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University of Missouri-Columbia, 2016 Reactor Operations Annual Report
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 02/24/2017
From: Rhonda Butler, Meffert B
Univ of Missouri - Columbia
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17262A146 (41)


lEJj University of Missouri Research Reactor Center 1513 Research Park Drive Columbia, MO 65211 PHONE 573-882-4211 WEB February 24, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Mail Station Pl -3 7 Washington, DC 20555-0001


Docket 50-186 University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Amended Facility License R-103


University of Missouri Research Reactor 2016 Reactor Operations Annual Report Enclosed is a copy of the Reactor Operations Annual Report for the University of Missouri Research Reactor. The reporting period covers January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.

This document is submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with the University of Missouri Research Reactor Technical Specification 6.6.e.

If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please contact Bruce Meffert at or by calling (573) 882-5118.


Sincerely, Reviewed and Approved

=.Mr Reactor Manager


Director BAM/jlm Enclosure xc: Mr. Geoffrey Wertz, U.S. NRC Mr. Johnny Eads, U.S. NRC

  • January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016
  • ANNUAL REPORT January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
    • *Compiled by the Research Reactor Staff of MURR I


  • I *:*

1 *

  • Submitted by:
    • Reviewed and approved by: .---~--~----

R~lph A. Butler, PE .

I *

  • Reactor Facility Director


  • January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
  • The University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) is a multi-disciplinary research and education facility
    • providing a broad range of analytical, materials science, and irradiation services to the research community and the commercial sector. Scientific programs include research in archaeometry, epidemiology, health physics, human and animal nutrition, nuclear medicine, radiation effects, radioisotope studies, radiotherapy, boron neutron capture therapy, and nuclear engineering; and techniques including neutron activation analysis, neutron and
    • gamma-ray scattering, and neutron interferometry. The heart of this facility is a pressurized, reflected, ppen pool-type, light water moderated and cooled, heterogeneous reactor designed for operation at a maximum steady-state power level of I 0 Megawatts thermal - the highest powered university-operated research reactor in the United
    • States .

On October 13, 2016, MURR celebrated 50 years of safe and reliable operation. Additionally, MURR received the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Nuclear Historic Landmark Award. The ANS Nuclear HiStoric Landmark Award

  • was established in 1985 to identify and memorialize sites or facilities where outstanding physical accomplishments have taken place that have been instrumental in the advancement and implementation of nuclear technology and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy .
  • The Reactor Operations Annual Report presents a summary ofreactor operating experience for calendar year 2016.
  • Included within this report are changes to MURR reactor operations and health physics procedures, revisions to the Hazards Summary Report and its addenda, facility modifications, new tests and experiments, reactor physics
  • activities, and environmental and health physics data.
  • This report is being submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to meet the administrative

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The success of MURR and these scientific programs is due to the dedication and .

hard work of many individuals and organizations. Included within this group are: the University administration; the governing officials of the State of

    • Missouri; the Missouri State Highway Patrol; the City of Columbia Police Department; the Missouri University Police Department (MUPD); the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); our regulators; those who have provided funding including the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA);

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL); Idaho National Laboratory (INL); Sandia National Laboratories (SNL); the

  • researchers; the students; the Cofombia Fire Department (CFD); the Campus Facilities organization; members of the
    • National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors (TRTR); and many others who have made, and will continue to make, key contributions to our overall success. To. these individuals and organizations, the staff of MURR wishes to extend its fondest appreciation .

Some of the major facility projects that were supported by Reactor Operations during this past calendar year included (1) removal of two unused nuclear instrumentation drywells, (2) replacement of trolleys on reactor containment building pedestrian entry door 277, (3) replacement of nuclear instrumentation power range channel no.

6 detector and cabling, (4) replacement of the reactor containment building truck entry door 101 inflatable seal, (5) replacement of three primary coolant pressure instrument channel meter-relay trip units, and (6) irradiating and processing multiple natural and low-enriched uranium (LEU) targets to determine the feasibility of producing molybdenum-99 using a variety of processing technologies. Additionally, in August 2006, MURR submitted a request to the NRC to renew Amended Facility Operating License No. R-103. Significant efforts to complete the process of renewing the Facility Operating License continued in 2016 by responding to the NRC's Requests for Additional Information.

  • 1 The facility continues to actively collaborate with the Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) Program and four other U.S. high-performance research and test reactor facilities that use highly-enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to find a suitable LEU fuel replacement. Although each one of the five high-performance reactors is responsible for its own feasibility and safety studies, regulatory interactions, fuel procurement and conversion, there are common interests and activities among all five reactors that will benefit from a coordinated,.

working-group effort. This past year, Phase 2 of the accident analyses for the proposed LEU conversion core was completed. This included finalizing the Maximum Hypothetical, Fuel Handling, Loss of Coolant, Loss of Flow, and Reactivity Insertion Accidents. Additionally, one PhD studerit continued assisting MURR in the fuel conversion work by supporting research in determining the material property changes in the beryllium reflector, and hence its lifetime, as a result of a fuel conversion. Work also started in drafting a Fuel Conversion Safety Analysis Report that will be submi.tted to the NRC in calendar year 2017.

  • Reactor Operations management also wishes to commend the two individuals who received their Reactor Operator .

certifications from the NRC. These individuals participated in a rigorous training program of classroom seminars, self-study, and on-the-job training. The results of this training are confident, well-versed, decisive individuals capable of performing the duties of a licensed operator during normal and abnormal situations.

  • *
  • 1 11
    • I.

II .

Reactor Operations Summary ......................................................................................... 1-1 through 5 MURR Procedures .......................................................................................................... 11-1 through 14

  • A. Changes to Reactor Operations Procedures B. Changes to the MURR Site Emergency Procedures and Facility Emergency Procedures
    • C. Changes to Health Physics Procedures, Byproduct Material Shipping Procedures, and Preparation of Byproduct Material for Shipping Procedures
  • 1* III.


Revisions to the Hazards Summary Report ..................................................................... III-1 through 3 Plant and System Modifications ...................................................................................... IV-1 through 2

    • v.


New Tests and Experiments ............................................................................................ V-1


Special Nuclear Material and Reactor Physics Activities .................. ,............................ VI-1

  • VII . Radioactive Effluent. .............................................................................. _......... :............... VII-1 through 2
  • Table 1 - Sanitary Sewer Effluent
    • VIII .

Table 2 - Stack Effluent Environmental Monitoring and Health Physics Surveys ................................................. VIII-1through6 Table 1 - Summary of Environmental Set 89 Table 2- Summary of Environmental Set 90 Table3-Environmental TLD Summary Table 4- Number of Facility Radiation and Contamination Surveys IX . Summary of Radiation Exposure to Facility Staff, Experimenters, ............................... IX-1 and Visitors

    • iii J


January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016

  • The following table and discussion summarizes reactor operations during the period from January 1, 2016 through
    • December 31, 2016 .

Full Power % o[T:otal Full Power % of Month FulHPower Hours ,. Megawatt Dajrs

, f




&-- '\Time ,, ~ Sch.~duled{

January 678.00 282.72 91.1 102.0 February 623.82 260.22 89.6 100.5

    • March April May 682.02 645.48 663.11 284.48 269.11 276.78 91.7 89.7 89.l 102.6 100.5 99.8
  • June 659.02 274.75 . 91.5 102.7
    • July August September 679.80 661.85 660.58 283.42 276.01 275.42 91.4 89.0 91.7 102.3 99.6 102.9
  • October 661.20 275.63 88.9 99.5

,.* November December Total for the Year 656.94 676.59 7948.41 273.83 281.97 3314.34 91.2 90.9 90.49 %

102.3 101.8 101.38 %

    • MURR is scheduled to average at least 150 hours0.00174 days <br />0.0417 hours <br />2.480159e-4 weeks <br />5.7075e-5 months <br /> of full power operation per week. Total time is the number of hours in the month listed or the year.
  • JANUARY 2016
    • The reactor operated continuously in January with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, one shutdown for physics measurements, and one unscheduled/unplanned power reduction. An NRC inspector conducted a routine scheduled inspection of Reactor Operations and Emergency Preparedness .
    • On January 5, with thereactor operating at 10 MW in the automatic control mode, the Lead Senior Reactor Operator (LSRO) observed a noticeable internal snap of the three-position ("In-Normal-Out") Control Rod Operate Switch (1S4) while attempting to perform a routine control blade shimming evolution. Operation of the Control Rod Operate Switch failed to cause movement of control blade 'D' in either the inward or outward direction and the
  • switch would also not automatically spring return to the "Normal" mid-position. A manual scram was immediately
    • initiated by the LSRO due to the inability to manually operate the shim control blades. The LSRO completed all 1-1

Immediate and Subsequent Actions of reactor emergency procedure REP-2, "Reactor Scram," and verified all control blades were fully inserted. Subsequent investigation of the switch assembly verified the torsion spring had failed. The entire switch assembly was replaced, and operational checks were completed satisfactorily. Permission to restart the reactor was obtained from the Reactor Manager, and the reactor was subsequently returned to 10 MW operation.

Failure of the three-position Control Rod Operate Switch (1S4) while operating resulted in a deviation from Technical Specification 3.2.a, which states, "All control blades, including the regulating blade, shall be operable

  • during reactor operation." Licensee Event Report No. 16-01 was submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on January 29, 2016. **

Major maintenance items for the month included: removing an unused nuclear instrumentation drywell; and performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with reactor procedure RP-R0-201, "Measurement of Reactivity Worth of Flux Trap Loading or Individual Samples, RTP-17(B)."

FEBRUARY 2016 **

The reactor operated continuously in February with the following exceptions: five shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, two shutdowns for training, one shutdown for physics measurements, and one unscheduled/unplan11ed power reduction.

On February 29, with the reactor operating at 10 MW in the automatic control mode and while attempting a routine control blade shimming evolution, the duty operator mistakenly operated the Regulating Rod Operate Switch (1S5);

thereby, placing the reactor in the manual control mode. While attempting to return the reactor to the automatic control mode, a "Channel 4, 5 & 6 High Power" rod run-in was automatically initiated when indicated reactor power reached 114% on Nuclear Instrumentation Power Range Channel No. 6. All other reactor power indications were

  • less than 114%, and the primary power meter indicated a maximum power level of 9.80 MW. All reactor
  • temperature, pressure, and flow indications at the time of the rod run-in remained within prescribed operating bands.

The Lead Senior Reactor Operator verified that no Safety Limits had been exceeded. Permission to recover from the rod run-in was given by the Assistant Reactor Manager-Operations, and the reactor was returned to 10 MW operation.

Major maintenance items for the month included: replacing the air actuator for primary coolant. demineralizer inlet valve 527E; loading new de-ionizing bed 'S' and placing it on pool coolant system service; removing an unused nuclear instrumentation drywell; and performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with reactor

  • procedure RP-R0-200, Measurement of Differential Worth of a Shim Blade, RTP-1 l(D)."

MARCH2016 **

The reactor operated continuously in March with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, and one shutdown for training. There were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month. An NRC examiner administered reactor operator licensing exams. An NRC inspector conducted a routine inspection of the Radiation Protection and Shipping Programs. MURR received notification of the issuance of Amendment No. 37 to Amended Facility Operating License No. R-103.


  • Major maintenance items for the month included: replacing the trolleys on reactor containment building pedestrian
  • i* entry door 277 .

i.,. APRIL2016 The reactor operated continuously in April with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling. There were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month.

    • Major maintenance items for the month included: completing the biennial change out of Controi Blade 'B' Offset Mechanism and associated retesting; and performing a reactivity worth* measurement in accordance with reactor
    • procedure RP-R0-200, "Measurement of Differential Worth ofa Shim blade', RTP-1 l(D)."

MAY2016 The reactor operated continuously in May with the following exceptions: six shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, one shutdown for physics measurements, and one unscheduled/unplanned power reduction .

  • On May 3, with the reactor operating at 10 MW in the automatic control mode, a "Channel 4, 5 & 6 High Power"
    • rod run-in was automatically initiated when Nuclear Instrumentation Power Range Channel No. 6 front panel indicated that a rod run-in signal had occurred. Investigation did not reveal any upward spikes or abnormal indication on Power Range Channel No. 6 strip chart recorder. All other power level indications were normal -
    • between 100 to 105%. After reactor power was allowed to reduce to 2 MW, the rod run-in was reset. Additional investigation did not reveal a specific failure or cause. Permission was granted from the Reactor Manager to return 10 MW operation. Note: Nuclear Instrumentation Power Range Channel No. 6 detector and cabling were replaced on the next scheduled maintenance day in response to this rod run-in .


Major maintenance items for the month included: replacing Nuclear Instrumentation Power Range Channel No. 6 detector and cabling; completing compliance procedure CP-26, "Containment Building Compliance Test;" and performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with reactor procedure RP-R0-201, "Measurement of Reactivity Worth of Flux Trap Loading or Individual Samples, RTP-l 7(B)."

    • JUNE 2016 The reactor operated continuously *in June with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled
    • maintenance and/or refueling, and one shutdown for physics measurements. There were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month .

Major maintenance items for the month included: loading new de-ionizing bed 'G' and placing it on pool coolant system service; performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with reactor procedure RP-R0-201, "Measurement of Reactivity Worth of Flux Trap Loading or Individual Samples, RTP-l 7(B);" conducting the annual emergency preparedness drill; completing Modification Record 01-09, Addendum 7, "MURR Industrial

  • Building Expansion Emergency Power Fitout;" and competing Modification Record 16-01, "Trip Actuator Amplifier Biasing Resistors Replacement."
    • I-3

JULY2016 The reactor operated continuously in July with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, two shutdowns for physics measurements, and one shutdown for license examination. There were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month. An NRC examiner administered reactor operator licensing examinations.

Major maintenance items for the month included: performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with reactor procedure RP-R0-200, "Measurement of Differential Worth of a Shim blade, RTP-1 l(D);" performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with reactor procedure RP-R0-201, "Measurement of Reactivity Worth of Flux Trap Loading or Individual Samples, RTP-17(B);" and completing Modification Record 99-04, Addendum 1, "Replace Conductivity Indicators."

AUGUST2016 The reactor operated continuously in August with the following exceptions: five shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, one shutdown for unscheduled maintenance and/or refueling and one shutdown for training. There were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month.

Major maintenance items for the month included: replacing reactor containment building truck entry door 101 inflatable seal; replacing control blade 'B' rod position indication encoder; and completing Modification Record 03-03, Addendum 7, "Fire Protection in NOA Shell Space Laboratory Fitout."


  • The reactor operated continuously in September with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling. There were no Uf!.scheduled/unplanned power reductions this month. **

Major maintenance items for the month included: replacing the valve operating air compressor pop-off relief valve; and loading new de-ionizing bed 'W' and placing it on pool coolant system service.

OCTOBER 2016 The reactor operated continuously in October with the following exceptions: five shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling. There* were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month. An NRC inspector conducted a routine scheduled inspection of Reactor Operations and Emergency Preparedness.

Major maintenance items for the month included: performing .the biennial changecout of. Control Blade 'D' Offset Mechanism :;ind associated retesting; performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance *with reactor procedure RP-R0~200, "Measurement of Differential Worth of a Shim blade, RTP-1 l(D);" and completing Modification Record 86-03, Addendum 1, "P~Tube Lab Control S.tation PLC."


    • NOVEMBER 2016

,.* The reactor operated continuously in November with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling, and one unscheduled/unplanned power reduction.

On November 8, with the reactor operating at 10 MW in the automatic control mode, a "Power Level Interlock"

  • reactor scram was automatically initiated by 1K26 relay contact loss of conductivity. The duty operator and Lead Senior Reactor Operator verified all lights on the "yellow leg" portion of the scram monitoring system were
    • extinguished. Investigation revealed dirty contacts on 1K26 relay (contacts 3-4). The contacts were. burnished followed by a discussion with Operations management, and the reactor was returned to 10 MW operation with the permission of the Reactor Manager.
  • Major maintenance items for the month included: performing a reactivity worth measurement in accordance with
    • reactor procedure RP-R0-201, "Measurement of Reactivity Worth of Flux Trap Loading or Individual Samples, RTP-17(B)."
  • DECEMBER 2016 I

The reactor operated. continuously in December with the following exceptions: four shutdowns for scheduled maintenance and/or refueling. There were no unscheduled/unplanned power reductions this month.

  • Major maintenance items for the month included: loading new de-ionizing bed 'O' and placing it on primary*

coolant system service; completing Modification Record 16-02, "Replacement of Primary Coolant Pressure Instrument Channel PT-943 Control Room Meter-Relay (BEEDE Model MR4) with Rosemount BG 241 Meter

. Readout and API 1000 G Dual Alarm Trip Unit;" and completing Modification Record 16-03, "Replacement of Primary Coolant Pressure Instrument Channels PT-944A and PT-944B Control Room Meter-Relays (BEEDE Model 3324) with Rosemount BG 241 Meter Readouts and API 1000 G Dual Alarm Trip Units."
    • 1-5
  • MURR PROCEDURES January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
    • summary of procedure changes. These procedure changes were reviewed by the Reactor Manager or Reactor Health Physics Manager, as applicable, and others to assure compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59. These procedure changes were also reviewed by the Reactor Procedure Review Subcommittee of the Reactor Advisory

As required by the MURR Technical Specifications, the Reactor Manager reviewed the Reactor Operations procedures and found them to be adequate for the safe and reliable operation of the facility.

There we_re one hundred and four (104) revisions issued to the reactor operations procedures, forms, and operator

  • aids. Additionally, two (2) new procedures were issued while one (1) form and three (3) procedures were obsoleted .

The majority of the revisions were strictly formator editorial in nature, such as cover page changes. The foiiowing

  • is a list of the new and revised procedures, forms and operator' aids:
  • Number Name.* Rev. Revision: Datei Notes
    • AP-R0-110 AP~R0-110 AP-R0-110 Conduct of Operations Conduct of Operations Conduct of Operations 20 21 3/22/2016 9/20/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Minor Editorial AP-R0-115 Modification Records Cover Page AP-R0-135 Reactor Utilization Requests AP-RR-003 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations or Editorial EX-R0-105 Reactor Irradiation Experiments 22
    • EX-R0-105 EX-R0-110 Reactor Irradiation Experiments Pneumatic Tube System EX-R0-120 Beamport 'A' Operation 23 0

13 10/11/2016 9/20/2016 9/6/2016 Minor Editorial New Procedure Minor Editorial

  • EXcR0-120 Beamport 'A' Operation EX-R0-121 . Beamport 'B' Operation
  • 14 13 11/4/2016 9/6/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial
  • EX-R0-121 Beamport 'B' Operation 14 11/4/2016 Minor Editorial
  • EX-R0-122 Beamport 'C' Operation EX-R0-122 Beamport 'C' Operation 14 15 9/6/2016 11/4/2016
    • EX-R0-123 EX-R0-123 Beamport 'D'. Operation Beamport 'D' Operation EX-R0-124 Beamport 'E' Operation 13 9/6/2016
  • EX-R0-124 Beamport 'E' Operation EX-R0-125 Beiimp()rt 'F' Operation
  • 11-1

Number .

EX-R0-125 Beamport 'F' Operation Name ,_ Rev.i Revision Date 16 Notes 11/4/2016 IMinor Editorial EX-R0-126 Thermal Column Door FM-08 FM-11 FM-15 Fuel Movement Sheet Reactor Shutdown Checksheet 10 CFR 50.59 Qualified Reviewers List 10 7

20 10/11/2016 9/20/2016 12/5/2016 7/18/2016 Cover Page Cover Pag Minor Edi Minor Edi FM-15 10 CFR 50.59 Qualified Reviewers List 21 12/6/2016 Minor Edi FM-16 FM-18 FM-19 Primary - Pool Coolant Water Analysis Deviation From Procedure Report Unscheduled Power Reduction Report 10 8

6 2/23/2016 11/4~

12/5/2016 Minor Editorial age FM-33 Containment Building Restricted Materials 6

  • 10/11 FM-43 FM-43 FM-43 FM-56 Nuclear and Process Data Sheet Nuclear and Process Data Sheet Nuclear and Process Data Sheet Reactor Routine Patrol 21 22 23 19 7/15/2016 11/4/2016 12/5/2016 2/23/2016 io' Editorial Editorial or Editorial or Editorial FM-56 Reactor Routine Patrol 12/5/2016 Minor Editoria FM-57 Long Form Startup Checksheet 2 2/3/2016 Minor Editoria FM-63 DI Water Makeup Log 11 5/6/2016 Minor Editori FM-64 DI Resin Log 7 8/11/2016 Cover Page FM-65 FM-66 Filter Status Log Customer Sample Pre-Encapsulation Evaluation Worksheet .8 7 8/11/2016 5/6/2016 Cover Page Minor Editori1 *

.I FM-68 Target Material Control Checksheet 13 3/23/2016 Obsole FM-127 FM-143 MURR Irradiations Encapsulation Evaluation Worksheet l/M Graph IRR-PS0-100 Scheduling Flux Trap Tubes 3

2 8

6/8/2016 9/20/201_6 Minor Editori Cover Page 8/11/20 l~nor Editorial IRR-PS0-106 Target Material Control Checks 11 ' 21231201 Minor Editorial IRR-PS0-106 Target Material Control Checks 12 12/6/2016 Minor Editorial IRR-PS0-111 Customer Sample Pre-Encapsulation Evaluation OA-3 OA-4 Beamport and Pool Overflow Loop Seals Valve Operation Air Compressor 9

10 9

5/20/2016 12/5/2016 11/4/2016 Minor Editorial Cover Pag CoverPag OA-5 Emergency Air Compressor 9 11/10/2016 Minor Edito OA-5 Emergency Air Compressor 10 12/5/2016 Minor Edito OA-23 North and South Condensate Pumps 4 1/26/2016 c OA-23 North and South Condensate Pumps 5 11/4/2016 Cover Page OP-R0-100 Main Air System . 13 11/4/2016 Minor Editorial OP-R0-101 Instrument Air System 12 2/23/2016 Cover Page OP-R0-210 Reactor Startup-Normal =:I[ 10/11/2016 Minor Editorial OP-R0-210 Reactor Startup-Normal 16 12/5/2016 Minor Editorial OP-R0-211 Reactor Startup - Hot ~0/11/2016 Minor Editorial OP-R0-212 Reactor Startup - Recovery from Temporary Power Reduction 9/6/2016 Cover Page OP-R0-212 Reactor Startup - Recovery from Temporary Power 14 10/11/2016 Minor Editorial Reduction OP-R0-220 Reactor Shutdown or Power Reduction 10 61312016 l Minor Editorial OP-R0-250 In-Pool Fuel Handlirig 17 1114/2016 Minor Editorial II-2 *

  • Number *. Name .: Rev*: Revision Date* Notes
  • OP-R0-310 Nuclear Instrumentation - Signal Processor #1 1~016 Minor Editorial OP-R0-311 Nuclear Instrumentation - Signal Processor #2 1 016 Minor Editorial OP-R0-312 Nuclear Instrumentation Power Range Monitor - Channel 6 14 3/22/2016 Cover Page
  • OP-R0-330 Nuclear Instrumentation - *Wide Range Monitor OP-R0-340 Nuclear Instrumentation Adjustment 11 11 3/22/2016 3/22/2016 ver Page ver Page
  • OP-R0-410 Primary Coolant System 13 7/15/2016 or Editorial
    • OP-R0-420 Primary and Pool Water Analysis OP-R0-460 Pool Coolant System - Two Pump Operation OP-R0-465 Pool Level Control - Skimmer System 8

16 10 1/26/201 11/4/2016 1/26/2016 over Pa Obsolete Cover Page OP-R0-466 Pool Level Control - Pool Coolant System 13 /2016 Cover Page OP-R0-480 Secondary Coolant System 20 2/2016 Minor Editorial

  • OP-R0-510 Nitrogen System OP-R0-515 Emergency Air System 8

12 I 8/11/2016 9/20/2016 Minor Editorial Cover Pag

  • OP-R0-516 Valve Operation Air System 11 I 2/3/2016 over Pag OP-R0-520 Emergency Power Generator 13 7/22/2016 inor Editorial OP-R0-520 Emergency Power Generator 14 10/11/2016 Minor Editorial
    • OP-R0-530 Demineralized Water Supply System OP-R0-530 Demineralized Water Supply System OP-R0-530 Demineralized Water Supply System OP-R0-533 Skimmer System 1

17 18 9

/3/2016 9/20/2016 1114/2016 10/11/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Cover Page

  • OP-R0-555 Fire Protection System 13 2/3/2016 Minor Editor
  • OP-R0-720 Radiation Monitoring - Stack Monitor Operational Check OP-R0-720 Radiation Monitoring - Stack Monitor Operational Check 13 14 3/22/2016 7/22/2016

! Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

    • OP-R0-741 OP-R0-741 Waste Tank System Operation Waste Tank Systein Operation OP-R0-741 Waste Tank System Operation 19 20 21 7/15/2016 8/11/2016 1114/2016 Minor Editorial

~or Editorial

  • or Editorial
  • RM-R0-405 Reactor Demineralizer System
  • RP-R0-100 Fuel Movement 14 12 8/11/2016 2/23/2016 over Page nor Editorial
  • RP-R0-200 Measurement of Differential Worth ofa Shim Blade, RTPcl l (D) 6 10/14/2016 :Minor Editorial
    • RP-R0-300 SM-R0-011 SM-R0-011 Receipt, Inspection and Accounting ofUnirradiated Fuel Beryllium Reflector Replacement Beryllium Reflector Replacement 5

5 h

8/24/2016 9/22/2016 0

/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

  • SM-R0-025 Removal, Transfer or Installation of a Control Blade Offset Mechanism 0 7/19/2016 New Procedure
    • SM-R0-105 Replace.Primary and Pool Coolant System Heat Exchangers and Piping SM-R0-200 Manual Operation of Airlock Doors 276 and 277 2

4 12/6/2016 11/8/2016 Obsoleted Cover Page

    • SM-R0-300 Control Console And Instrument Panel-Securing Power SM-R0-410 Pool Hold-Up Tank (T-504) Epoxy Repair SM-R0-420 Pressurizer Operation - Maintenance & Test Replacement of Flux Trap Irradiations Reactivity Safety 12 3

6 9/22/2016 9/22/2016 9/22/2016 Cover Page Obsoleted Cover Page

-SM-R0-500 2 10/14/2016 Cover Page Trip Support Rig SM-R0-620 Control Blade Leak Test 6 2/24/2016 Minor~

  • '"-~--
    • 11-3

Number  ;,,. Name i

Rev.i Revision Date~ Notes i' SM-R0-625 Measuring Control Blade Pull Weight and Blade Drop Time with the Test Magnet Assembly, RTP-21 3 9/22/2016 Minor Editorial SM-R0-625 Measuring Control Blade Pull Weight and Blade Drop Time with th~ Test Magnet Assembly, RTP-21 4 12/6/2016 Minor Editorial

  • SM-R0-635 Retracting and Reinserting Beamport 'A' Liner 5 2/4/2016 Cover Page SM-R0-636 Retracting and Reinserting Beamport 'B' Liner SM-R0-637 Retracting and Reinserting Beamport 'C' Liner 5

5 2/4/2016 2/4/2016 Cover Page Cover Page I

SM-R0-638 Retracting and Reinserting Beamport 'D' Liner SM-R0-639 Retracting and Reinserting Beamport 'E' Liner SM-R0-661 Pool Coolant H<?!d:'CJP Tank We"lding Repair Insti:uctions 5

6 3

2/4/2016 2/4/2016 12/6/2016 Cover Page

~over Pa nor Edito B. CHANGES TO THE MURR SITE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND FACILITY EMERGENCY PROCEDURES As required by the MURR Technical Specifications, the Reactor Manager reviewed the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and found th~m to be adequate for the safe and reliable operation of the facility.

There were seventeen (17) revisions issued to the emergency procedures, forms and operator aids. The majority of the revisions were strictly format or editorial in nature. The following is a list of the revised procedures, forms and

  • operator aids:

Number Name *Rev. Revision Date Notes

8 9

7115/2016 7/15/2016 12/19/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editori Minor Edit EP-R0-014 EP-R0-015 Emergency Planning Zone and Site Area Evacuations Emergency Notifications 8

13 7/15/2016 1/29/2016 Minor Edito Minor Editoria

  • EP-R0-015 Emergency Notifications 14 3/2/2016 Minor Editorial EP-R0-018 Emergency Radiation Exposure 6 8/23/2016 Minor Editorial EP-R0-019 Emergency Dosimeters 3 1114/2016 Minor Editorial FM-104 Emergency Call List 27 3/2/2016 Minor Editorial FM-104 Emergency Call List 28 7/15/2016 Minor Editorial FM-104 FM-104 Emergency Call List Emergency Call List 29 30 11/4/2016 12/19/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial
  • OA-20 Emergency Equipment 20 7/15/2016 Minor Editorial OA-20 Emergency Equipment REP-R0-100 Reactor Emergency Procedures 21 18 8/23/2016 Minor Editorial 2/23/20l~uitorial
  • REP-R0-100 Reactor Emergency Procedures 19 917/2016 nu1torial I I *

~ "torial J ...

REP-R0-100 Reactor Emergency Procedures 20 12/30/201 r II-4 *

  • As required by the MURR Technical Specifications, the Reactor Health Physics Manager reviewed the procedures for radioactive materials handling, shipping, and preparation for shipping of byproduct materials .


There were two hundred and forty-seven (247) revisions issued to the health physics, radioactive materials shipping, and preparation for shipping procedures and forms. Additionally, fifteen (15) new procedures, seven (7) new forms, and four (4) new operator aids were issued while eight (8) procedures and five (5) forms were obsoleted. The majority of the revisions were strictly format or editorial in nature. The following is a list of the revised procedures

  • and forms:
  • Number 1

~'  ;,;;  ;,;

ACG-NAA-217 Processing High Purity Materials Name. .;;;'.  :~;  ; Rev. }!evisionDate! \

8 917/2016 Not~s.

Minor Editorial

  • ACG-NAA-218 Cleaning Options for High Purity Materials 7 3/17/2016 Minor Editorial Processing High Purity Materials Analysis Flux Monitor ACG-NAA-221 9 5/20/2016 Minor Editorial
  • Measurement jACG-NAA-1725 jAnalyzing Platinum in Silicone 6 917/2016 Minor Editorial
  • AP-HP-105 1 AP-HP-105 Radiation Work Permit

!Radiation Work Permit I 13 14 I 2/24/2016 5/6/2016 I Minor Editorial Minor Editorial I

  • AP-HP-110 Controlled Special Exposures 6 1/11/2016 Minor Editorial
  • AP-HP-115 AP-HP-115 Iodine 131 Bioassay Iodine 131 Bioassay 1

2 5/20/2016 9/27/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

9/26/2016 3/22/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

  • AP-HP-122 Material License Projects Quarterly Review 10 12/22/2016 Minor Editorial
  • AP~HP-122 AP-HP-123 Material License Projects Quarterly Review Visitor Dosimetry - Reception Desk 9

11 2/10/2016 1/11/2016 Minor Editorial Cover Page

  • AP-HP-127 Radioactive Material Licensing and Project Designation Change Request 5 5/6/2016 Cover Page
  • AP"'.HP-129 Hot Cell, HC-01 Control 13 3/14/2016 Minor Editorial AP-HP-130 Reactor License Projects Annual Review 6 2/10/2016 Minor Editorial AP-HP-130 Reactor License Projects Annual Review 7 11/30/2016 Minor Editorial
  • AP-HP-150 Source Calibration Administrative Procedure - Radioactive Material 6 7/19/2016 Cover Page
  • AP-SH-001 Shipping In-House Radioactive Shipping Request Form 9 12/29/2016 Minor Editorial
  • AP-SH-002 Instructions 6 12/29/2016 Minor Editorial BPB-SH-020 Receipt Inspection Of Type B Shipping Package 7 1117/2016 Minor Editorial BPB-SH-023 Type B Equipment Calibration 5 3/23/2016 Minor Editorial
  • BPB-SH-024 Type B USN0697/B(U)-96 (F-458 Series) Packaging of Type B Radioactive Material 6 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial
  • BPB-SH-024 Type B USN0697/B(U)-96 (F-458 Series) Packaging lof Type B Radioactive Material 7 9/21/2016 Minor Editorial
  • 11-5




  • Number ... Name *.*. Rev. 1 R¢visioq:Date  ;.

BPB-SH-025 BPB-SH-026 Packaging of Type B Radioactive Material Using USA/0562/B(U)-96 (BEATRICE)

Type B(U) F-327 Series Packaging of Type B Non-4 3

8/12/2016 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial Obsoleted Waste Radioactive Material Survey and Decontamination of Returned Shipping BPB-SH-027 4 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial Containers Survey and Decontamination of Returned Shipping BPB-SH-027 5 7/18/2016 Minor Editorial Containers Survey and Decontamination of Returned Shipping BPB-SH-027 6 8/30/2016 Cover Page Containers

  • 1 Survey and Decontamination of Returned Shipping BPB-SH-027 7 11/14/2016 Minor Editorial Containers Packaging of Type B Radioactive Material Using BPB-SH-028 USA/9337/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-LS) and 4 8/25/2016 Minor Editorial USA/9338/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-HS)

Packaging ofType B Radioactive Material Using BPB-SH-028 USA/9337/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-LS) and 5 12/1/2016 Minor Editorial USA/9338/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-HS)

. BPB-SH-029 Packaging of Type B Radioactive Material Using USA/0656/B(U)-96 (GANUK) 1 1117/2016 Obsoleted BPB-SH-030 Receipt Inspection of New SAFKEG LS/HS Type B Byproduct Material Shipping Packages 2 10/13/2016 Minor Editorial

  • BP-SH-005 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using SAFKEG-LS and SAFKEG-HS 1 7/27/2016 Minor Editorial BP-SH-010 Packaging Radioactive Material for a Limited Quantity Shipment 7 11/7/2016 Minor Editorial BP-SH-011 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA 7 1/14/2016 Minor Editorial DOT 7A 55-Gallon BP-SH-012 DOT-7A Package Certification 6 5/11/2016 Minor Editorlfrj BP-SH-012 DOT-7A Package Certification 7 9/6/2016 Minor Editori Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA BP-SH-013 9 . 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial DOT 7 A 5- tb 30-Gallon Resuable Drum Packaging Type A Radioactive Material in an BP-SH-014 Overpack Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA 7 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial BP-SH-015 DOT 7A Model E-Box 030-181 5 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial Packaging of Radioactive Material Using USA DOT BP-SH-016 6 5/11/2016 Minor Editorial 7A Model H or I Package BP-SH-016 Packaging of Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A Model H or I Package 7 9/21/2016 Minor Editorial BP-SH-017 Packaging of Reusable Type A Radioacuv" 1rnuc11a1 3 3/23/2016 Cover Page Using Tracerco LS-6 .

Packaging of Reusable Type A Radioactive Material BP-SH-017 4 1217/2016 Minor Editorial Using Tracerco LS-6 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA BP-SH-018 2 9/21/2016 Minor Editorial DOT 7A NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes Package BP-SH-018 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes Package 3 12/1/2016 Minor Editorial II-6 *

  • Number Name Rev. Revision'Date, Notes
  • BP-SH-031 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using DOT 7A20WC-l 2 5/26/2016 Minor Editorial
  • Documentation and Labeling Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA BP-SH-099 6 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial DOT 7 A MURR Model 1500 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA
    • BP-SH-145 BP-SH-145 DOT7AF-458 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT7AF-458 fi 0 6/13/2016 I 9;2112016 New Procedure Minor Editorial Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using BP-SH-302 7 4/18/2016 Minor Editorial MURR Models 6 and 12
  • BP-SH-302 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model 6 or 12 8 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial
  • BP-SH-302 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model 6 or 12 9 12/1/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-13 FM-27 Receipt of Radioactive Material
  • In-House Radioactive Shipping Request Form 8

16 1/11/2016 2/4/2016 Cover Page Cover Page

  • FM-27 In-House Radioactive Shipping Request Form 17 5/11/2016 Minor Editorial FM-28 Controlled Special Exposure Authorization *5 1217/2016 Cover Page Control Checksheet for Packaging of Radioactive FM-39 14 1117/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-51 Material for a Limited Quantity Shipment Dispensing Radiation Protection Data Sheet C 4 12/29/2016 Cover Page
  • FM-52 Control Checksheet for Documentation and Labeling of Radioactive Material Shipment 16 2/4/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-52 Control Checksheet for Documentation and Labeling of Radioactive Material Shipment

~7 9/6/2016 Minor Editorial

  • FM-52 Control Checksheet for Documentation and Labeling 18 1117/2016 Minor Editorial of Radioactive Material Shipment FM-54 Report of Personnel Contamination 9 2/10/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-59 Control Checksheet for Spectratek Services Reusable Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material 9 1117/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-60 Confrol Check Sheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A Model E- 5 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial .
  • Box 030-181 Control Check Sheet for Packaging of Type A
  • FM-60 RadioaCtive Material Using USA DOT 7A Model E-Box 030-181 6 10/13/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-62 Radiation Instrument Certificate of Calibration 1 o I II LJ!L0l6 1111/2016 Minor Edit Cover Page FM-67 Receipt of Radioactive Gemstone Shipping Containers 9 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A
  • FM-69 Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 5- to 30-Gallon Resuable Drum 12 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial
  • 11-7



.'*' '-~

Name Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 5- to 30-



~evision Date, 12/1/2016 Notes Minor Editorial Gallon Resuable Drum Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-70 3 3/23/2016 Cover Page Radioactive Material Using Tracerco LS-6 Reusable FM-70 FM-76 FM-79 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using Tracerco LS-6 Reusable Personnel Contamination Log Lutetium Chloride Radiation Protection Data Sheet B 4

4 10 1217/2016 2/10/2016 9/8/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Cover Page

    • I I FM-80. Material License Project Review Report 6 3/22/2016 Minor Editorial FM-80 Material License Project Review Report 7 9/23/2016 Minor Editorial Control Checksheet for Type A F-327 Series FM-89 9 5/19/2016 Obsoleted FM-91 Radioactive Material Shipment Declaration of Pregnancy ~/2016 Minor Editor*

FM-94 FM-96 Exclusive Use Shipment Controls Dysprosium Dissolution Data Sheet Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A 3

/2016 2/2/2016 Cover Page Cover Page **

FM-98 Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR 10 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial Model 6 or 12 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-98 Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR 11 1117/2016 Mirior Editorial Model 6 or 12 Control Checksheetfor Packaging of Type A FM-98 9 4/18/2016 Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Using MURR Model 6 or 12 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-99 Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model 1500 10 1117/2016 Minor Editorial FM-99 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model 1500 Control Check Sheet for Packaging Type A 9 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial FM-107 .

Radioactive Material irt an Overpack 8 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial Control Checksheet for Packaging Type A Radioactive FM-107 9 1117/2016 Minor Editorial Material in an Overpack FM-109 Dy/Ho-166 Separation Data Sheet 2 12/29/2016 Cover Pag FM-125 Lutetium Chloride Process Notification 3 1/15/2016 Cover Page FM-126 Documentation of Compliance for DOT-7A Shipping Package 4 5/11/2016 Minor Editorial FM-126 Documentation of Compliance for DOT-7A Shipping Package 5 9/6/2016 Minor Editorial FM-128 Control Checksheet For Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR 5 5/11/2016 Minor Editorial

  • FM-128 Model H orl Control Checksheet For Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model H orl 6 9/21/2016 Minor Editorial FM-129 Control Checksheet for Receipt Inspection of Type B 5 317/2016 Obsoleted Byproduct M.aterial Shipping Package .. """""'"'~

11-8 *

  • Number_ Name .. Rev. Revision Date, Notes i
  • FM-131 Dissolution of Gadolinium Data Sheet 1 12/29/2016 Cover Page FM-132 Neodymium Dissolution Data Sheet 2 12/29/2016 Cover Page Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type B
  • FM-135 Radioactive Material Using USA/0562/B(U)-96 (BEATRICE) 5 8/12/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-137 FM-137 Type B Qualified Shipper List Type B Qualified Shipper List 10 11 1114/2016 417/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial
    • FM-137 FM-137 FM-137 Type B Qualified Shipper List Type B Qualified Shipper List Type B Qualified Shipper List 12 13 14 4/18/2016

. 7/18/2016 10/5/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Minor Editorial i.I.* FM-137 FM-138 FM-139 Type B Qualified Shipper List Control Checksheet for Leak Testing the SAFKEG-LS or SAFKEG-HS Shipping Package Using the CALT Leakage Testing Device Lutetium Chloride Radiation Protection Data Sheet C 15 5

4 11116/2016 5/19/2016 5/20/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-141 Radioactive Material Using SAFKEG-LS and 2 7/27/2016 Minor Editorial SAFKEG-HS Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A

!.* FM-141 FM-144 FM-144 Radioactive Material Using SAFKEG-LS and SAFKEG-HS Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using Tracerco LS-1 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using Tracerco LS-1 3

0 1

12/112016 8/12/2016 1117/2016 Minor Editorial New Form Minor Editorial

  • 1* FM-145 FM-145 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A F-458 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A F-4)8 0

1 6/13/2016 9/21/2016 New Form Minor Editorial Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A 'T FM-147


0 8/12/2016 n<Jvv L'Ullll Radioactive Material Using Tracerco LS-15 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-147 1 10/13/2016 Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Using Tracerco LS-15 FM-150 Statement of Training and Experience 5 5/20/2016 Minor Editorial I I FM-150 Jstatement of Training and Experience l 6 I 12/29/2016 I Minor Editorial FM-150

  • Statement of Training and Experience 6 12/29/2016 Minor Editorial
  • FM-151 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 55-Gallon 10 1114/2016 Minor Editorial

. Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-151 11 8/12/2016 .* . Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 55-Gallon Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-151 12 12/i/2016 Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 55~Gallon Required Documentation for Non-MURR Owned FM-156 5 8/30/2016 Cover Page Type B Shipping Packages Control Checksheet for Type B USA/0697/B(U)-96 FM-157 (F-458 Series) Radioactive Material Shipment 7 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial

  • II-9

Nam~ ..

  • Rev. Revision .pate; I

N:nmber :;;. *>.* j Notes Control Checksheet for Type B USA/0697/B(U)-96 FM-157 8 1117/2016 Minor Editorial (F-458 Series) Radioactive Material Package Control Checksheet for Health Physics Review of FM-159 5 1111/2016 Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Shipment Documentation Control Checksheet for Health Physics Review of FM-159 6 3/22/2016 Minor Editorial FM-159 Radioactive Material Shipment Documentation Control Checksheet for Health Physics Review of 1217/2016

  • 7 Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Shipment Documentation Control Checksheet for Type B(U) F-327 Series FM-160 FM-162 Radioactive Materials Shipment Mo-99 Process Health Physics Check Sheet Control Checksheet for Type B Radioactive Material 3

0 5/19/2016 7/28/2016 Obsoleted Obsoleted **

FM-163 FM-163 Using USA/9337/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-LS) and USA/9338/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-HS)

Control Checksheet for Type B Radioactive Material Using USA/9337/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-LS) and 6

7 8/30/2016 12/1/2016 Minor Editorial .

Minor Editorial USA/9338/B(U)-96 (SAFKEG-HS)

FM-165 Mo-99 Radiation Protection Data Sheet A 1 12/6/2016 Minor Editorial FM-167 Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type B Radioactive Material Using USA/0656/B(U)-96 1 11/7/2016 Obsoleted (Ganuk)

Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-169 2 5/26/2016 Minor Editorial Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 20WC-l Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-169 FM-17 Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A 20WC-l Radiation Work Permit 3

14 8112/2016 7/26/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

  • Control Checksheet for Packaging of Type A FM-170 Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A Northstar 2 9/21/2016 Minor Editorial Medical Radioisotopes Package FM-172 Lutetium Chloride Radiation Protection Data Sheet D 0 .12/29/2016 New Form FM-174 Instrument Pre-Start-Up Check Sheet 0 2/24/2016 New Form FM-175 Control Checksheet for Receipt Inspection of Customer Owned Type B Shipping Package 1 1117/2016 Minor Editorial FM-176 Control Checksheetfor Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A Northstar Medical Radioisotopes Package with 7.5 Ci ofMo-99 Control Checksheet for Receipt Inspection of 0 1217/2016 New Form **

FM-177 SAFKEG LS and HS Type B Shipping Package 1 1117/2016 Minor Editorial Control Checksheet for Hot Cell HC-01 Entry and FM-178 Exit _o 1/15/2016 New Form FM-178 Control Checksheet for Hot Cell HC-01 Access Performance Checks of the High Purity Germanium 1 3/29/2016 Minor Editorial GLP-MCE-003 4 12/30/2016 Cover Page Detectors GMP-BR-213 Lutetium Chloride Batch Record for HC-08 AIB 3 2/22/2016 Full Review GMP-BR-213 GMP-BR-404 Lutetium Chloride Batch Record for HC-08 A/B Mo-99 Process Cleaning and Line Clearance 4

2 11/10/2016 Minor Editorial 2/22/2016 Full Review GMP-BR-404 Mo~99 Process ri,..,,nin~ and Line Clearance 3 9/26/2016 MinorE

  • II-10 *

,.* Number GMP-BR-502 Name Sodium Iodide I-131 Solution Batch Record

. Rev. Revision bate 1 8/2/2016 Notes Minor Editorial GMP-BR-502 Sodium Iodide I-131 Solution Batch Record 2 11/16/2016 Minor Editoria[

Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Optics ISS GMP-MCE-043 4 5/26/2016 Minor Editorial

  • GMP-MCE-113 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Cleaning, Maintenance and Operation of GB-18 3 2/18/2016 Obsoleted
  • GMP~MCE~122 Establishing Calibration Factors for Calicheck Dose Calibrator Linearity Test Kit 2 11/9/2016 Minor Editorial
  • GMP-MCE-124 Cleaning, Maintenance and Operation ofHC-08 A/B LI  ? 18/2016 Full Review
    • GMP-MCE-124 GMP-MCE-128 Cleaning, Maintenance and Operation ofHC-08 A/B Operation and Maintenance of the Millipore EZ-Stream Pump with EZ-Fit Manifold Operation and Maintenance for a Tuttnauer 3870 EA-5 1

5/3/2016 7/20/2016 Minor Editorial Cover Page

    • GMP-MCE-129 GMP-PRC-201 B/L Electronic Tabletop Autoclave Transfer of cGMP Lu-177 Chloride Product to Shipping Transfer of cGMP Potassium Molybdate Final 2

9 5/3/2016 8/16/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

  • GMP-PRC-400 Intermediate Solution to Customer 1 5/18/2016 Cover Page GMP-QC-008 Microbial Bioburden Limits Testing 10 12/2/2016 Minor Editorial GMP-QC-008 Microbial Limits Testing 8 3/15/2016 Minor Editoria
    • GMP-QC-008 GMP-QC-013 GMP-QC-021 Microbial Bioburden Limits Testing Sterility Test, Direct Inoculation pH Determination of Lu-177 Chloride Solution by 4

9 6

11/9/2016 2/25/2016 2/18/2016 Minor Editoria Minor.Ediforial Full Review Microcombination pH Probe Determination of Radiochemical Purity of Lu-177 GMP-QC-252 13 9/29/2016 Minor Editorial Chloride Solution Lu-177 Identification and Determination of GMP-QC-253 19 9/23/2016 Full~--*:-

Radionuclidic Purity Use and Operation of the I-131 Production Facility GS-RA-014 0 3/22/2016 . New Procedure

  • Lifting Crane Protocol for the Animal Stability Evaluation ofLu-177 GXP-APRT-014 2 10/19/2016 Minor Editorial Chloride in 0.05 N Hydrochloric Acid Operation and Maintenance of Optima 2100 DV ICP-GXP-MCE-127 7 9/27/2016 Full Review OES Radionuclidic Purity and Identity Confirmation Of GXP-QC-403 Potassium Molybdate (Mo-99) Final Intermediate 3 4/21/2016 Minor Editorial Radiochemical Solution Determination of Molybdenum and Iron Concentration GXP-QC-404 and Activity Concentration in Potassium Mcilybdate 4 1/6/2016 Minor Editorial (Mo-99) Final Intermediate Radiochemical Solution Hot Cell Preparation of Radioactive Material for

. HC-PS0-002 16 7/28/2016 Minor Editorial Shipment

  • HC-PS0-003 Glove Box Preparation of Radioactive Material for Shipment 11 11/14/2016 Minor Editorial
    • *HC-PS0-005 HC-PS0-005 IC-HP-300 Hot Cell Loading of Host Cans Hot Cell Loading of Host Cans Calibration - Radiation Survey Instruments 15 16 8

. 2/10/2016 12/6/2016 8/10/2016

. 2/5/2016 Minor Editorial Minor Editorial Minor Editorial IC-HP-305 Calibration - Electrostatic Discharge Dosimeter 10 Minor Editorial

  • II-11

Number Name , Rev. ll_evisioq Date: . Notes Calibration - Portal Monitor Gamma SIN 1010 IC-HP-337 7 ' 4/21/2016 Obsoleted and 1011 IC-HP-340 Calibration - Bladewerx Saber BPM Air Monitor 0 3/15/2016 i Ne IC-HP-341 Calibration -High Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy Systems 7 5/6/2016 Cover Page IC-HP-343 Calibration - Sodium Iodide Detector Calibration - Lab Impex Smart MCA Continuous Air 5 5/6/2016 Cover Page IC-HP-346 Monitor 1 3/7/2016 Minor Editorial Calibration - Lab Impex Smart MCA Continuous Air IC-HP-346 2 i 8/10/2016 Minor Editorial Monitor IC-HP-353 Calibration - Lab Impex Monitor - DP2001 2 8/10/2016 Full Review IC-HP-357 Calibration - NOA Lab Impex Monitor - DP2001 1 7/15/2016 Minor Editorial IC-HP-360 IC-HP-362 Calibration - Eberline AMS-3 Continuous Air Monitor Calibration - Eberline/Thermo Model AMS-4 Continuous Air Monitor, Radial Or In-Line Sampling Head 0

1 5/11/2016 1/11/2016 Obsoleted Minor Editorial Calibration - Eberline/Thermo Model AMS-4 '*'

IC-HP-362 Continuous Air Monitor: Radial Or In-Line Sampling 2 7/22/2016 Minor Editorial Head IC-HP-363 Eberline BC-4 Beta Swipe Counter - Calibration 1 1119/2016 Minor Editorial IC-HP-364 Calibration - Ludlum Model 3030 Swipe Counter 1 7/22/2016 Minor Editorial IC-HP-365 Calibration -Thermo PM-12 Portal Monitor 0 7/29/2016 New Procedure IC-HP-365 Calibration - Thermo PM-12 Portal Monitor 1 11/9/2016 Minor Editorial IC-HP-366 IC-HP-367 IC-HP-367 Eberline Model PM-7 Portal Monitor Calibration Calibration - I-131 Bioassay Detection System Calibration 131 Bioassay Detection System 0

0 1

9/22/2016 3/17/2016 5/20/2016' New Procedur New Procedur Minor Editor IC-HP-368 Calibration - ALM0-6 Radiation Monitoring Instrument 0 12/7/2016 New Procedure IRR-PS0-112 OA-25 Preparing Shipping Paperwork Control Checksheet for Changing P-Tube Pre-Filters 8_

0 10/11/2016 5/11/2016 Minor Editorial New Operator Aid

  • OA-25 OA-60 Control Checksheet for Changing P-Tube Pre-Filters Visual Aid for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A Model E-Box 030-181 0

1 8/10/2016 Minor Editorial 5/19/2016 . New Operator Aid OA-99 Visual Aid for Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model 1500 0 8/12/2016 New Operator Aid OA-128 Packaging of Type A Radioactive Material Using USA DOT 7A MURR Model H or I 0 5/11/2016 New Operator Aid OP-HP-200 OP-HP-220 OP-HP-220 Air Sampling - Containment Building Tritium Tritium Bioassay Tritium Bioassay 7.

10 11 12/30/2016 3/14/2016 7/19/2016 Minor Edito

  • Minor Editoria Minor Editorial OP-HP-221 OP-HP-223 Environmental Sample - Analysis Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Water Sample Analysis 6


  • 5/6/2016 9/7/2016 Cover Page Obsoleted OP-HP-224 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Air Sample Analysis 5 8/11/2016 Minor Editorial OP-HP-228 Performing Iodine 131 Bioassay Measurements t+HTi¥2016 MinorE
  • OP-HP-228 Performing Iodine 131 Bioassay Measurements /2016 Minu1 OP-HP-228 Performil1g I()di11e 131 Bioassay Measurements 3 I 512012016 Minor Editor" II-12 *
    • Number:;

OP-HP-228 Name Performing Iodine 131 Bioassay Measurements Rev. Revision Date' 4 9/22/2016 Notes Minor Editoriad OP-HP-228 Performing Iodine 131 Bioassay Measurements 4 9/22/2016 Minor Editoria OP-HP-236 Respirator Selection, Issuance, and Wearing 0 3/17/2016 New Procedure

  • OP-HP-236 Respirator Selection, Issuance, and Wearing 0 3/17/2016 New Procedure OP-HP-236 Respirator Selection, Issuance, and Wearing 1 7/15/2016 Minor Editorial OP-HP-300 Receipt of Radioactive Material 9 2/10/2016 Minor Editorial I
    • OP-HP-305 OP-HP-305 OP-HP-306 Ordering or Transfer of Radioactive Materials Ordering or Transfer of Radioactive Materials Health Physics Daily Facility Checks

.5 6

8 3/28/2016 12/22/2016 10/13/2016 Minor Edit~

r'~. " p~

Cover Page OP-HP-350 Eberline Model PING.IA- Filter Change 7 9/22/2016 Minor Editorial OP-HP-353 Waste Tank Sample - Analysis 8 5/6/2016 Cover Page Operation - Lab Impex Stack Monitor - Filter Change OP-HP-356 5 9/23/2016 Minor Editorial and Source Checks

    • I OP-HP-357 OP-HP-365 Operation - NOA Lab Impex Stack Monitor - Filter Change and Source Checks Operation - ALMO 6 Source Check 4

0 7/15/2016 8/10/2016 MinorEditorial New Procedure I I I OP-HP-400 !Gemstone Shipping Barrel Analysis 10 1/11/2016 Cover Page OP-HP-420 Decontamination of Enclosed Processing Units 5 12/7/2016 Minor Editorial Operation of the Hot Cell (HC-09) Interim Storage OP-HP-500 0 8/4/2016. New Procedure Silo

    • OP-HP-500 OP-HP-505 OP-HP-600 Operation of the Hot Cell (HC-09) Interim Storage Silo Emergency Stack Monitor Filter Analysis Europium Source Creation 4 0

6 8/4/2016 11/9/2016 9/7/2016 New Procedure Minor Editorial Minor Editorial

  • PRC-RRD-001 Preparing and Submitting a Radioactive Sample, for 5 5/20/2016 Minor Editorial Packaging PRC-RRD-103 Remote Quartz Vial Washing 4 2/24/2016 Minor Editorial PRC-RRD-105 Dysprosium Dissolution 3 2/2/2016 Cover Page PRC-RRD-106 Separation of Dy/Ho 166 2 5/20/2016 Minor Editorial
    • PRC-RRD-215 PRC-RRD-217 PRC-RRD-219 Supplemental Sample Dispensing Dissolving Lu-177 Lu-l 77m Processing 6

2 1


. 12/29/2016 2/24/2016 Minor Editorial Cover Page Minor Editorial

  • PRC-RRD-219 PRC-RRD-313 Lu- l 77m Processing Au Dissolution 2 7/15/2016 5/20/2016 Minor Editori Minor Editorial
    • PRC-RRD-319 PRC-RRD-401 PRC-RRD-402 Cd-l 15/In-l 15m Processing Preparing Sm-153 DOTMP from L Dissolving Sm-153

/20/2016 7/15/2016 7/15/2016 New Procedure Cover Page Minor Edi,v.;u; 1

    • PRC-RRD-405 PRC-RRD-414 PRC-RRD-420 Quality Control Testing of 153Sm DOTMP Dissolution of Gadolinium Nitrate Rh-105 Processing 7/15/2016 2/2/2016 016 Cover Page Cover Page Minor Editorial
    • PRC-RRD-421 PRC-RRD-424 QAB-SH-002 QAB-SH-003 Dissolving Re-186 Dissolving Platinum Powder Procurement of Type B Packages Material Control for Type B Shipping Program 4

2 4

6 2/24/2016 3/7/2016 3/7/2016 3/7/2016 Minor Editorial Cover Page Minor Editorial Cover Page

  • II-13


Name QAB-SH-004 Type B Program Vendor Qualification

,, ' " Rev. Revision Date 6 317/2016 Notes Cover Page Leak Testing the SAFKEG-HS or SAFKEG-LS QAB-SH-007 Shipping Package Using the CALT Leakage Testing 4 5/19/2016 Minor Editorial Device QAB-SH-008 Training for Type B Shipment Leak Test Performers 2 3/23/2016 Minor Editorial QAB-SH-009 QA-SH-002 Pre-Shipment Leak Testing of the Type B USA/0656/B(U)-96 (Ganuk) Shipping Package Sodium Iodide Spectral Qualitative Analysis for Excepted, License-to-License, Type A, and Type B 1

7 1117/2016 1117/2016 Obsoleted Full Review Radioactive Material Shipments QC-PS0-010 P-33 Radiochemical Purity QU-RRD-102 P-33 Radiochemical Purity 0

4 12/30/2016 12/30/2016 New Procedure Obsoleted RCP-PS0-001 P-33 Sublimation Set Up RCP-PS0-020 Selenium-75 Process RM-HP-101 Stack Monitor Preventive Maintenance - Eberline Ping IA 8

0 5

12/29/2016 9/26/2016 12/30/2016 Minor Editorial New Procedure Cover Page RM-HP-102 Stack Monitor Preventative Maintenance - Lab Impex 2 12/7/2016 Minor Editorial RP-HP-105 Transfer of Radioactive Material Within the Facility 12 2/10/2016 Minor Editorial RP-HP-120 Personnel Radioactive Contamination 11 2/10/2016 Minor Editorial RP-HP-120 Personnel Radioactive Contamination Radiation Monitoring - Performing and Documenting a 12 10/13/2016 Minor Editorial RP-HP-125 4 10/13/2016 Cover Page Survey RP-HP-135 Room 114 Entry - Self Monitored 7 7/26/2016 Minor Editorial RP-HP-137 Handling Radioactive Material in the Reactor Pool 15 5/11/2016 MinmEdit~

  • SI-PS0-008 Post-Irradiation Processing: Exported Silicon 8 8/11/ Full Revie SI-PS0-009 Operation of the Can Press 2 4/18/2016 Minor Editor SV-HP-105 SV-HP-110 SV-HP-130 Sealed Calibration Source - Leak Check Environmental Sampling Emergency Air Sampling of Exhaust Plume 7

8 8

7/26/2016 317/2016 11/16/2016 ~ a TPZ-PS0-001 Receiving Gemstone Irradiation Shipping Drums TPZ-PS0-002 Irradiation of Gemstone Irradiation Containers TPZ-PS0-003 Loading Gemstone Shipping Drums WM-SH-100 Radioactive Waste - Preparation and Storage 7

6 9



2/23/2016 2/23/2016 3/30/2016 Cover Page Cover Page Minor Editorial Cover Page 4/25/2016 WM-SH-104 Solidification of Radioactive Liquid for Shipment 1 7/27/2016 Minor Editorial WM-SH-105 Radioactive Waste Processing 12 8/12/2016 Cover Page Radioactive Waste - Barrel Analysis for Shipment and WM-SH-110 2 Minor Editorial ,

-'111L016 Disposal Exclusive Use Shipment ofLSA or SCO Radioactive WM-SH-300 15 3/23/2016 Minor Editorial Waste Exclusive Use Shipment ofLSA or SCO Radioactive WM-SH-300 Waste 16 7/27/2016 Minor Editorial II-14




REPORT January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016

    • These changes were approved by the Reactor Manager and reviewed by licensed staff and members of the Reactor Safety Subcommittee and have been determined not to involve a change to the Technical Specifications. These changes have all beenreviewed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 .




    • Original HSR, Page 9-8, Table 9.2, Instrument Cubicle Devices (as revised by the 1982, 1986, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, and 2013 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)
    • Delete 27 Dual Alarm Unit (EP-920 E/F) Primary Low Flow Scram I.* Replace with 27 Dual Alarm Unit (EP-920 E/F) Primary Low Flow Scram & Low Pressure Scram (PT-944A)
    • Original HSR, Page 9-10, Table 9.2, Instrument Cubicle Devices (as revised by the 1982, 1986, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, and 2013 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)

Add after Item No. 139

    • 140 . Dual Alarm Unit (EP-920 J/K) Primary Low Pressure Scram (PT-943)




HSR, Addendum 3; Page 18. Figure 2.3.a, Electrical Distribution (as revised by the 1989-90,. 1990-91, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)

Replace with Updated Figure 2.3.a, Electrical Distribution Reactor/Laboratory (MURR Dwg No. 522, Sheet 1 of7; dated 08/01/16)

  • HSR, Addendum 3, Page 19A. Figure 2.3.c. Electrical Distribution
  • (as added by the 2004 and revised by the 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)
  • Replace with Updated Figure 2.3.c, Electrical Distribution Reactor/Laboratory Panels-2 (MURR Dwg No. 522, Sheet 3
  • of7, dated 08/01/16)
  • III-1

HSR, Addendum 3, Page 19B, Figure 2.3.d, Electrical Distribution (as added by the 2007 and revised by the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)

Replace with .

Updated Figure 2.3.d, Electrical Distribution Emergency Electrical Power System (MURR Dwg No. 522, Sheet 4 of 7, dated 05/02/16)

HSR, Addendum 3, Page 19C, Figure 2.3.e, Electrical Distribution (as added by the 2007 and revised by the 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)

Replace with Updated Figure 2.3.e, Electrical Distribution Emergency & UPS Panels (MURR Dwg No. 522, Sheet 5 of 7, dated 05/02/16)

HSR, Addendum 3, Page 35, Figure 2.11. Annunciator Control- 10 MW Replace with Updated Figure 2.11, Annunciator Control- 10 MW (MURR Dwg No. 138, Sheet 1 of 1, dated 07112116)

HSR, Addendum 3, Page 40, Figure 2.14, Safety System - 10 MW

  • Replace with Updated Figure 2.14, Safety System (MURR Dwg No. 139, Sheet 1 of 1, dated 06/01/16)




HSR, Addendum 4, Page A-7, Section A.3.3.7, Paragraph 2 Delete "Pressure transmitter 943, on sensing the low pressure, actuates the scram via A.3) to interrilpt input E3B of the logic units."

alarm unit 942 (Figure **

Repiace with "Pressure transmitter 943, on sensing the low pressure, actuates the scram via alarm unit EP920(J) (Figure A.3) to interrupt input E3B of the logic units."

HSR, Addendum 4, Page A-19, Figure A. l, Safety System - 10 MW (as revised by the 1995, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2012 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)

Replace with Updated Figure A. l, Safety System (MURR Dwg No.139, Sheet 1 of 1, dated 06/01/16)


  • HSR, Addendum 4, Page A-26, Figure A.7, Annunciator Control- 10 MW
  • (as revised by the 1995, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, and 2013 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)
  • Replace with
  • Updated Figure A-7, Annunciator Control - 10 MW (MURR Dwg No. 138, Sheet 1 of 1, dated 07 /12/16)



    • HSR, Addendum 5, Page 4, Figure 2.1, Electrical Distribution (as revised by the 1989-90, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and
  • 2015 Reactor Operations Annual Reports)
    • Replace with Updated Figure 2.1, Electrical Distribution Reactor/Laboratory (MURR Dwg No. 522, Sheet 1 of 7, dated 08/11/16)
  • III-3
  • 1* PLANT AND SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
  • . For each facility modification described below, MURR has on file the safety screen or evaluation, as well as the
  • documentation ofreview,performed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 .
  • P-Tube Lab Control Station PLC This addendum to Modification Record 86-03, "P-Tube Control Circuit," documents the replacement of the
  • Pneumatic Tube (P-Tube) control boxes in Laboratories 216 and 218 with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) control boxes. These new boxes make use of digital timers to automatically alternate between dispatch and return,
  • as well as improve timing and monitoring of parameters. They also have the capability to better control the speed of
    • the sample carriers, or "rabbits," as they return to the laboratory fume hoods, which will prevent rabbits from bouncing back and getting hung up in the tlibing .
    • MODIFICATION RECORD 99-04, ADDENDUM 1 Replace Conductivity Indicators
  • This addendum to Modification Record 99-04, "Replace Conductivity Cells, Amplifiers & Indicators," documents the replacement of the Pfimary and Pool Coolarit System conductivity indicators with direct replacements from the
  • same manufacturer. This modification upgraded the control room indication and imbedded alarm relay.*
  • MURR Industrial Building Expansion Emergency Power Fitout This addendum to Modification Record 01-09, "Installation of Emergency Lighting Panel No. l," documents the .
    • . addition of electrical loads to the MURR Industrial Building (MIB) portion of the Emergency Electrical Power System. Additions included in this modification consist of Hot Cell 11 Main Power, various radiation monitors, and a manual transfer switch.for Hot Cell 11 Exhaust Fan No. 1, which are normally tied to the Normal Electrical Power
  • Distribution System .
    • Fire Protection in NOA Shell Space Laboratory Fitout This* addendum to Modification Record 03-03, "Installation of a Facility Fire Detection/Suppression System,"
  • documents the addition of fire protection system equipment to the North Office Addition (NOA) laboratory space in Rooms 2041, 2041A, 2041B; 2041C, and 2041D, as well as relocating existing sprinklers in Room 2010. This
  • change was necessary to accommodate the new configuration of the NOA laboratories being fitted out in the shell
  • IV-1

space. The expansion of the NOA Wet Fire Main Fire Protection System will better aid the functionality of the

  • system for warning personnel and protecting equipment within the newly configured NOA laboratory spaces.

MODIFICATION RECORD 16-01 Trip Actuator Amplifier Biasing Resistors Replacement This Modification Record documents the replacement of the reactor safety system Trip Actuator Amplifier (TAA)

  • biasing resistors with higher watt rating resistors for improved longevity. The previous resistors had a history of failure from overheating that resulted in multiple unscheduled reactor shutdowns. The new resistors have a higher current rating and are less susceptible to overheating, thereby increasing system reliability.

MODIFICATION RECORD 16-02 Replacement of Primary Coolant Pressure Instrument Channel PT-943 Control Room Meter-Relay (BEEDE Model MR4) with Rosemount BG 241 Meter Readout and API 1000 G Dual Alarm Trip Unit This Modification Record documents the replacement of the Primary Coolant Pressure Instrument Channel for primary coolant heat exchanger outlet pressure transmitter PT-943 Meter-Relay Trip Unit. This provides an indication of Primary Coolant System pressure as well as a Scram input to the "Green Leg" of the Reactor Safety System. The previous model has become obsolete and repair parts are extremely difficult to procure. Additionally, the new configuration has better indicatiqn and a quicker response .time than the previous meter-relay unit.

MODIFICATION RECORD 16-03 Replacement of Primary Coolant Pressure Instrument Channels. PT-944A and PT~944B Control Room Meter-Relays (BEEDE Model 3324) with Rosemount BG 241 Meter Readouts and API 1000 G Dual Alarm Trip Units This Modification Record documents the replacement of the Primary Coolant Pressure Instrument Channels for

  • 1*

reactor core outlet pressures transmitters PT~944A and PT-944B Meter-Relay Trip Units. These provide indications of Primary Coolant System pressure and upon a low pressure condition will de-energize relays, which will interrupt power to the control blade electro-magnets, secure power to the primary coolant pumps, close the primary coolant isolation valves, and open the anti-siphon system isolation valves. The previous model has become obsolete and repair parts are extremely difficult to procure. Additionally, the new configuration has better indication and a quicker response time than the previous meter~relay unit.

  • I IV-2
  • SECTIONV NEW TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016

!. New tests or experiments approved during this period under a Reactor Utilization Request (RUR) were as follows:

    • RUR 448, AS AMENDED
    • This RUR amendment authorizes an increase in fluence for the irradiation of bismuth metal in the graphite reflector region of the reactor for research and development activities .
    • Uranium Oxide Irradiation This RUR amendment authorizes the addition of chlorine gas to a natural uranium oxide irradiatiop. encapsulation in support ofmolybdenum-99 research and development activities .
  • .RUR453
  • Irradiation of Silicon Micro-particles
  • This RUR authorizes the irradiation of up, to 10.0 grams of doped silicon micro-particles in the flux trap region of the reactor in support of research and development activities .
    • RUR454
    • This RUR authorizes the long-term irrad!ati~n of up to 50.0 milligrams of natural uranium oxide discs in support of research and development activities .
  • Each of these tests or experiments has a written safety evaluation on file and a 10 CFR 50.59 Screen, if applicable,
  • *to assure that the test or experiment is safe and within the limits of the Technical. Specificatfons. The safety evaluations have been reviewed by the Reactor Manager, Reactor Health Physics Manager, Assistant Reactor
  • Manager-Physics, and the Reactor Safety Subcommittee, as applicable .
  • V-1
  • January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
  • There was one NRC inspection reviewing Special Nuclear Material (SNM) activities. All records and activities were found to be in compliance with NRC rules and regulations. No violations were noted.
  • Fifty-four (54) refueling evolutions were completed in 2016. Excess reactivity verifications were pe1Jormed for each refueling. The largest measured excess reactivity was 3.33%. MURR Technical Specification 3.1.a. requires excess reactivity to be less than 9.8% .
  • Differential blade-worth measurements of four (4) shim control blades were performed following either a planned
  • replacement of a control blade or characterization of the bum-in effect of a new control blade .
  • Five (5) reactivity measurements were performed to determine the reactivity worth of all samples, including the sample holder, loaded in the flux trap region .
  • One (1) reactivity measurement was performed to determine the reactivity worth of 28.0 gram natural uran.ium
  • (U0 2) target irradiated in the P~2 location of the graphite reflector region .
  • VI-1
    • January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 TABLE 1
  • Descending Order of Activity Released for Nuclide Totals > l.OOOE-05 Ci
    • Nuclide Activity (Ci)


I* H-3 S-35 Co-60 7.618E-02 6.838E-03 3.857E-03

    • Zn-65 P-32 Ca-45 l.030E-03 6.884E-04 5.842E-04
  • Lu-177 Na-24 Sc-46 4.072E-04 3.715E-04 3.069£-04
  • Tc-99m Sb-124 2.470E-04 l.363E-04
  • Mo-99 Fe-59 1.239E-04 8.071E-05
  • Lu-177m 4.792E-05
  • W-181 Cu-67 2.679E-05 2.175E-05
  • Total H-3 7.618E-02
  • Total Other 1.478E-02
  • Sanitary Sewer Effluents are in compliance with 10 CFR 20.2003, "Disposal by Release into Sanitary Sewerage."
  • VII-1

TABLE2 STACK EFFLUENT Ordered by % Technical Specification (TS) Limit Total Rele~se

    • 1

-;  ;;,\ 7'

':Average Concentratioi( "

Isotope --"'

(Ci) 1:;S Limit Multiplier -%TS (uCi/ml) '

Ar-41 l.18E-06 5;28E+02 350 33.7143 1-131 H-3 5.82E-12 l.30E-08 2.61E+03 5.80E+06 350 1 2.9094 0.0370 *1 Co-60 4.17E-15 1.87E+OO 1 0.0083 1-125 l.17E-14 5.26E+OO 1 0.0039 C-14* l.07E-11 4.80E-03 1 0.0036 Kr-79 6.91E-10 3.09E+05 350 0.0028 Xe-13 lm l.93E-08 8.65E+06 350 0.0028 Os-191 Hf-181 4.70E-15 l.37E-15 2.1 lE+OO 6.14E-01 1

1 0.0002 0.0002

  • 1-133 6.43E-13 2.88E+02 350 0.0002 Kr-87 S-35 7.81E-12 2.53E-15 3.50E+03 l.13E+OO 350 1

0.0001 0.0001 *

    • 1 As-76 4.45E-13 l.99E+02 350 0.0001 Br-82 9.51E-13 4.26E+02 350 0.0001 C-14 activity is calculated based on the ratio of argon to nitrogen in the air and the (n, p) reaction cross sections for the activation ofN-14 to C-14.

.I* I I

I Isotopes observed at< 0.0001 % Technical Specification limit are not listed.

Stack Flow Rate = ~30,000 cfm Stack effluent releases are in compliance with University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor, Amended Facility License No. R-103 Technical Specifications.

  • VIl-2
  • January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 I.

Environmental samples are collected two times per year at eight (8) locations and analyzed for radioactivity. Soil and vegetation samples are also taken at each location. Water samples are taken at three (3) locations while subsurface soil samples are taken at six (6) locations each period. Analytical results are shown in Tables 1 and 2.




Table 3 lists the radiation doses recorded by the environmental monitors deployed around MURR in 2016. All doses are approximately 15 mrem/year or less, except monitor numbers 8 and 9. These monitors are located at or near loading dock areas where packages containing radioactive material are loaded or traverse prior to being placed on transport vehicles. The doses recorded by these monitors are considered to be the result of exposure to packages

  • in transit. The environmental monitoring program confirms that minimal environmental impact exists from the operation of the MURR facility.


  • I* The number.ofradiation and contamination surveys performed each month is provided in Table 4 .




  • Detection Limits
  • Matrix Water Alpha 0.00 pCilg Beta 5.82 pCi/g Gamma 188.55 pCi/L Tritium 5.06 pCi/mL of sample
  • Soil 1.04 pCilg 2.51 pCilg 0:57 pCilg NIA Vegetation 0.00 pCilg 7.90 pCi/g 1.68 pCilg 5.52 pCi/mL of distillate Subsurface Soil 0.00 pCilg 3.79 pCilg 0.58 pCilg NIA
  • Activity Levels - Vegetation
  • Sample*

Alpha (pCilgram}

Beta (pCilgram}

Gamma (pCilgram}

H-3 (pCilmL}

  • 1V89 2V89 0.32 0.00 24.62 22.06

< 1.68

< 1.68

< 5.52

< 5.52

  • 3V89 0.32 21.96 < 1.68 < 5.52
  • 4V89 0.66 31.25 < 1.68 < 5.52

. 5V89 0.61 33.55 < 1.68 < 5.52 6V89 0.32 26.28 < 1.68 < 5.52 7V89 0.62 20.46 < 1.68 < 5.52 10V89 0.63 31.95 < 1.68 < 5.52

  • VIII-1
  • 1.1 TABLE 1 (Cont'd)


OF ENVIRONMENTAL SET 89 - Spring 2016 Activity Levels - Soil **

Sample Alpha (pCi/gram)

Beta (pCi/gram)

Gamma (pCi/gram) 1S89 < 1.04 15.49 3.33 2S89 1.72 17.76 4.18 3S89 < 1.04 13.53 2.11 4S89 < 1.04 12.43 2.83 5S89 1.10 16.14 3.36 6S89 < 1.04 15.33 2.62 7S89 < 1.04 11.03 3.31 10S89 1.75 16.63 3.54 Activity Levels - Water Sample 4W89 Alpha (pCi/gram) 0.32 Beta (pCi/gram)

< 5.82 Gamma (pCi/L)

< 188.55 H-3 (QCi/mL)

<5.06 6W89 0.47 <5.82 < 188.55 <5.06 10W89 0.32 6.20 < 188.55 <5.06 Activity Levels - Subsurface Soil ,

Sample Alpha (QCi/gram)

Beta (pCi/gram)



SWSS89 2.11 26.22 3.53 NESS89 NSS89 1.23 1.59 22.66 21.16 3.59 3.79

  • WSS89 2.lF 26.60 4.12 ESS89 1.22 21.88 3.46 SSS89 0.88 20.42 3.88

.I I


  • Gamma and tritium analyses are based on wet weights while. alpha and beta are based on dry weights. HPGE spectral analysis was performed on any sample with a gamma activity greater than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA).


  • TABLE2




  • Matrix Water Soil Alpha 0.00 pCilg 1.23 pCi/g Detection Limits*

Beta 6.33 pCilg 2.74 pCi/g Gamma 189.78 pCi/L 0.66 pCilg Tritium 1.76 pCilmL of sample NIA

  • Vegetation 0.00 pCilg 8.55 pCilg 1.61 pCilg 1. 70 pCilmL of distillate
    • Subsurface Soil 0.00 pCilg 3.78 pCi/g Activity Levels - Vegetation 0.64 pCi/g NIA Alpha Beta Gamma H-3 Sample (pCilgram) (pCilgram) (pCilgram) (pCi/mL) 1V90 0.90 43.81 < 1.61 < 1.70 2V90 0.00 36.86 < 1.61 < 1.70
    • 3V90 4V90 5V90 0.00 0,.00 0.00 24.25 32.63 26.60

< 1.61

< 1.61

< 1.61

< 1.70

< 1.70

< 1.70

  • .6V90 0.31 60.65 < 1.61 < 1.70
  • 7V90 0.31 19.51 < 1.61 < 1.70
    • 10V90 0.00 31.57 Activity Levels - Soil

< 1.61 < 1.70

  • Alpha Beta Gamma
  • Sample 1S90 (pCi/gram)

< 1.23 (pCilgram) 15.61 (pCilgram) 2.42

  • 2S90 < 1.23 17.73 2.19
    • 3S90 4S90 5S90

< 1.23 -

< 1.23

< 1.23 31.43 21.46 24.12 2.69 3.30 4.06

  • 6S90 < 1.23 - 7.45 1.66
  • 7S90 < 1.23 16.49 3.19 10S90 < 1.23 20.93 3.00
  • VIII-3

TABLE 2 (Cont'd)


OF ENVIRONMENTAL SET 90 - Fall 2016 Activity Levels - Water **

Sample Alpha (pCi/gram)

Beta (pCi/gram)

Gamma (pCi/gram)

H-3 (pCi/mL) 4W90 0.00 10.29 < 189.78 < 1.76 6W90 10W90 0.00 0.00 8.16 18.80

< 189.78

< 189.78

< 1.76

< 1.76

.I Sample Activity Levels - Subsurface Soil Alpha (pCi/gram)

Beta (pCi/gram)

Gamma (pCi/gram)

SWSS90 NESS90 1.57 1.07 26.15 15.51 3.20 3.54 **

NSS90 1.57 29.86 3.87 WSS90 0.52 23.37 3.87 ESS90 . 0.70 29.03 4.34 SSS90 0.88 21.54 3.23

    • 1 Gamma and tritium analyses are based* on wet weights while alpha and beta are based on dry weights. HPGE spectral analysis was performed on any sample with agamma activity greater than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA).




Badge I I r.(i.fectiorifjMap Distanc~~irom i>>'.Ist Qt~~~ '2ntl Qtr.))3 3rd cj'.tr !ith Qt!) . 1fo;fa1


Number I

'from :; I MURR St~ck '.~:. 2016~{'. . . . 2016 l 201r?.  :*2016 *;~* 2016

  • I >iMURR:~J (meters)~.: (!!~t mrelhh (netmrem);ir(net m~em) (net.mrem). (n~ttPirem)l O* I 72210 . 32.0 111.0 l* 72210 30.0 113.0
    • 2*

3 72210 31 49 119 12.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 107.0 0.0 15.0 0.0

1. 87 55 1.0 0.0 4.0 4.0
    • 8 9

10 33 28 143 3.0 20.0 0.0 21.0

. 88.0 0.0 11 149 0.0 3.0 12 284 0.0 2.0 13 SE 320 0.0 14 . SSW 166 2.0 0.0 2.0

    • 15**

16 17 18 SE E*

NE 74 114 299 454 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

    • *NE 671 872 294 174 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
    • 67 499 123 .

318 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 o~o

    • 29 30 NE
N 174 496 498 340 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
    • 31 32 33 34 NNE NNE ESE NE 616 572 613 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
  • 35 .

36 SSE SE 473 6.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 428 37 NE 734 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o o:o 38 NW 517 0.0 0.0 0.0 39 535 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 470 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 155 0.0 0.0 0.0

  • NIA* 0.0 26.0 I.*

NIA 0.0 3.0 99 0.0 0.0 98 0.0 6.0 105 0.0 0.0

  • The control monitors are aproxii:nately 50 miles SE of MURR, and gross values are shown.


  • ** Monitor was relocated on April 1, 2016 .



January 57 57 59 19

  • February 66 66 62 23 March 65 65 70 21 April 72 72 61 31 May 64 64 67 22 June 84 84 70 25 July 55 55 61 17 August 70 70 69 27 September 75 75 69 21
  • October 63 63 65 19 November 64 64 62 24 December 11 11 fil. n TOTALS 806 806 776 270

~* In addition, general building contamination surveys are conducted each normal work day.

      • Air samples include exhaust stack Ar-41, containment buildingAr-41, sump entries, and hot cell entries;
  • Miscellaneous Note During calendar year 2016, MURR shipped 1,253 cubic feet of low-level radioactive waste containing 2,219 mCi of activity. **
  • I
    • 1 VIII-6

.i* *1



OF RADIATION EXPOSURE TO FACILITY STAFF, EXPERIMENTERS, AND VISITORS January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 Total :Personnel Dose (mrem) by Dosimetry Group AC (PRD) BCS DO FOE HP IRR NA NS NSP OPS PRO QA RES RP SH SIL TEE WC Total January 53 5 2 o* 129 0 2 22 0 1325 380 39 0 4 154 106 0 25 2246 February 65 8 0 4 170 0 14 17 0 1370 214 100 .10 4 123 141 4 18 2262 March 114 20 0 0 310 o* 12 8 0 1061 321 66 30 12 151 190 7 13 2315 April 49 20. *2 150 0 5 4 0 1222 183 43 14 7 116 182 9 85 2092 May 67 0 2 (j 176 5 3 10 9 1332 193 101 3 0 135 166 3 8 2213 June 58 23 0 0 108 0 12 65 16 1441 172 76 4 21 250 191 15 3 2455 July 65 4 0 0 114 0 3 0 0 1338 199 54 0 2 224 189 3 12 2207 August 65 10 0 0 240 14 1 31 1688 249 118 6 6 159 214 23 20 2845 September 57 3 0 2 141 9 11 6 8 1588 136 117 1 0 202 162 5 57 2505 October 128 8 0 0 166 0 0 3 15 1239 33 108 8 0 401 149 7 7 2272 November 317 0 0 0 218 0 8 38 0 1208 0 71 34 3 539 133 11 119 2699 December 221 30 0 56 157 0 29 0 1670 20 128 3 5 423 164 5 5 2917


I Total for Year 1259 131 6 63 2079 15 85 203 79 16482 2100 1021 113 64 2877 1987 92 372. 29028 Monthly Avg. 105 11 1 5 173 1 7 17 7 1374 175 85 9 5 240 166 8 31 2419 HighestWB 528 48 2 6 738 8 28 57 91 . 996 1130 224 34 32 892 1217 24 66 (annual)

High Extremity 4788 375 NM 394 1416 90 1338 414 548 2258 3125 1728 1686 1851 1673 3725 963 607 (annual)

AC(PRD)-Analytical Chemistry (Productior IRR-Irradiations PRO-Isotope Processing SIL-Silicon & Central Services NA-Nuclear Analysis QA-Quality Assurance TEE-Trace Elemental Epidemiolog)

DO-Director's Office NS-Neutron Scattering RES-Research WC-Work Control FOE-Shops & Support NSP-NorthStar Pharmaceutical RP-Radiopharmaceutical HP-Health Physics OPS-Operations SH-Shipping WB=Whole Body NM;,,Not Monitored Analysis of personnel exposure levels indicates that exposures are significantly below the limits of 10 CFR 20.1201 and are generally maintained ALARA.

No significant personnel exposures occurred during this monitoring year.

  • NOTES:

Dosimetry serV'ices are provided by Mirion Technologies (except selfreading dosimetry). .

The Analytical Chemistry Group (AC) was expanded and renamed the Production Group (PRD) in 2016.