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Tech Specs Change Request 42 to Amend DPR-50 by Eliminating Ambiguity Re ETS Monitoring Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1976
From: Arnold R
Shared Package
ML19210A316 List:
NUDOCS 7910290560
Download: ML19210A326 (4)


METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CCMPANY AND PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY THREE MILE ISLAND UUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Technical Stecification Chance Request No. h2 This Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Operating License No. DPR-50 are also included.


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Vice President-Generation Sworn and subscribed to me this day of #M 1976.

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Metropolitan Edi2cn Compan;. (Met-Ed)

Three Mile Isisnd Nuclear Station Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Dceket No. 50-289 Operating License No. DFR-50 Technics 1 Specification Change Reauest No. h2 The Licensee requests that the attached pages 3-15, and 66 replace the corresponding existing Technical Specification pages.

Reasons for the Procosed Chanze The change on page 3-15 vill delete a reference which is in error. The change on page 66 should help to eliminate any ambiguity concerning Environ-mental Technical Specification monitoring requirements.

Environmental Analysis Justifying Change Rea_uest These changes, if implimented, vill neither cause an undue risk to the health i and safety of the public nor vill it adversely effect the environment.

Cost-3enefit Analysis Justifying Chance There is no cost associated with implimentation of the change other than the administrative costs associated with processing it. The benefits that would be derived are the elimination of a discrepancy (page 3-15) and elini-nation of an ambiguity (page 66).

1488 17;2

If reactor coolanc leakage is to the containment, it may be identified by one or more of the following methods :

a. The contain=cnt air particulate monitor is sensitive to low leak rates. The rate of leakage to which the instrument is sensitive is 0.05L gpm within sixty minutes, assuming the presence of corrosion product activity.
b. The containment radioactive gas monitor is less sensitive but can be used as a backup to the air particulate monitor. The sensitivity range of the instrument is approximately 2 gpm to greater than 10 gpm.
c. A leakage detection system which determines leakage losses from vater and steam systems within the containment. This system collects and measures moisture condensed frcm the coontainment atmosphere by cooling coile of the main recirculation units. This system provides a dependable and accurate means of measuring total leakage, including leaks from the cooling coils themselves which are part of the containment boundary,
d. Indication of leakage from the above sources shall be cause to require a containment entry and limited inspection at power of the t reactor coolant system. Visual inspection means, i.e. , looking for steam, floor vetness, or boric acid crystalline formations, will be used. Periodic inspections for indications of leakage within the containment will be conducted to enhance early detection of problems and to assure best online reliability.

If reactor coolant leakage is to the Auxiliary Building, it may be identified by one or more of the following methods:

a. The auxiliary and fuel handling building vent radioactive gas monitor is sensitive to very lov activity levels and would show an increase in activity level shortly after a reactor coolant leak developed within the Auxiliary Building.
b. Water inventories around the Auxiliary Building sump.
c. Periodic equipment incpections,
d. In the event of gross 1cahngc, in excesc of 13 !2 gp=, the individual cubicle leak detectors in the makeup and decay heat pump cubicles vill alarm in the Control Room to backup "a", "b", and "c", above.

When the source and location has been identified, the situation can be evaluated to determine if operation can safely continue. Under these conditiens, an allevable leakage rate of 30 gpm has been established.

1488 173 3-15

A failure to comply with the monitoring requirements does not, in it's elf, constitute exceeding a limiting condition for operstion and la not, therefore, necessarily reportable in accordance with section In tha event monitoring requirements are nct met and it is not possible to prove compliance with the applicable specifications, this would constitute exceeding a limiting condition for operation and would, therefore, be reportable.

5.6.2.h Chances

1) '4 hen a change to the plant design, to the plant operation or to the procedures descr! bed in Section 5 5 is planned which would have a significant adverse effect on the environment or which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a report on the change vill be made to the NRC prior to implementation. The report vill include a description and evaluation of the change including a supporting benefit-cost analysis.
2) Changes or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, State, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment vill be reported. When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they vill also be submitted to USNRC for information. The submittal vill include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change.
3) Requests for changes in Environ = ental Technical Specifications vill be submitted to the USNRC for prior review and authorization.

The ;cquest vill include an evaluation of the impact of the change, including a supporting benefit-cost analysis. other If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitoring programs, the licensee shall provide an analysis of the problem and shall develop a course of action to be taken to alleviate the problems. If the ecology of the river significantly changes at a future date as, for exa=ple, by major changes in water chemistry or reintroduction of shad, the licensee shall provide an analysis of expected impacts and a course of action to minimize the i= pacts.

5.7 Records Retention 571 Records and logs relative to the following areas vill be retained for the life of the plant.

a. Records and drawing changes reflecting plant design changes made to systems and equipment as described in Section 5.6.2.h.
b. Records of environmental survaillance data,
c. Records to demonstrate compliance with the Limiting Conditions for Operation in Section 2.

5.7.2 All other records and logs relating to the Environmental Technical Specifications shall be retained fcr 5 years.

1488 174