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Proposed Tech Spec,Revising Section 1.0 Re Surveillance Interval
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1990
Shared Package
ML20043C813 List:
NUDOCS 9006060212
Download: ML20043C814 (1)



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,1 W,A Solidification. Sol.IDlFICATION shall be the conversion of radioactive wastes y


from liquid. systemL to a ' solid which is as uniformally distributed as-reasonably _ achievable with definite volume and shape, bounded by a stable surface-of distinct' outline on all sides (free standing).


Soiral Reload. Pertains to:the spiral reloading of.the core with fuel, at least -50% of which ' has previously accumulated a minimum exposure of 1000 MWD /T.


' Surveillance Frecuency Surveillance requirements shall be applicable during

< the operational conditions associated with individual LCO's unless otherwise J=

statedlin an. individual Surveillance Requirement.


-Each.. Surveillance = Requirement shall be performed within the specified j

surveillance interval'with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25r y

b of tne specified surveillance interval, p.

- Performance of a Surveillance Requirement within the specified time interval

~ hall constitute compliance with operability requirements for an LCO unless b

s otherwise required by the specification.

The Surveillance Frequency establishes the limit-for which the specified time

. interval for Surveillance-Requirements may be extended.

It permits on D

' allowable extension of the normal surveillance interval to facilitate surveillance schedule and consideration of plant operating conditions that may: not be suitable for conducting the surveillance; e.g.,

transient conditions or other ongoing survol11ance or maintenance activities. It also s

provides. flexibility to accomnoda te the length of a foci cycle for n,

U surveillance that aru performed at each refueling outage and are specified' i :.

with ' an 18 month surveillance interval, It is not intended that this p'

. provision be used repeatedly as a convenience to extend surveillanen intervals p

' beyond ' that, specified for surviollances that are not perform d during t rofueling outages. The limitationi of this definition in baned on engineering gjudgoment and the recognition that the most probable reunit; of any particular.

' surveillance being performed -in the verification of conformance with the e

Surveillance Requirements. This provision 'is suf ficient to enunre that the-reliability ensured. through surviollance activities in not signi ficantly Jr degraded beyond=that obtained from the specified surveillance interval.

p 2.

Surveillance Interval The surveillance interval is the calendar time between surveillance tests,. checks,1 calibrations and examinations to be performed upon L

an instrument or component when it-is required to be operable.

These tests 1


may be waived when the instrument, component or system in not roynited to be operablo? but the. instrument, component or system shall he. tented prior to L

being declared operable or as practicabic following its -roturn to nervice.

Z.A Venting Venting is the contro11od process-of discharglug air or' p s from

, a confinement to establish temperature, pressura, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in nuch a manner that replaccinant air or gas ir not provided or required durlug venting.

Vent, used in system na:wn, doon not imply a venting process.

-Z.B Offsite. Of fsite means outsido of'the exclusion area au delined in 10CF11

'Part 100;3. The exclusion area boundary around cooper Station is defined in

Figure 1.1 and may-also be referred to as the Site Boundary.
v A -Member of the Public - is a person - who is not
Z,C'. Member of the Public occupationally associated with NPPD and who does not norinally frequent the

. Cooper occupationally associated with NPPD and who does not normally f tequent the Cooper Station.

The category does not include contractoru, contractor employees, _ vendors or persons who enter the site to make deliveries,-. to service equipment,;or work on the site.

'9'006060212 900601

,PDR-ADOCK 05000298 Sa-P--


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