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Proposed Tech Specs Re Snubber Visual Insp Intervals
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1994
Shared Package
ML20064J308 List:
NUDOCS 9403210137
Download: ML20064J318 (42)


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ATTACHMENT B RETYPED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES DPR-29 DPR 30 Table of Contents, page ii Table of Contents, page v Table of Contents, page v 3.6/4.6-5c 3.6/4.6-12 3.6/4.6-5d

  • 3.6/4.6-12 a
  • 3.6/4.6-S e
  • 3.6/4.6-13 3.6/4.6-5f*

3.6/4.6-14 3.6/4.6-5g

  • 3.6/4.6-15 3.6/4.6-5 h
  • 3.6/4.6- 15 a
  • 3.6/4.6-6 3.6/4.6-15b* 3.6/4.6-7 3.6/4. 6-15 c " 3.6/4.6-14 (Bases) 3.6/4.6-15d
  • 3.6/4.6-14a (Bases) 3.6/4.6-24 (Bases) 3.6/4.6-22' (Table 4.6-3) 3.6/4.6-25 (Bases) Figure 4.6-2 *
  • 3.6/4.6-25a* (Bases) 3.6/4.6-36' (Table 4.6-3)

Figure 4.6-2 *

  • Asterisked pages represent new, additional pages.

These figures have been added.

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l 1


9403210137 940311 1 PDR- ADOCK 05000254 P' PDR


Page 3.4/4.4 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM 3.4/4.4-1 A. Nnrmal Operation 3.4/4.4-1 B. Operation with Inoperable Components 3.4/4.4-2 C. Liquid Poison Tank-Boron Concentration 3.4/4.4-2 3.4 Limiting Conditions for Operation Bases 3.4/4.4-4 3.5/4.5 CORE CONTAINMENT COOLING SYSTEMS 3.5/4.5-1 A. Core Spray Subsystems and the LPCI Mode of the RHR System 3.5/4.5-1 B. Containment Cooling Mode of the RHR System 3.5/4.5-3 C. HPCI Subsystem 3.5/4.5-5.

D. Automatic Pressure Relief Subsystems 3.5/4.5-6 E. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System 3.5/4.5-7 F. Minimum Core and Containment Cooling System Availability 3.5/4.5-8 G. Maintenance of Filled Discharge Pipe 3.5/4.5-10 H. Condensate Pump Room Flood Protection 3.5/4.5-11 I. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) 3.5/4.5-13 J. Local LHGR 3.5/4.5-13 K. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) 3.5/4.5-14 3.5 Limiting Conditions for Operation Bases 3.5/4.5-15 4.5 Surveillance Requirements Bases 3.5/4.5-23 3.6/4.6 PRIMARY SYSTEM BOUNDARY 3.6/4.6-1 A. Thermal Limitations 3.6/4.6-1 B. Pressurization Temperature 3.6/4.6-2 C. Coolant Chemistry 3.6/4.6-3 D. Coolant Leakage 3.6/4.6-5 E. Safety and Relief Valves 3.6/4.6-6 F. Structural Integrity 3.6/4.6-6 G. Jet Pumps 3.6/4.6-9 H. Recirculation Pump Flow Limitations- 3.6/4.6-11 l

1. Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) 3.6/4.6-12 3.6 Limiting Conditions for Operation Bases 3.6/4.6-16 3.7/4.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3.7/4.7-1 A. Primary Containment 3.7/4.7-1 B. Standby Gas Treatment System 3.7/4.7-12 C. Secondary Containment 3.7/4.7-17  :

D. Primary Containment Isolatien Valves 3.7/4.7-18 ,



Instrumentation Requirements-Refuel Mode 3.1/4.1-11 3.1-2 stem (Scram) Instrumentation Reactor Protection Sy/ Hot Standby Mode Requirements-Startup 3.1/4.1-12 3.1- 3 Reactor Protection System (Scram) Instrumentation Requirements-Run Mode 3.1/4.1-13 3.1-4 Notes for Tables 3.1-1, 3.1-2, and 3.1-3 3.1/4.1-14 4.1-1 Scram Instrumentation and Logic Systems Functional Test-Minimum Functional Test Frequencies for Safety Instrumentation. Logic Systems, and Control Circuits 3.1/4.1-15 4.1- 2 Scram Instrument Calibration-Minimum Calibration Frequencies for Reactor Protection Instrument Channels 3.1/4.1-17 3.2-1 Instrumentation that Initiates Primary Containment Isolation Functions 3.2/4.2-15 3.2-2 Instrumentation that Initiates or Controls the Core and Containment Cooling Systems 3.2/4.2-17 3.2-3 Instrumentation that Initiates Rod Block 3.2/4.2-19 3.2-4 Postaccident Monitoring Instrumentation Requirements 3.2/4.2-21 3.2-5 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.2/4.2-24 3.2-6 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.2/4.2-25 4.2-1 Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core and Containment Cooling Systems Instrumentation, Rod Blocks and Isolation 3.2/4.2-27 4.2-2 Postaccident Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.2/4.2-30 4.2-3 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.2/4.2-32 4.2-4 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.2/4.2-33 4.6-1 Inservice Inspection Requirements for Quad-Cities 3.6/4.6-26 4.6-2 Revised Withdrawal Schedule 3.6/4.6-35 3.7-1 Primary Containment Isolation 3.7/4.7-33 3.7-2 Primar;* Containment Leakage Test Penetrations 3.7/4.7-39 I 4.7-1 Temo';rarily Untested Pathways 3.7/4.7-40 4.8-1 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 3.8/4.8-27 h -

(f. fo - 3 .5aueder vi%M Inspection cei ve e t a. 3,g,g.36 v Amendment No. 132


d. The flow biased RBM Rod Block setpoints, as specified in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT, shall be reducett by 4.0%.
e. The suction valve in the idle loop shall be :losed and electrically isolateo except when the idle 1000 is being prepared for return to Oc service.

I. Shock Suppressors (S ubbers) I. Sh ck Suppressors (Sn bers) he following surveillance require-ments apply to al snubbers on safety related piping s tems.

1. During 11 modes of operation 1. Visual i pections shall be excep Shutdown and Refuel, all perform in accordance wi the snub ers on safety related pip" g follow'ng schedule utiliz' g the sy ems shall be operable exc pt acce ance criteria give by a noted in 3.6.I.2 followi . Spe fication 4.6.I.2.

Number of Snubbers Foun Inoperable text Dur'ng Inspection Required or During Inspec- Inspection on Interval Interval 0 P; months 25%

1 12 mont s

+25 2 6 onths-25%

3,4 4 days 125%

i 5,6,7 62 days l 125% 1



31 days 125%^

The requi ed inspection interval shall n be lengthened more than o step at a time. J l

l 3.6/4.6-12 Amendment No. 124


.- .- 1 OUAD-CITIES DPR-29

l. Snubbers 1. Snubbers
1. During Run, Startup/ Hot Standby, and Hot. Each snubber shall be demonstrated Shutdown, and during Cold Shutdown and operable by the performance of the Refuel for snubbers located on systems following augmented inservice inspection requbed operable during Cold Shutdown program.

and Refuel, all required snubbers shall be  ;

operable. The only snubbers excluded from 1. Insoection Tynes i this requirement are those installed on .

nonsafety-related systems and then only if As used in this specification, " type of l their failure or failure of the system on snubber" shall mean snubbers of the i which they are installed would have no same design and manufacturer, adverse irnpact on any safety-related irrespective of capacity, system.

2. Visual insoections Snubbers are categorized as-  ;
2. With one or more snubbers inoperable, on inaccessible or accessible during reactor any system, within 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />s: operation. Each of these categories (inaccessible and accessible) may be
a. Replace or restore the inoperable inspected independently according to snubber (s) to operable status, and the schedule determined by Table 4.6-3. The visual inspection interval for
b. Perform an engineering evaluation per each type of snubber shall be ,

Specification 4.6.l.7 on the attached determined based upon the criteria  ;

component. provided in Table 4.6-3.

Otherwise, declare the attached system 3. Visual Insoection Accentance Criteria inoperable and follow the appropriate ACTION statement for that system. Visualinspections shall verify that:

(1) the snubber has no visible indications of damage or impaired operability, (2) attachments to the

' foundation or supporting structure are functional, and (3) fasteners for the attachment of the snubber to the component and to the snubber anchorage are functional. Snubbers which appear inoperable as a result of 'l a The hrst inspection interval determined using this criteria shall be based upon the previous inspection interval as established by the requirements in effect before amendment ( ).

3.6/4.6- 12 a Amendment No.


l QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 MN P Atr6~ 1. (C t'd) hu D 9. E P u b c c c u t Y H newvero e&crcr snubbers may be cate rized in 34/4 6 ~G twn groups, 'accesy le' or

' inaccessible' bpsed on their accessibility dr. inspection

- 'during reac operation. These two group may be inspected indepen ntly according to the above chedule.

ubber service life mon toring shall be follow by the snubber surveillanc nspection records and maint ance history records. _The a ve record retention met d shall be used to prevent e snubbers from exceedin service life.

2. Fr and after the time t ta 2. Visu inspections shall ver' y:

nubber is determined be

[ inoperable, continue reactor  : There are no visibl operation is permi ible during indications of d age or

/ the succeeding 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> only if impaired opera ity, and the snubber i sooner made operable. b. Attachment. to the foundatiptior supporting _

structufe are secure.

3. If te requirements of 3.6 3. Once e refueling cycle a p 3.6.I.2 cannot be met reprp entative sample of 10 of

, orderly shutdown shall,de? an . th,e/ total of each type of initiated and the re_ actor shall ynubber in use in the p nt be in a cold shutdo4n. condition shall be functionally ested within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> y / either in place or a bench

,e test. For each s bber that

/ . does not meet e functional

/ test criteri , an additional 10%

of that ty functio of snubber shall be

/ ly tested.

l l

.i 3.6/4.6-13 Amendment No. 124 3 1

QUAD-CITIES DPR 29 visualinspections shall be classified as unacceptable. A review and evaluation shall be performed and documented to justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber, if continued operation cannot be justified, the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the requirements of Specification 3.6.l.2 shall be met.

Snubbers originally classified as unacceptable may be reclassified as acceptable for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection interval, provided that: (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for that particular snubber and for other snubbers irrespective of type that may be generically susceptible; and (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested in the as-found condition and determined operable per Specification 4.6.l.6.

4. Iransient Event inspection An inspection shall be performed of all snubbers attached to sections of systems that have experienced unexpected, potentially damaging transients, as determined from a review of operational data or a visual inspection of the systems, within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> for accessible systems and 6 months for inaccessible systems following the determination. In addition to satisfying the visual >

inspection acceptance criteria, freedom-of-motion of mechanical snubbers shall be. verified using at least one of the following: (1) manually induced snubber movement; or (2) evaluation of in-place snubber piston setting; or (3) stroking the mechanical snubber through its full range of travel.

3.6/4.6 13 Amendment No.


4. If snubber is determine to be 4. The mechanical snubber in erable while the re tor is f ctional tests shall rify:

the Shutdown or Refy'el mode, /

the snubber shall be ade operable prior to ctor /



a. That the reakaway force that in lates free movement Da.ETE~ PALv6 of th snubber rod in either jm tens n or compression is le than the specified SeryPFo PAM m imum force.


b. That the activation estrain-ing action) is achi ed within the specified ran of accel-eration in both ension and compression.
5. When a snubber s deemed i inoperable, a eview shall be I conducted t determine the mode of failure and to decide if an engineer g evaluation should perform d. If the engineerin evalu ion is deemed necess y, it I determine whether r not t snubber mode of fail e has arted a significant ffect or egradation on the su orted component or system.

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1 l-3.6/4.6-14 Amendment No. '

. . . . . - ~ . - - . - . . -. - . - -. . -. . - . . . .

OUAD-CITIES DPR-29 5, Functional Tests At least once per 18 months,' a representative sample of snubbers shall be tested using one of the following sample plans for each type of snubber.

The sample plan shall be selected prior to the test period and cannot be changed during the test period, T_he NRC Regional Administrator shall be notified in writing of the sample plan selected prior to the test period or the sample plan used in the prior test -

period shall be implemented:

a. At least.10% of the total of each type'of snubber shall be functionally tested either in-place or in a bench test, For each snubber-of a type that does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria-of. Specification 4.6,l.6, an additional 10% of that type of _ .

snubber shall be functionally tested until no more f ailures are found or -

until all snubbers of that type have been functionally tested; or

b. A representative sample of each type cf snubber shall be - '

functionally tested, in accordance with Figure 4,6 2. "C" is the total number of snobbers of a type found not met. ting the acceptance requirements of Specification 4.6.l.6. The cumulative number of snubbers of a type tested is denoted by "N" At the end of ,

each day's testing, the new values of "N" and "C" (previous day's total plus current day's increments)-

shall be plotted on Figure.4.6-2, l 3.6/4,6-14 Amendment No.

y - . ,y e + - - . -

c-- +w., , .w.- , - . . . . - T

QUAD-CITIES OPR-29 Determ 'PA &E- '

6. f any snubber sele ted for (
p. g g j mg functional testin either fails Re'ypeo PAge to lockup or fai to move, i.e., frozen in lace, the cause 3 ta / 4 . L. - y- will be evalua ed and if determined to be generically deficient al snubbers of the same desig , subject to the sa defect sh 1 be functionally tested. ,
7. In ad tion to the regular sampl , snubbers which fp led {

the revious functional test sh I be retested duri g the n xt test period. If a spare nubber has been in alled in place of a failed ubber, then both the failed s bber (if it is repaired and nstalled in another positio ) and the spare-snubber shall e retested. Test results of t >se snubbers may not be incl ded for the resampling I

l 3.6/4.6-15 Amendment No. 115  ;

~ _ . . - - .- . .. - . . . ~. - - . - . . . .-


If at any time the point plotted falls on or above the " Reject" line, all snubbers of that type shall be functionally tested, if at any time the point plotted f alls on or below the " Accept" line, testing of snubbers of that type may be terminated. When the point plotted lies in the " Continue Testing" region, additional snubbers of that type shall be tested until the point falls in the " Accept" region or the

" Reject" region, nr all the snubbers of that type have oeen tested.

Testing equipment failure during functional testing may invalidate ,

that day's testing and allow that day's testing to resume anew at a later time, providing all snubbers tested with the failed equipment during the day of equipment failure are retested; or

c. An initial representative sample of 55 snubbers of each type.shall be functionally tested. For each snubber type which does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria, another sample of at least one-half the size of the initial sample shall be tested until the -

total number tested is equal to the initial sample size multiplied by the factor,1 + C/2, where "C" is the number of snubbers found which do not meet the functional test acceptance criteria. The results from this sample plan shall be plotted using an " Accept" line _

which follows the equation l! '

N = 55(1 -+ C/2). Each snubber.

point should be plotted as soon as .I the snubber is tested. -if the point i plotted f alls on or.below the l

1 l

3.6/4.6-15 Amendment No. l

( i ,-w.-+- -

+o wy

. _ - .. - -. .. -, - .~ - . . .


, DPR-29

" Accept" line, testing of that type of snubber may be terminated. If the point plotted f alls above the

" Accept" line, testing must continue until the point falls on or below the " Accept" line or all the snubbers of that type have been

. tested.

The representative sample selected;for the functional test sample plans shall be randomly selected from the snubbers of each type and reviewed before ~

beginning'the testing The review shall ensure as far as practical that they are representative of the various configurations, operating environments, range of size, and capacity of snubbers of each type.

Snubbers placed in the.same location as snubbers which failed the previous

. functional test shall be retested at the time of the next functional test but shall not be included in the sample plan, and failure of this functional. test shall not be the sole cause for increasing the sample size under the sample plan. If during testing, additional sampling is required due to failure of only one type of snubber,.the functional testing results shall be reviewed at the time to determine if

' additional samples should be the type of snubber which has failed the functional testing,

6. Eunctional Test Accrotance Criteria

. The snubber functional test shall verify; that:

a. Activation (restraining action) is achieved within the specified range in both tension and compression; 3.6/4.6 15a Amendment No.


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1 i

.~. .._ ~ . . . ._ .. . - _._

b. Snubber bleed, or release rate where required, is present in both j tension and compression, within '

the specified range (hydraulic snubbers, only);

c. For mechetical snubbers, the force required to initiate or maintain motion of the snubber is within the specified range in both directions of travel; and
d. For snubbers specifically required not to displace under continuous load, the ability of the snubber to withstand load without displacement.

Testing methods may be used to measure parameters indirectly or parameters other than those specified if those results can be correlated to the . ,

specified parameters through-established methods.

-7. Functional TAsLEailure Analysis An engineering evaluation shall be made of each failure to meet the functional test acceptance criteria to determine the cause for the failure. The results of this evaluation shall be used,-

if applicable, in selecting snubbers to be tested in an effort to determine the operability of other snubbers irrespective of type which may be subject to the same failure mode. 1 For the snubbers found inoperable, an engineering evaluation shall be-performed 'on the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached.

The purpose of this engineering .

, evaluation'shall be to determine if the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached were adverselv affected by the inoperability of the 3.6/4.6-15b Amendment No.



, DPR-29 snubbers in order to ensure that the component remains capable of meeting the designed service, if any snubber selected for functional testing either f ails to activate or fails to -

move, i.e., frozen-in-place, the cause will be evaluated and, if caused by I

manufacturer or design deficiency, all snubbers of the same type subject to the same defect shall be functionally tested. This testing requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated in Specification 4.6.l.6 for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteria.

8. Eunctional Testina of Reoaired and Beolaced Snubbers Snubbers which fail the visual inspection or the functional test acceptance criteria shall be repaired or' replaced. Replacement snubbers and '

snubbers which have repairs which might affect the functional test result shall be tested to meet the functional test criteria before installation in the unit. Mechanical snubbers shall have met the acceptance criteria subsequent to their most recent service, and the freedom-of motion test must have been performed within 12 months before being installed in the unit.

, 9. Snubber Service Life PtnGram The service life of all snubbers shall be

- monitored to ensure that the service life is not exceeded between surveillance-inspections. The maximum expected ~

service life for various seals, springs, and other critical parts shall be extended or shortened based on monitored test results and failure history. Critical parts shall be replaced so that the maximum service life will 3.6/4.6-15c Amendment No.

QUAD-CITIES DPR 29 not be exceeded during a period when the snubber is required to be operable.

The parts replacements shall be documented and the documentation shall be retained in accordance with Specification 6.5,B.

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3.6/4.6 15d Amendment No, 1

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g -- -- e m ., - - ,.- ,- , - . , ,- - , , ,

I QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 H. Recirculation Pump Flow limitations '

The LPCI loop selection logic is described in the SAR, Section For j some limited low probability accidents with the recirculation loop operating with large speed differences, it is possible for the logic to select the wrong loop for injection. For these limited conditions, the core spray itself is adequate to prevent fuel temperatures from exceeding allowable limits. However, ,

to limit the probability even further, a procedural limitation has been placed 1 on the allowable variation in speed between the recirculation pumps. l The licensee's analyses indicate that above 80% power the loop select logic  ;

could not be expected to function at a speed differential of 15%. Below 80%

power, the loop select logic would not be expected to function at a speed differential of 20%. This specification prcvides a margin oi' 5% in pump  :

speed differential before a problem could arise. If the reactor is operating on one pump, the loop select logic trips that pump before making the loop selection.

Analyses have been performed which support indefinite single loop operation provided the appropriate restrictions are implemented within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. The MCPR Safety Limit has been increased by 0.01 to account for core flow and TIP reading uncertainties which are used in the statistical analysis of the safety limit. The MCPR Operating Limit, as specified in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT, has also been increased by 0.01 to maintain the same margin to the safety limit as during Dual Loop operation.

The flow biased scram and rod block setpoints are reduced to account for uncertainties associated with backflow through the idle jet pumps when the operating recirculation pump is above 20-40% of rated speed. This assures that the flow biased trips and blocks occur at conservative neutron flux levels for a given core flow.

The closure of the suction valve in the idle loop prevents the loss of LPCI flow through the idle recirculation pump into the downcomer, y mg I. nubbers All snubbers are equired OP ABLE to ensure t t the stru tural integrity o the reactor coo nt system nd all other safe related s stems is maintain d during and fol wing a sei mic or other even initiatin dynamic loads.

Snubbers excl ed from th's inspection prog am are thos installed on non-safety-r ated syste s and then only i their fail re or failure of he '

system on w ich they ar installed, would have no adv rse effect on any safety-rel ted system.

The visu inspectio frequency is bas d upon main aining a constant evel of i snubber rotection o systems. There ore, the re uired inspection nterval varies inversely w th the observed s ubber failu es determi ed by the.

numbe of inopera le snubbers found during an i spection. Inspec ions perf rmed befor that interval has elapsed may be used as a new eference poi t to deter ne the next insp tion. How er, the results such early i pections p formed before th original r uired time interv 1 has elapsed ominal tim less 25%) may no be used to engthen the requi ed inspection nterval. y inspection who results r uire a shorter i pection interval will overr e the previous s edule.

3.6/4.6-24 Amendment No. 120


l l



DPR-29 l

y' N 7  :

Snubbe service life monito ing will be fh{ lowed by the exist snubber surveil nce inspection reco s and maintenance history records The above record re ntion method shoul be used to prhvent mechanical snu rs from -

exceeding service life of 40 ears.

When the caus of the rejection o a snubber is learlyestablishedkd g remedied for th t snubber and for a other snubbks that may be gener*cally usceptible, an verified by inservi functional tisting, that snubber ay b exempted from ing counted as inop rable. Gener ally susceptible sn bers are those hich are of a speci 1 and have the same desi n features dire tly related to rej\ic ec tonmake of theor snmo bber by visual inspeh t ion, or are si larly located or ex osed to the s e environmental conditiins such as tem rature, radiation, d vibration.

To provi assurance of s bber functional re

  • ability, a re esentative sample of s installed sn bers will be functi ally tested ring plant _

shutdowns at refueling cycle intervals. Functio 1 testing of he mechani-cal snubber wf consist of v ification that the orce that ini lates free movement the snubber i either tension or c pression is ss than the maximum brea way friction f rce and verificatio that the act ation (restraining actio is achieved thin the specified ange of accel ation n 1

in both tension and ompression.

\ q WM n a snubber is foun inoperable, a eview shall be per rmed to deter ine the snubber mode of fat re. Results o the review shall b used to dete ine if an engineeri evaluation o the safety related yst.em or compon nt is necessary. T engineering aluation shall dete mine whether or not e snubber mode of flure has impa ted a significant e 'ect or degradat n on the support cc onent or syst .

Observed fa res of these samp snubbers sha require functional testing of additiona units.

'DELFFF PNrF' REPLALF ul iTH Reryper P A cr c L b/4. G - 1r 3.6/4.6-25 Amendment No. 115

l 1


, DPR-29 3 A L4 1 1 Snubbers Mechanical and hydraulic snubbers are provided to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety-related systems is rnaintained during and following a seismic event or other event initiating dynamic loads. Snubbers are classified and grouped by design, manufacturer and accessibility. A list of individual snubbers with information of snubber location, classification or group, and system affected is maintained at the plant. The accessibility of each snubber is determined and documented for each snubber. The determination is based upon the '

existing radiation levels and the expected time to perform a visualinspection in each snubber location as well as other factors associated with accessibility during plant operation (e.g., ,

temperature, atmosphere, location, etc.), and the recommendations of Regulatory Guides 8.8 and 8.10.

The visual inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber protection to the systems. Therefore, the required inspection interval varies with the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous inspection, the total population or category size for each snubber type, and the previous inspection interval. A snubber is considered unacceptable if it f ails to satisfy the acceptance criteria of the visualinspection. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly as determined and documented prior to the inspections. The categorization is used as the basis for determining the next inspection interval for that category.

If a review and evaluation can not justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber, the snubber is declared inoperable and the applicable action taken. To determine the next surveillance interval, the unacceptable snubber may be reclassified as acceptable if it can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as-found condition by the performance of a functional test. The next visual inspection interval may be twice, the same, er reduced by as much as two-thirds of the previous inspection interval, depending on the number of unacceptable snubbers found in proportion to the size of the population or category for each type of snubber included in the previous inspection. The inspection interval may be as long as 48 months and the provisions of Specification 1.0.DD may be applied.

When a snubber is found to be inoperable, an engineering evaluation is performed, in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of f ailure, in order to determine if any safety-related component or system has been adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber. The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported component or system.

To provide additional assurance of snubber functional reliability , a representative sample of the installed snubbers will be functionally tested at 18 month intervals. This sample is identified using .

one of three methods:

1. Functionally test 10% of a type of snubber with an additional 10% tested for each functional testing f ailure, or
2. Functionally test a sample size and determine sample acceptance or rejection using Figure 4.6 2, or 3.6/4.6-25 Amendment No.


3. Functionally test a representative sample size and determine sample acceptance or rejection using the stated equation.

Figure 4.6-2 was developed using "Wald's Sequential Probability Ratio Plan" as described in

" Quality Control and industrial Statistics" by Acheson J. Duncan.

Permanent or other exemptions from the surveillance program for individual snubbers may be granted by the NRC if a justifiable basis for exemption is presented and, if applicable, snubber life

- destructive testing was performed to qualify the snubber for the applicable design conditions at either the completion of their fabrication or at a subsequent date. Snubbers so exempted are listed in the list of individual snubbers indicating the extent of the exemptions.

The service life of a snubber is established via manufacturer input and information through conside:ation of the snubber service conditions and associated installation and maintenance records (newly installed snubbers, seal replace, spring replaced, in high radiation area, in high temperature area, etc.). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions. These records provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life.

G i

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3.6/4.6 25a Amendment No.


, DPR 29 Table 4.6.3 SNUDDfB31SUALINSPJ.CIlON CRITERIA NUMBER QF UNACCEPTABLE SNUBBEBS Population""" Column A """ Column B """ Column C """

RLCategory Extend Intetynl Beoeat interval Beduce Interval 1 0 0 1 80 0 0 2 100 0 1 4 150 0 3 8 200 2 5 13 300 5 12 25 400 8 18 36 500 12 24 48 750 20 40 78 21000 29 56 109 a The next vlsual inspection interval for a snubber population or category size shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that interval. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly. However, the decision must be made and documented before any inspection and shall be used as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category.

b Interpolation between population or category sins and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if that integer includes a fractional value of unacceptable snubbers as determined by interpolation.

c If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval, but not greater than 48 months.

d If the number of unacceptable snobbers is equal to or less than the number in Column B but greater than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.

e If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall' be two-thirds of the previous interval, but not less than 31 days. However,if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number .in Column C but greater than the number in Colurnn B, the next interval shall be reduced proportionally by' interpolation, that is, the previous interval shall be reduced by a factor that is one-third of the ratio of the differerce between the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous interval and the number in Column B to the difference in the numbers in Columns B and C.

f The provisions of Specification 1,0,DD are applicable for all inspection intervals up to and including 48 months.

3.6/4.6-36 Amendment No.

l 1

-m . - . . . . _, _ , . . _ _ . _ ,_ _ - . _ _ . _ . . . . - _ _ . , .. . - - -. - -. . . - - - , .

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6 ne.rcr /

o5 - *b r

i 4

OO f

s NEWE 3

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1 p9 Y -


> /

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 N ,

N = Cumulative number of snubbers of a type tested C = Total number of snubbers of a type not meeting acceptance requirements, Amendment No.


Instrumentation Requirements-Refuel Hode 3.1/4.1-8 3.1-2 Reactor Protection System (Scram) Instrumentation Requirements-Startup/ Hot Standby Mode 3.1/4.1-9 3.1-3 Reactor Protection System (Scram) Instrumentation Requirements-Run Mode 3.1/4.1-10 3.1-4 Notes for Tables 3.1-1, 3.1-2, and 3.1-3 3.1/4.1-11 4.1-1 Scram Instrumentation and Logic Systems Functional Test-Hinimal functional Test Frequencies for Safety Instrumentation, Logic Systems, and Control Circuits 3.1/4.1-12 4.1-2 Scram Instrument Calibration-Hinimum Calibration Frequencies for Reactor Protection Instrument Channels 3.1/4.1-14 3.2-1 Instrumentation that Initiates Primary Containment Isolation Functions 3.2/4.2-11 3.2-2 Instrumentation that Initiates or Controls the Core and Containment Cooling Systems 3.2/4.2-12 3.2-3 Instrumentation that Initiates Rod Block 3.2/4.2-14 .

3.2-4 Postaccident Monitoring Instrumentation Requirements 3.2/4.2-15 3.2-5 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Honitoring Instrumentation 3.2/4.2-15b 3.2-6 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Honitoring Instrumentation 3.2/4.2-15c 4.2-1 Hinimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Core and Containment Cooling Systems Instrumentation, Rod Blocks and Isolation .

3.2/4.2-16 4.2-2 Postaccident Monitoring Instrumentaloa Surveillance Requirements 3.2/4.2-18 4.2-3 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Honitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.2/4.2 4.2-4 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Honitoring Instrumentation '

Surveillance Requirements 3.2/4.2-20 4.6-1 Inservice Inspection Requirements for Quad-Cities 3.6/4.6-16 4.6-2 Revised Withdrawl Schedule 3.6/4.6-21A 3.7-1 Primary Containment Isolation 3.7/4.7-20 ,

3.7-2 Primary Containment Leakage Test Penetrations 3.7/4.7-23 '

4.8-1 Radioactive Gaseous Haste  !

Samp1tng and Analysis Program 3.8/4.8-20 >

. 4. G - 3 S d bee hal .Lwee c.f oc c rae tio- 3.6/4 6- 22 I

v Amendment No. 1l l


_ --_~-____-_____- _ ____ _ _ _ _


1. Shock Sup .ssors(Snubbers) I. Shock ressors (Snubbers)

The follo q surveillance requirements Apply to all snubbers on ing systems.

During all modes operation 1. Visual inspectioqs shall be except Shutdown an nubbers on safety related efuel, all tping systems shall be perable Nsafetyrelated# performed in accordance with the following schedule N 111 zing the acceptancecriteriag((venby ex6 t as noted in 3.6.I. - S cification 4.6.I.2.

foil ng.

2. From and ter the time that a Number of Snub snubber is etermined to be ound Inoperable (s Next inoperable, ntinued reactor ring Inspection .

Required operation is p missible during or uring Inspec- Inspection N the succeeding 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> only if the snubber is soo r made tion nterval Interval N

'N operable. 0 18 nths

~+2 3.K(ftherequirementsof3..I.1 a

3.6.I.2cannotbemet,(n 1 12 month ord y shutdown shall be x 125%

initi ted and the reactor shal be in a ld shutdown condition 2 6 months within 36 urs. 125%

4. If a snubber i etermined to be 3,4 1 days inoperable whli he reactor is 3%

in the Shutdown or fuel mode, t h, snubber shall be qade 5,6 62 days r

operablepriortoreacgr startup.



28 31 days 125%

T The required spection interval B i" P L M 6 #D shall not be le thened more i 9-e ryPro ?N than one step at time.


Snubbers may be cate rized in t groups, ' accessible' or cessible' based on ir acce ibility for inspecti  ;

during eactor. operation. 'T (se ,

two grou may be inspected N I independen - according to the' l above schedu . j 1631B/0600Z 3.6/4.6-5c Amendment No. 121 I


1. Snubbers I. Snubbers
1. During Run, Startup/ Hot Standby, and Hot Each snubber shall be demonstrated Shutdown, and during Cold Shutdown and operable by.the performance of the Refuel for snubbers located on systems following augmented inservice inspection required operable during Cold Shutdown program.

and Refuel, all required snubbers shall be operable. The only snubbers excluded from 1. laspection Tvoes this requirement are those mstalled on nonsafety related systems and then only if As used in this specification, " type of their failure or failure of the system on snubber" shall mean snubbers of the which they are installed would have no same design and manuf acturer, adverse impact on any safety-related irrespective of capacity, system.

2. Visual Inspections Snubbers are categorized as -
2. With one or more snubbers inoperable, on inaccessible or accessible during reactor any system, within 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />s: operation. Each of these categories (inaccessible and accessible) may be
a. Replace or restore the inoperable inspected independently according to snubber (s) to operable status, and the schedule determined by Table 4.6-3. The visual inspection interval for
b. Perform an engineering evaluation per each type of snubber shall be Specification 4.6.l.7 on the attached determined based upon the criteria component. provided in Table 4.6-3.

Otherwise, declare the attached system 3. Visuallnsoection Acceotance Criteria inoperable and follow the appropriate ACTION statement for that system. Visualinspections shall verify that:

I (1) the snubber has no visible indications of damage or impaired i operability, (2) attachments to the I foundation or supporting structure are l functional, and (3) fasteners for the j attachment of the snubber to the i component and to the snubber  ;

anchorage are functional. Snubbers  !

which appear inoperable as a result of a The first inspection interval determined using this criteria shall be based upon the previous inspection interval as established by the requirements in effett before amendment ( ).

3.6/4.6-5c Amendment No.

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, DPR 30 visualinspections shall be classified as unacceptable. A review and evaluation shall be performed and documented to justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber. If continued operation cannot be justified, the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the requirements of Specification 3.6.l.2 shall be met. .

Snubbers originally classified as unacceptable may be' reclassified as acceptable for the purpose of ~

establishing the next visual inspection interval, provided that: (1) the cause.of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for that particular snubber and for other snubbers irrespective of type that may be generically susceptible; and (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested in the as-found condition and determined operable per Specification

4. Transient Event inspection An inspection shall be performed of all
  • snubbers attached to sections of systems that have experienced unexpected, potentially damaging .

transients, as determined from a review of operational. data or a visual inspection of the systems, within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> for accessible systems and 6 months.for inaccessible systems following this determination. In

. addition to satisfying the. visual inspection acceptarice criteria, freedom-of-motion of mechanical snubbers shall' be' verified using at least one of the following: (1) manually induced ..

snubber movement; or (2) evaluation of in place snubber piston setting; or_ ,

(3) stroking the mechanical snubber through its full range of travel. I i

l 3.6/4.6-5d . Amendment No.


l i


5. Eunctional Tests  ;

i At least once per 18 months, a i representative sample of snubbers shall-be tested using one of the following sample plans for each type of snubber.

The sample plan shall be selected prior

, to the test period and cannot be changed during the test period. The' NRC Regional Administrator shall be notified in writing of the sample plan selected the test period or the sample plan used in the prior test period shall be implemented:


a. At least 10% of the total of each type of snubber shall be functionally tested either in-place or in a bench test. For each snubber of a type that does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria of Specification 4.6.l.6, an additional 10% of that type of.

snubber shall be functionally tested until no more failures are found or until all snubbers of ~that type have been functionally tested; or >

b. A representative sample of each type of snubber shall be  ;

functionally tested, in accordance with Figure 4.6 2, "C" is the total number of snubbers of a type . i found not meeting the acceptance '

requirements of Specification The cumulative number of  !

snubbers of a type tested is denoted by "N". At the end of each day's testing, the new values .

of "N" and "C" (previous day's total'plus ' current day's increments) shall be plotted on Figure 4.6-2, 1

3.6/4.6 Se Amendrnent No.


.. . - .- . . . - - . ~. - - . . - . .


, DPR-30 if at any time the point plotted falls on or above the " Reject" line, all snubbers of that type shall be functionally tested. If at any time the point plotted falls on or below the " Accept" line, testing of snubbers of that type may be terminated. When the point plotted lies in the " Continue Testing" region, additional snubbers of that type shall be tested until the point

. falls in the " Accept" region or the-

" Reject" region, or all the snubbers of that type have been tested.

Testing equipment failure during functional testing may invalidate -

that day's testing and allow that day's testing to resume anew at a later time, providing all snubbers tested with the failed equipment during the day of equipment failure are rotested; or

c. An initial representative sample of 55 snubbers of each type shall be-functionally tested. For each snubber type which does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria, another sample of at least one-half the size of the initial sample shall be tested until the total number tested is equal to the initial sample size multiplied by the factor,1 + C/2, where "C" is the number of snubbers found which do not meet the functional test' acceptance criteria. The results from this sample plan shall be plotted using an " Accept" line-which follows the equation N = 55(1 + .C/2). Each snubber.

point should be plotted as soon as '

the snubber is tested, if the point plotted falls on or below the 3.6/4.6 5f Amendment No.


, DPR-30

" Accept" line, testing of that type of snubber may be terminated. if the point plotted falls above the

" Accept" line, testing must continue until the point falls on or below the " Accept" line or all the snubbers of that type have been tested.

The representative sample selected for the functional test sample plans shall be randomly selected from the snubbers of each type and reviewed before beginning the testing. The review shall ensure as far as practical that they are representative of the various configurations, operating environments, range of size, and capacity of snubbers of each type.

Snubbers placed in the same location as snubbers which failed the previous functional test shall be retested at the time of the next functional test but shall not be included in the sample plan, and f ailure of this functional test shall not be the sole cause for increasing the sample size under the sample plan. if during testing, additional sampling is required due to failure of only one type of snubber, the functional testing results shall be reviewed at the time to determine if

- additional samples should be limited to the type of snubber which has failed the functional testing.

a. Eunctional Test Acceptance Criteria The snubber functional test shall verify-that:
a. Activation (restraining action) is achieved within the specified range in both tension and compression; 3.6/4.6 5g Amendment No.


, DPR-30

b. Snubber bleed, or release rate where required, is present in both  !

tension and compression, within the specified range (hydraulic snubbers, only);

c. For mechanical snubbers, the force required to initiate or maintain motion of the snubber is within the specified range in both directions of travel; and
d. For snubbers specifically required not to displace under continuous '

load, the ability of the snubber to ,

withstand load without displacement.

Testing' methods may be used to measure parameters indirectly or:

parameters other than those specified if  ;

those results can be correlated to the specified parameters through established methods.

7. Functional Test Failure Analysis An engineering evaluation shall be made of each f ailure to meet the functional test acceptance ciiteria to -

determine the cause for the failure. The results of this evaluation shall be used, if applicable,in selecting snubbers to be tested in an effort to determine the operability of other snubbers irrespective of type which may be subject to the same failure mode.

For the snubbers found inoperable, an engineering evaluation shall be performed on the components to which '

the inoperable snubbers are attached.-

The purpose of this engineering evaluation shall be to determine if the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached were adversely -

affected by the inoperability of the .i 3.6/4.6-Sh Amendment No.

a re +g e - w g r s '- er



LW MM \Snubberservicelife thall be followed by t nitoring snubber A ta D REPLAG~ s'u veillance inspection cords w iT"H- (16iyPED an *lntenance history recoris, The above record p g retention method shall be use 3,6 / 4. (o - (o to prevent,the snubbers from exceeding g ervice life.


2. Visual inspect 1 ns shall verify:
a. There are no V sible indications of mage or I'mpaired operabli . and


b. Attachments to the foundalton or supportin structur are secure.

Once each refue 9 cycle a \

43.s representative sa. le of 107,of the total of each t e of

\ '

nubber in use in the lant ball be functionally t ted eit(1er in place or in a b nch test does\ rtqtfor each meet the snubber functional th I test criteria, an additional 1 of that t'y e of snubber shall be i functional tested. j

4. The mechanical nubber nctional tests hall verify:
a. at the breaka force t(hh initiates fr movement of t snubber rod q either tensio or compressio is  !

less tha the specifle maximum f ca.

b. That the act1 Atton j (restrainingac1(on) is l achieved within t i specified range of )

acceleration in both ension i nd compression. l T



11788 3.6/4.6-6 Amendment No.111 I i

l 1

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, UPR-30 snubbers in order to ensure that the component remains capable of meeting the designed service.

if any snubber selected for functional testing either fails to activate or f ails to move, i.e., frozen-in-place, the cause will be evaluated and, if caused by manufacturer cr design deficiency, all snubbers of the came type subject to the same defect shall be functionally tested. This testing requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated in Specification 4.6.l.5 for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteria.


8. Functional Testing of Reoaimd and '

Henlaced Snubbers Snubbers which fail the visual inspection or the functional test acceptance criteria shall be repaired or replaced. Replacement snubbers and snubbers which have repairs which might affect the functional test result-shall be tested to meet the functional test criteria before installation in the unit. Mechariical snubbers shall have -

met the acceptance criteria subsequent to their most recent service, and the freedom-of motion test must have been performed within 12 months before being installed in the unit.

9. Snubber Service Life Program

, The service life of all snubbers shall be n.onitored to ensure that the service life is riot exceeded between surveillance inspections. The maximum expected sers ice life for various seals, springs,.

and other critical parts shall be er. tended or shortened based on monitored test results and failure history. Critical parts shall be replaced 4 so that the maximum service life will

-3.6/4.6-6 Amendment No.



T qcTE 5. When a ubber is deemed-boo inoperabi a review.shall be i

%eP t, A N MN conducted to etermine the mode -

( yp e o P A g e of failure and o decide if an engineering evalha ton should be 3,to/4.L-7 -

It the ineering  !

\ perforaned.

evaluation is deemed ne s- l sary, it will determine r not the snubber mode of fa'Mure has imparted a  ;

significanteffector degrada on on the supported .  ;

component system. .

6. If any snubber elected for functional testin .either falls to lockup or falls move.

i.e., frozen in place, he cause gill be evaluated and i de rmined to be generical def nt all snubbers of the same gn, subject to the sam defect s 11 be functionally tested.

7. In addition to regular l sample, snubbers w h failed the previous functio I test shall be retested durin the xt test period. If a s re s er has been Installed pla f a failed snubber, the both failed snubber (if it is repal and installed in another pos lon) and the spare snubber shall e retested. Test results of these nubbers may not be included fo sthe resampilng. N u


1178B 3.6/4.6-7 Amendment No.lll

. 4 QUAD-CITIES j DPR-30 not be exceeded during a period when the snubber is required to be operable.

-The parts replacements shall be.

documented and the documentation ,

shall be retained in accordance with Specification 6.5.B.

b i

i i i

.l I

t 3.6/4.6 7 Amendment No.



k r


I. Snubbers N

All snubbers are regolred OPERABLE to ensqre that the structura Integrity of ereactorcoolantsyitemandallothersafety-relatedsystems maintained d ing and following a lqismic or other event initiating dynamic 1 ds.

Snu ers: excluded from th) inspection. program (are.those installed o non-s .ety-relatzd systems then only'if the} fatlure or failure the system n which they are ins 11ed, would have no. dverse effect on any safety-r ated system.

The visual spection frequency I baseduponmaintalbgaconstantlevelo snubber prote ton to systems. The fore, the required spection interval varies inversel with the observed s bber failures and is determined by the number of inoper (le snubbers found du ng an inspection. . spections performed before thqt interval has elaps d may be used as a n reference oint to determine ty next inspection. wever, the results o such early 1 pections performed efore the original r utred time interval s elapsed (n inal time less 250 ay not be used to le then the required in ection inte val. Any inspectio whose results requlr a shorter inspection nterval will erride the previous chedule.

Snubber rvice life monitor 1 will be followed by he existing snubber survellian- Inspection records nd maintenance histo records. The above '

record rete ion method should be used to prevent the , chanical snubbers from exceedin a service life of 4 years.

\ s When the cause o the rejection of a ubber is clearly est lished and remedied for that nubber and for any o ter snubbers that may ,e generically susceptible, and ve ified by inservice fuKctional testing, the snubber may e exempted from bel counted as inoperabt . Generically sus:e ible s ubbers are those whi- art of a specific m e or model and have he same de gn features directl related to rejection f the snubber by vis I insp ction, or are simila ly located or exposed o the same environme al condt jons such as tempera re, radiation, and vi ration.

To provt assurance of snubb reliability, a repre tative sample of th Installed nubbers w111 be fune lonally tested during ant shutdowns at refueling c le intervals. Func onal testing of the m hanical snubber will consist of ve ification that the rce that initiates fre movement of the snubber in ett r tension or compre ion is less than the ximum breakaway friction force a d verification that he activation (restral ng action) is -

achieved within t specified range of cceleration in both te ston and compresston.

D ELcr12~ MD R E PL.PcLE~

uxr* L9 P c=b 9Acrc-3.(. / L( . G - I 'i 11788 3.6/4.6-14 Amendment No,111


, DPR 30 16/L6J Soubbsn Mechanical and hydraulic snubbers are provided to ensure that the structural mtegrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety-related systems is maintained during and following a seismic

' event or other event initiating dynamic loads. Snubbers are classified and grouped by design, manuf acturer and accessibility. A list of individual snubbers w:th information of snubber location, classification or group, and system affected is maintained at the plant. The accessibility of each snubber is determined and documented for each snubber. The determination is based upon the existing radiation levels and the expected time to perform a visualinspection in each snubber location as well as other factors associated with accessibility during plant operation (e.g.,

temperature, atmosphere, location, etc.), and the recornmendations of Regulatory Guides 8.8 and 8.10. .

The visual inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber prrwction to the systems. Therefore, the required inspection interval varies with the number of unacceptable snubbers found dunng the previous inspection, the total population or category size for each snubber type, and the previous inspection interval. A snubber is considered unacceptable if it f ails to satisfy the acceptance criteria of the visual inspection. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during Powcr operation, as accessible or inmcessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly as determined and r:ocumented poor to the inspections. The categorization is used as the basis for determining the next inspection interval for that category.

If a review and evaluation can not justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber, the '

snubber is declared inoperable and the applicable action taken. To detarmine the next surveillance interval, the unacceptable snubber may be reclassified as acceptabic if it can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as found condition by the performance of a functional test. The next visual inspection interval may be twice, the same, or reduced by as much as two-thirds of the ,

previous inspection interval, depending on the number of unacceptable snubbers found in l1 proportion to the size of the population or category for each type of snubber included in the previous inspection. The inspection interval may be as long as 48 months and the provisions of Specification 1.0.DD may be applied.

When a snubber is found to be inoperable, an engineering evaluation is performed, in addition to ,

the determination of the snubber mode of f ailure, in order to determine if any safety-related component or system has been adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber. The I engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported component or system.

To provide additional assurance of snubber functional reliability , a representative sample of the installed snubbers will be functionally tested at 18 month intervals. This sample is identified using-one of three methods: ..

1. Functionally test 10% of a type of snubber with an additional 10% tested for each functional testing f ailure, or
2. Functionally test a sample size and determine sample acceptance or rejection using Figure 4.6-2, or j l

1 3.6/4.6-14 Amendment No.


o b 6.En= -

QUAO-CITIES OPR-30 Whenasnubberis(oundinoperable\reviewshallbeperfo d to determine thesnubbermodeof'f411ure. Results'b the review shall be ed to

\ determine if an enginee ing evaluation o y {f the safety-related system or N omponent is necessary. he engineering evaluation shall determthq whether o(notthesnubber_modeof allure.has impahed a s.ignificant effec' or degra,dation on the support c onent or syste Observe allures of these sample nubbers shall of additt i units. utrefunctionaltestgg DGETE' MD 95PLA cr w tTa

'Rc7y PFD F * (r F

% . G J t] . G - \ %

i 1

4 l

1178B 3.6/4.6-14a Amendment No. 111

_ 4 .. ~_ . . . _ __ _ ._.___ . . .


3. Functionally test a representative sample size and determne sample acceptance or.

rejection using the stated equation.

Figure 4.6-2 was developed using "Wald's Sequential Probability Ratio Plan" as described in

" Quality Control and Industrial Statistics" by Acheson J. Duncan.

4 Permanent or other exemptions from the surveillance program for individual snubbers may be granted by the NRC if a justifiable basis for exemption is presented and, if applicable, snubber life t

- destructive testing was performed to qualify the snubber for the applicable design conditions at either the completion of their fabrication or at a subsequent date. Snubbers so exempted are listed in the list of individual snubbers indicating the extent of the exemptions.

The service life of a snubber is established via manufacturer input and information through consideration of the snubber service conditions and associated ins'.allation and maintenance records (newly installed snubbers, seal replace, spring replaced, in high radiation area, 'in high temperature area, etc.). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is iruluded to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions. These records provide statistical bases for future consderation of snubber service life.

d 3.6/4.6-14a Amendment No.

. .- . .. - ~ - . . . . .

.,u ,

  • ' QUAD iCITIES >


I NMdBER OF UNACCEPTABLE SNUBBEBS Population""'" Column A "" Column B """ Column C '*""

or Category Extend Interval Repeat interval Reduce Interval 1 0 0 1 80 0 0 2 100 0 1 4 150 0 3 8 200 2 5 13 300 5 12 25 400 8 18 36 500 12 24 48 750 20 40 78 21000 29 56 109 a The next visual inspection interval for a snubber population or category size shall be determined based upon the previous inspectior' interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that interval, Snubbers rnay be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separataly or jointly. However, the decision must be made and documented before any inspection and shall be used as the basis upon which to determine the next inspe<. tion interval for that category.

b Interpolation between population or category sizes and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if that integer includes a fractional value of unact.eptable snubbers.

as determined by interpolation. >

c if the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval, but not greater than 48 months.

d if the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column 8 but greater than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.

e if the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall be two-thirds of the previous interval, but not less than 31 days. However, if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column. C but greater than the number in Column B, the next interval shall be reduced proportionally by interpolation, that is, the previous interval shall be reduced by a factor that is one-third of the ratio of thei difference between the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the prev %us interval and the number in Column B to the difference in the numbers in Columns B and C.

f the provisions of Specification 1.0 DD are applicable for all inspection intervals up to and including 48 months.

3.6/4.6-22 Amendment No.


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N = Cumulative number of snubbers of a type tested C = Total number of snubbers of a type not meeting acceptance requirements.

Amendment No.


a .

o ATTACHMENT C SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION Commonwealth Edison Company has evaluated the proposed Technical Specification Amendment and determined that it does not represent a significant hazards consideration. .

Based on the criteria for defining a significant hazards consideration established in 10 CFR 50.92, operation of Quad Cities Station Units 1 and 2 (Quad Cities) in accordance with the proposed amendment viill not:

1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated because:

The proposed changes adopt the format and content of the BWR-STS, as modified by the provisions of GL 84-13 and GL 90-09. As such, these proposed changes are administrative in nature and have no effect on the accident analyses or system operation.

The proposed schedule for snubber visual inspection intervals described in GL 90-09 will maintain the same level of confidence as the existing schedulo as documented in Generic Letter 90-09, Alternative Requirements for Snubber Visual Inspection Intervals and Corrective Actions, dated December 11,1990. Also, the surveillance requirement and schedule for snubber functional testing remains the same providing a 95 percent confidence level that 90 to 100 percent of the snubbers operate within the specified limits. The proposed visualinspection schedule is separate from functional testing and adds to the confidence level that the installed snubbers '

will serve their design function and are being maintained operable. Accident analyses assume that snubbers are initially operable. Compliance with the Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements for functional testing in conjunction with the revised visual inspection schedule assures continued operability of the snubbers. Therefore, no initial assumptions are being changed and thus neither the probability nor consequences of any accidents previously evaluated are significantly increased.

2) Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated because:

The proposed changes adopt the format and content of the BWR-STS, as modified by the provisions of GL 84-13 and GL 90-09. As such, these proposed changes are administrative in nature and have no effect on the accident analyses or system operation.

The proposed schedule for snubber visualinspection intervals will maintain the same level of confidence as the existing schedule as documented in Generic Letter-90-09, Alternative Requirements for Snubber Visual Inspection intervals and Corrective Actior.s, dated December 11,1990. Also, the surveillance requirement and schedule for snubber functional testing remains the same providing a 95 percent confidence level that 90 to 100 percent of the snubbers operate within the specified limits. The proposed visualinspection schedule is separate from functional testing and adds to the confidence level that the installed snubbers will 6-

p 9


serve their design function and are being maintained operable. As a result, the supported piping, components, etc. will be maintained operable,'so that supported safety systems will perform as designed. Therefore, the possibility of a new or different kind of accident is not created.

-3) Involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety because:

The proposed changes adopt the format and content of the BWR-STS, as modified by the provisions of GL 84-13 and GI 90-09. As such, these proposed changes are administrative in nature and have no effect on the accident analyses or system -

operation. In addition, the proposed amendment maintains the same level of confidence as the current technical specification that snubbers are operable through the current snubber functional testing and the revised snubber visualinspection schedule and the associated corrective action requirements. Therefore the proposed changes do not impact the margin of safety.




ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT l Commonwealth Edison has evaluated the proposed amendment against the criteria for the 'l identification of licensing and regulatory actions requiring an environmental assessment in accordance with 10 CFR 51.21. It has been determined that the proposed change meets the ,

criteria for a categorical exclusion as provided in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). This conclusion has  !

been determined because the proposed changes do not pose a significant hazards ]

consideration and do nct involve a significant increase in the amounts or changes in the types l of effluents released offsite. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.
