the Division I or "A" loop is the alternate . This provides a completely independent and redundant system for an alternate pathway for Reactor coolant inventory. To accomplish this objective, the Automatic Depressurization system (designated SRVs)is used to reduce reactor pressure to the point where the Core Spray system can inject. The SRVs are then 1 used to maintain reactor pressure below this injection pressure. A closed loop is established where Core Spray takes a suction from the suppression pool, injects to the reactor, and the water is returned to the suppression poolsia the SRVs. To support the operation of the Core Spray Systems, essential power distnbution from the Diesel Generators (EDGs) to the essential buses, essential load centers and motor control centers for pumps and valves of the system are included, as are the DC distribution system to provide power to the operating logic for the system. Decay heat rejected to the suppression pool from the reactor is removed by the RHR system in the Suppression Pool Cooling mode. Monitoring of the Reactor coolant inventory is accomplished by the Reactor vessel level instrumentation and the torus level instrumentation. 2.4.5 Decay Heat Removal To accomplish the goal of removing decay heat from the reactor, the RHR system is used in the suppression pool cooling mode. Pressure is reduced using SRVs, and the Core Spray system is used to inject water from the suppression pool into the reactor. In this way a closed loop is established to remove decay heat and cool the suppression pool. Heat is rejected to the ultimate heat sink via the RHR service water system as it circulates through the RHR heat exchangers. To provide for a primary pathway, the Division II or "B" loop of RHR is used. The alternate or backup path is the Division I or "A" loop. The service water system is also separated by division for support of the primary and backup paths. Ventilation is provided by the respective area HVAC units. 2-5

AtNGP USIA-46 Resolution SeismicEmluation Report O The essential electrical power distribution system is also divided along divisional lines to support operation of the RHR and Core Spray systems. The same EDGs supply essential AC to the buses, load centers, motor control centers and large motors of the Core Spray, RHR, RHR Service Water and other support equipment. DC power is supplied through the 125 and 250 VDC systems. Monitoring of the Reactor coolant temperature is accomplished by use of the SRV tailpipe temperature instrumentation and the suppression pool temperature monitoring system (SPOTMOS) instrumentation. 2.4.6 Safe Shutdown Equipment List Appendix A of this report contains the SSEL for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. The following three separate SSEL's are included in Appendix A. Composite SSEL Seismic Review SSEL The Relay Review SSEL is included in the USl A-46 Resolution Relay Evaluation Report [21]. Many other systems or components may be available aAer a safe shutdown earthquake, since systems not included in the SSEL are seismically designed. This equipment may be available to the operator, and direction for it's use is in the plant EOPs. i O1 2-6

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3. Safe Shutdown Seismic Demand He followmg e,ctinas describe the basis and development of the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE)  ;

response spectra Plots of the SSE ground response spectrum and the associated floor response spectra (FRS) are provided in AWv B. 3.1 Description OfSafeShutdown Earthquake The SSE ground response sinum (GRS) used for USI A-46 resolution is the site design basis l earthquake response spectrum per the MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR). De  ; simwn is derived from the North 69* West 9=g-:==t time history of the 1952 Taft earthquake, scaled to a 0.12g peak ground acceleration. He 5% damped GRS is plotted in Appendix B. He ' use of this GRS for resolution of USI A-46 was reviewed by the NRC and was found to be acceptable [7]. i l 3.2 In-StructureResponseSpectra De structures at the Monticello plant include the Reactor Building, Turbine Buildmg, Phat - Control and Cable Spreadmg Structure, Emergency Diesel Generator Building, the Emergency Filtration Train (EFT) Building and the Intake Structure. For the resolution of USI A-46 seismic demand for equipment housed in buildings other than the Reactor Building and the EFT Building will be based on the response spectra generated with the Reactor Building model. De Reactor Buddmg and the EFT Building have their own response spectra which will be used for the C equipment housed within each building. He floor response spectra (FRS) were presented to the NRC by NSP in response to Generic Letter 87-02 as " conservative design" spectra [6]. The NRC staff reviewed the original and subsequent

                         @ ling performed by NSP and its contractors and determined that the building modeling was adequate. De NRC staff concluded that the resulting FRS could be utilized as " conservative design" spectra a: defined in the GIP [7]. Plots of selected FRS are provided in Appendix B.

3.2.1 Reactor Building The Reactor Building is founded at elevation 888' 3" on medium sand with some gravel. k is a reinforced concrete structure from its foundation up to elevation 1027' 8". Above that a stxl , frame top story rises to elevation 1073' 2" he plan dunensions are 143' 6" by 140' 6" at the foundation. He Reactor Building contains the Reactor Pressure Vessel and the Reactor Pressure Vessel Shield Wall. De Reactor Pressure Vessel is a cylindrical steel shell supported on a reinforced concrete pedestal via a steel skirt. He Shield Wall is a concrete and steel thick walled cylinder supported by the same pedestal. A Reactor Building dynamic model was developed as part of the design basis seismic analysh. The design basis model consists of two separate 2-dimensional mathematical models, one for each horizontal direction. He models are constructed from lumped masses, beam elements, spring elements and rigid elements. Each model contains three " sticks" of beam elements. Soil springs (horizontal and rotational) are used to model soil flexibility. The models are rigid in the vertical i direction. 1 3-1

I j ktNGP USIM6Rosolution SeismicEvaluation Report FRS associated with the SSE were generated for major elevations of the Reactor Building main O ! structure. Documents of the plant's USAR were used as references in the effort. He FRS were calculated in a way 'that was consistent with the original seismic analysis of the plant. Two separate methods were used to calculate the FRS. For elevations where an original design FRS I was available, that data was used to calculate RS for additional oscillator dampings. When no such data existed, FRS where generated from a full seismic response analysis of the building. For the response analysis, FRS were calculated from a time history analysis. Modal properties of the Reactor Building were detemuned and the modal aperposition method was used to determine the in-structure r@cese He North 69 degrees West component time history of the 1952 Taft carthquake, normalimi to a 0.12g PGA, was the base input motion. A conservative 3% damping ratio was employed. 3.2.2 EFT Building ne EFT Building is a reinforced concrete structure supported on the east by a mat foundation and supported on the west by two heavily reinforced concrete piles. Due to the complexity of the shape of the building, a finite element model is chosen and developed rather than a lumped mass stick model. Plate, beam and spring elements are used to represent the structure. Soil structure interaction is taken into account by coupling the structural model with the supporting soil. For the east side of the structure, soil springs were determined by using equations developed for the case of a rigid plate on a semi-infinite elastic half-space. For the west side of the structure, i.e., the portion supported by piles, equivalent springs are calculated to represent the supports. The Bechtel Regulatory Guide 1.60 Synthetic time history was used as input for the seismic analysis of the EFr. Note that although the 1952 Taft earthquake is the design basis carthquake for the Monticello site, NSP clected to conservatively implement the Regulatory Guide 1.60 design spectra for the design of the EFT Building. This Bechtel standard time history satisfies the Regulatory Guide 1.60 design spectra, he motion is normalized to 12 percent of gravity peak acceleration to represent the horizontal SSE. He motion is normalized to 8 percent of gravity peak acceleration to represent the vertical SSE. FRS were generated as part of the design basis seismic analysis of the EFr. A modal analysis was performed to determine natural frequencies and mode-shapes. A time history response analysis l was performed using the Bechtel Regulatory Guide 1.60 Synthetic Ground Time History with peak i ground accelerations of 0.12g horizontal and 0.08g vertical. A damping ratio of 7% was used for I the SSE response. The response along the minor axis due to an orthogonal loading is added to the l principle response in that particular direction. The response spectra are developed from the response time history at each elevation. These spectra are smoothed and widened by 15% to 1 account for the unexpected variations of structural properties, damping, soils properties, and soil-structure interactions. O 3-2

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l i I waevsrusRuokca SehmicEnduanonReport

4. Screening Verification and Walkdown Results for Equipment Classes 1-20 The purpose of this section is to describe the Screening Veri 6 cation and Walkdown performed for active mechanical and electncal equipment identified on the MNGP Safe Shutdown Equipment List l

(SSEL). The guidelines contamed in this section were used to screen the equipment for seismic

            . adequacy. If the gia=a=* did not pass this screen, it was declared an outlier (see Section 7).

Each equipment assessment is docun= tai on a Screening Evaluation Work Sheet (SEWS). Any deficience are documented on an Outlier Seismic Verification Sheet (OSVS). i 4.1 SeismicEvaluation Guidelines

                'Ihe procedure for performmg the Screemng Verification and Walkdown is based on the followmg four seisnuc screenmg guidelines, as defined in the GIP:
1. Seismic Canacity Comnared to Seismic Demand - The seismic capacity of the equipment, )

based on carthquake experience data, generic seismic testing data, or equipment-speci6c  ! seismic pihan data, should be greater than the scismic demand im,W on the equipment by the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE). . 1

2. Caveats - In order to use the seismic capacity defined by the carthquake experience Boundmg Spectrum or the generic seismic testmg Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra (GERS), the equipment should be similar to the equipment in the earthquake experience equipment class or the generic seismic testmg equipment class and also meet the intent of the specific caveats for that class of equipment. If equipment-specific seismic qualification data is used, then any l specific restrictions or caveats for that qualification data apply instead  !
3. Anchorage - The equipment anchorage capacity, installation, and stiffness should be adequate to withstand the seismic demand from the SSE at the equipment location.
4. Seismic Interaction - The effect of possible seismic spatial interactions with nearby equipment, systems, and structures should not cause the equipment to fail to perform its intendai safe shutdown function.

The evaluation of equipment against each of these four screemng guidelines at MNGP is based upon walkdown evaluations, calculations, and other supporting data. 4.1.1 Seismic Capacity Vs. Demand Seismic capacity of safe shutdown equipment is based on: Earthquake experience data with capacity defined by the Boundmg Spectrum, or


Generic seismic test data which have been compiled into Generic Equipment Ruggedness Spectra, or


Equipment-specific seismic qualification data. 4-1

WGP USTA-46Resolunon SeismicEnluation Report For equipment located within 40' of grade with an estunated fimdammtal frequency greater than 8 Hz, the ground spectrum may be compared to the Bounding Spectrum. For purposes of deternunmg the 40 ' Above Grade elevation, effective grade for the site or each building must be determined. " Effective grade" at a nuclear plant is dermed as the average elevation of the grourxi surroundmg the building along its perimeter. MNGP is a soil site and grade elevation near plant l structures is about 930' to 935' above sea level. Effective grade was conservatively set at 930' above sea level for all structures. Most equipment at MNGP met both the 40' rule and the 8 Hz rule and was evaluated for capacity via the Bounding Spectrum To a lesser extent the conservative FRS was compared to 1.5 times the boundmg spectrum. h GERS were not used in the capacity versus demand comparisons nor was equipment specific qualification data used. 4.1.2 Caveat Compliance The second screening guideline which must be satisfied to verify the seismic adequacy of an item of mechanical or electrical equipment is to confirm that (1) the equipment characteristics are generally sinular to the earthquake experience equipment class or the generic seismic testing equipment class and (2) the equipment meets the intent of the specific caveats for the equipment class. ' Ibis review is only necessary when the Bounding Spectrum or the GERS is used to represent the seismic capacity of an item of equipme:::. If cquipment-specific seismic qualification data is used instead, then only the specific restrictions applicable to that equipment-specific qualification data need be applied. Another aspect of verifying the seismic adequacy of equipment included within the scope of this O procedure is explained by the rule ofthe box. For the equipment included in either the earthquake or testmg equipment class, all of the components mounted on or in this equipment are considered to be part of that equipment and do not have to be evaluated separately. However, the walkdown engineers must look for suspicious details or uncommon situations that could make the equipment item vulnerable. An item of equipment should have the same general characteristics as the equipment in the earthquake experience equipment class or the generic seismic testing equipment class. The intent of this rule is to preclude items of equipment with unusual designs and characteristics which have not demonstrated seismic adequacy in earthquakes or tests. Caveats are dermed as the set ofinclusion and exclusion rules which represent specific characteristics and features particularly important for seismic adequacy of a particular class of equipment. Appendix B of the GIP contains a summary of the caveats for the earthquake experience equipment classes and for the generic seismic testing equipment classes. The intent of the caveats should be met when evaluating an item of equipment as they are not fixed, inflexible rules. Engineeringjudgment is used to determine whether the specific seismic concern addressed by the caveat is met. Each item of equipment should be evaluated to determine whether it meets the specific wording of the applicable caveats and their intent. If an item of equipment meets the intent of the caveats, but the specific wording of the caveat rule is not met, then that item is considered to have met the caveat. A small number of SSEL items werejudged to meet the 4-2

wGP USM46Ruolcon SeismicEvalsationReport O V mtent, but not the exact wording of a caveat, and these cases are reported in Table 4-1 of this report. 4.1.3 AnchorageAdequacy ' MNGP verified anchorage adequacy with an approach incorporating three elements: 1

  . Evaluation of the ancharage to verify that it is free of gross installation defects
  . Evalunhan of the equipment ancharage load path to verify that there is .ndcquete stiffness and strength                                                                                 1
  . ~ Comparison of the anchorage capacity with the seismic demand The screemng approach for verifying the seismic adequacy of equipment anchorage is based upon a combination ofinspections, analyses, and engmeeringjudgment. Inspections consist of measurements and visual evaluations of the equipment and its anchorage, supplemented by use of plant %=entation and drawings. Analyses compare the anchorage capacity to the seismic loadmg (demand) imaa M upon the anchorage. 'Ihese analyses were done using the guidelines in Section 4 and Appaadir C of the GIP. Engineerina iudament is also an important element in the evaluation of equipment anchorage. As a general rule, anchorage was rigorously analyzed using a hand calculation or the ANCHOR software package developed by Stevenson & Associates [19].

h= ding calculations were developed to cover similar items. Small equipment, weighing usually 50 pounds or less was accepted byjudgment and a " tug test". 'Ihe tug test simply involves pulling ( on the device (say, a wall-mounted transmitter) with a force that clearly exceeds the vad seismic demand for the equipment location. The four main steps used to evaluate seismic adequacy of equipment anchorage at MNGP followed the guidance of the GIP and are shown below:

1. AnchorageInstallationInspection
2. Anchorage Capacity Deternunation
3. Seismic Demand Determmation
4. Comparison of Capacity to Demand
 'Ihe first main step in evaluating the seismic adequacy of anchorage is to check the anchorage installation and its connection to the base of the equipment. 'Ihis inspection consists of visual checks and measurements along with a review of plant documentation and drawings where necessary, and an anchor bolt tightness and embedment check for anchorage utilizing concrete expansion anchors.

All accessible anchors were visually inspected. A check of the following equipment anchorage attributes was made:

1. Equipment Characteristics
2. Type of Anchorage
3. Size and Location of Anchorage 4-3

AtNGP USTA-46Rosoknon SetsmicEvakattonReport

4. Installation Adequacy
5. Fmhedmmt Length
6. Gap at Breaded Anchors
7. Spacing Between Anchors
8. Edge Distance e

Concrete Strength and Condition o Concrete Crack Locations and Sizes

11. Essential Relays in Cabinets
12. Equipment Base Stiffness / Prying Action
13. Equipment Base Strength / Structural Load Path
14. Embedment Steel and Pads A discussion of the significant anchorage inspection results is included in the SEWS (in the notes).

He results were incorporated into the anchorage evaluation through nominal capacities and reduction factors. The second main step in evaluating the seismic adequacy of anchorage is to deternune the allowable capacity of anchors used to secure an item of equipment. The allowable capacity is obtamed by multiplying the nonunal allowable capacities by the applicable capacity reduction factors. He nommal capacities and reduction factors are obtained from Appendix C of the GIP, based on the results of the anchorage installation inspection checks. The pullout capacity allowable is based on the product of the nommal pullout capacity and the applicable capacity reduction factors: l Pa =P RT, RL, RS, RE, RF, RC, RR, Where: Pa = Mowable Pullout capacity ofinstalled anchor (kip) P. = N_qminal allowable Eullout capacity (kip) RT, = Eeduction factor for the Lpc of expansion anchors ) RL, = Reduction factor for short embedment Lengths l RS, = Beduction factor for closely Spaced anchors RE, = Reduction factor for near Edge anchors RF, = Eeduction factor for low strength (f.) concrete RC, = Beduction factor for Cracked concrete l RR, = Eeduction factor for expansion anchors securing equipment  ; with essential Relays The shear capacity allowable is based on the product of the nominal shear capacity and the applicable capacity reduction factors: Va =V RT, RL, RS, RE, RF, RR. Where: Va = Mowable shear capacity ofinstalled anchor (kip) V. = Nominal allowable shear capacity (kip) RT, = Beduction factor for the Lpc of expansion anchors RL, = Beduction factor for short embedment Lengths 4-4

l l , war ustA-46Reookron ' SeimicEmluanon Report d RS, = Reduction factor for closely Spaced anchrs RE, = Eeduction factor for near Edge anchars I RF. = Eeduction fsetor for low strength (f.) concrete RR. = Eeduction factor for expansion anchors securing equipment ' with essentialEclays l l Note that the pullout and shear capacities for anchors given above are based on having =d~- +- shhas in the base of the equipment and on not applying signineaat prying action to the anchar. If Check 12, Base Stihan and Prying Action, from Part II, Chapter 4 of the GIP shows that srihan is not ad~- -+- or that significant prying action is applied to the anchors, then the Seismic Capability Fagiaa-s lowered the allowable capacity loads accordingly. l The third step in evaluating the anchorage is to dato..o! c the seismic demand imna ad on the equipment. The demand load is established based on the type of demand spectrum used. If the FRS are used, no additional factors of conservatism are used to establish the demand load since the FRS are deemed " conservative design" by review of the NRC. If the ground spectrum is used for da==ad. then 1.875 times the appropriate spectral acceleration is used where 1.875 is the product of 1.5, the median amplification factor, and 1.25, the additional anchorage factor of conservatism for non-conservative demand spectra-The demand load is the product of the appropriate spectral acceleration value times the weight of the equipment item. Table C.1-1 of the GIP is used, in general, to establish the weight, A=d= mental frequency and equipment damping for the given classes of equipment. If the item is deemed rigid, the zero period acceleration (ZPA) is used. If the item is deemed flexible, either the peak of the response spectrum is used, or the largest spectral acceleration in the range above the estimated lower bound fnadamantal frequency is used. The fourth and final step to complete the evaluation detenmnes the seismic demand on the equipment anchorage and compares the seismic demand to the anchorage capacity. The demand on the anchorage is calculated using an equivalent static analysis. The demand load is applied at the equipment center ofgravity and anchorage loads are determined using engmeering principles. If the demand is less than the capacity, the anchorage is acceptable; otherwise, the equipment item is declared an outlier. 4.L4 SelsndeInteraction Checks

                      'Ihe fourth and final screening guideline used to verify the seismic adequacy of an item of                                       ;

mechanical or electrical equipment was to confirm that there were no adverse seismic spatial l l interactions with nearby equipment, systems, and structures which could cause the equipment to fail to perform its intended safe shutdown function. The interactions of concern are (1) proximity effects, (2) structural failure and falling, and (3) flexibility of attached lines and cables. Guidelines  ; forjudging interaction effects when verifying the seismic adequacy of equipment are presented in Appendix D of the GIP. 4.2 Seismic CapabilityEngineers andPeerReviewer The guidelines described in this section were applied by Seismic Capability Engineers as defined in O Section 2 of the GIP. These engineers exercised engineering judgment based upon an understandmg of the guidelines given in this document, the basis for these guidelines given in the 4-5

1 l MNGP USIA-46Resoknon SetsmicEvakanonReport l reference documents and presented in the SQUG training course, and their own seismic engineering O experience. , ne station walkdowns were largely conducted from September 26-30 of 1994, and February 20-March 3, May 22-26, September 11-15, and October 23-24 of 1995. Ec seismic capability engineers for the MNGP walkdown were Messrs. W. Djordjevic and J. J. O'Sullivan of Stevenson

 & Associates, and Messrs. D. Zercher and Ron Peterson of Northern States Power Company. All have been SQUG tramed and certified. Heir resumes and SQUG Walkdown Course Completion Certificates are provided in Appendix C. Operations Department walkdown support was provided by Mr. B. MacKissock ofNSP.

An independent evaluation and peer review of the walkdown process was performed by Dr. R. P. Kennedy and Dr. John D. Stevenson during September 11-12 of 1995. As required by the GIP, the review included an assessment of the walkdown and analyses by audit and sampling to identify any gross errors. A peer review walkdown was conducted to ascertain completeness and correctness of the GIP walkdown. The review included comparing completed SEWS with equipment previously inspected by the SRT. The peer reviewers concluded that the walkdowns were being conducted competently and the findings made were appropriate. Appendix E provides documentation of the peer review. 43 Evaluation Results andDocumentation 43.1 Summary ofFindings ne large majority of the equipment evaluated was found to be adequate for the SSE demand. The results of the screemng verification and walkdown are summarized on Screening Verification Data Sheets (SVDS) in Appendix D. More detailed documentation is contained in the Screenmg Evaluation Work Sheets (SEWS), kept on file by NSP. He SEWS typically contain notes, photos and calculations that support the screenmg judgments. Approxunately 400 SEWS were generated for SSEL equipment. In general, a SEWS was not  ! generated for rule-of-the-box equipment. If an item is covered by rule of-the-box, the item is l covered by the SEWS for the parent item. In that manner each equipment item on the SSEL i requiring a seismic verification and walkdown is addressed by a SEWS. The parent item is I identified for each rule-of-the-box item. The significant findings of the review are encompassed by the list of outliers and the discussion of reasons for outlier status. This information is presented in Section 7. A total of 42 outliers were identified. His number includes tanks and heat exchanger outliers discussed in Section 5. An OSVS form was completed for each outlier. l 43.2 Comments About Anchorage In general, equipment was found to be well anchored at MNGP. NSP had implemented a comprehensive program to upgrade anchorage of electrical equipment during the early 1980's [25]. As a result, additional anchorage and/or top bracing was added to many items of electrical equipment. For example, the majority of Control Room cabinets, safety related switchgear, and safety related motor control centers were upgraded with top bracing. Most instrument racks at MNGS also have top bracing. 4-6

_..y , warustusvm l Seisadcboksationitepart 1 ( I Based on the embedment checks, inspection of shandanad anchors, and plant daa==a=*=*iaa, the -

predonunant expansion anchor type at MNGP is the Phillips self-dnlling shell anchor. For newer

., installatians, the HILTI Kwik-bolt was typically found. Neither type requires a knock down factor i for anchar type. 1 h

                               '            For expansion awhars, a tightness check was performed to detect gross installation defects. He l

! *igh+--== check for expansion anchars was accomplished by applying a torque to the awhar by i hand until the awhar was " wrench tight," i.e., tightened without excessive exertion. If the awhar bolt or nut rotates less than about 1/4 turn, then the anchor is considered tight. He tightness check ! was pro. .ed on all accessible expansion anchors for floor mounted equipment where the j meharage adequacy is porfu. ed by analysis rather than a " tug test". Wall mounted equipment l was not subject to a tightanas check as allowed by the GIP haranee the anchors experience loading j due to gravity. i , No gross installarma defects were -a'ared in any expansion anchor tested. In a small number

of cases, the nut of an anchar was turned down more than a 1/4 tum because the nut had not been j fully pre-loaded In those cases the nut was then fully pre-loaded A random (" spot") embedment

! check on selected anchars was perfonned, inspecting them to e sure that the shell anchor and l equipment base are not in contact so as to invalidate the results of the tightness check. No installation problems were found. 1 s 4.3.3 CommentsAboutSeismicInteraction MNGP has seismic handaaping procedures in place to avoid seismic interaction hazards. During l the plant walkdowns at MNGP, the SRT identified only a few interaction concerns resulting from

improper scismic h=daaping; specifically, a small number of portable equipment items (e.g.,

j tool carts) that presented impact hazards. I Overhead piping systems and ductwork were closely evamineA in all plant areas containing SSEL equipment. He SRT noted that the systems were generally well supported. One section of vertical l duct in the B RHR room was identified for further analysis. 1 i Block walls were investigated as part of the seismic interaction check. On the SEWS, the SRT  ; noted the cases where a block wall had the potential to collapse on the equipment item under i review. If the wall had been evaluated as " safety related"in response to IE bulletin 80-11, the collapse concern was dismissed [24]. In all cases, block w311s in question were verified to be evaluated as " safety related". The information, including wall ID and evaluation reference, was recorded on the SEWS. 4.4 Commentary on Meeting TheIntent of Caveats l Here were no significant or programmatic deviations from the GIP in performance of the seismic i adequacy evaluations hmented in this report. As provided for in the GIP, in some cases , engineering judgment determined that an item met the intent but not the specific wording of a GIP caveat. Table 4-1 lists cases where the intent but not the specific wording of a caveat was met.  ; i i 4-7 1 i

                                                                                                                                                            .._  -o_

MNGP USIA-46Resoknon SeismicEvakationReport 4.5 Other Jypes ofSeismic Evaluations andInterfaces O In addition to the seismic evaluations covered in this section for active merbnical and electrical equipment, seismic evaluations for two other types of equipment are covered in other sections as follows:

 .        Section 5 - Tanks and Heat Evebngers Review
 .        Section 6 - Cable and Conduit Raceways Resiew A separate Relay Evaluation Report documents the results of the relay functiarmlity review    -

required in Section 6 of the GIP. While these other seismic evaluations can generally be performed independently from those for active mechanical and electrical equipment, there are a few areas where an interface with the Relay Functionality Review is appropriate:

      . Any cabinets contammg essential relays, as determmed by the relay review, should be evaluated for seismic adequacy using the guidelines contamed in this section.
      . A capacity reduction factor should be applied to expansion anchor bolts which secure cabinets contauung essential relays. The capacity reduction factor is discussed in Section 4.4 and Appendix C of the GIP.
      . Impact loading, including even mild bumping, is not allowed on cabinets contammg essential relays. This limitation is discussed in Section 4.5 of the GIP.
      . In-cabinet amplification factors for cabinets contammg essential relays may be estimated, l

l using the guidelines in Section 6 of the GIP, by the Seismic Capability Engineers for use l in the Relay Functionelity Review. I In addition spot checks were performed on relay mountings. Relays were found to be well secured to cabinets housings with no loose or missing hardware in esidence. I O 44

wGP USIM6Ruoida SeimicEvaluatimReport C Table 4-1 Items Meeting Intent but Not Specific Wording of Caveats Equipment ID and Class, Caveat & Commentary , Description C-19, C-289A, C-30 Class 20, Anchorage Caveat 2: Type ofanchorage covered by GIF C-32, C-33 He anchorage of these items includes through-bolts through a 4.5" , Control Cabinets in Cable - concrete and steel dock slab. He bolts are backed up by a steel Spreadmg Room angle or plate on the underside of the slab. %c capacity of the bolt is judged to be equivalent to a cast in place bo':, therefore the intent of this caveatis met. l CRD HCU E Class 7 and 18, Boundmg Spectrum Caveat 1: Equipment is . CRD HCU W included in earthquake experience equipment class CRD Hydraulic Control Each CRD HCU set is covered by two SEWS, one for fluid Units, East & West operated valves (Class 7) and one for Instmments on Racks (Class 18). Together these two SEWS arejudged to address the relevant seismic capacity issues and the intent of the equipment class caveat is met. He class 7 caveats address the capacity of the diaphragm operated valves that are part of the each HCU The class 18 O caveats address the capacity of the pneumatic controls (e.g., solenoid valves). In addition, an anchorage evaluation is included under class 18. He adequacy of the rack structure (stresses in tube steel frame) and mounting of components was also assessed under class 18. l l As part of the seismic interaction check, the insert /withdrawsl lines I were assessed for vulnerability and no concerns were found. Here is a platform over each rack, made of heavy structural steel members (I-sections, angles and tubes). It is very well braced to walls, including lateral support in both directions from diagonal bracing. It is dismissed as an interaction hazard (won't collapse and won't swayinto lines). P-88A, P-88B, P-88C, P-88D Class 6, Bounding Spectmm Caveat 1: Equipment is included in earthquake experience equipment class ECCS Area Drain Pumps Although these pumps are referred to as a Flygt Model CS-3065 submersible pumps, they are not being used as such, but rather as single stage, vertical centrifugal " bilge" pumps. Hence, they meet Class 6 caveats and are judged acceptable. O 4-9

MNGP USIA-46Essolunon SetsmkEvaluatwnReport Table 4-1 (continued) O l Equipment ID and Class, Caveat & Commentary ' Description RV-4236, RV-4673 Class 7, Bounding Spectrum Caveat 4: Mounted on 1" diameter pipe orlarger Reliefvalves j Fach is a similar small relief valve mounted off 3/4" line. He l operator is small, edi=tM to be less than 25 pounds, and the l offset is 24 inches. He seismic stress produced in the pipe is j estunated to be less than that allowed for a 1" line. Herefore the  ! intent of the caveat is met. RB-A30 Electrical Raceway, Rule 6: Beam Clamps Conduit in Area RB-A30 A small amount of some very light conduit w~as supponed by beam clamps that relied on friction. He conduit supports were tug tested i by SRT and judged to be acceptable for the light load. In addition the local system was judged to be stiff and would not tend to pry or I loosen the supports. 1 TC-8089C, TC-8089L Class 18, Anchorage Caveat 3: Type ofanchorage coveredby GIP These items are very light weight instmments mounted directly to a concrete wall with #8 screws into unknown inserts. He inserts may not be covered by GIP rules but the items were tug tested and l judged to be acceptable. I O' 4-10

l 4 MM3P USTA-46itenolunen s SetsmeEnduemonJtsport l lO f 5. Results of the Tanks and Heat Exchanger Review 1 This section gives the results of the tank and heat evek=ager reviews performed Tanks and heat .

                             -M -. were evaluated in acevidosce with the rules and procedures given in Section 7 of the                        j GIP.                                                                                                                ;

I One large buried tank and two large horizontal tanks were evaluated. Two sets of air accumulator tanks, for stant of diesel generators, were evaluated. The remainder of the tanks were relatively small air ami-itamr tanks for operation of valves. There are no vertical tanks on the MNGP l SSEL. Two large vertical heat exchangers were evaluated (E-200A, E-200B). 5.1 EvaluadonMethodology The screemng evaluations described in this section cover those features of tanks and heat ' , exch==gers which experience has shown can be vulnerable to seismic loadmg These evaluations include the following features-Check that the shell oflarge, flat-bottom, vertical tanks will not buckle. I ~Aiag on these types of tanks include the effects of hydrodynamic loadmg and tank wall flexibility, a Check that the anchor bolts and their embedments have adequate strength against breakage and pullout. I

                                . Check that the anchorage connection between the anchor bolts and the tank shell (e.g.,

saddles, legs, chairs, etc.) have adequate strength.

                                . Check that the attached piping has adequate flexibility to acwww.cdate the motion of large, flat-bottom, vertical tanks.

The Seismic Capability Engmeers performed the evaluations such that that they meet the intent of these guidelines. This review included a field inspection of the tank, the anchorage connectons, and the anchor bolt installation against the guidelines described in this Section 7, Section 4.4, and i Appendix C of the GIP. The derivation and technicaljustification for the guidelines utilized were developed specifically for: (1) large, flat-bottom, cylindrical, vertical, storage tanks; and (2) horizontal, cylindrical tanks and heat exchangers with support saddles made of plates. The types ofloadmg and analysis methods provided in the G1P are considered to be appropriate for these types ofitems. 'Ihe procedures are not appropriate for other types of designs such as a waist supported vertical heat exchangers. These items were evaluated using equivalent procedures and loadmg conditions as allowed in Section 7 of the GIP. The horizontal tanks covered by the screening guidelines in Section 7 of the GIP are cylindrical

                        . steel tanks and heat exchangers whose axes of symmetry are horizontal and are supported on their curved bottom by steel saddle plates. The screening guidelines are based on the assumption that the horizontal tanks are anchored to a stiff foundation, which has adequate strength to resist the seismic loads applied to the tank. Saddles are assumed to have slotted anchor bolt holes in the longitudinal direction to permit thermal growth of the tank, except for the saddle at one end of the 5-1

ALNGP USTA.46Resoludon SeismicEvaluattonReport tank which is fixed. The saddles are assumed to be uniformly spaced a distance S apart, with the two ends of the tank overhanging the end saddles a maximum distance of S/2. i A simple, equivalent static method is used to deternune the seismic demand on and capacity of the anchors and the supports for horizontal tanks. He screening guidelines contained in Section 7 of the GIP specifically addressed only the seismic loads due to the inertial response of horizontal tanks. If, during the Screenmg Verification and Walkdown of a tank, the Seismic Capability Engmeers determmed that the imposed nozzle loads due to the seismic response of attached piping may be significant, then these loads were included in the seismic demand applied to the anchorage and supports of the tank. 5.2 Summary ofEvaluation Results

    %e results of the GIP tank and heat exchanger evaluations are sununanzed in Table 5-1. Many of the items covered under class 21 were air accumulators associated with operation of valves.

He accumulators were small cylindrical tanks (typically about l' in diameter and 2'-3' long) clamped to structural steel via large U-bolts. The SRT verified adequate load capacity by push testing along and perpendicular to the tank axis. In addition, the air line from the tank to the valve was checked fer vulnerability. In other cases the accumulators were air bottles housed in a rack. In those cases the anchorage of the rack and the stability of the bottles in the rack were evaluated. O O 5-2 1

MNGP USIA-46Resok:on SeimicEvakanon Report Table 5-1 Tank & Heat Exchanger Evaluation Results ID and Results & Comments Description T-44 Results: Adeguate Diesel Oil Storage T-44 is a buried tank about 60'long and 13'in M==w. De center line of the Tank tank runs about 10' below grade ne tank is strapped to large concrete blocks that resist buoyant forces De tank is close to the Diesel Fuel Pump House (near end is about 5.5' away). [ De supply nozzle is about 12' from the Pump House wall. Supply piping i travels from the nozzle to wall and has bends that would acco.w.cdate relative

motion between tank and Pump House. Since the tank is buried, the significant l concern is relative motion between the tank and the Pump House that could break or crimp the supply line. However since both tank and Pump House are founded on soil and are very close to each other, large relative motions are not expected for the SSE. In addition the bends in the piping will accanmadata relative motion. Based on this configuration the tank is judged to be acceptable.

T-45A Results: Adequate j O T-45B Standby Diesel Following comments apply to either T-45A or T-45B. Gen. Day Tanks Diesel day tank is a horizontal tank on two saddles. It is about 6' in diameter and 9' long. Each saddle in anchored by four 5/8" cast-in-place bolts. He tank evaluation was consistent with the GIP Section 7 procedure. His tank did not have slotted holes in one saddle therefore both saddles were credited as effective. The saddle, welding and anchorage were found to be adequate. T-79A,B,C,D,E,F Results: Outiler T-80A,B,C,D,E,F Following comments apply to either set of air start tanks. Diesel Air Start Tanks Six air accumulator tanks clamped to a large steel rack. Each tank, about 2' in diameter and 6' long, is held by two large U-bolts. Wedge blocks, welded to the rack, prevent tank motion in one horizontal direction; however axial motion of each tank is resisted by clamping / friction. The friction resistance of all tanks could not be verified, therefore tanks were declared to be outliers due to load path concern. He anchorage of the rack was evaluated using procedures consistent with those for class 18 racks and found to be acceptable.  ; I O 5-3

AtNGP USTA-46Resolutta i SeismicEmluada Esport Table 5-1 (Continued) s I ID and Results & Comments Description j E-200A Results: Outtler E-200B Following comments apply to either E-200A and E-200B. 11 &l2 RHRHeat , Nhangers Large vertical heat exchanger hung from large steel beams. Support was I recently upgraded per reference 22. Cinch anchors were used in the original installation. Most cinch anchors were replaced by HILTI bolts in recent upgrade, except ten bolts located at "Detad 4" in NSP drawing NF-365401. The heat exchanger is declared an outlier because cinch anchors are not covered by the GlP However, anchorage may be qualified based on existing reference 22 analysis and load capacity of cinch anchor reported in reference 23. Other Class 21 Results: Adequate Items All other Class 21 items were air accumulators associated with operation of valves, see previous discussion in this section. . O 1 l l l l l l O 5-4 L - -- - _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .- - - _ _ - - - - - - . . - _

MNGP US!M6Resolunon SeimicEniuationReport

6. Results of the Cable Tray and Conduit Raceway Review 61 Introduction andPurpose
 'Ihis section gives the results of the GIP evaluation of the electrical raceways at MNGP. Electrical raceways are cable tray and conduit systems that are wall---*~i, floor supported and suspewievi systems The evaluations were conducted followmg Section 8 of the GIP.
'Ibe seismic evaluation involves conducting a thorough plant walkdown to verify that plant raceways are bounded by the experience database and to identify representative, boundmg examples of raceway systems and evaluate their adequacy.

62 Scope ofElectricalRaceways Assessed All power block buildmgs and elevations were surveyed. 'Ihis included the Control Building, Reactor Building, Turbine Building, Intake Structure, Diesel Generator Pump House, Emergency Filtration Train Building and Radwaste Building. 'Ihe station walkdown was conducted from September 26-30,1994 and from May 22-26,1995 by Seismic Capability Engmeers conducting the Class ofTwenty walkdowns. All areas were evaluated agamst the GIP caveats. 'Ihe surveys are documented on Plant Area Summary Sheets (PASS). 'Ihe next section discusses the evaluation criteria at greater length. All accessible rooms and areas were visited at MNGP encompassing practically all electrical raceways associated with SSEL equipment. Some areas were inaccessible due to radiological conditions. These areas did not contain any SSEL equipment and typically contamed only conduit. In all cases these areas werejudged to be acceptable based on the track record of well supported conduit and cable tray at MNGP. 6.3 RacewaySeismicEvaluation Guidelines 6.3.1 IncluslonRules Raceways are compared to the inclusion rule requirements of Section 8.2.2 of the GIP. 'Ihe rules are summarized below. . Cable tray spans should not exceed the 10' limit between adjacent supports and the 5' liant for cantilevers; . Conduit spans should be within the limits required by Rule 2 of Section 8.2.2; e On all cantilever bracket-supported systems cable trays and conduit should be secured to their supports so no tray or conduit sliding can occur, Channel nuts used with light metal framing systems should have nuts with teeth (ridges) stamped into the nuts ( Fig.8-1 of GIP); e Rigid boot type connection must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis . Beam clamps should not rely on friction resistance in the direction ofgravity; e Cast-iron anchor embedment must be specially evaluated 6-1

MNGP USTA-46 Resolution SetsmicEvaluationReport 6.3.2 Other Concerns & SeismicInteraction O In addition to the Inclusion Rules the SRT inspected the raceway systems for the Caveats known as "Other Seismic Performance Concerns" and " Seismic Interaction Review" per Sections 8.2.3 and 8.2.5 of the GIP. He rules are summarized below. Other Seismic Performance Concems l

  . Anchorages should be reviewed for adequacy in accordance with Section 8.2.3
  . Visible cracks, signi6cantly spalled concrete, serious honeycombs or other gross defects in the concrete to which the raceway supports are attached should be evaluated Corrosion of cable trays, conduit supports or anchorage should be evaluated
  .   %cre should not be noticeable sag of any conduit or cable tray as defined in Concern 4 of Section 8.2.3
  . Broken or missing components should be repaired or replaced                                                                  l
  . Cables should be restramed to keep then in the tray during an earthquake
  . Plastic ties should be check for aging and embrittlement
  . System hard spots should be evaluated Seismic Interaction
  . He raceway systems should be reviewed for seismic proximity interaction in accordance with GIP Appendix D
 . He raceway systems should be reviewed for falling hazards in accordance with GlP Appendix D
 . Conduit and cables should be reviewed for sufficient flexibility to accommodate differential displacement between safe shutdown equipment and adjacent equipment and structure
 . Isolated Outliers must be evaluated M Walkdown Raults 6.4.1 GeneralDescription ofMNGPRaceways Raceways at MNGP were a mix of cable tray and conduit. MNGP cable tray support systems are pnmarily oflight steel frame construction. He "Unistrut" brand framing system is predominately used. He most common cable tray hanger found is the cantilever bracket type support (single vertical member with cantilever brackets supporting tray, see Figure 8-8, Detail F of the GIP).

Often the cantilever bracket included a knee brace near the top of the vertical member. Here are also a large number of wall brackets supporting a single tier of tray. To a lesser extent, rigid trapeze frames hangers are used. Here are only a few isolated instances of rod hanger supports.  ! Supports were typically spaced at 6 to 8 feet. Lateral bracing to walls is sometimcs used. i The hangers are generally constructed of double channel members interconnected with 4-bolt ninety degree fittings. He hangers are typically bolted to overhead channel members which may be embedded into concrete, connected to a concrete slab by expansion anchors, welded to an I-beam or clamped to I-beams. 6-2

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . __ ___ _.- _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ . _ - . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i MNGP USTA-46 Resolution SetmicEnlaationReport , ne trays vaned in size from 6" width to 24" width, with the vast majority 24" wide ladder trays with a 3.5" side wall. Trays were not typically sprayed with fire retardant. Some trays were covered but the large majority were not. Tray was typically secured to a underlying bracket support by a ==h screw and nut or, when supported by a Unistrut channel member, by a bolt to a channel nut. Conduits vary in size from 3/4" to 4" nominal diameter and are of rigid steel material. Conduit is typically clamped to a Unistrut member that is anchored to the wall or ceiling. Some conduit is clamped to cable tray hangers but rarely was the conduit weight significant relative to the tray weight. Small conduit is often supported directly by a fitting anchored to the wall. Photographs of the various types of MNGP raceways are provided in the PASS forms. Detailed skataae of supports are attached to PASS forms. 64.2 Summary of Walkdown andScreeningResults For walkdown and screemng purposes, the plant was divided into 54 discrete evaluation areas.

                                        %c area boimdaries were chosen by the SRT to provide a logical and systematic means to perform and h=aa+ the evaluation. The Turbine Building, Reactor Building, EFT, and Intake evaluation areas are graphically identified in Appendix E. The location of other areas are identified on the PASS forms. A PASS form was filled out for each of the 54 evaluation areas.

Table 6-1 summanzes the results of the walkdown and screening effort. For each area the table O identifies the area location, tlw results ofinclusion rule check, the results of other seismic V performance concerns check, and whether supports were chosen for limited analytical review. He large majority of the evaluation areas met all rules and checks Four of the fifty-four areas did not pass inclusion rules or other checks Rese areas are further identified in Section 7 and involved isolated cases ofloose or missing hardware. I he Cable Spreadmg Room of the Control Building met all inclusion rules and other checks but I was judged to be an outlier based on the results of the Limited Analytical Review. He results are discussed in the next section. j l Channel nuts used for metal framme were spot checked and found to have ridges to help resist slipping as required. The framing hardue was consistently found the be "Umstmt brand" and there is high enaM~a that all channels nuts have ridges. Clip angle fittings were consistently used to connect framing member and no rigid boot connections were found. No usage of cast iron embedments was found at MNGP. Here are only a few isolated instances of rod hanger supports where these types of embedments might be used. Plastic ties were used to restrain cable to vertical runs of tray. Spot checks were performed and the ties were found to be in good repair with no embrittlement (per tug testing). Largejunction boxes were observed to be adequately supported. He conduit feeding into tie junction boxes was well supported in all instances. In addition, thejunction boxes were tug tested when possible. No unusual conditions were observed. 6-3

MMGP USTA-46 Resolution SetsmicEnsluationReport 6.5 LimitedAnalyticalReviewResults O All of the raceway systems and their supports are checked against the Inclusion Rules and Caveats. He GIP evaluation procedure also requires that each plant select and evaluate 10 - 20 raceway supports. He supports should represent the most heavily loaded of the major different support configurations in use at that plant. He evaluation is called a Limited Analytical Review (LAR). De Seismic Review team (SRT) selected twelve representative, boundmg samples of the raceway supports for the LAR. The supports were selected following GIP recommenMons arxl relied on SRT experience and engineering judgment. Because there was not a large variety of support types at MNGP, the process of choosing supports for the LAR was relatively straightforward. The supports chosen were evaluated per Section 8.3 of the GIP. Each support was first evaluated for dead load stresses per Section 8.3.1 of the GIP (members, connections, and anchorage). If the support is acceptable per this check, and it is a rigid wall bracket, then it was screened. Ifit is a ceiling hanger, then it is also subject to the 3 times dead load and ductility checks per Sections 8.3.2 and 8.3.3. There were no rod hanger supports chosen and the rod hanger fatigue check was not applicable. He results of the LAR are summarized in Table 6-3. Ten of the twelve supports chosen passed all necessary checks. He two items that did not pass the screening evaluation were in the Cable Spreadmg Room (Area CB-A2). Two cantilever bracket supports in the Cable Spreading Room did not pass the dead load check. Item CB-A2-L3 is a cantilever bracket with multiple tiers (five full width and two smaller tiers). The controlling capacity was the design allowable bendmg stress on an overhead Unistrut P1001 member acting as a beam. Item CB-A2-L3 is also cantilever bracket with multiple tiers (six full width). He controlling capacity was the design allowable load on a Unistrut clamp fitting. He Cable Spreadmg Room is tracked as an outlier per the LAR. These two supports together are representative of about seven hangers in the room. The LAR confirms the validity of screenmg other areas of the plant because the other supports in the LAR clearly bound the areas outside the Cable Spreadmg Room. O 6-4

marustaannaumm SelmicEvaluantenReport O Table 6-1 Electrical Raceway Evaluation Results ID Bid. EL Location IncIsa Other Inter LAR CB-Al ADMIN 950 CONTROL ROOM Yes Yes Yes No

 , CB-A2  ADMIN 939     CABLE SPREADING RM           Yes    Yes       Yes        Yes CB-A3  ADMIN 928     BATT RMS & RP ACCESS         Yes    Yes       Yes        No DG-Al  TB     931    DG ROOMS                     Yes    Yes       Yes        No DPH-Al DGPMP 935-    DIESEL PMP HOUSE             Yes    No        Yes        No EFT-Al  EFT-  933     EL 933 NORTH                Yes    Yes       Yes        No EFT-A2 EFT    933    EL 933 SOUTH                 Yes    Yes       Yes        No EFT-A3 EFT    944    EL 944 NORTH                 Yes    Yes       Yes        No EFT-A4 EFT    944     EL 944 NORTH                Yes    Yes       Yes        No EFT-A5 EFT    960     EL 960                      Yes    Yes       .Yes       No EFT-A6 EFT    960-    EFT CABLE DUCT              Yes    Yes       Yes        No IN-Al   INTKE 919     INTAKE STRUCTURE            Yes    Yes       Yes        No PT-Al   TB    911     PIPE TUNNEL                 Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-Al   RX    896+ RCIC ROOM                      Yes    Yes       Yes        Yes RB-A2   RX    896+ RHR A ROOM                     Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A3   RX    896     RHR B ROOM                  Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A4   RX    8%+ TANK ROOM                       Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A5   RX    8%+ TORUS AREA                      Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A6   RX    896+ DRYWELL                        Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A7   RX    8%+ HPCIROOM                        Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A8   RX. 935     MG SET ROOM                 Yes    Yes       Yes        Yes RB-A9   RX    935    TIP ROOM                     Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A10 RX     935    HCU EAST AREA                Yes    Yes       Yes        Yes RB-All RX     935     ESDC ROOM                   Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-Al2 RX     935     WSDC ROOM                   Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A13 RX     935     HCU WEST AREA               Yes    Yes       Yes        Yes RB-A14  RX    935+ STEAM CHASE                    Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A15 RX     962     RCRC PMP MTR GEN SET Yes           Yes       Yes        No RB-A16 RX     962     TOOL STORAGE /MAINT         Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A17 RX     962     EAST SIDE GEN AREA          Yes    Yes       No         No RB-A18 RX     962     TANK ROOMS                  Yes    Yes       Yes        No RB-A19 RX     %2      WEST SIDE GEN AREA          Yes    No        Yes        No RB-A20 RX     962     NON-REGEN / REGEN HX        Yes    Yes       Yes        No     ,

O 6-5

ktNGP USIM6Resoknon SeismicEvakatton Report Table 6-1 Continued O' ID Bid. EL Location Incisa Other Inter LAR RB-A21 RX 985 RECRIC MG FAN ROOM Yes Yes Yes No RB-A22 RX 985 FP PMP/ SURGE TNK RM Yes Yes Yes No RB-A23 RX 985 SOUTH SIDE GEN AREA Yes Yes Yes No RB-A24 RX 985 TANK ROOMS Yes Yes Yes No RB-A25 RX 985 NORTH SIDE GEN AREA Yes Yes Yes No RB-A26 RX 985 NORTHWEST CORNER Yes Yes Yes No l RB-A27 RX 985 PLENUM ROOM Yes Yes Yes No RB-A28 RX 1001 SOUTH SIDE GEN AREA Yes Yes Yes No RB-A29 RX 1001 NORTH SIDE GEN AREA Yes Yes Yes No RB-A30 RX 1027 GENERAL AREA Yes Yes Yes No RW-Al RW 935 CONTROL ROOM Yes Yes Yes No RW-A2 RW 935 OUTSIDE CONTROL RM Yes Yes Yes No RW-A3 RW 947 ELEVATION 947' Yes Yes Yes No RW-A4 RW 962 ELEVATION 962' Yes Yes Yes No TB-Al TB 911 RX FW PMP AREA Yes Yes Yes Yes TB-A2 TB 911 CONDENSER BAY Yes Yes Yes No TB-A3 TB 911 NORTH SIDE Yes Yes Yes No TB-A4 TB 911 LOWER 4KV RM Yes Yes Yes No TB-A5 TB 911 AIR EJECT /EXH AREA Yes Yes Yes No TB-A6 TB 911 CONDSTE PMP & SOUTH Yes Yes Yes No TB-A7 TB 931 MCC AREA & NORTH No Yes Yes Yes TB-A8 TB 931 NONIE ELEC & HTG BLR Yes Yes Yes No TB-A9 TB 931 NORTH CORRIDOR Yes Yes Yes Yes TB-A10 TB 931 TB ADDITION Yes Yes Yes No TB-All TB 931 UPPER 4KV RM Yes Yes Yes No TB-Al2 TB 931 OUTSIDE UPPER 4KV RM Yes Yes Yes No TB-A13 TB 931 SOUTH-WEST CORNER Yes Yes Yes No TB-A14 TB 951 TURBINE DECK Yes Yes Yes No TB-A15 TB 940 CABLE CORRIDORN Yes Yes Yes No SIDE Incisn: Inclusion rules per Section 8.2.2 Other. Other seismic performance concerns check per Section 8.2.3 Inter: Interaction check per Section 8.2.5 LAR: Yes if supports were chosen for limited analytical review e 6-6

l 4 M LISTA.46Resolunone SelsneteEnluation Report l

       ~                                                                                      Table 6-2 Supports Chosen for Limited Analytical Review No.            Location                      LARID              Description 1             CB-A2                         CB-A2-L1           Wall bracket with brace, I tier L                                  2              CB-A2                         CB-A2-L2            Cantilever bracket w/o brace, 4 tiers

! 3 CB-A2 CB-A2-L3 Cantdever bracket w/ brace,5 large tiers,2 smaller l 4 CB-A2 CB-A2-L4 Cantilever bracket w/o brace, 6 tiers 5 RB-Al RB-Al-L1 Vertical run on wall brackets 6 RB-A8 RB-A8-L1 Wall bracket with moment resisting fitting, I tier 7 RB-A10 RB-A10-L1 Rigid trapeze frame with brace, 8 tier: 8 RB-A10 RB-A10-L2 Rigid trapeze frame ,5 tiers and conduit 9 RB-A13 RB-A13-L1 Cantilever bracket w/ brace to embedded runner, 3 tiers 10 TB-Al TB-Al-L1 Cantilever bracket w/ brace to anchored runner,3 tiers 11 TB-A7 TB-A7-L1 Double cantilever bracket w/ brace, 6 tiers 12 TB-A9 TB-A9-L1 Sheet metalw311 bracket, I tier Table 6-3 Summary of Limited Analytical Review Results l No. LARID Design DL 3 X DL Ductility Result j 1 CB-A2-L1 Yes N/A N/A Screened l 2 CB-A2-L2 Yes Yes Yes Screened 3 CB-A2-L3 No (No) (Yes) Outlier , 4 CB-A2-L4 No (No) (Yes) Outlier  ! 5 RB-Al-L1 Yes N/A N/A Screened j 6 RB-A8-L1 Yes N/A N/A Screened 7 RB-A10-L1 Yes Yes Yes Screened , I 8 RB-A10-L2 Yes Yes Yes Screened 9 RB-A13-L1 Yes Yes Yes Screened 10 TB-Al-L1 Yes Yes Yes Screened 11 TB-A7-L1 Yes Yes Yes Screened 12 TB-A9-L1 Yes N/A N/A Screened , Design DL : Dead load check per Section 8.3.1 3 X DL: Vertical capacity check per Section 8.3.2 Ductility: Ductility check per Section 8.3.3 6-7

l 1 l 10K1P USTA-46Resolunon SetsmkEnaluationReport

7. Description of the Equipment Outliers An outlier is an item of equipment which does not comply with all of the screemng guidelines provided in the GIP. 'Ibe GIP screening guidelines are intended to be used as a generic basis for evaluating the seismic adequacy of equipment. If an item of equipment fails to pass these generic screens, it may still be shown to be adequate by additional evaluations. An outlier may be shown to be adequate for seismic loading by perfornung additional evaluations such as the seismic qualification +4a'-~ currently being used in newer nuclear power plants.

Equipment outliers are listed in Table 7-1 along with the associated outlier issues. A total of 42 Class 1 to 21 equipment outliers were identified. Of these eleven result from interaction potential from the Control Room Cedmg lights. 'Ihe lights are not safety chained or wired and represent a falling hazard. A total of five raceway evaluation areas were declared outliers. Four of these involved isolated cases ofloose or missing hardware. Section 8 provides a discussion of the proposed resolution of outliers. A number of pumps in tb Intake Structure were declared outliers. 'Ihe Reactor Building floor reponse spectrum was used for the evaluations. Since the Intake Structure is squat and stiff the Reactor Buildmg spectra are likely to be very conservative at low frequencies in this case. 'Ihc SRTjudges the more realistic in-structure demand is appropriate for outlier evaluation of the Pumps. I i i l 1 O 7-1

MNGP USTA-46Resolsaan SeismicEvaluationRepet l I Table 7-1 O ! Equipment Outliers ID and Class Outlier Issues C-03 through C-08 Control room ceiling 2'x4' lights are not safety chamed or wired (they C-15, C-17, C-20 rest on T-bars). This is a seismic interaction hazard (lights may fall on C-21, C-253D equipment and personnel). Class 20 C-19, C-32, C-42 These cabinets are outliers because an overhead duct which is strap Class 20 hung is in direct contact with the cabinet line-up and is thus an impact hazard; this is a relay chatter concern. C-129B He rack is anchored to the steel angle members that support the grated Class 18 floor; weld quality forjoint of floor members near anchorage is cause for concern. Also the vertical duct from V-AC-4 is possible interaction hazard, see comments for V-AC-4. C-56 A rod hung conduit carries wires to the rack. He conduit will swmg Class 18 during FJQ and may pull wires. This is tracked as an "other concem" seismic interaction caveat. C-253B A nearby cart on wheels could the impact cabinet, this is a relay chatter Class 20 concern. DIO Item only has three anchors, therefore item may have natural frequency Class 16 below 8 Hz. He FRS does not fully envelope the Boundmg Spectrum at frequency range ofinterest. D312 At time of walkdown there was a cart next to MCC that could bang Class 1 against MCC; this is a relay chatter concern. D313 Item is judged to be below 8 Hz. He FRS does not fully envelope the Class 1 Bounding Spectrum at frequency range ofinterest. The anchorage does not pass the GIP anchorage screening criteria. D3A,D3B D3A rack is an outlier because some spacers (between cells 34 & 33, Class 15 40 & 39 and 37 & 36) are missing above the batten bolts (Bounding Spectrum Caveat 4). D3B rack is an outlier because the batten at the end of cell 105 is not snug and should be made snug (Bounding Spectrum Caveat 5). E-200A, E-200B Cinch anchors were used in the original installation. Most cinch Class 21 anchors were replaced by HILTI bolts in recent upgrade, except ten bolts located at " Detail 4" in NSP drawing NF-365401. The heat exchanger is declared an outlier because cinch anchors are not covered by the GIP. K-10A A nearby dress out tape rack could slide / fall and hit compressor or air Class 12 lines; also nearby supply cabinet could fall and hit compressor air lines. P-109A, P-109B The cantilever length to the end of the bowl is about 25', beyond the 20' P-109C, P-109D limit of Bounding Spectrum Caveat 2. The FRS does not fully Class 6 envelope the Bounding Spectrum in the frequency range ofinterest. The anchorage does not pass the GIP anchorage screening criteria. 7-2

    - - . . . - - - - . . - _ . _ . . - - . . - - . - . ~ . - . . - - . _ - . - _                                                         - _ . - . . .

I wGP t.51A-46Bosakuen j Sohmk EvakattonReport i: Table 7-1 Continued

ID and Class Outlier Issues j P-lllA, P-1llB Similar to P-109 pumps, see conunents for P-109 pumps.
                                         - Class 6 RV-1746                               'Ibe vertical duct from V-AC-4 is possible interaction hazard, see Class 7                               comments for V-AC-4.

T-79A,B,C,D,E,F Each tank is held to a rack by two large U-bolts. Wedge blocks, T-80A,B,C,D,E,F welded to the rack, prevent tank motion in one horizontal direction; Class 21 however axial motion of each tank is resisted by d=t%/ friction. 'Ihe friction resistance of all tanks could not be verified, therefore tanks were declared to be outliers due to load path concern. V-AC-4 The large vertical duct coming from this unit needs to be chxked for Class 10 strength and stability. It is judged to be a potential interaction hazard Y10,Y20,Y30 Items are wall mounted distribution panels. Size and number of Class 14 anchors could not be determined. Outlier pendmg qualification of anchorage. Y01,Y22 Could not perform inspection ofinternals to verify that coils are Class 4 restrained Outlier per Boundmg Spectrum Caveat 3 pendmg verification of restraint. Y72,Y82 Coils are mounted on steel frame and frame rests on flexible pads. Class 4 There are bolts through the base frame but the nuts are not tight. 'Ibe item is an outlier per Bounding Spectrum Caveat 3. CB-A2 Two cantilever bracket supports did not pass LAR guidelines RacewayEval. Area DPH-Al Concerning the conduit to P-11, the support on pump is loose. RacewayEval. Area RB-A17 Conduit leading to rack C-56 could swing and pull wires, also tracked Raceway Eval. Area under C-56. RB-A19 For one vertical run near fire hose at SW corner agamst wall, vertical Raceway Eval. Area run does not seem to be bolted to lowest embedment. TB-A7 On main run of double cantilever bracket supported tray, one side RacewayEval. Area appears to be missing screws tying tray to P2500 brackets; outlier per

                                                                                    " Tie Downs" inclusion rule.


, . . - . - - . _ . . . . ~ . . - . . . - . . . _ . . - . . - . . ~ . . . . . . . - - ~ . - . ~ . . . . _ . - . . - , - . . . . . . . ~ . ~ , - . . . - - - . . . . MNGP US?M6 Resolution SetsmichaluanonReport l 1

8. Resolution of Outliers Table 8-1 identifies the proposed resolution of outliers. Outliers are grouped as appropriate when the proposed resolution pertains to more than one item. See Table 7-1 for a description of the cutlierissues.

1 i i 1 l l i 8-1 1

AOKIP US!M6Resokoon SetsmicEvakanonReport Table 8-1 O Proposed Outlier Resolution Item (s) Outlier Resolution All Control Room Support overhead lights so as to prevent falling items C-129B Evaluate the weld condition and upgrade if necessary, evaluate vertical duct and upgrade support if necessary C-19, C-32, C-41 Cope duct flange and insert resilient foam or rubber to prevent impact C-56 Attach conduit to nearby beam C-253B Move or restrain nearby cart D10 Replace missing anchor D312 Move or restram cart D313 Upgrade anchorage D3A,D3B Replace spacers and make end batten snug as needed. E-200A, E-200B Verify existing analysis used acceptable allowables for Cinch anchors K-10A Move tape rack and cabinet P-109A, P-109B Deternune more realistic seismic demarxl for intake structure and re-P-109C, P-109D evaluate pumps P-111A, P-lllB T-79A,B,C,D,E,F Perform tightness check on all clamps to verify no sliding for SSE T-80A,B,C,D,E,F RV-1746, V-AC- Evaluate vertical duct and upgrade support as necessary 4 Y10,Y20,Y30 Identify anchorage or perform in-situ load test or install restramts as needed Y01,Y22 Verify restramt of coils via: 1.) walkdown inspection, or 2.) manufacturer information Y72, Y82 Install plate washers then tighten the bolts at the base of the internal frame. DPH-A1, RB- Replace or repair hardware as needed. A17 RB-A19, TB-A7 CB-A2 Perform analytical outlier evaluation as specified in GIP, upgrade supports as needed. O 8-2

F MhGP USTA46Resolunare

SeismicEnfuanoorReport 4

l 9. References l

1. Generic Letter 87-02, " Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46", USNRC, j W==hiayan, D.C., February 19,1987.
2. " Generic T,nnL-atation Procedure (GIP), for Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment", Revision 2, Corrected, 2/14/92, Semnic Qualification Utility Group.
3. " Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No. 2 (SSER #2) on GIP-2", USNRC, i W==hiayan, D.C., May 22,1992.

l 4. USI A-40 " Seismic Design Criteria Short-Term Program", USNRC, Wa=hinyaa, D.C.

5. USI A-17 " Systems Interactions In Nuclear Power Plants" USNRC, Washington, D.C.
6. NSP Frapane to GL 87-02, Supplement 1 on SQUG Resolution of USI A-46 Monticello Nuclear Plant, Thomas M. Parker (NSP) to USNRC, dated September 21,1992.
7. USNRC Letter " Evaluation of Monticello Nuclear Plant 120-day Response to Supplement No. I to Generic letter 87-02 (TAC No. M69460)", A. H. Hsia (USNRC) to T. M. Parker (NSP), dated IM kr 10,1992.
8. Stevenson & Associates, "Monticello Nuclear Generatmg Plant Reactor Building In-Structure Response Spectra, Revision 1", Project No. 91C2687, September 1,1992.
9. SPECTRA Software Package, Stevenson & Associates, Version 2, November,1992.
10. EPRI Report NP-7146, " Development ofIn-Cabinet Amplified Response Spectra for Electrical Panels and Benchboards." Revision 0, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo O I1.

Alto, CA, prepared by Stevenson & Associates, December,1990.

                             "USI A-46 Limited Analytical Review - Cable Tray and Conduit Supports" Calculation 91C2687-C-017, Rev.0,11/15/95, by Stevenson and Associates.
12. SQUG Letter from N.P. Smith, SQUG Chairman to J.G. Partlow of USNRC,


Revision 2A to the GenericImplementation Procedure, dated March 26,1993.

13. SSRAP Report, "Use of Seismic Experience Data to Show Ruggedness of Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants," Senior Seismic Review and Advisory Panel, Revision 4.0, February 28,1991.
14. Northern States Power Company, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Design Drawings.

(Drawing numbers are specified where referenced).

15. EPRI Report NP-5228-SL, " Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment Anchorage (Revision 1)." Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by URS/ John A.

Blume & Associates, Engineers, June,1991.

16. ACI 318-83, " Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete", American Concrete Institute,1983.
17. EPRI Report NP-6041-SL, "A Methodology for Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Seismic Margin (Revision 1).", Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, prepared by JR Benjamin Associates et. al., August,1991.
18. .NSP, "Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Updated Safety Analysis Report".
19. ANCHOR 3.0 Software Package (with Verification and Users Manuals), Rev.0, 8/16/90 by Stevenson and Associates.
20. NSP, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, USI A-46 Resolution Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL), November,1995.
21. NSP, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, USI A-46 Resolution Relay Evaluation Report, 9-1

MMGP USlA-46 Resolution SeismicEvaluationRepet November 1995. O i

22. Bechtel Calculation, "RHR Heat Exchangers E-200A (10-2A) and E-200B (10-2B) Support Evaluation", Project Monticello, Job No. 10040-054, Calc. No. 054-C1, Rev. O, 9/27/84.
23. Lead Expansion Anchor Load Capacity in Reactor Building at the Savannah River Site",

WestingWse Savannah River Company, RTR-2661, Aug.15,1989

24. " Report on the Re-evaluation of Concrete Masonry Walls at the Monticello Nuclear Generatmg Plant for Northern States Power", prepared by Bechtel Power Corporation, Job 10040-056, November 1980. -
25. Seismic Safety Evaluation of the Anchorage of Safety Related Equipment at the Monticello I

Nuclear Generating Station, prepared by URS/ John A. Blume & Associates,1982.

26. Regulatory Guide 1.60, Revision 1, " Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants" US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 1973. ,

l O O 9-2

MNGP USIA46Ruolutta SetsmicEnluaumR: port O 10. Appendixes Appendix A: Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL) Appendix B: Seismic Design Basis Spectra

 .       Appendix C: Walkdown Personnel Resumes Appendix D: Screening Verification Data Sheets (SVDS)

A#ir E: Peer Review Assessment Appendix F: Electrical Raceway Evaluation Areas ( O 10-1 1

AfRGP USIA-46ksohnon Seismic Evaluation kport O APPENDIX A SAFE SHUTDOWN EQUIPMENT LIST (SSEL) l 1 1 1 0

          !                    dls 0 85                      8
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18. TRAIN CLASS MtK 18. DESCRIPTION Bug. Ms./Rev./2eee tulldlag F tr.Elv. Re. er RomKe1. SNT ISTES Iternal Desired REgi? RIE. IW./REV. 8 SWPMTIE 13BrWEMS 155tE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 112 Lou Press SRV Ishd T-rtags IE-3eB39-11 AsilN 951 5,2 VE5 Ils C03,PS-4EE2 or 20020 1 00 AIII-3-A-48 PS-4895,A Trate,021 M Pump 11 OUMas-0URD M-7905-46-12 ABIIN 951 5,R VES 300 C03,E: 150/151-504 20021 2 00 Afst-3-A-50 Relay, B Phase treaker 152-504,M1 M Pump 13 OUMan Out0 E-7905-46-12 Aml!N 951 5,4 VE5 RM C03,E: 150/151-503 20022 2 00 AfBI-3-A-51 RelaES Phase breaker 152-m,021 20023 1 00 Afst-34-04 M Pump 12 Ledeut let-7905-46-12 AlplIN 951 5,t VES Res C03.186-004 Belay, Breaker 152-404,M1 Core spray hmp 12 OUMme OURD NK-7833-21-3 AmlIN 951 5,t VES Ret C03,0L: 150/151-505 20024 1 00 Afst-34-07 Relay, treaker 152-E05,M1 W-7905-46-12 Amt!N 1,2 VES Rot C03,E: 150/151-404 20025 1 to Afst-34-12 M Pump 12 OUMme Out0 951 Relay, treaker 152-804 M1 Assi-34-13 RitSM Pump 14 Trip E-7905-46-12 AplIN 951 5,4 YES Ret C03,152-8076, 20026 1 00 Breaker 152-407.D21 20027 1 00 Afst-34-15 Care spray Pump 123 Lockout M-7833-21-3 AENIN 951 5,2 YES 808 C03.106-005 Relay, Breaker 152-405.321 20028 1 00 AIM-34-23 Care Spray Pump 12 Pur Fallure III-7433-21-3 ANIIN 951 5,t VE5 808 C03,14A4M se C-33 M1 20029 1 00 Afst-34-20 Alst Pump 14 Ledeut E-7905-46-12 AMN 951 5,t VE5 IN C03,106-403 Relay, treaker 152-403,021 20030 1 00 A101-34-30 Core Spray Sys II Viv Meter E 1g(-7833-21-3 ABIIN 951 5,2 VES Rot C03,49/0L2, treaker 4326,021 20031 1 00 Ales-34-35 M II Viv Meter OL 10l-7905-48-12 ABIIN 951 5,2 VE5 tot C03.49/0L2, Breakers 4323,4210,42W,4337,M1 20032 1 00 Afst-34-36 RIE Pup 14 0UMan SURD let-7905-48-12 ASIIN 951 5,R VES RM CO3,154/151-803 Relay, treaker 152-403,021 CERTIFICATION-The leformattee identifying the equipumet required to bring the plant to a safe shutdeme medities se this safe Shutdeue Equipment List (55EL) ls, ta the test of our knemledge and belief, corret.$ ate. (One er more signatures of systems er Operatless Englesers)
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                                                                                                                                                  $EISHIC REVIEW $$EL                              Filter Crtterta: (Eval. Type (BMTAIE '$')

Preyam Flie Name & Verslee: $$812.2 Ll"I Equ!P SYSTDLTOUIPENT c EOUIMEllT LOCATitNl -> c- W. ST. -> PIRER SWPIRTIE $VS. req'8 INTwsmarrTIINE MC.

10. TRAIN CLA$$ MRK 110. ESCRIPTION thsg. Ms./tev./Zene tulldtag Fir.Elv. Am. er Rom /tel. $0RT WTE3 Ilernal Bestred RE517 SNG. IB./REV. & SWFETIE 13591 RENT $ IsSE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 20033 1 00 Alel-34-37 RIR$1f Pump 12 Trip IK-7905-48-12 ABIIN 951 3,2 VES RM C03,152-teth, treaker 152-405,821 200M 1 00 AIII-3-4-38 Core Spray System II Inj Viv Noter IE-7833-21-3 Alpitu 951 $,t VES 200 C03,494L2, OLr treakers 4324,4325,021 20035 1 00 Assi-34-43 ElR II In.jection Vivs Noter OL IE-7905-46-12 Alpt!N 951 $,R YES stb C83.484L2, .

Greakers 4334,4335,921 20036 1 00 Alel-34-50 Rim Lati c Bus Nestter 15-7995-46-12 AIBIIM 951 S,t VES 95 C83.10A-tB44/B, C-32 and C-33,M1 20037 1 00 Afst-34-52 Rtt$1f Pumps OL-AUK Annu lit-7905-46-12 Alpillt 951 5,R VES Als C03, , 150/151-507,508,807,508 r

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2-3-45eC.D21 20043 1 00 Alel-5-A-10 Rescter Wessel L/L titr Level Ch 8 IE-7823-4-1 ANIIN 951 5,2 VES Em Ce5,LS 2-3-457D, L1 2-3-8500,021 20046 1 00 Alel-5-A-46 StV Opee E-95915-4 Alpilli 951 $,t VES ISS CSS,e$N Sultch, e$l1 . I 40E04,40Elt,4052C,40E3C 40E04,40034,40704,4071 A,821 20047 1 00 Afst-5-8-04 Reactor Aute scram Chamnel A IIK-783447-17 Astill 951 5,t VES RM C05.5A-K134/C/E er , G. C-15,921 20048 1 00 Alel-54-05 Reacter Aute $ cram Channel B Ilt-783447-17 ABIIN 951 1,2 VE$ RM Ces,5A-KIM/B/F er N. C-17,021 20049 1 00 Alel-5-8-12 teacter Manual Scran Channel A IE-704-67-17 AIBIIN 951 5,t VES RM C05,5A-222A, C-15,821 CERTIFICATIOll: The taformatlee Identifyleg the ogstyment required to bring the plant to a safe shutdeue condittee en this safe Shutdeum Espitomeet List ($$EL) (One er more signatures of Systems or Operattens Eaglesers) is, to the best of our kneuledge and hellef, correct and

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10. TRAIN CLASS IIREC 10. KSCRIPTION Ib t. No./tev./2see Bulldlag Fir.Ehr. Am. er Rom /Cel. SNT WTES Ilsreal Desired REqDi kNC. W./REV. & 51rPETIIE QBrWENTS IS$1E (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (t) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 90034 2 20 its 104-$21A 1t5 FOR P-lott ADMIN 951 CR $ 23 VE5 Ret C03,9111 9000A 1 20 11510A-$218 IIS FOR P-l0ID AlplIN 951 CR 5 23 WS B05 C03,8211 9005A 2 20 NS 104-1224 115 F0 P-111A M-411 B,4 Amilu 951 CR $ 23 TES 308 Cat,53835(IEC134) I 900EA 1 20 ft5104-5225 les FOR P-1115 Amilu 951 CR $ 23 W5 RW C08,54319(IEC1434) 14002 1 20 NS 134-11 Its Fot 52075 M-125 E.5 AmlIN 950 G $ 23 TES R0B C04,83340(IEC133A) 14004 2 20 Its 134-53 les Fat E2075 M-125 E,4 AmlIN 950 CR $ 23 YE5 RW C04,53301(933) 3062 2 20 its 14A-15A P-200411514A-15A M-122 B 2 ADM 950 CR $ 23 YES MB C-03, 4KV-152-505(IUS 15) 3065 1 20 11514A-155 P-200511514A-55B M-122 B,5 ASI 950 CR $ 23 YES 80B C-83, 4KV-152-605(BU516) 110094 1 20 its 16A-51A 115 FOR A0-2-804 M-115 C,5 ADMIN 951 CR $ 23 TES ROB C83,011,Y70 110104 1 20 NS 16A-51B lts FOR A0-2-80B M-115 D,5 Amt!N 951 G $ 23 YES RGB CO3,011 YF0 11011A 1 20 11516A-11C 115 FOR A0-2-80C M-115 0,2 AlptIN 951 CR $ 23 'E3 Ret C03,811 Y70 Il012A 1 20 11516A-51D its Fot A0-2-40D *115 C 2 Amitu 951 CR S 23 YES Ret CO3,811,V70 110134 2 20 its 16A-32A 115 FM A0-2-86A *115 C,6 Amt!N 951 CR S 23 YES RSS C03,921.100 11014A 2 20 11516A-$25 115 FOR A0-2-4EB M-115 E.6 ADMIN 951 CR $ 23 M5 Ret C03,921,100 j 11015A 2 to NS 16A-$2C les FOR A0-2-86C M-115 E.2 AlstlN 951 CR $ 23 W$ am C03,D21,Ya0 11016A 2 20 Its 16A-52D lts FOR A0-2-aED *115 C,1. AmtIN 951 CR $ 23 YE1 km C03,921,180 i 10003 1 20 its 23A-32 Its FOR 15-2034 5123 E.5 AmtIN 950 CR 5 23 VES Re C03,84342  ;

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10. TRA!N CLASS IGRK 10. DESCRIPT1011 lbsg. lis./Rev./2see Bulldlag Fir.Elv. Am. er RomKe1. SNT INTES Nerust Bestred REST 55. W./REV. B StrPWTIE 139981T5 ISSIE i

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) (le) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 12150 2 IS PS-7354 C SRV BELLeifs LEAK AUWI M-115-10,4 RI 951 W 5 VES 511,021 12209 1 18 PS-7355 O SRV KLLOW LEAK ALANI M-115-1 B.4 RI 951 Ill 5 VES 311,B21 120E3 1 14 PS-7900 E SRV KLLOW LEAK AUWI M-115-1 B,5 RX 951 BW 5 VES B33 12125 2 18 P5-7901 F SRV SELLOWS LEAK AUWI M-115-1 B,4 RI 951 Olf 5 VES RI3 IM43 2 18 PS-7902 C StV KLLOWS LEAK ALANI M-115-19,5 RX 951 BfIEZZ $ VE5 333 12142 2 18 PS-7903 N 5tv KLLOWS LEAK ALAmt 4115-10,4 RI 951 Rf 5 VES 833 1900EC 1 20 P5ML-4064A StV E Leif Lolf SET PRESS INTLK M-115-1 B,7 ABIIN 939 CSE 5 VES RIB C2531.ES-405u,C 19830A 2 20 PSNL-40648 Stv E LOW LOW SET MESS INTLK M-115-1 B,7 EFT 900 MAIN 5 VES Ret C255,ES-40598 19005A 1 20 PSML-4064C SRV E LOW LOW SET MESS INTLK M-115-1 C,7 ASIIN 939 CSR 5 YES RM C2534,ES-405m,C 190394 2 20 PS11L-4064D StV E Lolf Lolf SET MESS IllTEL M-115-1 B,7 EFT 9E0 IIAIN 5 VES RE C253,ES-4055 1900E51 20 PSNL-4065A StV G LOW URf SET MESS INTEL E115-1 B,7 ARIIN 939 CSR $ VES 385 C2534,E5-405m,C 19023B 2 20 PSNL-4065B $RV C Lolf Lolf SET PRESS IllTEL 4115-1 B,7 EFT 900 MAIN 5 VES RDB C253,ES-4059B 190358 1 20 PSNL-4065C SRV C LOW LOW SET PRESS INTEL 4115-1 C,7 Abflu 939 CSR 5 YES RM C2534,E50005W C 1903EB 2 20 P5ML-40650 SRV C LOW LOW SET PRESS IllTEL W115-1 B,7 EFT 950 MAIN 5 VE5 Ret C255,E5-4059B 1900EA 2 20 PSNL-406dA StV N LOW LOW SET PRESS INTEL W115-18,8 WIIN 939 CSE 5 VES RM C253A.ES-40594,C 1903ec 2 20 PSML-406ER 5tV N Lolf LOW SET PRESS INTEL M-115-1 Boa EFT 900 MAIN 5 VES RM C255,ES-485W 19085C 1 20 PSNL-4066C StV N LOW Lolf SET PRESS IllTEL W115-1 C,8 ANIIM 939 C5R $ VES RM C2534,ES-4Rith,C 19039C 2 20 PSNL-40560 stV N Lei LOW SET MESS IIfTKL M-115-1 B,8 EFT 900 MAIN 5 VES RE C253,ES-4055 3047 2 IS PT-14-304 C5 PWF 11 D1501ARGE PRESSWE M-122 C.2 RX 095 A BR ROSI $ - - VES BM C1291.E514-52A 3048 1 18 PT-14-3et C5 Per 12 DIsolARGE PRESSIRE *122 C.E RX SSE B RE Rest 5 - - TES RM C12N E514-528 13044 20 PT-2994A Dif MESS IIARRelf RAKE W143 C,4 R1 952 5 VES ES-7251A 1r.18 2 18 PT-29945 TORUS PRES 5URE MARRelf RAEE *143 B,4 RX 923 CR0 PWF 0000 $ II/A II/A VES REB It-WW3-81.ES-7251A CERTIFICATI0lf: The liformatlee identifylet the equipment required to bring the plant to a safe shutdeue tenditten se this safe Shutdeum Egstement List ($$EL) is, to the best of our knemie4gr and belief, correct and . (ese er unre signatures of Systems er Sperstless Eaglesers)

                              / EEIEER Print er Type lease / Title 1 AA Il ture U[N%         sete
                              / EEIEER                                                                                                     h                 M        '

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Page lis. 32 O O IWITICELLO IslCLEAR SDERATIE PUef Osta Base file usme/tste/ Time: FlinL.IBF O

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Progra File home & Usrstes: $$312.2 , LI3 EqulP SYSTDl/TOUIMllt < EqulPIENT LOCATION -> <-IP. ST. -> PWER SWPERTIE SY5. RES'O INTSC0 ELECT 10E REE.

18. TRAIN CLAS5 IWRK No. DESCRIPTION bg. lis./tew./2sse Bulldtag F tr.Elv. Am. er Rom /Cel. Sati leTES IIsrael Bestred REW7 Out. W./REV. & SWPORTIIE CorelENTS 155K (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) (le) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 19006 1 14 PT-4067A LOW LOW SET REAC1M PRESSWE N-115-1 B,8 II M $ VES 305 C-122,ES-40SI4,C 19835 2 PT-40E75 Lalf Lef SET REACIM PRESSWE N-115-1 B,8 RI 935 5 VE5 RN C-121.E5 4065 19005 1 PT-4067C LOW LOW SET REETOR PRESSWE *115-1 C,8 RI M $ VES RIB C-122,ES-485th,C 19039 2 18 PT-4067D LOW Lolf SET REACT 0t MESSWE 5115-1 B,8 t1 935 5 VES Ret C-121.E5 405W 19074 1 20 PT-6-58 N istIN STDut LEAK KTECTleil N-116 B,2 RI 962 5 WS 35 C-56,ES-6-111 13045 2 20 PT-7251A W WIK RAEE PRES M-143 C,4 II 952 5 VES E5-7251A 13035 1 20 PT-72515 BtVWELL WIK RAEE PRESS M-143 C,5 RI 905 5 YE5 [5-4100 13037 1 20 FY 72515 PCT WIK RAIEE ISOLATOR 5143 C,5 EFT 9E0 NAIN 5 WS RW C292,ES-4101 7026 1 07 RV-1523 IFER Plft DISOWOGE RRIEF WALVE N-133 0.3 F0 PIf 1100 M MAIN test 5 CLOSED CLOSED le 3040 2 07 tv-1745 11 C5 Plft D1501 RV TO GRW 11-122 0,2 RI 995 A RIR ROSI $ 15 ClasED CLOSED l

3039 1 07 RV-1746 12 C5 PIBF DIS 01 tv TO ORW N-122 0,6 RI 996 B RIR Rest 5 15 CLISED CLesED 1035 2 GB RV-1990 Elm 11 Plff SETION RV N-121 B,5 H 996 A RIE Reel 5 CLO5ED CLOSEB M 2019 1 C7 RV-1991 ElR/ tlR R Per SETlat RELIEF W120 B.3 RI Ogs' B Alm Rest 5 CLO5E CLOSEB le 1015 2 07 tv-1992 tlR 13 PUF SETIcit tv W121 B,5 t1 896 A IIR Reel 5 ClosEB CLD5EB le 2020 1 07 tv-1993 tlR/ Ret a Plfr SETIGI RELIEF N-120 C.3 RI 4M' B RIE Rest 5 CLOSE CUEER In 1 122EB 1 07 tv-2-71A A 5tv *115-1 B,5 RI M1 W MST $ CLOSED GP/CL le 12044 1 07 RV-2-715 B 5tV N-115-1 C,5 RI M1 Ilf letill 5 CtesEn W/tt le 1213 2 GB tv-2-71C C SRv N-115-1 C,4 RI 951 W AZ 225 5 CLOSED GP/CL IB , 12204 1 87 RV-2-71D D 5tv E115-1 B,4 RI 951 ef 5 Cla5EB W/CL le i 12056 1 07 RV-2-71E E Stv 4115-10,5 RI 951 W WEST $ CLO5EB CLOSEB le 12121 2 07 RV-2-71F F SRV 4115-13,4 RI 951 OW EAST $ CLOSED W/CL 15 12005 2 07 RV-2-71G G 5tv W115-1 C,5 RI 951 et EST $ CUBEB W/CL M 12135 2 07 tv-2-711t 11StV *115-1 C 4 II 951 W EAST $ CLOSED SP/CL IB


CERTIFICAT10ll: The leforsetten Ideettfyleg the egelpenet regstred to bring the plant to a safe shutdeun condities se this Safe Shetdmus Egelpment List (55EL) Is, to the best of our kasuledge med belief, correct and '

                                                                                                                               . (One er more signatures of Systems or Operstless Engineers)
                     / EKIED Print er Type Hume/ Title Ilgnature d/(b {kb             Bete                                                                                                         i
                     / EIEIKER Print er Type Name/ Title bR                                                    signature R     wtT                 U Bote r


Page Ils. 33 O O leff! CELLO IEELEAR CDERATIE PUNT Data Base File Name/Date/ Time: Filell.IIF O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             /11/16/95 / C:27:53 Report Dete/ Time: 11-16-95 / 12:02:37                                                                                                                                                                SAFE slanDest EqulPMDIT LIST ($$EL)                        Sort Criteria: IO thuter                                         ,

SEISMIC REVIDI $5EL filter Criteria: (Eval. Type CSIRAltit '$') ' Progra File llame a 9erslee: $58I 2.2 LIE EqutP SYSTDt/Equ!PIElli < EqutPElli LOCAflell -> <- S'. ST. -> PWEt StrretTIE SYS. req'D INERC015ECTitI6 REG.

m. TRAIN CLA$$ IGRK 15. MSCRIPT10Il hsg. IIs./tev./Zene Building Fir.Elv. to. er Rom /tel. SIRT leTE$ Iternal Desired REpi OK. m./REV. & strPetTIE CereIENS ISSIE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (E) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1990 2 07 RV-2004 IIIt Leer A DIsutARGE LIE RV M-121 D,2 RI 923 10tW5 CAlmLK $ CL85ED CLO5ED le 21 3 1 07 RV-2005 RIR LOOP R DISulMGE LIIE tv 4 120 D,6 II 935' USIC Beel $ CL85ED Cl055 le 1108 2 07 EV-2025 ElR NEAD SPRAY LIE RV E121 E.4 RI 952 SOUI11 $ CLOSED CL85ED le 1007 2 07 RY-2031 3D COOLIIIG SIETICII SIFPLV
  • 121 5,5 RI 935 E S0 C00Lils St S CLO5ED CLO5UI le 9242 2 07 E7-3038 11 Leir leTot C00LilE KAGER M-all 8,3 IlifME 919 MIN 8091 $ CLO5ED CLOSED le 9056 1 07 RV-3039 12/14 LOOP MOTOR C00LIIE IIEADER M-411 B,7 INTME 919 MIN ROBI $ Cl0SG Ctess a 9155 2 00 RV-3202 11 HI TWE $10E M-112 C,5 II SEE A Allt Rest $ CLDSED CLOSED le 9134 1 00 RV-3203 12 HI TWE $10E *112 C,4 RI $9E 8 ElR 3034 $ CLO5ED CLOSED le 7054 2 07 RV-3216 11 K All TK T-79A RV M-133 t,3 ft 931 11 K Bt $ CLO5G CLOSED le 70$$ 2 07 RV-3217 11 SC AIR TK T-798 tv 5133 B,3 TS 931 11 BC Nt S Closed CLO5ED le 7056 2 07 tv-3218 11 DG Alt TK T-79C tv *133 tot il 931 11 K 91 $ CLOSED CLO5ED 18 7057 2 07 RV-3219 11 BG Alt TK T-79 RV 4133 A,3 ft 931 11 K WI $ CLOSED CLO5G le 7050 2 07 RV-3220 11 K AIR TK T-79E EV E133 A,3 il 911 11 K NI $ CLOSED Cl05ED le 7059 2 07 RV-3221 11IIG Alt TK T-79F tv 4133 A,4 Tl til 11 K til $ CLO5G CLO5ED le 7134 2 07 RV-3222 DIESEL Alt START CWett$$0E (K-SA) M-133 8,2 ft 931 11 K WI $ 15 CLOSED CLOSED W  ;

7135 2 07 tv-3223 CIESEL Alt START CsetES30R (K-as) M-133 A,2 TS 931 11 K #1 $ 15 CLOSED CLO5ED le 70E0 1 07 RV-3224 12 SC Alt TK T-80A RV M-133 E.3 ft 931 12 DG RM $ CLOSS Cl0SG NB 7061 1 07 RV-3225 12 DG All TK T-act tv 4133 E.3 TB 931 12 K St $ CLO5ED CLO5ED 10 7062 1 07 RV-3226 12 BC Alt TK T-40C RV M-133 E 4 T5 til 12 K WI $ CLosG CLOSED le 7063 1 07 tv-3227 12 DG AIR TK T-80D tv 4133 D,3 TI 931 12 K 98 $ CLOSED CLOSED le 7054 1 of tv-3228 12 DG AIR TK T-80E RV M-133 D,3 18 til 12 K WI $ CLg5G CL85ED le  ; 7055 1 07 tv-3229 12 DC Alt TK T-80F tv 4133 D,4 TB 931 12 K WI $ CLOSED CL85ED 10 7132 1 07 RV-3230 OIESEL AIR START Cartt$3RR (K-9A) M-133 E.2 ft til 12 OG WI $ CLOSED CL85ED le CERTIfICAT1011: The leformatten Ideett ing the equipment regulfed te bring the plant to e safe slustdsui conditten en this $afe Shutdeum Equipment List ($$EL) Is, to the best of our ledge and belief, correct, pad (One or more signatures of Systems or Operettens Eaglesers) i

                   / EKIES Print er Type name/ Title b MM                                                      51gnatre II            b uste
                   / EKIEER                                                                        \M M h                                                                      t%f t_                        R       b Frist er Type ame/ Title                                                                                                              signatre                                                                    sete                                                                                                            ;

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Program Flie Ilume & Serslem: $$00 2.2 LI3 EqulP $YSTDI/EquipleK < EQUIPIGE LOCATim -> <- W. $T. -> PWER SirPWilE $VS. RE4'8 IIK9CNIECTIeII5 RES. Is. TRAlli CLA$$ ISAC 18. DESCtlPTIGIl hsg. Its./tev./2see Bulldlag Fir.Elv. Re. er Ree/Cel. Soti leTES limreal testred rep? MIG. IE./REV. & DrPETIE Cereen$ IS$E (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) 1946 2 te T-75C ACClfeA.Aiot Fat $V-19g6 M-121 C,5 RX SI6 A RIR Beel $ II/A II/A W 2029 1 21 T-75D RIS/ Rit D PifF MIN FLN ACClft 5120 C,5 RX SI6' B IIR ROSI $ IVA le 7056 2 21 T-794 11 K Alt TK A 5133 B,3 TB 931 11 M Nt $ IIB 7067 2 21 T-798 11 K AIR TK 3 4133 B,3 TB til 11 M Nt $ W 7008 2 21 T-79C 11 K All TK C W133 B,4 il 931 11 BG WI $ le 70E0 2 21 T-79D 11 M AIR TK D W133 A,3 TB 911 11 K St $ IS 7070 2 21 T-79E 11 K AIR TK E M-133 A,3 TB 941 11 K Nt $ le 7071 2 21 T-79F 11 BG AIR TK F M-133 A,4 ft 931 11 M St $ le 7072 1 21 T-804 12 BG Alt TK A 5133 E.3 TB 931 12 BG WI $ 10 7073 1 21 T-805 12 M Alt TK B W133 E,3 TB 931 12 BG Nt $ le 7074 1 21 T-act 12 K Alt TK C 4133 E.4 Tl 931 12 BG 56 $ le 7075 1 21 T-800 12 K Alt TK D E133 D,3 TB 931 12 BG WI $ IO 7076 1 21 T-80E 12 M AIR TK E *133 B,3 ft 931 12 BG Bt . le 7077 1 21 T-80F 12 K Alt TK F M-133 B,4 TB 931 12 BC 91 5 10 7165C 2 18 TC 8089C CSIRROLLD Fot V-$F-9 DNFEt$ TB 931 11 EDG WI $ le 71650 1 18 TC 8009L COIRROLLER For V-$F-10 DNFEt$ Tl 931 12 EK WI $ le 12272 1 19 TE-2-1134 A StV TDF ELDER M-115-1 A,5 II 951 Bil $ VES ft2-166,V2e 12050 1 19 TE-2-113 8 $tt TDP ELD 0ff M-115-1 C 4 RX 951 Rf $ TES ft2-166,V20 12293 2 19 TE-2-113C C Stv TDF ELDER M-115-1 C,4 EX 951 Ill $ TES ft2-166,120 12281 1 19 TE-2-112 0 stV TDP ELDER 4115-1 A,4 EX 951 Rf 5 VES C21,Tt-2-185,V20 12054 1 18 TE-2-113E E StV TBF ELDen 5115-1 A,4 EX 951 Rf $ VES 7t2-186,V20 12124 2 19 TE-2-113F F StV TDF ELDen W115-1 A,4 RX 951 Rf $ TES 7t2-186,120 12051 2 19 TE-2-113G G StV TDF ELDER 4115-1 C,5 RX 951 mi $ VES TR2-le6,V20 CUTIFICATICII: The leforsettee identifyteg the agelpment regelred to bri the plant to a safe shutduus condities se this safe Shutdeue Egelpment List ($$EL) is, to the best of our kasuledge and belief, corrgand ate. (One er more signatures of Systems or Operettees Englasers)

                      / EEINEER rrtot er Type nume/ Title 10 sigesture ll[lbe!kb Bote i
                      / EKIIEER                                                                                                                         LCcM_hc                              t-E               11   19 Prfat er Type Nume/ Title                                                                                                                                                  signature                                      Bote

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SYST98/EqulPIERIT < EgillPleri taCATiel-> <- W. $T. -> PEER SIFFETIE $V$. RES'S INfsarmamsrtiges reg. LIIE EglitP

m. TRAIN CLAS$ IttRK W. BESCRIPTieN hsg. Ils./Rev./Zeme Bulldlag Fir.Elv. Am. er Isu/tel. SERT WTES Murust bestred REqe? But. m./REV. & SiffeRTIE CepeIENS ISSIE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (s) (9) (le) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1ERU5 $DEGR 8-$RV718 titranner 51433,5 tX 1mus 916 15E PII X-237A $ WA WA VES Caen,TV-4EraA 13016 2 19 TE-40004 AREA 18HE $D98R 8-$RV713 MSCRIREE E143 3,4 RX TERUS 916 fuus PN X-23EB $ WA II/A W$ C2 SIS,TV-4578 13005 1 19 TE-4005 AREA 13024 1 19 TE-4247Al BR11 ELL T9F EL9EE W143 C,4 RX 932 W $ II/A WA VES C21.TR-23-115 i

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The leforsetten identi ing the epigment required to trieg the plast te a safe siwtdmun conditlen en this $efe shutdeum Egulpmast List ($$EL) Is, to the best of our ledge and tellef, cerveq ete. (ene er more signatures of er Aparetless Eaglesers)

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                    / EIEIKER Prtr. or Type Name/ Title lQn 5 tgaature llb       Date 6
                    / EIEIKER                kN_ $lysature tin th                                 ttk M b Pr t.t er Type w/ Title                                                                                  Date

O O Data Base File Name/Dete/ Time: FINAL.90F O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            /11/16/95 / C:27:56 Page lle. 5                                                                                  MONTICELLO IEICLEAR CEIERATIZ1 PLANT Report Date/ Time: 11-16-95 / 11:45:15                                                       SAFE $NUTDonel Equ!MNT LIST ($$EL)                                                                                               Sort Criteria: IB Number ulWOSITE SSEL                                                                                                         Filter Crf teria: <nene>

Program Flie name & verslem: $5812.2 c Equ!Mllt LOCATIGIl-> <- W. St. -> POWER SWPRTIE SV5. req'O IllparumarrTISE RE6. LI'2 Equ!P $VSTDl/ESUIPElli CB. TRAIN CLASS MIRK N. DESCt!PTION Dug. IIe./Rev./Zene Building F tr.Elv. Am. er Rew/Cel. Soti leTES Normal Desired REqD7 OuG. IndtEV. & SWPetTIE OB981 elf 5 I1SE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) , Rietsti Pump 12 Trip Ist-7905-48-12 AmlIN 951 5,2 VE1 Ret C03.152-8086, 20033 1 00 Asel-34-37 trealer 152-808,M1 , AlplIN $,2 VES RM C01,49 AIL 2, 20034 1 00 Asel-34-38 Core sprar Systee II lej Viv Matar NK-7833-21-3 951 Breakers 4324,4325,M1 OLr M II Injection Vivs Motor OL 10(-7905-46-12 A3111t 951 5,2 VES RGB C03,etAIL2, 20035 1 00 Afst-34-43 Breakers 43M,4335,021 Alet Logic Bus Montter IIK-7995-46-12 AlpI!N 951 5,R VES RM C03,104-8344/3, 20036 1 00 Afst-34-50 C-32 and C-33,M1 1c(-7905-46-12 951 5,R VES Ret C03, 20037 1 00 Assi-34-52 tlR$1f Pumps OL-AME Annu ADMIN 150/151-507,508,007,008 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , Breakers                   !

152-507,152-508,152-407 152-408,D21 Suppresslee Water Level ul/Lew E-36537-31 AlpIIII 951 5,8 VES 905 C04,LS-29EEA er 20G39 1 00 Alei-44-04 CR L5-29tES,D21 20040 1 00 Afst-44-35 Dryuell-Torus ut Press E-36537-31 AlpI!N 951 5,t VE5 ROS C04,Pt-2994,021 20042 1 00 Aset-5-A-09 Reacter Wessel L/L Utr Level Ch A 10(-7823-4-1 ADMIN 951 5,t VES Ale C05,L5 2-3-457C, L5 2-3450C.M1 20043 1 00 Afst-5-A-10 Reacter Wessel L/L utr Level Ch B let-7823-4-1 ACMIN 951 5,t VES Rot C05,L5 2-3-4570. LS 2-345N,921 20006 1 00 Alst-5-A-46 StV 6 pen E-95915-4 ADMlli 951 5,2 VE5 RGB C05,#518 settch, dPSit 40604,4061C,4052C,406E 40604.40H4,40704,4071 A,021 20047 1 00 Afst-54-04 Reacter Aute Scram Channel A let-783447-17 Alptlu 951 5,t VE5 RM C05,5A-K134/C/E er

6. C-15,821 20048 1 00 Afst-54-05 Reacter Aute scram Channel 3 let-783447-17 ANIIN 951 $,1 VES RM C05,5A-K1M/9/F or R. C-17,921 20049 1 00 Afst-54-12 Reacter Manual Scram Channel A le(-783447-17 ADMIN 951 1,t VES Res C05,54-E22A, C-15,021 CERTIFICATI0ll:

The tiformatles identifying the equipment tequired to bring the plant to a safe shutdeun condities on this safe Shutdeun Egulpment List (5$EL) is, ta the best of our kneuledge and hellef, correct ate. (One er more signatures of Systems or Operations Eaglesers)

                   / EEIEER                                                                llb N PrLt er Type Name/ Title                       ' ~ 5 tgWhture                                          Date
                   / EE'EEt PrLt er Type Name/ Title b\itcWh   signature u m_                    idMbl5 Date

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Page No.14 O O NONTICELLS IRICLED GEKRATIIE PUWT beta Base File Nume/ tete / Time: FIEL.00F O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          /11/16/95 / C:27:56 Report Dete/Tlue: 11-W95 /11:45:15                                                                                                                       SAFE SIRff90MN EOLIIMNT LIST ($$EL)                              Sort Criterla: 10 ihmter COWG5ITE $$EL                                          Filter Criteria: < nome >

Program File Name & versten: $584 2.2 LI~I EWIP $VST94/EqulMNT < EtulPleft LOCATIet ----o <- W. ST. -> pmWR SWPWTIE SYS. ret's Immanarrilms RfC. le. (?Alli CLAS l#RK 18. BESCRIPTION bg. No./Rev./Zene Bulldlag F tr.Elv. Am. er Rom /Cel. SORT ISTES IIsrael Bestred REST IMG.18./REV. & SWPORTIE CereIEES IS$1E (1) (!- (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 7162 1 0 mt 8009-82 V-$F-9 ENIAMST DAWER M-92E14 TB 12 E $ 16 CLOSEB SPel le TC-8000C 7163 2 0 W 8009-J1 V-$F-10 SWPLY BAWER 1B[-92W1-4 il 11 K $ 16 Closed #01 le TC-400gL 7164 2 0 m 80eg-J2 V-$F-10 SWPLY BAfrER 1El-9251-8 il 11 K $ 16 CLOSED 1r01 le TC-seget > 71 3 2 0 WI 80el-J3 V-$F-10 SWPLY BNFER M-9251-8 TS 11 E $ 16 CLO5EB WOI le TC-80stl 7165A 2 0 m 8089-K1 v-$F-10 Demu1T BAfrER 10(-9276-1-8 TB 11 BC $ 16 CleSEB 1r01 le TC-00ggL , 71658 1 0 m 8009-K2 V-$F-10 DetAMST BMPER M-92El-4 TB 11 E $ 16 CLOSED 1rD1 le TC-80ptL 2151 1 18 DPC-4103 RM Sif IIK 12 T/$ OP CollTROL 5120 A,6 EFT 960' IILIN Rest S ES RGB C-292. E/$-4100 , 1072 2 00 DPI 10-13m DIV 1 RIE 10(Ir M-121 A,3 Amt!N 951 CR $ WS ROR C-83,ES-7251A 2153 1 18 DPI-10-1315 RIE IIK 12 TWE/511 ELL OP CONTROL M-120 A,6 AMIN 951' CR $ WS RGB C03,E/$ 4101 7006 2 18 DPI-33EE K 11 AIR CLEAINI DIFF PRES $ N-133 3,6 ft 931 11 K NE $ 15 ble 11 DG , I 7010 1 18 DPI-3367 K 12 Alt CLEAIER DIFF PRES $ N-133 C,6 TB 931 12 BG WI $ 18 Rte 12 BC 21*4 1 18 DPI-4103 Ret $W 1211K T/$ OP CONTROL M-120 A,6 EFT 960' NAIN B086 $ VES Ret C-292. E/$-4100 1072A 2 00 DPIC-10-1304 Ele llK 11 TWE/511 ELL OF COIITROL W121 A,3 ABtIN 951 CR $ W$ Rot CB1.ES7251A.Y70 2154 1 18 DPIC-10-1305 RIE III 12 TWE/5NELL OP CONTROL M-120 A,6 ADtill 951' CR 1,2 WS RGB C03,E/$ 4101,W0 2154A 1 18 DPIs 10-928 RIR/ Ret B-RIR$W d/p 4120 A,6 RI 496' B RIR Rest $ WS RGB  ; C-12W.AIBI-34-9,021 , 10E3 2 18 DPIS-10-92A RIE III Laf 9/P ALAmt N-121 A,3 RX 896 A RIE ROSI $ WS 80B C-1294, Ales-3-A-10,021  ! t 3079 2 20 DPIS-14-434 C$ SPARGR 11 IREAK DET ALAmt M-122 C,3 RI 935 WEST $IDE $ - - - MS RGB C-121,AIII-3-A-13,821 6 3000 1 20 DPIS-14-43 CS $PARGR 12 BREAK DET ALAmt N-122 C,5 RK 935 WEST SIDE $ - - - MS Ros 1 C-121. Ales-3-8-14.021 l 121294 2 20 DPSH-40604 $RV F La Lo SET TAILPIPE trit /CLS M-115-1 5,2 AStill 939 CSR $ WS RW C2534,E$-40594,C 12130A 2 20 DPSN-40EGB $RV F Le Le SET TAILPIPE INLK W115-1 B,2 EFT 950 NAIN $ WS A08 C253,ES-405W  ! 12001A 2 20 DPSN-4061A SRV E Le Le SET TAILPIPE IllTLK W 115-1 D,8 AplIN 939 CSR $ WS RGB C253A.ES-40594,C , CERTIFICATION: The liformation identifying the espstpment required to bring the plant to a safe shutdeus condities en this safe $lartdeus Equipment List ($$EL) is, to the best of our kasuledge and hellef, correct andassur, ate. (One er more signatures of Systems or Operattens Eaglesers)

                    / EEllEER                                                                                                                            Nlb/ 6 Prlet er Type Home/ Title                                 signetEPe                                                                                              Date
                    / EEllER Print er Type Hume/ Title b_w"TDh_  51pisture     '

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Page Nr. 21 O MDNTICELLS IAELEAR SHEMTIE PLANT O tota Base File Nume/ Bete / Time: FilML.BBF O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    /11/M/96 / 08:27:56 i Report este/Tlee: 11-16-95 / 11:45:15                                                                    $AFE Sieltgedi EqulHENT LIST ($5EL)                                       Sort Criteria: 10 ihmter                                             4

' CWr05tTE $$EL Filter Criterte: <uene> Program File Ihme & terslee: $$88 2.2 l l Lt3 EqulP $YST91/EgulHEN < EqulHENT LOCAT181 -> <- W. ST. -> PEER SirPWTIE SYS. req't IliremrummerTim RES. ! W. TRAIN CLAS$ IORKIB. K$CRIPTItil thsg. No./Rev./Zene Bulldlag fir.Elv. Am. er Rom /tel. Seti IBTE$ Ilsrael testreA REW RIG. IB./REV. 8 51rFMTIE CerWENf3 I$SE t -- - - - ! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (0) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1033 2 20 5104-$M P-202A IINe9flTCN M-121 A,5 AstIN 950 CR $ 23 VES RM C4,3111 203M 1 M 115-104-$8 IIS FM P-2028 M-120 A,4 AgtlN 951 CR $ 23 1ES RM C03,0f11 t 1019 2 20 Its-10A-$M P-202C llAIS9f!TCN M-121 B,5 AplIN 950 CR $ 23 IES RE C-43,9111 2034 1 20 115-104-$3 115 FM P-20fD M-1M B-4 ABIIN 950 CE $ 23 VE$ RS C-03,St11 17012 1 20 IIS-1EA-115 les Fet le-23N W128 C,8 ABIIN 950 G $ 23 WOI CLO5ED VES AN C-04 B3310(333) , 17013 2 20 NS-16A$14 Its Fet 18-2358 M-128 C,7 ADtIN tie CR $ 23 SPDI CLOSED 1ES RM C-M,83382(333) 3014 2 20 115-3324 les Fet MB-1753 M-122 E 3 Amt 950 CR $ 23 VES RM C-03,83324 1122 2 20 Its-3D4 115 FW 18-2014104-$04 4121 C,5 Amt!N 950 G $ 23 IES RS C-03,B3338(IEC133) , 1120 2 20 115-3335 IIS FOR le-2012104-5104 5121 C,5 AmtIN 950 CR $ 23 VES RM C-03,83335(prrma) i 1949 2 20 its-3336 (104-516A) IIIIe5NITOI FM 10-2002 M-121 B,3 Amilu 950 CE $ 23 1ES IN C-SS,8333E(IEC1334)

  • 1097 2 20 115-3337 18-2006 IINS5lf 104-512A M-121 C,3 Asqlt 150 CR $ 23 VES RW C-03,33337(IEC13M) 1002 2 20 115-3341 115 FW 18-2006 (its-10A-$14A) M-121 D,2 ABIIN 950 CR $ 23 TES RS C-03,83M1(IEC13M) 7025A 1/2 20 115-42-4202/C5 Colf!ROL SIflTOI Fet P-11 ABIIN 950 CR $ OFF CN VES RS C06,8420P(IEC142A) 2009 1 M 115-420B(104-$14) Its Fet 18 -2007 4120 D,5 ABIIN 950' G $ 23 VES ROS C-03,942W(IEC142A) 2047 1 20 115-4210 IIS FOR E2003 (194-$18) M-120 C-5 Amllu 950 G $ 23 VES RW C-03,84210(IEC142A)  ;

3016 1 20 its-4324 les Fat 18-1754 5122 0,5 Amt 950 CR $ 23 VES ROB C-03,04324 , 1079A 2 20 115-4328 115 FOR 18-20B 10A-$7A E 120 B,6 ant!N 950 G $ 23 VES RM C03,043EB , 20644 1 20 115-4334 Its FM 18-2015 4 120 D,2 Rt 950 CR $ 23 ES RS C03,04334(IEC143) 20E5 1 20 lis-43M 115 FOR 18-2013 M-120 D-3 ASIIN 950' CR $ 23 VES IN C-03,005(IEC14M)  ; 2071 1 20 115-4337 les FW 18-2003 (104-112B) M-120 D-6 ABIIN 950' G $ 23 VE$ RM C-03,04337 12325A 1 20 115-$33 MASTG A505 ftAll5FG SIflTOI EFT 900 leIN t im RS C292 8117 14 J-1010 SEORITY JIRETIdilIN ABtIN 928 125 VOC BIV 11 $ W 7 8115 14 J-1012 $EORITY JIRETlWI BOR ABIIN 928 250 VIC DIV 1 $ le i CERTIFICAT10ll: The liformatten idrettfyles the equipment regstred to bring the plant to a safe shutdeus condities en this $4fe $hutdema Egulpment List ($$EL) [' is, ta the best of our kneuledge and hellef, cervect and (One or more signatures of Systems er Operettees Eaglesars)

                      / EEIKER reist er Type umme/ Title l b1A
                                                       - signature O!                              b sa a


                      / EEIEER                    E miMtDo                we                              U                              6 rrut .r ry,e Namenttie                                    sit ture                                                                      sete                                                                                                           j

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              / 11/16/95 / 08:27:56 Page Ils. 23 Report Date/Tler: 11-16-95 / 11:45:15                                                           5AFE $ NUT 00lti Equ! PENT LIST (55EL)                                                                                                                          $srt Criteria: IB llumber Filter Celteria: <neme>

OtresITE 55EL Program File Ilmue & Verslem: 5581 2.2 Ll'I EqulP SYSTEN/EqulPlelf < EqulPleff LOCATIst w <- W. ST. -> PIRER StrPWTIIE SYS. RE4'D INTwanesrTlell REC. le. TRAIN CLASS IglAC le. KSCRIPTION Dut. Ile./Rev./Zene Bulldlag Fir.Elv. Am. er tem /Cel. SWT IBTES usrael Bestred REqst mEL le./9EV. & SirPWTIIE GBrWWITS 155W (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (II) 190044 2 20 Lis 2-3-6578 RI LO LEVEL SCtml M-Ils D,6 AmtlN 939 CSR $ VES Ret C305 E5 48104,B 190794 1 20 Lis 2-3-658A RI LO LEVEL SGAN 4116 B.3 EFT 900 IIAIN $ W5 RM C300C ES-48194,8 190004 1 20 LIS 2-3-4508 RI Le LEWL SCRAll M-116 0,3 EFT 914 IIAIN $ WS Ret C30s,ES-40204,8 7941 2 14 L15-1528 K 11 OAY TK 454 LON LEVEL ALANI M-133 B,5 il 931 11 OC NI $ W5 A1084-C-06,911 7014 1 14 LIS-1529 BC 12 DAY TAIK 458 LON LEVEL ALAmt M-133 C,5 15 931 12 K BAY TK WI 5 W5 Alsl4-C-97.911 19025 2 20 LIS-2-3-734 CONT SPRAY 2/3 CORE LEWL INTLE N-116 C,6 RI E $ M5 RIE C-121,011 19055 1 20 Ll5-2-3-73 CONT SPRAY 2/3 tett LEVEL INTLK M-116 C,3 RI M 5 W5 30B C-122,921 190240 2 20 LR-2-3-113 RI Cott flATER LEWL M-116 8,6 ADMIN 951 5 WS tle C-43,E5-4101,Y20 190058 2 20 LS 2-3-657C RI Le LO LEWL ISOLATI0ll M-116 0,6 ANtIN 939 C5R 5 W5 80B C3044,ES-4817A,8 190040 2 20 LS 2-34570 RI LO LO LEWL 150LATIoll 41160,5 AmtIN 939 CSR $ VES ROS C30s,E54810A,8 . 1907M 1 20 LS 2-3-650C RI Le Le LEWL 150lATI0ll M-116 0,3 EFT 960 19 TIN $ WS AN C300C.ES-48194,8 190005 1 20 L5 2-3-6500 RI Le Le LEVEL 150LATiell W116 D,3 EFT 9E0 llRIN $ YES ROR C300G,ES-48204,B 7144 1/2 18 L5-1522 tel Cl[5EL DIL STOR TAIK T44 NI/LO 5133 C.2 YARD M $ VES Alel4-C-2,911 ALANI 13029 1 20 LS-2996A TORUS llATER LEWL ALARI M-143 A,5 ADMIN 951 CR 5 MS ROR C07,E5-C07C 13030 1 20 LS-29BER TORUS IIATER NI LEVEL ALANI M-143 A,5 AmlIN 951 CR 5 WS Als COT,ES-C07C 71534 2 18 LS-7210 11 EK 1851 LR FUEL TRAll5FER IE-9216-5-4 15 931 11 EK $ OFF ml MS A0511 EDC CUTOUT 7153 1 18 LS-7211 12 EK 1891 LE FUEL TRAll5FER TB 931 12 K $ OFF 0 11 W5 ROR 12 BC CUTOUT 71544 2 14 LS-7212 12 BC NI LE FUEL TRAll5FER CUTOUT IE-9216-5-4 TB 911 11 EDC $ OFF ON W5 Ret 11 EBC 7154 1 14 L5-7213 12 BC NI LE FilEL TRAIEFER OmIUT TS 911 12 K $ OFF W W5 Ret 12 K 7155A 2 18 LS-7214 11 BC La LYL FEL TRAll5FER Pipp IE-9216-5-4 il 931 11 EDC $ OFF al MS B0511 ESC START 7155 1 18 LS-1215 12 BC Le LE FEL TRAN Plfe START ft 931 12 BC $ OFF WI W5 80812 BC CERTIFICAT10ll: The leformatten identifying the equipment required to bring the plant te a safe shutdeus coeditlea se this safe shutdeue Espelpment List (15EL) ls, to the best of our kasuledge and hellef, correct and (One er more signatures of systems or Operatless Englesers) P,l.t .,1,,e N enitie

                        / EKIEER                   h-tt3  -                                       d[ b teb
                        / DEIEER                       h Mh_                WL                      ll l4 96 Print er type Name/ Title                                signature                                                            Date

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Northern States Power Company BUILDING : EFT Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ELEVATION : 932 5% Damped Floor Response Spectrum DIRECTION : EMI DESCRIP : Node 20 0.8 . e i . i . .. , i .c. e i ; i  ; i . i 4

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .i 4

Figure B-7


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0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -t t

L i Figure B -! h n k i 6

                         -,, -                   ._._.__m .... _ . . _. _         m.                         .._.                m_                .m          _ . ...___   . - _ _ _ _ _._.________ - _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                                                      m-______m      ___-___2                  u  __ _                                      _ _ _      _ _ w

Northern States Power Company BUILDING : EFT Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ELEVATION : 944 5% Damped Floor Response Spectrum DIRECTION : EMI DESCRIP : Node 55 1.2 s 6 9 0 h e I e a h 6 5 0 h 8 4 6 h t i t I e e I e 4 8 4 I b i I i 1 l I b t t t t t t t t 4 6 e 8 1 0 t I B t t I t t I I t 6 9 4 I I I t i j e t 9 _t__ t _ t _9 0

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t 6 i f f I t B I b I 4 I t i 5 0 $ 0 1 1 4 1 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 9 1 I t I i 1 0 t I t e B t 4 g 4 e t 6 9 6 4 I e 4 4 9 e I e 4 0 6 g 4 4 4 e 3 e

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e e s e a e a e t e e e a e e e e e e s a s e 0 9 4 4 5 9 I e . 4 t I t t 4 4 0 4 4 I t t t t t 4 9 4 1 E t 4 t t I t I 4 0 i i t 6 4 . 4 4 4 5 t t 6 f 6 e t 4 g 0.8 4 e g t t e I e 6 4 6 4 t . t 4 i 4 . t i . . . .t . . . . t . . .

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t t t I t e t 4 . .

                                                         , , , t t

i i I t t t t t i 3 e t t

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t . e 9 k i I e t t 4 4 6 t t 4 6 4 4 1 t s B e I _________L____i.___L__L_i_i_LJ.. i,

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i . t 9 . . , , i . . . t . . . . . t t . t , , 9 i t t t t I t i I 4 4 0 0 0 t t t I g 6 g e t . . . , .

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t . _________r____,___r__,__,t t I t t _,_r,_ t t t _________,_____r___,___,__,_-_,_,. t . t , , , t

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O.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) F%e B-12 O O O

i L Northem States Pcwer Company BUILDING : EFT Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ELEVATION : 944 , 5% Darnped Floor Response Spectrum DIRECTION :N/S . DESCMIP : Node 55  ; 2.0  ; , ,  ; , , , ; ,  ; .. ; , ; ;;;  ; , .  ; . , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , . _ _ _ ._ , _ _ ._ , _ ._ _ , _ _ , . ,._ , . __________r____,___,___,__,._

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                                ^                      ..________ .-__.-__                                        __k_.                 _e             _______ . _ . _ _ - - -                                                                      -.______.._____k___.__.__                             _ __.


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                                                       -____.____.                                                                                                                                                                                  ------- .----                  r--*i-*.-           r riT~
r. 7. - --------'*.c---r.-~~

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  • 1*0 .' . .'

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G . .' __a, ._ , _ _ _ . _ _ , ._ , _ , _ , ._________,_____ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , ._ _ . _ , . _ , _ , _  ; g . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .r . . . - t

                                <                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;_ _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ ;_ _ _ ;_ _ { _ } _ ;_ q . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _;_ _ _ _ _ p _ _ ;_ _ _;_ _ p _ y _;_ q _ _                                                                  . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;_ _ _ _ _ ;_ _ _ _;_ _ _;_ _ ;_ _ ;_ _;_ ; _

_________m____._ _ . _ __.__._. _ _ .,_____ ___.___.__ . _ r--- r-

                                                                                                                        .- r                r,.-       --------

c--- r - c-.- r r ei-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -- -----.---- r--
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .--,- r r i t
                                                                                   .              r.--        .         . .          r.     .                                   .                             .       . . ...                                            .         .       .     . . . .            r.--                  i 0.5                                                                                                                                                                                     .'.'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;_ _ _ _ _ j - _ _ ;_ _ _;_ _ p _ } _ ;_ q . _ _ . _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ y _ _ _ ;_ _ _;_ _ p _ ;_ _;_ j . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;_ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _e_ _ _;_ _ p _ ;_ _;_ ; _  ;

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c,.- --------.---- . r-- -- - r . r.-- .c-.-. . r...r

                                                                                    .r---- .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .r.-                      ;

O 0.1 1 10 100 . i Frequency (Hz) 4 t r i Figure B-13 [ t

                                                                       . . _ - . -                                                    .             -                 ._.                   .            . --                                                           .                               ~              . - , -

Northern States Power Company BUILDING : EFT Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ELEVATION : 960 5% Damped Floor Response Spectrum DIRECTION : EAV DESCRIP : Node 62 1.5 , ,  ; , , ;.; ,  ; .  ;  ; ; , , ,  ; ,  ;  ; , , , , ____________,.___c__.__,._,_. c r_ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .r--.-,. -rr. . . .

                                                                             . . ...               _________._____.___.,_____7..

7 r- _____6___i_

                               .________c____._____i__4._.ma_                                                                                                                  _ i_ 2 _ ______________



r--- r-- r- .- r c,.- .

                                                                                                                                                                                    ,.- --------.---- r--.--.-         .       .     . .    . . .

r .1--

                                                  .            .       .     . .      r.   . .                      .                                  r.    .     . r. r.        .                     .          .       .     . r.   . . .

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o.- j . _ _ _ _ _. _ p _ _ _ _ 4.. _ _._.p _ _ ;_ _ }_________l_____l___ _ j - ;- -l _ . ,___l__p_p_'. q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l_ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _l_ _ _l _ _ p - p _l_ j _ m_

                       ~                                                                                            .

_o_ o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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                                  - - - - - - - . - l- - - . - - t... - - -. F. -. -.l-. - - t -l '-                .
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                                                  .            .       .     . . . . .                              ,                                  ,     .     .     ., , , .                           i

_g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ p _ _ ;_ _ } _ g _ ;- _; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ ;- _ _ l_ _ t _ t _ ;_ q _

                                                  ,                                                                                                                                                              _ _ _ p _ _ _;_ _ _;_ _ ;_ _ p _;_ g _
                                                                                                                                                       .     .     . . . . .                           _ _ 7._         .       .     . . .           .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ , . ___r__,__,_,_, ,_ _______ . , _ _ ._ _ _ , . _ _ _ , _. _ _ ,._ ._ , _ ,. _ .. _ ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , _ _ _ _ .,___,___,__r_r_,_,_ . . . .

                               -________t. ____i. __t. __t_i._i_t            .

________t. ____t.___t. . _i_. _ t. _ t. _ t. 2. _ ______________t.___i___.__t. . . _ t.__i._

                               -________,____,._                     _. _ . ., ., _ _ ,. _. , _. _                                                                                        __________        , ____,___,____          , _ ., . _ .7._,._
                                                  .            c                                        _ _..c.,._  ,

_._ _7._,_ _., _. ,7.. _ . . . . . . 0 ' ' O.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) Figure B-14 9 O O

                                                                                      . _.__ _..                         _              _ _ . _ - _ . . _ . _ _ _ .                      m_-              . _ _        ___ m..

Northem States Power Company BUILDING : EFT - Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ELEVATION :960 5% Damped Floor Response Spectrum DIRECTION : NIS - DESCRIP : Node 62 12 . .  ;  ; ; i i . . i .. . i i i i  ; i i i i ei

                                        .         I       . .      I    I                           .          .       .-            . i.    . e                                g      .      .         .        .


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                                                  .I      O   .t .      0 .                         .          .       .       . .       l     . t                   . 1     .      .      . . .              3


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g . .

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                              .         .t                .             .l                          5          0       I       .               O ,                                                   .             .

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              ..______L____1..__L__L_1._1.LJ._                                                                                           . _.t_ J. _______________L___3___1.__L_L._._1._

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o . . ________._____,___,___,__._,t . . . t p I . . . 0 . . . _________._____r___.___.__r_,_.

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                                        .                          i . .                            .                  .             . .. . .                                                                    .
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0.4 . . . i . . . . . . . i i . . . . . . . . .

                              .         .         .       . i           . .                                    .       .       . .       t.    . .                         .      .      .      . . . . .

t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . .

                              .                   I       .             t        ____ _ _ _ _ b _. _ _ _ L _ _ _ l_. _ .. _ L _ L _I I_. J. _

B t 0 _________L______I__LL_._1..

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                              .         .         .       . .      1        .                       .          .               .         .$ . .                            .      .      .      . t ..      .t .
                                                                        .I                                     .               .         . .
            . _______ .,                .         t           I    I        t                       I
r. .. ,.-

r-- .-- - r r .r-t . . t _7. ___,.__, _._ _1r. r -

                                                                                                                       .--.- r t

r.-- . . . . _________._____,___r__,__,._ . . . . . _________.__.__r___,______-_._,._. . . . .

                              ,         .         .       . .           . t                         .          .       .       . . . . .                                   .      .      .      . . . . .
                                                  ^                         '                                                        '

O O1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) Figure B_15

Northern States Power Company BUILDING : EFT Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant ELEVATION : 960 5% Damped Floor Response Spectrum DIRECTION : EAV DESCRIP : Node 76 1.5 i . . . i . . . i . . . . i i. i i i  ; . i i i

           . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ .c_ _ . ,_ _ , . _ , . _r. , .- -------- .----

r-- r . ,. - r--.--

                                                                                                                                                                                                       - r r       ,1-

_________.________._ _.__t

                               .                   .      ,          , . .                           .           .       .       . . . .     ._._2..        _________._____e.__.___.__t_.___4..
           . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   .c____,.___.__.__,._,._._,._
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_ c ,

                               .          .        .      I     t    . . .                           .           .       .       . . . .                                                .      .     . . . .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . __.__. ________.___.__m_m_._

                               .          .        .      . . . . .                                  .           t               , , . . .                                    .          .     .     . . . . .
     .o O         .____________._____.._._4..

y . . . . i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 .g           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ ;_ _ _ p _ ; _ 4 _ ;_ _l _        _________;_____p__                      '_ _ _l_ _ p _ p l_ q . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;_ _ _ _ _ ;_ _ _ _; _ _l _ _ l_ _ ;_ _l_ j _

m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s'.

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a) . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g . . . , , . , , . , , . . . ,

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ ;_ _. _ _ y. _ _ .l_._ ._ ._ _ p _ _p __ _; 4. _ __ _ _ _ _ :,_ _ _ _ _ l_ ._ _ _:,_ _ _; _ _ ._ _ ._ _;._ ;. _ 0.5 .

                                                                                                                                  . . .            .L-
                                                   ,                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ ;_ _ _;_ _ t _ p _ ;_ q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;_ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _;_ _ _; _ _ t _ t _;. 9 _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ 9.

                               ,                   . _ _. t, _, _  . ;_
                                                                     . _ t _ 9 _ ;_ q _              .           .        .       . , , ,,                                    ,          .     ,     .        . .

_________,_g___.,_____,. _ _ , _ , _ , _ , _

                               .          .        ,      .,    . * . .                               .          t        .       . . . ..                                    .          .     .     , . . . .


                               .                           .                          ________t____t___i___i__t._t_i_2._
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i WALTER DJORDJEVIC l 4 , I EDUCATION: B.S. - Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin at Madison,1974 M.S. - Structural Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1976 , l REGISTRATION: . l State of Califomia, State of Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of Michigan PROFESSIONAL HISTORY: Stevenson & Associates,Inc., Vice President and General Manager of the Boston area office, l 1983 - present l URS/ John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, General Manager,1980-1983; Sa'ri Francisco, Califomia, Supervisory Engineer,1979 - 1980 ImpellCorporation, San Francisco, Califomia, Senior Engineer, 1976-1979 l Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, Engineer,1974 - 1976 l l f l PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: I Mr. Djordjevic founded the Stevenson & Associates Boston area office in 1983 and serves as Vice President and General Manager. He is currently preforming numerous seismicwalkdowns forresolution I of the USI A-46 and seismic lPEEE issues, and serving as the Project Manager for the Kewaunee, Point Beach and Palisades projects, alljoint A-46 and Seismic PRA projects. Mr. Djordjevie ls expert in the area of seismic fragiity analysis and dynamic qualification of electrical and mechanical equipment. He has participated in and managed over twenty major projects involving the evaluation and qualification of vibration sensitive equipment and seismic hardening of equipment. As demonstrated by his committee work and publications, Mr. Djordjevic has participated in and contributed steadily to the development of equipment qualification and vibration hardening methodology. 4 Mr. Djordjevic's previous walkdown experience included all of the SEP plants (8 plants), Nine Mile - Unit 1, D.C. Cook - Units 1 & 2, the Hanford Reservation Purex facility and the Savannah River Plant Reservation L-Reactor. He has personally participated in seismic walkdowns at 26 U.S. nuclear units. Representative projects include overseeing the SEP shake-table testing of electrical raceways, in-situ testing of control panels and instrumentation racks at various nuclear facilities, equipment anchorage walkdowns and evaluations at various nuclear facilities, principal author of the CERT / VALVE software package to evaluate nuclear service valves, and contributing authorin the development of the ANCHOR { } and EDASP software packages commercially distributed by Stevenson & Associates. SA-

Mr. Djordjevic has been involved extensively in the reassessment of safety-related equipment for { } commercial nuclear facilities and government U.S. Department of Energy facilities, for which he maintains an active Q-clearance status. He has served on advisory groups and review teams touring older existing nuclear facilities to assess safety and has performed earthquake reconnaissance at such installations following seismic events. PROFESSIONAL GROUPS: Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Working Group SC 2.5 (IEEE-344) Chairman, American Society of Civil Engineers Nuclear Structures and Materials Committee, Working Group for the Analysis and Design of Electrical Cable Support Systems Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Operation, Application, and Components Commit-tee on Valves, Working Group SC-5 s i I WD pg 2 _

f-------...& c, . >s S Q U'G . . = 4


l Certificate of Kehievement > 4 This is to Certify that !(j Walter Djordjevic 4 ( has Completed the SQUG Training Course for Demonstrating Seismic Adequacy of New and Replacement Equipment 4 0 and Subcomponents Using GIP and STERIMethods > 4 Held May 1-3, 1995 ' I . d i Neil P. Smith. Commonwealth Edison SQUG Chairman Q'd[2)g)h . Patrick Butler. MPR Associates Robert P. Kassawara. EPRI - lJ Course Coordinator SQUG Program Manager ,

                                                                                       =                             .

JOHN J. O'SULLIVAN q EDUCATION BSE - Princeton University,1983 MS - Massachusetts institute of Technology,1988 PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Stevenson & Associates, Woburn, MA, Senior Engineer,1988 - present Draper Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, Draper Fellow, 1986 - 1988 RCA Astro-Electronics, Hightstown, NJ, Design Engineer, 1983 - 1986 PROFESSIONALEXPERIENCE Mr. O'Sullivan is currently a senior engineer at S&A. His background includes design, analysis and testing of civil and mechanical structures, development of analytical software packages, and project engineering of comprehensive structural evaluation programs. While at S&A, his experience has included full scale testing of safety related equipment for the nuclear I I power industry, structural analysis software development, extensive analytical work in the area of structural dynamics, and project engineering of safety evaluation programs. He has also worked in the area of control and measurement of structure-born vibrations at micro-electronics production facilities. He has completed training as a Seismic Qualification Engineer related to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's USI-A46 program for the seismic verification of electrical and mechanical equipment at operating nuclear power facilities. He has served as a Seismic Oaulification Engineer for work at the Pilgrim and Monticello plants. He has conducted walkdowns and evaluations at Connecticut Yankee and Millstone Units 1 and 2 for the seismic margin assessments of those plants. Mr. O'Sullivan has performed full scale dynamic testing of safety related electrical cabinets (at the Grand Gulf, Nine Mile Point and Connecticut Yankee plants). He also developed a program forthe generation of in-cabinet demand spectra that is used in the USI-A46 evaluation of relays (program GENRS). Mr. O'Sullivan has extensive computer and software development skills and has created a number of commercial, PC based, engineering software packages. Applications include analysis of equipment base anchorages by using linear programming theory (program ANCHOR), a Windows-based program for the analysis of motor operated valves (MOVALVE), and a Windows-based program for seismic response of buildings and equipment (EDASPw). Mr. O'Sullivan is also actively involved in prediction, measurement and control of vibration in microelectronics facilities. For manufacturing clients such as IBM and the Digital Equipment Corp., he I l I j l SA

has conducted many site surveys and performed vibration testing of various types of structures, from , I I buildings to sensitive electronic equipment. He has developed a highly flexible PC-based multi-channel vibration monitoring system for use in tracking structural vibrations. While at RCA Astro-Electronics and Draper Laboratories, Mr. O'Sullivan was involved in the design and analysis of spacecraft structures. His experience includes structural design of Space Shuttle payloads, analysis of Space Station design concepts, and performance analysis of space-based structures under active control. KEY PUBLICATIONS

   " Guidelines    for Development of In-Cabinet Seismic Demand for Devices Mounted in Electrical Cabinets," EPRI NP-7146-SL R1, June 1995.
   " Vibration Monitoring in Microelectronic Facilities," SPIE Symposium on Optical Science and Engineering, Vol.1619, November,1991.                                                                   ,

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anb 9eismir IEualuation Graining Gourse , f iftelb August 10- 14, 1992 ' (l 1 1 i , 1 1 1 g Neil P. Smith. Commonwealth Edison

  • 4 SQUG Chairman s

David A. Freed. MPR Associates Robert P. Kassawara. EPRI ~ 4 jj g SQUG Training Coordinator SQUG Program Manager k s . 4

             -        -         -       -         -           -               -     -      -               -        -                               -                                     -     -                    h

DENNIS ZERCHER (] \)  ; Education: Sept. 1970 to May 1974: Michigan Technological  ! University, BS Civil Engineering


May 1974 to May 1975: Michigan Technological University

                 - course work completed for a Master of Science Civil Engineering P.E. Registration: State of Wisconsin, State of Minnesota l

EXPERIENCE Jan 1990 - Present Senior Civil engineer at NSP. Project engineer for the decommissioning of Pathfinder Nuclear plant. Responsible for obtaining the NRC license for Pathfinder vessel as a Type A shipping container and contributed to the Decommissioning Plan I fs submitted to the NRC. Project engineer responsible for various l ( ) modifications at the Monticello Nuclear Plant. Jan. 1988- Jan 1990 Project Control Supervisor at NSP. Duties included budgeting, scheduling, and cost reporting. 1 Nov 1984- Jan 1988: Contract engineer through Strom Engineering I at NSP Nuclear Engineering and Construction Department. Performed technical audits of A/E's on stress analysis that was completed for equipment and systems installed in NSP's nuclear power plants. Also involved in piping analysis, and scheduling. Jan. 1983 - Nov. 1984: Structural Engineer for Engineering Software Associates, Plymouth, Mn. Work included the seismic qualification of spent nuclear fuel storage racks and structural analysis of various types of equipment and structures. June 1980 - Jan 1983: Project engineer for par Systems Corporation, St. Paul, Mn. Work included the structural analysis and seismic qualification of spent nuclear fuel storage racks and remote handling equipment for nuclear fuel. Provided the analysis of the operational and seismic loading conditions. April 1976 - April 1980: Structural Engineer for FluiDyne

 -   Engineering Corporation, Minneapolis, Mn. Work included the Q ,/

i ! structural design of aerospace test facilities and energy systems. June 1975 - Jan. 1976: Structural Engineer for Clyde Iron Works, Duluth, Mn. Work included the structural design of gantry mounted cranes including the gantry, turn table and booms. l 1 i it 9 O

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RONALD L. PETERSON 1516 Victory Memorial Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55412 (612) 529-8345 WORK 14 years of civil engineering in the electric power industry. EXPERIENCE Estimated, designed and managed numerous construction projects. Performed inspections and structural evaluations at , both nuclear and coal-fired facilities. Familiar with AISC, ACl, UBC, fire protection and life safety codes. Interacted extensively with various regulatory agencies and insurance underwriters. Experienced in supervising architect / engineering consultants and individual contract employees. Experienced with computer spreadsheets, data retrieval, word processing and structural analysis software. Additional experience includes overseas assignment. (Complete work history attached). EDUCATION University of Minnesota, Minneapolis O Bachelor of Civil Engineering - June 1981 AFFILIATIONS Chi Epsilon Honor Society REGISTRATION Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.), Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture License Number 17860 PERSONAL S.S. #: 474-70-6206 DATA D.O.B.: 28 February 1957 Status: Single Height: 6'- 1 " Weight: 190 lbs Health: Excellent , i REFERENCES References available on request

Ronald L. Peterson WORK HISTORY March 1988 Employer: Northern States Power Company - Minneapolis, MN ) to Position: Sr. Civil Engineer Present Employed as civil project engineer for utility's engineering & construction department. Primary I responsibilities include engineering and administering various construction and repair projects at both  ; nuclear and coal-fired power plants. Specific duties include inspection, evaluation, scoping, estimating, I hiring & supervising NE's, coordinating with regulators & underwriters, reviewing ' drawings and i specifications, preparing engineering reports, preparing contract documents and reviewing / administering construction change orders. Projects to date have included coal. handling and storage systems, office buildings, warehouses, fab shops, security systems, elevator installation, site road construction, site landscaping, computer and telephone network systems, various safety upgrades. Jan 1984 - Employer: Bechtel Power Corporation - Los Angeles, CA to Client: Northern States Power Company of Minnesota Feb 1988 Seconded to client's construction department for project engineering position at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (see specific duties listed above). Projects included fire protection upgrades, storm & sanitary sewers, laboratory construction and ventilation modifications. April 1983 Employer: Bechtel Power Corporation - Ann Arbor, MN to Client: Consumers Power of Michigan n 1984 . Performed seismic analysis and drawing review for cable tray support requalification of cable spreading room at the Midland Nuclear Generating Station - Unit 1 March 1982 Employer: Bechtel Power Corporation - Ann Arbor, MI  ; to Client: Consumers Power of Michigan  ! April 1983 Served as field engineer on 5-man resident engineering team resolving on-site construction / engineering problems at the Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant. Performed walk-downs and interference evaluations. July 1981 Employer: Bechtel Power Corporation - Ann Arbor, MI to Client: Consumers Power of Michigan Feb 1982 Performed structural design, analysis and review for various modifications to the Palisades Nuclear  ; Generating Plant. Projects included seismic block wall upgrades, cable / raceway support and  ; underground piping layout. April 1979 Employer: Rutledge Construction Company - Hopkins, MN to Client: Various industries in the Minneapolis area Dec 1979 Worked as construction craft laborer for local contractor. Performed carpentry, masonry block-laying, cement finishing and equipment operation for various industrial and commercial remodeling projects. Sept 1978 Employer: Holmes & Narver Inc. - Orange, CA to Client: U.S. National Science Foundation O*rch 1979Overseas employment as materials coordinator for construction support of NSPs Antarctic Research Program. Supervised storage and shipping of construction material to interior bases from main coastal facility.

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j ' SQUG Training Coordinator SQUG Program Manager I - y . 1

             -..-......-.-.-. ,-. - . _ ...-~ .-- -_-        --. ..   . -- - - ---._-


Monticello Nuclea erating Plant Page # 1 11/08/95 01:1 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Eq. Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI EL Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip CI No Spec. Spec Demd7 OK7 OK7 OK7 OK7 2 LC-103 0 / 480 V LOAD CENTER TB 911.00 LOWER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 LC-104 0 / 480 V LOAD CENTER TB 931.00 UPPER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-202A 0 /11 RHR PUMP RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-202C 0 /13 RHR PUMP RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-208A 0 /11 CORE SPRAY PUMP RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 8 %.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-88A 0 / ECCS AREA DRAIN PUMP RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-888 0 1 ECCS AREA DRAIN PUMP RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-88C 0 / ECCS AREA DRAIN PUMP RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-880 0 I ECCS AREA DRAIN PUMP RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 AO-2-80A 0 / INBOARD MStV RX 933.00 DW NORTH 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-808 0 / INBOARD MSIV RX 933.00 DW NORTH 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-80C 0 / INBOARD MSIV RX 933.00 DW NORTH 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-800 0 t INBOARD MSIV RX 933.00 DW NORTH 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-86A 0 I A MSIV OUTBD RX 935.00 STEAM CHASE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-868 0 t B MISV OUTBD RX 935.00 STEAM CHASE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-86C 0 / C MSIV OUTBD RX 935.00 STEAM CHASE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AO-2-86D 0 / D MSIV OUTBD RX 935.00 STEAM CHASE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-1728 0 /11 RHR HX RHRSW OUT RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-1994 0 111 RHR PUMP MINIMUM FLOW RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-1996 0 113 RHR PUMP MINIMUM FLOW RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-1990 0 / RHR 11 PUMP SUCTION RV RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-1992 0 t RHR 13 PUMP SUCTION RV RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71 A 0 / A SRV RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-718 0 / B SRV RX 951.00 DW NORTH 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71C 0 t C SRV RX 951.00 DW AZ 225 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71 D 0 /DSRV RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71 E O / E SRV RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71 F 0 / F SRV RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71G 0 / G SRV RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2-71 H 0 I H SRV RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2004 0 / RHR LOOP A DISCHARGE LINE RV RX 923.00 TORUS CATWALK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Csrtification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether verified to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability are required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) cntries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l p p l //-/ h yI" l l l l Pnnt or Type Name S re Date Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date l W. Djordjevic l !q l l l l l Pnnt or Type Name Signa 'e Date' Print or Type Name Signature Date

7 i )  ! l 11/08/93 01:1J Monticello Nuclea erating Plant bJ Page # 2 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Eq Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI El. Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK? OK7 OK7 OK? 7 RV-2005 0 / RHR LOOP B DISCHARGE LINE RV RX 935 00 WSDC ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-2031 0 / SD COOLING SUCTION SUPPLY RX 935.00 E SD COOLING RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3242 0 / A SRV DISCHARE 2 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3242A 0 / A SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW WEST  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3243 0 / B SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3243A 0 / B SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW WEST .r 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3244 0 / C SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RX 951.00 DW NORTH 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3244A 0 / C SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RX 9',1.00 DW NORTH 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3245 0 / D SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3245A 0 / D SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7440 0 / E SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW WEST  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7440A 0 / E SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7441 0 / F SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7441A 0 / F SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7467 0 / G SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW NORTH 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7467A 0 / G SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW NORTH 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7468 0 / H SRV DISCHARGE 2 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-7468A 0 / H SRV DISCHARGE 8 VAC RV RX 951.00 DW EAST M3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-1753 0 /11 CS INJ INBOARD ISOLATION VLV RX 974.00 DOG HOUSE CUBIC S' b.20 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-1754 0 /12 CS INJ INBOARD ISOLATION VALVE RX 962.00 RWCU HX BACK RM  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes u MO-2002 0 /11 RHR HX BYPASS RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2006 0 /11 RHR DISCHARGE TO TORUS RX 923.00 TORUS CAW /ALK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2008 0 / TORUS COOLING ISOL RX 923.00 TORUS CATWALK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2009 0 / RHR/ RHR B TORUS COOLING TEST RTN RX 923.00 TORUS CATWALK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2012 0 /11 RHR LPCI OUTBOARD INJECTION RX 935.00 ESDC 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2013 0 / RHR/RHR B LPCI INJ OUTBD RX 935 00 WSDC 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2014 0 /11 RHR LPCI INBOARD INJECTION RX 935.00 ESDC 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2015 0 / RHR B LPCI INJ INBOARD RX 935.00 WSDC 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2033 0 / RHR LOOPS CROSSTIE RX 923.00 TORUS CATWALK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes G MO-2034 0 / HPCI INBOARD STEAM SUPPLY RX 951.00 DW AZ 150 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Certification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The in*ormation provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether venfied to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability tre required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l e l //- // - M l l l Pnnt or Type Name ur Da e Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date l W. Djordjevic Pnnt or Type Name l Sgnat re l { Datd Print or Type Name l Sgnature l Date l

                  -                                                                                                                                                               p k     )                                                                                                                                                           k" 11/08/95 01:10 n)                                                              Monticello Nuclea    nerating Plant                                                                     PageO3 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS)

Eq. Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI EL Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK7 OK? OK7 OK7 8 MO-2035 0 / HPCI OUTBOARD STEAM SUPPLY RX 935.00 STEAM CHASE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes ISOLATION 8 MO-2075 0 / RCIC STEAM SUPPLY INBOARD RX 951.00 DW AZ 200 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes ISOLATION 8 MO-2076 0 / RCIC STEAM SUPPLY OUTBOARD RX 935.00 STEAM CHASE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes ISOLATION .r 8 MO-2397 0 / RWCU INLET INBOARD ISOL RX 962.00 DW AZ 040  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 MO-2398 0 / RWCU INLET OUTBOARD ISOL RX 974.00 RWCU ROOM 986.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-1728 0 / CV-1728 (11 RHR HX RHRSW OUTLET)SV RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71 A 0 / A SRV ALT N2 A NS RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-718 0 / B SRV PILOT RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71C 0 / C SRV ALT N2 B SUPPLY RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71 D 0 / D SRV PILOT NS RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71 E O / E SRV ALT N2 A NS RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71 F 0 / F SRV PILOT NS RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71G 0 / G SRV PILOT A/S RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71H 0 / H SRV PILOT A/S RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71J 0 / E SRV ALT N2 A NS RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71 K 0 / G SRV PILOT A/S RX 951.00 DW WEST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71 L 0 / H SRV PILOT NS RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 8 SV-2-71M 0 / F SRV ASDS PILOT NS RX 951.00 DW EAST 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-A1 0 / V-SF-9 SUPPLY DAMPER TB 951.00 12 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-A2 0 / V-SF-9 SUPPLY DAMPER TB 951.00 12 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-A3 0 / V-SF-9 SUPPLY DAMPER TB 951.00 12 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-J1 0 / V-SF-10 SUPPLY DAMPER TB 951.00 11 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-J2 0 / V-SF-10 SUPPLY DAMPER TB 951.00 11 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-J3 0 / V-SF-10 SUPPLY DAMPER TB 951.00 11 DG  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 D100 0 / DIV 11125/250 VDC DISTRIBUTION EFT 932.00 ELEC EQ DIV 2 R 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PANEL 14 011 0 / DIV i 125VDC DISTRIBUTION CENTER ADMIN 928.00 #11125 BAT RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes i es Yes 14 D21 0 / DIV 11 125 VDC DISTRIBUTION PANEL ADMIN 928.00 #12125 BAT RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes l Yes Yes C rtification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Venfication Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether venfied to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability ua required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l m 'f s l J/-//-91' l l l l Pnnt or Type Name i at e Date Pnnt or Type Name Senature Date l W. Djordjevic l l O l l l Pnnt or Type Name Sig ture Print or Type Name Signature Date Da/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,/ m i

( J Monticella Nuclea rating Plant (V Page # 4 11/08/95 01:1 _J SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Rev Sys/Eq. Dese Bldg. F1 E Rm or Rw/Cl Base EL <407 Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip Eq. Eq.ID No Spec. Spec Demd? CK7 OK7 OK7 OK7 Cl ADMIN 928 00 #11125 BAT RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 D33 0 /125 VDC DISTRIBUTION CENTER ADMIN 928.00 #11125 BAT RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15 D1 0 t #11 BATTERY 125VDC ADMIN 928.00 #12125 BAT RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15 D2 0 / #12 BATTERY 125VDC ADMIN 928.00 250 VDC DIV 1 RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes No Yes Yes No 15 D3A 0 / #13 (DIV 1) 125/250VDC BATTERY A ADMIN 928.00 250 VDC DIV i RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes No Yes Yes No 15 D3B 0 1 #13 (DIV 1)125/250VDC BATTERY B EFT 933.00 .' 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15 D6A 0 / #16 (OlV 2) 125/250VDC BATTERY A 0 EFT 933.00 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15 D6B i #16 (DIV 2) 125/250VDC BATTERY B 0 / CHARGER,03A (13) BATTERY ADMIN 928.00 DIV1250V BATRM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 D52 053 0 i CHARGER, D3B (13) BATTERY ADMIN 928.00 DIV1250V BATRM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 0 / CHARGER, SWING D3A.D3B (13) ADMIN 928.00 DIV1250V BATRM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 D54 BATTERY D70 0 / CHARGER, D6B (16) BATTERY EFT 932.00 ELEC EQ DIV 2RM 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 D80 0 / CHARGER, D6A (16) BATTERY EFT 932.00 ELEC EQ DIV 2RM 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 D90 0 t CHARGER, SWING D6A,06B EFT 932.00 ELEC EQ DIV 2RM 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16 (16) BATTERY 18 C-129A 0 / RHR INSTRUMENT RACK RX 896.00 A RHR RM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 DPI-7846A 0 t RHR LOOP A dip RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 IR-DPT- 0 / RHR 11/13 PUMP D/P RACK RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7845A 18 IR-FT 0 I RHR LOOP A CONT COOLING FLOW RX 896.00 A RHR RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 111A INSTR RACK 18 PS-7110 0 I TURB CONTROL VALVE FAST CLOSURE TB 951.00 TURBINE 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7111 0 / TURB CONTROL VALVE FAST CLOSURE TB 951.00 TURBINE 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7112 0 / TURB CONTROL VALVE FAST CLOSURE TB 951 00 TURBINE 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7113 0 / TURB CONTROL VALVE FAST CLOSURE TB 951.00 TURBINE 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7352 0 t A SRV BELLOW LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7353 0 / B SRV BELLOW LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW MEZZ 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7354 0 / C SRV BELLOWS LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7355 0 / D SRV BELLOW LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 PS-7900 0 / E SRV BELLOW LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7901 0 t F SRV BELLOWS LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ctrtification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and behef, correct and accurate. "Alf information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether venfied to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved; (Signatures of all Seismic Capabihty Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capabihty tcre required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with a!! the Engineers deem it necessary.) (ntries and conclusions. Or.e signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher Pnnt or Type Name l ~ e A ature l //-/( #ffl Date Pnnt or Type Name l Signature l Date l l W. Djordjevic Pnnt or Type Name l !f$gt ature lN

                                                                                      / Dite
                                                                                               ] l Pnnt or Type Name l

Signature l Date l

(% D ( 11/08/95 01:1orta


Monticello Nucle ng Plant U Page05 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Eq. Eq.ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. Fi El. Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <477 Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK? OK? OK7 OK7 18 PS-7902 0 t G SRV BELLOWS LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW MEZZ 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 PS-7903 0 t H SRV BELLOWS LEAK ALARM RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113A 0 / A SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113B 0 / B SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113C 0 / C SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-1130 0 / D SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW *i 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113E O t E SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113F 0 / F SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113G 0 t G SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-2-113H 0 / H SRV TEMP ELEMENT RX 951.00 DW 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-4073A 0 t TORUS SENSOR 1-SRV71H / RCIC RX 916.00 TORL S PN X-231A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes DISCHARGE AREA 19 TE-40738 0 / TORUS SENSOR 1-SRV71H / RCIC RX 916.00 TORU S PN X-231B 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes DISCHARGE AREA 19 TE-4074A 0 / TORUS SENSOR 2-SRV71C DISCHARGE RX 916 00 TORUU PN X-232A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4074B 0 / TORUS SENSOR 2-SRV71C DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-232B 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4075A 0 1 TORUS SENSOR 3-SRV71B DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-233A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA  ! 19 TE-4075B 0 / TORUS SENSOR 3-SRV71B DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-233B 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA f 19 TE-4076A 0 1 TORUS SENSOR 4-SRV71G HPCI RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-234A 935 00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes DISCHARGE AREA 19 TE-40768 0 / TORUS SENSOR 4-SRV71G / HPCI RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-234B 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes  ! DISCHARGE AREA  : 19 TE-4077A 0 / TORUS SENSOR 5-SRV71A DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-235A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4077B 0 / TORUS SENSOR 5-SRV71A DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-235B 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes  ! AREA , 19 TE-4078A 0 / TORUS SENSOR 6-SRV71E DISCHARGE RX U 16.00 TORUS PN X-236A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes , AREA Certification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Ergineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether verified to be seismica!!y adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability . are required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l [ ,,,c , l //-/if- T l l l l Print or Type Name p atore Date Print or Type Name Signature Date l W. Djordjevic l N l l l l l Pnnt or Type Name Sign 3tu' / Ddte " Print or Type Name Signature Date  !

                  ,                                                                                                                                                                                                     n 11/08/95 01:                                                                   Monticello Nucle                      erating Plant                                                                                            Page0 6 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS)

Eq. Eq. 4D Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI EL Rm or Rw/Cl Base EL <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor Interact Equrp Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK7 OK7 OK7 OK7 79 TE-40788 0 / TORUS SENSOR 6-SRV71E DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-236B 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4079A 0 / TORUS SENSOR 7-SRV71F DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-237A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4079B 0 / TORUS SENSOR 7-SRV71F DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-2378 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4080A 0 / TORUS SENSOR 8-SRV71D DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-237A 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4080B 0 / TORUS SENSOR 8-SRV71D DISCHARGE RX 916.00 TORUS PN X-2388 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes AREA 19 TE-4247A1 0 / TEMP ELEMENT RX 932.00 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-4247C1 0 / TEMP ELEMENT RX 950.00 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-4247F1 0 / TEMP ELEMENT RX 970.00 986.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 19 TE-4247H1 0 / TEMP ELEMENT RX 994.00 1001.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 20 C-03 0 / RX A& CONTAINMENT COOLING ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No CONTROL PANEL 20 C-04 0 / RWC RECIRCULATING BENCH BOARD ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No 20 C-05 0 / REACTOR CONTROL BENCH BOARD ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No 20 C-06 0 / FEEDWATER AND CONDINSATE ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No BENCHBOARD 20 C-07 0 / TURBINE BENCH BOARD ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No 20 C-08 0 / GENERATOR AUXILLARY POWER ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No BENCH BOARD 20 C-15 0 / CHANNEL A PRIMARY ISOL AND RPS ADMIN 951.00 CR  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No VERTICAL BOARD 20 C-17 0 / CHANNEL B ISOL AND RPS VERTICAL ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No BOARD 20 C-19 0 / PROCESS INSTRUMENT VERTICAL ADMIN 939.00 CSR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No BOARD 20 C-21 0 / NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY ADMIN 951.00 CR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No TEMPERATURE RECORDING 20 C-292 0 / ASDS BENCHBOARD EFT 960.00 MAIN ROOM 960 00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Certification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. " Alt information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether venfied to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the c^mic Capability are required; there should be atteast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l / m A M l /N(-P T l l l l Pnnt or Type Name re Date Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date l W. Djordjevic Pnnt or Type Name l f#

                                                        'S nature l8
                                                                                      ' D' ate l

Pnnt or Type Name l Signature l Date l

11/08/95 01:t Monticello Nucle rating Plant v Page # 7 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Eq. Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI EL Rm or Rw/Cl Base EL <40*? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equ$ Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK? OK7 OK7 OK? 20 C-30 0 / RCIC CABLE SPR RM CONROL PANEL ADMIN 939.00 CSR 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 20 C-32 0 / A RHR, CORE SPRAY, ADS CONTROL ADMIN 939.00 CSR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No PANEL 20 C-41 0 / INBOARD ISOLATION RELAY PANEL ADMIN 939.00 CSR  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No 20 C-91 0 /11 DIESEL GEN ELECTRICAL TB 931.00 11 EDG 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 20 C-92 0 /12 DIESEL GEN ELECTRICAL TB 931.00 12 EDG .r 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Catification: Certifscation: AH the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "Au information" indudes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether verified to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of au Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability are required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with aR the Engineers deem it necessary.) (ntries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) i l D. Zercher Pnnt or Type Name l M AM e l j/-/g-yrl Date Pnnt or Type Name l Segnature l Date l l W. Djordjevic l l [/ l l l l Print or Type Name Signdtu /Dap / Print or Type Name Signature Date

   - - . . - .                    ~ ~ -. --~---- -~~~~.-~ ~-----,-+                                                                                                   .-,~~--.-~~.~--w-                                                          e    ~ ~ . -

! i i i ng Plant Page # 8 11/10/95 02: M Monticello Nuclea .{ SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) i Eq. Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. Fi El. Rm or Rw/C1 Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip . Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK? OK7 OK7 OK7 i 1 D311 0 / DtV 1 (RCIC) 250V DC MOTOR CONTROL RX 896.00 RCIC ROOM 896.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes Yes' Yes CENTER 311 D312 0 RX 896.00 HPCI ROOM 896.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes No .No i 1 / DIV 2 (HPCI) 250V DC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER 312 l

1 D313 0 / DIV 1250V DC MOTOR CONTROL RX 962.00 MG SET ROOM 963.00 N/A ABS CRS N No No Yes No -[

CENTER 313 ,r 1 MCC133A 0 / 480 V MCC (833A) TB 911.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes l 1 MCC133B O I480V MCC TB 911.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes + l t 1 MCC134 0 / 480 V MCC (B34) EFT 944.00 944.00 Yes SS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  ; 1 MCC142A 0 / 480 V MCC (B42A) TB 931.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 MCC1428 0 / 480V MCC TB 931.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes- Yes Yes Yes 1 MCC143A 0 / 480 V MCC (843A) TB 931.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes l l 1 MCC1438 0 / 480V MCC TB 931.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes i 1 MCC144 0 / 480 V MCC (B44) EFT 933.00 932.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 BUS 15 0 / 4160 SWITCHGEAR TB 911.00 LOWER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes i 3 BUS 16 0 / 4160 SWITCHGEAR TB 931.00 UPPER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 G31 0 / #11 DG NEUTRAL GROUNDING CAdlNET TB 931.00 11 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 G41 0 / #12 DG NEUTRAL GROUNDING CABINET TB 931.00 12 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 X30 0 / TRANSFORMER TB 911.00 LOWER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 X40 0 / TRANSFORMER TB 931.00 UPPER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 YO1 0 /11 STANDBY INTRUMENT AC TB 931.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Unk Yes Yes Unk TRANSFORMER 4 Y22 0 /12 INSTRUMENT AC TRANSFORMER TB 931.00 EAST 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Unk Yes Yes Unk 4 Y72 0 /120 VDC TRANSFORMER FEEDING Y73 EFT 944 00 DIV1 RM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes No Yes Yes No l 4 Y77 0 /120-120/240VAC TRANSFORMER TO. EFT 944.00 PWR EQ DIV 1 RM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PANEL Y10 4 Y82 0 / Div 2120 VDC TRANSFORMER Y83 EFT 960.00 MAIN 960.00 Yes BS GRS Yes No Yes Yes No 4 Y87 0 /120-120/240VAC TRANSFORMER TO EFT 960.00 MAIN ROOM 960.00 Yes BS GRS .Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PANEL Y30 5 P-11 0 / DIESEL OIL XFER PUMP FO PMP HOU 935.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-109A 0 /11 RHR SW PUMP INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS No No No Yes No Certification: Certrficaten. AH the inforrnation contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The informaton provided to the Sessac Capatnhty Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "AH information" includes each entry and of the equipment contaened in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and t conclusion (whether venfied to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of au Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operabons Engineer is requwed if the Seismic CapatWkty tra required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. AH signatories should agree with aR the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a noensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l _.s h -- [ l //V(-f/1 l l l Print or Type Name nat re Date Print or Type Name Signature Date l J.J. O'Sullivan l 18!iS l l l l Pnnt or Type Name ' Signature i Ddte Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _-_______ _ ____ - - - _ _ .- A

Monticello Nucle erating Plant L/ Page # 9 11/10/95 02. O SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Sys!Eq. Desc Bldg. FI El. Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor Interect Equtp Eq. Eq.ID Rev OK4 OK7 Spec. Spec Demd? OK7 OK7 Cl No INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS No No No Yes No 6 P-109B 0 /12 RHR SW PUMP INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS No No No Yes No 6 P-109C 0 /13 RHR SW PUMP INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS No No No Yes No G P-109D 0 /14 RHR SW PUMP INTAKE 919 00 fMIN ROOM 935 00 N/A A&3 CRS No No No Yes No 6 P-111 A 0 /11 ESW (EDG-ESW) PUMP INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS No No No Yes No 6 P-1118 0 /12 ESW (EDG-ESW) PUMP INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-111C 0 /13 ESW (EDG-ESW) PUMP INTAKE 919 00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-111D 0 /14 ESW (EDG-ESW) PUMP RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-2028 0 / RHRI RHR B PUMP # 12 RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-2020 0 / RHR/ RHR D PUMP # 14 RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 896 00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 P-208B 0 /12 CORE SPRAY PUMP INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AV-3147 0 /11 RHR SW PUMP P-109A AUTO AIR VENT 0 /14 RHR SW PUMP P-109D AUTO AIR INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AV-3148 VENT INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AV-3149 0 /13 RHR SW PUMP P-109C AUTO AIR VENT 0 /12 RHR SW PUMP P-109B AUTO AIR INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 AV-3150 VENT 7 AV-3155 0 /11 ESW PUMP P-111A DISCHARGE AIR INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes VENT 7 AV-3156 0 /12 ESW PUMP P-1118 DISCHARGE AIR INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes VENT 7 AV-4024 0 /13 ESW PUMP P-111C DISCHARGE AIR INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes VENT 7 AV-4026 0 /14 ESW PUMP P-111D DISCHARGE AIR INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes VENT 7 CRD HCU E O / CRD HYDRALIC CONTROL UNITS EAST RX 935.00 EAST SIDE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes FV SIDE 7 CRD HCU W 0 / CRD HYDRALIC CONTROL UNITS WEST RX 935.00 WEST SIDE 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes FV SIDE 7 CV-1729 0 /12 RHR HX RHRSW OUTLET RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-1995 0 / RHR/ RHR B PUMP MIN FLOW RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Crrt fication: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capabildy Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowiedge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether venfied to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability a;re required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l m l //-/677] l l l Pnnt or Type Name p ature Date Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date l J J. O'Su!!ivan %9 l II / $

                                                                                      ' Dafte l

Pnnt or Type Name l Signature l Date l Pnnt or Type Name Sgnature

g l i i Monticell s Nucle erating Plant Vl Page # 10 11/10/95 021J SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Bldg. Fl El. Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40*? Cep. Demd. Cap > C, - ' Anchor Interact Equip Eq. Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Spec. Spec Demd? C .c OK7 OK? OK7 Cl No RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-1997 0 / RHR/ RHR D PUMP MIN FLOW RX 935 00 11 BK 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-3-32A 0 / SDV VENT Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-3-328 0 / SOV VENT RX 935 00 12 BK 963.00 RX 935 00 11 BK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-3-32C 0 / SUV VENT RX 935.00 12 BK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-3-320 0 / SDV VENT RX 935.00 11 BK

  • 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-3-33A 0 / SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME DRAIN LINES RX 935 00 12 BK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes T CV-3-338 0 / SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME DRAIN LINES RX 935 00 11 BK 935 00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes

_7 CV-3-33C 0 / SDV DRAIN RX 935.00 12 BK 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 CV-3-33D 0 / SDV DRAIN INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 PCV-3004 0 /11/13 RHRWSW PUMP MOTORS COOLING WATER HEADER INLET 0 /12/14 RHRSW PUMP MOTORS COOLING INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 PCV-3005 HEADERINLET 0 / XFER PUMP DISCHARGE RELIEF VALVE FO PMP HOU 935 00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-1523 7 RV-1745 0 /11 CS PUMP DISCH RV TO ORW RX 896.00 A RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-1746 0 /12 CS PUMP DISCH RV TO ORW RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Unk Unk 7 RV-1991 0 / RHRI RHR B PUMP SUCTION RELIEF RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-1993 0 / RHR/ RHR D PUMP SUCTION RELIEF RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 896.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3038 0 /11 LOOP MOTOR COOLING HEADER INTAKE 919 00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3039 0 /12/14 LOOP MOTOR COOLING HEADER INTAKE 919.00 MAIN ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3202 0 /11 HX TUBE SIDE RX 896C0 A RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3203 0 /12 HX TUBE SIDE RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes

   ?      RV-3216         0    /11 DG AIR TK T-79A RV                           TB          931.00  11 DG RM                   963.00   Yes   BS     GRS    Yes           Yes     N/A            Yes        Yes 7      RV-3217         0    /11 DG AIR TK T-79B RV                           TB          931.00  11 DG RM                   963.00   Yes   BS     GRS    Yes           Yes     A/A             Yes        Yes 7      RV-3218         0    /11 DG AIR TK T-79C RV                           TB           931.00 11 DG RM                   963.00   Yes   BS     GRS    Yes           Yes     N/A             Yes        Yes 7      RV-3219         0    /11 DG AIR TK T-79D RV                           TB          931 00  11 DG RM                   963.00   Yes   BS     GRS    Yes            Yes    N/A             Yes        Yes 7       RV-3220        0    /11 DG AIR TK T-79E RV                           TB          931.00  11 DG RM                   963 00   Yes   BS     GRS    Yes           Yes     N/A             Yes        Yes 7       RV-3221        0    /11 DG AIR TK T-79F RV                           TB           931.00 11 DG RM                   963.00   Yes   BS     GRS    Yes           Yes     N/A             Yes        Yes 7       RV-3222        0    / DIESEL AIR START COMPRESSOR (K-8A)             TB           931.00 11 DG RM                   935.00   Yet   BS     GRS    Yes            Yes    N/A             Yes        Yes Certification:                                                                                     Certification:

All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct a~1 accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether verified to be seistnically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capabihty Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability cre required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and conclusions. One signatory should be a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l l //-//-ff~ l l l l Pnnt or Type Name p ure Date Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date l J J. O'Sullivan lti /3 96 l l l l Pnnt or Type Name p Sgnature / Ddte Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date

- . .- ~ -. . .- . - - -. -- . - . - . . --- . ~~ - .- . - - .- . ., Monticelio Nucle 'ng Plant Page # 11 , 11/10/95 02L<J SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI EL Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip Eq. Eq. ID Rev Spec. Spec Demd? OK7 OK7 OK7 OK7 CI No TB 931.00 11 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3223 0 / DIESEL AIR START COMPRESSOR (K-88) TB 931.00 12 DG RM  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3224 0 /12 DG AIR TK T-G0A RV TB 931.00 12 DG RM 963.00 Yes' BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3225 0 /12 DG AIR TK T-808 RV TB 931.00 12 DG RM 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3226 0 /12 DG AIR TK T-80C RV TB 931.00 12 DG RM 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3227 0 /12 DG AIR TK T-800 RV TB 931.00 12 DG RM d 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3228 0 /12 DG AIR TK T-80E RV 0 /12 DG AIR TK T-80F RV TB 931.00 12 DG RM 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3229 TB 931.00 12 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes 7 RV-3230 0 / DIESEL AIR START COMPRESSOR (K-9A) TB 931.00 12 DG RM 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes t

       /       RV-3231        0    / DIESEL AIR START COMPRESSOR (K-98)
                                   / ALT N2 8 RELIEF                                           TB                        931.00    EAST                             935.00   Yes            BS                 GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 7       RV-4236         0 0    / A RHR HX RV SHELL SIDE                                    RX                        896 00    A RHR ROOM                       935.00   Yes            BS                 GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes   Yes 7       RV-4281 0    / RHR/RHR B HXER RELIEF VALVE                               RX                        896 00    B RHR ROOM                       935.00   Yes            BS                 GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 7       RV-4282 0    / ALT N2 A RELIEF                                          TB                        931.00    EAST                             935.00   Yes             BS                GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 7       RV-4673 0   / ALT N2 A RELIEF                                           RX                        935.00    WEST                             935.00   Yes             BS                GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 7       RV-4878 7       RV-4880         0    / ALT N2 B RELIEF                                          RX                        935.00    WEST                             935.00   Yes             BS                GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 0   / RHR/RHR B HXER BYPASS                                     RX                        896 00    B RHR ROOM                       935.00   Yes             BS                GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 8       MO-2003 0    / RHR/RHR B DtSCH TO TORUS                                 RX                        935.00    DW EQ HATCH                      963.00   Yes            BS                 GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes 8       MO-2007 SV-1729         0    / SV FOR CV-1729 #12 RHR HX RHRSW                          RX                        896.00    B RHR ROOM                       935.00   Yes             BS                GRS        Yes   Yes   N/A          Yes    Yes O

OUT , 8 SV-1995 0 / SV FOR CV-1995 #12 RHR MIN FLOW RX 896.00 B RHR ROOM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes V-5F-10 0 /11 DIESEL ROOM VENT FAN TB 951.00 11 DG 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 V-SF-9 0 /12 DIESEL ROOM VENT FAN TB 951.00 12 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  ; 9 10 DM 8089-B1 0 / V-SF-9 EXHAUST DAMPER TB 951.00 12 DG  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-82 0 / V-SF-9 EXHAUST DAMPER TB 951.00 12 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 DM 8089-K1 0 / V-SF-10 EXHAUST DAMPER TB 951.00 11 CG  % 3.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes , 10 DM 8089-K2 0 / V-SF-10 EXHAUST DAMPER TB 951.00 11 DG 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes , 10 V-AC-4 0 / RHR B AIR HANDLER RX 896 00 B RHR ROOM 896.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes Unk Unk 10 V-AC-5 0 / RHR A AIR HANDLER RX 911.00 A RHR RM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  ! 12 K-10A 0 / RHRSW AUX AIR COMP RX 935.00 N OF ELEVATOR 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes No No 12 K-108 0 / B RHR AUX AIR COMPRESSOR RX 935.00 SW 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Certification: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Venfication Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations i our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and conclusion (whether verified to be seismically adequate or not), accurate. L Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capability Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capability are required; there should be atleast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entries and cor clusions. One signatory shou a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zercher l p l //-//- 977 l l l Print or Type Name S re Date Pnnt or Type Name Signature Date l J.J. O'Sullivan Pnnt or Type Name Mh Signature ln S

                                                                                                                    ' Dde l

Pnnt or Type Name l Signature l Date l


I \ ] 11/10/95 02 4, J Monticello Nuclea erating Plant U PageC12 SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) Eq. Eq.ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI El. Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40'? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip CI No Spec. Spec Demd? OK7 OK7 OK7 OK7 12 K-8A 0 /11 EDG ELECTRIC / DIESEL AIR STARTER TB 931.00 11 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMPRESSOR #1 12 K-88 0 /11 ELECTRIC AIR STARTER TB 931.00 11 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMPRESSOR #2 12 K-9A 0 /12 ELECTRIC AIR STARTER TB 931.00 12 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMPRESSOR #1 ,i 12 K-98 0 /12 EDG ELECTRIC /D!ESEL AIR STARTER TB 931.00 12 DG RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMPRESSOR #2 14 D111 0 / DIV 11125 VDC PANEL TB 911.00 LOWER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 D211 0 / DIV 11125 VDC PANEL TB 931.00 UPPER 4KV RM 935.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 D31 0 / DIV 1 125/250 VDC DISTRIBUTION PANEL ADMIN 928.00 DIV1250V BATRM 935 00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 P-73A 0 / 480V POWER PANEL RX 962.00 MG SET RM 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 Y10 0 / DIV 1 CLASS NON-1E UNINT INST ADMIN 939.00 CSR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Unk Yes Unk 120VAC DIST PANEL 14 Y2O O / NON- 1E INST 120VDC DIST PANEL ADMIN 939.00 CSR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Unk Yes Unk 14 Y21 0 / INSTRUMENT AC TRANSFER SWITCH ADMIN 939 00 CSR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 Y30 0 / DIV 2 CLASS NON-1E UNINT 120VAC ADMIN 939 00 CSR 963.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Unk Yes Unk INST AC DIST PANEL 14 Y70 0 / DIV 1 UNINTERRUPTIBLE 120VAC CLASS EFT 944.00 PWR EQ DIV 1 RM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1E DIST PANEL 14 Y73 0 / ALTERNATE 120VAC TO UPS (Y71) EFT 944.00 PWR EQ DIV 1 RM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 Y74 0 / FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH TO PANEL EFT 944.00 PWR EQ DIV 1 RM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y10 14 Y75 0 / FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH TO PANEL EFT 944.00 PWR EQ DIV 1 RM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y70 14 Y80 0 / DIV 2 UNINTERRUPTIBLE 120VAC CLASS EFT 960.00 MAIN ROOM 960.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1E DIST PANEL 14 Y83 0 / ALTERNATE 120VAC TO UPS (Y81) EFT 960.00 MAIN ROOM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 YB4 0 / FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH TO PANEL EFT 960.00 MAIN ROOM 944.00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y30 14 Y85 0 / FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH TO PANEL EFT 960.00 MAIN ROOM 944 00 Yes BS GRS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes i Y80 Certfication: Certification: All the information contained on this Screening Verification Data Sheet (SVDS) is, to the best of The information provided to the Seismic Capability Engineers regarding systems and operations our knowledge and belief, correct and accurate. "All information" includes each entry and of the equipment contained in the SVDS is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, corred and conclusion (whether verified to be seismically adequate or not). accurate. Approved: (Signatures of all Seismic Capabihty Engineers on the Seismic Review Team (SRT) Approved: (One signature of Systems or Operations Engineer is required if the Seismic Capabihty tre required; there should be atteast two on the SRT. All signatories should agree with all the Engineers deem it necessary.) entnes and conclusions. One signatory shout a licensed professional engineer.) l D. Zeicher ] l /4N-97 l l l l Pnnt or Type Name gpr@ nature Date Pnnt or Type Name Sqnature Date l J J. O'Sullivan Pnnt or Type Name h l // 3

                                                                                        / Ddte l

Pnnt or Type Name l Sqnature l Date l pSignature

n 11110/95 02.hJ Monticello Nuclea anerating Plant SCREENING VERIFICATION DATA SHEET (SVDS) o Page # 13  ; Eq. Eq. ID Rev Sys/Eq. Desc Bldg. FI EL Rm or Rw/Cl Base El. <40*? Cap. Demd. Cap > Caveats Anchor interact Equip Cl No Spec. Spec Demd? OK7 OK7 OK? OK7 16 D10 0 /125 VDC CHARGER FOR #11 BATT ADMIN 928.00 125 VDC DIV i RM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS No Yes Yes Yes No 16 D20 0 1125 VDC Charger ADMIN 928.00 125 VDC DIV 11 RM 935.00 N/A ABS CRS}}