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Requests Denial of Util 790511 Motion for Summary Disposition.Citizens Energy Forum States Motion Is Premature & Ignores Unresolved Issues Re Proposed Mod
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1979
From: Kroot I
Shared Package
ML19261E426 List:
NUDOCS 7907060438
Download: ML19261E425 (5)



6/5/79 N NRC punLIC DOCL%*T ggt GmE06 conPIsPCNDENCE @



JUN 81973 > : ~


) Docket Nos. 50-338 E. N , 3 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND PCWER COMPANY ) 50-339 SP

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(North Anna Power Station, ) (Proposed Amendment to.

Operating License NPF-4:

Units 1 and 2). = - -


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RESP 0t:SE TO VErCo'S MOTIch Fort SUFnRI DISPOSITION In accordance vith 10 CFn 2.7h9, Citizens Energy Forun (CEF) hereby responds

.to 7epco's Motion for Surr.srv Disposition, served May 11, 1979 C:5 believes that Vepco's F.ction for Su=ary Disposition is pre =3ture and i:;ncres tr.e fact that the issues surroundin;- its proposed modificatic.n are still a matter of centroversy and have yet to be resolved. Many of the factA to which ,

Vepco maintains tnere is no Renu.ine issue to 'ae heard in its annex to its Mction for Sumary Dis"orition are merely recitations of Vepco's previous sub:r.ittals that have vet t: be preted one wa. Or an:ther. Indeec, Vepec's Motien for Sur:.ary Disposition and its acco pa:rjin : Statement of ".aterial Fact: as to Enich there Is No Genu.ine Issue to 3e Heard are masterful atte= pts to gl,:ss ovcr C9's contentions vi:.nout even re=ctely addressin: ,ne ;es ,i::2 ra.. : ei :- t..oss cen an:1:.ns.

F. : . . : , -- ,i v.e "f a ::s w._i:__ .'e;.c =ainta .s rc in2s . -f is t e -

te n _ .- . . .,

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1 e s er--sine c a:4 eri t" s f. f ec: cf 7 rrent :;.terro;;ateries initiadi? by C7.5.




disecie:/ is conglete (that i , unti Vepco's responses to CEF's discoverv are served) it is difficalt for CEF--ar any of the parties tc t his t- ; cap-to dir :n .e tr.e ~f:ets" _ st 1:ru i . . . . a' s Nc :i . : f:r c :. c.r/ Dirr. - -i- i:n.

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-c r. __ .. _ ._ :r..a ,i:n yet te be s a,jlie . ':-

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.? e., C : L. . re s)cns e V IA?'s c 15 ~ ~ ::-r:* i G ? ~ '- .s . - - L - - 1.' 'L * .~. ' : *:c 'A i 293 308 "A

((h hf l- 790705c g g.

1; ',: .: .:.7 9 . :vi:. e . . ,)resi._. afficer - 5= fir ::nsidera ,ior of a no icn for su= .2ry disposition if discovery proceedings are not finalized. T maintains that the  ! tonic Safety and l icensing Board should in f act defer consideration of Vepco's

' motion until discovery is cocole te. -

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At this time, .;Vepco.sinoly.has _nct.shown 'that it has conridered several cuestions ' ~

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  • RN ll+.-r.=.c':.7.2Q

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w N raised-trf E5s contentiens: : C.;J -

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'. Contenti:n 1: Thernal E.ffects: -

.(w .

Intervener contends that the possible consequences caused by the additier.a1 heat to be discharged as a result of the proposed modifications have not been adecuately addressed by the IN Staff and the Applicant.

, '!.his cententien enbraces the rate of tecperature rise in the spent -

fuel stora;;e facility r.s e res:lt of an acci& tal leak in the spent fuel pool. It further includes tne affir.r.ati '. that the spent fuel pool coolim, syste.. vill be inadequate to present dhot spots" and possible boiling.

Vepco raintains th it the adiitional aeat to be discharged as A res' '.t of the proposed inodification w:21d have' an insig Tificant effect en tin environment. But Vepco has presented no' evidence that .;.t w analyzed the effects of the additioncl ' '

Qo be)

' heat.61 eased to the environ .ent. 7epco disnisses the potential for hot spots in the spent fuel pocl as a res;1t Of the proposed modification without presenting any evidence to suppe-t its cle in that hot spots would not resu21. Vepco has given ne avera e, overall te=perature of tne pool as between 1h0 F0 and 170c7 but has not she , . areas of er lo. er temperatures tnroughout the pool. This is -the

_ .- =:t .- . c .. , - . :

subject _of one z of 3'santerros;atories to 7ep.. co. In addit. ion, neither _Vepco'.s Su.m.- c


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na y of Proposed Kodifi::tions nor any other of its supuerting docunents hive ce-s ribed the distance i t .-- nodified racks frc:- the fl:er and si des of tne spent fue; pocl~. ~Jepending en this cistance,' the water in tle spent fuel pool can be inhibited and he: ~ spets 0s. .~re sn'.t .


Ahis d:. stance also is the subject cf E's

1. erro;at:-ie/ to 7ep:0.

293 309 POOR BRIGiNR

3 "o.te.tien 2: R: dime .ite . ._ nierz :

. ~_.r.t s: 7 e n :. c 3...:.r t'.et ~'c;:: ha r. Le- . .rtIs t . .

cddition:1 li ud d ao casecus niica c-i.'e etis sic..s -:r.* cc '. _2 r u u'. : f ro. . t. .c i . -- t - ; . f .:1 :rt . t c _ _ . .; - .. c . : _~ .

-n 7.. r c;_nic.., . .J i;_ . 's ..

nr.lys_ s of radiation relea sed, c.d ..-

s.' of possibic releases, in the event of botn the se accidents considered in Sections 9.1.thrcach .9.h of. tne_ application are both superficbl ,

and.iwabets.ntial in-the- Sun .ary of ? reposed Eodifications. .n '*: .fl.


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- 'y 'b. ?Intervenor codtends'.that tr.e appli~ cant'hss failed to analyze .K . ^M O 2-ii adequately-the liquid and gaseous radioactive emissiens that d'1' -

- . result fron the proposed increase in fuel storage capacity, and has .

failed .to der.onrtrate that sirnificant adverse environ:nental effects vill not resul, from s;ch emissions.

In disputin[this centention, Vepco relies heavily on its experience the spent fuel pool at its 'er;> nuclear facility, despite the fact that the Sur:/

' spent fuel poc1 contains nownere near tne nuncer of sper. fccl csss:ilies contemplsted for := th Arz.2.

~. ._ . .

Vepco's analyses cf increased radiation exces:-e are lir.ited to worker exposure m'd

. . n-totally 1, ncre ths .:ctential fcFinareased efisite exposure. 1his is the subject -


of enrent' discovery proceedin s.- ~_ --

'Ihe design basis accident Vesco relies on in disputine this contention assumes t:.;t.. dropned spent fuel assennly will lar.i vertically and that only the dropped assently itsez vill be da aced. 1:o consideration has been given to the chance that a drepped asse217 vill land horicontally or that more than one assemblyxill


~be dana: ed.


too,1[s .tte Is b;'ect of c=<

..s. - ..m n n.v ;r

. . . -discovery proceedinesc:Vepco

. , . - . i _

'also ststes in its Totidn#for'Sur: .ary Dispositii that the ~"wei st ofl-the rael: is ---

sufficient te prevent any =otien of tne rack itse2," hut the wei:;ht of the rack is

- no ', given. Ecv can C or the otncr partiec in tnis preceedin- judce tne merits of tnie. statemnt without knocc tne weiknt cf tne rae.s?


. L.

Contentien 5: Corrosion.

Inte:iener centends tnat there ha s been inadec.astc exaninetton of the rchlens that r.ay arise due to a potential incremental increase

. in the ano nt of corrosien u_on the spent faci assentlies and ra:ks over the du-stion of storage of fuel in tne pool, including their =

eventual renoval-fren :nc pocl.- Suen pratiens incicde, bu , are n:,t li .i te ; c , 7 .r. . ' ' ' . g.t2 sper.t : feel pcci pu-liication systen .c

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lepco no .,e s en ?a.,e 1 r_ its hotion fc: Enn . arc Lisposi ,icn tnat "tnere is no reason to te'.ieve (and certainly ne evidence) to sur; gest that the prcposed codif; cation "ill significantly increase corrosion." But even Vepco admits, on page 56 of its Su:c:arv cf Prepo sed F.odifications, that su ch an increase will result. In f act, the amount of corrosien that r.ny result in tt:c spent fuel pool over lon pericis _of storage has yet to be ascertained and is the subject of continuing debate both within the 12.0 (ITJ.3 OuGL, Vol. 2, "Cerrosion effec:,s that night occur aftcr longer storare periods need to be examined in nach .reater detail so that effects such as accelerated corrosion, nicrostructural changes, or alterations in ,eenanical prepoerties can be det.ern'.ned.") and in tne scientific con:::rJ.ty at large (A.S. Jchnsen Jr., "3chavior of Spent Weler.r hel i . Uater Pool eters e,"

c ept. Ic?7, 371-225t:, UC 70: "[Cerresion proble~.s] have potential significance principally in the event that pcc1 stcrare n rc :: i.e e tenfad into tne 20-to-103-year ti.e fra c.") #

- - r -

.x In addition, Vepco'nowhere addresses the.. potential problens witn ec-rosion' ~of _ . . -

m- .+:. ,a w =-

. :.= p : - w- . . . - - -

. n, vircalcy cladci..c cr ne nua for an inproved pu-ification systen in lignt cf the additional scent fuel that vill be stcred continuously over lenr periods of ti:ne.

Again, these issues are the subject of CEF', s ,interrogatcries -tc Vence .

, m. e e .. w w 293 311 4

In short, Vepc: has fcik d to shew that sone very basic cuestions concerning the posed modification ".sve even been considered by the Applicant. ihere a-e naterial cuestiers ._ fact, as set f. rtn in tne acconpan ring ^tste .e .t cf Facts As t o '..'ni;h There Exists a Genuine Iseue to Ee . Heard,that can only be resolved in an evidentiary

~ T he:ri.- after discove i is c:r.ple te d. . -


. -? ~J. -T i - _

3 ._. .

_f,4 For these reasons, CF urges'the Loard to deny Vepco's Ection for Sum =ary -


Respectfully aute.itted, s

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