AECM-83-0337, Monthly Operating Rept for May 1983

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Monthly Operating Rept for May 1983
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/14/1983
From: Dale L, Richardson J
To: Deyoung R
AECM-83-0337, AECM-83-337, NUDOCS 8306200412
Download: ML20076J267 (7)


. ,- Attachment to AECM-83/0337 Page 1 of 6 OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. '50-416 DATE June 14. 1983 CO.\tPLETED BY J. D. Richardson TELEPilONE 601-969-2630 OPERATING STATOS Notes

1. Unit Name: J and Gulf Nuclear Station
2. Reporting Period: Mav. 1983
3. Licensed Thermal Power t.\ lwr): 191
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross alWe): 1372.5
5. Design Electrical Hating (Net 31We): 1250
6. Stasimum Dependable Capacity (Gross 31We): N/A
7. Alasimum Dependable Capacity (Net .\tWe): N/A S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Gise Reasons:


9. Power Level To Which Restricted If Any (Net 31We): N/A
10. Reasons For Restrictions. lf Any: As restricted by O. L. NPF-13 as listed in 3.0 above This alonth Yr.-to-Da t e Cumularise
11. Ilours in Reporting Period 0 0 0
12. Number Of liours Reactor was Critical 0 0 0
13. Reactor Resene Shutdown flours 0 0 0
14. Ilours Generator On-Line 0 0 0
15. Unit Rewne Shutdown iloun 0 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (51%I1) n 0 0
17. Grow Electrical Energy Generated t.\lhil) 0 0 0
15. Net Electrical Energy Generated (5thill 0 0 0 19._ Unit Service Factor ._ ._

N / A_ N/A N/A

20. Unit Availability Factor N/A N/A N/A
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using SIDC Net) N/A N/A N/A
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) N/A N/A N/A
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate N/A N/A N/A
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Oser Nest 6 Alonths (Type. Date,and Duration of Each t:


25. If Shnt Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date nf Startup: N/A
26. Units in Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operationi: Forecast Achiesed INiil \ L CRIIICA LITY INiil \ L LLECTRICITY R/14/82 8/18/32


h CO\l\tFRCl \ L OPER AllON 7 / A'1 12/83 7  %


i l 8306200412 830614 PDR ADOCK 05000416 R PDR ("/77 3

Attachment to, ,

AECM-83/0337 Page.2 of 6 -

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING OPERATING DATA REPORT This report should be furnished each month by licensees. The name and telephone number of the preparer should be provided in the designated spaces. The instructions below are provided to assist licensees in reporting the data consistently. The number of the instruction corresponds to the item number of the report format.

1. UNIT NANIE. Self explanatory. -

or of commerci:.1 operation, whichever comes last, to the end of the period or decommissioning whichever comes

2. REPORTING PERIOD. Designate the month for which first. Adjustments in clock hours should be made in the data are presented. which a change from standard to daylight. savings time (or vice versa) occurs.
3. LICENSED THER>lAL POWER (31Wt )is the maximum thermal power, expressed in megawatts, currently auth- 12. NU31BER OF HOURS REACTOR WAS CRITICAL.

orized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Show the total number of hours the reactor was critical

4. NA%IEPLATE RATING (GROSS N!We ). The nameplate power designation of the turbine generator in megavoit 13. REACTOR RESERVE SHUTDOWN 110URS. The total superes (StVA) times the nameplate power factor of the number of hours during the gross hours of reporting turbine generator. period that the reactor was removed from service for administrative or other reasons but was available for
5. DESIGN ELECTRICAL RATING (NET 51W e ) is the operation.

nominal net electrical output of the unit specified by the utihty and used for the purpose of plant design. 14. HOURS GENERATOR ON LINE. Also called Service llours. The total number of hours expressed to the near-

6. SIAXI51US1 DEPENDABLE CAPACITY (GROSS 31We ) est tenth of an hour during the gross hours of the re-is the gross electrical output as measured at the output porting period that the unit operated with breakers terminals of the turbme. generator during the most re' closed'to the station bus. These hours, plus those listed strictive seasonal conditions. n Unit Shutdowns for the generator outage hours,should

Slaximum dependable capacity (gross) less the normal 15. UNIT RESERVE SilUTDOWN HOURS. The total num-station service loads. ber of hours expressed to the nearest tenth of an hour during the gross hours of the reporting period that the S. Self-explanatory, umt was removed from service for economic or similar re s ns but was available for operation.

9. POWER LEVEL TO WHICH RESTRICTED, IF ANY (NET SlWe ). Note that this item is applicable only if 16. GROSS THERSIAL ENERGY GENERATED (51WH).

restrictions on the power level are in effect. Short term The thermal output of the nuclear steam supply system tiess than one month) limitations on power level need during the gross hours of the reportin' gperiod, expressed not be presented in this item. in megawatt hours (no decimals).

Since this information is used to develop figures on capa-city lost due to restrictions and because most users of the 17. GROSS ELECTRICAL ENERGY GENERATED 151WHl.

" Operating PlanLStatus Report" are primarily interested The electrical output of the unit measured at the output in enercy actually fed to the distribution system. it is terminals of the turbine. generator during the gross hours requeste'd that this figure be expressed in AlWe. Net in of the reportmg period, expressed in megawatt hours (no spite of the fact that the figure must be derived from decimals).

SlWt or percent power.

10. REASONS FOR RESTRICTIONS. IF ANY. If item 9 The gross electrical output of the unit measured at the is used, item 10 should explain why. Brief narrative is output termmals of the turbine generator minus the nor-acceptable. Cite references as appropriate. Indicate mal station service loads during the gross hours of the whether restrictions are self. imposed or are regulatory reporting period, expressed in megawatt hours. Negative requirements. Be as specifie as possible within space hmi- quantities should not be used. If there is no net positive tations. Plants in startup and power ascension test phase value for the period. enter zero (no decimals).

should be identified here.

11. Il0URS IN REPORTING PERIOD. For umts in power 19. For units still in the startup and power ascension test ascension at the end of the period, the gross hours from 23. phase. items 19 23 should not be computed. Instead. enter the begmmng of the period or the first electrical produe. N/A in the current month column. These tive factors tion, whichever comes last. to the end of the period. should be computed starting at the time the unit is de-clared to be in commercial operation. The cumulative For units in commercial operation at the end of the figures m the second and third columns should be based penod the gross hours from the begmning of the period on commercial eneration as a starting date.


e 1

Attachment to AECM-83/0337 Page 3 of 6

19. UNIT SERVICE FACTOR. Compute by dividing hours the generator was on line (item 14) by the gross hours in the reporting period (item i1). Express as percent to the nearest tenth of a percent. Do not include reserve shut-down hours in the calculation.
20. UNIT AVAILABILITY FACTOR. Compute by dividing the unit available hours (item 14 plus item 15) by the gross hours in the reporting period (item i1). Express


as percent to the nearest tenth of a percent.

21. UNIT CAPACITY FACTOR (USLNG SIDC NET). Com-pute by dividing net electrical energy generated (item 18) by the product of maximum dependable capacity (item
7) times the gross hours in the reporting period (item 11).

Express as percent to the nearest tenth of a percent.

22. UNIT CAPACITY FACTOR (USING DER NET). Com-pute as in item 21 substituting design electrical rating (item 5) for maximum dependable capacity.
23. UNIT FORCED OUTAGE RATE. Compute by dividing the total forced outage hours (from the table in Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions) by the sum of hours generator on line (item 14) plus total forced outage hours (from the table in Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions).

Express as percent to the nearest tenth of a percent.

24. SilUTDOWNS SCllEDULED OVER NEXT 6 310NTilS (TYPE DATE. AND DURATION OF EACil). Include type (refueling, maintenance, other), proposed date of

, start of shutdown, and proposed length of shutdown.

1 It is recognized that shutdowns may be scheduled between reports and that this item may not be allinclusive. Be as accurate as possible as'of the date the report is prepared.

This item is to be prepared each month and updated if appropriate until the actual shutdown occurs.

25. Self explanatory.
26. Self-explanatory. Note, however, that this information is_ requested for all units in startup and power ascension test status and is not required for units already in com- '

mercial operation.

i TEST STATUS is defined as that period following int-tial criticality during which the unit is tested at succes-sisely higher outputs. culminating with operation at full power for a sustamed period and completion of war-ranty runs. Following this phase. the unit is generally considered by the utility to be availab!c for commercial operation.

Date of C0\lilERCIAL OPERATION is defined as the date that the umt was declared by the utility owner to be available for the regular production of electricity.

[ usually related to the satisfactory completion of quali-fication tests as specified in the purchase contract and to the accounting pohcies and practices of the utility.

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Attachment to AECM-83/0337 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Page 4 of 6 DOCKET NO. 50-416 UNIT 1 DATE . Tim e 14. 1983 COMPLETED BY .T . n_ nichnrdson TELEPHONE 601-969-2630 MONTH May DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net) g y w e.ger; I No Power Genernted j7 2 18 3 19 4 20 5 21 6 22 7 23 8 24

9 25 10 26 11 27 i t

32 28 13 29 i

14 30 15 33 16 INSTRUCTIONS i

On this format. list the ascrage daily unit power lesel in MWe-Net for each day in the reportine month. Compute to

! the nearest whole megawatt.


Attachment to AECM-83/0337

  • Page 5 of 6 ,


DATE June 14. 1983 COMPLETED BY J. D. Richardson REPORT MONTH Mnv TELEPHONE 601-969-2630

- "E E

-, 5g 3 j E5 Licensee ,E-t, y"3

, Cause & Corrective Action to No. Date i 'E g i 2s5 Event 37 g' H y: $ 5 5 =g Report a m' O o

o Prevent Recurrence O

t N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I 2 3 4

, F: Forced Reamn : Method: i Exhibit G - Instructions

St hed uled A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual i for Preparation of Data 2-Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee It-Maintenance of Test C-Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File (NURI:G-D-Regulatory Restriction 4-01her (Explain) 0161)

E-Operator Traming & License I samination F-Administrati.e 1 5 G-Operational 1: ror (Esplain) Exhibit I - Same Source (9/77) Il-Ot her ( E xplain ) ,


Attachment to 'o*

  • AECM-83/0337 UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POhER REDUCTIONS Page 6 of 6 INSTRUCTIONS This report should describe all plant shutdowns during the in accordance with the table appearing on the ieport form.

report period. In addition,it should be the source of explan- If category 4 must be used, supply brief comments.

ation of significant dips in average power levels. Each signi-ficant reduction in power level (greater than 20% reduction LICENSEE EVENT REPORT . Reference the applicable in average daily power level for the preceding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) reportable occurrence pertaining to the outage or power should be noted, even though the unit may not have been reduction. Enter the first four parts (event year, sequential shut down completelyl . For such reductions in power level, report number, occurrence code and report type) of the five the duration should be listed as zero, the method of reduction part designation as described in item 17 of Instructions for should be listed as 4 (Other), and the Causc and Corrective Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report Action to Prevent Recurrence column should explain. The (LER) File (NUREG-0161). This information may not be Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence column immediately evident for all such shutdowns, of course, since should be used to provide any needed explanation to fully further investigation may be required to ascertain whether or describe the circumstances of the outage or power reduction. n t a reportable occurrence was involved.) If the outage or power reduction will not result in a reportable occurrence.

NUMBER. This column should indicate the sequential num- the positive indication of this lack of correlation should be ber assigned to each shutdown or significant reduction in power n ted as not applicable (N/A). - - --

for that calendar yea:. When a shutdown or significant power reduction begins in one report period and ends in another, SYSTEM CODE. The system in which the outage or power an entry should be made for both report periods to be sure reduction originated should be noted by the two digit code of all shutdowns or significant power reductions are reported. Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Until a unit has achieved its first power generation, no num- f r Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-0161).

ber should be assigned to each entry. Systems that do not fit any existing code should be designa-ted XX. The code ZZ should be used for those events where DATE. This column should indicate the date of the start a system is not applicable.

of each shutdown or significant power reduction. Report as year, month, and day. August 14,1977 would be reported COMPONENT CODE. Select the most appropriate component as 770814. When a shutdown or significant power reduction from Exhibit I - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry beginsin one report period and ends in another, an entry should Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-0161).

be made for both report periods to be sure all shutdc,wns using the followmg critieria:

or significant power reductions are reported.

I TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either " Forced" or " Sche-duled," respectively, for each shutdown or significant power B. If not a component failure, use the related component:

reduction. Forced shutdowns include those required to be e.g.. wrong valve operated through error: list vahe as initiated by no later than the weekend following discovery component.

of an off-normal condition. It is recognized that some judg.

ment is required in categorizmg shutdowns in this way. In C. If a chain of failures occurs, the first component to mal-general, a forced shutdown is one that would not have been function should be listed. The sequence of events.includ-completed in the absence of the condition for which corrective ing the other components which fail, should be desenbed action was taken.

under the Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recur-rence column.

DURATION. Self explanatory. When a shutdown extends beyond the end of a report period. count only the time to the Components that do not fit any existing code should be de-end of the report period and pick up the ensuing down time s anated XXXXXX. The code ZZZZZZ should be used for in the following report periods. Report duration of outages events where a component designation is not applicable.

rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour to facilitate summation.

The sum of the total outage hours plus the hours the genera- CAUSE & CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT RECUR-tor was on hne should equal the gross hours in the reportmg RENCE. Use the column in a narrative fashion to amphfy or penod. explain the circumstances of the shutdown or power reduction.

The column should include the specific cause for each shut-wn r signific nt power reduction and the immediate and REASON. Categorue by letter designation in accordance with the table appearing on the report form. If category 11 contemplated long term corrective action taken, If appropri-must be used. supply bnef comments, are. This column should also be used for a description of the maior safety-related corrective maintenance performed during METilOD OF SilUTTING D0%N TifE REACTOR OR the outage or power reduction including an identification of REDUCING POhER. Categorve by number designation the entical path activity and a report of any single release of '

radioactivity or smgle radiation exposure speettkally assues-INote that this ditt'ers f rom the Edison Electric Institute ated with the outage which accounts for more than 10 percent (EEI) definitions of " Forced Partial Guiace" and " Sche. of the allowable annual values duled Paitial Outage! I or these terna. I l 1 uses a change of For long textual reports continue narrative on separate naper 30 MW .a the break pomt. I or larpei power reactors. 30 MW and reference the shutdown or power reducuan foi tha is too small a shange to wanant esplanahon- narratne.


Pov- l

MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Helping Build Mississippi P. O. B OX 16 4 0 J A C K S O N MIS SIS SIP PI 3 9 2 05 June 15, 1983 NUCLEAR PRooUCTloN DEPARTMENT Mr. Richard C. DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk

Dear Mr. DeYoung:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-13 File 0260/L-835.0 Monthly Operating Report AECM-83/0337 In accordance with 10CFR50.36, Mississippi Power & Light Company (MP&L) is providing twelve copies of the Monthly Operating Report for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 for May, 1983, (attachment).

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact this office.

Yours truly, L. F. Dale Manager of Nuclear Services GWD/JCC/JDR: sap Attachment cc: Mr. J. B. Richard (w/a)

Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/o)

Mr. T. B. Conner (w/o)

Mr. G. B. Taylor (w/o)

Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator (w/a)

Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II ,

101 Marietta St., N.W.,

Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Suite 2900 g

,J Chief (w/2)

Office of Resource Management U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Member Middle South Utilities System