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LER 89-020-00:on 891223,failure to Verify Safety Injection Accumulator Boron Concentration within Specified Time.Caused by Programmatic Deficiency.Procedure Revised to Include Action Requirement sheet.W/900122 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1990
From: Querio R, Wagner J
BW-90-0079, BW-90-79, LER-89-020-04, LER-89-20-4, NUDOCS 9001250209
Download: ML19354E014 (5)



f. .

F Commonwerith EC: son .

- Br:ldwood Nucint Poreir Station

$  : Rout 3 01, Box 84 -

3- . ' Braceville. Illinois 60407 .i:

Telephone 815/458-2801

' January 22,1990 BW/90-0079 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .

Document Control Desk- d Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Sir:


- The enclosed Licensee Event Report from Braidwood Generating Station is being transmitted to you in accordance with the requirements of-10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1) which requires a 30-day written report. .

This_ report is number 89-020-00; Docket No. 50-456.

Very truly yours, '

I LI[ lo -

.fR.E.Qu Station Managerf ';

j Braidwood Nuclear Station' REQ /JDW/jfe (7126z)


. Licensee Event Report No. 89-020-00 cc: . - NRC Region III Administrator NRC Resident Inspector  ;

INPO Record Center CECO Distribution List i



9001250209 DR 900122 I ADOCK 05000456 PDC . y l'

') p ' f F



! LICDittt EWDit REPORT (40) ,,,,,,,,_,!

factitty name,ta) Decket thsiber (t) Dame tai j aral *41 al 11 al el al al al a 1 l mf! a be Title (4) Fa11ers to Verify Safety injectlen Accoulater Doren Concentratten Within Specified flee teterve)

Due to Programmatic Deficiency.

Event hata in) LER h" t (6) Romert Data (7) Other Facilittaa involved (8)

Year Sequential Revision Month Day Year farility Namen Batitet "" era)

Stonth Day Year // /


ff ff

// teusbar T// M er mDNE 01 El el el el i i

- ~

11 2 21 2 al e al e e12ie eI a ei1 21 2 el e el si el el el i i THIS REPORT !$ $UBMITTCD PUR$UANT TO THE RE()UIREffN1$ OF 10CFR (Chath one er more af the followinal (11) 1 20.402(b) 20.405(c) 50.73(a)(2)(iv) __. 73.71(b)

POWER 20.605(a)(1)(1) 50.36(c)(1) _ 50.73(a)(2)(v) 73.71(c)

LEVEt .___ 20.405(a)(1)(ii) __ 50.36(c)(2) ,__ 50.73(a)(2)(vii) Other ($pecify (10) D 5 7 ,,, 20.405(a)(1)(iii) _1_ 50.73(a)(2)(i) 50.73(a)(2)(viti)(A) in Abstract

////////////////////////// 20.405(e)(1)tiv) _ 50.73(a)(2)(ii) 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(B) below and in

////////////////////////// _,,, 20.405(a)(1)(v) _ 50.73(a)(2)(iii) , 50.73(a)(2)(x) Tort)



.1e rry Wanner. Reaulaterv Assurante Ext. 2497 8l115 41 11 Bl -l 21 BI el EGMPLETE ONE Liedt FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILINtf DEtttfRED IN THIS REPORT f13) -


1 l l l l 1 1 I I i 1 1 I I l l l l 1 1 I I i I I I I l EUPPLE9ENTAt REPORT EXPECTED f le) Expected Month I Dav i Year Subsission lYeLMf_as. coerlete UPECTED SUBMIM10N DatE) ) l 90 I ll ll AP5 TRAC 1 (Lielt to 1400 spaces, i.e. appronimately fif teen single-space typewritten lines) (16)

I At 9628, en Decseber 23, 1969 two Safety injection Accumulator ($1A) levels were raised in accordance with pescedure. This represented an addition of 105 gallons to one, and 189 gallons to the other. Boron ce,ncentration was to be verified rithin six hours af ter each volse increase of 70 gallons. At 0836 the Control Roar Supervisor (SCRE) telephoned the Cheelstry Supervisor (CS) and requested the samples. The C$ entered the request in the logbook intending to assign the task when personnel became available. The C5 was not aware of the sin hour requirement. When the C$ was relieved at 1100 by the af ternoon shif t C$, the sample was not mentionet.

At 1530 the 5CRE contacted the C5. Af ter checking the log the C5 concluded that the samples had not been taker.

A technician was issneflately dispatched to sample the $1As, they were within acceptable lielts. The cause was a progressnatic deficiency. There was oc prograr to monitor routine specification being performed on a nor.-routine basis which did not require action statement entry. A contributing cause was the C5 being unaware of the sin hout requirseent. The department supervisor issued a memo to all Cheelstry personnel. The procedure will be revised to include an Action requirement sheet. Chemistry survelliances will be reviewed. A C5 turnover sheet will be developed. Training will be conducted. Previous corrective actions are not applicable to this event.



/;- '


FACILITYteUE:*(1*. DOCKET NUPelER (2). 'LER NWSER f61 -Pane (3)

Year- /jj// Sequential /jj/

/ Revision f f

/// M :r /// ' ":r traidwood 1- -

o i s I e I o I o 1 41 si s aI9 - ~o121o - oI o el 2 or el 4 TEXT ' Energy Industry Identification System (Ells)Leodes are.idertified in the text'as [KX)


Unit: 'Braidwood'1; Event Date: December 23,'1989; ' Event Time: 1558;

' Mode: 1.- Power Operation; Rx Power: 57%;

RCS [AB) Temperature / Pressure; ~NOT/NOP; B. DESCRIPTION Of EVENT


c Th3re were no systems or components inoperable at the beginning of the event which contribdted to the severity'of th; ovent'.

At 0828' on December 23,1989 the 1A and 1C Safety Injection (SI)[8R) Accumulator levels were raised from 41 to

$6% cnd 33 to 60% respectively. The Nuclear Station Operator (NS0)(Licensed Reactor Operator) performed the-

.secumulator fill using the 1A SI Pump [BQ) taking suction.from the: Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST)[BR/BQ) in accsedance with Braidwood Operating Procedure, Bw0P SI-5. 'The'1evel increases represented to an addition of cpproximately 105 gallons to the IA, and 189 gallons to the 1C SI Accumulators. In accordance with the Technical Spacifications, boron concentration was to be verified within six hours af ter each volume increase of 70 gallons cr more. This specification was-nomally performed on a routine basis with a 31 day frequency.' '

At 0836 the Station Control Room Engineer (SCRE)(Licensed Senior Reactor Operator) telephoned the Chemistry-Supervisor (CS)(Non-Licensed Supervisor) and requested boron concentration samples for the 1A and 1C SI Accumulators. Both Chemistry Technicians (CT)(Non-Licensed Technicians):were perfoming other duties when the samples were requested so the CS entered the request in the Chemistry Department Logbook intending to assign the task as'soon as a CT became aval1 31e; The CS was not aware of the six thour requirement.

At cpproximately 1100 the CS was re?ieved by the af ternoon shif t CS. Tte sample request' was not mentioned in the turnsver.

At cpproximately 1500 the SCRE was . relieved by the af ternoon shif t SCRE the $1 Accumulator fill was discussed and the Encoming SCRE was informed that the baron concentration Samples had been requested.

At approximately 1530 the SCRE contacted the Chemistry Department to irquire about the sample results for the $1 accumulators. A CT answered the telephone call and then notified the CS of the SCRE's inquiry. This CS, who was ,

aware of the six hour time requirement, decided to check on the results . '


< At approximately 1600,, af ter checking the Chemistry Sample Log the CS concluded that the samples had not been taken. A CT was imediately dispatched to. sample and analyze the IA ard IC SI Accumulator boron concentrations.

At I1650 the IA $1 Accumulator sample was taken.

At 1700 the IC 51 accumulator sample was taken.

l l

l 1

2976m(011890)/3' a

g. , ,

LIreMtfr EVENT ltEp0RT (Ltal TEXT CONTitanTION Farm tev 2.0 -l

FACILITY te M (1). LER panetp (6)' pane ist 1 DOCKET DA#eER (2)
-- Year j/// Sequensial //j/ Revision j ff ff

/// M & r' (// "r traidwood 1 o I s I e I o I o l'41 51 6 alo - e12lo - o l- o el 3 or el 4 TEXT Energy Industry Identi'ication System (EIIS) codes are identified in the text as [XX) i At 1854 the sample analysis was' complete and the $CRE was notified of the results.-

f 1A $1 Accumulator - 2012 ppm boron IC SI Accumulator - 2006 ppe boron :  ;

q This was within the'specified range of 1900-to 2100 ppm boron.

This event is.being reported pursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1) - any operation or condition prohibited by the plants Technical Specifications. ]

Based on the initial information associated with this event s'"Braidwood Station Error Evalaction Pres:ntation" was held to review this event with.the personnel.directly involved and their supervisor. The corrsctive actions addressing both root and contributing causes are ' detailed below.


The root cause of this event was a programmatic deficiency. There was no program in effect'to monitor and'


cnsure timely completion of a routine specification being performed on a non-routine basis which did not -

require Technical Specification Action Statement entry.

A contributing cause'to the event was the CS being unaware of the six hour requirement, l l.


This event has no effect on the safety of the plant or the pubile. 'The Boron Concentrations were ~ verified within acceptable limits. the IB and ID SI Accumulators and both trains of ECCS were operable and available i.

thrsvghout the entire event.


The SI Accumulators are filled from the RWST which has a Boron Concentration of >/m2000 ppe verified on a seven day frequency. The Accumulators are filled using the $1 Pumps which are initially filled and vented -

using borated water from the RWST.

Under the worst case conditions there would still be'no effect. Had th'e Accumulator fill been completed with

.. purswater the boron concentrations for toth $1 accumulators would still have been greater than '1950 ppm.

  • Canvarsely,- it would have required a source containing a boron concentration in excess of 4700 ppm boron to have increased the accumulator concentration above the upper limit of: 2100 ppe. boron.



. _ . - , .. , . . .. _ c- ,


't ureuser tynft atpeat iarai Traf 8mfima&Ttou' tare me. 9.a FACit1TV RAMt p )*- 00CKtt gu eta (t) - tea samara est pan rm

  • ~ '

Year /// Sequential ///, Revision ffj ff

/// mLmLae //l - "2 r a i s I e i e I e l'al 11 & aIe al a or


arais nd 1 . eItia . aie el a

.fEK1f Energy Industry Identif tration System (t!!$) tedes are identified in the tent as (KK)-


The 1A and 1B $1 Accumulators were immediately sampled, analyzed, and verified within the specified'14mits 4

upon discovery that the samples had not been taten.


The Cheelstry Department Supervisor issued a memo to all Cheelstry Department personnel regarding the tiee r

- limitations associated the $1 Attumulator-5amples.

Based on the initial,inf ormation associated with this event the personne1~ directly involved with this event participated in a.atraidwood Station Error Evaluation Presentation" to identify the root and contributing causes of'this event. Based on the contiusions of this presentation of the following corrective actions will t be taken:

The Procedure tw0P $1-5 will. be revised to include an Action Requirement sheet similar to those that- are in use for requirements associated with Technical Specification Action Statements. This will be Tracked to completion by action item 456-200-89-20201.

A review of. Chemistry Surveillance Cover Sheets will be perf ormed to insure that time requirements f or non routine sampling. requirements are identified. This will be tracked to completion by-action item 456-200-89-20202. .

A f ormel turnever sheet will be developed f or the Duty Cherist/ Supervisor. This'setion will be tracked to completion by ac tion itew 45t,-200-89-20203.

A training teilgate sessi.or will be held to discuss this event with appropriate Chemistr3 and Operating 3 personnel. This action will be tracked to completion by action item 456-200-89-20204 )


.i There have been previous occurrences of f ailures to complete sample requirements within the specified time  !

period. The corrective actions were implemented addressing both root and contributing causes. . Previous' corrective actions are not applicable to this event.

L. COM"04EN1 FAltVRt Dt.1A:


' This event was not the result of' component f ailure, nor did any components f ail as a result of this event.

9 # ' Oi # _ . . . . . _ . .