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Examination Report 50-326/OL-15-01, University of California - Irvine
Person / Time
Site: University of California - Irvine
Issue date: 07/16/2015
From: Kevin Hsueh
Research and Test Reactors Branch B
To: Geoffrey Miller
University of California - Irvine
John Nguyen 415-4007
Shared Package
ML15167A072 List:
Download: ML15187A353 (43)


July 16, 2015 Dr. George E. Miller Department of Chemistry University of California, Irvine 516 Physical Sciences 1 Irvine, CA 92697-2025



Dear Dr. Miller:

During the week of June 15, 2015, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) administered operator licensing examinations at your University of California - Irvine TRIGA Reactor. The examinations were conducted according to NUREG-1478, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards for Research and Test Reactors," Revision 2. Examination questions and preliminary findings were discussed with you and Mr. Jonathan T. Wallick at the conclusion of the examination.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.390, a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

The NRC is forwarding the individual grades to you in a separate letter which will not be released publicly. If you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact Mr. John T. Nguyen at (301) 415-4007, or by e-mail at



Kevin Hsueh, Chief Research and Test Reactors Oversight Branch Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-326


1. Examination Report No. 50-326/OL-15-01
2. Written Examination cc w/enclosures: Dr. A.J. Shaka cc: w/o enclosures: See next page

July 16, 2015 Dr. George E. Miller, Director Department of Chemistry 516 Physical Sciences 1 University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-2025



Dear Dr. Miller:

During the week of June 15, 2015, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) administered operator licensing examinations at your University of California - Irvine TRIGA Reactor. The examinations were conducted according to NUREG-1478, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards for Research and Test Reactors," Revision 2. Examination questions and preliminary findings were discussed with you and Mr. Jonathan T. Wallick at the conclusion of the examination.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.390, a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

The NRC is forwarding the individual grades to you in a separate letter which will not be released publicly. If you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact Mr. John T. Nguyen at (301) 415-4007, or by e-mail at



Kevin Hsueh, Chief Research and Test Reactors Oversight Branch Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-326


1. Examination Report No. 50-326/OL-15-01
2. Written Examination cc: w/enclosures: Dr. A.J. Shaka cc: w/o enclosures: See next page DISTRIBUTION: w/enclosure PUBLIC RidsNrrDprPrta Resource RidsNrrDprPrtb Resource CRevelle, NRR ADAMS ACCESSION #: ML15187A353 NRR-079 OFFICE NRR/DPR/PROB NRR/DPR/PROB NRR/DPR/PROB NAME Nguyen NParker KHsueh DATE 07/02/15 07/07/15 07/16/15 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

University of California at Irvine Docket No. 50-326 cc:

Dr. Reginald M. Penner, Chair Department of Chemistry University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-2025 Radiological Health Branch California Department of Public Health P.O. Box 997414, MS 7610 Sacramento, CA 95899-7414 Dr. A.J. Shaka Nuclear Reactor Facility Department of Chemistry University of California 231A Rowland Hall Irvine, CA 92697-2025 Test, Research, and Training Reactor Newsletter University of Florida 202 Nuclear Sciences Center Gainesville, FL 32611 Dr. Howard Gillman Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 509 Aldrich Hall University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-2025

EXAMINATION REPORT NO: 50-326/OL-15-01 FACILITY: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - IRVINE FACILITY DOCKET NO.: 50-326 FACILITY LICENSE NO.: R-116 SUBMITTED BY: ____________/RA/___________________ 7/02/2015 John T. Nguyen, Chief Examiner Date


During the week of June 15, 2015, the NRC administered operator licensing examinations to three license candidates including two Reactor Operator (RO) and one Senior Reactor Operator - Upgrade (SRO-U) license candidates. All candidates passed the examinations and will be issued licenses to operate the University of California - Irvine reactor.


1. Examiner: John T. Nguyen, Chief Examiner
2. Results:

RO PASS/FAIL SRO PASS/FAIL TOTAL PASS/FAIL Written 2/0 0/0 2/0 Operating 2/0 1/0 3/0 Tests Overall 2/0 1/0 3/0

3. Exit Meeting:

George Miller, UCINRF, Reactor Supervisor Jonathan T. Wallick, UCINRF, Senior Reactor Operator John Nguyen, NRC, Chief Examiner The NRC examiner thanked the facility for their support in the administration of the examinations. Mr. John Nguyen discussed with the Reactor Supervisor regarding the training program, updating of the procedures, and the generic weaknesses observed during their operating tests.

Enclosure 1



Answers are to be written on the Answer sheet provided. Attach all Answer sheets to the examination. Point values are indicated in parentheses for each question. A 70% in each category is required to pass the examination. Examinations will be picked up three (3) hours after the examination starts.


Candidate's Signature Enclosure 2

A. RX THEORY, THERMO & FAC OP CHARS ANSWER SHEET Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)

If you change your Answer, write your selection in the blank.

A01 a b c d ___

A02 a b c d ___

A03 a b c d ___

A04 a b c d ___

A05 a b c d ___

A06 a b c d ___

A07 a b c d ___

A08 a b c d ___

A09 a b c d ___

A10 a b c d ___

A11 a b c d ___

A12 a b c d ___

A13 a b c d ___

A14 a b c d ___

A15 a b c d ___

A16 a b c d ___

A17 a b c d ___

A18 a b c d ___

A19 a b c d ___

(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

B. NORMAL/EMERG PROCEDURES & RAD CON ANSWER SHEET Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)

If you change your Answer, write your selection in the blank.

B01 a b c d ___

B02 a b c d ___

B03 a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___ (0.25 each)

B04 a b c d ___

B05 a b c d ___

B06 a b c d ___

B07 a b c d ___

B08 a b c d ___

B09 a b c d ___

B10 a b c d ___

B11 a b c d ___

B12 a b c d ___

B13 a b c d ___

B14 a b c d ___

B15 a b c d ___

B16 a b c d ___

B17 a b c d ___

B18 a b c d ___

B19 a b c d ___

(***** END OF CATEGORY B *****)

C. PLANT AND RAD MONITORING SYSTEMS ANSWER SHEET Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)

If you change your Answer, write your selection in the blank.

C01 a b c d ___

C02 a b c d ___

C03 a b c d ___

C04 a b c d ___

C05 a b c d ___

C06 a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___ (0.25 each)

C07 a b c d ___

C08 a b c d ___

C09 a b c d ___

C10 a b c d ___

C11 a b c d ___

C12 a b c d ___

C13 a b c d ___

C14 a b c d ___

C15 a b c d ___

C16 a b c d ___

C17 a b c d ___

C18 a b c d ___

C19 a b c d ___

(***** END OF CATEGORY C *****)

(********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)

NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have neither received nor given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examination.
3. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
4. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
5. Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination cover sheet and each Answer sheet.
6. Mark your Answers on the Answer sheet provided. USE ONLY THE PAPER PROVIDED AND DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAGE.
7. The point value for each question is indicated in [brackets] after the question.
8. If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.
9. When turning in your examination, assemble the completed examination with examination questions, examination aids and Answer sheets. In addition turn in all scrap paper.
10. Ensure all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your Answer is on your Answer sheet. Scrap paper will be disposed of immediately following the examination.
11. To pass the examination you must achieve a grade of 70 percent or greater in each category.
12. There is a time limit of three (3) hours for completion of the examination.


( )2 eff = 0.1sec 1 Q = m cP T = m H =UAT Pmax =

(2 )

t P = P0 e S S SCR = * =1x104 sec 1 K eff eff +

SUR = 26.06

( ) (

CR1 1 K eff1 = CR2 1 K eff 2 ) CR1 ( 1 ) = CR2 ( 2 )

(1 ) M=


= 2 CR P = P0 10SUR(t )

P= P0 1 K eff CR1 1 K eff1 1 K eff

1 K eff 2 K eff

  • 0.693 K eff 2 K eff1

+ T1 =

eff 2 K eff1 K eff 2 K eff 1

= DR = DR0 e t 2 DR1 d1 = DR2 d 2 2

K eff 6 Ci E (n ) ( 2 )2 = (1 )2 DR =

R2 Peak2 Peak1 DR - Rem, Ci - curies, E - Mev, R - feet 1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 dis/sec 1 kg = 2.21 lb 1 Horsepower = 2.54 x 103 BTU/hr 1 Mw = 3.41 x 106 BTU/hr 1 BTU = 778 ft-lbf °F = 9/5 °C + 32 1 gal (H2O) 8 lbm °C = 5/9 (°F - 32) cP = 1.0 BTU/hr/lbm/°F cp = 1 cal/sec/gm/°C

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.01 [1.0 point]

In a just critical reactor, the reactor operator immediately inserts a rabbit of $0.50 reactivity worth into the core. This insertion will cause:


T: reactor period, *: Prompt neutron lifetime; : reactivity insertion; : beta fraction; -eff:

delayed neutron precursor constant

a. A sudden drop in delayed neutrons
b. A number of prompt neutrons is twice as much as a number of delayed neutrons
c. The resultant period is a function of the prompt neutron lifetime (T=*/)
d. The resultant period is a function of the delayed neutron precursors


eff QUESTION A.02 [1.0 point]

Reactor is increasing power from 10 W to 100 kW in prompt criticality. Which ONE of the following best describes the values of Keff and during the power increment?

a. Keff < 1 and 0< < 1
b. Keff = 1 and > 1
c. Keff > 1 and 0 < < -eff
d. Keff > 1 and -eff < < 1 QUESTION A.03 [1.0 point]

Few minutes following a reactor scram of 200 kW, the reactor period has stabilized and the power level is decreasing at a CONSTANT rate. What is the power level at one minute later from 1 kW?

a. 0.2 kW
b. 0.5 kW
c. 0.8 kW
d. 2.1 kW

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.04 [1.0 point]

The MAJOR source of energy released during fission comes from:

a. Fission neutrons
b. Fission fragments
c. Prompt gamma rays
d. Fission product gamma decay QUESTION A.05 [1.0 point]

Reactor A with a Keff of 0.1 and reactor B with a Keff of 0.8, Keff is increased by 0.1 for each reactor. For the same increment, the amount of reactivity added in reactor A is ______ in reactor B. (note: Keff in reactor A increases from 0.1 to 0.2 and Keff in reactor B increases from 0.8 to 0.9)

a. less than
b. same
c. eight times
d. thirty-six times QUESTION A.06 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following correctly describes the SIX- FACTOR FORMULA?

a. K = Keff
  • the utilization factor
b. K = Keff
  • the total leakage probability
c. Keff = K
  • the total non-leakage probability
d. Keff = K * (the resonance escape probability
  • the reproduction factor)

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.07 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following describes the term PROMPT JUMP?

a. A reactor is increasing power at 80-second period
b. A reactor has attained criticality on prompt neutrons alone
c. The instantaneous change in power level due to adding of a negative (-)$0.30 worth
d. The instantaneous change in power level due to removing of a negative (-)$0.30 worth QUESTION A.08 [1.0 point]

Given the associated graph, which of the following answers best describe the neutron behavior within Region II?

a. The neutron cross section is inversely proportional to the neutron velocity (1/V)
b. The neutron cross section decreases steadily with increasing neutron energy (1/E)
c. Neutrons of specific energy levels (e.g., 0.05 ev, 100 ev) have more likely leakage from the reactor core
d. Neutrons of specific energy levels (e.g., 0.05 ev, 100 ev) are more likely to be absorbed than neutrons at other energy levels

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.09 [1.0 point]

Given a reactor period of 32 seconds, approximately how long will it take for power to triple?

a. 22 seconds
b. 35 seconds
c. 46 seconds
d. 64 seconds QUESTION A.10 [1.0 point]

The reactor is on a CONSTANT positive period. Which ONE of the following power changes will take the longest time to complete?

a. 5%, from 95% to 100%
b. 10%, from 80% to 90%
c. 15%, from 15% to 30%
d. 20%, from 60% to 80%

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.11 [1.0 point]

Delayed neutrons are produced by:

a. decay of N-16
b. Photoelectric Effect
c. decay of fission fragments
d. directly from the fission process QUESTION A.12 [1.0 point]

A reactor is slightly supercritical with the following values for each of the factors in the six-factor formula:

Fast fission factor 1.03 Fast non-leakage probability 0.84 Resonance escape probability 0.96 Thermal non-leakage probability 0.88 Thermal utilization factor 0.70 Reproduction factor 1.96 A control rod is inserted to bring the reactor back to critical. Assuming all other factors remain unchanged, the new value for the thermal utilization factor is:

a. 0.698
b. 0.702
c. 0.074
d. 0.076 QUESTION A.13 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following conditions will INCREASE the core excess of a reactor?

a. Higher moderator temperature (assume negative temperature coefficient)
b. Insertion of a negative reactivity worth experiment
c. Burnout of a burnable poison
d. Fuel depletion

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.14 [1.0 point]

A reactor is subcritical with Keff of 0.955. Which ONE of the following is the MINIMUM reactivity (DK/K) that must be added to PROMPT criticality? Given eff=0.007

a. 0.0045
b. 0.0047
c. 0.0540
d. 1.0500 QUESTION A.15 [1.0 point]

Given a source strength of 100 neutrons per second (N/sec) and a multiplication factor (k) of 0.9, which ONE of the following is the expected stable neutron count rate?

a. 900 N/sec
b. 1000 N/sec
c. 1500 N/sec
d. 2000 N/sec QUESTION A.16 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following nuclides will cause a fast neutron to lose its most energy per collision?

a. H-1
b. B-10
c. C-12
d. U-235

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.17 [1.0 point]

Two common FISSION PRODUCTS that have especially large neutron capture cross sections and play a significant role in reactor physics. One is Sm-149 and the other is:

a. B-10
b. Ar-41
c. Xe-135
d. Cs-137 QUESTION A.18 [1.0 point]

Reactor is at 100 % power. The following graph shows the reactor time behavior following a reactor scram. Which ONE of the following best describes the transition of power between point A and B after the initial rod insertion? .

a. An immediate decrease in the prompt neutron fraction due to leakage, absorption, and a reduction in the fission rate
b. Fission product gases such as xenon begin to buildup causing the expansion of fuel density
c. The longest lived delayed neutron precursor begins to effect
d. The short lived delayed neutron precursors begin to effect

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics QUESTION A.19 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following physical characteristics of the TRIGA fuel is the main contributor for the prompt negative temperature coefficient?

a. As the fuel heats up the resonance absorption peaks broaden and increases the likelihood of neutron absorption in U-238
b. As the fuel heats up a rapid increase in moderator temperature occurs through conduction and convection heat transfer mechanisms which adds negative reactivity
c. As the fuel heats up fission product poisons (e.g., Xe) increase in concentration within the fuel matrix and add negative reactivity via neutron absorption
d. As the fuel heats up the oscillating hydrogen in the ZrH lattice imparts energy to a thermal neutron, thereby increasing its mean free path and probability of escape
                            • End of Section A *****************

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.01 [1.0 point]

Per UCI Emergency Classification, a significant seismic activity felt in the reactor facility is an example of:

a. Class 0, Events Less Severe Than the Lowest Category
b. Class 1, Notification of Unusual Events
c. Class 2, Alert
d. Class 3, Site Area Emergency QUESTION B.02 [1.0 point]

The reactor is in a SHUTDOWN condition, as defined by UCI Technical Specifications, when:

a. all rods are inserted to the reactor core
b. the reactor is subcritical by at least $1.00 in the reference core condition, but EXCLUDED the reactivity worth of all installed experiments
c. the console key is OFF position and no work is in progress involving core fuel, core structure, installed control rods, or control rod drives
d. the reactor is subcritical by at least $1.00 in the reference core condition with the reactivity worth of all installed experiments INCLUDED QUESTION B.03 [1.0 point, 0.25 each]

Match each of the Technical Specification Limits in column A with its corresponding value in column B. (Each limit has only one answer, values in Column B can be used once, more than once or not at all.)

Column A Column B (limit shall not exceed)

a. Maximum excess reactivity 1. $0.25
b. Maximum movable experiment worth 2. $0.50
c. Minimum Shutdown Margin 3. $1.00
d. Maximum Reactivity Insertion 4. $2.00 in Pulse Mode
5. $3.00
6. $4.00

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.04 [1.0 point]

Assume an individual has received whole body occupational exposures of:

  • 1 mrads of gamma
  • 1 mrads of alpha What would be the cumulative dose equivalent (HT) in mrem for this individual?
a. 2 mrem
b. 11 mrem
c. 21 mrem
d. 31 mrem QUESTION B.05 [1.0 point]

Assume that there is no leak to the outside of the demineralizer tank. You use a survey instrument with a window probe to measure the dose rate from the demineralizer tank.

Compare to the reading with a window CLOSED, the reading with a window OPEN will :

a. increase, because it can receive an additional alpha radiation from (Al-27) (n,), (Na-24) reaction
b. remain the same, because the Quality Factors for gamma and beta radiation are the same
c. increase, because the Quality Factor for beta and alpha is greater than for gamma
d. remain the same, because the survey instrument would not be detecting beta and alpha radiation from the tank QUESTION B.06 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the listed radioisotopes produces the highest ionizing energy gamma?

a. H3
b. N16
c. Ar41
d. U235

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.07 [1.0 point]

The radiation from an unshielded source is 1 rem/hr. When you insert 60 mm thickness of lead sheet, the radiation level reduces to 250 mrem/hr. What is the half-value-layer of lead? (HVL:

thickness of lead required so that the original intensity will be reduced by half)?

a. 10 mm
b. 20 mm
c. 30 mm
d. 40 mm QUESTION B.08 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following conditions is NOT a violation of a Limiting Condition for Operations?

a. Reactor operator conducted a pulse. The peak power reached 1000 MW
b. Reactor operator conducted a pulse during a repair of the facility ventilation system
c. During a reactor startup, high voltage to Wide Range Channel detector failed the Channel Test
d. Reactor operator withdrew the SHIM rod in the PULSE Mode QUESTION B.09 [1.0 point]

A radioactive source reads 2 Rem/hr on contact. Five hours later, the same source reads 1.0 Rem/hr. How long is the time for the source to decay from a reading of 2 Rem/hr to 20 mRem/hr?

a. 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />
b. 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />
c. 33 hours3.819444e-4 days <br />0.00917 hours <br />5.456349e-5 weeks <br />1.25565e-5 months <br />
d. 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.10 [1 point]

In the event of a suspected fuel leak, which ONE of the following nuclides would most likely be found in a Continuous Air Monitor?

a. Ar-41
b. Kr-85
c. N-16
d. Co-60 QUESTION B.11 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following materials shall NOT be irradiated at UCI?

a. Any fuel experiment
b. Any short half-life material
c. Any explosive material
d. A moveable experiment with $1.0 worth QUESTION B.12 [1.0 point]

Exposing a 1 mCi check source to the continuous air monitor (CAM) detector to verify whether it is operable is considered to be _________________________.

a. a channel calibration
b. a channel check
c. a channel test
d. a channel validation

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.13 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following requires the NRC APPROVAL for changes?

a. Revise the Fuel Element Inspection Procedure b Change a frequency of the requalification written examination from once per year to twice per year c Delete one of the procedures listed in the Test and Maintenance Procedures d Reduce a minimum of the Reactor Operations Committee from five to three members QUESTION B.14 [1.0 point]

You perform a fuel element inspection. In measuring the lateral bend, you find the bend of one fuel element exceeds the original bend by 1/32 inches. For this measurement, you will:

a. continue the fuel inspection because this bend is within TS limit
b. continue the fuel inspection because the Technical Specifications require the elongation measurement only
c. stop the fuel inspection; you immediately report the result to the supervisor because it is considered a damaged fuel element d stop the fuel inspection, you immediately report the result to the U.S. NRC since it is a reportable occurrence QUESTION B.15 [1.0 point]

Fuel experiments shall be limited such that a MAXIMUM of the total radioactivity inventory of iodine isotopes 131 through 135 does NOT exceed ______.

a. 1.0 millicuries
b. 3.0 millicuries
c. 0.3 curies
d. 1.0 curies

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.16 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following modifications would be considered a 50.59 and the UCI Reactor Facility must file a request to NRC for change? The facility plans to:

a. Replace an identical control rod drive
b. Change a control rod worth calibration from stop watch to computer
c. Replace a fission chamber with a compensated ion chamber for the Wide Range Monitor (WRM) Channel
d. Measure a control rod drop time with new technique QUESTION B.17 [1.0 point]

A significant loss of water occurs in the reactor pool during a rupture of the pool wall. Which ONE of the following is most likely the greatest concern as a result of this event?

a. Zirconium-Hydrides interact with oxygen in air, releasing explosive hydrogen gas due to TRIGA fuel overheat
b. Cladding rupture, fission products release
c. Groundwater contamination to the surrounding water table
d. Increased personnel exposure due to higher amounts of radiation QUESTION B.18 [1.0 point]

The reactor room shall contain a minimum free volume of 1,000 cubic feet. This is an example of :

a. Design Features
b. Surveillance Requirements
c. Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO)
d. Limiting Safety System Setting (LSSS)

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures QUESTION B.19 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following events does NOT require the presence of a licensed Senior Reactor Operator in the facility?

a. Fuel relocations within the core region
b. Initial start-up and approach to power
c. Insertion of experiment worth of $0.50
d. Restart following an unplanned shutdown
                                                            • End of Section B ********************************

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.01 [1.0 point]

The UCI Fast Transient Rod is located at:

a. B-ring.
b. C-ring.
c. D-ring
d. F-ring.

QUESTION C.02 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the actual design feature which prevents siphoning of primary water on a failure of the primary piping?

a. Signal from a float switch shuts off the primary pump
b. Signal from a float switch shuts a valve in the pump suction line
c. Level in the pool drops below the Net Positive Suction Head pressure minimum required to operate the pump
d. All components of the water piping on both systems are above pool water level QUESTION C.03 [1.0 point]

Graphite inserts are placed in the top and bottom of the fuel element. Which ONE of the following best describes the function of these inserts?

a. Reduce gamma radiation
b. Increase fast neutron flux
c. Absorb fission product gases
d. Reduce neutron leakage

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.04 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following substances is MAINLY used as the neutron absorber in the UCI control rods?

a. boron
b. zirconium-hydride
c. borated graphite
d. gold-indium-cadmium QUESTION C.05 [1.0 point]

The low-source-interlock signal comes from:

a. Fuel Temperature Monitor
b. Wide Range Monitor
c. Wide Range Linear Monitor
d. Power Range Monitor QUESTION C.06 [1.0 point, 0.25 each]

Reactor is in operation. Match the input signals listed in column A with their AUTOMATICAL responses listed in column B. (Items in column B may be used more than once or not at all.)

Column A Column B

a. Pool water temperature = 75 °F 1. Normal Operation
b. Withdraw SHIM Rod in Pulse Mode 2. Alarm ONLY
c. Wide Range Linear Channel = 110% power 3. Interlock
d. Wide Range Monitor Detector HV failure 4. Scram (with or without Alarm)

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.07 [1 point]

The figure below is an example of the gas ionization curve for gas-filled detectors. Which of the following ROMAN NUMERALS corresponds to the GEIGER-MUELLER REGION?

a. Region II
b. Region III
c. Region IV
d. Region V QUESTION C.08 [1.0 point]

A neutron flux will activate isotopes in air. The primary isotope we worry about in the pneumatic transfer system is

a. N16 (O16 (n,p) N16).
b. Kr80 (Kr79 (n, ) kr80).
c. Ar41 (Ar40 (n, ) Ar41).
d. H2 (H1 (n, ) H2).

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.09 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the correct parameter used for the calibration of control rods by positive period method at UCI? The operator will stabilize the reactor power and determine:

a. count rate vs. K-effective
b. temperature vs. period
c. pool level vs. coolant flow
d. reactivity vs. rod height QUESTION C.10 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following best describes the thermocouples in the instrumented fuel elements (IFE)? There consists of:

a. two chromel-alumel thermocouples embedded at the midpoint and one inch above vertical center in the IFE.
b. three chromel-alumel thermocouples embedded at the midpoint, one inch above, and below vertical center in the IFE.
c. two Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) embedded at the midpoint and one inch below vertical center in the IFE.
d. three platinum-rhodium thermocouples embedded at the midpoint, one inch above, and below vertical center in the IFE.

QUESTION C.11 [1.0 point]

The surveillance requirement for the channel calibration by the calorimetric method shall be conducted:

a. monthly
b. quarterly
c. semi-annually
d. annually

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.12 [1.0 point]

The figure attached is a basic design of :

a. Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD)
b. Film badge
c. Pocket ionization chamber
d. Scintillation detector QUESTION C.13 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the best description on how the Compensated Ion Chamber (CIC) operates?

Material used in CIC Interact with Results

a. Pu-239 + neutron B-10 + alpha --> N-14 + gamma
b. B-10 + neutron B-11 --> Li-7 + alpha
c. U-235 + neutron Fission fragments + gamma
d. Am-239 + neutron Be-9 + gamma --> Li-8 + beta

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.14 [1.0 point]

In an event of a loss of normal electrical power, an emergency diesel generator will not distribute its power to:

a. CAM system
b. Coolant pumps
c. RAM system
d. Emergency lightning in the control room QUESTION C.15 [1.0 point]

You conducted a control drop test for a SHIM rod. Which ONE of the following is the MOST acceptable value?

a. 1500 msec
b. 1000 msec
c. 800 msec
d. 50 msec QUESTION C.16 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the main function performed by the DISCRIMINATOR circuit in the Wide Range Monitor Channel?

a. To convert the signal from a fission counter to LINEAR output over a range of 10 -8 to 150 percent of full power.
b. To convert the signal logarithmic output of the metering circuit to a t (delta time) output for period metering purposes.
c. To filter out small pulses due to gamma interactions, passing only pulses due to neutron events within the Wide Range Monitor Channel.
d. To generate a current signal equal and of opposite polarity as the signal due to gamma generated within the Wide Range Monitor Channel.

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.17 [1.0 point]

The UCI fuel element contains:

a. a mixture of U-Zn-O alloy with a maximum of 9.0 weight percent uranium which has a maximum enrichment of 20 percent
b. a mixture of U-Zn-H alloy with a maximum of 20 weight percent uranium which has a maximum enrichment of 9 percent
c. a mixture of U-Zr-O alloy with a maximum of 20 weight percent uranium which has a maximum enrichment of 9 percent
d. a mixture of U-Zr-H alloy with a maximum of 9.0 weight percent uranium which has a maximum enrichment of 20 percent QUESTION C.18 [1.0 point]

The reactor operator places the CAM in the EMERGENCY ALARM MODE. Which ONE of the following is the correct mode of ventilation system?

a. Fume hood: ON; Main air inlets: ON; purge exhaust fan: ON
b. Fume hood: OFF; Main air inlets: OFF; purge exhaust fan: ON
c. Fume hood: ON; Main air inlets: ON; purge exhaust fan: OFF
d. Fume hood: OFF; Main air inlets: OFF; purge exhaust fan: OFF

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems QUESTION C.19 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following can trip the Transient control rod interlock when a steady state mode is selected?

a. SHIM rod drive DOWN and SHIM control rod DOWN
b. Pneumatic cylinder DOWN and supply air energized
c. SHIM rod drive UP and SHIM control rod DOWN
d. Pneumatic cylinder UP and supply air energized
                                      • End of Section C *****************************
                                      • End of the Exam ***************************

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics Answer Key A.01 Answer d


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1988, Sec 4.6, page 4-17.

A.02 Answer: d


Burn, R., Introduction of Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1988, Sec 4.2 A.03 Answer: b


P = P0 e-t/T = 1 kW

  • e(60sec/-80sec) = 1 kW
  • e-0.75 = 0.472
  • 1 kW = 0.47 kW A.04 Answer: b


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1988, Sec 3.2.1, page 3-5.

A.05 Answer: d


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1982, Sec 3.3.3, page 3-21.

reactor A = (Keff1-Keff2)/(Keff1*Keff2). (0.2-0.1)/(0.2*0.1) = 5 k/k reactor B = (Keff1-Keff2)/(Keff1*Keff2). (0.9-0.8)/(0.9*0.8) = 0.139 k/k 5/0.139 = 36 A.06 Answer: c


Burn, R., Introduction of Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1988, Sec 3.3 A.07 Answer: d


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1982, Page 4-21.

A.08 Answer d


DOE Fundamentals Handbook Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Vol.


Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics A.09 Answer: b


P=Poet/ 3=1* et/32 t = 32 sec*ln(3) = 35.2 sec A.10 Answer: c


Time is related to ratio of final power to initial power. 2:1 is the largest ratio.

A.11 Answer: c


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1982, Sec 3.2.

A.12 Answer: a


K eff = 1.03*0.84*0.96*0.88*1.96*x X= 1/1.4326 = 0.698 A.13 Answer c


Standard NRC question A.14 Answer: c


from k=0.955 to criticality (k=1), D = (k-1)/k = -0.047 Dk/k or D = 0.047 Dk/k needed to reach criticality. From criticality to JUST prompt, Dk/k = eff required, so minimum reactivity added to produce prompt criticality will be: 0.047+0.007= 0.054 A.15 Answer: b


CR = S/(1-K) CR = 100/(1 - .9) = 1000 N/sec A.16 Answer: a


Burn, R., Introduction of Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1988, Sec 2.4.5 A.17 Answer c


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, © 1988, Sec 8.1

Section A L Theory, Thermo, and Facility Characteristics A.18 Answer: a


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, ©4.5, 1988 A.19 Answer: d


TRIGA Fuel Design

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures Answer Key B.01 Answer: b


EP 4.2 B.02 Answer: d


TS 1.1 B.03 Answer: a(5) b(3) c(2) d(5)


TS 3.1 B.04 Answer: c


10 CFR 20 B.05 Answer: d


BASIC Radiological Concept (Betas and alpha don't make through the demineralizer tank)

B.06 Answer: b


Chart of the Nuclides B.07 Answer: c


DR = DR*e -X Find  : 250 = 1000* e -*60 ; = 0.0231 If insertion of an HVL (thickness of lead), the original intensity will be reduced by half.

Find X: 1 = 2* e -0.0231*X ; X= 30 mm Find HVL by shortcut:

1000mR- 500 mR is the 1st HVL 500 mR - 250 mR is the 2nd HVL So HVL=60mm/2 = 30 mm

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures B.08 Answer: a


TS 3.3 and 3.4 B.09 Answer: c


DR = DR*e -t 1 rem/hr =2 rem/hr* e -(5hr)

Ln(1.0/2) = -*5 --> =0.1386; solve for t: Ln(.02/2)=-0.1386 (t) t=33 hours B.10 Answer: b


NRC standard question for TRIGA design B.11 Answer: d


TS 3.1 and 3.8 B.12 Answer: c


TS 1.2 B.13 Answer: d


TS 6.2 (TS changes required an amendment)

B.14 Answer: a


TS 4.1 B.15 Answer: c


TS 3.8 B.16 Answer: c


10 CFR 50.59 B.17 Answer: d


NRC Standard Question

Section B Normal, Emergency and Radiological Control Procedures B.18 Answer: a


TS 5.2 B.19 Answer: c


TS Section 6.1.3d

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems Answer Key C.01 Answer: d


SAR 4.5.5 C.02 Answer: d


SAR13.4.1, page 13-15 C.03 Answer: d


SAR 4.2 C.04 Answer: c


SAR 4.3.1 C.05 Answer: b


UCI Instruction Manual for Operators, Section 6.4.1 C.06 Answer: a(1) b(3) c(4) d(4)


SAR 7.2 C.07 Answer: d


Bevelacqua, J. Basic Health Physics C.08 Answer: c


UCI Training Manual 10.3.2 C.09 Answer: d


NRC Standard Question C.10 Answer: b


NRC Standard Question C.11 Answer: d


TS 4.3

Section C Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems C.12 Answer: d


UCI Training Manual 7.1.2 C.13 Answer: b


UCI Training Manual C.14 Answer: b


Instruction Manual for Operators, Sec 4.9 C.15 Answer: c


Technical Specifications 3.1 (d is within a TS but it is too short)

C.16 Answer: c


SAR 6.2.1 C.17 Answer: d


UCI Instruction Manual for Operators, Section 5.2 C.18 Answer: b


UCI SOP, Section 4.7.3 C.19 Answer: d


UCI Instruction Manual for Operators, Section 6.3.2

                                                              • END OF THE EXAM ********************************