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Ltr. 02/09/16 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant - Notification of an NRC Triennial Heat Sink Performance Inspection and Request for Information; Inspection Report 05000263/2016002
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/2016
From: Dave Hills
To: Gardner P
Northern States Power Co
IR 2016002
Download: ML16041A048 (8)

See also: IR 05000263/2016002






LISLE, IL 60532-4352

February 9, 2016

Mr. Peter A. Gardner

Site Vice President

Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant

Northern States Power Company, Minnesota

2807 West County Road 75

Monticello, MN 55362-9637




Dear Mr. Gardner:

On April 18, 2016, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will begin the onsite

portion of the Triennial Heat Sink Performance Inspection at your Monticello Nuclear

Generating Plant. This inspection will be performed in accordance with NRC baseline

Inspection Procedure 71111.07.

In order to minimize the impact that the inspection has on the site and to ensure a productive

inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for the inspection. The

documents have been divided into three groups.

The first group lists information necessary for our initial inspection scoping activities.

This information should be available to the lead inspector no later than March 14, 2016.

By March 18, 2016, the inspector will communicate the initial selected set of

approximately 2 - 3 risk significant heat exchangers.

The second group is needed to support our in-office preparation activities. This set of

documents, including the calculations associated with the selected heat exchangers,

should be available at the Regional Office no later than April 6, 2016. This information

should be separated for each selected component, especially if provided electronically

(e.g., folder with component name that includes calculations, condition reports,

maintenance history, etc.). During the in-office preparation activities, the inspector

may identify additional information needed to support the inspection.

The last group includes the additional information above as well as plant specific

reference material. This information should be available onsite to the inspector on

April 18, 2016. It is also requested that corrective action documents and/or questions

developed during the inspection be provided to the inspector as the documents are


P. Gardner


All requested documents are to be for the time period from the onsite inspection period back

to the documents that were provided in response to the previous heat sink performance

inspection. If no activities were accomplished in that time period, then the request applies to

the last applicable document in the previous time period. It is important that these documents

be as complete as possible, in order to minimize the number of documents requested during

the preparation week or during the onsite inspection.

The lead inspector for this inspection is Mr. Lionel Rodriguez. We understand that our licensing

contact for this inspection is Mr. Stephen E. Sollom of your organization. If there are any

questions about the inspection or the material requested in the enclosure, please contact the

lead inspector at (630) 829-9609 or via e-mail at

This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to

the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information

collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, Control

Number 3150-0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to

respond to, a request for information or an information collection requirement unless the

requesting document displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control


In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.390, Public

Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding, of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy

of this letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public

inspection in the NRCs Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS)

component of the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).

ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at

(the Public Electronic Reading Room).



David E. Hills, Acting Chief

Engineering Branch 2

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket No. 50-263

License No. DPR-22


Triennial Heat Sink Performance

Inspection Document Request

cc: Distribution via LISTSERV



Inspection Report: 05000263/2016002

Inspection Dates:

April 18 - 22, 2016

Inspection Procedure:

IP 71111.07, Heat Sink Performance

Lead Inspector:

Lionel Rodriguez

(630) 829-9609


Information Requested By March 14, 2016

1. List of the Generic Letter (GL) 89-13, Service Water System Problems Affecting

Safety-Related Equipment, heat exchangers in order of risk significance.

2. Copy of heat exchanger performance trending data tracked for each GL 89-13

heat exchanger.

3. List of Corrective Action Program (CAP) documents (with a short description)

associated with GL 89-13 heat exchangers, heat sinks, silting, corrosion, fouling,

or heat exchanger testing, for the previous 3 years or since the last CAP document

list was sent to the NRC for the previous Heat Sink Performance Inspection.

4. Copy of any self-assessment done on any of GL 89-13 heat exchangers.

5. Last two System Health Report(s) and maintenance rule system notebooks for all the

GL 89-13 heat exchangers.

6. List of engineering-related operator workarounds (with a short description)

associated with GL 89-13 heat exchangers implemented in the last 3 years.

7. List of permanent and temporary modifications (with a short description) associated

with GL 89-13 heat exchangers implemented in the last 3 years.


Information Requested By April 6, 2016

1. Copies of the GL 89-13 responses.

2. Copy of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) section applicable to

the GL 89-13 Heat Exchanger Program.

3. Copies of procedures developed to implement the recommendations of GL 89-13

(e.g. the GL 89-13 Heat Exchanger Program description).

4. Copies of the selected CAP documents.

5. For the specific heat exchangers selected:

a. Copies of the UFSAR sections applicable for each heat exchanger.



b. Copy of system description and design basis document for the heat exchangers

(as applicable).

c. Provide a list of calculations (with a short description) which currently apply to

each heat exchanger:


establish the limiting design basis heat load required to be removed

by each of these heat exchangers;


demonstrate the heat exchangers capacity to remove the limiting

heat load;


correlate surveillance testing and/or inspection results from these heat

exchangers with design basis heat removal capability (e.g., basis for

surveillance test and/or inspection acceptance criteria);


evaluate the potential for water hammer in each heat exchanger or

associated piping; and


evaluate excessive tube vibration in each heat exchanger.

d. Copy of any operability determinations or other documentation of degradation

associated with the heat exchangers or the systems that support the operation

for the selected heat exchangers.

e. Copy of the construction code, Design Specification, heat exchanger data

sheets, and vendor documents including component drawings applicable for

the heat exchangers.

f. Copies of normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures associated

with the selected heat exchangers.

6. For the ultimate heat sink (UHS) and the safety-related service water system

(or equivalent):

a. Copies of the applicable UFSAR sections.

b. Copy of system description and design basis document (as applicable).

c. Copy of any operability determinations or other documentation of degradation

associated with the UHS and the safety-related service water system.

d. Copy of the document (e.g. UFSAR or Technical Requirements Manual) that

states the maximum cooling water system inlet temperature limit that still allows

full licensed power operation of the nuclear reactor.

e. Copy of system description and design basis document (as applicable).

f. Copy of the construction code and Design Specification.

g. Copies of normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures associated

with the UHS and safety-related service water systems including procedures for

loss of these systems.



h. Copies of corrective action documents associated with waterhammer or hydraulic

transients in the service water system since the last Heat Sink Inspection.


If available, provide an electronic copy of piping and instrumentation diagrams

for the service water system, including the intake structure.


Provide a list of calculations (with a short description), which currently apply to

UHS and safety-related service water system.

k. Provide a list of instruments (with a short description) associated with automatic

or alarm functions for the safety-related service water system and/or UHS.


Provide a list of any design change (with a short description) performed on the

UHS or safety-related service water system since the last heat sink performance


7. A schedule of all inspections, cleanings, maintenance, or testing of any

safety-related plant heat exchanger to be performed during the onsite portion

of the inspection.


Information Requested to be Available on First Day of Inspection, April 18, 2016

1. For the specific heat exchangers selected.

a. Copy of the calculation which correlates surveillance testing results from these

heat exchangers with design basis heat removal capability (e.g. basis for

surveillance test acceptance criteria).

b. Copies of the two most recent completed tests and evaluation data confirming

thermal performance for those heat exchangers which are performance tested.

c. Documentation and procedures that identify the types, accuracy, and location of

any special instrumentation used for the two most recently completed thermal

performance tests for the heat exchangers (e.g., high accuracy ultrasonic flow

instruments or temperature instruments). Include calibration records for the

instruments used during these tests.

d. Information regarding any alarms which monitor on-line performance.

e. Copy of the document describing the inspection results of each heat exchanger.

f. The cleaning and inspection maintenance schedule for each heat exchanger for

the next 5 years.

g. Copy of the design specification and heat exchanger data sheets for each heat


h. Copy of the vendor manuals including component drawings for each heat



Copy of the calculation which establishes the limiting (maximum) design basis

heat load which is required to be removed by each of these heat exchangers.




Copy of the operating procedure that ensures that the maximum cooling water

system inlet temperature limit is not exceeded.

k. Copy of the calculations or documents which evaluate the potential for water

hammer in each heat exchanger or associated piping.


Copy of the calculations that evaluate excessive tube vibration in each heat

exchanger and the documents that describe the controls that prevent heat

exchanger degradation due to excessive flow induced vibration during operation.

m. Copy of the periodic flow testing at or near maximum design flow.

n. Copy of the document which identifies the current number of tubes in service for

each heat exchanger and the supporting calculation which establishes the

maximum number of tubes which can be plugged in each heat exchanger.

o. Copy of the document establishing the repair criteria (plugging limit) for degraded

tubes which are identified in each heat exchanger.

p. Copies of the documents that verify the structural integrity of the heat exchanger

(e.g. eddy current summary sheets, ultrasonic testing results, and visual

inspection results).

q. Copies of those documents that describe the methods taken to control water

chemistry in the heat exchangers.

2. For the review of the operation of the safety-related service water system and

the UHS:

a. Copies of any design change performed on the UHS in the last 3 years.

b. Copies of any design change performed on the safety-related service water

system in the last 3 years.

c. Copies of procedures for a loss of UHS.

d. Copies of procedures for a loss of service water system.

e. The last two inspections and/or maintenance related to preventing macrofouling

(e.g. silt, dead mussel shells, or debris) and biotic fouling (e.g. fish, algae, grass,

or kelp).

f. Copies of documents associated with the monitoring of pump performance for

potential strong-pump vs. weak-pump interaction.

3. For the review associated with the system walkdown of the service water intake


a. Copies of corrective maintenance for the last 6 years associated with service

water strainers, traveling screens and trash racks.



b. Copies of the last two inspections and/or surveillances associated with service

water strainers, traveling screens and trash racks.

c. List of preventive maintenance, including frequency, associated with service

water strainers, traveling screens and trash racks.

d. Copies of abnormal procedures for the traveling screens and service water


e. Copies of the last two inspections and/or surveillances documenting that

component mounts have not excessively degraded (i.e., due to corrosion).

For example, inspections for the mounts for the, Service water pumps,

service water strainers, traveling screens and trash racks.

f. Copies of the documents associated with the monitoring, trending, and

remediation of silt accumulation at the service water pump bay.

g. Copies of the last two surveillance procedures and testing results performed

on the service water pump bay water level instruments.

h. Copies of procedures associated with operating during adverse weather

conditions (e.g. icing, high temperatures, or low level).


Copy of the evaluation for the potential effects of low flow/level on underwater

weir walls intended to limit silt or sand intake, if applicable.

If the information requested above will not be available, please contact Mr. Lionel Rodriguez

as soon as possible at (630) 829-9609 or via e-mail

P. Gardner


All requested documents are to be for the time period from the onsite inspection period back to the

documents that were provided in response to the previous heat sink performance inspection. If no

activities were accomplished in that time period, then the request applies to the last applicable document

in the previous time period. It is important that these documents be as complete as possible, in order to

minimize the number of documents requested during the preparation week or during the onsite


The lead inspector for this inspection is Mr. Lionel Rodriguez. We understand that our licensing contact

for this inspection is Mr. Stephen E. Sollom of your organization. If there are any questions about the

inspection or the material requested in the enclosure, please contact the lead inspector at (630) 829-9609

or via e-mail at

This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to

the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information

collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, Control

Number 3150-0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a

request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays

a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.390, Public Inspections,

Exemptions, Requests for Withholding, of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its

enclosure, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRCs

Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of the NRC's

Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the

NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



David E. Hills, Acting Chief

Engineering Branch 2

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket No. 50-263

License No. DPR-22


Triennial Heat Sink Performance

Inspection Document Request

cc: Distribution via LISTSERV


Kimyata MorganButler

RidsNrrDorlLpl3-1 Resource


RidsNrrDirsIrib Resource

Cynthia Pederson

Darrell Roberts

Richard Skokowski

Allan Barker

Carole Ariano

Linda Linn



Jim Clay

Carmen Olteanu

ADAMS Accession Number ML16041A048

Publicly Available

Non-Publicly Available



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