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Files September 9, 1966 t
THRil:. Paul El Nelson, hn4er Radiatim Spaat=14=t Begica I, Division of Cm14==
i Eugene Epstein, nad4= tion Spea4=14=t 3
j Begica I, Division of Ccapliance 1
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Tnanector's Prmluatieri Inspectica perfm-=18/15,16/66 rev.=1ad limited use of materials with phm=4ng out cf the Arsenal actirities. lfaterials were noted to be used in a =- confm-=4"g to the Federal Begulations and the license. The health physics staff appears competent and knowledgeable in the Federal Regulaticus and safety :nessures to be used when using materials.
No hazard appears to exist.
L4-e -4 is==a4 a"=d Prioritir II and will be reinspected. during 2/68.
7f a-n=e S231-24 is assigned Priority III and will be reinspected dur: big l
8/69 i
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8204210042 811005 PDR FOIA KABAT-Z81-311 PDR i
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- 1. LICENSEE Department of the Army Region I, Division of Compliance U. 3. Ar:ny llaterial Research Agency U. S. Atocric inergy Comunission Waterto m Arsenal 376 Hudson Street
.:startow, Massachusetts 02172 New York, New York 10014
- 3. LICENSE NUMSER(S) 20-1010-4 and ;
August 15 and 16,1966 (Reinsp )
% A. No item of noncompliance was found.
O B. Rooms or areas were not properly posted to indicate the presence of a RAcrArroN AAEA.
10 CFR 20.203(b) or 34.42 O C. Rooms or areas were not properly posted to indicate the presence of a urcu aAorATZox A EA.
10 CFR 20.203(c) (1) or 34.42 O o. Rooms or areas were not properly posted to indicate the presence of an Al280MNE RADioAcTZYZTY AREA.
O E. Rooms or areas were not properly posted to indicate the presence of RADroActrVE MATERIAL.,
O F. Ccntainers were not properly tabded to indicate the presence of RAntoACTIVE STATERIAI 10 CFR *0.203(f) (1) or (f) (2).
O G. Storage containers were not properly labeled to show the quantity, date of measurement, or kind of radioactive material in the containers.10 CFR 20.203(f) (4)
O H. A current copy of 10 CFR 20, a copy of the license, or a copy of the operating procedures was not properly posted or made available.10 CFR 20.206(b)
Form AEC-3 was not properly posted.10 CFR 20.206(c) t l
i O J. Records of the radiation exposure of individuals were not properly maintained.10 CFR 20.401(a) or 34.J3(b)
O K. Records of surveys or disposals were not properly maintained.10 CFR 20.401(b) or 34.43(d)
O L Records of receipt, transfer, disposal, export or inventory of licensed material were not properly maintained.
10 CFR 30.51. 40.61 or 70.51 I
l O M. Records of leak tests were not maintained as prescribed in your lic nse, or 10 CFR 3425(c)
O N. Records of inventories were not maintained.10 CFR 34.26 l
O o. utiiis. tion togs were not maintained.10 CFR 34.27 w
t.4EC Comohance inspectors S. LICENSEE 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The AEC Compliance Inspector has explained and-I understand the items of noncompliance listed above. The of noncompliance will be corrected within the next 30 days.
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(Lscensee Repreentatwe - Gale er Posstson)
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LPJLFI EPSTEri:cj 9/8/66 Reviewed by:
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=1cr t? rm Ave a:91 Trsreet- : Eugene Epstein IZPAR3EtTI CF DZ ARMI U. S. A: sy Material Research Agency
'#atertown Arsenal Tfeele Me.: 20-1010-k
- atertown, Massachusetts C2172 S!3!-2M Oates of I=spection: August 15 - 16,1966 (Anscunced Reinspectien)
P-rses Ace ~~-nn~r*-r '-s eere :
None - Mass. Authcrities #ere Nctified P-??ea c-ucted:
Col. Di::itri Iellogg, Cm-um ing Cfficer a
Dr. James Martin, Tecnnical Director Mr. Joseph Sullivan, Dep. Tect:nical Director Mr. Sidney Levin, RSO for the Arsenal Mr. Charles Dady, BSO fer Research Facility
!.tr. ',eo Foley, '.sst. P.S0 for Research Facility l
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License -k was last inspected 7/13, lk, and 16/65 Items of senecapliance using Form AEC-kl7 were for 10 CFR 20.203(f)(1), failure to preperly latel an H-3 target used in a Ymn neutren generater and License Cczx11 tics 13, failure to leak test sealed sources at intervals wr1ch did not exceed siz 2cnths.
License No. SNM-24 was last inspected 4/Ger59 and no itens cf cenccmpliance 2.
were noted.
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. %.a4-atien Watertown Arsenal fer=erly had two groups, the Arsenal and tts Material 3
Research Agency. Accordi g to Col. D. Kellogg, C.0.
The Arsenal will shcrtly cease to exist ard thencnly the Research Agency will renain ard the future =ay also be nebulous fcr this grcup.
S e total enployment at the last inspectica in 7/65 was 2600 and non has dwindled to 660. Sidney Levin, formerly BSO of the Some Arsenal Grcup, will be transferred to the staff of the Research Agency.
sealed sources are held in stcrage enly bv the Arsenal Grcup.
The Research Group located in the Reactor Building uses some sources for calibraticn enly. Mr. Charles Dady, RSO, assisted by Ieo Foley, perferms health physics services for the Research Agency. Dady repcrts to Or. yames Martin, Research Directer, who in turn repcrts to Col. Kellegg.
5 A Radicisetcpes Cemittee as listed in Supplement A to the applicatica dated 24 Feb. 66 meets at least annually to discuss uses, users, and projec+ed requirenents. Minutes are aintained. Mincr proble=s ars ha=dled by d tten memo between meters.
NniM a e cri %s -f 'v-- tet "2teMa' 6.
The Scepe of License 4 was discussed with Dady and reccrds cf receipt, disposal, ani inventcry were examined.
Amount M
h M
Au+We ed Ch Fard A Any isotcpe 100 e total Co-60 sealed sources 46 me 3/1/60 1.02 me 3/1/60 frca 3 - 83 1450 me 6/9/61 20 ua 6/23/59 Cs-137 sealed source 30 me 1/30/61 5 sealed sources, 9 uo each in air scniters Sr-90 4 - 3 uc sealed sources in Jcrden survey meterr - 300 uc sealed source 1/1/60 in IEP Slew Neutren d
1& miter.
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W-137 in generally licensed quantities Na-24 Fe-59 B
H-3 Tritius Tritide 100 e 64 curies as targets 7 c esca targets C
H-3 any 10 c None - not used 7.
Dady stated and records of use cen' firmed that the only use of : materials is the use of 7 c tritiated targets in the Kaman neutren generator, ani the use cf sealed sources in detectica devices and fer calihrstion.
I:se of the Kaman Generater is by Drs. Herace and crace Priest. E iest stated they h
accelerate deuteriu:n coeren.7 e tritiated targets about 5 - 10 m*.nutes a week. ascerds cf tar;st changes etcws that targets are *- ed every six ncnths.
With*.r. the generater reca, the inspectcr noted a locked cabicet in which were s'ered a 10 e used H-3 target and r 20 c H-3 used targets 0.w 4 % - a t '=
Also within the generater rec:a was a Johnsen I4beratories Model 755 tritiu:n
- I air meniter whose 34m4'm sensitivity, acecnii::g to Dady, was 1 x 10 ue H-3/sl air.
Priest stated that with the instrument ce, they have never had any reading en the
- 1cwer scale. The first accurate reading is 10 en the icwer scale ccrrer g ing 1
to 1 x 10
- c H-3/mi air.
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- 10. Priest stated that with the m4"4== cperation cf the generatcr and with no e M PC indicatica cf H-3 release art would cer+miniv nsvar be exceeded.
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- 11. The Kaman generater is 1ccated in a concrete shielded facility in Room 145, Building 97, the Reacter Building. A drawing of which is centained as Figure 2 cf the t
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applicatica dated 24 Feb. 1966. A descriptien cf the generater is centained en pages 50-53 cf the above applicatien.
- 12. A special ccncrete shielded stcrage area shews in Figure 1 cf the licensee's applicatien is used for the stcrage of co-60 ard Cs-137 sealsi sources. The area adjacent to the stcrage area is used fer calitraticn of survey :neters, according to Oads fcr apprevisately three hours :ncnthly.
13 I4 vin also had a stcrage area located in a locked sub-grouni rocs cf Suilding 152.
Two sealed sources cf Co-60 were noted stored each inside an inverted cannen barrel. I4 vin stated that he used the roca prier to 1965 as a calibratien facility and derenstrated an electrical crank whereby the sources were autcontically lifted cut cf the ca::ncr. barrels which were pointed upwards.
The rocm was equipped with an autcoatic interlock device wnich would cause the sources to return to their sh.ilded positica t. pen opening the door to the roc:2, wnen the sources were exposed. Two souzces were on cani - Co-dC 5.1 nc 1961, ani 142 =c 1961.
r-st-v-tuien a-3 ce-atirn 14 The licensee was noted to have a large variety of radiaticn detecticn instrunentatien.
Dady stated all instru:nentatien is calitrated at three :senth intervals using 4*
C" two points en each instrument scale.
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?-s +--M *S *_s All e:nployees who will PmM1e radienuclides :xust have an oral interview with Cady who explains the federal regulatiens ani hazards cencerned. All empicyees
- sust attani acnthly group lectures on federal regulaticas. All e:nplcyees who hanile radienuclides were neced to have signed certificates irdicating their i
understaniing cf the statements en AIC-3 ani 10 CFR 20, 30, ani 70.
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Direct physical surveys were noted to be made of radiation levels in the calibratien roca of Building 97 wie radiation levels up to 350 srh. when Co-60 sources were expcsed. This rocn was noted to te equipped with a photoelectric interlock system which energized red lights and a born should entry be made into the high radiatien area. m se levels existed for only one er two hours every three acnths.
17 Radiatien levels in ucrestricted areas were noted to be less than 0.2 mr/hr at exterior surfaces of the calibratien facility when sources were used.
Levin also maintained reccrds cf sf=41=* surveys perfermed in and aroucd the basement of Suilding 152 shcw1:g radiatien levels in tmrestricted areas as less than 0 5 mr/hr during exposure cf sources.
Independent surveys made by the inspectcr using a serial :o. 35S. '1C *.bdel C-S-2 thin eni windcw C21 survey meter calibrated 7/5/66 ccrretcrated that all radiatien levels in unrestricted areas, because of use of stcrage of naterials, were less than 0.4 =rh.: at teu=dary surfaces.
- 20. Oady stated ami records revealed that smear surveys were taken cf the neutres generater roc:a with repcrted centamination noted as backgrcuni ani in rcen lW cf Suilding 97, where several experinents with micrecurie quantities cf S-35 were perfcrmed during 1965 to deter =ine chemistry cf S-35 ec=peunds ani ciazix=a cen+m,hatien of 35 eps over backgrouni with 25% efficiency fer a scintillatica detector ani scaler were =oted.
'rak Tests 21.
Oady stated that they do not fabricate sealed sources. License Cc:ditien 13 i
req des sealed scurces to te tested at intervals which do not exceed six
- acnths. Dady stated ani reccrds cc firm that all sealed sources er accessible 1:.d.,
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surfaces are wiped with filter paper. He stated the filter paper snears are 4
counted with an open wi:xtew CM detectcr ani scaler and if a::7 activity is noted the s:near is removed to a 400 channel pulse height analycer. Eeccrds were acted to te caintained shewi=g all *Asts for leakage to te perfc::ned at' intervals w=1ch did not arceed 0.002 uc en any source. The records irdicated that all sealed sources were properly tested.
nste Msmsal
- 22. Dady stated +2at all solid waste is gathered in =e+Al covered pails ani
+2ansferred to Idgewood Arsenal at periedic intervals. It was noted that records were =aintained shewi=g kini, quantity, sai date of transfer.
23 Buf Wrg 97 has a liquid waste systen to dispcse cf both radicactive wastes fren byproduct material ani =aterial fren cperatien of the sw1:ani=g pool reacter.
- ady described *2e systen as f=11cws. "hree above g-cuni 30C0 gallen holdmp tanks are within Building 97 In additien an u=dergrouni 'Cp00 gallen stcrage tank can provide additienal dilutica or decay ti=e if necessary. Dady stated the undergrouni tarJc has never teen used. All
- Anis above ani telcw grouni are intercennected ani can be centrolled +4 give necessary dilutics facter.
Dady stated that the kO,000 gallen sub-grouni tank has not teen used to date.
He stated that he uses ene 3000 gallen task a:d dilutes with cold water as needed frena the other two 3000 gallen tanks before letti:g the water go to the municipal sewer system directly.
25 Dady stated that no liquid wastes have been generated from typroduct material for over a year. Dady stated that aliquots are taken pr1ct to sendirg hold-up liquid ts the sewer ami analyzed for activity in a pulse height analyzer.
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, Records are maintained stew kiM, quantity, and dates of dispcsal.
- 26. Dady stated that in additien to the hold-up tanks they have evaporatcrs and filters which have never been used.
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- 27. Film tadges which scnitor tota-gn==a ani neutron expcsures were noted wern by five persons who use typrcduct material and S!N saterial under license S?c.1-24.
Fils badges are processed centhly by the !4xingten Signal Depot. ReccM s cf filn badge exposure for each type of radiaticn were noted =aintained en Fez s DDill.l.
Reccrds cf filn tadge exposure are =aintained by the =edical effice in Buildi=g 292.
mzi=m quarterly expcsure was nct,ed fer Dady, who :eceived a total cf 92 mres we. ole body exposure during the secc=d cale=dar quarter year 1966 due to calibration cf instru=entation. All other expcaures were repcrted as mfnfm n, less than 10 ares, with no reportable neutren expcsure. The records were examined fres 7/55 %C 3l56.
Pes +d-e W *aha14-1
- 28. The inspecter noted that all recms ani areas where materials are used cr stored are pested with For:: At. c-3 as well as signs reading "cautien - Radicactive ?.interials a
with symbol. All centainers had labels with similar legeni and symbol. The labels also iniicated the kini, quantity, aM date of assay. A label was at,ed to te affixed to the target tube of the hw Generator with the required legeM and symbol.
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i 29 The stcrage facilities in Buildings 152 ani 97 were also noted *4 te pested with t
signs reading "Cautien - Eigh Radiatien Area" with symbol.
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- 30. 10 - Use noted at address listed in Item 2 cf the license.
- 31. 12 - Minutes cf Radioisotope Octsnittee ref: set prcper authorizatics cf users.
- 32. 14 - Dr. Priest stated that H-3 released by the 7 o target is accu:sulated in the vacuum system of the Taman neutren generater. He stated, hcwever, the quantities assu:ned in the applicatien supporting the license ccrAitica assumed the use cf a new 8 c H-3 target weekly. Targets are changed ene every six mcaths.
33 15 - The natements centained in the applicatien dated 3/1/66 were reviewed with Dady and compliance was noted.
't-nssw t-- Mtt m 34 Regular tritium bicassay is performed ter Drs. H. ani G. Priest sco use the ymmn neutren generatcr as well as additienal bicassays after target charges.
Dedy stated that 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> urine samples ars gatherad ani a 1C0 21 aliquot is sent to Tracerlab fer bicassay. The results repcrted in uc H-3/1 urine sacw no acre 1
than 1.4 uc H-3/1 urine af ter target charge for Dr. H. Priest, less than 1 ue H-3/1 urine scr.thly.
'len-e F W-2Lk 35 The scope of tbo license was reviewed with Dady.
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- 36. The licensee has 2 - Pu-Be neutren sources each centainir4 80 grams Pu-239 for a total possessien of 160 grass. He also has a U-235 metallic source 3 7 grams i
1 fissica counter containing.0051 grams U-235, 69% enriched 2 fission counters each containing 1.8 grams U-235, 69% enriched 2 neutren beam acnitcrs cne 100 mg U-235, 904 enriched, one lo sg'
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- 37. Dady stated they have not used er received the 32 grans of Pu-239 to be used as neutrcn filters to date.
- 38. The two Pu-Be neutren sources centained in paraffin filled.netal. dres arxi were stcred in the storsgo area of Building 97. Dady stated th t cne of the oc4 neutron sources are removed frca the 4reda every 2 or 3 mcnths into a lead trick shielded assembly ani is used to calibrate neutrcn detecticn instru:nents. He stated he pertems this work and this use averages eneheur a =enth. Radiatica levels did not exceed 0.1 mr/hr where Dady stood apprcximately eight feet away frca the source ani were also noted as 7 mr/hr approximately cne foot frca *1e source.
- 39. All other =aterials are used with the reacter, according to Dady. He stated that ene Pu-Be scures was used for initial reaator start-up, but not since then.
Reccrds were noted maintained cf leak tests perfc=ed at apprcxinately five scnth intervals of the Pu-Se scurces by wiping the cutside surfaces acd counting for alpna activity using a pulse height analycer. No leakage is excess of 0.001 uc was ncted.
- 41. Place of use was neted to be at the address stated in the license ceniition.
h2. Reactor license autherises the use cf the Pu-Se source for start-up. 1:aterials under License SNM-24 have not been inserted into a reacter, acceriitg to Dady.
43 All use was noted to te in acconiance with the procedures described in the licensee's applicatien of 7/15/66.
i c~ e m e, w4+2 waar-,,-t M.
A ccnference sMing the results cf the inspecticn was held i=:nediately fol10 wing the inspection en S/1 966. Dr. J. Martin, Technical Directer ani Col. D. Kellegg were infer:ned that no items of ncncompliance existed ani Fer:s; AEC-591, (clear inspection) was issued.
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