ML15275A229 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon ![]() |
Issue date: | 09/30/2015 |
From: | - No Known Affiliation |
To: | Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch |
References | |
80FR37664 00031, NRC-2009-0552 | |
Download: ML15275A229 (11) | |
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SUNSI Review Complete Template = ADM - 013 E-RIDS= ADM-03
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Conventional Wisdom About Renewable Energy Sources to be Challenged Palo Alto, California (January 21, 2015) - The shortfalls of 'renewable' energy sources in addressing climate change will be front and center in two sessions on nuclear power at the Energy and Climate Change Conference (_ht:/!,
being held January 27-29, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia. Both sessions are on Wednesday, January 28, and are panel discussions featuring luminaries in the field. They are chaired by two principals from Thorium Energy of Silicon Valley, Dr.
Robert Greene and Dr. Alexander Cannara. This 1 5 th annual conference is sponsored by the National Council for Science and the Environment The morning session is entitled "Nuclear Energy as a Non-Carbon Energy Option'".
It covers the increased need for nuclear energy and the current state of development and the US and world markets. Panel members include...
Dr. Seth Grae - President and CEO Lightbridge and member of the Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Commerce Dr. Ripudaman Malhotra - Stanford Research Institute International and co-author of: "A Cubic Mile of Oil" Dr. Jasmina Vujic - Professor Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Director Nuclear Science and Security Consortium, and Director Berkeley Nuclear Research Center Sal Golub - Associate Deputy Asst. Secretary for Nuclear Reactor Technologies, U.S.
Dept. of Energy "Current energy discussions are flawed in multiple ways. The source of many of the issues is that they are using a business-as-usual model. They neglect the massive amounts of energy we are going to need to combat ocean change due to acidification, desalination and other modifications needed to correct for climate change and to move away from a carbon combustion standard", stated Dr. Greene. "Renewables are energy sparse. They deliver too little energy per unit of investment. We need to fix the oceans.
That alone will take at least an additional 25% more energy globally. We can only accomplish this by taking bigger bites with energy-dense nuclear. We need to start immediately."
The afternoon session is entitled "Nuclear Energy Technologies for 2025 and 2050 &
Advancing Nuclear-Energy Optdons". As the title implies, this session looks at technologies that should be In place at these future dates assuming that sufficient funding is provided. It reviews the features of Gen IV reactors that make them safer, cleaner and more efficient. Panelists include...
Dr. Stephen Boyd -- CEO, Havelide Systems, Inc.
Rod Adams -- Publisher, Atomic Insights
Dr. Darryl Siemer -- former Consulting Scientist with Idaho National Labs Dr. John Steinbruner -- Professor of Public Policy, School of Public Policy; Director, Center for International and Security Studies, University of Maryland Alice Caponiti -- Director for Space and Defense Power Systems, U.S. Dept. of Energy According to Dr. Cannlara, "The nuclear power we've known for over five decades has been the cleanest and safest power source ever deployed by mankind - even safer and cleaner than so-called 'renewables'. Safer, cleaner and more efficient approaches have not been implemented commercially because American reactor design has been frozen."
He continued, "In 1962, President Kennedy shared his energy vision in a request to Glenn Seaborg, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (http:!/ But a decade later we fumbled the ball. We must stop dithering and get to where we should have been if we'd followed Seaborg's and Kennedy's ideas. It's of little import if we keep world temperature rise to 2°C by 2100, if oceans are dead by 2050. This is an Apollo 13 moment - we have limited time and no room for error."
Thorium Energy of Silicon Valley is an affiliate of, a 501(c3) citizens' activist group dedicated to promoting lasting, safe, efficient, clean, and emissions-free energy solutions for the US and the world through nuclear energy --
particularly Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) and those based on a Thorium-Fluoride fuel cycle (http://tinyurl. com/nu5o7k5).
One objective is to re-institute nuclear development in the US based on the successful prototypes developed at Oak Ridge National Labs in the 1960's, passed over in the 1970s for political reasons, but now taken up by China and others. And, we wish to remind our President of his wise 2010 statement*: "To meet our growing energy needs and prevent the worst consequences of climate change, we need to increase our supply of nuclear power." JFK might have agreed, but again, we remain behind.
FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO SCHEDULE INTERVIEWS CONTACT Dr. Robert Greene at bobgreenephd@(, and Dr. Alexander Cannara at cannara (650 400 3071).
- wwvw. the g*uardian. comienvironmenti2 01!0/feb/[ 6ibarack-obama-nuclear-reactors
CN*,I*J A*'*d* @--'7X5 c:* t.* *vtt.,*°*-'x Molten Salt & Thorium Power for Humanity and Earth
_Thorium Energy of Silicon Valley - Useful Web Links (President Kennedy's 1962 Commission) www.thoriumener* (US association) (international group) (useful videos & history) (intro to TESV booth at AGU 2014) wvww.enerk, (ORNL documents/reports) https ://Dlus.* (Some ORNL history from participants) www.the-weinberg-foundation.or*/
(Alvin Weinberg Foundation, news,..)
http~:// (2009 conference at Google) (Sorenson, 2011) http ://_tiny (Cannara, 2013) https :// (Chinese MSR development leader speaking at UC Berkeley, 2012) http :// (MIT contest entry) h ttp s://site s. go o m/site/rethinkin gnu clearp ower/aim high https ://sites.*oogle.eom/site/roberthargraves/
(Hargraves) 1 SYOXiI&feature=nlcp ?v=tmCP9ABLGwM&feature=plcp ?v=t~hgO4iUVGU&feature~plcp.
hittps :// ?v=eNkSOeG SFY& (a 7th grader explains MSRlThorium)
Molten Salt & Thorium Power for Humanity and Earth
.http://tin-vurl.c~m/itxt75ca (howv nuclear power fights planet problems) (page 7) http://tinyurl.comi/lb478vk (AlP, Williams, 2013) http :// (Killen & Greene, 2014) https :// (Killen & Cannara, 2014) 3BSXO (Cannara, 2014)
,(p20, change Cretaceous to Carboniferous) (Thorium MSR [LFTR] information) 5fa (DMSR, Hoglund, multiple fuels) http :// event/22214O/session/9/material/slides/1 ?contrib Id=36 (MSFR, Merle-Lucotte, Madden) (conventional reactors, fuel, processing & waste, Vujic) https :// (Gordon McDowell on JEER) http :// un-makhij anis-clainm! (Adams) http :// (general nuclear-power news) http ://*/info/inf62.html Thorium as nuclear fuel) (Thorium vs. Uranium, Barton) (Uranium & Thorium geology) (Chinese MSR efforts) http ://eneri, yrealityproi (Climate Reality Project) https :// (nuclear vs. 'renewables')
https :// (Ben Heard) (but local solar is fine) http :// (radiation facts) http :// (MIT) http ://t.coI3IMO5Wvc4N (Allison) (Cannara, p 19 errata: "Sievert" => "mSievert")
https :// rW-EwP-DNE (Sandquist)
Books: "Atomic Accidents, ".The Sixth Extinction", "A Cu bic Mile of Oil"
...,a *¢t to 11we*e&1e-1962 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION http ://en erqvfro mthoriu m. co m/pdf/Civi liafnN uclearP ower. pdf I
II m m or: http:lltinyurl.coml6x~ipkfa
.Molten Salt & Thorium Power for Humanity and Earth
THE WHITE HOUSE Washington March 17, 1962
Dear Mr. Chairman:
The development of civilian nuclear power involves both national and interna-tional interests of the United States. At this time it is particularly important that our domestic needs and prospects for atomic power be thoroughly understood by both the Government and the growing atomic industry of this country which is participating significantly in the development of nuclear technology. Specifically we must extend our national energy resoujrces base in order to promote our Nation's economic growth.
Accordingly, the Atomic Energy Commission should take a new and hard look at the role of nuclear power in our economy in cooperation wilth the Department of the Interior, the Federal Power Commission, other appropriate agencies, and private industry.
Your study should identify the objectives, scope, and content of a nuclear power development program in the light of the Nation's prosPective energy needs and re-sources and advances in alternate means for power generation. It should recommend appropriate steps to assure the proper timing of development and construction of nuclear power projects, including the construction of necessary prototypes. There should, of course, be a continuation of the present fruitful cooperation between Gov-ernment and industry-public utilities, private utilities, and equipment manufacturers.
Upon completion of this study of domestic needs and resources, there should also be an evaluation of the extent to which our nuclear power program will further our international objectives in the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
The nuclear powerplants scheduled to come into operation this year, together with those already in operation, should provide a wealth of engineering experience per-mitting realistic forecasts of the future of economically competitive nuclear power in this country.
As you are aware, two major related studies are now or will soon be underway.
The study being conducted at my request by the National Academy of Sciences on the development and preservation of all our national resources will focus on the Nation's longer term energy needs and utilization of fuel resources. The other study to be launched soon by the Federal Power Commission will determine the long-range power requirements of the Nation and will suggest the broad outline of possible programs of. growth for all electric power companies--both private and public-to meet the great increase in power needs. Your study should be appropriately related to these investigations.
The extensive and vigorous atomic power development programs currently being undertaken by the Commission should, of course, be continued and, where appropriate, strengthened during the period of your study. I urge that your review be undertalcen without delay and would hope that you could submit a report by September 1, 1962.
/s/John F. Kennedy Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg Chairman Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D. C.
OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN November 20, 1962
Dear Mr. President:
I am pleased to submit herewith the report resulting from our "new and hard look at the role of nuclear power in our economy," as requested by you on March 17, 1962. In preparing this report, we have had the benefit of comments and advice from interested offices and individuals within and without the Government. However, the Commission takes full responsibility for the conclusions and recommendations of the report.
The Commission, of course, has concentrated on issues related to the develop-ment and use of nuclear power; it has not attempted to appraise the possible effect of major research efforts on the economics of non-nuclear energy sources or on im-proved transmission methods for either source of energy. However, the study has been greatly aided by the information furnished by the Department of Interior, the Federal Power Commission, and the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Natural Resources.
Those who have participated in the study you requested are agreed that it has proved tbo be very timely. While the Commission has been proceeding on a considered course in general accord with its 10-year civilian power program adopted in 1958, that program is now on the threshold of attaining its primary objective of competitive nuclear power in high-fuel-cost areas by 1968. However, it became evident with the passage of time that our attention hadprobably for too long remained focused narrowly on short-term objectives. This restudy made it apparent that, for the long-term benefit of the country, and indeed of the whole world, it was time we placed relatively more emphasis on the longer-range and more difficult problem of breeder reactors, which can make use of nearly all of our uranium and thorium reserves, instead of the less than one per cent of the uranium and very little of the thorium utilized in the present types of reactors. Only by the use of breeders would we really solve the problem of adequate energy supply for future generations.
We believe that it still is necessary for the Government as a interim measure to maintain a substantial program of research and development on advanced types of re-actors other than breeder reactors, which are some years away. It appears from the projections made that efficient converter reactors will be required in conjunction with breeder reactors to meet the rapidly growing national demands for electrical power.
This Government program over the next several years is also important since it provides the national means for "bridging the gap" between the infancy and maturity
of nuclear power. This. inferim aid will allow the consolidation of the gains made to date and will permit the national nuclear program to proceed in an efficient and sensible manner toward the development of more efficient and economtical converter reactors and eventually breeder reactors.
Furthermore, a vigorous national nuclear power program can be pursued without interfering with a growing coal industry; in fact, all our projections indicate that, even assuming an optimistic forecast of nuclear power development, the use of coal by the rapidly expanding electric generating industry will increase severalfold over the next 40 years.
It should be recognized that, largely as a result of early optimism, we have, in a short space of time, developed a competitive nuclear equipment industry which is over-capitalized and under-used at the present time. This optimism has had some good results in terms of bringing many able technical men, manufacturers, and utility executives into the field, and assuring Congressional and industrial support during the development years.
The optimism has also brought about some difficuties in that unless there are new starts on atomic power plants, the atomic equipment industry will probably dwindle down to fewer manufacturers than would be desirable for a healthy and co)mpetitive nuclear industry. Fortunately, it now appears that only relatively moderate additional governmental help will be necessary to insure the building of a substantial number of large, water-type power reactors that will be economically competitive in the high-fuel-cost areas of this country and the world. This would increase public acceptance, keep the nuclear industry healthy, and help to furnish the plutonium necessary for a breeder reactor economy as soon as it can be adequately developed.
In summary, nuclear power promises to supply the vast amounts of energy that this Nation will require for many generations to come, and it probably will provide a significant reduction in the national costs for electrical power.
The Commission unanimously concurs in this report.
Respectfully yours, Glenn T. Seaborg Chairman The President The White House Enclosure http :/enerriyfromthori um. com/pdf/CivilianNuclearPower. pdf or: Molten Salt & Thorium Power for Humanity and Earth
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