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Inservice Insp Rept for 811219-820406.Rept Describes Insp of Support Components,Pressure Retaining Bolting, Circumferential Pipe Weld & Valve Bodies
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/01/1982
Shared Package
ML20052H164 List:
NUDOCS 8205200018
Download: ML20052H168 (4)


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q Page 1 of 4 FORM NIS-1 OWNERS' DATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules Jersey Central Power & Light Company

1. Owner Madison Avenue O Punchbowl Road, Morristown, N.J. 07960 Na e and Address of Owner)

Oyster Creek Nuclea(r d"enerating Station

2. Plant on UJ,_R.1da_2 miles South of Forked _RiYer. N.J. 08731 Oyster Creek Nuclea'E*** *"d ^dd" ' " * " ' '
3. Plant Unit Generating Statior4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A
5. Commercial Service Date 12I23/39_ 6. National Board Number for Unit Rx Vessel 14895
7. Components *mpected See pages 3 of 4 .& 4 of 4.

Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or National Appurtenance or Installer Serial No. Province No. Board No.

Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in.,

(2) information in items 1 through 6 on this data report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

This form (E00029) rmy be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 8205200018 820511 PDR ADOCK 05000219 Q PDR

Page 2 of 4[*

FORM NIS-1 (back)

8. Examination Dates 12/19/81 to 4/6/82 9. Inspection Interval from 1979 to 1989
10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval. Generally. the inservice inspection required for this interval is approximately 6% complete. $st
11. Abstract of Conditions Notea See remarks column on pages 3 of 4 & 4 of 4.
12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken See remarks column on pages 3 of 4 & 4 of 4.

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective mea-sures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

,) EM EV CEWRM- PoOER /) #

Date _ If 19 b Signed AND UCHTCoHF'A4(n By . V / J _

Owner Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicabic) N/A Expirati _ are _ N/A CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hohling a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and/or the State or Province of New JerseV and emg> eg tfgrd gf Ste er R4 Har.tford,lonn,_ have inspected the components described ir this Otyners Data RepoNgmrmg the 12/19/81 to 4/6/82 . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners' Data Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owners' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date __5j i i, 3 a_

d h_ qfho - Commissions NO6N9 taspector's Signature National Board, State Province and No.

dersey Lentral Power & Light Company Page 3 of 4 -

1. Owner Madison Avenue 0 Punchbowl Road, Morristown, N.J. 07960 OysterCreekNuclear$*e$eEatkEtYt3E"
2. Pianton U.S. Rt. 9. 2 miles South of Forked River, N.J. 08731 Oyster Creek Huclear(Name and A<! dress of Plant)


3. Plant Unit Generating Station . Owner 4 Certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A __
5. commercial ser< ice Date 12/23/69 6. National Board Number for Unit Rx Vessel 14895 S= Satisfactory IWB-2500 IWB-2600 U= Unsatisfactory

.. COMPONENT SYSTEM IWC-2520 IWC-2600 I.D. # MATERIAL DIAMETER TillCKNESS REMARKS Pressure Retain- Main Steam B-G-1 B6.1 V-1-7 A-193 B14 Studs 2" ing Bolting N/A S-24 Studs UT Examined-A-194 2H Nuts Rejected Items Replaced from Stock.

B-G-1 B6.2 V-1-7 A-193 B14 Studs 2" N/A S-}, Studs MT & Visually A-194 2H Nuts Examined - Rejected Items replaced from Stock.

Feadwater B-G-2 B6.9 V-2-72 A-193 B7 1" N/A S-8 Studs & Nuts Visually Examined -

1 Rejected Nut -

Replaced from Stock.

Circumferential Main Steam B-J B4.8 MS-9-37 <C/S 2" .218 Pipe Weld S- See NOTE on Page MS-9-38 4 of 4 Support Shutdown B-K-2 84.10 NU-1-S5 N/A Components Cooling N/A N/A S-Supports Visually MU-2-S3 Examined - Results Acceptable.

Valve Bodies Isolation B-M-2 B6.7 V-14-30 S/S 10" N/A S-Valves Visually Condenser V-14-31 Examined - Results V-14-32 Acceptable.

V-14-33 Main Steam B-M-2 B6.7 V-1-7 24" C/S M/A S-Valve Visually Examined - Results Acceptable.

Feedwater B-M-2 B6.7 V-2-72 C/S N/A S-Valve Visually Examined - Results Acceptable.

O 6


d:rsey tentral Power & Light Company Page 4 of 4 5 I. owner Madison Avenu7 0 Punchbowl Road, Morristown, N.J. 07960 OysterCreekNuclear$'e"*er"atM"ft'atD* '

2. Planton U.S. Rt. 9. 2 miles South of F!rked River, N.J. 08731 Oyster Creek flucleatI "*** *"d ^dd"" I "*"'I  ;
3. Plant Unit Generating Station 4. Owner certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A
5. commercial senice care 12/23/69 6. National Board Number for Unit Rx Vessel 14895 S= Satisfactory IWB-2500 IWB-2600 U= Unsatisfactory

.C0!!PONENT SYSTEM IWC-2520 IWC-2600 I.D. #  !!ATERIAL DIAMETER TillCKNESS REf! ARKS Support Core Spray C-E-2 C2.6 NZ-3-S5 N/A N/A N/A S-Support Visually Components Examined - Results Acceptable.

Isolation C-E-2 C2.6 NE-1-S1 N/A N/A N/A S-Supports Visually Condenser NE-2-S19 Examined - Results NE-2-S20 Acceptable.

., ^ NE-1-S8 632-R7 NE-1-S2 Isolation AUGME NTED Pip'ing from N/A N/A N/A S-Components Visually Condenser . Penetration Examined During X 3A to & Pressure Test - ResuW Including Acceptable.

Valves V-14-30 &

V-14-31 Piping from N/A N/A  : N/A S-Components Visually Penetration Examined During X 3B to & Pressure Test - Results Including Acceptable.

Valves V-14-32 &

V-14-33 NOTE: Valve V-1-111 Is A Class One 2 Inch Drain Valve Off The Main Steam Line. This Valve Was Replaced During Maintenance Activities.

Two Socket-Weld Connections To The Valve Were Made As Part Of The Replacement. The Welds Were Liquid Penetrant Tested And The Inboard Weld MS-9-37 Was Hydrostatically Tested - Results Acceptable.