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Proposed Tech Spec Pages 2-11,2-12,2-20 & 2-21,replacing 12 Consecutive Month Basis for Gaseous Effluent Annual Releases W/Cy Basis
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1982
Shared Package
ML20040A178 List:
NUDOCS 8201200476
Download: ML20040A179 (8)



I BSEP-1 & 2 I


i 2.5.2 Gaseous Was te Effluents (cont'd) 3.5.2 Gaseous Was te Effluents (cont'd)

(2) The release rate limit of I-131 and (2) within 1 nanth, following each radioactive materials in particulate

' form with half-lives greater than eight refueling outage. '

days, released to the environs as part (3) within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, if the gaseous of the gaseous wastes from the site waste monitors indicate an increase shall be: of greater than 50% in the steady state fission gas release af ter 4 6 (3.7 x 10 ]O, + [5.8 x 10 ]Qyi i factoring out increases due to powe changes.

4 where 0, = release rate from the main d.

stack in Ci/sec (as elevat- All waste gas effluent monitors shall b.

ed release) calibrated at least quarterly by means 4

of a known radioactive source which has

' O = release rate from the vents y been calibrated to a National Bureau of in C1/sec (ground release) Standards source. Each monitor shall have a functional test at least monthly

b. Should any of the conditions of and an instrument check at least daily excluding days of no discharge.

Specifications 2.5.2.b(1) or 2.5.2.b(2) listed below be exceeded, the licensee e.

shall make an investigation to identify Sampling and analysis of radioactive the causes of the release rates, define material in gaseous was te, particulate and initiate a program of action to form, and radioiodine shall be perfornec reduce the release rates to design in accordance with Table 3.5-2.

objective levels listed in Sections 2.5.a and 2 5.b for gaseous was tes and report these actions to the Commission -

within 30 days from the end of the calendar year during which the releases occurred.

j (1) The calculational method for determin-ing the average release rate of noble gases from the site during any calendar year shall be: - {

n .

2 .

i+1[ DAB [(4.0 x 10 )Q,g + (1.6 x 10')0,1]il g


! n i

i+1((DETA(1.9x10')0d+DAGg (3.2 x 10')0yglil g

whsre 0,1 = release rate of radioisotope i from the main stack in C1/sec.

Q,1 = release rate of raatoisotope i from the v
nts of each reactor in Ci/sec.

I l

BRUNSWICK - UNIT 1 2-11 Amendment No.

8201200476 820115 gDR ADOCK 050003g  ;

BSEP-1 & 2 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONDITIONS 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.5.2 Gaseous Waste Effluents (cont'd) 3.5.2 _ Gaseous Effluents (cont'd)

DAB 1 = The beta air dose factgr from Table 3.5-5 in mrad-m /pci-yr i

DETAg = Gamma air elevated release dose g factor from Table 3.5-5 in arad/Ci '


= The gamma air dose facgor from Table 3.5-5 in mrad-m /pci-yr ,

(2) The calculational method for deter- -

mining the average release rate from the f. Calculations for meeting the sitt of I-131 and radioactive materials requirements of Specifications -

in particulate form with half-lives 2.5.2.b(1) and (2) shall be performed at


greater thah eight days during-any least once every 31 days.

calendar year shall be:

6 7 (6.56 x 10 03) + (7.46 x 10 0 y) f_1 (If no teen, child or infant milk consumption) ^

The consumption of milk must be demon-strated by the Radiological Environ-mental Monitoring Program 4.2.7. If the Radiological Envi~ronmental Monitoring -

Program determines the consumption of milk by teen, child, or infant the above equation shall be modified by the appropriate coefficient (Dose Factors) of Regulatory Guide 1.109.

c. Should any of the conditions of Specifications 2.5.2.c(1) or 2.5.2.c(2) listed below be exceeded, the licensee shall make an investigation to identify the causes of the release rates, define -

and initiate a program of action to reduce the release rates to design objective levels listed in Sections 2.5.a and 2.5.b for gaseous wastes and report these actions to the Commission i

within 30 days from the end of the calendar quarter during which the releases occurred.

l l

l BRUNSWICK - UNIT 1 2-12 Amendment No.

l I

I l

1 I

l infant via the cow-milk-infant pathway to less than or equal to 1500 mres/ l year for the nearest cow to the plant.

i i

For Specification 2.5.2.a(2), dose calculations have been made for the critical sectors and critical pathways for I-131 and radioactive material in J particulate form with half-lives grester than eight days. The calculations '

consider site meteorology for these releases.

Specification 2.5.2.b establishes upper site levels for the releases of noble gases, iodines and particulates with half lives greater than eight days, and iodine-131 at the design objective annual quantity during any calendar year.

Since BSEP does not have an ADG that has been demonstrated to be continuously operable, the content of these limiting conditions for operation assumes tha t '

the design objectives of 2.Sa and b for gaseous wastes can be met. This specification does not limit the instantaneous gaseous radioactive release rate, but permits the licensee the flexibility of operation to assure that the public is provided a dependable scurce of power under unusual operating conditions which may temporarily result in higher releases than the objectives and yet remain below annual design cbjective releases. The equation limiting radioactivity releases was established based on on-site meteorological data j and methodology of Regulatory Guides 1.109 and 1.111, and methods provided in Meteorology and Atomic Energy (1968).

For iodine-131 and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days, the critical location for ground releases is 'the SSE sector distance of 1464 meters where X/0 is 6.5 x 10-6 sec/m3 for the dose due to inhalation. The critical location for elevated releases is the SSE sector at a distance of 1464 meters where the X/0 is 3.45 x 10-8 ,,cf,3 for the dose, due to inhalation. The assumptions for the grass-cow-milk-thyroid chain are lis ted in Table 3.5-6. The grass-cow-milk-thyroid chain is controlling.

BRUNSWICK - UNIT 1 2-20 Amendment No.

1 I


! j l

The reporting requirements of 2.5.2.b and 2.5.2.c delineate that the cause be identified whenever the release of gaseous effluents exceeds the annual objective during any calendar year or one-half the annual objective quantity j during any calendar quarter, and describe the proposed program of action to reduce such release rates to the design objectives.

Specifications 2.5.2.d and 2.5.2.e assure compliance with NRC general design criterion 64. The 24-hour period will allow an investigation of several hours 4

to determine the cause of the monitor inoperability and possible prior to initiating the hot-shutdown.

Specification 2.5.2.f is to monitor the performance of the core. A sudden increase in the activity levels of gaseous releases may be the result of defective fuel. Since core performance is of utmost importance in the resulting doses, a report must be filed within 10 days following the specified increase in gaseous radioactive releases.

Specification 2.5.2.g requires that the primary containment atmosphere receive treatment for the removal of gaseous iodine and particulates prior to its release.

Specification 2.5.2.h requires that hydrogen concentration in the system shall j be monitored at all times during A0G operation to prevent buildup of .

combustible concentrations.

The sampling and monitoring requirements given under Specification 3.5.2 provide assurance that radioactive materials released in gaseous wastes are properly controlled and monitored in conformance with the requirements of Design Criteria 60 and 64. These requirements provide the data for the licensee and the Commission to evaluate the plant's perforrance relative to radioactive wastes released to the environment. Reports on the quantities of radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents are furnished to the Commission on the basis of Section 5.4 of these Technical Specifications and in conformance with Regulatory Guide 1.21. On the basis of such reports and any additional information the Commission may obtain from the licensee or others, the Commission may from time to time require the licensee to take such action as the Commission deems appropriate.

BRUNSWICK - UNIT 1 2-21 Amendment No.

BSEP-1 & 2 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONDITIONS 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 2.5.2 Caseous Waste Effluents (cont'd) 3.5.2 Caseous Waste Effluents (cont'd)

(2) The release rate limit of I-131 and (2) within 1 month, following each radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight refueling outage.

days, released to the environs as part (3) within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, if the gaseous of the gaseous wastes from the site waste monitors indicate an increase shall be: of greater than 50% in the s teady state fission gas release af ter 6

(3.7 x 10 ]O, + (5.8 x 10 }0y11 factoring out increases due to powe t


t where 0, = release rate from the main stack in Ci/sec (as elevat-

d. All waste gas effluent monitors shall b.

ed release) calibrated at least quarterly by means of a known radioactive source which has l Oy = release rate from the vents been calibrated to a National Bureau of in Ci/sec (ground release) Standards source. Each monitor shall have a functional test at least monthly

b. Should any of the conditions of and an instrument check at least daily Specifications 2.5.2.b(1) or 2.5.2.b(2) excluding days of no discharge.

listed below be exceeded, the licensee e'.

shall make an investigation to identify Sampling and ' analysis of radioactive the causes of the release rates, define material in gaseous vaste, particula te and initiate a program of action to form, and radioiodine shall be performec reduce the release rates to design in accordance with Table 3.5-2.

objective levels listed in Sections 2.5.a and 2.5.b for gaseous was tes and report these actions to the Commission within 30 days from the end of the calendar year during which the releases occurred.

(1) The eniculational method for determin-ing the average release rate of noble gases from the site during any calendar year ahall be: - l n .

2 i+1

{ DAB f [(4.0 x 10 )0d + (1.6 x 10 )0yg)11 and i+1 [DETA (1.9 x 10')0,g+DAG (3.2 x 10 )0yglil g 1 where 0,1 = release rate of radioisotope i from the main stack in Ci/sec.

Q,g = release rate of radioisotope i from the vants of each reactor in Ci/sec.

BRUNSWICK - UNIT 2 2-11 Amendment No.


- l BSEP-1 & 2 l

2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONDITIONS 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.5.2 Gaseous Was te Ef fluents (cont'd) 3.5.2 Gaseous Effluents (cont'd)

DAB f = The beta air dose factgr from Table 3.5-5 .in mrad-m /pci-yr i

DETAg = Gamma air elevated release dose g

factor from Table 3.5-5 in arad/Ci

  • DAG g

- The gamma air dose facgor from Table 3.5-5 in mrad-m /pci-yr (2) The calculational method for deter- -

  • mining the average release rate from the f. Calculations for meeting the sitt of I-131 and radioactive materials requirements of Specifications in particulate form with half-lives greater thah eight days during any 2.5.2.b(1) and (2) shall be performed at ,

calendar year shall be: >

least once every 31 days. l 6 7 (6.56 x 10 0 ) + (7.46 x 10 0y ) (1 _

(If no teen, child or infant milk >

consumption) '

The consumption of milk must be demon-

, strated by the Radiological Environ-mental Monitoring Program 4.2.7. If the Radiological Envi~ronmental Monitoring

  • Program determines the consumption of milk by teen, child, or infant the above equation shall be modified by the appropriate coefficient (Dose Factors) of Regulatory Guide 1.109.
c. Should any of the conditions of Specifications 2.5.2.c(1) or 2.5.2.c(2) listed below be exceeded, the licensee shall make an investigation to identify the causes of the release rates, define and initiate a program of action to reduce the release rates to design objective levels listed in Sections 2 5.a and 2.5.b for gaseous wastes and report these actions to the Commission within 30 days from the end of the calendar quarter during which the releases occurred.


1 BRUNSWICK - UNIT 2 2-12 Amendment No.

l 4

infant via the cow milk-infant pathway to less than or equal to 1500 mrem /

year for the nearest cow to the plant.

I For Specification 2.5.2.a(2), dose calculations have been made for the critical sectors and critical pathways for I-131 and radioactive material in Particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days. The calculations consider site meteorology for these releases.

Specification 2.5.2.b establishes upper site levels for the releases of noble gases, iodines and particulates with half lives greater than eight days, and iodine-131 at the design objective annual quantity during any calendar year.

Since BSEP does not have an ADG that has been demonstrated to be continuously .

operable, the content of these limiting conditions for operation assumes tha t j the design objectives of 2.5a and b for gaseous wastes can be met. This specification does not limit the ins tantaneous gaseous radioactive release rate, but permits the licensee the flexibility of operation to assure that the public is provided a dependable source of power under unusual operating conditions which may temporarily result in higher releases than the objectives

, and yet remain below annual design objective releases. The equation limiting radioactivity releases was established based on on-site meteorological data and methodology of Regulatory Guides 1.109 and 1.111, and methods provided in Meteorology and Atomic Energy (1968).

For iodine-131 and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days, the critical location for ground releases is 'the SSE sector distance of 1464 meters where X/0 is 6.5 x 10-6 sec/m3 for the dose due to inhalation. The critical location for elevated releases is the SSE sector at a distance of 1464 meters where the X/0 is 3.45 x 10-8 sec/m 3 for the dose, due to inhalation. The assumptions for the grass-cow-milk-thyroid chain are listed in Table 3.5-6. The grass-cow-milk-thyroid chain is controlling.

BRuh.5 MICK - UNIT 2 2-20 Amendment No.


The reporting requirements of 2.5.2.b and 2.5.2.c delineate that the cause be identified whenever the release of gaseous effluents exceeds the annual objective during any calendar year or one-half the annual objective quantity l

1 during any calendar quarter, and describe the proposed program of action to i

reduce such release rates to the design objectives.

Specifications 2.5.2.d and 2.5.2.e assure compliance with NRC general design criterion 64. The 24-hour period will allow an investigation of several hours to determine the cause jof the monitor inoperability and possible repair prior to ini.tiating the hot-shutdown.

Specification 2.5.2.f is to monitor the performance of the core. A sudden increase in the activity levels of gaseous releases may be the result of defective fuel. Since core performance is of utmost importance in the resulting doses, a report must be filed within 10 days following the specified increase in gaseous radioactive releases.

Specification 2.5.2.g requires that the primary containment atmosphere receive treatment for the removal of gaseous iodine and particulates ' prior to its release.

Specification 2.5.2.h requires that hydrogen concentration in the system shall be monitored at all times during A0G operation to prevent buildup of ,

combustible concentrations.

The sampling and monitoring requi.rements given under Specification 3.5.2 provide assurance that radioactive materials released in gaseous wastes are properly controlled and monitored in conformance with the requirements of

, Design Criteria 60 and 64. These requirements provide the data for the licensee and the Commission to evaluate the plant's performance relative to radioactive wastes released to the environment. Reports on the quantities of radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents are furnished to the ,

Commission on the basis of Section 5.4 of these Technical Specifications and in conformance with Regulatory Guide 1.21. On the basis of such reports and any additional information the Commission may obtain from the licensee or others, the Commission may from time to time require the licensee to take such action as the Commission deems appropriate.

BRUNSWICK - UNIT 2 2-21 Amendment No.

1 l

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