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Requests That John/Or Dale Review Rewritten Sections,Per Licensee Telcon
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 11/16/1993
From: Strong B
To: Knox J, Poslusny C, Thatcher D
NUDOCS 9311190192
Download: ML20059M616 (7)



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GE Energy ABWR Date iH&T3 To

( (' '  ?'5N5"3 Fax No.?bY-222 Jc% (< u c x po (e Tuarcler-This page plus Spage(s) ..

From 'bo /> _ h~/^c a 1 Mait code W/

175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Phone (408)925- 57[O FAX (408) 925-1193 or (408) 925-1687 Subject Al%A 5SM Se&sas 5' . ? ?> 9 F O - 5~ _

Message l!esw hue JW oud /$F IMe .

revieu ,e x uen sec tu a r pei- our TC[ (n4. ( a (! tmf L) kCH

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PDR ADOCK 05200001 A PDR [i;;

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l' . 3 Interface Requiremonta The standard design of the A!WR is based on certain assumptions concerning the desis bases which shall be eet by the COL applicant in designing the portion ]

d th offsita power systea in his acope, as defined in subsection

fl.a w dasigr tm s e s assunptions are listed here which the COL applicant shall fT c e ! M

,;) ~he offsite system shi.11 consist of a minimum of two independent offsite transmission circuits from the trancmission network.

(2) Voltage variations of the oftalte transmission network shall be no more than plus or minus 101 of nominal value during steady state t,peration.

3) The normal steady state frequsney et the off61te transmission network shall W within plus or minus 2 hertz of 60 hertz during recoverable periods of svstem ins t.abi li t y wi Trm ettsite transmission circuits from the transmission network through and in.luding the main step-up power and reserve auxiliary transformers shall be sized to supply their load requirements, during all design operating moves, of their respective Class lE divisions and non-Class lE load groups.

C'>, The impedances of the main step up power and reserve auxiliary transformers

c. hall be compatible with the interrupting capability of the plant's circuit nr o rru;st ing devices  ;

it ihe independonce at offsite transmission power, instrumentat.Lon,=and control c!tcuits shall be compatible with the portion of the offsite trur.smiss on power, instrumentation, and control circuits within GE's design scupe

('i 'nnt r uaentation and cont rol system loads shall be compatible with the rpecits and capability design requirement: of DC systems within GE's

.n 6n 5cePe K '.onu ptuxi Des !gn (1 'altage variations of the offsite transmission network are no more than plus er minus 10% of nominal value during steady state operation.

(2) :ne norral steacy state frequency of the offsite transmission network are a thin plus or minus 2 hertz of 60 hertz during recoverable periods of sestum innrabilits t

c . \ wa \e5 \enerd2 / 8D4825. .to tro vertwr it,, 1993 _ . _ _ --- _ - . . . _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ _ _ _ - .

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the following boxes encircle two different options for Item (3). The NRC is requested to review bcth options in preparation for further discussion with GE.} -,,

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!3) Separation betwem th< main and reserve offsite circuits in Sreater than ths height of any component (1 e., transmission lines or tie lines, towers, or o tt uc tu r s ) whose f ail ure could otherwisc jeopardise both This aeparntion criteria also applies to the following:

y offsite circuits 0

Circuits on the righ voltage side o f th r. main power step up transformer

[Y separated f rom c i cuits on the low voltage side of the reserve auxiliary trarasfo' mer . and


Circuits on the hiyh voltage side of the reserve auxiliary transformer separated f roa c'. rc uits or, the low voltage side of the main power step-up transformar.

.n-- . - - . .- ==~

!31 Goparation between the main and reserve affaite circuits (e.g. the l trar.smission lines, tic l i n e r. , switching stations., transformers, bus ducts p a w s. r and instrusentation and control cableo), is greater t.han the hei5 ht j of any component which could cause loss of both off site circuits up to the

-o tnt at which the cottponent can no longer affect both circuits.

L_..-___...-._ ~_ -

(4- T r.c ma!n power switching station are separated by a minimum of 15.24m from

be tererve powel switching station. (Note
the switching' stations may be in the same switchyard or separated switchyards provided the required m i ni mun- separation is maintained.)

(S) '"h e r e s e rv e auxilinry transformer is separated by a minimum of IS.24m from the unit auxiliary transformerb and the main step-up power transformer. In addition, the cair: neep up power nnd reserve auxiliary transformers are ptovidui with separato oil collection pits and drains to a safe disposal n:oo, and arti provided with fire protection deluge systems as specified in s e c t i or: 4A 4.6 (6; lustrumentation and control circuits of the main power offsite circuit i( ., normal proferred offsite circuit) are separated from the instrurrentation and control circuits for the reserve power circuit (i.e.,

n'rcrnnte preferred offsite circuit) in the sace manner as the separation

vr the offaite power feeder


he site specific configuration of the incoming transmission lines are ane;yr.d to annurc t h s. : the expected availability of the offsite power is as good as the as amptions made in performing the plant probability risk analysis (see item bi 2 of Table 8.2-1. and Chapter 19).


i; W u nherD2/ ASLE25.wp n uev 16, 1993 w A 3w- a.- --e-E ' * + - -n-e

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$. 8 ? Th o f f r i t e transmission lines f r u.n the transmission network to the ex i ; t:i n g stations de not have a common takeoff structure or use common c

'.tucturco for support

'4' The ti I I':e s frou, th., nnin step-up power and reserve auxiliary

anniu mers to thet: switching stations do not have a common takeoff

.iu. m - o r ut.e cocumcn structures for support.

.'  :.e two effsite circut*s from the transmission network are designed to e .nialze t l.e i r s irr ui taneous loss as a result of failure of any transmission rossing lIne. single breaker, av .hgear bus, or cable.

1 ne offsit.n circuito nie designed in act.srdance with industry recommended
n: rice ir. order to c;inimize the likelihoed that they will fail while

-p .. r e t ' y under the e t onme n t al conditions (such as, wind, ice, snow, t si t :.1 : .p . t e mp.,; n , u r e vartations. or flood) to which they are rubject.

,' bynteci stadies are pectormed to dcmnnatrate that the offsite transmission r e t <n ri sil. not degrace be ow n icvel consistent with the availability mals af the plant as a resule of contingencies such as loss of any of the ,

c11 ewing elements Nuclear power generating unit, largest generating unit, ws t critical t rans:nission ci rcui t or intertie, or largest load.

ils ightning arresters nic piovided for each phase of all tie lines connecting th., plant electrical svstems to the switchyard and transmission network.

"hese arresters are connected to the high-voltage terminals of the main >

rep up poset and r e r.c rve auxiliary transformers. Transformers are also

+nunded (lo :'h e main step-up powet and the reserve auxiliary tranuformers are designed l-a.a.t th. i c qu i r e c.c n t s of ANSI Standard C57 12.00 (Referen a 8.2-2), j

. c r.o : r. ; F c q u i r c::.e n t s, for L.1 quid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating rnn,toraer,

t. ircuit breakers and disconnect switchca are sized and designed in ecordsnce with thc latest revision of ANS1 Standard C37.06 (Reference

, J-l , Frcferred Ratings and Related Capabilities for AC High-Voltage

eicu W e nb i s R eed on a Syuare trical Current Basis. All circuit breakers ne purchased new (1 e. not refurbished used ones) in accordance with ewiutton o f t.T,c : n f n rma t i on No t ic e 88-46 (see Question /P.esponne 435.56 in

.ection 20 3 RA1 r'

.' . be ma in ;+we t switching starinn hnr, nr icast two full caparity main buses

, tanged such that An'. incaming or u going trnnnmission line can be switched without e.ffecting anothe: line; Any single cit eult breaker can-be isolated f or tunintenance without E

interruprir.g r.ervice to any circuit; and Fnuits of n single ronin bus are isolated without interrupting service to i any circuit.


.i m c.,et' no\ w o 2/823&oM w ao we r 4, 1993

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.- 4 kl7The main power . transformer consists of three normally energized m!ngic phane transformern with an additional installed spare. Provisions sre made to peruit connecting and energizing the spare transformer in no core than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> following a failure of one of the normally ensrgized t r annf ortne rs .

i. l S Ftcvisions are made to synchronize the unit through the main poser usit'hing station's circuit breakers.
10 til i slay schemes used for protection of the offsite power circuits and the switching station's equipment include primary and backup protection isatures. All breakers are equipped with dual trip coils. Each protection ircuit which supplies a trip signal is connected to a separate trip coil.

All equipment and eshling nasociated with primary and backup protection lrcuits are physically separated from each other.

(/U he DC power needed tc operate primary and backup protection and control maipment of the offsite power system is supplied from two separate

.. itching station batteries located in each switching station, each with n

  • nttery charger fed from a separate AC bus. Each battery is capable of supplying the DC power required for normal operation of the switching

-tation's equipment Each charger is capable of supplying the required aads wnile recharging its bartery.

(7; Ao rtdandant low vcitsgr AC power supply systems are provided to supply AC e r.v a r to tha switching station's auxiliary loadn. Each system is supplied from saparate, independent AC buses The capacity of each system is n

2 equate to meet the AC power requirements for normal operation of the es t e c h i rig 9 t a t i on ' s equipment.

(2; tech transformer has primary and backup protective devices. DC power to the rimary and backup devices is supplied from separate non Class lE DC


(7' he calculated rated conditions for the main stop up power transformer in

'500 mVA at a powet factor of 0.9 and a voltage of 26.325 kV plus or minus C1 The main stop up powar transformer and high voltage circuit has d fic ien t impedance to limit the primary side maximum available fault trent contribution from the system to that required by the main generator tput circuit breaker as defined in

I2c ~te affsite transmisnian circuits from the transmission network throuSh and

.nc luding the main step-up power and reserve auxiliary transformers are

, ired to supply their load requirements, during all design operating modes, 4 thait respective Class lE divisions and non Class lE load groups.

(2' ;Le impedances of the main step-up power transformer and reserve auxiliary a snsformet are competible with the interrupting capability of the plant's ircuit interrupting de'.tces e n e c ht s ewv:32/82M825. wp nevevec* 16. 1W 3 4-r

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  • i 2 b 'ihe offsite transrcission circuits from the transminolon network through and

'.ncluding the main step up power and reserve auxiliary transformers are cesigned and coat,tructed to withstand the mechanical and thermal stresses

' t c:z t he worst case faulta.

1 ' ~he caleeluted rated conditions for the r e a c rve auxi.inry transformer is cln at u 0.9 power factor. LThen coordinated with the desi n5 of the reserve auxiliary transformer, the offsite transmission system circuit.

suprorts a maximus allowab'lo voltage dip of 20% duri+ig the starting of


.aIpe 1000006.

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