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Forwards Addl Info to Site Suitability/Environ Rept. Suggested Area May Contain Archaeological Sites
Person / Time
Site: 05000599, 05000600
Issue date: 06/08/1979
From: Kenney D
NUDOCS 7906130322
Download: ML19263E363 (2)



lilinois Departmentof Conservation lifeand lond together 605 WM. G. STRATTON BUILDING e400 SOUTH SPRING STREET

  • SPRINGFIELD 62706 CHICAGO OFFICE ~ ROOM 100,160 NO. LASALLE 60601 David Kenney, Director e James C. Helfrich, Assistant Director June 8, 1979 Commonwealth Edison RE: Suite Suitability / Environmental P.O. Box 767 Report Carroll County Station Chicago, IL 60690 SAI# 79041861

Dear Sir:

This letter is to inform you that we have received the specifications of your project and our review of the records indicates that the project will not adversely effect historic or architectural projects in the area.

However, my staff archaeologist reports that the area suggested for construction has a high probability of containing archaeological sites. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to include an archaeological survey in your planning.

If you have any questions on the procedure, please contact my Staf f Archaeologist, Margaret Kimball Brown, 405 East Washington, Springfield, Illinois 62706, (217) 7323340.

Sincerely, David Kenney State Historic Preservatian Officer DK/rab /LSA cc:

T.E. Hornbacker Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

2356 234 AS Il 7 90613D 3

.m ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Letter of agreement and/or Survey request Letter of Arreement:

The request for a letter of agreement is a conditional " sign-off".

If yourecmply and send the letter of agreement as requested, ycu have met the requirements and no further letter of "cien-off" is needed for continuation of your crantinc process. A copy of the letter of agreement should be sent also to the appropriate funding agency and/or engineering firm.

When the curvey is cc=pleted, a copy of the report should be sent to us with a letter to cc=plete the file.

If sites are located in the survey, an agreement on the citigation of i= pact should be verked out with the State Historic Preservation Officer.


We recor=end that for your archaeological contact the not-for-profit organization of professional archaeologists working in the

s. ate: Illinois Archaeological Survey,109 Davenport Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 61801; Telephone (217) 333-1708.

Your agreement with the archaeologist need only cover those areas specified in the survey request. For projects with only c:all areas involved, the survey sho.ld include any minor testing necessary to ev tluate the site as to whether they are National Register quality or not.

Survey verk is best done in the spring and f all when vegetation growth is less and agencies should try to schedule projects for these periods.

Minimum report centent necessary:


Stati_ rent of actual area surveyed 1.

acreage 2.

ground cover (ploved, pasture, vooded, etc.)

3 survey and testing techniques used B.

Sites fcund 1.

location and description (should include a statement on the confidentiality of this informatien).


eligibility for the National Register C.

Reco=cendations 1.

suggestions for mitigation of impact if necessary 2356 235
