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Tech Specs Change Request 19,Amend 1 to Amend DPR-50,App a to Reflect NRC-revised Model Hydraulic Snubber Tech Specs. Certificate of Svc Encl
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Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/15/1976
From: Arnold R
Shared Package
ML19260A062 List:
NUDOCS 7910290693
Download: ML19260A069 (24)



es W METROPOLITAN EDISON CCMPANY JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGh'I COMPA?Tl AND PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Change Request No. 19 Amendment No. 1 This Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.

?GTROPOLITA!! EDISON CO!EANY 27 Vice Pr'4s'ident-Generation Sworn and subscribed to me this 15th day of September , 1976, d N -f r n -c Notary Public RITA M powgpg ll:'ry 5 Oc. %. erg in, ems g

'. y C:t r. Evres SGwmter 30,1973 1479 190 7910290 b 9



DOCKET NO. 50-289 5

Technical Specification-Chance Request No.19, Amendment No.1 The Licensee requests that the enclosed pages be added to the TMI-l Technical Specifications Sections 3 and h, as appropriate, and that Item 11, Page h-8 (Table h.1-2) be deleted from the existing Technical Specifications. These

, pages replace those previously submitted by Change Request No.19 on August 23, 1975 Reason for Proposed Change To reflect changes to Change Request No.19 as a result of revisions to the USNRC redel technical specifications relating to hydraulic snubbers.

I Safety Analysis Justifying Change This proposed Technical Specification Change does not involve any unreviewed safety questions in that it only incorporates additional restrictions to ensure the reliability of hydraulic snubbers already in use at TMI-1.

f 1

i 1479 i9I i



3.17 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)

Anplicability Applies to the operability of the hydraulic snubbers listed in Table 3 17 1.

i Objective l

To identify those conditions for which the operability of the hydraulic s tubbers are required and to identify the time limits in which either t0e snubber must be made operable or reactor shutdown cust occur.


Specification 3.17.1 During all modes of operation except Cold Shutdown and Refueling, all safety-related hydraulic snubbers listed in Table 317.1 shall be operable except as noted in 317.2 through 3.17.4 below.

3.17.2 From and after the time that a hydraulic snubber is determined to be inoperable, continued reactor operation is permissible only during the succeeding 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> unless the snubber is sooner made operable.

3.17.3 If the requirements of 3.17.1 and 3.17 2 cannot be cet, an orderly shutdowl shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in cold shutdown condition within an additional 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

3.lT.h If a hydraulic snubber is deter =ined to be inoperable while

the reactor is in the shutdown or refuel mode, the snubber shall be made operable prior to reactor start-up.

3.17.5 Snubbers may be added to safety-related syste=s without prior License A=endment to Table 3.17 1 provided that a revision to Table 3.17.1 is included with the next License A=endment Request.

Bases Snubbers are designed to prevent unrestrained pipe motion under dynamic loads as night occur during an earthquake or severe transient, while allowing nor=al thermal motion during startup and shutdown. The

consequence of an inoperable snubber is an increase in the probability

[ of structural damage to piping as a result of a seis=ic or other event i

initiating dynamic loads. It is, therefore, required that all hydraulic snubbers required to protect the primary ecolant system or any other safety system or component be operable during reactor operatien or other periods when severe transients might cause damaging dynacic le: a.

1479 192 i

Because the snubber protection is required only during relatively low probability events, a period of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> is allowed for repairs or replacements. In case a shutdown is required, the allowance of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> to reach a cold shutdown condition vill per=it an orderly shutdown consistent with standard operating procedures.

Since plant startup should not co==ence with safety equip =ent having known defects, specification 3.17.k prohibits startup with inoperable snubbers.

Table 3.171 lia s all hydraulic snubbers installed on nuclear safety related systems throughout the plant. Snubbers were classified for the table in accordance with the following guidelines:

a. High Radiation Area: A general field of greater than 100 mr/hr.
b. Especially difficult to remove: Those snubbers that are elevated more than 10 feet off the floor and that, due to interferences, may not be safely reached from a suitable work platfor=.
c. Inaccessible during normal operation: Those snubbers that are located within the secondary shield vall of the Reactor Building or within r.y area where the general field is 100 =r/hr. or gre ater .
d. Accessible during normal operation: Those snubbers that do not Jall into paragraph a, b, and c above.

k l

I 1479 i93 I

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation ' Difficult During Normal During Normal Area" To Remove Operation Operation FK.No. Location Elevation R.B. Inside Sec. Shield Yes Yes No RC-4 355 Yes N.E. Quad.

Ix. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No RC-5 .

355 Yes No N.E. Quad. Top of PZR Near RC-V3 Itx. Bldg. Inside Se . Shield Yes No RC-15 355 Yes No N.E. Quad. Top of PZR Near RC-V3 Itx. Bldg. Inside Se . Shield Yes No RC-16 355 Yes No N.E. Quad. Top of PZR Near RC-V3 Rx. g. nside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-17 355 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V1 Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-18 355 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V1 Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-19 355 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V1 Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-23 355 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V1 Itx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-20 353 N.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-21 353 N.E. Quad.


    • U* " * "* 353 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad.

"** U* "*'

  • 3h6 Yes No Yes No RC-9 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V31 Itx. Bldg. Inside Se . Shield Yes No Yes No RC-7 353 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V31 Ex. 1 g. nie e. hield Yes No Yes No RC-8 353 N.E. Quad. Near RC-V31 Ex. Bldg. nside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No A RC-6 353 y N.E. Quad.

W Itx . Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No RC-10 346 Yes No N.E. Quad.

~ nx. bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No RC-11 328

@ H.E. Quad.

A ax. Bug, nside Sec. Shield Yes No RC-12 328 Yes No N.E. Quad.

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETi RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Normal 1E No. Location Elevation Area

  • To Remove Operation Operation Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No RC-13 321 Yes No N.E. Quad. _

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield RC-lh ,

321 Yes No Yes No U.E. Ound Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield MUE-38 318 Yes No Yes No U.E. Quad.

..uE-39 Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes 318 Yes No No U.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes PR-23 3h0 Yes No No N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1A Disch. Line Ex. Eldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes PR-24 3h0 Yes No No N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1A Disch. Line Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield PR-25 3h0 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1B Disch. Line Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield PR-26 3h0 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad. PC-RV-1B Disch. Line Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield PR-3h 342 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1A Disch. Line Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes PR-36 345 Yes No No N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1A Disch. Line

x. Bldg. In ide Sec. Shield No PR-35 345 Yes No Yer.

N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1B Disch. Line hx. dg. Inside Sec. Shield F" Yes No

.d-37 N.E. Quad. RC-RV-1B Disch. Line 3b5 Yes Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes pp_g7 355 Yes No No N.E. Quad. RC-RV-2 Disch. Line Ex- g. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No PR-48 355 Yes No

__, N.E. Quad. RC-RV-2 Disch. Line 45* Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes NSE-77 333 Yes No No sa N.E. Quad.

'#3 Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No NSE-78 334 N.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Se . Shield Yes

[}) USE-79 331 Yes No No N.E. Quad.

x. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes NSE-75 332 Yes No No h.E. Quad.

TABLE 3 17 1 SAFETY REIATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation

  • Difficult Daring Normal During Nor a' IG No. Location Elevation Area" To Remove Operation Operation NSE-76 Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes Yes No N.E. Quad. 332 No Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-103, 334 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-104 33h Yes No Yes No H.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-105 33h Yes No Yes No H.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield USE-108 334 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-110 331 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad.

Ix. Bldg. Incide Sec. Shield USE-112 332 Yes No Yes No N.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield USE-113 338 Yes No Yes No N.E. Q.uad.

! Itx. Bldg. Inside Se . Shield MS-201 338 Yes Yes Yes No N.E. Quad.

Itx. Bldg. Inside dec. Shield NSE-80 332 Yes No Yes Ni S.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-81 331 Yes No Yes Uc S.E. Quad.

lix . ldg. lnside Sec. Shield Yes

.VSE-82 331 No Yes No S.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Se . Shield NSE-96 338 Yes No Yes No S.E. Quad.

tix . Blug. Inside Sec. Shield J,SE-96A 338 Yes Yes No S.E. Quad.

Itx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield USE-151 33h Yes No Yes No S.E. Quad.

A "** "I C' ""'d* * " 331 Yes No Yes No USE-153 q S.E. Quad.

  • Itx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield EF-116 330 Yes No Yes No S.E. Quad.

RX. B N g. Inside Sec. Shield

@ FV-109 325 Yes Yes Yes No S.E. Quad.


TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY REIATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Normal MK No. Location Elevation Area

  • To Remove Operation Operation
x. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield FW-110 325 Yes Yes Yes No S.E. Ound.

MUE-20 , Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield 315 Yes No Yes No S.E. Quad.

gg Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield 310 Yes Yes Yes No S.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield

.dE-85 332- Yes Yes Yes No N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-86 331 Yes Yes Yes No N.W. Quad. ,

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-87 331 Yes Yes Yes no N.W. Quad. _

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-88 334 Yes Yes Yes No N.W. Quad. _

Ex. Bldg. Insid Se . Shield USE-131 33h Yes No Yes No N.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield USE-132 334 Yes No Yes No U.W. Quad.


"** U1 C' "* d' 8' ' 8h *1d 334 Yes No Yes No H.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield NSE-138 331 Yes Yes Yes No N.W. Quad.

fix. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield dE-lkl U.W. Quad.

331 Yes No Yes No Ex. Bldg. Incide Se . Shield

.__. USE-lh2 331 Yes No Yes No U.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. nside Se . Shield MUE-43 317 Yes No Yes No N.W. Quad.

MUE h4 Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield 310 Yes no Yes No U.W. Quad.

< Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield N -42 310 Yes No Yes No H.W. Quad.

_g Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield 310 Yes No Yes Uo H.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield

,, 316 Yes No Yes No H.W. Quad.

- _. .-. . - - - ~

TABLE 3.17 1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Liaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Nor=al During Normal MK No. Location Elevation Area" To Remove Operation Operation NSE-69 Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No 334 Yes no S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No USE 334 Yes No S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No USE-91 33h Yes No S.W. Quad.

  • x. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No

..SE-92 33h S.W. Quad.

. dg. Inside S.'c. Shield Yes No USE-122 342 Yes No S.W. Quad.

x. dg. nside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No USE-129 334 S.W. Quad.

Ex. dg. nside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No NSE-130 33h S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No FW-H4 325 Yes No S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes No Yes No FW-U S 325 S.W. Quad.


"** dC' "81d*

  • hi 320 Yes Yes Yes No S.W. Quad.

. g. nside Sec. Shield Yes Yes Yes No DH h 302 S.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Inside Sec. Shield Yes Yes No g 302 Yes S.W. Quad.


"** dE' " d #* h 316 Yes No Yes No 1 S.W. Quad.

Rx. Mdg. Outside Se . Shield No No No Yes DH-32 3h0 N.E. Quad. __

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield Yes No No MS-202 337 No N.E. Quad.


"** C' U" *

  • 337 No Yes No No

- N.E. Quad.

Ex. g. utside Sec. N eld No Yes No No MS-206 337 CD N.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. S111 eld 337 No Yes No No MS-207 N.E. Quad.

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubbel- Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Norma" Area

  • To Remove Operation Operation FK No. Location Elevation Ex. bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes No No E-292 337 N.E. Quad.

MS-286 , Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes No No 337 N.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Se . Shield no Yes No No PR-38 326 U.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes no No PR-39 326 N.E. Quad.

Ex. g. OutsMe Sec. Shield No Yes No No PR-40 326 N.E. Quad.

Ix! ldg. Outs.tde Sec. Shield No Yes no Uo PR-M 326 N.E. Quad.

ftx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes no No PR-42 326 U.E. Quad.


"** " "C' U" * * * " #

326 No Yes No Uo N.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No No No Yes PR-kh 309 N.E. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Out id e. hield No No No Yes PR-45 309 N.E. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No No Uo Yes PR4 6 309 N.E. Quad.

Itx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes No No PR-49 326 N.E. Quad.

"** "108' U"t"id 8 * "hi 326 No Yes No No PR-50 N.E. Quad.

I x. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Uo No Yes CF-14 309 N.E. Quad.

  • E' " d ** hi No Ho No Yes CF-15 309 q N.E. Quad.

4 Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes No No MS-200 338 S.E. Quad.

~ itx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes No No MS-20h 338

@ S.E. Quad.

x. ldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes no No MS-205 338 S.E. Quad.

TABLE 3.17 1 SAFETY RELATED hTDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers l In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Normal, MK No. Location Elevation Area" To Remove Operation Operation MS-291 Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield 338 No Yes No No S.E. Quad.

Rx. Eldg. Outside Sec. Shield No BS-27 ,

3h1 No Yes No S.W. Quad.

I x. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No BS-27A 3h1 No Yes No S.W. Quad.

.UE-40 dx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes 318 No No S.W. Quad ldg. Outside Sec. Shield IME kl .

318 No No No Yes S.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield Yes No No BS-5 335 No S.W. Quad.

33_6 Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield 335 No Yes No No S.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield BS-26 337 No Yes No No S.W. Quad.

x. dg. utside Sec. Shield No No no Yes DH-ll 297 S.W. Quad.

. B dg. Outside Sec. Shield No No No Yes DH-12 297 S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield Yes CF-7 297 No No No S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No No Yes CF-8 297 No S.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield Yes No No 308 No S.W. Quad.

"** 8' "* * **

307 No Yes No No BS-7 S.W. Quad.

"X' 8* " i

  • hi No No No Yes A BS-22 291 S.W. Quad.

ux. g. utside Sec. Shield 291 No No No Yes BS-23 S.W. Quad.

1'x . Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No No Yes V BS-2h 291 No g S.W. Quad.

O ux. Bldg. Outside Se . Shield No No No Yes BS-25 293 S.W. Quad. I

TABLE 3 17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIO SNdBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation

  • Difficult During Normal During Normal MK No. Locz'. ion Elevation Area
  • To Remove Operation Operation
x. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield DH-23 295 No No No Yes S.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield DN-24 ,

295 No No No Yes S.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-208 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-209 338 Uo Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-210 338 No Ye No No N.W. Quad. _ _ _ _

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-211 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-212 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield h3-213 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-214 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Rx. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-215 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-287 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield MS-288 338 No Yes No No N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield FW-112 320 No No No Yes N.W. Quad.

Ex. Bldg. Outside S . Shield FW 113 320 No No No Yes N.W. Quad.

x. dg. u a de ec. ed Yes FW-108 320 No No No N.W. Quad.


FW-lll Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield N.W. Quad.

320 No No No Yes Rx. d1dg. Outside Sec. Shield No Yes

'43 DH-20 298 No No J.W. Quad.

rs) DH-21 Ex. Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield 298 No No No Yes CZ) N.W. Quad.

TABLE 3.17 1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC ShTBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Norm MK No. Location Eli stion Area

  • To Remove Operation Operation DH-22 Rx Bldg. Outside Sec. Shield No No No Yes 295 n.w. oiina.

MS-216 - Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1D 355 No Yes No No Int. Bldg. on MS-V-lC 341 No Yes No No MS-217 MS-218 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-lc 3h1 No Yes No No MS-219 Int. Blag. on MS-V-lC 355 No No No Yes MS-220 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-lD 355 No No No Yes MS-221 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-3D 3h1 No Yes No No MS-222 Int. Bldg. on PS-V-1B 3h1 No Yes No No Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1A 341 No Yes No No MS-223 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1A 341 No No No Yes MS-224 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1B 355 No No No Yes MS-225 MS-226 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-lC 355 No No No Yes Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1A 355 No No No Yes MS-227 Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1A 355 No No No Yes MS-289

" Int. Bldg. on MS-V-1B 3h1 No No No Yes MS-290


'd Int. Bldg. on A RV Hdr. 337 No Yes No No MS-228A W

Int. Bldg. on A RV Hdr. 337 No Yes No No py MS-228B CD No Yes No No psj MS-229 Int. Bldg. on B RV Edr. 337

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFEI'I REIATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Nor::a1 During FK No. Location Elevation Area" To Re:::ove Operation Operation F3-230 Int. Bldg. on C RV Hdr. 337 No Yes No No No Yes No No FS-231 . Int. Bldg. on D RV Edr. 337 314 No No No Yes 33-65 Int. Bldg.

314 No Yes No No FS-233 Int. Bldg.

314 No Yes No No 33-23h Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes no No 13-235 Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes No No 15-23o Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes No No 13-237 Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes No No MS-238 Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes No no 13-239 Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes No No F3-2h0 Int. Bldg.

31h No Yes No No F3-2h3 Int. Bldg.

Int. Bldg. 320 No Yes no No FS-277 320 No Yes No No FE-277A Int. Bldc.

Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-1 300 No No No Yes

_ FG-2h7 .

4 No No No Yes N FS-2h 5 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-1 300

< No No Yes FS-2h6 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-1 300 No Wi Yes No No No C 13-270 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-1 300 u

_ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . m _ , . . .

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Norn MI No. Location Elevation Area" To Remove Operation Operatior FS-271 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-1 300 .;o No No Yes W-121 '

Int. Bldg. B W Catch Hdr. 325 No No No Yes W-122 Int. Bldg. B W Catch Edr. 325 No No No Yes EF-74 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-2A 302 No No No Yes EF-75 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-2B 302 No Yes No No EF-76 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-2B 302 No Yes No No EF-85 Int. Bldg. 302 No No No Yes EF-87 Int. Bldg. Near EF-P-1 302 No No No les EF-88 Int. Bldg. Near EF-p-l 302 No No No Yes EF-89 Int. Bldg. 305 No Yes No No FW-ll6 Turb. Bldg. A W Catch Hdr. 323 No No No Yes W-118 Turb. Bldg. A W Catch Hdr. 323 No No No Yes DCH-58 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 286 No Yes No No DCH-59 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 286 No Yes No No DCH-68 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 286 No Yes No No USE-12 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 286 No Yes No No N

w NSFe13 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 286 No Yes No No V NSE-lh Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 286 No Yes No No O


. _ -- _ .. - _ _ _ . ~. - - - _ . . .

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber 1 Radiation nifficult During Normal During Normal MK No. Location Elevation Area"

  • ) Remove Operation Operation NFE-15 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 28h No Yes No No NSE-16 - Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 28h No Yes No No  !

NSE-17 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 28h No Yes No No r3JE-6 Aux. Bldg. Valve Alley 283 Yes Yes No No MUE-7 Aux. Bldg. Valve Alley 283 Yes Yes No No MUH-318 Aux. Bldg. Valve Alley 288 Yes Yes No No MUH 319 Aux. Bldg. Valve Alley 288 Yes Yes No No MtHI-321 Aux. Bldg. Valve Alley 288 Yes Yes No No MUH-322 Aux. Bldg. Valve Alley 288 Yes Yes No No DHH-196 Aux. Bldg. 297 No Yes No No Aux. Bldg. 295 No Yes No No lNSE-7 JSE-8 Aux. Bldg. 295 No No No Yes ESE-9 Aux. Bldg. 293 No No No Yes NSE-10 Aux. Bldg. 291 No Yes No No NSE-11 Aux. Bldg. 291 No No No Yes NSE-18 Aux. Bldg. 291 No No No Yes NSE-23 Aux. Bldg. 297 No Yes No No N

CD NSE-37 Aux. Bldg. 293 No No No Yes U1

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Normal MK No. Location Elevation Area" To Remove Operation Operation 110I-311 Aux. Bldg. N. End Valve Alley 295 No Yes No No MUH 312 - Aux. Bldg. N. End Valve Alley 295 No yes go no DHH-187 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No DHH-188 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No SPSE-2 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No SPSE-3 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No SPSE-12 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No DHH-197 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No No DHH-198 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No No SPSE-T Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No No SPSE-10 Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No .:o SPSE-ll Aux. Bldg. DH-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No No BS-19 Aux. Bldg. BS-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No SPSE-5 Aux. Bldg. BS-P-1A Room 275 No Yes No No s SPSE-9 Aux. Bldg. BS-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No No

-J BS-21 Aux. Bldg. BS-P-1B Room 275 No Yes No No W

NSE-2 Aux. Bldg. 310 No Yes No -

No N

NE" 3 Aux. bldg. 310 No Yes No No

_ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ .- _ .- ....., _ .. - - . ....u.- - -

TABLE 3.17.1 SAFETY RELATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbers Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Normal MK No. Location Elevation Area" To Remove Operation Operation NSE-23 Aux. Bldg. NSP Discharge 322 No Yes No No USE-24 - Aux. Bldg. NSP Suction 324 No Yes No No USE-27 Aar. Bldg. 320 No Yes No ho

.SE-29 Aux. Bldg. NS to SF Cooler 320 No Yes No No RW-72 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RW-73 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RW-75 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RWE-8 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RWE-9 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RWE-10 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RWE-ll Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No ME-12 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RWE-13 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No RWE-14 Aux. Bldg. HX Vault 290 No Yes No No IPE-1 Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes

- IPE-2 Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes b

N IPE-3 Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes W

IPE-h Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes g


T,GLE 3.17.1 SAFETY REIATED HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Snubber Snubber Snubbcrs Snubbers In High Especially Inaccessible Accessible Snubber Radiation Difficult During Normal During Norrd MK No . Iocation Elevation Area

  • To Remove Operation Or.. ration IPE-5 Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes IPE Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes IPE-7 Intake Pump Rouse 290 No No No Yes IPE-8 Intake Pump House 290 No No No Yes 290 No No No Yes IPE-9 Intake Pump House Cylinder-Yes Cylinder-Yes Reservoir-Yes RCP-1A Reactor Bldg. on RCP-1A 340 Yes Reservoir-No Cylinder-No Reservoir-No Cylinder-Yes Cylinder-Yes Reservoir-Yes RCP-1B Reactor Bldg. on RCP-1B 3h0 Yes Reservoir-Ho Reservoir-No Cylinder-No C71i"d"#-Y*8 Cylinder-Yes Resenoir-Yes RCP-1C Reactor Bldg. on RCP-1C 3h0 Yen Cylinder-No Reservoir-No Reservoir-No Cylinder-Yes Yes Cylinder-Yes Reservoir-Yes l RCP-1D Reactor Bldg. on RCP-1D 340 Reservoir-No Reservoir-No Cylinder-No Modificatior s to this table d te to changes in high radi at ion , *n , - @nnla Fn .*~i++n' __

to the NRC 1 s part of the nex . license amendment.

a N

O N i co CD

h.17 Shock Suueressors (Snubbers)

Applicability Applies to the inspection of hydraulic snubbers listed in Table 3 17.1 to determine their operability.

Objective To provide assurance of the operability of the hydraulic snubbers.

Sr ;ificntion I

k.lT.1 All hydraulic snubbers whose seal =aterial has been desenstrated i by operating experience, lab testing, or analysis to be co=patible with the operating environment shall be visually inspected. This inspection shall include but not necessarily be limited to, inspection of hydraulic fluid reservoir, fluid connections, and linkage connections to the piping and anchor to verify snubber operability in accordance with the following schedule

Number of Snubbers Found Next Required Inoperable During Inspection Inspection or During Inspection Interval Interval 0 18 months + 25%

1 12 months I 25%

2 6 months I 25%

3, h 12h days 7 25%

1 5, 6, T 62 days ][ 25%

18 31 days + 25%

The required inspection interval shall not be lengthened more than one step at a time.

Snubbers may be categorized in two groups, " accessible" or l " inaccessible" based on their accessibility for inspection 1

during reactor operation. Snubbers classified as " accessible" vill be inspected according to the above schedule. Snubbers l classified es " inaccessible" vill be inspected according to the above schedule if plant conditions permit or during the first reactor shutdown thereafter, i

i These two groups =ay be inspected independently according to the above schedule.

h lT.2 All accessible hydraulic snubbers whose seal materials are other than ethylene propylene or other caterial that has been deconstrated to be cetpatible with the operating environtent shall be visually inspected for operability at least every 31 days. Snubbers classified as inaccessible whose seal caterials i

i479 209

have not been demonstrated to be compatible with the operating environment shall be visually inspected for operability at least every 31 days if plant conditions per=it or during the first reactor shutdown thereafter.

4.17.3 The initial inspection shall be performed within 6 =onths fro = the date of issuance of these specifications. For the purpose of entering the schedule in Specification 4.17.1, it shall be assu=ed that the unit had been on a 6 month inspection

. interval.

h.17.h Once each refueling cycle, a representative sa=ple of 10 snubbers or approximately 10% of the snubbers, whichever is less, shall be functionally tested for operability including verification of proper piston =ove=ent, lockup and bleed. For each unit and subsequent unit found inoperable, an additional

, 10% or ten snubbers, whichever is less, shall be so tevted.

Snubbers of greater than 50,000 lbs. need not be functionally i tested.

l Bases

! All safety related hydraulic snubbers are visually inspected for overall integrity and operability. The inspection vill include verification of proper orientation, adequat a hydraulic fluid level, and proper attach =ent j of snubber to piping and structures.

The inspection frequency is based upon =ainta#.ning a constant level of snubber protection. Thus the required inspect 'on interval varies inversely with the observed snubber failurer. he nu=ber of inoperable

snubbers found during a required inspection determines the time interval I for the next required inspection. Inspections performed before that l interval has elapsed =ay be used as a new reference point to determine the next inspection. However, the results of such early inspections
performed before the original required time interval has elapsed (nc=inal l ti=e less 25%) =ay not be used to lengthen the required inspection 6

interval. Any inspection whose results require a shorter inspection interval vill override the previous schedule.

Experience at operating facilities has shown that the required surveillance progra= should assure an acceptable level of snubber perfor=ance provided that the seal =aterials are co=patible with the operating environ =ent.

. Snubbers containing seal =aterial which has not been demonstrated by operating experience, lab tests, or analysis to be compatible with the operating enviren=ent should be inspected =or. frequently (every

=onth) until =aterial co=patibility is confirmed or an appropriate changeout in co=pleted.

Examination of defective snubbers at reactor facilities and material tests performed at several laboratories (Reference 1) has shewn that

=illable gun polyuretharedeteriorates rapidly under the te=perature and =oisture ccnditions present in many snubber locations. Although colded polyurethane exhibits greater resistance to these conditions, it also may be unsuitable for application in the higher te=perature 1479 210

environ =ent s. Data are not currently available to precisely define an upper temperature limit for the molded polyurethane.

Lab tests and in-plant experience indicate that seal materials are available, primarily ethylene propylene compounds, which should give satisfactory performance under the most severe conditions expected in reactor int.allation.

To further increase the assurance of snubber reliability, fune.tional tr 4ts should be perforced once each refueling cyclc. These tests vill include stroking of the snubbers to verify proper piston covecent, lock-up and bleed. Ten percent ,r ten snubbers, whichever is less, represents an adeque'.a sample for such tests. Observed failures on these j sa=p?.us should require testing of additional units. Snubbers der gnated in Table 3 17.1 as being in high radiation areas cr those especially difficult to remove need not be selected for functional tests provided operability was previously verified.

Snubbers of rated capacity greater than 50,000 lbs. are exempt from the functional :esting requirements because of the in-l practicality of tescing such large units.

j Re ference I

(1) Report H. R. Erickson, Eergen Paterson to K. R. Galler NRC, October 7, 197h


Hydraulic Shock Sway Arrestors I


,I i 1479 2II

e #


1. Control Rods Rod drop times of all Each refueling shutdovn full length rods
2. Control Rod Movement of each rod Every two weeks, when reactor Movecent i t:, critical 3 Pressurizer Safety Setpoint 50% each refueling period Valves
h. Main Stess Safety Setpoint 25,5 each refueling period Valves 5 Refueling System Functional Start of each refueling period Interlocks
6. Main (See Section h,8)

Isolation Valves 7 Reactor Coolant Evaluate Daily, when reactor coolant System Leakage system temperature is greater than 525 F

8. Charcoal and high DOP test on HEPA filters, Each refueling period and at efficiency filters frecn test on charcoal any time work on filters for Control Rocm, filter units could alter their integrity and R3 Purge Filters 9 Spent Fuel Cooling Functional Each refueling period prior to System fuel handling
10. Intake Punp House (a) Silt Accumulation- Each refueling period Floor Visual inspection of Intake (Elevation 262 Ft. Dump House Flcor 6 in.) (b) Silt Accu =ulation Quarterly Measurement of Pump House Flow i

i I


! 1479 212 I h-8 l


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I!UCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF DOCKET NO. 50-289 LICENSE NO. DPR-50 METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY This is to certify that a copy of Tachnical Specification Change Request No.19, Amendment No.1 to Appendix A of the Operating License for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1, has , on the date given below, been filed. with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and been served on the chief executives of Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

Mr. Weldon B. Arehart, Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.

Board of Supervisors of Board of County Ccenissioners Londonderry Township of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road Dauphin County Court House Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 METROPOLITAN EDISON CCMPANY By b Vice Prdsldent-Generation Dated: Settenber 15, 1976




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