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ES-301-3 and ES-301-4
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/2019
From: Joseph Demarshall
Detroit Edison, Co
Demarshall J
Shared Package
ML17215A391 List:
Download: ML19248C281 (4)


ES-301 Operating Test Qualitv Checklist Form ES-301-3 Feclitv: Fermi 2 Date of Examination: 6i 17l19 Ooeratino Test Number: 20'19-1 lnitals

l. Gnerel Criterla J

a b' a The operating test conforms to the prevously approved outline; chenges are consstent with

+ (/ d sampling requirements (e.S., 10 CFR 55.45, operationel importance, safety funclion distrbution)-

b. There is no day-to-day repetiton between this ancl other operating tests to be admnistered durinq this examnaton. b t/ /
c. the audit Sec{on D.  ?^ // J d Overlap with the wrtten examination and between different parts of the operating test is within acceDtable limlts.

ry ú

e. It appears that the operating test wll dfferentiate between competent and less-than-competent aoolicanls at the desiqnated license level. ry ú (\
2. Walkthrough Criteria Each JPM includes the followng, as applicable:

intal condtions initiatng cues references end tools, including associated procedures reasonable and validated tme limits (average time allowed for completion) and specific (y ú designation if deemed to be time critical by the facility licensee operationally important specific performance criteria that include-

- detaled expected actions wth exact crtera and nomenclature

- system rgsponse and otherexaminercues

- statemnts descrbng important observations to be made by the applcant

- criteria for successful completon of the task

- identfcation of critical steps and their assocated performance standards

- restrictions on the seounce of steps. if apDlcable

b. Ensure that any changes from lhe prevously approved systems and adminstrative walkthrough outlines(FormsES-301-1 andES-301-2rÃave notcausedthetesttodevialefromanyofthe

+ /

acceptance critera (e.9., item distrbution, bank use, repetition from the last two NRC examnâtions) soecified on those forms and Form ES-201-2.

3. Slmulator Crlterla The assocated simulator operating lests (scenario sets) have been eviewed in accordance wilh Form ES-301 ând a coov s ettâched + / 4t Namer,/Signalure Lr
a. Author J*,t St oí -r t7
b. Faclity Revewer (')
c. NRC Chief Examner (#)
d. NRC Supervisor

' The facility licensee signature is not applicable for NRO4eveloped tests.

  1. The independent NRC revewer initials items in column "c'; the chief examiner concurrence is requirgQ.

ES-301 Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist Form ES-301.4 Faciltv: Fermi 2 Date of Exam: 6117119 Scenario Numbers: 1 I2l3 Operatins Test No.: 201 9-"1 lntiels QUALITATIVE ATTRIBUTES a b* é

. The ntial condtions are realstc in that some equpment and/or instrumentaton may be out of service, 1

0 o/'


but it does not cue the operators into expected eventg.

The scenarios consist mostly of releted events t r db

3. Each eveni dsscrpton conssls of the following:

r the point in the scenario when it is to be initiated o the malfunctlon(s) or conditons that are entered to intate the event r the symptoms/cugs that will be vsible to the crew 0 o the expocted operator actions (by shifr position) ú o the event temination point (if appllcable)

4. The events are valid wth regard to physics and thermodynamics. Ç t?v 0
5. Sequencing and timing of events is reasonable and allows the examination team to obtain complete n-evaluation results commensurate wth the scnario objectives. ü/
6. lf time compression techniques are used, the scenaro summary clearly so indicates.

/'r //

Operators have suffcient time to carry out expected ectvites without undu6 time constrants Cues are given.

7. The simulator modeling is not allered. // 0
8. The scenaros have been validaled. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.46(d), any open smulator performance ^

deficiencies or devietons from the referenced plant hav been evaluated to ensure that funclional fidelity is maintained whle runnng the planned scenaros.

+ lr

9. Scenarios are new or significently modified in accordance with Section D.5 of ES-301 {}^

/ t

10. All individual operator competencies can be evaluated, form along wth the simulator scenaros).

as verified using Form ES-301-O (submit the

+ lr' 11 The scenario set provides the opportunity for each applicant to be evaluated in each of the applicable ratng factors. (Competency rating factors as described on Forms ES-303-l and ES-303-3.)

n- øl

12. Each spplicant wil be signifhantly involved in the minimum number of transients and events specified on Form ES-301-5 (submit the form wth the simulator scenarios).


¿r p rr-

13. Applicants are evaluatd on a similar number of preidentified critcal tasks across scenarios, when possible.  ?"

/i-14, The level of dffculty is epproprate to support licensing decisions for each crew positon t// /k)

Target Quanttatlve Attrbutes per Scenarlo (See Section D.5.d) Actual Attributes 1, Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 7 t r tl .? ø/ &)

2. Abnormal events (2-4) L t+ t3 )' ' ilr)
3. Mâjor tran6ents (1-2) 7tZ_tt r { t
4. EOPS entered/requirng substantive actions (1-2) 2tt tr .'l /â iA 5 Entry into a contingency EOP with substantive actions (¿ 1 per scenaro set) l/ r /t ')- t
6. Predentifed crtcal tasks (> 2) LtLtL + ø 't--b

' The faclty licensee signature s not applicable for NRc-developed tests.

  1. An independent NRC revjewer initials items in column 'c"; chíef examiner concurrence is required

ES-301 Simulator Scenario Qualitv Checklist Form ES-3014 Facility: Fermi 2 Date of Exam: 61171'19 Sconario Numbers: 4 I 5 I 6 Operating Test No.: 2019-1 lnitials QUALITATIVE ATTRIBUTES a b' c The initial conditons are realistic in that some equipment and/or instrumentetion may be out of servic, but it does not cue the operators into expected events. + /

2. The scenarios consist mostly of related events. + (/ ¿L)
3. Each event description conssts of the following:

r the point in the scenario when it is to be initiated e the malfunction(s) or condtons that are entered to niliate the event o the symptoms/cues that wll be vsible to thg crew o the expected operator aclons (by shifi position) ,1. ("'

o the event temination point (if applicable)

4. The events ar vald with r6gerd to physics and thermodynamics. + /3 ,
5. Sequencing and tmng of events is reasonable and allows the examinaton team to obtain complete

()- (/

evaluation results commensurate wth the scenaro objectves.

6. lf time compression techniques are used, the scenaro summary clearly so indicates, ,,

Operators have suffcent time to carry out expected activities without undue time constrants.

Cues are given. (r' r,

7. The simuletor modelng s not altered. (> ú t
8. The scenarios have been vslideted. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.46(d), any open simulator performance (

deficiencies or devatons from the referenced plant have been eveluated to ensure that func{ional fidelity is maintained while running the planned scenarios. /


9. Scenarios are new or significantly modified in accordance with Section D.5 of ES-301  ?? 0
10. All individual operator competencies can be evaluatecl, as verified using form along with the simulator sc6narios).

Form ES-301-6 (submit the (>


11. The scenario set provides the opportunity for each applcant to be evalualed in each of the applicable rating factors. (Competency rating factors as described on Forms ES-303-1 and ES-303-3.)

n ø

12. Each applcant will be sgnifcantly involved in the minimum number of transients end events specilied on Form ES-301-5 (submit the form with the simulator scenarios).



13. Applicants are evaluated on a similar number of preidentfied crticel tesks across scenarios, when possble. + rF â
14. The level of difficulty is appropriate to support licensing clecisions for each crew postion. /l-, rl ,lJ)

Target Quantltative Attrbuts per Scenario (Se Secton D.5.d) Actual Attrbutes

1. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) i ti t I ,) t¿r E
2. Anormal events (2-4) L tL t L Pb
3. Major transents (1-2) L tt t I

,1 r

4. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) I l'L I t ,1.. /1/ b
5. Entry into a contingency EOP with substantve actions (2 1 per scenario set) lr i/t

'lzt'Lt L ry'

.L u

rr2 0

6. Predentlfied critical tasks (l 2)

' The facility lcensee sgnature s not applcable for NRC-developed tests.

  1. An independent NRC reviewer initials items in column 'c'; chief examiner concurrence is required.

ES-301 Simulator Scenario Qualitv Ghecklist Form ES-301-4 Facility: Fermi 2 Date of Exam: 6117119 Scenario Numbers: 7 Test No.:2019-1 lnitials QUALITATIVE ATTRIBUTES J


.1. The intial conditons are realistic n that some equpment and/or instrumentation may be out of service, tr.'

but it does not cue the operators nto expected events

2. The scenarios consst mostly of related events.

( øl- )


3. Each event clescription consists of the following:

a the pont in the scenario when it is to be initiated o the maltunction(s) or conditons that are entered to ntate lhe event a

a a

the the the symptoms/cues that will be visble to the crew expected operator aclons (by shfr postion) event termination point (if applicable) rr .l

4. The events are valid with regard to ohvsics and thermodvriamics. lb * ,

b Sequencing and timing of events is reasonable and allows lhe examination team to obtan complete 5.

evaluation results commensurate wth the scenario objeclives. ry *

o. lf time compressOn tchniques are uSed, the scenario summary clarly so ndicates.



Operators have sutficient tme to carry out expected activties without undue tme constreints.

Cues are given c( /)

7. The smulator modelng is not eltred.

rL 4/ I ,^

L The scenaros have been validated. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.46(d), any open simulator performance deficiencies or deviations from the referenced plent have been evaluated to ensure that funclional fidelity is maintained while running tho plannsd scnarios.



9. Scenarios are new or signficantly modified in accordancc with Section D.5 of ES-301 ¿r b
10. All individual operator competencies can be evaluated, as verified using Form ES'301-6 (submit the ^ry b 11 form along with the simulator scenaros)

The scnario set provdes the rating factors. (Competency to bG evaluated in each of the applicable Forms ES-303-1 and ES-303-3.)

a rP

12. Each applicant wll be signfcanlly involved n the minimum number of transients and events specified on Form ES-301-5 (submt tho form wth the simulator scenarios).

y (y

Ø il

13. Applcants are evaluated on a smilar number of pridentifed critical tasks acros scenaros, when possible. ///
14. The levl of difficulty is appropriate to support decisions for each crew 0t ¿, h) 1.


Quanttatlve Attrlbutes per Scenario (So Scton D.5'd)

Malfunctions after EOP entry Abnormal events


Actual Attrbutes ttl

,{tl rl r u //r ;h


(l-2) \ tl (r lf l.D

3. transents
4. EOPs entered/requiri Eubstantive actons r t t\ // D
5. Entry into a contngency EOP with substantve actíons (> 1 per scenario 0

'/-r ll V h

6. Preidentified crtical tasks 2') t + /// JD

' The facility licensee signature is not applicable for NRC'developed tests.

  1. An indepándent NRC reviewer initials items n column "c"; chief examiner concurrence is required.