ML19350A527 | |
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Site: | Cooper |
Issue date: | 03/05/1981 |
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ML19350A525 | List: |
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NUDOCS 8103160423 | |
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{{#Wiki_filter:- s O Prcposed Changes to Cooper Nuclear Station Technical Specification Pages 212 212b 212c 212d 212e 213 214c 214d 8108160 N /
- 1. = axla1 pos i t ton al>ove !>o L too of core G = 18.5 Ml/ f t for 7x7 fuel bundles
= 13.4 kil/ f t for 3x0 fuel bu nd les N = 0.038 for 7x7 fuel bundles = 0.0 for 8x8 fuel bundles If at any time during steady state operation it is determined by nor-mal surveillance that the limiting value for L3GR is being exceeded action shall then be initiated to restore operation to within the prescribed limits. Su rveillance and ~>rresponding action shall continue until the - presc ribed lin-its are again bein;; met. C. Stinimum Critical Power Ratio (MC."R) C. !!inimum Critical Power Ratio (t1CPR) During steady state power opera-HCPR shall bv astermined daily tion the !!CPR.for each type of fuel during reactor power operation at rated power and flow shall not be at > 25% rated thermal power lower than the limiting value shown and f ollowind any change in in Figure 3.11-2. If, at any time power level or distribution that during steady state operation it is would cause operation with a de te rmined by normal surveillance limiting control rod pattern as that the limiting value for 11CPR described in the bases for Spec-is being exceeded, action shall ification 3. 3.B.5. then be initiated within 15 minutes to restore operation to within the prescribed limits. If the steady state !!CPR is not returned to within the presc ribed limits within.two - (2) h ou rs, the reactor shall be brought to the Cold Shutdown condition with-in 36 hours. - Surveillance and corre-sponding action shall continue until the prescribed limits are again being me t. For core flows other than rated 'the !!CPR snall be the operating limit at rated flow times K, f where K is as shown in Figure g .l 13.11-3 -212-
l.40 a 1 . 4.. o, 7 4 I w ..,. j.. a-.. I. ..i.,.... l. u;. 4 -.t 1 ...,.p.- 1
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l.4 0 . j. . 4 .e '..... <..
- c.. 4
{... d.,_. ,._,.I' .._,2_._ r , _A.. ,,.. 7..... p...31.7. _; _.. .,.,. j. g ;_. _ _. L. _: 4.. 4. .7. ._,..4-, 4 6.. 4 4 4_., ..e. ,.; 4.. _.. ;
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i.4o i. 9 g s 1.35 4 _.a ,,e i.32 m _~ U m 4 - y. 130 o ~.-
- x..
c.. _ _. ._..3- . L.7 =r4u p. 7 ,.p. . ;.9 , a...< - g ;.. ..:..-.i_-.. p. u. g .L_ a l.25 .....- j r. g i.24 7.. ,a . r.. - _.. 4- .,.4 .4.. .7.. 4.. Li.; u -. J t u .,+... _, .s i.zo m'..._..... m._. ...... ~ _._ a _u. 4... a.. .c ...,_.. a ,4 r,, + .i. _ - _. s.,,.. .,-___r,.,., .y._._...... . _ _. a.... a .1.. 3.. _. ~....,. .._. u. ,a...._ .a..,. . _... ~ 1 .-r... i.i s _ _..... _.. m,. m,- +. y_ ... m..._t.p, _-.. .._-...r -7._._q .. j. _.,,J 71_ -__mr,y-,- -,. 7..93-u.. ......7_-._.- p ,1j-- 1.,.7... ..p.J.+.4 !.4 .4.._, y .14
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- o. o. y"._.m' o.r
...04.... -. _ 04... _. ' _.. '..o It",. W..t o t 1 . =. s. T i (based on tested measured scran time as defined in Reference 9) 1 l ? Figure 3.11-2c 8x8R Fuel P00R ORSM 212d 1
1.40 s 4 e .e i v,.. 1 's.f .l 4 e e. 4 4 i.35 . _.... i, -.~. 2 ... a._;,. -3:
- i - g,34 i
-_.2 a. p..... c, ..a f a j-.. . +. *. . ) .6 A 4 g g - 1...;., ,..__1,. _ { +.. .....7 .. y. u x 1.30 p.. .,m.....,
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.m. 4 1 m .1 .. t., . i u,, i-. .. ; y. 4 .. 1... t. 1.25 _ i. y .p o 6 a. o. 1.24 n.
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4 4 f-4 .p&.. . -, -..- - 3a; .- 7.....,..,.. 4x g. ..p 1 r;..-: m. _.... .. !... l... 1 4...i .- 9 9-.1 . a... ..._L.... p .4. . k, 4. & , -4 .w. _. _. _-4 i ._g. .. p p.., ( s 6 .4.. b. 1.15 - f .t ~- - ~- - * - " * - -h - - ' * ~ d' O "i ** * - nj.. t-.-
- d.y -. g.
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.x. ( j.{. j..f.,. -. 4. ', p ;...-.L.f,,.,f.. .1 ... i. 3. r,.. -.. m m r... .,,, 4 -. _ 7. 4...I ,;7 L s. -. 1. +. 5 1 e-l i s-.i ,2 a, ._ir; ..m I .. ;.{ 4 J... 1...--h hl.a .p.. L -.. ; i.L L. ia. ...,.4 ,7.. _ i.._ t. .]... r * - ~ '-. _. .m .y.._..
- +-*---'f-
' i '* 'i T -' +-
- l u.
.. i + , - t r-W- - 1-+-r 't-f-1.10 -d6' m to.s.jt.!!.""..J.o j o o.' 0.2 c04 3 .t .a... T (based on tested measured scran time t as defined in i'eference 9) t Figure 3.11-2d P8x8R Fuel I P00R OR K
O ..we _L. i., ..}. y y {. @ j.9 ..r_i_. 3 4.. ...i.... _3..l ...i.. _ ; .i.. .. p, inure 3.11 _ ll .,3 p i K FACIOR _4.,. .i,... f l 4- .,. 2.n ;... j.... _,.: 1 .t, . tJ. 4 4.,.. t. .i.t,,_, -..i j ., y:--. - -{ --- - tt- .j .p J.. ... t.; t.. t 1 g, 7.. ..p 4 -.. ,.a .. __. _ j. l. 4.,.._p .t.; .1. ._.7 l .L _.a v_ _AUIQMTIC FIN (DNTIOL l _4_ .g ._ _ i ...l N... .t. i _____..i t .q {. ...._..n. i, i w-l t. _.2.. = _. -: __.g 1 N m. l '_ .__ w.... N. q.... u.. q -3 N.. . { _..;. ..,. --%_ -.. __ _ _ {... y r__-...* _.g._. ~.. ~ g"... ~. ' ^ - ' t ~~ ^ ' 'l. '. ". '. - ~... ' '. _4L 7.. 4ML. F1W CDhTIOL a m s i i._ W .,t _.. - Scoop-Tube Set-Point Calibration -- i__ - 1.-
- m..., N
- ~ ~.. --4.-~ ~ _ -. i-Insitioned such that l ,L - g_ ..e y Flowmax = 102.5% __ 197,9; .9,.. .~.. . 1,. ._y Ca""3 -l--. = 112.01 t-117.01 - - ~ ~ ~~ 'i "-'-~ Z__ __.. '~ 1 . l.. .. 4.J .n g.---. L i i ,..4- . g.... 56 .'.'.0 ....._.g.. __F_ 7 .'B ." 96. '. 100 g p .l... ? CDRE FIDW, t n. 1..
- 4..;
g i. 9. 9.I,
- ~...
.i eg: I j m Note: Applicable to MG set plants only.
~. 3.11 Bases: (Cont'd) The limiting transient which determines the required steady state MCPR licit and thus yields the largest aCPR is discussed in Reference 5. When added to the safety limit MCPR of 1.07 the deterministic MCPR's are ob t ained. The required minimun operating limit MCPR's are determined by methods given in References d and 9. Prior to the analysis of abnormal operational transients an initial fuel bundle MCPR was de termined. This paraneter is based on the bundle flow flow distribution model as calculated by a GE multi-channel steggy state described in Section 4 of NEDO-24011 and on tore parameters shown in Table 5-2 of Refetence 2. The evaluation of a given transient begins with the system initial para-meters shown in Table 5-2 of Reference 2 that are input totheGdcy3y dynamic behaviyy) transient computer program described in NEDO-10802 and NED0-24154 The outputs of the program along with the initial McPR l form the input for further analyses of the thermally limiting bundle with the singic cgannel transient thermal hydraulic SCAT code described in NDDE-20S66 The principal result of this evaluation is the reduction in MCPR caused by the transient. D. MCPR Limits for Cote Flows Other than Rated The purpose of the K, factor is to define operating limits at other than rated flow conditions. At less than 100% flow, the required MCPR is the product of the operating limit MCPR and the K factor. Specifically, the g K factor provides the required thermal nargin to protect against a flow g increase transient. The most limiting transient initiated from less than rated flow conditions is the recirculation pump speed up caused by a motor-generator speed control failure. For operation in the automatic flow control mode, the K, f actors assure that the operating limit MCPR will not be violated should the most limiting transient occur at less than rated flow. In the manual flow control mode, the K factors assure that the Safety Limit MCPR will not 'oe vio-f lated for tne same postulated transient event. -214c-
l 3.11 Bases:- (Cont'd) t The K factor curves shown in Figure 3.11-3 were developed generically l I f The K which are applicable to all BWR/2, BWR/3, and IMIR/4 reactors. f actors were derived using the flow control line corresponding to raked thermal power at rated core flow. For the manual flow control mode, tne K factors were calculated suen themaximumflowstate(aslinikedoythepumpscooptube set that at point) and the corresponding core power (along the rated flow control line), the limit 'ng hundle's relative power was adjusted until the !!CPR was slightly above the Safety Limit. Using this relative bundle power, the !!CPR's were calculated at dif ferent points along the rated flow control line corresponding to dif ferent core flows. The ratio of the btCPR calculated at a given point of core flow, divided by the operating limit !!CPR determines the K. f For operation in the automatic flow control mode, the same procedure was employed except the initial power distribution was established such that the tiCPR was equal to the operating linit !!CPR at rated power and flow. The K factors shown in Figure 3.11-3, are conservative for Cooper opera-l tion because the operating limit itCPR's are greater than the original 1.20 operating limit tiCPR used for the generic derivation of K. g References for Bases 3.11.B, 3.11.C, 3.11.D 1. " Cooper tiuclear Station Channel laspection and Safety Analyses with Bypass lloles Plugged," IIEDO-21072, October 1975. 2. Licensing Topical Report, General Electric Boiling Water heactor, Generic Reload Fuel Application, (NEDE-24011-P), (most current approved submittal). 3. R..B. Linford, Analytical !!ethods of Plant Transient Evaluations for the CE BUR, February 1973 (NEDO-10802). 4. General Electric Company Analytical !!odel for Loss-of-Coolant Analy-sia in Accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix K, llEDO-20566, dated January 1976. 5. " Supplemental Reload Licensing Submittal for Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1," (most current approved submittal). 6. April 18,1978 letter from J.11. Pilant (NPPD) to G. E. Lear. (ilRC).
- 7..
" Qualification of the One-Dimensional Core Transient 11odel for Boiling Water. Reactors," NEDO-24154, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, October 1978. 8. Letter, R..H. Buckholz (GE) to P. S. Check (HRC), "0DYN Adjustment ~ttethods for De termination ~ of Operating Limits," January 19, 1981. . 9. : ' Letter (with attachment) R.11. Buckhol (GE) to P. S. Check (NRC), i " Response to URC Request for Information on ODYN Computer tiodel," .- Sep tembe r 5, 1980. -214d-}}