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Revised Proposed Tech Spec Pages 1.2/2.2-1 & 3.3/4.3-5, Supporting Review of Future Reloads & Revised Figure 3.5.1, Sheet 1,providing Extended MAPLHGR Vs Exposure Curves for Barrier Lead Test Assembly Fuel.Supersedes 820819 Version
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities, 05000000
Issue date: 10/18/1982
Shared Package
ML20069J489 List:
5261N, NUDOCS 8210250169
Download: ML20069J532 (4)


{{#Wiki_filter:AT T AC HMEN T - 1 Revised Proposed Changes to Appendix A, Technical Specifications to Facility Operating  ; l License DPR-29, Quad Cities Unit 1 Revised Pa ges* 1. 2 / 2. 2 -1 l 3.3/4.3-5 ' Figure 3.5-1 ( Shee t 1 of 4) l I I These pages supercede those provided in the T. Rausch letter l to H. Denton dated Augus t 19, 1982. I 5261N i i 8210250169 821018 PDR ADOCK 05000237 p PDR

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#8' l

1.2/2.2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM f LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING SAFETY LIMIT > Appliesb!!iry: Applicability: Applies to trip settings of the instruments and i Applies to limits on reictor coolant system devices which are provided to prevent the reactor pressure. system safety limits from being exceeded. l I Objecthe: _ Objective: To define the level of the process variables at which To establish a limit below which the integrity of the automatic protective action is initiated to prevent reactor coolant system is not threatened due to an . the safety limits from being exceeded. overpressure condition.  ! SPECIFICATIONS A. Resetor coolant high. pressure scram shall be

a. n. r..e tor coci.nt .,.t.. pr...o r. .. ..u.e er en.

s1060 psig. II:l*l.: P::: .i no t-,!"..:.d.!'. ':"J01:0 T Pa 'r::; B. Primary system safety valve nominal settings shall be as follows- l 1 valve at lil5psig"' 2 valves at 1240 psig 2 valves at 1250 psig i. 4 valves at 1260 psig urTarget Rock combination safety / relief valve The allowable setpoint error for each valve shall be i15 S r k F

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I l 1.2 /2.2-1 i

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s e f' QUAD-CITIES DPR- 29 sidered inoperable, f ully provide reasonable assurance inserted into the core, that proper control rod drive l and electrically disarmed. performance is being maintained. The results of measurements performed on the

5. If the overall average contrsi rod drives shall be of the 20% insertion scram submitted in the annual operating l time data generated to report to the NRC. i 1

date in the current cycle exceeds 0.73 seconds, the HCPR operating limit must 3.The cycle cumulative mean be modified as required by scram time for 20% insertion 1 specification 3.5.K. will be determined immediately i following the testing required in Specifications 4.3.C.1 and 4.3.C.2 and the MCPR operating limit adjusted, if necessary, as recuired by Specification 3.5.K. i D. Comerel Rod Accumulators D. Coetrol Rod Accumulators At al reactor operating pressures, a rod accu- Once a shift. check the status of the pressure n ula.or may be inoperable provided that no and level alarms for each accumulator. ot. er control rod in the nine-rod square array arovi.d this rod has:

1. an inoperable accumuletor.
2. a directional control valve electrically disarmed while in a nonfully inserted )

position, or

3. a scram insertion greater than man-imum permissible insertion time.

If a control rod with an inoperable accumulator


is inserted full-in and its directional control valves are electncally disarmed. it shall not be considered to have an moperable accumulator, , and the rod block associated with that inopera- 1 ble accumulator may be bypassed. E. Resetivity Anomalies E. Reactivity Anomalies The reactivity equivalent of the difference During the startup test program and startups between the actual critical rod con 63uration following refueling outages, the critical rod i and the expected con 63 uration during power conoguratiens will be compared to the expected j operation shall not exceed luk. If this hmit is con 6gurations at selected operating conditions. exceeded, the reactor shall be shutdown until These comparisons will be used as base data for i l the cause has been deiermined and corrective reactivity monitoring during subsequent power actions have been taken. In accordance with operation throughout the fuel cycle. At speci6e ( Speci6 cation 6.6, the NRC shall be notaned of power operating conditions, the critical rod this reportable occurrence within 24 hours. con 6guration will be compared to the con 63 - uration expected based upon appropriately cor-rected past data This comparison will be made at least every equivalent full power month. F. Economic Generation Control Syuem F. Economic Generation Control System Operation of the unit with the economic gener- The range set into the economic generation l atson control system with automatic flow con- control system shall be recorded weekly. trol shall be permissible only in the range of 65% to 100% of rated core flow, with reactor power above 20%. s g.

 .N-                                                                       3.3/43-5 I


Quad Cities

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