MONTHYEARML20209H5051999-07-14014 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.1-15 & 3.1-17 of Table 3.1.1 ML20209E0951999-07-0707 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Component Surveillance Frequencies to Indicate Frequency of Once Per Three Months ML20212H5441999-06-18018 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Installation of Addl SFP Storage Racks That Will Accommodate Increase in Spent Fuel Assemblies Beyond Existing Storage Capacity of SFP as Described in Licensing Rept ML20195D0761999-06-0303 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Permitting Plant Operation with Three Operable Recirculation Loops ML20205P8531999-04-15015 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Number of Items in Sections 2 & 3 of Tss,Expanding Two Definitions in Section 1 & Modifying Bases Statements in Sections 2,3 & 4 ML20198K0671998-12-23023 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.8-2 & 4.8-1,changed to Specify Surveillance Frequency of Once Per Three Months ML20195C6561998-11-10010 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.1.A,removing Restriction on Sale or Lease of Property within Exclusion Area ML20155J7501998-11-0505 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Safety Limits & Surveillances of LPRM & APRM Sys & Related Bases to Ensure APRM Channels Respond within Necessary Range & Accuracy & to Verify Channel Operability ML20151V5091998-09-0303 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.A.10.e & 3.5.A.2.e Re Condensate Storage Tank Level ML20237D9591998-08-21021 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Requirement for ADS Function of EMRV to Be Operable During Rv Pressure Testing & Correcting Note H of Table 3.1.1 ML20237B2221998-08-0606 August 1998 Proposed Revised Tech Specs Pages for Change Request 205,dtd 961031,correcting Minor & Inadvertent Editorial Changes in Locations Where Changes Have Not Been Proposed ML20236T1211998-07-23023 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Amend to License DPR-16,to Establish That Existing SLMCPR Contained in TS 2.1.A Is Applicable for Next Operating Cycle (Cycle 17) ML20236T4981998-07-21021 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactivity Control ML20236T4811998-07-21021 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes to Administrative Controls ML20236J1431998-06-30030 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Revised Page 3-5 Re RPV Pressure/Temp Limits ML20236H2181998-06-29029 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying EDG Insp Requirement Previously Submitted in Entirety ML20248K2851998-05-28028 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re That Such First Type a Test Required by Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program Be Performed During Refueling Outage 18R ML20197G2771997-12-23023 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Change in Trade Name of Owner & Operator of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20197J2561997-12-10010 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Pages 2.3-6,2.3-7,3.1-11, 3.1-14,3.1-16,3.4-8,3.8-2,3.8-3,4.3-1,4.5-13 & 6-1 ML20210L3311997-08-15015 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Note Which Indicates That Proposed Change to SL Mcrp Applicable for Current Operating Cycle (Cycle 16) Only ML20135C2001996-11-27027 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 4.7-1,4.7-2,4.7-3 & 4.7-4 Re Surveillances for Station Batteries ML20129K3401996-11-12012 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Change Request 224, Implementing Revised 10CFR20, Stds for Protection Against Radiation Effective 910620 ML20134H0541996-10-31031 October 1996 Proposed Tech Spec,Requesting Deletion of Table 3.5.2 ML20129C0691996-10-10010 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Functional Requirement to Provide Interlock Permissive Which Ensures Source of Cooling Water Available Via Core Spray Sys Prior to Depressurization ML20129A5731996-10-10010 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Addl Group of Surveillances Where Justification Completed Following Receipt of Amend 144 ML20134F4101996-10-0404 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 2.1.A & 3.10.C to Reflect Change in SLMCPR & Revise Operating CPR Limit for Stability, Respectively ML20117E7061996-08-23023 August 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Proposing New pressure-temp Limits Up to 22,27 & 32 EFPY Based on Predicted Nilductility Adjusted Ref Temp for Corrresponding EFPY of Operation ML20115G2101996-07-17017 July 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Implementation of 10CFR,App J, Option B ML20113A8641996-06-19019 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Table of Contents,1.24 Re Footnote to definition,1.25 Re Definition,Section 3.5.A.3b Re Containment,Section 4.5 Re Containment,Bases for Section 4.5 & Section 6.9.3.b Re Reporting Requirements ML20111A3841996-05-0707 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Adopting Provisions of STS NUREG-1433, Rev 1,dtd 950407,Sections SR 3.0.1,3.0.3 & Associated Bases ML20107E7751996-04-15015 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 5.3.1 Re Handling Heavy Loads Over Irradiated Fuel ML20101J7681996-03-28028 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Statements in TS & Bases to Correctly Reflect Ref Parameter for Anticipatory Scram Signal Bypass ML20101J6091996-03-25025 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Spec Which Requires Thorough Insp of EDG Every 24 Months During Shutdown ML20100J9151996-02-23023 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Implementation of 10CFR50,App J, Option B ML20100H9971996-02-22022 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.7-1,3.7-2,4.7-1 & 4.7-2 Re Deletion of TS Requirement to bi-annually Inspect EDG & Mod of Spec Re AOT ML20095C1031995-12-0505 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Rev of Submittal Date for Annual Exposure Data Rept Bringing Plant Into Conformance w/10CFR20.2206 & Relaxing Overly Restrictive Administrative Requirement ML20086A7161995-06-26026 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Performance of Reactor Shutdown & Drywell to Inspect Snubbers in Svc for Only 12 Months ML20080P6501995-02-28028 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Change Request 225 Re Change to Page 6-4 of Tech Spec Section Consistent w/NUREG-1433,STSs General Electric Plants,BWR/4,Rev 0,dtd 920928 ML20078N3791995-02-0808 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Oyster Creek Spent Fuel Pool Expansion ML20078Q6481994-12-15015 December 1994 Revised TS & Bases Pages to Section 3.1 of TS Change Request 191 ML20078M1431994-11-25025 November 1994 Proposed TS 5.3.1.E,allowing 2,645 Fuel Assemblies to Be Stored in Fuel Pool ML20072S2921994-09-0202 September 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Rev of APRM Channel Calibr Interval from Weekly to Quarterly ML20072L4741994-08-19019 August 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Control Rod Exercising & Standby Liquid Control Pump Operability Testing ML20070E3411994-07-0808 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Improved Protection to Safety Related Electrical Equipment from Loss of Capability ML20078A7731994-06-24024 June 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Removal of Recirculation Flow Scram ML20069M8231994-06-15015 June 1994 Proposed Tech Spec 2.3.D, Reactor High Pressure,Relief Valve Initiation ML20070R5261994-05-12012 May 1994 Proposed TS Sections 3.1 & 4.1 for Protective Instrumentation ML20029E0451994-05-0606 May 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Clarifying Requirements for Demonstrating Shutdown Margin ML20065M9991994-04-19019 April 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Updating & Clarifying TS 3.4.B.1 to Be Consistent W/Existing TS 1.39 & 4.3.D Re Five Electromatic Relief Valves Pressure Relief Function Inoperable or Bypassed During Sys Pressure Testing ML20029C7571994-04-15015 April 1994 Proposed TS Change Request 215,deleting Audit Program Frequency Requirements from TS 6.5.3 & Utilize Operational QA Plan as Controlling Document 1999-07-07
MONTHYEARML20212B5741999-09-0505 September 1999 Rev 11 to 2000-ADM-4532.04, Oyster Creek Emergency Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20209H5051999-07-14014 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.1-15 & 3.1-17 of Table 3.1.1 ML20209E0951999-07-0707 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Component Surveillance Frequencies to Indicate Frequency of Once Per Three Months ML20212H5441999-06-18018 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Installation of Addl SFP Storage Racks That Will Accommodate Increase in Spent Fuel Assemblies Beyond Existing Storage Capacity of SFP as Described in Licensing Rept ML20195D0761999-06-0303 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Permitting Plant Operation with Three Operable Recirculation Loops ML20205P8531999-04-15015 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Number of Items in Sections 2 & 3 of Tss,Expanding Two Definitions in Section 1 & Modifying Bases Statements in Sections 2,3 & 4 ML20198K0671998-12-23023 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.8-2 & 4.8-1,changed to Specify Surveillance Frequency of Once Per Three Months ML20195C6561998-11-10010 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.1.A,removing Restriction on Sale or Lease of Property within Exclusion Area ML20155J7501998-11-0505 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Safety Limits & Surveillances of LPRM & APRM Sys & Related Bases to Ensure APRM Channels Respond within Necessary Range & Accuracy & to Verify Channel Operability ML20151V5091998-09-0303 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.A.10.e & 3.5.A.2.e Re Condensate Storage Tank Level ML20237D9591998-08-21021 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Requirement for ADS Function of EMRV to Be Operable During Rv Pressure Testing & Correcting Note H of Table 3.1.1 ML20198H4831998-08-13013 August 1998 Rev 1 to Procedure 5000-ADM-7350.06 (EMP-002), Modifications ML20237B2221998-08-0606 August 1998 Proposed Revised Tech Specs Pages for Change Request 205,dtd 961031,correcting Minor & Inadvertent Editorial Changes in Locations Where Changes Have Not Been Proposed ML20236T1211998-07-23023 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Amend to License DPR-16,to Establish That Existing SLMCPR Contained in TS 2.1.A Is Applicable for Next Operating Cycle (Cycle 17) ML20236T4811998-07-21021 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes to Administrative Controls ML20236T4981998-07-21021 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactivity Control ML20236J1431998-06-30030 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Revised Page 3-5 Re RPV Pressure/Temp Limits ML20236H2181998-06-29029 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying EDG Insp Requirement Previously Submitted in Entirety ML20248K2851998-05-28028 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re That Such First Type a Test Required by Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program Be Performed During Refueling Outage 18R ML20197G2771997-12-23023 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Change in Trade Name of Owner & Operator of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20197J2561997-12-10010 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Pages 2.3-6,2.3-7,3.1-11, 3.1-14,3.1-16,3.4-8,3.8-2,3.8-3,4.3-1,4.5-13 & 6-1 ML20198J8831997-09-10010 September 1997 Rev 8 to Procedure 5000-ADM-7311.02 (EP-009), Design Verification ML20210L3311997-08-15015 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Note Which Indicates That Proposed Change to SL Mcrp Applicable for Current Operating Cycle (Cycle 16) Only ML20135C2001996-11-27027 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 4.7-1,4.7-2,4.7-3 & 4.7-4 Re Surveillances for Station Batteries ML20129K3401996-11-12012 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Change Request 224, Implementing Revised 10CFR20, Stds for Protection Against Radiation Effective 910620 ML20134H0541996-10-31031 October 1996 Proposed Tech Spec,Requesting Deletion of Table 3.5.2 ML20129C0691996-10-10010 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Functional Requirement to Provide Interlock Permissive Which Ensures Source of Cooling Water Available Via Core Spray Sys Prior to Depressurization ML20129A5731996-10-10010 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Addl Group of Surveillances Where Justification Completed Following Receipt of Amend 144 ML20134F4101996-10-0404 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 2.1.A & 3.10.C to Reflect Change in SLMCPR & Revise Operating CPR Limit for Stability, Respectively ML20117E7061996-08-23023 August 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Proposing New pressure-temp Limits Up to 22,27 & 32 EFPY Based on Predicted Nilductility Adjusted Ref Temp for Corrresponding EFPY of Operation ML20115G2101996-07-17017 July 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Implementation of 10CFR,App J, Option B ML20113A8641996-06-19019 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Table of Contents,1.24 Re Footnote to definition,1.25 Re Definition,Section 3.5.A.3b Re Containment,Section 4.5 Re Containment,Bases for Section 4.5 & Section 6.9.3.b Re Reporting Requirements ML20111A3841996-05-0707 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Adopting Provisions of STS NUREG-1433, Rev 1,dtd 950407,Sections SR 3.0.1,3.0.3 & Associated Bases ML20107E7751996-04-15015 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 5.3.1 Re Handling Heavy Loads Over Irradiated Fuel ML20101P1561996-03-31031 March 1996 Rev 9 to Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Pump & Valve IST Program ML20101J7681996-03-28028 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Statements in TS & Bases to Correctly Reflect Ref Parameter for Anticipatory Scram Signal Bypass ML20101J6091996-03-25025 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Spec Which Requires Thorough Insp of EDG Every 24 Months During Shutdown ML20100J9151996-02-23023 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Implementation of 10CFR50,App J, Option B ML20100H9971996-02-22022 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.7-1,3.7-2,4.7-1 & 4.7-2 Re Deletion of TS Requirement to bi-annually Inspect EDG & Mod of Spec Re AOT ML20095C1031995-12-0505 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Rev of Submittal Date for Annual Exposure Data Rept Bringing Plant Into Conformance w/10CFR20.2206 & Relaxing Overly Restrictive Administrative Requirement ML20086A7161995-06-26026 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Performance of Reactor Shutdown & Drywell to Inspect Snubbers in Svc for Only 12 Months ML20080P6501995-02-28028 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Change Request 225 Re Change to Page 6-4 of Tech Spec Section Consistent w/NUREG-1433,STSs General Electric Plants,BWR/4,Rev 0,dtd 920928 ML20078N3791995-02-0808 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Oyster Creek Spent Fuel Pool Expansion ML20078Q6481994-12-15015 December 1994 Revised TS & Bases Pages to Section 3.1 of TS Change Request 191 ML20078M1431994-11-25025 November 1994 Proposed TS 5.3.1.E,allowing 2,645 Fuel Assemblies to Be Stored in Fuel Pool ML20073F9501994-09-26026 September 1994 Revised Plan for Long Range Planning Program for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20073F9411994-09-26026 September 1994 Revised Plan for Long Range Planning Program for TMI Nuclear Station Unit 1 ML20072S2921994-09-0202 September 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Rev of APRM Channel Calibr Interval from Weekly to Quarterly ML20072Q4251994-08-20020 August 1994 Rev 0 to Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Sea Turtle Surveillance,Handling & Reporting Instructions for Operations Personnel ML20072L4741994-08-19019 August 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Control Rod Exercising & Standby Liquid Control Pump Operability Testing 1999-09-05
[Table view] |
.. _. _
_.m m
Applicant hereby requests the Commission to change Appendix A to the above captioned license as indicated below.
Section to be Chanced The bases of Section 3.1, and Table 4.1.1.
- i 2.
Extent of Chance a.
Section 3.1 Bases delete the phrase " initiate reactor isolation" l
from the description of the High Drywell Pressure Trip System.
t b.
Table 4.1.1; Items 1,3,4 and Sb change the surveillance frequencies due to the replacement of digital switches with analog transmitter and electronic circuitry.
Table 4.1.1 Item Sa.
Change test frequency to.once per 3 months and correct remark to state "By. varying level in the sensor column".
Table 4.1.1 Item 27a change remarks to " Calibrate by varying level in the eensor column" and reword the test interval from "every 3 months" to 1/3 months" for consistency.
Chance Recuested Roplace the old pages 3.1-4, 4.1-5, and 4.1-8.
Discussion Refer.to No SignLficant Hasards Analysis which immediately follows.
b i 210Q j E,Mo r.O. I J J 1 PDh-T P
,q ng'L K 05000 y7 FDe
OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION PROVIS90NAL OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-16 DOCKET NO. 50-219 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST No. 195 Thic Technical Specification Change Request has been determined to contain No Significant Hazards ao required by 10CFR50.91.
These evaluations are specified in 10CFR50.92.
The first change 10 a correction to the bases of Technical Specification 3.1.
An error was identified in the description of the control functions for the High Drywell Pressure trip system.
The High Drywell Pressure Trip oystem does not initiate a reactor isolation function.
Therefore, these l
words are being removed to correct the error. As the bases of the technical specifications are not part of the technical specifications, no significant hazard can exist in thie error correction.
1 The ^econd requested change is to Table 4.1.1, Items 1 - High Reactor Presouro, 3 - Low Reactor Wat;,r Level, and 4 - Low-Low Reactor Water Level are being changed to reflect modifications performed over the last two refueling cycles as part of the Reactor Protection System upgrade project.
Digital switches were removed and analog instruments were installed for greater accuracy and drift characteristico.
A daily channe; check, which is already being performed, will be required on these instrumenta.
A test program by the analog transmitter vendor demonstrated that drift on the transmitters in these instrumento remaAned within 0.20% of the Upper Range Limit during a period of 30 months.
Table 4.1.1 Item Sb - High Water Level in the Scram DischA-Volume - Analog m
Scram in being changed to reflect modificatione performed during the 1983-1984 refueling outage to comply with ATWS requirements for instrumentation. Over 6 years of data on these instruments was available for revicw.
An engineering calculation was performed to determine the curveillance interni with respect to maintaining drift within acceptable limito.
It was determined that a tranomitter calibration by application of test pressure of once por 12 months was acceptable to onouro con,inued detector operability.
This requirement was placed in a new " Note 3".
(The previous Note 3 expired in 1986 and le being replaced). Additionally, Note 3 requir64 a calibration of the electronic proconsing circuitry and output biotables once per 3 months by injection of an electronic test current.
This quarterly test further ensures instrument operability.
Finally, a monthly single point test of the functionality of the output bistable verifies that the control function will operate if called upon.
Table 4.1.1 Item 27a - Scram Discharge Volume, Water Lovel High, Analog Rod Block la being changed as a result of the engineering calculation of the surveillance test resuits documented since the installation of the modification during the 1983-1984 refueling outage to comply with ATWS requirements.
The calculation has determined that the instrument p<rformance does not exhibit excessive drift and that the existing calibration frequency of once each refueling cycle is acceptable. The change being requested is in the Remarks section to limit varying the level in the sensor column to the calibration test, only. The electronic circuitry will be tested once per three months by injection of an electronic test signal.
As the electronic j
circuitry cannot distinguish between a signal from the detector and a signal from a test source, no significant change in test requiremento results.
III.' Table 4.1.1 Item 5a - High Water Level in the Scram Discharga Volume, Digital Scram is requested to be changed to allow instrument testing to be done once per 3 months.
Th-instrument has an existing calibration by varying level in the sensor column of once per three months. An engineering calculation was performed and determined that a test interval of once per 3 months which coincided with the calibration requirement was acceptable to ensure operation
witnin acceptable drif :. limits.
Additionally, the overall effect of the request for surveillance interval changes in Items Sa, 5b, and 27a (SDV instrumentation) would be to reduce the man-rem for these surveillances by approximately 60% to 80%.
These SDV surveillances presently require the greatest radiation burden on the instrument and control technicians. This reduction in unnecessary exposure is included in the Oyster Creek REM Reduction Program.
Therefore, the requested change has been analyzed to contain No Significant Hazard in that it does not:
Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously analyzed.
As the requested change has been analyzed to ensure that acceptable drift limits are not exceeded and utilize existing installed hardware, no increase in the probability or consequences of a prev'ously analyzed accident is possible.
Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
As the requested ch.nges are only schedular and involve no changes to any installed system, no new or different type of accident than any previously analyzed is possible, 3.
Involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety.
As the requested changes are schedular and no not involve any setpoint changes, and the schoduler changes have been determined to meet acceptable drift '.imite no reduction in the margin of safety is possible, i
l 1
particular protection instrumsnt is not required; or the plant is placed in the protection or safe condition that the instrument initiates. This is accomplished in a normal manner without subjecting the plant to abnormal operations conditions.
The action and out-of-service requirements apply to all instrumentation within a
_particular function, e.g.,
if the requirements on any one of the ten scram functions cannot be met then control rods shall be inserted.
The. trip level settings not specified in Specification 2.3 have been included in this specification.
The bases for these settings are discussed below.
The high drywell pressure trip setting is S 3.5 peig.
This trip will scram the reactor, initiate containment spray in conjunction with low low reactor water l
level, initiate core spray, intutate primary containment isolation, initiate automatic depressurization in conjunction with low-low-low-reactor water level, initiate the standby gas treatment s/ stem and isolate the reactor building.
The scram function shuts the core down during the loss-of-coolant accidents.
A steam leak of about 15 gpm and a liquid leak of about 35 gpm from the primary system will cause drywell pressure to reach the scram point; and, therefore, the scram provides protection for breake greater than the above.
High drywell pressure provides a second means of initiating the core spray to mitigate the consequences of loss-of-coolant accident.
Its trip setting of $3.5 peig initiates the core spray in time to provide adequate core cooling.
The break size coverage of high drywell pressure was discussed above. Low-low water level and high drywell pressure in addition to initiating core spray also causes isolation valve closure.
These settings are adequate to cause isolatior, to minimize the offsite dose within required limits.
It is permissible to make the drywell pressure instrument channeAu inoperable during performance of the integrated primary containment leakage rate test provided the reactor is in the cold shutdown condition. The reason for this is that the Engineered Safety Features, which are effective in case of a LOCA under these conditions, will still be r Nective because they will be activated (when the Engineered safety Features system is required as identified in the technical specification _of the system) by low-low reactor water level.*
The scram discharge volume has two separate instrument volumes utilized do detect water accumulation.
The high water level is based on the design that the water in the SDIV's, as detected by either set of level instruments, shall not be allowec to sxceed 29.0 gallons; thereby, permitting 137 control rode to scram.
To provide further margin, an accumulation of not more than 14.0 gallons of water, as detected by either instrument volume, will result in a rod block and an alarm.
The accumulation of not more than 7.0 gallons of water, as detected in either instrument volume will result-in an alarm.
Detailed analyses of trannients have shown that sufficient protection is provided by other scrams below 45% power to permit bypassing of the turbine trip and generator load rejection scrams. However, for operational convenience, 40% of rated power has been chosen as the setpoint below which these trips are bypassed.
This setpoint is coincident with bypass valve capacity.
A low condenser vacuum scram trip of 23 inches Hg has been provided to protect the main condenser in the event that vacuum is lost.
A loss of condenser vacuum would cause the turbine stop valves to close, resulting in a turbine trip oyster Creek 3.1-4 Amendment No: 20, 73, 79, 112
TABLE 4.1.1 O
n Instrucent channel Check Calibrate Test Remarks (Applies to Test and Calibration _l x
xm x
High Peactor Pressure 1/d Note 3 1/Mo m
High Drywell Pressure (Scram)
N/A 1/3 mo.
Note 1 By appIication of test pressure 3.
Low Reactor Water Level 1/d Note 3 1/Mo 4.
Low-Low Water Level 1/d Note 3 1/Mo 5.
High Water Level in Scram Discharge volume a.
Digital N/A 1/3 mo.
1/3 mo.
By varying level in sensor columns b.
Analog N/A Note 3 1 mo.
Low-Low-Low Water Level N/A 1/3 mo.
Note 1 By application of test pressure "s
t, 7.
High Flow in Main Steamline 1/d 1/3 mo.
Note 1 By application of test pressure 8.
Low Pressure in Main Steamline N/A 1/3 mo.
Note 1 By application of test pressure 9.
High Drywell Pressure 1/d Note 1 By application of cest pressure (Core Cooling) 10.
Main Steam Isolation Valve (Scram) N/A N/A 1/3 mo.
By exercising valve.
33 mo oa thereafter according to Figure 4.1.1, with an interval not less than one month not more j
o NOTE 1:
Initially once/ month, I
y three months.
the reactor neutron flux peaking factor shall be estimated and
- to
,5 NOTE 2:
At least daily during reactor power operation, if necessary, as specified in Section 2.3 t
flow-referenced APRM scram and rod block settings shall be adjusted, e
Specifications (1) (a) and (2)
m Calibrate Calibrate electronic bistable trips by injection of an external test current once per 3 months.
transmitters by application of test pressure once per 12 months.
O TABLE 4.1.1
'(cont'd) 9 o
Instrument Channel check' Calibrate Test Remarks (Applies to Test and Calibration) b
- 27. Scram Discharge Volume (Rod Block) a) Water level N/A Each re-1/3 Mo Calibrate by varying level in high fueling-sensor column outage i
b) Scram Trip N/A" N/A Each re-bypass fueling outage
- 28. Loss of Power a) 4.16 KV Daily 1/24 mos.
Emergency Bus Undervoltage
.u (Loss of voltage) tm b) 4.16 KV Daily 1/24 mos.
Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Degraded Voltage)
- 29. Drywell High N/A Each re-Each re-O Radiation fueling fueling
- roe outage outage an a (L oD g
- Calibrate prior to startup and normal shutdown and thereafter check 1/s and test 1/wk until no longer required.
- rt 4 g Leoend: N/A = Not Applicable;.1/s = Once per shift; 1/d = Once per day; 1/3d = Once per three days; 1/wk = Once perweek; 1/3 mo = Once every 3 months; 1/18 mos. = Once every 18 months m
The following notes are only for Item'15 of Table 4.1.1:
g A channel may be taken out'of service for the purpose of a check, calibration, test or maintenance without declaring the channel to be inoperable.
so,o a.
The channel functional test shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:
g g
- 1) Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
- 2) Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
- 3) Instrument controls not set in operate mode.
- 4) Instrument electrical power loss.
--- --