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Notification of 820805 Meeting W/Doe in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Crbr PSAR Chapter 9.3, Auxiliary Liquid Metal Sys. Proposed Agenda Encl
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 07/26/1982
From: Stark R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Check P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8208020430
Download: ML20058F738 (5)


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July 26,1982 Docket lio. : 60-537 MEH0 rat 4DUM FOR: Paul S. Check, Director, CRBR Program Office, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:

Richard M. Stark, Project Manager, CRBR Program Office, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



August 6,1982. Landow Building, Room 1111 LOCATION:

Bethesda, Md., at 8:30 a.m.


Discussion of Auxiliary Liquid Metal System Review (SeeAgenda)


Department of Energy J. Longenecker, D. Goeser,

HRC T. King, R. Stark,

ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Richard H. Stark, Project blanger CRBR Program Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc: Service List

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. Dr. Cadet H. Hand, Jr., Director Barbara A. Finamore cc:

S. Jacob Scherr Bodega Marine Laboratory Ellyn R. Weiss University of California Dr. Thomas B. Cochran P. O. Box 247 Bodega Bay, California 94923 Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

1725 I Street, N.W.

Daniel Swanson Suite 600 Office of the Executive Washington, D.C.

20006 Legal Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Eldon V. C. Greenberg Connission Washington, D.C.

20555 Tuttle & Taylor 1901 L Street, N.W.

Suite 805 William B. Hubbard, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General Washington, D.C.

20036 State of Tennessee Office of the Attorney General L. Ribb 450 James Robertson Parkway LNR Associates Nuclear Power Safety Consultants Nashville, TN 37219 8605 Grimsby Court William E. Lantrip, Esq.

Potomac, MD 20854 City Attorney Municipal Building P. O. Box 1 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 George L. Edgar, Esq.

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C.

20036 Herbert S. Sanger, Jr., Esq.

General Counsel Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, TN 37902 Scott Stuckey, Chief Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Raymond L. Copeland Project Management Corp.

P. 0. Box U Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Proposed Agenda'for 8/5/82 Meeting on PSAR Chapter 9.3

" Auxiliary Liquid Metal Systems" A)

General overview of each of the systems described in Chapter 9.3 addressing for each one its:

o design basis / function design requirements (capacity, flowrates, seismic category o

temperatures, pressures,etc.)

physical descrit) tion and location in the plant o

o instrumentation and control t

o safety considerations (such as postulated failures and their affects, required power supplies, etc.)


In addition to the general overview the following specific questions are to be addressed:

. What type (s) of sodium wetted valves are used? Bellows seal?

If so, do the valves have secondary packing?

. Why are the primary sodium system cold traps NaK cooled while the i

cold traps on the EVS and IHT systems gas cooled?' Reliability?


. Section - Design Basis for Sodium and NaK Receiving states that the capability is provided for removal of the Na and NaK from l

plant systems for off-site disposal.

Could this system handle the removal of radioactive Na or NaK7

  • Are there any provisions for detectin'g excessive vibration in EM i

pumps, i.e., acoustic pickup, due to pump cavitation?

- Is it possible for hot sodium to be accidently dumped into the sodium storage vessels? Have the vessels been analyted for this type of a themal transient?

  • Is there heater redundancy on sodium and component line heaters on the DHRS and the EVS Systems?


. What type (s) of sodium level detectors are used on the sodium vessels in the ALMS?

  • Experience with the resistance, continous level type detector has shown that the detector does not perform consistently or reliably until the sodium has wetted the surfaces of the detector.

This appeared to occur around 6000F.

Do you have similar type detectors?

What previous experience have you had with this?

  • What is the trapping capacity of the cold traps in the PHTS, IHTS Are they designed for the life of the plant?

If and EVS systems?

not, what means are provided for changing out cold traps, especially in the EVS system where failed fuel particulates are likely to be residing?


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  • What would be your approach to clearing a plugged line due to loss of line heaters or loss of purification.

Is there a safety hazard associated with this, i.e., rupture of line due to heating?

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. During a previous meeting with NRC, Westinghouse, EG&G and others on February 12, 1982, at the LanCow Building in Bethesda, Md., questions arose regarding monitoring HX perfomance on the ALMS throughout the 11fe of the plant.- Would you discuss what' method (s) 1.e., inservice inspection, instrumentation, etc., you intend to use on CRBR?

. Do you have a sodium makeup inventory in the storage vessel (s)?

If so, how much?

. What is basis or justification for locating the EVST outside the RCB?

l e Would you connent on the need for impurity monitoring on the NaK l


. Are the diffusion cold traps on the NaK systems designed for the I

life of the plant?,

. Is there a DBA for the ALMS,as a whole?

. What happens to impurity (monitoring system if impurity level higher than allowable?

i.e. shutdown, alam etc.)

e What is the effect of a monitoring system failure on the system?

(i.e., will that particular loop continue to operate or shut down?)

  • Is there to be automatic isolation of a system in event of an isolated failure within the particular system?

. Is missile protection necessary for the Impurity Monitoring System?


. Is the location of sample stations important to enable low personnel i exposure in case of an accident?

l e Are RDT standards necessary?


. What will be the Argon backfill pressure into the tank car and drums when removing Na from the containers? How is it insured that this pressure is not exceeded?

  • What type of heaters will be melting the Na in the tank car?

. Will there be limits on fill rate of sodium to tanks?

. Are the valves insulated to keep Na and NaK from cooling in lines?

e What is the basis for controlled oxygen and hydrogen content in the sodium, i.e., 2 ppm 02 and 0.2 ppm H2 for primary and inter-for EVST sodium?

mediate sodium, and 5 ppm 02 and 0.4 ppm H2

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Applicant Service List i


CRBRP0 File l

H. Denton D. Eisenhut R. Vollmer R. Mattson S. Hanauer H. Thompson J. P. Knight W. Johnston D. Muller P. Check R. W. Houston i

L. Rubenstein F. Schroeder M. Ernst ACRS (16) 0I&E(3)

S. Treby (0 ELD)

V. Moore B. Grimes R. Woodruff Region II Administrator L. S. Tong NRC Participants J. A. Olshinski, Reg. II R. E. Ireland, NRC-Idaho J. Austin B. D. Liaw J. Glynn P. Wood Receptionist - Phillips Bldg.

CRBR Staff J. Long R. Jackson Charlie Thayer, Reactor Training Center, Chattanooga T. Walker A. Spano l

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