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Letter Requesting Additional Information Pertaining to the Technical Supplement in Support of Application and in Amendment No. 1 to the Application
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1974
From: Ziemann D
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
To: Raymond P
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp
Download: ML17037C489 (6)


MAR I 19?4 Docket Ão. 50-220 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation mzm: ~r . Philip D. R yond Vice President - Engineering 300 Erie Boulevard Hest Syracuse, Hem York 13202 Gentlemen:

To continue our review of your application notarized June 27, 1972, for conversion of the Provisional Operating License Mo. DPR-17 to a full>>term operating license for Nine KU.e Point Unit 1, additional information is required. The information requested is described in the enc1osure to this letter and pertains to the information in the Technical Supplement in support of your application mid in Amend.

ment Ho. 1 to your application.

This requested information is in addition to that described in our letter to you dated February 7, 1974, and as indicated therein regarding our review schedule, ve Mll need a satisfactory response to the enclosed matters by the same date, 8arch 15, 1974. You are requested to provide this information as an amendment to your appli-cation three signed and notarized originals and thirty-seven copies. Please contact us information requested.

if you have,any questions regarding the Sincerely, Orig nal signed by Dennis L 7icmann Dennis L. Ziemann, Chief Operating Reactors Branch g2 Directorate of Licensing Enclosure; Request for Information cc: See next page

1 II, t

niagara Mohawk Power Corporation '- 2 NAR 1 1974 cc w/enclosure:

J. Bruce MacDonald, Esquire Deputy Commt.ssioner and Counsel Hew York State Department of Commerce and Counsel to the Atomic Energj'ounci1 99 Washington Avenue Albany, Hew Yorlr. 12210

~rin Z. Upton, Esquire LeBoeuf, Lomb, Leiby 6 MacHae 1757 I Street, H. H.

>lashington, D, C. 20036 Dr. william Seymour Staff Coordinator Hew York State Atomic Energy (council New York State Department of Commerce 112 State Street Albany, Hew York 12207 Anthony Z. Roisman, Esquire Berlin, Roisman and Kessler 1712 N Street, H. R.

Uasldngton, D. C. 20036 Oswego City Library Di ribution ocket File AEC PDR Local PDR RP Reading Branch Reading J RBuchanan, ORNL DJSkovholt, L:OR TJCarter, L:OR ACRS (16),

RO (3)


'LZiemann, L:ORB //2 CJDeBevec, L:ORB II2 RMDiggs, L:ORB 82 SVarga, L:RP RTedesco, L:CS X7403 2 L:0+2 SUSHAMSW JDe evec:sjh ggs DATS~ /1/74 3/1/74 l'otm hKC-3l5 (Rev. 9 53) hKChf 0240 OSO CAS l4 41444 1 420 2~1

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l. You are requested to pxovido the following additional information or connct.tment xelated to the Containment Atmosphere M.ation.

(CAD) System as described in Amendment No. 1 to youx'pplication.

a. Technical Specifications should be proposed to limit the oxygen concentration to less than 4Z by volume during normal plant, operation. Such action would provide a.xeasonable time following a postulated LOCA before GN system actuation would become necessaxy.
b. Provide confirmation that your 'emergency operating procedures require that the containment sprays remain in operation to ensure mixing i~ the post-accident pexiod.
c. Provide confirmation that your euergency operaVug procedures include limiting the post-accident reprcssu2Mation of the contaixuamt to less than 20 psig.
d. The design of the CAD system should be modified to provide active redundancy in the valve arrangements.

e~ Tile organ sampling system should be designed to engineered safety feature standards, including redundant oxygen analyzers each being capame of sampling several locations within the drywell and torus 4

2. Xn our review of electrical and instrumentation systems, we have found that the main steam line isolation valve position switches, xequired for xeactor trip, have not been qualified for the environ-ment in wh'ich they are required to operate during a stcam line brcak incident. These switches should be tested to establish that they are capable of performing their required function in a simulated accident environment, They should be operable before, during, anc"- after the incident.



Eorm hEC 318 (Rev. 9-5$ ) hECM 0240 oro C4$ 10 $ 1420 1 520.224

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