MONTHYEARML20212B9961999-09-15015 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Page 3.3-52,deleting Condition G as Well as or G from Condition H,Per TS Change Request TSCR-003 ML20210B9411999-07-16016 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SLMCPR to Support Operation with GE-12 Fuel with 10x10 Pin Array ML20206P2321999-05-10010 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.7.4,providing Specific Conditions & Required Actions for Control Bldg Barrier Degradation (as Opposed to Ventilation Train Degradation) ML20206P7401999-05-10010 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising SLMCPR to Support Operation with GE-12 with 10x10 Pin Array ML20206J3011999-04-30030 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS Surveillance Requirement to Implement More Appropriate Safety Valve & Safety Relief Valve Setpoint Tolerances ML20205P8031999-04-12012 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Relaxation of Excess Flow Check Valve Surveillance Testing ML20202E5931999-01-22022 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs SR Re Rev to DG Surveillance Requirement ML20204A7541999-01-22022 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Spent Fuel Racks Storage Update ML20206S2421999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Requirement for EDGs ML20154P6621998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,revising Condition E to Add Time Limit for Plant Operation If Penetration Flow Path Isolated by Single Purge Valve with Resilient Seal & Adding TS for Cb/Sbgt IAS NG-98-0720, Proposed Improved Tech Specs Page 5.0-21 for Reporting Requirements1998-04-17017 April 1998 Proposed Improved Tech Specs Page 5.0-21 for Reporting Requirements ML20217B8271998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re RTS-300,revising Reactor Vessel pressure-temp Curve Update ML20203M5021998-02-26026 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Improved Conversion of Plant ML20199K9871998-02-0303 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Vessel Hydrostatic Pressure & Leak Testing Operability Requirements ML20199K9601998-02-0303 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Standby Liquid Control Operability Requirements ML20198P8871998-01-0909 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.7.B LCO for PCIVs Revised to Allow 72 Hours to Isolate Failed Valve Associated W/Closed Sys ML20203G5331997-11-21021 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Marked Up Pages for Improved TS for Rev a Showing Changes for Rev B ML20211J2331997-10-0303 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Supplementing thermal-hydraulic Analysis Included as License Rept in 930326 to Murley NG-97-1010, Proposed Tech Specs Change for Instrument Setpoints1997-06-10010 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Change for Instrument Setpoints NG-97-0847, Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definition of LCO to Address Situation When Sys & Components Are Removed from Svc or Otherwise Made Inoperable During Secondary Modes of Operation,W/O Requiring Entry Into LCO Actions1997-05-0909 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definition of LCO to Address Situation When Sys & Components Are Removed from Svc or Otherwise Made Inoperable During Secondary Modes of Operation,W/O Requiring Entry Into LCO Actions ML20141D3621997-05-0909 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definitions of LSSS & Instrument/Channel Calibration to Ref New Program Being Added to TS for Control of Instrument Setpoints ML20115E0301996-07-0505 July 1996 Proposed TS Table 3.6.B.2-1,raising Reactor Water Conductivity Limit to Support Implementation of Noble Metal Chemical Addition at Plant as Method to Enhance Effectiveness of HWC in Mitigating IGSCC ML20101Q7191996-04-0909 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Recirculation Pump Trip Min Operable Channels ML20097A1871996-01-30030 January 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Certain CR Scram Insertion Time Testing Limits ML20096F0211996-01-18018 January 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Lowering RWCU Isolation Setpoint from Reactor Low Level to Reactor low-low Level ML20099L8491995-12-22022 December 1995 Proposed Tech Spec 3.7, Plant Containment Sys ML20095H2371995-12-15015 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating EDG Conditional Surveillance & Editorial Clarifications ML20095A9011995-11-30030 November 1995 Proposed Tech Specs to Implement Option I-D Reactor Stability Solution ML20094M4131995-11-15015 November 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re RPT Operability & Surveillance Requirements ML20087F5831995-08-0707 August 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Sections & 6.5.3 Re Changes to Audit Program ML20086R8061995-07-21021 July 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Eliminating Inappropriate Condition Surveillance in Sections 4.5 & 4.8,clarifying Requirements Governing Spent & New Fuel Storage in Section 5.5 ML20087H7021995-04-28028 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page 3.5-20,adding Clarification for Single Core Spray Pump Requirement ML20082S0201995-04-21021 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Deletion of TS Due to Audit Frequency Requirements Being Removed from TS ML20082D1171995-03-28028 March 1995 Proposed TS Table 3.2-A, Isolation Actuation Instrumentation ML20081C9891995-03-10010 March 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Redundant LCOs & SRs for Containment Hydrogen & Oxygen Monitors ML20080Q8731995-03-0101 March 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Rev to TS Table of Contents, Incorporating New Section ML20080Q0851995-03-0101 March 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Pump & Valve Surveillance Criteria for LPCI & Core Spray Subsystems,Rhr Svc Water, Hpci,Esw & River Water Supply Systems from Once Every Three Months to Frequency Specified by DAEC ASME Section XI IST ML20078R9171995-02-13013 February 1995 Proposed TS Section & 6.5..3.1,reflecting Deletion of Audit Frequency Requirements ML20080H5651995-02-13013 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Bases for Shutdown Cooling Piping Safety Limit ML20077A9191994-11-10010 November 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Offgas Radiation Monitors ML20149G9241994-10-28028 October 1994 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Plan for Integrated Scheduling of Plant Mods ML20076K9591994-10-20020 October 1994 Revised Proposed TS to TS Changes RTS-246 & RTS-246A ML20072F1651994-08-15015 August 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Increasing Allowable Main Steam Isolation Valve & Deleting TS Requirements Applicable to MSIV LCS ML20071Q6211994-07-29029 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Isi/Ist Program Requirements ML20070H3321994-07-12012 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Frequencies for Rod Block Instrument Sys ML20070E0411994-06-30030 June 1994 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Requirements for Audit of Conformance to Tss,Deleting Requirement for Safety Committee Oversight of Audits & Allowing Designation of Signature Authority ML20070E0621994-06-30030 June 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Addition of Control Bldg Chiller Operability & Surveillance Requirements ML20070E0251994-06-30030 June 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Revision of ESW Flow Requirement 4.8.e.1 ML20069G9181994-05-27027 May 1994 Proposed TS Section 3.7, Containment Sys ML20069A9961994-05-0606 May 1994 Proposed TS SRs Section 4.6.G, Primary Sys Boundary Structural Integrity, Deleting SR Which Refers to ISI Program Interval,Allowing DAEC Current ISI Program Interval to Be Extended Per Ruling in Fr 57FR34666 1999-09-15
MONTHYEARML20212B9961999-09-15015 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Page 3.3-52,deleting Condition G as Well as or G from Condition H,Per TS Change Request TSCR-003 ML20210B9411999-07-16016 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SLMCPR to Support Operation with GE-12 Fuel with 10x10 Pin Array ML20206P2321999-05-10010 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.7.4,providing Specific Conditions & Required Actions for Control Bldg Barrier Degradation (as Opposed to Ventilation Train Degradation) ML20206P7401999-05-10010 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising SLMCPR to Support Operation with GE-12 with 10x10 Pin Array ML20206J3011999-04-30030 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS Surveillance Requirement to Implement More Appropriate Safety Valve & Safety Relief Valve Setpoint Tolerances ML20205P8031999-04-12012 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Relaxation of Excess Flow Check Valve Surveillance Testing ML20202E5931999-01-22022 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs SR Re Rev to DG Surveillance Requirement ML20204A7541999-01-22022 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Spent Fuel Racks Storage Update ML20206S2421999-01-21021 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Requirement for EDGs ML20207E9931999-01-0707 January 1999 Rev 15 to Pump & Valve IST Program for Daec ML20205P8091998-11-30030 November 1998 Excess Flow Check Valve Testing Relaxation ML20154P6621998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,revising Condition E to Add Time Limit for Plant Operation If Penetration Flow Path Isolated by Single Purge Valve with Resilient Seal & Adding TS for Cb/Sbgt IAS ML20236T8621998-06-15015 June 1998 Third Ten Yr Interval ISI Summary Rept Refueling Outage 15 from 961116-980522 for DAEC Palo,Ia NG-98-0720, Proposed Improved Tech Specs Page 5.0-21 for Reporting Requirements1998-04-17017 April 1998 Proposed Improved Tech Specs Page 5.0-21 for Reporting Requirements ML20217B8271998-04-15015 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re RTS-300,revising Reactor Vessel pressure-temp Curve Update ML20203M5021998-02-26026 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Improved Conversion of Plant ML20199K9871998-02-0303 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Vessel Hydrostatic Pressure & Leak Testing Operability Requirements ML20199K9601998-02-0303 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Standby Liquid Control Operability Requirements ML20198P8871998-01-0909 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.7.B LCO for PCIVs Revised to Allow 72 Hours to Isolate Failed Valve Associated W/Closed Sys ML20203G5331997-11-21021 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Marked Up Pages for Improved TS for Rev a Showing Changes for Rev B ML20211J2331997-10-0303 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Supplementing thermal-hydraulic Analysis Included as License Rept in 930326 to Murley NG-97-1010, Proposed Tech Specs Change for Instrument Setpoints1997-06-10010 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Change for Instrument Setpoints NG-97-0847, Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definition of LCO to Address Situation When Sys & Components Are Removed from Svc or Otherwise Made Inoperable During Secondary Modes of Operation,W/O Requiring Entry Into LCO Actions1997-05-0909 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definition of LCO to Address Situation When Sys & Components Are Removed from Svc or Otherwise Made Inoperable During Secondary Modes of Operation,W/O Requiring Entry Into LCO Actions ML20141D3621997-05-0909 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definitions of LSSS & Instrument/Channel Calibration to Ref New Program Being Added to TS for Control of Instrument Setpoints ML20138D9791996-12-0505 December 1996 Rev 9 to Offsite Dose Assessment Manual for Gaseous & Liquid Effluents ML20115E0301996-07-0505 July 1996 Proposed TS Table 3.6.B.2-1,raising Reactor Water Conductivity Limit to Support Implementation of Noble Metal Chemical Addition at Plant as Method to Enhance Effectiveness of HWC in Mitigating IGSCC ML20101Q7191996-04-0909 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Recirculation Pump Trip Min Operable Channels ML20108B6271996-03-15015 March 1996 Rev 0 to Third Ten-Yr Insp Interval ISI Plan for DAEC Palo, Ia ML20097A1871996-01-30030 January 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Certain CR Scram Insertion Time Testing Limits ML20096F0211996-01-18018 January 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Lowering RWCU Isolation Setpoint from Reactor Low Level to Reactor low-low Level ML20099L8491995-12-22022 December 1995 Proposed Tech Spec 3.7, Plant Containment Sys ML20095H2371995-12-15015 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating EDG Conditional Surveillance & Editorial Clarifications ML20095A9011995-11-30030 November 1995 Proposed Tech Specs to Implement Option I-D Reactor Stability Solution ML20094M4131995-11-15015 November 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re RPT Operability & Surveillance Requirements ML20129H0041995-10-13013 October 1995 Weld Ref Sys ML20087F5831995-08-0707 August 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Sections & 6.5.3 Re Changes to Audit Program ML20086R8061995-07-21021 July 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Eliminating Inappropriate Condition Surveillance in Sections 4.5 & 4.8,clarifying Requirements Governing Spent & New Fuel Storage in Section 5.5 ML20087H7021995-04-28028 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page 3.5-20,adding Clarification for Single Core Spray Pump Requirement ML20082S0201995-04-21021 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Deletion of TS Due to Audit Frequency Requirements Being Removed from TS ML20082D1171995-03-28028 March 1995 Proposed TS Table 3.2-A, Isolation Actuation Instrumentation ML20081C9891995-03-10010 March 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Redundant LCOs & SRs for Containment Hydrogen & Oxygen Monitors ML20080Q8731995-03-0101 March 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Rev to TS Table of Contents, Incorporating New Section ML20080Q0851995-03-0101 March 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Pump & Valve Surveillance Criteria for LPCI & Core Spray Subsystems,Rhr Svc Water, Hpci,Esw & River Water Supply Systems from Once Every Three Months to Frequency Specified by DAEC ASME Section XI IST ML20080H5651995-02-13013 February 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Bases for Shutdown Cooling Piping Safety Limit ML20078R9171995-02-13013 February 1995 Proposed TS Section & 6.5..3.1,reflecting Deletion of Audit Frequency Requirements ML20078L1201995-01-26026 January 1995 Rev 13 to Pump & Valve IST Program for Daec ML20077A9191994-11-10010 November 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re Offgas Radiation Monitors ML20149G9241994-10-28028 October 1994 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Plan for Integrated Scheduling of Plant Mods ML20076K9591994-10-20020 October 1994 Revised Proposed TS to TS Changes RTS-246 & RTS-246A ML20072F1651994-08-15015 August 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Increasing Allowable Main Steam Isolation Valve & Deleting TS Requirements Applicable to MSIV LCS 1999-09-15
[Table view] |
____ _ ____ _ ___ ___________ -_____. _
DAEC-1 3.14.A and 4.14.A BASES 1.
Liquid Holdup Tanks The tanks listed in the specification include all liquid radwaste tanks in the Low-Level Radwaste Processing and Storage Facility (LLRPSF).
Because the LLRPSF is not seismically designed, these tanks are considered as outdoor tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents.
Restricting the quantity of radioactive material contained in the specified tanks provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tanks' contents, the resu + 'ng concentrations would be less than the limits of 10 CFR 20, Appendix Table column 2, at the nearest potable water supply in an unrestr' d area.
3.34.B and 4.14.B BASES I
Liquid Holdup Tank Instrumentation Instrumentation is expected to be OPERABLE and in service when required by Specification.
An instrument may be removed from service voluntarily for the purpose of tests, checks, calibration, or preventative maintenance without declaring the channel inoperable.
Amendment No. 184 3.14-3 09/92 9309050178 930728 i:
PDR ADDCK 05000331 p
PDR tm.;
l J
DAEC-1 l
l 6.9 RADIOLOGICAL PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS 6.9.1 Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure.
J 6.9. 2 HIGH RADI ATIO' D-repre menb
In lj_eu f + e hgat;-M Acm " g _",alarx si mal"_,rggg_rg g,Q graqr,ad 40 rlON -
^ of 'l'O CTR 2GF each high ra5NiEin' area diwhich e intensity of
radiation is greater than 100 mrem /hr but less than 1000 mrem /hr shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit.*
l Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:
A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation a.
dose rate in the area.
A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates thi radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel l
have been made knowledgeable of them.
A health physics qualified individual (i.e.,
qualified in radiation protection procedures) with a radiation dose rate monitoring device who is responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency s
specified by the facilit Health Physics _S_upervisor_in the Radiation Work on in indual Permit.
]'gco e 'Aj o
6.9.3 In h4dition to Te +
irem nt of 6.9.2, areas accessible personnel with yfsf L'dl i R tf.?[333 D o d receive in one hour d})radiah n levels suc dose gre r than 1000 mremHthail be provided with lock doors to prevent unauthorize entry, and the keys shall te maintained u er the administrative r
control of the oerations Shift Supervisor on duty a /or health physir,s i
Do shall remain locked except dur' g periods of access by personnel under an roved Radiation Work Permit which shall specify the dose rate levels in the imm iate work area and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area.
F_or_ind Lvidual _are_a_s_ accessible to personnel with g
radi%; levels such thaw ~ ~ - Mfi~p'pMr_Eif 'pM AUf}ould receive in one v
honc+ dose in ercess of 1000 mrem *Crthat~ are loda~ted within large areas, wnere no l
enclosure exists for purposes of locking, and no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual areas, then that area shall be roped off, conspicuously posted and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device.
In lieu of the stay time specification of the RWP, direct or remote l
continuous surveillance may be made by personnel qualified in radiation i
protection procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities l
within the area.
d i
I Health Physics personnel or personnel escorted by Health Physics personnel shall be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during the performance of their assigned radiation protection duties, provided they are following plant l
radiation protection procedures for entry into high radiation areas.
.::..+ : _____"'
~-...from source of radioactivity.
- ** Measurement made a+
+. -
h.-.v:w Measun merk me.Je at i m.
source et reAienchva j
w,gg,mw=_frem 4
31 - _
DAEC-1 i
j 6.9.4 The following programs shall be established, implemented, and maintained:
I l
j a.
Radioactive Effluent Controls Program I
l A program shall be provided conf orming with 10 CFR 50.36a f or the control J
of radioactive ef fluents and for maintaining the doses to MEMBERS OF THE
l PUBLIC as low as reasonably achievable. The program (1) shall be I
contained in the ODAM (2) shall be implemented by operating procedures, i
and (3) shall include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program i
limits are exceeded. The program shall include the following elements:
l l
Limitations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseous l
monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint l
determination in accordance with the methodology in the ODAM, I
l 2)
Limitations on the concentrations of radioactive material released j
in liquid effluents to RESTRICTED AREAS ce_nf o_rm_ing to 10, CFR_P_a,r_t 3
";'Q'... 'gg]Q.g@ 6
+o n o@. o o r to. 2 V e s ndix B Table Column 2, f
-_u-o.y l
3) on1 orin sampling, and analysis of rap eactive liquid and gaseous l
effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20 and with the methodology I
and parameters in the ODAM, 130t l
l 4)
Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses cr dose commitment to l
a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid
effluents released to unrestricted areas conforming to Appendix I to i
l 10 CFR Part 50, I
I 5)
Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from l
radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and current l
calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in i
the ODAM at least every 31 days, I
l 6)
Limitations on the operability and use of the liquid and gaseous j
effluent treatment systems to ensure that the appropriate portions l
of these systems which were used to establish compliance with the i
design objectives in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Section II be used l
when specified to provide reasonable assurance that releases of l
radioactive material in liquid and gaseous ef fluents be kept as low I
as reasonably achieveable,
- {-
g l
. :..= :.
rom radioactive material l
(:LeeititiSP9_;q1 ae dose rate esulting t
'felease r in.aseous effluent __t_o__ areas __e o
-con.orming to thE 35fc1 e':~s5dilE5d Lif.i '1{gTE JOUNDARI'D', '5p'p~c n ; x S, l
CFR Part l
Teb1c !!, Oc1una 1,
^^ -^^^^^> N^^
--" ^ t w a t^>-
hsIN 5 E AT 'A '
l I
Limitations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from l
noble gases released in gaseous effluents to areas beyond the SITE l
BOUNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, I
l 9)
Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a MEMBER OF THE l
PUBLIC from Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides l
in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous l
ef fluents released to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to l
Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, I
l 10)
Limitations on the annual dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF l
THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from l
uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR Part 190.
l l
Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program I
l A program shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radienuclides in i
the environs of the plant.
The program shall provide (1) representative l
measurements of radioactivity in the highest potential exposure pathways, I
and (2) verification of the accuracy of the effluent monitoring program Amendment No. 184 6.9-2 09/92 l
'A' shall be limited to the following:
For noble gases:
Less than or equal'to a dose rate of 500 mrem /yr to the total body and less than or equal to a dose-rate of 3000 mrem /yr to the skin, and b)
For Iodine-131, for Iodine-133, for tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days:
Less than or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrem /yr to any organ.
l I
l l
1 DAEC-1
- 10. Records of radioactive effluent monitor setpoints and setpoint i
6.10.2 The following records shall be retained for the duration of the
Facility Operating License.
I 1.
Record ar.d drawing changes reflecting f acility design modifications made to systems and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis Report.
t 2.
Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers and assembly burnup histories.
I 3.
Records of f acility radiation and contamination surveys.
4,- w6d mUnberin3 was rep ree.
i Y
4 Records of radiation e individuals enttrin;;--
radiation control arc;'.
.w 5.
Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the environment.
Records of transient or operational cycles for those facility components designed for a limited number of transients or cycles.
l l
Amendment No.109 6.10-2 01/86
Startup reports shall be submitted with (1) 90 days following completion of the startup test program, (2) 90 days following resumption or commencement of commercial power operation, or (3) 9 months following initial criticality, whichever is earliest.
If the Startup Report does not cover all three events (i.e., initial criticality, completion of startup test program, and resumption or commencement of commercial power operation), supplementary reports shall be submitted at least every three months until all three events have been completed.
Annual Exposure Report A tabulation on an annual basis of the i
nunber of station, utility and other personnel (including 4
contractors) receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem /yr and their associated man rem exposure according to work and job functionsL/, e.g., reactor operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste processin and refueling.
This on or bebt. Apr4 30 o
tabulation shall be submitted withi-50 days of J;nuary i each l
Ycar 4*r the p re ce e ' ngr.
i v
The dose assignment to various duty functions may be ye
estimates based on pocket dosimeter, TLD, or film badge measurements.
Small exposures totaling less than 20% of the individual total dose need not be accounted for.
In the aggregate, at least 80% of the total whole body dose received from R
external sources shall be assigned to specific major work functions.
1/ This tabulation supplements the requirements of Sec. 20 of 10CFR Part 20.
saes Amendment No.114 6.11-2 03/85
i I
.1 DAEC-1 i
1 TABLE 6.11-1 REPORTING SI'SiARY - ROUTINE REPORTS Recuirement Reoort Timing of Submittal 1
TS Annual Safety /
Within 60 days after Relief Valve January 1.
Challenge TS Annual Exposure iithin 00 day: cfter Ja.~a i 1.
raster's' 220fo Ldividual g
Per:cnn:E Exposure lithin fi n q. q...
- f ar.d. Monitoring e ec.; celendar yc at. - INstetr 'j3'
t 520.005
- 'cr;onnci Capc;urc
'.'ithin 30 day; cf teg :idu; nc cn Tcc:ninstion cf capo;ur; cf th: indq Capl;pcnt er 'c sd h;; bccn determined q 00 4
-day; aftcr dat cf SN.b.S.S...: w _.~Z..T.,"3 "
39 E
~m whichc=cr : =:r1L:r.
Transfer of Source Proraptly upon transf er.
Material 540.64(a)
Receipt of Source Within 10 days after Material material is received.
Source Material Within 30 days after Inventory September 30 of each year.
.ENSfAT*B' Annually, on o. before April 30 of each year, covering the preceding year.
l i
1 Technical Specifications Amendment No. 184 6.11-6 09/92 1,
__m _ -
_ ___ _ _ ___ _ J
r t
l a.
Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be l
retained as required by Specification
This l
documentation shall contain:
l l
Sufficient information to support the change together l
with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying l
the change (s) and l
l 2)
A determination that the change will maintain the level ioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR
, 20.1G6, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I 1300 Y6 AL~cFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy l
or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint-l calculations.
I l
Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the 1
Operations Committee and approval by the Plant Superintendent, 1
I c.
Shall be submitted to the commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODAM as a part of or I
concurrent with the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODAM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in i
the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area 1
of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date the l
change was implemented.
I Amendment No. 184 6.14-1 09/92
. -