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Statement of Matl Facts as to Which There Is Genuine Issue to Be Heard,Submitted by Citizens Energy Forum.Discusses Issues Re Thermal Effects,Emissions & Corrosion.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1979
From: Bouton D
Shared Package
ML19261E426 List:
NUDOCS 7907060444
Download: ML19261E429 (5)


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""*' s.s s***

cro* q In the Matter of ) N ,

) Docket Nos. 50-338 SP '



) .  ;. .

(North Anna Power Station, ) (Proposed Amendment to -

f Units 1 and 2) _


Operating License NPF-4) -.

Si A2Li CF Fr'.F AS TO W.:2 e ==... =.,...e. :

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.This supple.9ent to CEF's ?.esponse to Vepco's Motion for Sunnarf Dispes$ tien of Junc 5,1979, sets forth nese matters that CEF =aintains remai.. a subject of contreversy in this proceedin and aboat which there are genuine isshes to be he Erd.



Contentic: 1: The:-.a1 Effe ets Vepco and EF" answers to ~

1. CE disputes tne folle--in; " facts," contincent on tne outecce of/ discovery cuestions, sct forth in lepec's Statement of E ... _ 1 / . .s .. '_ '.J. u .:.. u. ore

!r :'; 'rerc.n_.e Issue to de :-: card:

"ic. Tne en7i 1.;ac , of tnis increased heat load will be insignif-iea.t... - --...

"23 1he fuel pool temperatures summarized above were calculated based on verf consertative and worst-case acsu=ptions and are valid for establish-in: a desi n basis..." (CEF maintains that an adequate design basis

.. __ ._ . accident rouid censider the .droppage of a spent fuel asse=bly that would:


' - da we'at'leaW cne 'other assently~ stcred in the racks in ' addition to F the dropped a ssericly. )

"27. lne failure analysis ccnfir.s that boiling and any adverse effects are pre-vented even in :ne event of a postulated failure of a spent fuel coc1'ng pu n or s ent ;cel pool heat c ycha .ger..." (CEF needs to kncu the dis ance of the racks f:en the poc1 fle . and walls.) -- -

"3h. If ne scent fuel pool coolini system becane completely inoparable, installe d statien systems cculd previde scfficient .ake-up water to cool the fuel and

. to maintain sufficient water shieldinc cver tne fuel..." (Could these manually operated systems be put in operation in tne event of a nign release of radiosctivity in tne spent fuel pool area?)

293 313 9M9 a shn [ammu MMENM

? 9 u,, ? o g o y , g

"hS. 'lhe futi rack base is elevated above the floor to ensure adecuate flow under tne rack to eacn fuel assembly..." (Again, what is the distance of the racks from tne fuel pool floor?)

"h9. The sp cing of t!.e fuel assemblies alss permite adequate d:vnflow vit.dn the rack to each storar,e location..." (CIJ needs to know tne distance of the racks fren the walls as well as the force of the cooling water.)

2.. The effect of the spent fuel pool area ventilation system on t he cooling of thm -

- spent fuel pool is currently urfr:ncim. -


.:? , < ~

3. ~iepco has provided no' information concerning the temperature at SDeCific area 3 in ,

. pool, but has given only the overall, average tenperature of the pool. This infer:7. tion pertains to CII's contention that hot spots would occur as a result of the proposed modification.

h. ':he abilit of the se: .-ice voter systen tc maintain the pool at a temperature between -

lh0CF and 170 F in the event of an emrgency is questionable in lignt of new infor -

nation supplied by Vepco t*st the serrice water tenceratu e, and therefore the _ _

conponent cooling tenperatu e, will exceed FSA.n values. .

.h  :.

Centention 2: Emis sions

5. CEF disuutes the following "f acts," contingent on th; outcome of Vepco and C.C - ._ s ann:er: to discovery questions, set fortn in 7epco's Statenent of Lte:-Lal Facts As to '/hien There Is No Genuine Isale to Be Heard:

"th. Since the added fuel storage represents lent er ter:0 stora 7e of well-cooled fuel, the escape of gaseous er volatile fission products, even with defective fuel, is expected to be negligible.. ."(Vepec has shown no evidence that it has analyced the effects o' any escape of radleactivity offsite.)

c "c?. Because of the leng haJ. life of X:jpton-85 (10.76 years), .xr-S5 levels.,u,_

4  : remain in older fuel;'however, the thermal drivir~g force required to cause its cliffusion in defective fuel is c eatl r reduced. . ." (In its Su::cary cf Proposed Vedifications. Vepco states tna "

... tne driving force required to cause its diffusien in defective fuel is not cresent..."

CI.? quest,iens trie 4- nsistency.)

"c9. Therefcre, ine eased fuel ^orage will have essentially no i= pact on the concentration of racicactivity 'in' tne ai: cf tne fuel building.. ."

(Tnis conclusien is based on experience at Sury, vnien CEF :sintains is

, an irr alid co- arisen, as nentiened earlier. '

"C2. Eased en experience at Sur:/, no sie,nifican. ef ect en the ..crtn r.nna syste-due to prelenged stcrags cf spent fuel a sse. blies : s te be expected. . ."

(see respense .c 6; above.)

293 3I4 T &RQ g h uQm&a ?! ? $ .

3 "ch. ;nerefore, tnere sill be no significant in:rcase en :ne cri..;:ti:n rp . .

lead du= t. the ;r p: r ed .n _1.i t . .i rn, 1>en ar e ta c nu=Mr anc fru.tene;.'

cf refuelin;; emrations will not enanze. .." (This ignores the f act th. t the c v2. cc t r: a- t.r t:..e czn Ic s:- trirdr of tine.)

"65 fe:y increase in tne liquid er gaseous radioactive emissiens fr:n Korth

. 1.nna 1 an-i 2 resu' tin 'r:n tng:, rope red ~ " " tion are expected to be ne;;11;ible . . .

"100. The proposed modification will not affect t.% consecuences of the accidents 1

analyzed, because the analysis assumes that only one fuel asse=:17, t*>e enc

! "-' 9 d- epped, ir dar.2:;ed. . ." ( see response to .23 ) .

'"191. Thus the consecuences cf the accident are independent of ,the rramber of

+ scent fml elenents stored in the pool. .." (CEF rsaintains that tr.e greater rn: .ber of spent fuc1 assemblies stored, the greater consecuences cf an acce table design basis accident.)

"103. Un ile niner dana e :-ay 'ce incurred by the rack if an ele =ent is dropped en it, the r.tored fuel will not be affected, and suheriticality will be maintained...* (CEF maintains that the stored fuel would be affected if an elencnt s:ere dropped in a natter not considerec by Vepco, as noted earlier; that is, i.f an assently were drop 52d horizontally, rather than perpendicular to, the fuel rack and if otner assemblies were hit.)

"1C5. Uhile einer ca..ay ma:t be incarred by the stuck fuel assembly, the vei;ht cf the fuel ra:x is sufficient to prevent ary notien of the rack itself.. ."

('.ne weirnt cf the rack is not diven by 7epco.)

"136. "h. .c:rroundin- s . red fuel a srenblies vill not be danaged, and suberit-italit r will be naintained. '(see response to 103) -. -

"10). '-itn t.m normal concentration of borie acid in the pool water, criticality cannot be attained with any pessible array of fuel assemblies.. ." (Vepco has previeusly stated that the spent fuel pool water is pure and deniaetalized; this info:-.ation vas given dt irc the infc-mal meeting with Vepco, the 20

. s:sif ana S .- : . c,1F9 to 2 ;ree upon cen .entier.s t: bc considered in

nis proceeJin . '1 ni: is tne suejec er cne er CE.F's intcrrogatories to

.e .., ,

  • 2'/. Ir. she-t, ins .afety inplications d the p oposed modification insofar as fuel han 11rg accidents are concerne: rerain tne same as those previcusly analyz e d. . . " (CEF maintains the greater the nunber of spcnt fuel assen-blies stored, t'.e - eater consequences of a fuel-hc.ndlin ; accident.)
6. Veccc s:yr that the urepored nedificatien mule resalt in -" negligible" ancunts of e .icsions but does not define vnat constitutes a " negligible" emissicn. _

. z. 2 _ . ~ ,. m.~ . _ , . . _ .

W _,-.a. . "JL. ~

7. Ine e,asecus fission ; oducts resulti .g in tne spent fuc1 pool area ha7e not been 4 . -w. .r.>

. . . e a .,_..e._.., .

Contentien 5: Ocrresier > -

8. CIF disputes the fe'1c,c.n; " facts," contincen:. en t e cuteerae of Vei>cc and n:, answers tc discovery cm sti:ne, set fort.* in Vep: 's Ctate .c : ef Niterial Facts As Ic hhich Tnere h No Se:'ui".e Issue to e Heard:


M b @' M/l' P@ r.p@- 3"Ajm N shWn W m p ,:eqR a p- ,+ . -

U4 b O N . .. . y b ,- . .~J k..


"127. Sterine C65 instead of LOO fuel assentliee 4-

+ "e spent fuel pool will nct naterially increase the corrosien of, t:e strese upon, er other result-ant problv.s with the fuel claddirc, the racks, or the pool liner due to higher radiation levels." ("epco itself states en page 56 of its Sunnarj of Proposed Modifications that "Ftcrirq additional spent fuel in the peel will increase the ancunt of cerosion and fission product nuclides introduced intc +he pool water.")

"129. The additional radiation will not cause significant stress or cerrosien -

because the materials chosen for this application (stainless steel and lircalcy) were chosen because of tneir lev corrosive attacx in a nuclear envi.ronnent,, .." (See response to 127 above) ..,_

"130. Increased decay heat M 11 not materially increas4 the corrosion of, the _ , _

stress upon, or resultant problens with tne fuel cladding or the racks and pool liner because the spent fuel pool coolin; systen will still main *4n the fuel pc01 water bel >: 1e FSAn li:cits of 1h00F and 1700F and far belcw the te. pe:.atures in the reacter." (see h and response to 127 above)

"13h. As noted above, the spent fuel pool purification system is adequate to re-neve any potential inerenental impurities resultirg frem the proposed nedifics tien...." ( As noted previo; sly, CIF is await'.rg Vepco's response to dis ecver/ nuestions te evaluate this statenent. ) .

9. The len -ter ability of the pool's purification syste:- to renove corrosion beyond the -

lifetinc of tre gl nt, if needed, is quertionable.

10. The ability of Zircaloy claddin- to vithstand the effects of increased heat Iand radioactivity as a result of the proposed nodificatien is bei c debated in the scientific conte:nity. (See lecter by Professer .arl 1. Gulbransen, Departnent of Fetturgical and Eaterials Enrineerin , University of Pittsburgh; in the 3nllet* r of Ate:.ic Scientists, June 1975, pase 5. )
11. The ancunt cf ec rosion that nay result in the spent luel pool over long period.d of storage has yet te ,e asce-tained. "J6} OLUh states, "Corrocion effects trct might occur after lon er stcra e pe51ods need tc be exanined in c.nen greater detail so that

, (. .

-y => . . - . ._

. . . .p :p ~.y  ; ._ .

effects such as acceleFate'd co'rresien, r.iercit ac ,;ra_ 0;.an;,es, er iIterations in /

nec:.anical prcperties can be de ,er .ined." 4.3 Jch.sen, in "3enavier of Spent ; ucle:r

,r-e.zor c.e,y (-e;;. 1g1t, ,-

-: u c, , n 3 ster rocs. -...:. . ..w,, .c o , . n.,

7,) statet, . k,,o nosion

cblens] have potential significance principally in :ne event tnat7ool storage were

- te be e:ctended inte tne 2%to-10^-year time frane ." A.d, as noted previously, Vepco itself states in its Fu . .ary of Procesed Ecdifiestiens (pa-e 56), that "stering additional s.I nt fuel in the pool sill i rease tne amount of cercsicr. and fissien uraduct nuclides introduced into the pool water." 2h3 3 ) [)



-. . =_. O : er_ . - . - . -

I EI.s.7 CIc~F? tMt the forereir; "r.esponse tc 7epce's Ection for Su::: rf Dispositi:n" ar i the a::enpsnyint; "Itatencnt of Fa: .s 1.s lo "hien Shere Ir a Genuine Issue to Se Heard" have been nailed tris $ n d:7 of J':ne,1979, by deposit in the U.c.[ Mail, first Cla ss, to the followinc: .


Secretar.. .

U.S. ::uclear Re;;ulate- ~~- ' e sien i.'a snin -t en, D . - . 23555 Attn: Chief, Decxeting an Service .cection Valentine 3. Deale, Esc.

Ch;;ir:v.n, Atcr.ic Safety & Licensin- Ectrd 1331 Connecticut Ave. II.1 Ya shin =to n, D . C . 2033b q\A I Fr. Ernest Elli occr m Lawrence Livernere La': crete:; " *4 University ~of Californi:

sex 800, 'L-123 t JUN 3IST O ' f Livermore, Calif. . 95550 um .'*=

a s.**=


% W Dr. Cuentin J. ctoter CEO Fisheries .esearch Institute b g g University of '.!ashin- t- .

ceattie, ash. 9:. -ep Fi cha el .~r ;-in, E s .

Hunten & Willia.s p ,w ox lupo- .

Rich .ond, V a . 23212 -

Steven . Goldicrr, Es :. .

c .. m. '-

Office of.the Executive Le: al Director Atonic Safety /- Licensine Eorrd ?anel E -

U.S. Nuclear Regulaterf Cer=-J.scien U .t . :.:uelear Re ulate:-- Oc=-ission Yaehincicn, L.C. 20555 'lasninrten, L. C. 205:5 Jar.e s Ocugnert:. , s:. Atenic c afety & 1.icensin- Appeal Ecard PC 3cx 933c U.c. ::uelear he ulater/ ^cnnistion -

1.'a shin;-ten, D. ~ . 200:5 Mashi'.-t:n, L. - 20555 6 Y **

a Ce' o r2 . . . cu w r Se:.:etar;, CT2 -,

D \

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gg g O!DUlNN pjgil@iNL wm6ne