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Fourth Set of Interrogatories Re Issue 7 on Control/ Prevention of Bifouling Caused by Asiatic Clams,Pursuant to ASLB 810728 Memorandum & order,LBP-81-24.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1982
From: Hiatt S
LBP-81-24, NUDOCS 8209130257
Download: ML20065A556 (5)







. September 7, 1982 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -

DOCKETED NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMNISSION USNRC Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boartij ,9 In the Matter of )



COMPANY, Et A1. ) 50-M i NCH

) (Operating License)

(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2)




OHIO CITIZENS'FOR RESPONSIBLE ENERGY FOURTH SET OF INTERh0GATORIES TO APPLICANTS Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy ("0CRE") hereby propounds its fourth set of interrogatories to Applicants, pursuant to the Licensing Board's Memorandum and Order of July 28, 1981 (LBP-81-24, 14 NRC 175).

Issue #7 Statement of


The following interrogatories concerning Issue #7 are designed to assess the Appli'csnts' plans for detecting and preventing biofouling at PNPP caused by Asiatic 1


i I

. 4-1. Please produce a copy of the following document identified in tha response to OCRE interrogatory 1-12: " Evaluation of the Asiatic Clam Corbicula_ Fluminea in the Westsrn Basin of Lake Erie," prepared by Mc. Jennifer Scott-Wasilk, fs ,

Mr. Gary G. Downing, and Mr. Jeffroy S. Lietzow of Toledo t

l Edison.

4-2. Please list all documc.nts in the possession of Applic' ants s concerningthepresenceof,03_iculainLakeErie(

b Produce all euch documents (except; tbose previously provided).

0 h

e  ! .

4-3. The "Corbicula Reconnaissance Survey" (May 1981) prepared -

for Applicants by NUS Corporation at p.1 lista various methods for controlling Corbicula: chemical treatments, clzn traps, mechanical cleaning devices, centrifugal l

separators, and magnetic water conditioners. Please provide a description of each of these methods with an assessment of their efficacy and their feasibility for use at Perry.

4-4. The " Report on General PTans (Permit to Install and 401 i Certification) for the Proposed Perry Nuclear Power Plant" (part of the Ohio EPA permit dated July 12, 1974) at p. 2 states that there will be no backwash of the intake.

Considering the potential for clam biofouling at PNPP, l

.do Applicants still believe this statement is true?

Specifically, if flow blockage due to Corbicula in the intake were to occur, would Applicants consider backwashing the intake, possibly with heated water, to kill / remove the clams?

4-5. If backwashing is not contemplated, how would such a problem be corrected?

4-6. FSAR Section states that the intake of water

- for the ESWS can be taken from the discharge structure


'if the normal intake becomes unavailable. What is the probability *of this occurring?

4-7. Does the discharge contain any screens or any other features to prevent the intake of adult Corbicula? Describe these features, including the mesh size of any screens.

4-8. During such circumstances in which the discharge would ,

be used for water intake, do the Applicants intend to

chlorinate the ESWS to. kill.any Corbicula larvae that might enter?

4-9. Describe the p'rovisions Applicants will employ to prevent the accumulation of sediment within the intake, discharge, and ESWS.

4-10. Will non-safety-r: lated service water systems be subject to Corbicula monitorin6 and control? List every such system and give the degree to which it will be monitored.

4-11. ' Provide a detailed description of the lake bottom near PNP'P, including that near the intake and discharge structures 4-12. Describe in detail all plans for chlorination of the ESWS and intake / discharge flows. Have chlorination cycles been designed to coincide with Corbicula spawning seasonsin Lake Erie? g gyg 4-13. Will the Corbicula monitoring program [(for PNPP be continued throughout the construction of the plant and during main-tenance outages after the plant begins operations?

4-14. Provide detailed, legible drawings of the ESWS; include the diameter of all piping, the location of flow meters and differential pressure indicators, and chlorination paths.

4-15. Provide, a, detailed description (and drawings) of the RHR heat exchangers. Specifically discuss the similarities and differences of the Perry heat exchangers with those of the Brunswick plant. and Pilgrim I. ,

1 4-16. Are the RHR heat exchangers multiple pa'as? If so, does i


the potential for internal bypass leakage exist (see ,

AEOD Report on Service Water System Flow Blockages by Bivalve Mollusks at Arkansas Nuclear One and Brunswick (February 1982) at p. 33)? Provide all plans Ap'plicants have proposed for measuring heat exchanger performance, in tenma of heat transfer coefficient (i.e., other than flow /pressuremeasurements).

4-17. Will surveillance testing of the ESWS be conducted with the system aligned to its post-accident mode, as recommended by the AEOD Report?

4-18. Are the RHR heat exchangers at such an elevation and the ESWS piping to same configured such that they..would become%a trap.for.any debris swept-into them?

4-19. Describe the metallurgical composition of the ESWS pumps, piping, and components, including that of any screens or cladding. Specifically, is Cu-Ni (op.any other substance that might be toxic to clams) used?

4-20. Describe the metallurgy of RHR heat exchanger baffle plates and water boxes (and any welds therein). I.e., is carbon steel or Cu-Ni used? Compare the strength of the PNPP RHR heat exchangers with those at Brunswick / Pilgrim I.

Respectfully submitted, Susan L. Hiatt OCRE Representative 8275 Munson Rd.

Mentor, OH 44060 (216) 255-3158 e

~ '?. .


_ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that copies of the forkoikiHlh b1ZENS FOR RESPONSIBLE ENERGY FOURTH SET OF INTERROGATORIES TO APPLICANTS were served by deposit in the U.S. Nail, firscFbitat SEqfestage prepaid, this 7th day of September,1982 to tif8s@gfTdrvice list below.

' .sa Susan L.

Hiatt W

.-.-.....: = ' * - .. . ...


SERVICE LIST Peter B. Bloch, Chairman Daniel D. Wilt, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board P.O. Bo'x 08159 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n Cleveland, OH 44108 Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Jerry R. Kline Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n Washington, D. C. 20555 Frederick J. Shon Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Comm'n Washington, D. C. 20555 Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n '

Washington, D.C. 20555 Stephen H. Lewis, Esq.

Office of the Executive Legal Director ,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm'n Washington, D. C. ~ 20555 Jay Silberg, Esq.

1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel ~

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555