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Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Operability of Certain Equipment to Be Verified Instead of Demonstrated Operable
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1991
Shared Package
ML20077K171 List:
NUDOCS 9108070117
Download: ML20077K218 (2)


_.. _. _ _ -.

l LithTING CONDITION FOP OPEATION SlTVE}L14[LQE REOU1REMENT N 3. 7.1\\ (cont'd) 4.7.P. (cont'd)

h. The resolts of laboratory enrhon
b. Cold DOP testing ihall be performed snmple analysis shall show 299%

after each complete or partial radioactive rne thyl iodide t ernovnl replacemene of the llEpA filter bank with inlet conditions of: velocity or after any structurai maintenan:e 3 inlet methyl on the system housing.

>77 FPM, 21.75 mg/m lodide concentration, 270% R.ll. and

  • C,
c. lialt gensted hydrocarbon testing shal'.

be performed after each c.

Ench fan shall be shown to provide complete or partial repi nc ernent of j/80 CMF 110%.

the chnrcoal ndsorber hnnk or niter any structural maintenance on the 3,

Frnm and after the date that one system housing, standby gas treatment systerr. is made or fourd to be inoperable for any

d. Each system shall be operated with
reason, reactor operation is the henters on at l e nt. L 10 hours permissible only during the every month, succeeding seven days unless such system is sooner unde operable,
e. Test sealing of gaskets fo. housing provided that during such seven days doors downstream of the llEPA filters all active components of the other and charcoal adsorbers l l be standby gns treatment system, and performed at, and in conformance its associated diesel generator,
with, each test performed for shn11 he operable.

compliance with Specification

4. 7, D. 2. a and Specification Fuel handling requirements are 3.7.B.2.a.

specified in Specification 3.10.E.


System drains where present shn11 he 4.

If these conditions cannet be met, inspected quarterly for adequate


procedures shall be

.nitinted water level J.n loop senis.

immediately to establish reactor conditions for which the standby gas 4.a. Ac least once per operating cycle treatment system is not required, automatic initiation of each branch of the standby gas treatment system chall be.emonstrated.

b. At least once per operating cycle manual operability of the bypass valve for filter cooling shall be demonstrated.

standby gas trentment N

c. When one

.h, e?

system becomes inoperable the other standby gas treatment system shall


_3--^A to be operable he imme'diately and daily therenfter.

A c'emonstration of diesel generator operability is not required by this specification.


Secondary Containment C.

Secondary Conta lmeJ1t; 1.

Secondnty containment i ntegri ty 1.

Secondary containment surveillance shall be maintained durinS all modes shall be pe r f orrne d as indicated of pinnt operation except when all below:

of the following conditions are met.

91080'70117 ping PDR ADOCK 05000298 P

-165a-ne,f nf 91 PDR


.3.7.B (cont'd) 4.7.B (cont'd)

b. The results of laboratory carbon
b. Cold DOP testing shall be performed sample analysis shall show 299%

after each complete or partial radioactive methyl iodide removal replacement of the HEPA filter bank with inlet conditions of: velocity or after any structural maintenance 3

227 FPM, 21.75 mg/m inlet methyl on the system housing.

iodide concentration, 270% R.H. and


c. Halogenated hydrocarbon testing shall be performed after each c.

Each fan shall be shown to provide complete or partial replacement of 1780 CMF 110%.

the charcoal adsorber bank or af ter any structural maintenance on the 3.

From and after the date that one system housing.

standby gas treatment system is made or found to be inoperable for any

d. Each system shall be operated with
reason, reactor operation is the heaters on at least 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> permissible only during the every month, succeeding seven days unless such system is sooner made operable,
e. Test sealing of gaskets for housing provided that dor ic,g s 2ch seven days doors downstream of the HEPA filters all activo comi.onents of the other and charcoal adsotbers shall be standby gas treatment system, and performed at, and in conformance its associated diescl generator,
with, each test performed for shall ba operable, compliance with Specification 4.7.B.2.a and Specification Fuel handling requirements are 3.7.B.T.c, specified in Specification 3.10.E.


System drains where preront shall be 4

If these canditions cannot be met.

inspected quarterly for adequate


procedures shall be initiated water level in loop-seals.

immediately to establish reactor conditions fo: which the standby gas 4.a.

At least once per operating cycle treatment system is not required.

automatic initiatien of each branch of the standby gas treatment system

. hall be demonstrated.


At least once per operating cycle l

manual operability of the bypass l

valve for filter cooling shall be l


l c

hn one standoy gas treatment syst,m becomes inoperable the other standby gas treatment system shall be verified to be operable l

immediately and daily thereaf ter.

A demonstration of diesel generator operability is not required by this specification.


Secondar" Conninm m C.

Senndar" conraimmnt Secondary containment integrity 1.

Secondary containment survei!1ance sh?'l be maintained during all w> des shall be performed as indicated oi plant opecation excep-when all below:

of the f ollowing condition: are me t,



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