ML18022A710 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Harris |
Issue date: | 12/31/1988 |
From: | Hinnant C, Sipp J, Watson R CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. |
References | |
HO-890025-(O), NUDOCS 8903070030 | |
Download: ML18022A710 (100) | |
IZ "ACCESSION NBR: 8903070030 DOC. DATE: 8~~~
FACIL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit NOTARIZED: NO l, Carolina DOCKET 05000400 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION HINNANT,C.S. Carolina Power & Light Co.
SIPP,J.R. Carolina Power & Light Co.
WATSON,R.A. Carolina Power & Light Co.
"Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Pl emiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept 1988." 890227 ltr.
TITLE: 50.36a(a)(2) Semiannual NOTES:Application for permit renewal filed. 05000400 g
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Carolina Power 8 Light Company HARRIS NUCLEAR PROJECT P. 0. Box 165 New Hill, North Carolina 27562 FEB 2'7 1989 File Number'. SHF/10-13510C Letter Number'HO-890025 (0)
In accordance with Technical Specification, the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report is attached for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. This report covers the period from July 1, 1988 through December 31, 1988.
Very truly yours, R. A. Watson Vice President Harris Nuclear Project MGW:lem Attachment cc: Mr. R. A. Becker (NRR)
Mr. W. H. Bradford (NRC-SHNPP)
Mr. M. L. Ernst (NRC-RII)
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Carolina Power h Light Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant License No. NPF-063 SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFIUENT RELEASE REPORT July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Prepared by:
Project Specialist Radiation Control Reviewed by:
Mana Environmental R iation ControL Approved by:
lant General Manager 8903070030 80 000400 pgp ADQCK pgg R
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Table of Contents Page No.
Introduction Discussion Appendix l. Supplemental Information Appendix 2. Effluent and Waste Disposal Report
- 1. Lower Limits of Detectability (LLD's) 2/1
- 2. Effluents Released 2/3
- 3. Solid Waste Disposal 2/10 Appendix 3. Changes to Process Control Program 3/1 Appendix 4. Changes to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)
Appendix 5. Changes to the Environmental Monitoring Program
- l. Environmental Monitoring Program 5/1
- 2. Land Use Census 5/2 Appendix 6. Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities
- l. Inoperability of Liquid Effluent Monitors 6/1
- 2. Inoperability of Gaseous Effluent Monitors 6/3
- 3. Unprotected Outdoor Tanks Exceeding Limits 6/5
- 4. Gas Storage Tanks Exceeding Limits 6/6 Appendix 7. Major Modifications to Radwaste System 7/1 Appendix 8. Meteorological Data 8/1 Appendix 9. Assessment of Radiation Doses
- l. Doses outside Site Boundary due to Effluent Releases 9/1
- 2. Doses to the General Public Due to Activities Inside the Site Boundary 9/3
- 3. Doses to Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public 9/5 Major Assumptions used to Calculate Radiation Doses 9/9 Appendix 10. Amendment to the July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 10/1
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Table of Contents (Continued)
Page No.
Appendix ll. Amendment to the January 1, 1988 to July 31, 1988 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 11/1
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Introduction This Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report is in accordance with Technical Specification to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Project (SHNPP) Operating License No. NPF-63. It provides effluent monitoring information obtained in fulfillment of the plant's Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS).
The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant achieved initial criticality on January 3, 1987. This report covers the period from July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988, during which the plant had its first refueling outage (2 months duration). In addition, annual doses to the public for calendar year 1988 are reported.
~Aendices 1 end 2:
The information on gaseous and liquid effluents and solid waste is given in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.21 (Rev. 1) Appendix B format. As required by Technical Specification, the solid waste table has been supplemented to include 10CFR61 class, type'f container and solidification agent or absorbent.
Except for continuous noble gas releases, liquid and gaseous average concentrations (uCi/cc) and total cuxies released are for only those nuclides that were positively identified. If no activity for a nuclide is reported for a quarter, the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) tables show a typical sensitivity level for detection of the nuclide.
Continuous noble gas effluent activities were based on hourly average stack monitor readings (in uCi/cc) and stack flow rate estimates based on design fan flow rates. No specific noble gas nuclides were identified in any of the stack gas grab samples taken for characterizing continuous gaseous releases.
Therefore, the total noble gas activities axe based on stack monitor readings and apportioned as per the GALE code (NUREG 0017) nuclide assumptions as given in the ODCM. Nuclides reported in gaseous batch releases are determined from the isotopic analysis for each batch release.
One unplanned gaseous release occurred during this report period. The release totaled 0.38 uCi of Xe-133.
No activity above backgxound was detected in any continuous liquid release pathway. Therefoxe, the summations of liquid effluents are based on the nuclides identified in batch ~releases only.
A total of 95.0 m3 of solid waste, containing 8.20 Ci of radioactivity, was shipped for burial during the report period, compared with 54.76 and 1.442 Ci shipped during the previous report period.
~Aendix 3:
No changes to the Process Control Program (PCP) were made during this report period.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Discussion continued
~Aendix 4:
No changes were made to the ODCM during this reporting period.
~Aendix 5:
Minor changes were made to the Environmental Monitoring Program during this reporting period. These changes are to the locations used for garden sampling No changes to the Land Use Census were made during the reporting period.
~Aendix 6:
All effluent monitor inoperabilities greater than 30 days are given along with a brief explanation. During these periods, compensatory sampling and flow rate estimations consistent with Technical Specification requirements have provided accountability and control of effluents.'
modification to increase cooling tower blowdown flow was completed during the second half of 1988. This modification and several changes being made to the ODCM monitor setpoint methodologies should allow several of the liquid monitors that were inoperable to be returned to service in early 1989.
No unprotected outdoor tank or gas storage tank exceeded Tech Spec limits during this report period.
~Aendix 7:
No major modifications were made to the Radwaste System during this reporting period.
~Aendix 6:
The 1988 annual summary of meteorological data is available to the NRC upon request.
~Aendix 9:
The effluent quantities reported for both semiannual periods in 1988 were combined for determining the the annual dose impact from plant operations.
These doses were calculated by the programs LADTAP II (for liquid effluents),
GASPAR (for gaseous effluents), and XOQDOQ (for meteorological data). These are NRC approved programs for implementing Reg. Guide 1.109 methodology, which is also the basis of the ODCM calculations.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Discussion continued shows the 50-mile integrated population doses (in man-rem) due to liquid and gaseous releases for the various applicable pathways. When appropriate, the doses are also broken down by age group (adult, teen, etc.)
and organ (bone, thyroid, etc.). Also, the tritium contribution to the hydrosphere is shown.
Because of the recreational nature of Harris Lake, some portions of the lake are within the site boundary. Enclosure 2 shows the 1988 doses (in mrem/yr) to a hypothetical member of the general public due to such recreational activities. The highest whole body dose corresponds to 0.200 of the applicable dose limit, and the highest organ dose corresponds to 0.41'f the applicable dose limit. For comparison, the highest doses for CY 1987 were 0.13'nd 0.370 of the applicable whole body and organ dose limits, respectively. shows the hypothetical doses (in mrem/yr) for the "Likely Most Exposed Individual".
For the liquid pathways, this calculation assumes that Lillington, the closest downstream public water supply, is the source of drinking water and Harris Lake is ithe source of all other liquid exposure. For liquid effluents, the highest whole body dose corresponds to 0.16'f the applicable dose limit, and the highest organ dose corresponds to 0.05% of the applicable dose limit. For comparison, the highest doses for CY 1987 were 0.23~o and 0.37K of the applicable whole body and organ dose limits, respectively.
For the airborne pathways, the gaseous dose considers two types of individuals: (1) the "Maximum Hypothetical Individual", who resides at the site boundary in the sector of highest plume exposure, and (2), the "Maximum Real Individual" who, based on the Land Use Census, had the highest combined dose from his actual exposure pathways, i.e. plume, ground, vegetation, and inhalation. Of these persons, the highest whole body dose corresponds to 1.56$ of the applicable dose limit, and the highest organ dose corresponds to 1.614 of the applicable dose limit. Corresponding values for CY 1987 were 0.4l~o and 0.96C, respectively. 1988 beta and gamma annual air doses were 2.670 and 3.67'f their respective limits. Corresponding values for CY 1987 were 0.9~a and 1.09', respectively. lists the major assumptions associated with the liquid and gaseous effluent doses. Where available, site specific information is used to derive these values. In other cases, parameter values or derivations are as given in Reg. Guide 1.109.
1 I Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Discussion continued
~Aendix i0 A review of the parameters used to calculate the 1987 gaseous doses using the XOQDOQ program, which supplies meteorological dispersion information to the GASPAR program, discovered that one of the parameters {Open Terrain Recirculation Correction Factor) was incorrectly entered in the program. This res'ulted in minor errors in some of the doses reported in Appendix 9 of the Semiannual Report for July 1,1987 to December 31, 1987. The corrected dose values are provided in this Appendix.
~Aendix ll A monitor inoperability greater than 30 days was inadvertently omitted from Appendix 6 of the Semiannual Report for January 1,1988 to June 30, 1988. This information is provided in this Appendix.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 1: Supplemental Information
- l. Regulatory Limits A. Fission and activation gases (1) Calendar Quarter
- a. 5 mrad gamma
- b. 10 mrad beta (2)'alendar Year
- a. 10 mrad gamma
- b. 20 mrad beta B. I-131, I-133, I-135, H-3 and particulates with half-lives greater than eight days (1) Calendar Quarter
- a. 7.5 mrem to any organ (2) Calendar Year
- a. 15 mrem to any organ C. Liquid effluents (1) Calendar Quarter
- a. 1.5 mrem to total body
- b. 5 mrem to any organ (2) Calendar Year
- a. 3 mrem to total body
- b. 10 mrem to any organ
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 1 (Continued): Supplemental Information
- 2. Maximum permissible concentrations and dose rates which determine maximum instantaneous release rates.
A. Fission and activation gases (1) 500 mrem/year to total body (2) 3000 mrem/year to the skin B. I-131, I-133, I-135, H-3 and particulates with half-lives greater than eight days.
1500 mrem/year to any organ C. Liquid effluents The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas after dilution shall be limited to the concentration specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B,'able II, Column 2, for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved and entrained noble gases, the MPC shall be equal to 2.0E-4 uCi/ml
- 3. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity A. Fission and activation gases Measurements by continuous monitors'f activity concentrations times total stack flow, and analysis by gamma spectroscopy and liquid scintillation counting for specific radionuclides in representative grab samples.
B. Iodines Continuous charcoal cartridge sampling and analysis by gamma spectroscopy for specific radionuclides times total stack flow.
C. Particulates Continuous particulate sampling and analysis by gamma spectroscopy, alpha counting and radiochemical analysis for specific radionuclides times total stack flow.
D. Liquid Effluents Pre-release representative sampling and analysis by gamma spectroscopy and liquid scintillation counting for specific radionuclides times total release volume.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 1 (Continued): Supplemental Information
- 4. Batch Releases A. Liquid (1) Number of batch releases: 1.69 E+02 (2) Total time period for batch releases: 8.90 E+04 min.
(3) Maximum time for a batch release: 8.53 E+02 min.
(4) Average time for a batch release: 5.27 E+02 min.
(5) Minimum time for a batch release: 1.60 E+02 min.
(6) Average stream flow during periods "of release: 4.14 E+03 gpm 4
B. Gaseous (1) Number of batch releases; 2.50 E+ Ol (2) Total time period for batch releases: 7.66 E+03 min.
(3) Maximum time for a batch release: 8.40 E+02 min.
(4) Average time for a batch release: 3.06 E+02 min.
(5) Minimum time for a batch release: 1.00 E+00 min.
- 5. Abnormal Releases A. Liquid No abnormal liquid releases were made in the period.
I B. Gaseous On September 13, 1988, a unplanned release was made from the "D" Waste Gas Decay Tank (WGDT) because the isolation valve to this tank was not completely shut due to a malfunction of the valve's reach rod. The release occurred during a planned release from WGDT "A". The operator making the release noticed the decreasing pressure in WGDT "D" and secured the release of both WGDT "A" and WGDT "D". Based on the change in pressure of WGDT "D" and analysis of the contents of the tank, 3.80 E-05 Ci of Xe-133 was calculated to be released. During the time of the release, the stack monitor was operable, so the release was continuously monitored. No alarm setpoint was exceeded.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2: Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 1 : LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)
H - 3 5.37 E-09 Ar 41 4.42 E-08 Cr-51 1.64 E-13 Mn-54 1.79 E-14 Co-58 3.48 E-14 Fe-59 4.40 E-14 Co-60 2.51 E-14 Zn-65 4.71 E-14 Kr-85 9.20 E-06 Kr-85m 2.26'E-08 Kr-87 4.22 E-08 Kr-88 2.34 E-08 Sr-89 7.91 E-16 Sr-90 4.99 E-16 Nb-95 1.74 E-14 Mo-99 1.89 E-13 Ru-103 2.54 E-14 I -131 4.54 E-14 Xe-131m 3.85 E-07 I -133 3.03 E-13 Xe-133 7.71 E-08 Xe-133m 1.85 E-07 Cs-134 1.83 E-14 I -135 9.64 E-10 Xe-135 2.15 E-08 Xe-135m 1.32 E-07 Cs-137 2.31 E-14 Xe-138 5.62 E-07 Ba-140 4.42 E-14 La-140 4.27 E-14 Ce-14'1 2.63 E-14 Ce-144 9.65 E-14 Gross Alpha 2.69 E-15
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 1 : LONER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)
H 3 3.17 B-06 Be- 7 3.83 E-07 Na-24 7.00 E-08 Ar-41 6.61 E-08 Cr-51 3.66 B-07 Mn-54 3.05 E-08 Fe-55 1.34 B-07 Co-57 3.01 B-08 Co-58 3.04 B-08 Fe-59 6.87 B-08 Co-60 4.19 B-08 Zn-65 7.90 B-08 Kr-85m 3.78 E-08 Sr-89 8.84 E-09 Sr-90 5.72 B-09 Zr 95 5.12 E-08 Nb-95 2.83 E-08 Mo-99 3.73 E-07 Tc-99m 3.07 B-08 Rh-105 1.88 E-07 Ru-103 2.09 B-08 Ru-105 1.43 E-07 Sn-113 3.17 B-08 Sb-122 1.62 E-08 Sb-124 1.62 E-08 Sb-125 1.21 E-OV I -131 2.89 E-08 Xe-131m 1.51 E-06 I -133 2.41 E-08 Xe-133 9.45 E-08 Xe-133m 2.28 B-07 Xe-135 4.03 E-08 Cs-134 2.35 B-08 Cs-137 2.93 Is-08 Ba-140 1.80 E-07 La-140 5.77 B-08 Ce-141 5.86 B-08 Ce-144 2.37 E-OV Hf-181 3.07 B-08 N -187 9.12 E-08
, Gross Alpha 6.42 E-08 2/2
C ~ ir Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Bffluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table lA : GASEOUS BFFLUBNTS SUMMATION OF ALL RBLBASBS Units Quarter Quarter Bst. Total 3 Error
- l. Fission h Activation Gases A. Total Release Ci 2.71 E+02 5.43 E+2 4.50 E+Ol B. Average Release Rate for Period uCi/sec 3.41 E+Ol 6.83 E+Ol C. Percent of Technical Specification Limit 5.10 E-Ol 1.77 E+00
A. Total Iodines Ci 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 2.00 E+Ol B. Average Release Rate for Period uCi/sec 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 C. Percent of Technical Specification Limit 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00
- 3. Particulates A. Particulates with Tl/2) 8 days Ci 1.36 E-05 3.23 E-05 2.00 E+Ol B. Average Release Hate for Period uCi/sec 1.71 E-06 4.06 E-06 C. Percent of Technical Specification Limit 4.88 E-05 5.45 E-04 D. Gross Alpha Radioactivity Ci 3.79 E-08 0.00 E+00
- 4. Tritium A. Total Release Ci 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 3.00 E+Ol B. Average Release Rate for Period uCi/sec 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 C. Percent of Technical, Specification Limit 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 2/3
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent, Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table 1B : GASEOUS EFFLUENTS ELEVATED RELEASES All releases at Shearon Harris are made as ground releases.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table 1C : GASEOUS BFFLUBNTS GROUND LEVEL RBLBASBS Fission and Activation Gases Continuous Mode 0 Batch Mode Nuclides Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Released 3 4 3 H-3 Ci < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD Ar-41 Ci < LLD < ILD < LLD < OLD Kr-85 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Kr-85m Ci 5.86E+00 1.17E+Ol < LLD < LLD Kr-87 Ci 1.95B+00 3.91B+00 < LLD < LLD Kr-88 Ci 9.76E+00 1.96E+Ol < LLD < LLD Xe-131m Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Xe-133 Ci 2.34E+02 4.69E+02 1.01 E-03 1.35 B-05 Xe-133m Ci 3.91B+00 7.82E+00 < LLD < LLD Xe-135 Ci 1.37E+Ol 2.74B+Ol < LLD < LLD Xe-135m Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Xe-138 Ci 1.95E+00 3.91E+00 < LLD <'LD Total Ci 2.71E+02 5.43B+02 1.01 E-03 1.35 E-05 0 Noble Gas quantities apportioned as per GALE code.
- 2. Iodines Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Released 3 4 3 I-131 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD I-132 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD 3.40 B-06 I-133 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD I-135 Ci < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD Total Ci LLD LLD < LLD 3.40 E-06 2/5
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Naste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table 1C (Continued): GASEOUS EFFIUBNTS GROUND LEVEL RELEASES
- 3. Particulates Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Released 3 4 3 Cr 51 Ci 6.04 E-06 < LLD < LLD < I LD Mn-54 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Fe-59 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < I LD Co-58 Ci 6.12 B-06 2.83 E-05 3.62 E-08 < ILD Co-60 Ci < LLD 3.96 E-06 < LLD < LLD Zn-65 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID Sr 89 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < I LD Sr-90 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Nb-95 Ci 1.48 E-06 < LLD < LLD < LLD Mo-99 Ci < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD Cs-134 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Cs-137 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Ba/La-140 Ci < LLD < ILD < LLD < LLD Ce-141 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Ce-144 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Gross Alpha Ci 3.79 E-08 < LLD < LLD < LLD Total Ci 1.37 B-05 3.23 E-05 3.62 E-08 < LID 2/6
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table 2A : LIQUID EFFLUENTS SUHMATION OF ALL RELEASES Units Quarter Quarter Est. Total 3 4 Error
- 1. Fission h Activation Products Total Release
{not including tritium, Ci 4.55 E-02 1.63 E-02 3.50 B+Ol gases, or alpha)
B. Average Diluted Concentration during Period uCi/ml 2.68 E-08 6.55 B-09 C. Percent of Technical Specification Limit 7.96 E-02 2.15 E-02
- 2. Tritium A. Total Release Ci 1.17 E+02 4.39 E+Ol 3.50 E+Ol B. Average Diluted Concentration during Period uCi/ml 6.88 E-05 1.75 E-05 C. Percent of Technical Specification Limit Op 2.30 E+00 5.89 B-Ol
- 3. Dissolved and Entrained Gases A. Total Release Ci 5.72 E-02 1.72 E-Ol 3.50 E+Ol B. Average Diluted Concentration during Period uCi/ml 3.36 E-08 6.91 E-08 C. Percent of Technical Specification Limit 1.68 E-02 3.45 E-02
- 5. Volume of water released prior to dilution A. Batch Release liters 6.80 B+06 5.35 E+06 1.00 B+Ol B. Continuous Release liters 6.10 E+06 1.29 E+07 1.00 E+Ol
- 6. Volume of dilution water liters 1.70 E+09 2.49 E+09 1.00 B+Ol used during period 2/7
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Semiannual Radioactive Bffluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table 2B : LIQUID EFFLUENTS
- 1. Fission and Activation Products Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Released 3 4 3 H-3 Ci < LLD < LLD 1.17 E+02 4.39 E+Ol Be-7 Ci < LLD < LLD 1.96 E-04 7.64 E-05 Cr-51 Ci < LLD < LLD 7.07 B-04 1.74 B-04 Mn-54 Ci < LLD < LID 2.07 B-03 2.07 E-03 Fe-55 Ci < LLD < LLD 8.18 E-04 7.89 E-04 Co-57 . Ci < LLD < LLD 6.93 E-05 3.43 B-06 Co-58 Ci < LLD < LLD 3.70 B-02 1.14 E-02 Fe-59 Ci < LLD < LLD 3.35 B-04 3.85 E-04 Co-60 Ci < LLD < LLD 2.88 E-03 1.36 E-03 Zn-65 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Sr-89 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Sr-90 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Zr/Nb-95 Ci < LLD < LLD 2.26 B-04 6.08 B-05 Mo-99 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Tc-99m Ci < LLD < LLD 6.37 E-06 < LLD Ru-103 Ci < LLD < LID < LLD 5.77 E-06 Ru-105 Ci < LLD LLD 2.18 E-05 < LLD Sn-113 Ci < LLD < LLD 3.23 B-05 < LLD Sb-122 Ci < LID < LLD 1.16 E-05 < LLD Sb-124 Ci < LLD < LLD 2.91 E-04 < LLD Sb-125 Ci < I LD < LLD 6.59 B-04 < ILD I -131 Ci < LLD < LLD 1.10 E-04 1.03 B-04 I -133 Ci < LLD < ILD 1.86 E-05 < LLD Cs-134 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Cs-l37 Ci < LLD < LLD 1.59 E-04 < LLD Ba/La-140 Ci < LLD < LLD 4.63 B-05 < LLD Ce-141 Ci < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD Ce-144 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Hf-181 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID Gross Alpha Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Total Ci < LLD < LLD 1.17 E+02 4.39 B+Ol 2/8
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2 : Effluents Released Table 2B (Continued): I IQUID EFFLUENTS
- 2. Dissolved and Entrained Gases Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Released 3. 4 3 4 Ar&l Ci < LLD < ILD < LLD < LLD Kr-85m Ci < LLD < LLD 6.24 E-05 1.60 E-05 Xe-131m Ci LLD < LLD < LLD 5.36 E-05 Xe-133 Ci < LLD < LID 4.77 E-02 1.58 E-Ol Xe-133m Ci < LLD < LLD 1.16 E-03 3.09 E-03 Xe-135 Ci < LLD < LLD 8.28 E-03 1.07 E-02 Total Ci < LLD < LLD 5.72 E-02 1.72 E-Ol 2/9
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3 : Solid Waste Disposal Table 3 : SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS
- 1. Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal ( WASTE CLASS A )
6 month Est. Total Solid. Cont. No.
A. Type of waste Units Period Error (~o) Agent Type Form Ship
- a. Spent Resin, filter m3 6.75 E+Ol 1.00 E+Ol Cement STP S/D 6 sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc. Ci 7.81 E+00
- b. Dry Compressible m3 2.75 E+Ol 1.00 E+00 NA STP D 13 Waste, contaminated equipment, etc. Ci 3.87 E-ol
- c. Irradiated Components, m3 No waste of this type shipped.
Control rods, etc. Ci
- d. Other (Describe) m3 No waste of this type shipped.
Ci STP Strong Tight Package 40 S Solidified D Dewatered Estimate of Major Nuclide Composition (by type of waste)
Type of Percent Total Activity Waste Nuclide Composition Ci
- a. H -3 7.19 E+00 5.62 E-Ol C -14 1.87 E+00 1.46 E-ol Cr-51 9.80 B-01 7.64 E-02 Mn-54 6.07 E+00 4.74 E-ol Fe-55 1.77 E+Ol 1.38 E+00 Co-58 5.18 E+Ol 4.05 E-Ol Co-60 7.66 E+00 5.99 E-ol Ni-63 5.44 E+00 4.25 E-01 Nb-95 1.26 E+00 9.84 E-02
- b. H -3 3.03 E+00 1.17 E-02 C -14 2.00 E-02 9.00 E-05 Cr-51 3.76 E+00 1.46 E-02 Mn-54 8.33 E+00 3.23 B-02 Fe-55 3.10 E+Ol 1.20 E-01 Fe-59 1.91 E+00 7.39 E-03 Co-58 3.60 E+01 1.39 E-Ol Co-60 6.66 E+00 2.58 E-02 Ni-63 2.35 E+00 9.11 E-03 Nb-95 4.29 E+00 1.66 E-02 Zr-95 2.36 E+00 9.13 E-03 Cs-137 3.10 E-Ol 1.19 E-03 2/10
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 2 (Continued): Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3 : Solid Waste Disposal Table 3 : SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS
- c. No waste of this type shipped.
- d. No waste of this type shipped.
C. Solid Waste Disposal Number of Shipments 0 1.90 E+Ol Mode of Transportation Truck Destination Barnwell, S.C.
14 of these shipments (1 type 1.A.a and 13 type 1.A.b) were made from the Scientific Ecology Group (SEG) processing facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The other 5 shipments were made from the Harris site.
- 2. Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal ( WASTE CLASS B )
No waste of this type was shipped during this report period.
- 3. Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal ( WASTE CLASS C )
No waste of this type was shipped during this report period.
- 4. Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Disposition)
No irradiated fuel was shipped during this report period.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 3 : Changes to Frocess Control Frogram (PCP)
Technical Specification 6.13 No changes were made to the PCP during this report period.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 4 : Changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)
Technical Specification 6.14 No changes were made to the ODCM during this report period.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 5 : Changes to the Environmental Monitoring Program Enclosure 1 : Environmental Monitoring Program Technical Specifications 3.12.1 3.12.l.c Two new food crop locations, f54 and f55 , were added to the Envir'onmental Monitoring Program during the report period. These gardens are at locations that have higher D/Q values than those previously sampled. The previous locations, 443 and 446, were dropped as food crop sample location points at the end of the 1988 growing season. Location 043 was 2.2 miles from the site in the N. sector. Location 446 was 2.3 miles from the plant in the NE sector.
I These changes are included in a revision to the ODCM that is currently in progress. The revised tables and figures showing these changes will be provided in the report period when the changes are approved.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 5 : Changes to the Environmental Monitoring Program Enclosure 2 : Land Use Census Technical Specifications 3.12.2.a 3.12.2.b No changes were made to the Land Use Census during this reporting period.
Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 6 : Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Enclosure 1 : Inoperability of Liquid Effluent Monitors Technical Specification, Action.b Monitors Out-of-Service > 30 Days During the Report Period Effluent Days Monitor Inop. Reason REM-1SW-3500A 86 Flow rate measurement problem.
Service Water Return REM-1SW-3500B 86 Loop communications problems. Extensive Service Water Return trouble shooting required to correct problem.
REM-1MD-3528 161 Loop communications problems. Modification Turbine Building has been initiated to correct problem.
Drains REM-01MD-3530 119 Failure of flow switch caused inaccurate flow Tank Area Drains measurements. Replacement parts ordered and installed.
REM-1WL-3540 154 Accumulation of activity in the sample Treated Laundry chamber during releases causes the alarm and Hot Shower setpoint to be exceeded. Cooling Tower Tank Blowdown modification and ODCM changes will permit a more flexible alarm setpoint.
REM-21WL-3541 102 Accumulation of activity in the sample Waste Monitor chamber during releases causes the alarm Tank setpoint to be exceeded. Cooling Tower Blowdown modification and ODCM changes will permit a more flexible alarm setpoint.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 6 (Continued): Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Enclosure 1 : Inoperability of Liquid Effluent Monitors Technical Specification, Action b Monitors Out-of-Service > 30 Days During the Report Period (Continued)
Effluent Days Monitor Inop. Reason REM-lWS-3542 109 Monitor removed from service to allow for Secondary Waste installation of equipment for modification to increase cooling tower blowdown flow.
75 Monitor is operating; however, an incorrect ODCM calculation for the continuous release setpoint results in the monitor going into alarm. Applicable procedures and the ODCM are being revised.
FT-1968 AKB 81 Flow monitors A h B are not within the required Cooling Tower Make-up tolerances, resulting in inaccurate flow Bypass Line measurements.
Flow Rate Monitors FT-1974 AM3 99 Monitor removed from service to allow for Cooling Tower Blowdown installation and testing of flow Flow Rate Monitor instrumentation.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 6 (Continued): Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Enclosure 2 : Inoperability of Gaseous Effluent Monitors Technical Specification, Action a Monitors Out-of-Service > 30 Days During the Report Period Effluent Days Monitor Inop. Reason OAI-21WG-1101 180 Monitor not declared operable after Waste Gas modification on drain because it was not needed Compressor Discharge in service at the time.
Oxygen Monitor HAIC-21WG-1118B 129 Modification to improve reliability of monitor Waste Gas Recombiner "B" Outlet Gas
Hydrogen Monitor OARC-1119 A 150 Equipment failure. Monitor was repaired Waste Gas Recombiner and modifications made to increase reliability "A" Outlet Gas of monitor.
Oxygen Monitor OARC-1119 B 184 Monitor filled with water. Monitor was cleaned Waste Gas Recombiner "B" Outlet Gas but since it was not needed at the time, it was not returned to service.
Oxygen Monitor REM-01AV-3509SA 42 Maintenance outage on the power bus Plant Vent Stack supplying this monitor.
Noble Gas Monitor PNL-21AV-3509-SA 184 Problems with calibration of flow measurement PNL-21AV-3509-1SA system resulting in discrepancies between Plant Vent Stack actual and expected flow rates.
Flow Rate Monitor Modification initiated to correct.
RM-01TV-3536-1 184 Moisture interferences with the flow measurement TB Vent Stack 3A system resulting in discrepancies between Flow Rate Monitor actual and expected flow rates.
Modification initiated to coxrect.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 6 (Continued): Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Enclosure 2 : Inoperability of Gaseous Effluent Monitors Technical Specification, Action a Monitors Out-of-Service > 30 Days During the Report Period (Continued)
Effluent Days Monitor Inop. Reason REM-01WL-3546 114 Firmware failure in monitor resulted in check-WPB Vent Stack 5 source failures. New firmware installed.
Noble Gas Monitor PNL-1WV-3546 th 184 Problems with calibration of flow measurement PNL-1WV-3546-1 system resulting in discrepancies between WPB Vent Stack 5 actual and expected flow rates.
Flow Rate Monitor Modification initiated to correct.
PNL-1WV-3547 h 184 Problems with calibration of flow measurement PNL-1WV-3547-1 system resulting in discrepancies between WPB Vent Stack 5A actual and expected flow rates.
Flow Rate Monitor Modification initiated to correct.
~ g ~ I Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 6 (Continued); Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Enclosure 3 : Unprotected Outdoor Tanks Exceeding Limits Technical Specification, Action a No unprotected outdoor tank exceeded the Technical Specification limit during this report period.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 'J 1988 Appendix 6 (Continued): Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Enclosure 4 : Gas Storage Tanks Exceeding Limits Technical Specification, Action a No gas storage tank exceed the Technical Specification limit during this report period.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 7 : Major Modifications to Radwaste System Technical Specification 6.15.1 No major modifications were made to the Radwaste System during this report period.
Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix 8 : Meteorological Data Technical Specification As allowed by the Footnote to Technical Specification, the annual summary of meteorological data will be retained in a file. This data will be provided to the NRC upon request.
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Semiannual Radioacti Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 : Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 1: Population Doses Outside Site Boundary Due to Effluent Releases
- l. Integrated Population Dose Due to Liquid Effluents {man-rem)
A. 50 mile Ingestion Zone Bone Liver W. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin Total 2.72 E-03 1.50 B-Ol 1.49 E-Ol 1.48 E-Ol 1.48 E-Ol 1.48 E-01 1.50 E-Ol 1.06 E-03 Fish Consumption ADULT 1.09 B-03 2.63 B-03 2.14 E-03 1.14 E-03 1.63 E-03 1.30 B-03 2.19 B-03 TEEN 1.79 E-04 3.73 E-04 2.23 E-04 1.34 E-04 2.13 E-04 1.65 E-04 2.47 E-04 CHILD 3.60 E-04 5.24 E-04 2.41 E-04 1.78 E-04 2.88 E-04 2.18 E-04 2.41 E-04 Total 1.63 E-03 3.53 E-03 2.60 E-03 1.45 E-03 2.13 E-03 1.69 E-03 2.68 E-03 Drinking Water ADULT 1.04 E-04 9.98 B-02 9.99 B-02 9.97 E-02 9.97 E-02 9.97 E-02 1.00 E-Ol 0.00 E+00 TEEN 1.42 E-05 1.10 E-02 1.10 E-02 1.10 E-02 . 1.10 E-02 1.10 E-02 1.10 E-02 0.00 E+00 CHILD 5.98 E-05 3.44 E-02 3.44 E-02 3.43 E-02 3.43 E-02 3.43 E-02 3;44 E-02 0.00 E+00 Total 1.78 E&4 1.45 E-01 1.45 B-Ol 1.45 E-Ol 1.45 E-Ol 1.45 E-Ol 1.46 E-Ol 0.00 E+00 Shoreline 9.02 E-04 9.02 E-04 1.06 B-03 Swimming 8.03 E-06 8.03 E-06 Boating 4.04 E-06 4.04 E-06 B. Tritium {Hydrosphere)
Total 0.00 E+00 5.35 B-03 5.35 B-03 5.35 E-03 5.35 E-03 5.35 E-03 5.35 E-03 0.00 B+00
I Semiannual-Radioacti e Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 1: Population Doses Outside Site Boundary Due to Effluent Releases
- 2. Integrated Population Dose Due to Gaseous Bffluents (man-rem) 50 mile Ingestion Zone M. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin Total 5.36 E-Ol 5.36 E-Ol 5.36 E-Ol 5.36 E-Ol 5.36 E-Ol 5.36 E-Ol 5.69 E-Ol 1.VV E+00 Plume 5.36 B-01 5.36 E-01 5.36 B-01 5.36 B-01 5.36 E-ol 5.36 E-ol 5.69 E-ol 1.77 E+00 .
Ground V.68 E-05 7.68 E-05 7.68 E-05 7.68 E-05 7.68 E-05 7.68 E-05 7.68 E-05 9.03 E-05 Inhalation 1.56 E-07 4.33 E-06 2.42 E-08 1.20 E-07 1.34 E-08 3.02 B-08 6.16 B-05 0.00 B+00 Vegetation 7.99 B-OV 4.69 E-06 0.00 E+00 3.18 E-OV 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Cow Milk 9.79 E-08 5.47 E-OV 0.00 E+00 3.81 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 Meat h 6.36 E-07 7.30 E-06 1.06 E-09 2.68 E-07 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Poultry 9/2
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Semiannual Radioacti Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 2: Doses to General Public Due to Activities Inside Site Boundary
- l. Individual Dose Due to Liquid Effluents (mrem/yr.)
Bone Liver N. Body Thyroid Kidney GI-LLI Skin ADULT 1.89 E-03 4.40 E-03 3.59 B-03 1.96 E-03 2.77, E-03 2.23 E-03 3.82 E-03 1.11 E-04 Fish 1.78 B-03 4.29 E-03 3.48 E-03 1.85 B-03 2.66 E-03 2.12 E-03 3.71 E-03 Shoreline 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 -9.46 E-05 1.11 B-04 Swimming 8.76 B-06 8.76 B-06 8.76 E-06 8.76 E-06 8.76 B-06 8.76 E-06 8.76 E-06 Boating 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 TEEN 2.46 E-03 4.52 E-03 2.93 B-03 1.98 E-03 2.83 B-03 2.31 B-03 3.28 E-03 6.21 E-04 Fish 1.90 E-03 3.96 E-03 2.37 E-03 1.42 E-03 2.27 E-03 1.76 E-03 2.72 E-03 Shoreline 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 B-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 B-04 5.28 E-04 6.21 E-04 Swimming 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 Boating 1.46 E-05 1.46 B-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 CHILD 2.50 E-03 3.59 E-03 1.72 E-03 1.30 E-03 2.02 E-03 1.56 B-03 1.75 B-03 1.30 B-04 Fish 2.38 E-03 3.47 B-03 1.60 E-03 1.18 E-03 1.90 E-03 1.44 B-03 1.63 E-03 Shoreline 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.30 E-04 Swimming 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 Boating 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 9/3
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 2: Doses to General Public Due to Activities Inside Site Boundary
- 2. Individual Dose Due to Gaseous Effluents (mrem/yr.)
W. Body GI-LLI- Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin ADULT 2.98 B-02 2.98 B-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 3.03 E-02 6.19 E-02 Plume 2.97 B-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 B-02 2.97 E-02 . 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 3.03 E-02 6.18 E-02 Ground . 5.37 E-06: 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 '5.37 B-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 6.32 E-06 Inhalation 2.76 E-06 9.93 E-06 0.00 E+00 2.31 E-09 0.00 E+00 2.81 E-09 1.13 E-06 0.00 E+00 TEEN 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 3.03 E-02 6.19 E-02 Plume 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 B-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 B-02 3.03 E-02 6.18 B-02 Ground 5.37 B-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 6.32 E-06 Inhalation 3.70 E-09 8.93 E-06 0.00 E+00 3.04 E-09 0.00 E+00 3.72 E-09 1.64 E-06 0.00 B+00 CHILD 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02, 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 3.03 E-02 6.19 E-02 Plume 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 B-02 3.03 E-02 6.18 E-02 Ground 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 6.32 E-06 Inhalation . 4.23 B-09 3.26 E-08 0.00 E+00 2.63 B-09 0.00 E+00 4.76 E-09 1.34 E-06 0.00 B+00 INFANT 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 2.98 E-02 3.03 E-02 6.19 E-02 Plume 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 B-02 2.97 E-02 2.97 E-02 3.03 E-02 6.18 E-02 Ground 5.37 E-06 5.37 B-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 5.37 E-06 6.32 B-06 Inhalation 2.34 E-08 1.07 E-07 0.00 E+00 1.75 E-09 0.00 E+00 4.16 E-09 9.07 B-07 0.00 E+00
k Semiannual Radioacti Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Bxposed Member of the Public
- l. Individual Dose Due to Liquid Bffluents (mrem/yr.)
Bone Liver N. Body Thyroid Kidney GI-LLI Skin ADULT 1.89 B-03 5.47 E-03 4.66 B-03 3.03 E-03 3.84 E-03 3.30 E-03 4.89 E-03 1.11 E-04 Fish 1.78 E-03 4.29 E-03 3.48 E-03 1.85 B-03 2.66 E-03 2.12 B-03 3.71 B-03 Drinking 1.11 E-06 1.07 E-03 1.07 E-03 1.07 E-03 1.07 E-03 1.08 E-03 1.08 E-03 Shoreline 9.46 B-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 9.46 E-05 1.11 E-04 Swimming 8.76 E-06 8.76 E-06 8.76 E-06 8.76 E-OS 8.76 B-06 8.76 E-OS 8.76 E-06 Boating 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 E-05 1.00 B-05 TBBN 2.46 E-03 5.27 E-03 3.68 E-03 2.73 B-03 3.58 E-03 3.07 E-03 4.03 E-03 6.21 E-04 Fish 1.90 E-03 3.96 E-03 2.37 E-03 1.42 E-03 2.27 E-03 1.76 E-03 2.72 E-03 Drinking 9.76 E-OV 7.55 E-04 7.55 E-04 7.54 E-04 V.54 E-04 7.54 E-04 7.59 E-04 Shoreline 5.28 B-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 5.28 E-04 6.21 E-04 Swimming 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 1.31 E-05 Boating 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 B-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 1.46 E-05 CHILD 2.50 E-03 5.04 E-03 3.17 E-03 2.74 E-03 3.46 E-03 3.05 E-03 1.73 E-03 1.30 E-04 Fish 2.38 E-03 3.47 B-03 1.60 E-03 1.18 E-03 1.90 E-03 1.44 E-03 1.63 B-04 Drinking 2.52 B-06 1.45 E-03 1.45 E-03 1.44 B 1.44 E-03 1.44 E-03 1.45 E-03 Shoreline 1.10 E-04 1.10 B-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.30 E-04
'wimming 4.38 E-OS 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.3& E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 Boating 5.48 B-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 B-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-OS INFANT 2.50'E-03 5.01 E-03 3.14 E-03 2.71 E-03 3.43 E-03 1.58 E-03 1.60 E-03 1.30 E-04 Fish 2.38 E-03 3.47 E-03 1.60 E-03 1.18 E-03 1.90 B-03 1.44 E-04 1.63 E-04 Drinking 2.26 E-OS 1.42 E-03 1.42 E-03 1.42 E-03 1.42 E-03 1.42 E-03 1.42 E-03 Shoreline 1.10 B-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 B-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 E-04 1.10 B-04 1.30 E-04 Swimming 4.38 E-06 4;38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 4.38 E-06 Boating 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 B-06 5.48 B-06 5.48 E-06 5.48 E-06
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Semiannual Radioacti Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Bnclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Expased Member of the Public 2- Individual Dose Due to Gaseous Effluents (mrem/yr.)
A. Maximum Hypothetical Individual Exposure fram Noble Gases, Particulates, Iodines, Tritium N. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Skin ADULT 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.3S E-Ol 5.00 E-Ol Plume 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 B-01 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-ol 2.34 B-01 2.39 E-Ol 5. 00 'E-ol Ground 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.8S E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 3.40 E-05 Inhalation 2.54 E-08 8.69 E-07 5.13 E-09 2.37 B-08 8.69 B-09 1.47 E-07 9.87 E-06 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 9.53 E-07 8.60 B-06 0.00 E+00 4.28 E-07 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Milk 5.75 B-08 5.63 E-07 0.00 E+00 2.58 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Meat 5. Poultry 2.34 E-07 3.39 E-06 0.00 E+00 1.05 E-07 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 TEEN 2.34 B-Ol - 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 B-Ol 2.39 E-01 5.00 B-01 Plume 2 '4 E-Ol 2.34 B-Ol 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-01 2.39 E-ol 5. 00 E-Ol Ground 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 3.40 E-05 Inhalation 3.41 E-08 7.83 E-07 6.84 B-09 3.12 E-08 1.15 E-08 1.95 E-07 1.44 E-05 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 1.47 E-06 8.83 E-06 0.00 E+00 6.42 E-OV 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 Milk 9.96 E-08 6.52 E-07 0.00 B+00 4.35 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Meat h Poultry 1.86 E-07 1.82 E-06 0.00 E+00 8.14 B-08 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 CHILD 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-01 2.39 E-ol 5.00 E&l Plume 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-ol 2.39 B-01 5.00 E-Ol Ground 2.89 E-05 2.89 B-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 B-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 B-05 2.89 E-05 3.40 E-05 Inhalation 3.90 B-08 2.89 E-OV 8.79 B-09 2.74 E-08 1.03 E-08 2.49 B-07 1.17 E-05 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 2.93 E-06 5;66 E-06 0.00 E+00 9.70 E-07 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Milk 2.02 E-07 4.26 B-07 0.00 E+00 6.68 E-08 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Meat h Poultry 2.89 E-07 9.24 E-07 0.00 E+00 9.56 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00.
INFANT 2.34 E-'Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-01 2.39 B-01 5.00 B-01 Plume 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-Ol 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-ol 2.34 E-01 2.34 E-ol 2.39 E-Ol 5.00 E-ol Ground= 2.89 E-05 2.89 B-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 E-05 2.89 B-05 2.89 E-05 -
3.40 B-05 Inhalation 2.18 E-08 9.52 E-08 6.23 E-OS 1.91 E-09 6.31 E-09 2.18 E-OV 7.94 E-06 0.00 E+00 Milk 3.30 E-07 3.68 B-07 0.00 B+00 1.34 E-07 0.00 B+00 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 9/6
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Semiannual Radioacti Bffluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public
- 2. Individual Dose Due to Gaseous Effluents (mrem/yr.)
B. Maximum Real Individual Exposure from Noble Gases, Particulates, Iodines, and Tritium W. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Skin ADULT S.49 E-02 9.4S E-02 9.49 E-02 S.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.01 E-Ol Plume 9.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.49 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.01 E-Ol Ground 1.32 B-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-,05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.55 E-05 Inhalation 1.06 E-08 3.38 E-07 2.68 B-09 1.12 E-08 6.46 E-09 1.25 B-07 3.84 E-06 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 4.37 E-OV 3.94 E-06 0.00 E+00 1.96 E-OV 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 B-02 9.70 E-02 2.01 B-01 Plume 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 S.48 E-02 9.48 B-02 9.70 E-02 2.01 E-Ol Ground 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 B-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.55 E-05 Inhalation 1.42 E-08 3.05 B-07 3.60 E-09 1.48 E-08 8.59 E-09 1.66 E-07 5.58 E-06 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 6.70 E-07 4.04 B-06 0.00 E+00 2.93 B-07 0.00 E+00 0.00 /+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 CHILD 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.VO E-02 2.01 E-01 Plume 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 B-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 B-02 9.70 E-02 2.01 B-01 Ground 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32-B-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.55 E-05 Inhalation 1.63 E-08 1.14 E-OV 4.67 B-09 1.31 E-08 7.72 E-09 2.12 E-07 4.56 E-06 0.00 B+00 Vegetation 1.34 B-06 2.59 E-06 0.00 E+00 4.44 B-07 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 INFANT 9.48 E-02 9.48 B-02 9.48 B-02 9.48 B-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 B-02 9.70 B-02 2.01 E-Ol Plume 9.48 B-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.48 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.01 E-Ol Ground 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 B-05 1.32 B-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 E-05 1.32 B-05 1.55 E-05 Inhalation 9.22 E-OS 3.82 E-08 3.43 E-09 9.54 E-09 4.80 E-09 1.86 E-07 3.0S B-06 0.00 E+00
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 ecember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public
- 3. Annual Air Dose {mrad)
A. Maximum Hypothetical Individual: Beta = 5.338 E-Ol Gamma = 3.665 E-Ol B. Maximum Real Individual: Beta = 2.110 E-Ol Gamma = 1.483 E-01
- 4. Doses Due to Direct Radiation from the Harris Plant On-going environmental TLD dose measurements show that the offsite Direct Radiation Dose is negligible.
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Semiannual Radioacti Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 cember 31, 1988 Appendix 9 (Continued): Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 4 : Major Assumptions Used to Calculate Radiation Doses
- 1. Doses Due to Liquid Effluents Location Value .Ex osure Pathwa s A. Dilution Factors Harris Lake 1.00 E+Ol Shoreline, Swimming, Boating, Fish Consumption Cape Fear River 6.67 E+02 Shoreline, Drinking Water (for Lillington, Dunn, and Fayetteville)
Cape Fear River/
Raven Rock Park 1.62 E+03 Boating B. Populations Affected Location Value Ex osure Pathwa s Harris Lake 1.10 E+05 person-hours Shoreline, Swimming Lillington 1.95 E+03 persons Drinking Water Dunn 9.00 E+03 persons Drinking Water Fayetteville 1.15 E+05 persons Drinking Water Harris Lake/
Cape Fear River 7.84 E+03 person-hours Fishing Cape Fear River/
Raven Rock Park 5.00 E+04 person-hours Boating Raven Rock Park 4.40 E+05 person-hours Shoreline C. Doses for Inside Site Boundary and Likely Most Exposed Individuals use the Cape Fear River as the Drinking Water supply and Harris Lake as the source of all other liquid pathway dose.
- 2. Doses Due to Gaseous Effluents A. The 50 mile Ingestion Zone population is 1.47 E+06 persons.
B. The Maximum Real Individual is located at 1.5 miles in the NNW sector.
C. The Maximum Hypothetical Individual is located on the site boundary at 2189 meters in the S sector.
D. For the Inside Site Boundary Individual, access time is assumed to be 400 hour0.00463 days <br />0.111 hours <br />6.613757e-4 weeks <br />1.522e-4 months <br />s/yr at 3/4 mile from the plant, which is the closest accessible lake location.
E. Concurrent meteorology is applied separately to batch vs. continuous release source terms. The dose commitment from each mode was summed to obtain annual dose.
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 cember 31, 1988 Appendix 10 : endment to the July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report An incorrect parameter used for the Open Terrain Recirculation Correction Factor resulted in minor errors to the gaseous doses reported in Appendix 9, Enclosure 1, Part 2; Enclosure 2, Part 2; and Enclosure 3, Parts 2 and 3. The following are the corrected dose values.
Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 1: Population Doses Outside Site Boundaries Due to Effluent Releases
- 2. Integrated Population Dose Due to Gaseous Effluents (man-rem) 50 mile Ingestion Zone N. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Skin Total 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-01 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-Ol 3.86 E-Ol 1.22 E+00 Plume 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-01 3.62 E-Ol 3.62 E-ol 3.62 E-Ol 3.86 E-Ol 1.22 E+00 Ground 1.16 E-06 1.16 E-06 1.16 E-06 1.16 E-06 1~ 16 E-06 1.16 E-06 1.16 E-06 1.36 E-06 Inhalation 9.60 E-09 3.77 E-07 0.00 E+00 6.84 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 4.11 E-06 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 7.54 E-08 4.32 E-07 0.00 E+00 2.98 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Cow Milk 7.89 E-09 4.07 E-08 0.00 E+00 3.05 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Meat 5. 5.45 E-08 3.91 E-07 0.00 E+00 2.28 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Poultry
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 t cember 31, 1988 Appendix 10 {Continued): Amendment to the July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 2: Doses to General Public Due to Activities Inside Site Boundary
- 2. Individual Dose Due to Gaseous Effluents (mrem/yr.)
N. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin ADULT 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Plume 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 B-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Ground 7.04 B-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 V.04 E-08 8.25 E-08 Inhalation 1.26 E-10 6.48 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 5.65 E-08 0.00 E+00 TBBN 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 B-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Plume 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 B-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Ground 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 8.25 E-08 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 5.79 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 8.18 E-08 0.00 E+00 CHILD 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Plume 1.18 B-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 B-02 Ground 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 B-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 V.04 E-08 8.25 E-08 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 2.09 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 6.74 E-08 0.00 E+00 INFANT 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Plume 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.18 E-02 1.21 E-02 2.65 E-02 Ground 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 V.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 7.04 E-08 8.25 E-08 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 4.73 E-08 0.00 B+00 10/2
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 cember 31, 1988 Appendix 10 {Continued): Amendment to the July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Assessment of Radiation Doses
< Enclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public
- 2. Individual Dose Due to Gaseous Bffluents {mrem/yr.)
A. Maximum Hypothetical Individual Exposure from Noble Gases, Particulates, Iodines, Tritium W. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin ADULT 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 B-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-01 1.56 E-Ol 3.52 E-Ol Plume 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.56 E-01 3.52 E-ol Ground 5.00 E-OV 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-OV 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.86 E-OV Inhalation 1.81 E-09 9.30 E-08 0.00 E+00 1.38 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 8.11 B-07 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 8.01 E-08 7.25 E-OV 0.00 B+00 3.57 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Milk 5.67 E-09 5.13 E-08 0.00 E+00 2.53 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Meat h Poultry 2.20 E-08 1.99 B-07 0.00 E+00 9.80 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 TEBN 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 B-01 1.56 E-Ol 3.52 E-Ol Plume 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 B-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.56 E-Ol 3.52 E-ol Ground 5.00 E-07 5.00 B-OV 5.00 E-OV 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.86 E-OV Inhalation 2.43 E-09 8.32,B-08 0.00 E+00 1.81 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 1.18 E-06 0.00 B+00 Vegetation 1.21 E-07 7.28 B-07 0.00 E+00 5.28 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Milk 9.82 E-09 5.86 E-08 0.00 E+00 4.26 B-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 Meat 8 Poultry 1.74 E-08 1.04 E-OV 0.00 E+00 7.55 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 CHILD 1.51 E-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 B-Ol 1.51 B-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.56 E-Ol 3.52 E-ol Plume 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.56 E-Ol 3.52 E-ol Ground F 00 E-07 5.00 E-OV 5.00 B-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 B-07 5.00 E-07 5.86 E-07 Inhalation 2.77 E-09 3.00 B-08 0.00 B+00 1.55 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 9.67 E-07 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 2.42 E-07 4.61 E-07 0.00 E+00 7.90 E-08 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Milk 1.99 E-08 3.80 E-08 0.00 E+00 6.51 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 Meat 8 Poultry 2.70 E-08 5.15 E-08 0.00 E+00 8.82 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 INFANT 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol- 1.51 E-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.56 E-01 3.52 E-ol Plume 1.51 E-01 1.51 B-01 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.51 E-Ol 1.56 E-Ol 3.52 E-Ol Ground 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-OV 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-OV 5.00 E-07 5.00 E-07 5.86 B-07 Inhalation 1.59 E-09 9.73 E-09 0.00 B+00 1.07 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 6.79 B-07 0.00 E+00 Milk 6.39 E-09 6.38 E-09 0.00 E+00 2.56 E-09 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 10/3
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 t cember.31, 1988 Appendix 10 (Continued): Amendment to the July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public
- 2. Individual Dose Due to Gaseous Effluents (mrem/yr.)
B. Maximum Real Individual Bxposure from Noble Gases, Particulates, Iodines, and Tritium N. Body GI-LLI Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin ADULT 4.39 E-02 4.39 B-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.3S E-02 4.52 E-02 1.02 E-Ol Plume 4.39 E-02 4.39 B-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 B-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.52 E-02 1.02 E-01 Ground 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-OV 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-07 1.95 B-07 1.95 E-07 2.28 E-07 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 2.5V E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0 00 E+00 F 2.24 E-07 0.00 B+00 Vegetation 3.12 E-08 2.82 E-07 0.00 E+00 1.39 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 TEBN 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 B-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.52 E-02 1.02 E-Ol Plume 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02, 4.39 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.10 E-Ol Ground 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-OV . 1.95 E-07 1.95 B-07 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-07 2.28 B-07 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 2.30 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 3.24 E-07 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 4.74 E-08 2.84 E-07 0.00 E+00 2.06 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 CHILD 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.3S E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.10 B-Ol Plume 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.10 B-Ol Ground 1.95 E-OV 1.95 E-OV 1.95 E-OV 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-OV 1.95 E-OV 2.28 E-07 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 8.29 B-09 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 2.67 E-07 0.00 E+00 Vegetation 4.74 E-08 2.84 E-07 0.00 E+00 2.06 E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 'E+00 0.00 E+00 INFANT 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 9.70 E-02 2.10 E-01 Plume 4.39 E-02 4.3S E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 4.39 E-02 S.70 E-02 2.10 E-Ol Ground 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-OV 1.95 B-07 1.95 E-07 1.95 E-OV 1.95 B-OV 1.95 E-OV 2.28 E-07 Inhalation 0.00 E+00 2.68 E-OS . 0.00 E+00 0.00 B+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 1.87 E-07 0.00 E+00 10/4
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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1988 cember 31, 1988 Appendix 10 (Continued): Amendment to the July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Assessment of Radiation Doses Enclosure 3: Doses to Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public
- 3. Annual Air Dose (mrad)
A. Maximum Hypothetical Individual: Beta = 4.42 E-Ol Gamma = 2.42 E-Ol B. Maximum Heal Individual: Beta = 1.26 E-Ol Gamma = 7.01 E-02 10/5
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sl'*'emiannual llew cgt, z July Radioactive Effluent Release Report 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988 Appendix ll : Amendment to the January 1, 1988 to June 30, 1988 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report The following gaseous monitor out of service > 30 days was inadvertently omitted from Appendix 6, Enclosure 2.
Days Monitor Inop. Reason OARC-1119 A 141 Equipment failure. Monitor was repaired Naste Gas Recombiner and modifications made to increase reliability "8" Outlet Gas of monitor. r Oxygen Monitor