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Monthly Operating Rept for March 1978
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1978
From: Mitchell D
Shared Package
ML19210A781 List:
NUDOCS 7910310689
Download: ML19210A803 (7)


' ' '


Unit TMI-1 Date b-lh-78 Completed By D. G. Mitchell Telephone 215-929-3601 Ext. 169

!.mm{ MARCH DAY AVERAGE DAILY PO'4ER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (Kle-Net) (Kle-Net) 1 628 17 Th0 2 600 16 -25 3

6h6 19 -13 h 782 2C -9 5 780 21 -7 6 TTT 22 -T 779 23 -6 7

8 TT6 2h ,

-6 780 6 o

25 .



-783 --

- 26 -

679 27

-6 11 12 595 28 -5 598 29 -5 13

-669- - - -


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-._b - - - - -

Tne negative numbers indicate that more energy was supplied to the unit than ns produced during that day.

1Eo9 044 7910810

1PERATING DATA REPCRT 7ceket No. 50-289 Date April 14., 1976 Completed 3y D. C. 'fitchell CPERATING STATUS Telephene 215 c?o '601 -e: .16

1. Unit Nane: Three Mile Island. Unit 1
2. Reporting Pericd: March 1978 ec,e 3 Licensed Thermal Power (.Wt):
k. Nameplate Rating (Gress We): 8 ?'_

5 Design Electrical Rating (Net We): 819

6. Max. Dependable Capacity (Gross We):da0 7 Max. Dependable Capacity (Net We): woe
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Ite=s No. 3 thrcush 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:

N/A 9 Fever level to which Restricted. If Any (Net .We): ro Reascns fer Restrictions, If Any: N/A 10.

Sis Menth Yr.-tc-Cate Cu=ulative 744 2160 31,369

11. Ecurs in Reporting Period kC8 182h 2h.88 2.3
12. No. of Ecurs Reacter was Critical 0 0 838.5 13 Reactor Reserve Shutdevn Ecurs h08 182k 24,h21.5 1k. Hours Generator On-Line o o n 15 Unit Reserve Shutdevn Ecurs h,h69,915 59,863,h8C Grcss Thermal Energy Generated (!f4H) 9h6,062
16. 1,491,977 19,985,77:
17. Gross Elect. Energy Go irsted (WH) 310cc5

, hon ch- , o ,, o n h .-

18. Net Electrical Energy Geaerated (WH) cAng:h '

5k.8 Sh.h 77.9 19 Unit Service Factor c:h 2 ah h -e

20. Unit Availabilit/ Facter vs.i
21. Unit Capacity Facter (Using MDC Net) h9.0 Si.c Unit Capacity Facter .(Using DER Net) 47.2 79.2 72.9
22. _

5.2 Unit Forced Outage Rate o o 23 2h. Shutdevns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Daratien of Zach):

April 27, 1973 25 If Shut Devn at End cf Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup:


26. Units In Test Status (Frier to Cc nercial CT.aration): ..






{, (T V'rD


. Unit Name THI-1 -

., RFPORT MONTil MAncH Date h-11s-78 Completed By D. G. Mitchell Telephone 215-929-3601 Mxt. 169 No. Date Tyre l 'h ;, y System Component Cause and Corrective

, ej g / g, o tgm gg Code I6 Code 5 Action to

. bmi e ggo g g Prevent Recurreice dNS 8Ej 3An s us!

2 3/1/78 F 0 A 1: Feedwater heater leaks 3 3/11/78 F 0 A la Feedwater heater leaks 4 3/18/78 3 336 C 1 l E ,

I i.


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.s i i;,

1:F Forc ed 2R'eason: 3 " Exhibit G - Instructions Method:

'3: Scheduled A'-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manu al

  1. #*E"#" " ""

B-Maintenance or Test n s for Meensee L -] '

2-Manual Scram.

C-Re fueling Event Report (LER) File


3-Automatic' Scram.

. CL Regulatory Restriction 14-Other (Explain)


i d-Operator Training & Licensee Examination g

s ,

F-Adriinistrative r ,

0 Exhibit Cys C -Op<trational Error (Ex' plain) 1 - Same Source ll-Other (Explain)

'i i ,


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UtlIT PERFORMANCE The Unit began the month at about 83" power as a result of feed water heater leak repair work which had ccmmenced lagt month. The Unit returned to 100%

power on 03/03/78 but at reduced load (s 15 MWe) due to the "B" high pressure string remaining isolated. On 03/11/78 Unit power was reduced to 75% to repair the gasket leak on the 1B feedpump discharge flow nozzle (FE-8). The Unit returned to 100% power within 71.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> but still at reduced load due to the isolation of the "B" high pressure string. On 03/16/78 the Unit pcwer was reduced to approximately 98" due to the End of Life reactivity deficiency. This power reduction was the first of several planned step pcwer reductio 1s in order to extend Core Cycle 3 frem the original max. of 250 to 315 EFPD. Because of the earlier power reductions to repair the feed..ater system problems, enly the first step cf the power coast down scheme was executed.

On 03/17/78, the Unit shutdcun to ccmmence the 1978 Refueling Outage.

Refueling Outage Milestenes which were ccmpleted this month are as follows:

03/22/78 - Incore Detectors Chopped 03/23/78 - Reactor Vessel Head Removed 03/29/78 - Turbine LPA and HP Rotor Removed 03/31/78.- Fuel Shuffle Ccmplete SIG:!!FICANT POUER REDUCTI0tlS

1. 03/01/78 to 03/03/78 (68.6 Hrs.) at 83" prwer due to "B" feedwater heater string (both HP & LP) being isolated.

The Unit returned to 100% Reactor Power on 03/03/78 with the "B" HP FW string isolated. This reduction in feedsater heating caused a loss of unit efficiency equivalent to about 15 Mie. - -

2. 03/11/78 to 03/14/78 (71.5 Hrs.) at 75% jewer due to a gasket leak on the 18 feed pump discharge ficw nozzle (FE-8).
3. 03/15/78 to 03/17/78 (39 Hrs.) at 98", pcwer due to End of Life Reactivity deficiency.

. 03/17/78 to 03/31/78 at 0", ocwer due to 1978 Refueling Outage.

N T b Q/ J 'E


1.  :*are of Facility: Three Mile Island Unit No. 1
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: March 17, 1979 3 Scheduled date for restart following refueling:

May 15, 1978 for Reactor Criticality (tentative - present refueling)

h. Will refueling or resu=ption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

Yes If answer is yes, what in general, vill these be?

The Technical Specificatien change for Cycle h vill provide revised Operational limits for red withdraval index and Power I= balance. Also the Core Protection Safety Li=its and the Protection System Maxi =us Allevable Setpoints for Reactor Pever Inbalan:e have been slightly revised. The quadrant power tilt li=it vill be changed from a maximu:

actual core tilt of 3.h15 to h.925 If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Cct=ittee to deter =ine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Re f. 10 CTE Section 50 59)?

U/A If no cuch review has taken place, when is it scheduled?

N/A 5 Scheduled'date(s) for submitting preposed licensing action and supporting-infor=ation.

Technical Specification Change Request #70 and #70 A vere submitted to the URC on 1-9-78, and k-3-78, respectively.

6. Important licencing considerations associated with refueling, e.g. , new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new cperating procedures.


- "x a-a are holi portant . licensing considerations acsceisted %ith Cycle L .


TMI-l vill change from a redded to a feel-bleed mode of cperation..for Cycle h. .This change ic not regarded an a tsjor change --

in the operating =cde since TMI-1 was cperatel in essentially a rcIs- ,

cut configura:len during the latter par: of Cycle 1 and Cycic 3 7 The numaer of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel stcrage poc_.

(2) 177 (b) 160 (after 1973 refueling outage)

- lr.., o ) C. ' q9b

t- SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE During the month of March the following maintenance was performed:

On March 17, 1978 at 2400 the turbine generator was taken off line to commence the refueling outage. The reactor coolant system was cooled down and depressurized in preparation for Reactor Vessel work. The following work was performed in preparations for the fuel shuffle:

1. Reactor Vessel head 'ans removed
2. Reactor Vessel head cables disconnected
3. Reactor Vessel APSR's and CROM's uncoupled and parked
4. Reactor Vessel head detensioned and removed
5. Vent valve inspection performed
6. FTC filled to refueling level The Reactor refueling shuffle ccmmenced on March 27 and was completed and verified on March 31, 1978.

Reactor Coolant Pump 13, #2 and #3 and pump 1C, #1, #2 and #3 seals were rer.oved for periodic inspection. A blank flange was installed to allow the reactor refueling to continue while the seals were inspected.

Seals were inspected and worn parts replaced.

RC-RV-1A was removed for pop testing per technical specification. A spare valve, tested prior to the refueling outage,was installed in its place. The old RC-RV-1A valve was pop tested to ensure the setpoint was within the specified limits. The valve tested satisfactorily. The valve will be sent out at a later date for overhaul.

RCS nitrogen overpressurization modification was performed as required to fulfill a prior NRC ccmmittment.

.Priot to. starting fuel : shuffle s 35 incore .wer.e. pulled .for .

replacement. Remaining incares were pulledf ta the parked position for fuel shuffle. New inceres to be installed upon completion of' fuel shuffle.

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1F 1 0'7 I .s v / Ur/


'8. ' The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of E .; -

increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is pla.ned, in nu=ber of fuel assemblies.

Recently licensed for 752 fuel assemblies storage location: in the M3 spent fuel pools, h96 location B pool racks to be installed starting in Februa / 1978.

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