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Forwards Revised Responses to Draft FSER Open Items 1.2.2-1 & 1.2.2-2.Vendor Will Submit Final,Verified Ssar,Consisting of Tier 1 Design Description & Complementary Integrated Set of Itaac,By 930731
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 06/11/1993
From: Fox J
To: Poslusny C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9306160047
Download: ML20045A995 (2)





GENucIcar Energy


GeneralEkctnc Company 175 Cwtw A.'enue, kn Jose. CA 95125 June 11,1993 Docket No. STN 52-001 Chet Poslusny, Senior Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate Associate Directorate for Advanced Reactors and License Renewal Office of the Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Schedule - DFSER Open Items 1.2.2-1 and 1.2.2-2

Dear Chet:

Revised responses to DFSER Open Items 1.2.2-1 and 1.2.2-2 are addressed below. This letter replaces my letter dated April 30,1993 for these items.

Open Item 1.2.2-1 As previously advised in a letter dated March 8,1993, GE will submit by July 31,1993 a final verified SSAR, a non-proprietary Tier 1 design description; and a complementary integrated set of ITAAC. As prescribed by 10 CFR 52.45(d), this submittal will comply with the filing requirements of 10 CFR 50.30 (b).

The SSAR verification process is currently underway and, when completed, will provide assurance that (1) the final SSAR properly reflects its design documentation, (2) the final SSAR is technically accurate and consistent within itself, and (3) the Tier 1 material and the final SSAR are consistent.

Following the completion of the Design Control Documents (DCD), GE will certify that Tier 1 and Tier 2 have not been affected by any changes made in the Common Engineering design documents since the final Tier 1 and Tier 2 submittals.

Through this action, then, GE fully conforms to the Staff guidance provided in the DFSER pertaining to Open Item 1.2.2-1.

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Open Item 1.2.2-2 In a meeting on March 30,1992, GE presented the ABWR Common Engineering design control process including document approval / issuance, and design change control. In this meeting as well as in earlier meetings, GE also presented the Design Action List (DAL) process for tracking and controlling design changes to conform the ABWR to utility requirements and/or U.S. Regulations, regulatory guidance, and Codes and Standards. Further, GE provided the Staff with a list of the ABWR Common Engineering design documents as well as the DALs that apply to the U.S. ABWR design.

Following the completion of the DCD, GE will finalize the list and provide the corresponding effective dates of Common Engineering documents and DALs. At this same time, GE will certify that the Tier 1 and Tier 2 have not been affected by any changes made in the Common Engineering design documents since the final Tier 1 and Tier 2 submittals.

Sincerely, 1.k Fox Advanced Reactor Programs cc: Norman Fletcher (DOE)

Joe Quirk (GE)
