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Exam 2014-301 Final Simulator Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/2015
Division of Reactor Safety II
Download: ML15092A779 (180)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES D-1 lLT45 Facility: Oconee Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

  • Reactor power is 88% CTP Turnover:
  • 1 MS-82 and 1 MS-84 closed in support of maintenance. TDEFWP supply from AS only.
  • Perform PT111A102901003, End. 13.2 (Control Valve Movement at Power) for Control Valve 1 (Only)

Event Malfunction Event No. No. E vent T ype

  • Description Oa MPI 300 Block all Rx Trips except Manual Ob Override Override Rx Trip pushbutton Oc Override Standby CC pump auto start 1 N BOP SRO PT/i /A/02901003, End. 13.2 (Control Valve Movement at Power) in progress: testing CV1 2 MSS200 C, BOP,SRO Vacuum Leak on 1 B FDW Pumping Trap Sight Glass 3 MPS 290 C: BOP, SRO Operating CC pump trips and standby fails to start 4 MCSOO8 I: OATC, SRO 1 B loop Tcold Fails HIGH 5 MCRO21 R: OATC, SRO Group 2 Rod 6 Control Rod drops requiring Manual (TS) power reduction 6 MCRO7O C: OATC, SRO Seismic event requires manual Rx trip but Rx fails to trip SBLOCA 7 MPS400 M: All
  • 1C HPI Pump fails to start (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 2 Event


PT111A102901003, End. 13.2 (Control Valve Movement at Power) in progress:

testing Cvi Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: During this Scenario, any improper actions which result in an RPS or ES actuation will automatically become Critical Step actions.

Crew Response:

OATC During this event the OATC will:

  • Monitor the plant
  • Respond to direction from the SRO
  • Provide Peer Checks when requested The BOP should use the in progress procedure PTI1/A102901003 (Turbine SRO/BOP Valve Movement) Enclosure 13.2, Control Valve Movement At Power, at step 2.6 to test CV1:

2.6.1 IF required, select Control Valve 1 & 2 Tesf.

2.6.2 Verify Test Permissive is ON.

2.6.3 Record CV1 pretest position: % Open.

2.6.4 Select Initiate Test for Control Valve 1 Test.

2.6.5 IF any of the following conditions occur, select Abort CV1 Test:

  • ICS Turbine Master trips to HAND. (R.M.)
  • Turbine vibration> 10 mils for > 5 seconds.

CAUTION: If CV1 remains in the closed position with the Test Failed indication ON, initiating Abort Test could result in a reactivity management event. (R.M.)

2.6.6 IF Test Failed is ON AND CV1 is NOT fully closed, select Abort CV1 Test.

This event is complete when Standby EHC pump is OFF, or as directed by the lead examiner Page 2 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 2 Event


PT111N02901003, End. 13.2 (Control Valve Movement at Power) in progress:

testing Cvi Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response: (Cont.)

SRO/BOP NOTE: It a Control Valve remains closed after it has disc-dump, it may start going open at any time (i.e. 1 mm, 5 mm, 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />,...). When the Control Valve starts going back open it will open at its normal rate. No transients are expected during this scenario since the EHC Control System will simply continue with the test logic and return the Control Valve to its normal position at the normal controlled test rate.

2.6.7 IF Test Failed is ON AND CV1 remains closed perform the following:

  • Do NOT select Abort CV1 Test. (R.M.)
  • Notify WCC & Engineering that the (FASV) for the Control Valve under test is stuck in the energized state.

Booth Cue: As the Standby EHC pump is being secured, FIRE TIMER 2 to initiate Event 2.

NOTE: Control Valves which are not in their normal position could result in asymmetrical loading on the Turbine bearings.

Monitor Turbine Vibrations closely if in this abnormal state.

2.6.8 Perform EITHER for CV1:

A. Verify Test Successful indicated for CV1.

B. IF Test Successful NOT indicated for CV1, verify CV1 moved towards closed position.

2.6.9 Verify CV1 test indicator reset.

2.6.10 Verify CV1 within +/- 5.0% of pretest position.

2.6.11 Perform the following:

  • Verify acceptance criteria met
  • IE acceptance criteria NOT met, notify SRO Examiners Note: Per section 11.2, acceptance criteria is met if CV1 Test Successful indication occurs and the CV returns to within 5% of fully open. Acceptance criteria will be met.

2.7 IF desired:

2.7.1 Stop Standby EHC pump.

2.7.2 Place Standby EHC pump control switch to AUTO.

Booth Cue: If dispatched to clear the Turbine Panel alarm, on the updater screen change the state of ACKN1SA4C7 to True This event is complete when Standby EHC pump is OFF, or as directed by the lead examiner Page 3 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No. :1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 2 Event


Vacuum Leak on 1 B FDW Pumping Trap Sight Glass Time_] Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant Response:

  • 1SA-3/A-6, Condenser Vacuum Low (25 Hg)

Crew response:

1 SA-3/A-6, Condenser Vacuum Low 3.1 Refer to AP/1/AJ1 700/027 OATC During this event the OATC will:

  • Monitor the plant
  • Respond to direction from the SRO

4.2 IAAT both of the following apply:

Condenser vacuum 22 Hg

_MODE1 or2 THEN trip the Rx.

4.3 Dispatch operators to perform the following:

Perform End 5.1 (Main Vacuum Pump Alignment)(PS)

Look for vacuum leaks 4.4 Ensure afl available Main Vacuum Pumps operating (A, B, & C)

Booth Cue: After all MVPs are running, call the Control Room to notify the operator that the Main Vacuum Pumps are aligned to Unit 1.

4.5 Ensure 1V-186 is closed 4.6 Ensure Steam to Steam Air Ejector A, B, C > 255 psig 4.7 Verify Steam Seal Header Press> 1.5 psig 4.8 Ensure aW available CCW pumps operating (CT-i)

Examiner Note: Soon after the 4 th CCW Pump is started, OAC point 01E0507 (LPSW Leakage Accumulator Level) will come into alarm.

This event is complete when SRO reaches Step 4.10 of AP/27, or as directed by the lead examiner Page 4 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No. :1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 2 Event


Vacuum Leak on 1 B FDW Pumping Trap Sight Glass Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Cue: Call Control Room as the AO sent out to look for vacuum leaks and report that a leak was found on the lB Main FDW Pump pumping trap sight glass. FIRE TIMER 14 to stop the vacuum leak once directed to isolate the leaking sightglass.

Examiner Note: The leak will be removed after the control room directs the AO to isolate the sight glass.

SRO/BOP 4.9 Verify Condensate flow 2300 gpm 4.10 WHEN condenser vacuum is stable, AND End 5.1 (Main Vacuum Pump Alignment) is complete, THEN EXIT this procedure SRO Due to receiving the OAC point 01 E0507 (LPSW Leakage Accumulator Level) alarm, the SRO will make the following Tech Spec determination.

Tech Spec 3.7.7 (LPSW) Condition B (LPSW WPS inoperable on Units with LPSW Waterhammer Modification installed)

Required Actions: Restore the LPSW WPS to Operable status Completion Time: 7 days This condition applies for the duration of the OAC alarm above being in alarm.

Once the alarm clears the Condition can be exited.

This event is complete when SRO reaches Step 4.10 of AP/27, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 4 Event


Operating CC pump trips and standby fails to start Time I Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant response:

  • 1 HP-5 (Letdown Isolation) will close due to high letdown temperature
  • CC Total Flow Low
  • Component Cooling Pressure Low Crew Response:

AP/32 (Loss of Letdown) will be entered to restore letdown once CC flow is restored. See page 8 OATC While the BOP responds to the loss of CC, the OATC will:

  • Monitor the plant
  • Respond to direction from the SRO
  • Provide Peer Checks when requested BOP Refer to ARG 1 SA-91B-1 OR 1 SA-91C-1
  • Determine low flow is due to CC Pump failure AND Standby CC Pump did NOT start and perform the following:
  • Verify CC Surge Tank level > 12
  • Start Standby CC Pump (CT-2)

Examiner Note: The SRO may not initiate AP/20 if the Standby Pump is started per the ARG.

SRO Refer to AP/20 (Loss of Component Cooling)

Immediate Manual Actions 3.2 IAAT two CRD stator temperatures 180°F, THEN trip RX. ( 4 minutes)

Subsequent Actions 4.1 Verify at least one CC pump is operating 4.2 GO TO Step 4.12 4.12 Announce AP entry This event is complete when at step 4A4 of AP32 or when directed by the Lead Examiner Page 6 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No. :1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 4 L Event


Operating CC pump trips and standby fails to start Time j Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

AP/20 (Loss of CC) Subsequent Actions (Continued) 4.13 Verify leak on CC system is indicated:

RNO: GO TO Step 4.54 SRO/BOP 4.54 Verify CC system is operating with indications of flashing RNO: GO TO Step 4.105 4.105 IAAT any RCP radial bearing temperature 225F, THEN Steps 4.106-4.108 RNO: GO TO Step 4.109 4.109 IAAT a RCP has been shut down for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, THEN close the Associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valve.

4.110 Verify RCP seal injection flow is 612 gpm / RCP.

4.111 Ensure actions have been initiated to restore cause of degradation.

4.112 IAAT any RCP temperatures exceed limits for Radial Bearing Temperature or Seal Return Temperature, THEN increase seal inlet header flow as necessary to lower temperatures without exceeding l5gpm/RCP.

4.113 IAAT no CC pumps operating, AND a CC pump is now available to start, THEN perform Steps 4.1144.115 RNO: GO TO Step 4.116.

4.116 WHEN cause of degradation has been repaired, THEN return CC pumps to desired configuration.

4.117 WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT.

This event is complete when the Standby HP1 Pump is returned to Auto or when directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No. :1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 4 Event


Operating CC pump trips and standby fails to start Time Position [ ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior AP/32 (Loss of Letdown)

SRO/ Crew Response:

(SRO may direct either the BOP or the OATC to perform steps from this AP) 4.1 Place 1HP-120 in HAND and reduce demand to zero.

4.2 Position the standby HPI pump switch to OFF.

CAUTION: RCP individual seal return valves will close if seal injection is < 22 gpm with CC flow < 575 gpm.

4.3 Throttle 1HP-31 to establish 12- 15 gpm SEAL INLET HDR FLOW.

SRO NOTE: The running HPIP may operate below 65 gpm for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

HPIP time of operation below minimum flow is cumulative.

4.4 Verify HPI pump flow 65 gpm. (30 gpm Recirc + SI +__ MU) 4.5 Initiate makeup to the LDST as required. (Using EOP Enclosure 5.5 or OP/i IA/i 103/004 for batch additions) 4.6 Notify the OSM and STA to reference OMP 1-14 and the Emergency Plan 4.7 Verify 1HP-5 closed.

4.8 Dispatch an operator to 1 HP-5 to establish communication with the CR.

SRO TS 3.49 applies when PZR level > 260 (corrected value for 285).

Conditions where it is known that letdown CANNOT be restored do not require waiting until 260 to begin a rapid shutdown.

4.9 IAAT either of the following exist:

  • PZR level > 260 inches AND letdown cannot be established
  • Plant conditions exist such that letdown will not be restored THEN initiate unit shutdown per AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown) 4.10 IAAT PZR level 375 inches, THEN trip Rx.

4.11 Determine the cause of loss of letdown:

  • Actual LD Temperature high: GO TO Step 4.28 This event is complete when the Standby HPI Pump is returned to Auto or when directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No. :1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 4 Event


Operating CC pump trips and standby fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

SRO/ 4.28 Notify SPOC to initiate repairs on failed equipment.

BOP! 4.29 IAAT letdown can be re-established, THEN perform Steps 4.30-4.44.

4.30 Place CC System in operation.

4.31 Close 1HP-6 4.32 Close 1HP-7 4.33 Open 1HP-1, 1HP-2, 1HP-3, and 1HP-4.

4.34 Verify letdown temperature < 135 F. RNO:

  • Verify NO deborating lXs in service
  • Select LETDOWN HI TEMP INTLK BYP switch to BYPASS 4.35 Open 1 HP-5.

4.36 Throttle open 1 HP-7 to establish 20 gpm 4.37 WHEN letdown temperature < 130 F, THEN place LETDOWN HI TEMP INTLK BYP switch in NORMAL.

4.38 Open 1 HP-6 4.39 Adjust 1 HP-7 to control desired letdown flow.

4.40 Re-establish normal makeup through 1 HP-i 20 4.41 Re-establish normal RCP seal injection flow 4.42 Position the standby HPI pump switch to AUTO Examiners Note: This concluded this event. Not required to put Purification IX in service at step 4.43 4.43 Verify any purification IX in service 4.44 EXIT this procedure.

Tech Spec 3.4.1 (RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow DNB Limits)

SRO requires RCS pressure to stay > 2121 psig when in MODE 1 Steady State.

During Letdown flow perturbations in this event it is possible that RCS pressure goes below 2125 psig, If that occurs the SRO will enter TS 3.4.1 Condition A (One or more RCS DNB parameters not within limits) which has a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> completion time to restore parameter to within limits.

This event is complete when the Standby HPI Pump is returned to Auto or when directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.:ILT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event NoV: 4 Page 1 of 3 Event


1 B loop Tcold Fails HIGH Time Time I Time Plant Response:

Loop 18 Tc Dixson meter high (620° F)

  • Loop 18 iT Dixson meter reads 0°F
  • tTc meter reads low (-10°F; B loop Hot)
  • Controlling NR Tave digital display reads 595.5°F
  • Controlling Tave Chessell display reads 595°F
  • 1 SA-2/B4 (RC Average Temperature High/Low)
  • 1SA-21A-12, ICS Tracking SRO Examiner Note: IF Reactor Power decreases below 85% during this event, the SRO will enter Tech Spec 3.10.1 Conditions A-E which all have a 7 day completion time.

Crew Response:

  • When the Statalarms are received, the candidates should utilize the Plant Transient Response (PTR) process to stabilize the plant, which should include:

OATC o ICS to HAND (Feedwater Masters and Control Rods BOP o Inserting Control Rods as needed to control RCS pressure (Performed by the BOP)

OATC o Decreasing or re-ratioing feedwater to control Reactor power and delta Tcold (Performed by the OATC (CT-3)


  • The SRO should:

Refer to AP/28, ICS Instrument Failures Direct the BOP to review ARGs AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failures) 4.1 Provide control bands as required.

4.2 Initiate notification of the following:

OSM to reference the following:

  • OMP 1-14 (Notifications)

RNO: GO TO Step 4.5.

4.4 Notify Rx Engineering and discuss the need for a maneuvering plan.

Booth Response: We will prepare a maneuvering plan.

This event is complete when Section 4A Step 6 is reached, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No. :1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 3 Event


lB loop Tcold Fails HIGH

__Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/28 (continued)

SRO/OATC 4.5 Use the following, as necessary, to determine the applicable section from table in Step 4.6:

  • OAC alarm video
  • OAC display points
  • Control Board indications
  • SPOC assistance, as needed 4.6 GO TO Section 4A, RCS Temperature AP/11A117001028 Section 4A RCS Temperature Failure
1. Ensure the following in HAND:


2. Ensure DIAMOND in MANUAL.
3. Notify SPOC to perform the following:

o Select a valid RCS Tave and Delta Tc input to ICS per AM/i /A/0326/020 (Control of Unit 1 Star Module Signal Selection Function).

  • Investigate and repair the failed RCS temperature instrumentation.

BOP 4. PERFORM an instrumentation surveillance using applicable table in End 5.2 (ICS Instrument Surveillances) for the failed instrument.

Examiner Note: This step will require the BOP to refer to Table 1 (RCS Temperature) of Enclosure 5.2 and determine if the surveillance for SR can be met as it is written with the failed temperature instrument.

Based on plant response to the failure the BOP will determine either:

1. The surveillance is not required to be met due to plant conditions
2. The surveillance can be met as written
3. The surveillance can NOT be met as written This information will be reported to the SRO when asked in Step 5.

This event is complete when Section 4A Step 6 is reached, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.:lLT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page 3 of 3 Event


1 B loop Tcold Fails HIGH Time Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior AP/28 (continued)

BOP 5. Verify instrumentation surveillance in End 5.2 (lOS Instrument Surveillances) was performed satisfactorily as written.

6. WHEN notified by SPOC that a valid RCS Tave and Delta Tc input have been restored to lOS, THEN GO TO OP/i/Ni 102/004 A End (Placing 105 Stations To Auto).

Examiner Note: The ICS will remain in manual for the remainder of the scenario.

Examiner Note: The crew may initiate EOP End 5.5 for inventory control.

These steps are included beginning on page 31 if necessary.

SRO The SRO may elect to perform a Crew Brief at this time This event is complete when Section 4A Step 6 is reached, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 5 Event


Group 2 Rod 6 Control Rod drops requiring Manual power reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant Response:

o Group 2 Rod 6 drops into the core

  • Statalarm 1 SA-2/A-i 0 (CRD GLOBAL TROUBLE)
  • Statalarm 1 SA-4/C-1 (QUADRANT POWER TILT) (in at 2 minutes)
  • Statalarm 1 SA-5/B-5 (1 B RPS TROUBLE)
  • Statalarm 1 SA-5/D-5 (1 D RPS TROUBLE)

Crew Response:

SRO/BOP/ Crew should perform Plant Transient Response (PTR) and determine that no OATC manual FDW adjustments are required and that a runback condition exists but due to ICS being in manual it is not occurring.

  • OATC reports to the SRO reactor power level and direction of movement.
  • The BOP reports expected AUTO Runback did not occur, and monitors RCS pressure and inventory and inserts Control Rods as needed.
  • The OATC will adjust FDW and/or control rods as necessary to restore reactor power to the desired control band.

SRO should enter AP/1/A/1700/0O1 (Unit Runback)

AP/1 IA/i 700/00 1 4.1 GO TO the most limiting section per the following table:

J Section Runback 4H Asymmetric Control Rod (1%/mm to 55%power)

Section 4H 1 IAAT a more limiting runback occurs, THEN GO TO Subsequent Actions Step 4.1.

2 IAAT more than one control rod is dropped or misaligned 6.5% (9) from the group average, THEN trip the Rx.

NOTE NIs should NOT be calibrated per guidelines contained in OP/i/All 102/004 (Operation at Power) due to actual power re-distribution within the core as a result of a dropped/misaligned rod.

3 Verify Rx is critical.

4. Verify power> 55% when the rod was dropped or misaligned.

This event is complete when Rx Power has decreased at least 10% and FWP suction has been adjusted, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 2 of 5 Event


Group 2 Rod 6 Control Rod drops requiring Manual power reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/11N17001001 Section 4H (continued)

EXAMINER NOTE: ICS is in Manual. Candidate will proceed to RNO S RO/OATC 5 Verify Rx runback to 55% core thermal power in progress.

  • CTPDsetat55%
  • ASYMETRIC RODS Runback Light lit
  • CTP Demand decreasing
  • Reactor power will decrease when the runback catches up with the initial power decrease from the dropped rod.

SRO The SRO may perform a Focused Brief prior to initiating the power reduction RNO: 1. Initiate power reduction to 55% core thermal power at 1%/mm.

2. IF control rods will not insert manually, THEN perform the following:

A. Trip reactor.


6 Initiate End 5.1 (Control of Plant Equipment During Shutdown).

(see page 16)

NOTE The following actions should be performed as quickly as possible due to the complexity of resetting RPS trip setpoints and Tech Spec time limits.

7 Notify SPOC to perform the following:

  • Investigate cause of dropped or misaligned control rod.
  • Prepare to reduce the following trip setpoints:

o RPS Flux/Flow-Imbalance o RPS High Flux 8 Notify the OSM to ensure the requirements of the following Tech Specs are met:

Booth Cue: When SM is contacted, inform the team that the SM is occupied on Unit 3 and cannot verify TS requirements at this time. See next page for specific TS information This event is complete when Rx Power has decreased at least 10% and FWP suction has been adjusted, or as directed by the lead examiners Page 14 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 3 of 5 Event


Group 2 Rod 6 Control Rod drops requiring Manual power reduction Time I Position Applicants Actions or Behavior API1 IA/i 700/001 Section 4H (continued)

SRO/OATC/ 9 Notify OSM to make notifications as required per OMP 1-14 BOP (Notifications).

10 Verify> 1% SDM with allowance for the inoperable control rod per PT/i /AJi 103/015 (Enclosure 13.18, Reactivity Balance Calculation) within one hour.

Examiner Note: Shutdown Margin will be adequate 11 Reduce core thermal power Hthe following limits, based on the number of RCPs operating, within two hours:

RCPs Allowable Thermal Power (% FP) 3 45 4 60 12 IAAT the power decrease is complete, AND any NI is > the following:

RCPs Maximum NI Power (% FP) 3 40 4 55 THEN reduce power until all NIs are S the Maximum NI Power limit for the operating RCP combination per End 5.4 (Power Reduction).


Conditions A-E will be entered all of which have a 7 day completion time.

  • TS 3.1.4 (Control Rod Group Alignment Limits), Condition A applies which provides 1 hr to restore alignment or verify SDM and be below 60%in2hrs
  • TS 3.1.5 (Safety Rod Position Limits), Condition A applies (Safety rods are in Groups 14) which requires verification of SDM and declaring the associated rod inoperable within 1 hr.
  • TS 3.2.3 (Quadrant Power Tilt), Condition A applies when Incore QPT exceeds ÷3.5 (due to misaligned control rod). (If the highest Incore QPT exceeds ÷7.11 then Condition B would apply) The power reduction required by Condition A will already be met due to the reduced power level at turnover. RPS trip setpoints must be reduced within 10 hrs and OPT restored within 24 hrs.

This event is complete when Rx Power has decreased at least 10% and FWP suction has been adjusted, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 4 of 5 Event


Group 2 Rod 6 Control Rod drops requiring Manual power reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior API1IN1700IOO1 Enclosure 5.1 1 IAAT SRO determines all appropriate actions have been taken, SRO/BOP AND the run back is complete, THEN EXIT this Enclosure.

2 Notify the WOO SRO to initiate Enclosure 5.2 (WCC SRO Support During Unit Runback; EXAMINER NOTE: This scenario begins at 75% so steps 3 &4 have already been accomplished.

3 Start the following pumps:


4 WHEN CTP is 80%,

THEN stop the following pumps


THEN continue this Enclosure.

6 Place the following in MANUAL and close:

1 B FDWP is the preferred pump to shut down first.

7 Verify both Main FDWPs operating.

8 Verify 1 B FDWP to be shut down first.

9 Adjust the FWP bias counter-clockwise to lower 1 B FWP suction flow 1 x 106 lb/hr < 1A FWP suction flow.

10 GOTOStepl2.

This event is complete when Rx Power has decreased at least 10% and FWP suction has been adjusted, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2

!LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 5 of 5 Event


Group 2 Rod 6 Control Rod drops requiring Manual power reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior API1IN1700IOO1 Enclosure 5.1 (continued)

SROIBOP 12 IAAT both Main FDW pumps running, AND both of the following exist:

  • 1 B Main FDW pump is first pump to be shut down
  • Any of the following alarms occur:


THEN trip 1 B Main FDW Pump.

13 IAAT both Main FDW pumps running, AND both of the following exist:

  • 1A Main FDW pump is first pump to be shut down o Any of the following alarms occur:


THEN trip 1A Main FDW Pump.

14 IAAT the operating FDWP suction flow < 1.5 x 106 Ib/hr, THEN slowly throttle the associated recirc control valve to establish 2300 6000 gpm total Condensate flow:

  • 1FDW-65 15 Maintain Pzr level between 220- 250.

This event is complete when Rx Power has decreased at least 10% and FWP suction has been adjusted, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 5 Event


SeismIc Event results in an ATWS (Rule 1)

Time Posftion Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant Response:

Statalarm 1 SA9/E1 (Seismic Trigger) actuates OAC alarm 0100201 (Seismic Recorder) actuates (BOTH alarms will clear after about 30 sec to provide reflash ability)

Booth Cue: Call the Control Room on the Emergency Line (4911) and inform the crew that they have just felt the room shake at the time of the alarm and that several officers have reported feeling a significant earthquake. Additionally, one of the officers has reported seeing a crack in the side of the Unit 1 Containment Building.

If the crew dispatches someone to investigate the RB crack, report that there is a significant crack on the north side of Unit 1 containment approximately 2030 feet long.

Crew Response:

SRO The SRO will enter and begin to direct AP/5 (Earthquake) 4.1 Announce AP entry using the PA system 4.2 IAAT any of the following occur:

  • Re-flash of SEISMIC TRIGGER (1SA-9, E-1) and/or (3SA9IE1) o Re-flash of computer alarm: SEISMIC RECORDER (01 D0201) on Unit 1
  • Aftershocks felt at ONS or Keowee Hydro Station THEN GO TO Step 4.3.

SRO/OATC 4.3 IAAT major visible damage is observed, THEN evaluate Rx trip on all affected units.

Examiner Note: The crew should determine that step 4.3 IAAT is met and manually trip the Reactor. When the Reactor Trip button is depressed, the Reactor will NOT trip requiring actions to mitigate an ATWS which begin on the next page.

Booth Cue: IF the crew decides to NOT trip the reactor, call the Control Room as the OSM and inform the crew that based on an evaluation of the Crack in containment you are directing them to manually trip the Reactor.

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to the Subsequent Actions tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 5 Event


Seismic Event results in an ATWS (Rule 1)

Time Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

The SRO will direct the OATC to perform EOP Immediate Manual Actions BOP The SRO will direct the BOP to perform a Symptoms Check EOP Immediate Manual Actions:

OATC 3.1 Depress REACTOR TRIP pushbutton.

3.2 Verify reactor power < 5% FP and decreasing.

RNO: GO TO Rule 1 (ATWS/Unanticipated Nuclear Power Production)

EOP Rule 1 (CT-24)

OATC 1. Verify any Power Range NI 5% FP

2. Initiate manual control rod insertion to the IN LIMIT
3. Verify Main FDW is feeding the SGs.
4. Notify CR SRO to GO TO UNPP tab (see next page)
5. Open 1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25
6. Ensure at least one of the following operating:
7. StartlCHPI PUMP
8. Open 1 HP-26 and 1 HP-27
9. Dispatch one operator without wearing Arc Flash PPE to open 600V CRD breakers on the following:

BOOTH CUE: When dispatched, Fire Timer 12 which will trip the CRD Breakers after a 3 minute time delay.

10. Verify only two HPI pumps are operating. RNO:
  • IF RCS inventory control does NOT require all HPI pumps, THEN:
  • Secure 1A or 1 B HPI pump.
  • Place standby HPI pump switch to AUTO.
11. EXIT This event is complete when the SRO transfers to the Subsequent Actions tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 19 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2

)LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 5 Event


Seismic Event results in an ATWS (Rule 1)

Time Position Appflcants Actions or Behavior EOP UNPP tab:


Examiner Note: Based on availability, the SRO may direct either the OATC or the BOP to perform steps from this tab.

1. Ensure Rule 1 is in progress or complete
2. Verify Main FDW is operating and in AUTO RNO: IF Main FDW is operating in MANUAL, THEN adjust Main FDW flow, as necessary, to control RCS temperature.
3. IAAT Main FDW is NOT operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Trip the turbine-generator B. Start all available EFDW pumps C. Ensure Rule 3 is in progress or complete.

4. IAAT all power range NIs are <5% FP, THEN perform Steps 5-6 EXAMINER NOTE: Depending on timing, operator could go to step 5 or step 7 from here (may have to come back to step 5 when <5% FP).

The turbine should not be manually tripped if power is not <5%.

There is also a power/timing dependent decision below at step 7.

RNO: GO TO Step 7

5. Depress turbine TRIP pushbutton
6. Verify all turbine stop valves closed
7. Verify jy wide range NI > 1% FP RNO: GO TO Step 16
8. Open 1 RC-4
9. Verify 1 HP-5 open
10. Maximize letdown while maintaining letdown temperature < 120 F.
11. Verify Main FDW available
12. Adjust Main FDW flow as necessary to control RCS temperature
13. Verify overcooling in progress RNO: GO TO Step 16
16. Secure makeup to LDST
17. WHEN j.[Wide Range NIs are 1% FP, AND decreasing, THEN continue This event is complete when the SRO transfers to the Subsequent Actions tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner, Page 20 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 4 of 5 Event


Seismic Event results in an ATWS (Rule 1)

Time j Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior EOP UNPP Tab (continued)


18. Control RCS temperature as follows:
  • Tave 555° F Adjust SG pressure as necessary to stabilize RCS temperature using either of the following:
  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of the ADVs)
  • Tave > 555°F Utilize Rule 7 (SG Feed Control) to control SG feed rate as necessary to maintain cooldown rate within Tech Spec limits during the approach to the SG Level Control Point.
19. Throttle HPI per Rule 6 (HPI)
20. WHEN RCS pressure <2300 psig, THEN continue
21. Verify PORV closed
22. Adjust letdown flow as desired
23. Verify RCP seal injection available
24. GO TO Subsequent Actions tab (Next Page)

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to the Subsequent Actions tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 21 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 5 of 5 Event


Seismic Event results in an ATWS (Rule 1)

Time Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior EOP Subsequent Actions tab:


Examiner Note: Based on availability, the SRO may direct either the BOP or the OA TC to perform steps from this tab.

4.1 Verify all control rods in Groups 1-7 fully inserted 4.2 Verify Main FDW in operation 4.3 Verify either of the following:

  • Main FDW overfeeding causing excessive temperature decrease
  • Main FDW underfeeding causing SG level decrease below setpoint RNO: GO TO Step 4.5 4.5 IAAT Main FDW is operating, AND level in jy SG is > 96% on the Operating Range, THEN perform Steps 4.6 4.8 RNO: GO TO Step 4.9 4.9 IAAT TBVs CANNOT control SG pressure at desired setpoint, THEN manually control pressure in affected SG using either of the following:
  • TBV5
  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of the ADVs)

(PS) 4.10 Verify 1 RIA-40 operable with CSAE OFF-GAS BLOWER operating 4.11 GOTOStep4.14 4.14 Verify 1 MS-17 and 1 MS-26 are closed:

RNO: Dispatch operator with End 5.29 (MSRV Locations) to verify MSRVs have reseated.

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to the Subsequent Actions tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 22 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and 1C HPIP Fails to start meEPoswon AppHcansActionsorBehavkr Plant response:

Control board indications:

  • 1 SA-2!D-3 (RC PRESS HI/LOW)
  • RCS Pressure and PZR level decreasing
  • ES 1-6 actuate
  • RCS subcooling margin will indicate 0°F
  • Reactor Building level increasing Crew response:


  • The SRO will direct the OATC to perform IMAs.


  • The SRO will direct the BOP to perform to a Symptoms Check.

Transfer from the Subsequent Actions Tab to the LOSCM tab to direct crew SRO activities.

Examiners Note: Based on availability, the SRO may direct either the BOP or the OA TC to perform steps from the EOP BOP/OATC Once the RCS saturates, one of the ROs will perform Rule 2 which begins on the next page.

OATC/BOP The RO not performing Rule 2 will begin performing Enclosure 5.1 due to ES actuation. Enclosure 5.1 begins on page 40.

Booth Cue: Once the SBLOCA has begun, if the crew requests that Unit 2 continue with AP/5 inform them that Unit 2 will continue in the AP.

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 23 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and 1C HPIP Fails to start Time Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

SRO Rule 2 ( Loss of SCM)

1. IAAT all the following exist:
  • Any SCM 0°F
  • Rxpowersl%
  • 2 minutes elapsed since loss of SCM THEN perform steps 2 & 3
2. Stop all RCPs (CT-4)
3. Notify CR SRO of RCP status
4. Verify Blackout exists.

RNO: GO TO Step 6

6. Open 1HP-24 & 25
7. Start all available HPI Pumps
8. GO TO step 13.
13. Open 1 HP-26 & 27
14. Verify at least two HPI pumps are operating using two diverse indications.
15. IAAT>2 HPI pumps operating and HPI flow in any header is in Unacceptable Region of Fig. 1, THEN perform Steps 16-21.

Examiner Note: 1 C HP! pump did not start therefore the IAA T is met

16. Open 1 HP-409 (CT-5)
17. IAAT flow limits are exceeded THEN perform Steps 18 20 -

RNO: GO TO Step 21

18. Place Diverse HPI in BYPASS.
19. Perform both:
  • Place ES OH 1 in MANUAL.
  • Place ES CH 2 in MANUAL.
20. Throttle HPI to maximize flow flow limit. (CT-6)

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 24 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event NoV: 6 Page 3 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and 1C HPIP Fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 2 ( Loss of SCM) (Continued)

SRO 21. Notify CR SRO of HPI status.

22. Verify RCS pressure >550 psig
23. IAAT either of the following exists:
  • Only one LPI header in operation with header flow 2900 gpm THEN GO TO Step 24.

RNO: GO TO Step 35

35. IAAT TBVs are unavailable, THEN A Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of ADVs)

B Notify CR SRO the ADVs are being aligned for use.

36. Select OFF for both Digital Channels on AFIS HEADER A
37. Select OFF for both Digital Channels on AFIS HEADER B
38. Verify any EFDW pump operating.

RNO: Place 1 FDW 315 and 1 FDW-31 6 in MANUAL and close.

39. Start MD EFDW pumps on all intact SGs:
40. Verify any EFDW pump operating.
41. Verify both SGs intact.
42. Establish 300 gpm EFDW flow to each SG
43. Verify both MD EFDWPs operating.
45. Trip both Main FDW pumps.
46. Place FDW block valve switches in CLOSE:
  • 1FDW-40 This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 4 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and 1C HPIP Fails to start Time Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior Rule 2 ( Loss of SCM) (Continued)

SRO OATC 47. Utilize Rule 7 (SG Feed Control) to feed all intact SGs to the appropriate BOP SG Level Control Point using available feed sources; EFDW/Main FDW.

48. IAAT SG Level Control Point is reached, THEN maintain SG Level Control Point by feeding and steaming as necessary.
49. Notify CR SRO of SG feed status.

CAUTION If 1 TD EFDW PUMP is being used for SG feed and Unit 1 is supplying the Auxiliary Steam header, reducing SG pressure below 250 psig can result in reduced pumping capability.

50. IAAT SG pressure is> RCS pressure, THEN reduce SG pressure < RCS pressure using either:
  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (operation of the ADV5)
51. Verify any Main FDW pump operating.

RNO: GO TO Step 58.

58. Ensure Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW) is in progress or complete.
59. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this rule.

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 26 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 5 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and 1C HPIP Fails to start Time_j Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior LOSCM tab SRO 1. Ensure Rule 2 (Loss of SCM) is in progress or complete.


2. Verify Station ASW feeding any SG.


4. Verify LOSCM caused by excessive heat transfer.

RNO: GO TO Step 6

6. IAAT either of the following exists:


> Only one LPI header in operation with header flow 2900 gpm THEN GO TO LOCA CD tab.

7. Verify SSF activated per AP125 with both of the following systems required:
  • SSF RC Makeup
9. Verify all of the following exist:
  • Adequate total HPI flow per LOSCM Tab Figure 1 (Total Required HPI Flow)
10. GOTOStep89.
89. Open 1 AS-40 while closing 1 MS-47.
90. Verify HPI forced cooling in progress.

RNO: Close 1 RC-4

91. Close 1GWD-17, 1HP-1, 1HP-2, and 1RC-3
92. Verify either of the following:
  • Core superheated
  • Rx vessel head level at 0 RNO: GO TO Step 94
94. IAAT BWST level is 19, THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Swap to RBES).

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 27 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario NoW: 1 Event Nofl: 6 Page 6 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and 1 C HPIP Fails to start Time j Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior LOSCM tab(Continued)

SRO OATC CAUTION BOP If TDEFDWP is being used for SG feed, reducing SG pressure below 250 psig can result in reduced pumping capability 95 Maintain SG pressure < RCS pressure utilizing either:

TBVs ADVs 96 Verify SG available for feeding/steaming.

97 Initiate End 5.16 (SG Tube-to-Shell T Control).

98 Verify indications of SGTR exist.

RNO: GO TO Step 101 101 Verify HPI forced cooling in progress.

RNO: GOTO Step 103 103 Verify CETCs trend decreasing.

104 Verify primary to secondary heat transfer is excessive.

RNO: GOTOStep 106 106 Verify indications of SGTR 25 gpm.

RNO: GO TO Step 108 108 Verify required RCS makeup flow within normal makeup capability.

RNO: GO TO LOCA CD tab This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 28 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: I Event No.: 6 Page 7 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and IC HPIP Fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW)

1. Verify loss of Main FDW/EFDW is due to TBF.



3. IAAT NO SGs can be be fed with FDW (Main/CBP/Emergency),

AND any of the following exist:

  • RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig or NDT limit.
  • PZR level reaches 375 (340 acc)

THEN PERFORM Rule 4 (HPI Forced Cooling)

4. Start operable EFDW pumps, as required, to feed all intact SGs.
5. Verify any EFDW pump operating.
6. GO TO Step 37
37. IAAT an EFDW valve CANNOT control in AUTO, OR manual operation of EFDW valve is desired to control flow/level, THEN perform Steps 38-42.

RNO:GO TO Step 43

43. Verify y SCM 0°F RNO: IF overcooling OR exceeding limits in Rule 7, Then throttle EFDW as necessary.
44. IAAT Unit 1 EFDW is in operation, THEN initiate End 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation).
45. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT.

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 29 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: I Event No.: 6 Page 8 of 8 Event


SBLOCA and IC HPIP Fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enclosure 5.9 Extended EFDW Operation

1. Monitor EFDW parameters on EFW graphic display.
2. IAAT UST level is <4, THEN GO TO Step 120
3. IAAT feeding both SGs with one MD EFDWP is desired, THEN perform steps 4 7.

RNO: GO TO Step 8

8. Perform as required to maintain UST level > 7.5:
  • Makeup with demin water.
  • Place CST pumps in AUTO.
9. IAATaN exist:

Rapid cooldown NOT in progress MD EFDWP operating for each available SG EFDW flow in each header

<600 gpm THEN place 1 TD EFDW PUMP switch in PULL TO LOCK

10. Verify 1 TD EFDW PUMP operating.

RNO: GO TO Step 12

11. Start TD EFDWP BEARING Oil Cooling Pump.


  • Loss of the condensate system for 25 minutes results in cooling down to LPI using the ADVs. If NO HWPs are operating, continuing this enclosure to restore the condensate system is a priority unless the CR SRO deems EOP activities higher priority. The 25 minute criterion is satisfied when a HWP is started and IC-b is 10% open.
  • If the condensate system is operating, the remaining guidance establishes FDW recirc, monitors and maintains UST, and transfers EFDW suction to the hotwell if required.
12. Notify CR SRO to set priority based on the NOTE above and EOP activities.

This event is complete when the SRO transfers to Step 89, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 30 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 RULE 6 HP! Pump Throttling Limits e HPI must be throttled to prevent violating the RV-P/T limit.

  • HP! pump operation must be limited to two HPIPs when only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 1 HP-25) is open.
  • HPI must be throttled 475 gpm/pump (including seal injection for A header) when only one HPI pump is operating in a header.

e Total HPI flow must be throttled 950 gpm including seal injection when 1 A 1 B HPI pumps are operating with 1 HP-409 open.

  • Total HPI flow must be throttled <750 gpm when all the following exist:

- LPI suction is from the RBES

- piggyback is aligned either of the following exist:

  • only one piggyback valve is open (1 LP-1 5 or 1 LP-1 6)
  • only one LPI pump operating
  • HP! be throttled under the following conditions:

HP! Forced Cooling in Progress: HPI Forced Cooling NOT in Progress:

All the following conditions must exist: All the following conditions must exist:

  • CoreSCM>0 e AIIWRNIs1%
  • CETCs decreasing e Core SCM > 0

. Pzr level increasing

  • SRO concurrence required if throttling following emergency boration HP! Pump Minimum Flow Limit
  • Maintain 170 gpm indicated/pump. This is an instrument error adjusted value that ensures a real value of 65 gpm/pump is maintained. HPI pump flow less than minimum is allowed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Page 31 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 EXAMINER NOTE At any time during this scenario the operator may choose to use Enclosure 5.5 to maintain RCS inventory control. See excerpt below.

ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Maintaining Pzr level >100 [180 accj will ensure Pzr heater bundles remain covered.

1. to THEN 1HP-4lOto maintain desired Pzr level.
  • 1BHPI Pump

. 1 HP-i 20 setpoint or valve demand

2. IAAT makeup to the LDST is desired, THEN makeup from iA BHUT.
3. IAAT it is desired to secure makeup to LDST, THEN secure makeup from iA BHUT.
4. IAAT it is desired to bleed letdown flow to 1A BHUT, THEN perform the following:

A. Open:

1CS-26 1CS-41 B. Position 1HP-i4to BLEED.

C. Notify SRO.

5. IAAT letdown bleed is NO longer desired, THEN position 1 HP-14 to NORMAL.

Page 32 of 59


6. IAAT 1C HPI PUMP is required, GO TO Step 10.

THEN perform Steps 7 9.

7. Open: 1 . IF both BWST suction valves
  • 1 HP-24 (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed, THEN perform the following:
  • 1 HP-25 A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B. Start lB LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running jjy to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-1-119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 8.

2._ IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, THEN perform the following:

A. IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

B. IF< 2 HPI pumps are operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite headers.

C. GOTO Step 9.

Page 33 of 59


8. Start 10 HPI PUMP. IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, THEN throttle 1 HP-409 to maintain desired Pzr level.
9. Throffle the following as required to maintain 1 . IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, desired Pzr level: AND 1 HP-26 will NOT open, 1 HP-26 THEN throttle 1 HP-41 0 to maintain 1HP-27 desired Pzr level.

2._ IF1AHPIPUMPand1BHPIPUMPare operating, AND 1 HP-27 will NOT open, THEN throttle 1 HP-409 to maintain desired Pzr level.

Page 34 of 59


10. IAAT LDST level CANNOT be GO TO Step 12.

maintained, THEN perform Step 11.

1 1. Perform the following: 1 . IF BWST suction valves Open 1 HP-24. (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed,

  • Open 1 HP-25. THEN perform the following:

A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

  • Close 1HP-16 B._ StartlBLPl PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-.7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running çjjy to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-1-119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 12.

2._ IFonly one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, AND three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

Page 35 of 59


12. IAAT additional makeup flow to LDST is desired, AND 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP is operating, THEN dispatch an operator to close 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) (A-i-i 07, Unit 1 RC Bleed Transfer Pump Rm.).
13. IAAT two Letdown Filters are desired, THEN perform the following:

Open 1HP-17.

14. IAAT all of the following exist: GO TO Step 34.

Letdown isolated LPSW available Letdown restoration desired THENpe rfo rm Steps i5-33 {41)

15. Open: 1. Notify CR SRO that letdown CANNOT be 1 CC-7 restored due to inability to restart the CC 1CC-8 system.

2._ GOTO Step 34.

16. Ensure only one CC pump running.
17. Place the non-running CC pump in AUTO.
18. Verify both are open: 1 . IF 1 HP-i is closed due to 1 HP-3 failing to 1HP-1 close, 1 HP-2 THENGOTO Step 20.

2._ IF 1HP-2 is closed due to iHP-4 failing to close, THENGOTO Step 20.

19. GOTOStep22.

r NOTE Verification of leakage requires visual observation of East Penetration Room.

20. Verify letdown line leak in East GOTO Step 22.

Penetration Room has occurred.

21. GOTO Step 34.

Page 36 of 59


22. Monitor for unexpected conditions while restoring letdown.
23. Verify both letdown coolers to be placed 1._ IF 1A letdown cooler is to be placed in in service. service, THEN open:

1 HP-i 1HP-3 2._ IF 1 B letdown cooler is to be placed in service, THEN open:

1HP-2 1HP-4 3._ GOTO Step 25.

24. Open:

1HP-i 1 HP-2 1HP-3 1 HP-4

25. Verify at least one letdown cooler is Perform the following:

aligned. A. Notify CR SRO of problem.

B. _GOTO Step 34.

26. Close 1 HP-6.
27. Close 1 HP-7.
28. Verify letdown temperature < 125°F. i._ Open 1HP-i3.
2. Close:

1HP-8 1HP-9&ii 3._ IF y deborating IX is in service, THEN perform the following:

A. Select 1HP-l4to NORMAL.

B. Close 1HP-16.


Page 37 of 59


29. Open 1 HP-5.
30. Adjust 1 HP-7 for 20 gpm letdown.
31. WHEN letdown temperature is


32. Open 1HP-6.
33. Adjust 1 HP-7 to control desired letdown flow.

NOTE AP/32 (Loss of Letdown) provides direction to cool down the RCS to offset increasing pressurizer


34. IAAT it is determined that letdown is unavailable due to equipment failures g letdown system leakage, THEN notify CR SRO to initiate AP/32 (Loss of Letdown).
35. IAAT> 1 HPI pump is operating, AND additional HPI pumps are NO longer needed, THEN perform the following:

A. Obtain SRO concurrence to reduce running HPI pumps.

B. Secure the desired HPI pumps.

C. Place secured HPI pump switch in AUTO, if desired.

36. IAAT all the following conditions exist:

Makeup from BWST NOT required LDST level > 55 AB control rods inserted Cooldown Plateau NOT being used THEN close:

1HP-24 1HP-25 Page 38 of 59


37. Verify 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) has GOTO Step 39.

been closed to provide additional makeup flow to LDST.

38. WHEN 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) is NO longer needed to provide additional makeup flow to LDST, THEN perform the following:


B. Locally position 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) one turn open (A-i -107, Unit 1 RC Bleed Transfer Pump Rm.).

C. Close 1 CS-46.


E. Locally throttle 1 CS-48 (1 A BHUT Recirc) to obtain 90 1 10 psig discharge pressure.


39. Verify two Letdown Filters in service, GOTO Step 41.

AND only one Letdown filter is desired.

40. Perform one of the following:

Place 1 HP-17 switch to CLOSE.

Place 1HP-18 switch to CLOSE.

41. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THENEXIT this enclosure.

Page 39 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 EOP Enclosure 51 (ES Actuation)

ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Determine aM ES channels that should have actuated based on RCS pressure and RB pressure:

Actuation Associated ES Setpoint Channel (psig) 1600(RCS) 1&2 550(RCS) 3&4 I3(RB) 1,2,3,4,5,&6 1O(RB) 7&8

2. Verify aN ES channels associated with NOTE actuation setpoints have actuated. Voter OVERRIDE extinguishes the TRIPPED light on the associated channels that have actuated. Pressing TRIP on channels previously actuated will reposition components that may have been throffled or secured by this Enclosure.

Depress TRIP on affected ES logic channels that have NOT previously been actuated.

3. IAAT additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded, THEN perform Steps 1 2.-
4. Place Diverse HPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse HPI in OVERRIDE.
5. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 1 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 2 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES OH 1 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 2 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

Page 40 of 59


6. Verify Rule 2 in progress or complete. GOTO Step 73.
7. Verify RCP operating. GOTO Step 9.
8. Open:

1HP-20 1 HP-21

9. IAATaH exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel require manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required channel.

10. IAATy RCP is operating, GOTO Step 15.

AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perlorm Steps 11 14.-

11. Perform aM: NOTE Place ES OH 5 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 6 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.
1. IF ES OH 5 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 6 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

12. Open:

100-7 100-8 1LPSW-15 1LPSW-6

13. Ensure only one CC pump operating.
14. Ensure Standby CO pump in AUTO.

Page 41 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE

15. IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, GO TO Step 53.

THEN GO TO Step 16.

16. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse LPI in OVERRIDE.
17. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 3 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 4 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1 . IF ES CH 3 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 4 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

I 18.

CAUTION LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against a shutoff head.

IAAT gjy LPI pump is operating I

against a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SROs discretion, stop affected LPI pumps. {6, 221

19. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump GOTO Step 22.

shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 20 21. -

20. Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1 A LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-17. 2._ Close 1LP-17.

Start 1A LPI PUMP.

21. Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1 B LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-18. 2. Close 1LP-18.


Page 42 of 59


22. 1 A and 1 B LPI PUMPs are GO TO Step 25.

off / tripped, AND aM exist:

RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1LP-19 closed 1 LP2O closed THEN perform Steps 23 24. -

23. Open:

1LP-9 1LP-1O 1LP-6 1LP-7 1LP-17 1LP-18 1LP-21 1LP-22

24. Start 1CLPI PUMP.
25. IAAT 1A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-17.
26. IAAT 1 B LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-18.
27. Start:


28. Notify Unit 3 to start:



29. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 iCE-i open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1CF-i 1CF-2

30. Verify 1HP-410 closed. i._ Place 1HP-120 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

31. Secure makeup to the LDST.
32. Verify all ES channel 1 - 4 components 1 . IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1HP-2.

3._ IF 1 HP-20 fails to close, ANDNO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 i HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

33. Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 36.
34. Close 2LPSW-1 39.
35. Verify total LPSW flow to Unit 2 LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain total LPSW flow 6000 gpm.
36. Close 1LPSW-139.
37. Place in FAIL OPEN:


38. Start all available LPSW pumps.

Page 44 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 39 Verify either: GOTO Step 41.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when ech Specs only requires two operable 40 Open: IF both are closed:

1 LPSW-4 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-5 LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

41 IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1 600.

Swap to RBES). 2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

42. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS)
44. IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, GOTO Step 46.

THEN perform Step 45.

NOTE RBCU transfer to low speed will NOT occur until 3 minute time delay is satisfied.

45. Verify aW ES channel 5 & 6 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

Page 45 of 59


46. IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, GOTO Step 49.

THEN perform Steps 47 48.

47. Perform all: NOTE Place ES CH 7 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 8 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

l._ IF ES OH 7 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 8 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE,

48. Verify aM ES channel 7 & 8 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.
49. Notify U2 OR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.
50. Ensure jy turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES

- actuation are complete as necessary.

51. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).
52. WHEN OR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

END Page 46 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45

[ ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I Unit Status ES Channels 3 & 4 have NOT actuated. - - -

53. Start:


54. Notify Unit 3 to start:


55. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1CF-1 and 1CF-2 1CF-1 open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1 CF-i 1CF-2

56. Verify 1HP-410 closed. i. Place 1HP-i20 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

57. Secure makeup to the LDST.
58. Verify all ES channel 1 & 2 components 1. IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1HP-2.

3._ IF 1HP-20 fails to close, ANDNO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

59. Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 62.
60. Close 2LPSW-i 39.
61. Verify total LPSW flow to Unit 2 LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain total LPSW flow 6000 gpm.
62. Close 1LPSW-i39.

Page 47 of 59


63. Place in FAIL OPEN:

1LPSW-251 FAIL SWITCH 1 LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH 64 Start all available LPSW pumps.

65 Verify either: GOTO Step 67.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Tech S pecs only requires two operable

66. Open: IF both are closed:

1 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-5 1 LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

67. IAAT BWST level 19, Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1 600.

Swap to RBES). 2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

68. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS)
69. Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.
70. Ensure y turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.
71. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).
72. WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

... END ...

Page 48 of 59


73. Open: 1. IF both BWST suction valves 1 HP-24 (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed, 1HP-25 THEN:

A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B. Start lB LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-1O 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running jjjy to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LR pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-1-119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 74.

2._ IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, THEN:

A. IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

B. IF< 2 HPI pumps are operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite headers.

C._ GOTOStep75.

Page 49 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2


74. Ensure at least two HPI pumps are operating.
75. Verify open: 1 . IF HP has been intentionally throttled, 1 HP-26 THENGOTO Step 76.

1HP-27 2.Open:

1HP-26 1HP-27 Page 50 of 59


76. IAAT at least two HPI pumps are operating, AND HPI flow in jy header that has NOT been intentionally throttled is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1, THEN open the following in the affected header:

( 1A Header lB Header 1HP-410 1HP-409 Figure 1 Required HPI Flow Per Header 400 Required RPI Flow Per Header (gpm)

Page 51 of 59


77. Verify jy RCP operating. GOTO Step 79.
78. Open:


79. IAAT aN exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel require manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required channel.

80. IAAT y RCP is operating, GOTO Step 85.

AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 81 84.-

81. Perform all: NOTE Place ES CH 5 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 6 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 5 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 6 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

82. Open:

1CC-7 1CC-8 1LPSW-15 1LPSW-6

83. Ensure only one CC pump operating.
84. Ensure Standby CC pump in AUTO.

Page 52 of 59


85. IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, GO TO Step 123.


86. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse LPI in OVERRIDE.
87. Perform both: NOTE Place ES OH 3 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 4 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES OH 3 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 4 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

mp damage may occur if operate x of 30 minutes against a shutoff head.

88. IAAT jjy LPI pump is operating against a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SROs discretion, stop affected LPI pumps.{

, 22) 6 Page 53 of 59


89. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump GOTO Step 92.

shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 90 91. -

90 Perform the following: 1._ Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-17. 2._ Close 1LP-17.

StartlALPl PUMP.

91 Perform the following: 1._ Stop 1 B LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-18. 2._ Close 1LP-18.

Start 1 B LPI PUMP.

92 IAAT1Aand1BLPIPUMPsare GOTOStep95.

off / tripped, AND aM exist:

RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1LP-19 closed 1 LP-20 closed rfo rm p*s 93 94 93 Open:

1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-7 1LP-17 1LP-18 1LP-21 1LP-22

94. StartlCLPl PUMP.
95. IAAT 1A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-17.

96, IAAT 1 B LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-18.

Page 54 of 59


97. Start:


98. Notify Unit 3 to start:


99. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 iCE-i open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1 CF-i 1CF-2 i00._ Verify 1HP-4i0 closed. i._ Place 1HP-i20 in HAND.

2. Close 1HP-120.

101 . Secure makeup to the LDST.

1 02._ Verify afl ES channel 1 4 components

- 1 . IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.

3._ IF 1 HP-20 fails to close, ANDNO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 i HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

1 03._ Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 106.

i04._ Close 2LPSW-i39.

1 05. Verify total LPSW flow to Unit 2 LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain total LPSW flow 6000 gpm.

i06._ Close 1LPSW-i39.

Page 55 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 107. Place in FAIL OPEN:

1 LPSW-251 FAIL SWITCH 1 LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH 108._ Start all available LPSW pumps.

109. Verify either: GOTO Step 111.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Te* requires two operable 110.Open: IFareclosed:

1LPSW-4 1LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

11 1. IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1600.

Swap to RBES). 2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

11 2._ Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS) 113. Select DECAY HEAT LOW FLOW ALARM SELECT switch to ON.

11 4._ IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, GOTO Step 116.

THEN perform Step 115.

NOTE RBCU transfer to low speed will NOT occur until 3 minute time delay is satisfied.

11 5. Verify aB ES channel 5 & 6 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

Page 56 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 11 6._ IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, GOTO Step 119.

THEN perform Step 117- 118.

117. Perform aH: NOTE Place ES CH 7 in MANUAL.

  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 8 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 7 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 8 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

11 8._ Verify afl ES channel 7 & 8 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

11 9._ Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.

120._ Ensure jjy turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.

121._ IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).

122._ WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

Page 57 of 59

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 CRITICAL TASKS CT-i Start Main Vacuum Pumps prior to a Main Turbine or Main Feedwater Pump trip on low vacuum. (Page 4)

CT-2 Start the standby CC pump prior to CRD temperatures reaching 180°F. (Page 6)

CT-3 Adjust Feedwater such that a Reactor Trip does not occur due to the Tcold instrument failure. (Page 10)

CT-4 Trip RCPs within two minutes of RCS SCM reaching zero. (Page 24)

CT-5 Open 1 HP-409 within 10 minutes of ES 1 &2 actuation (Page 24)

CT-6 Adjust HPI flow to prevent pump runout prior to HPI pump cavitation from runout.

(Page 24)

Page 58 of 59

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 LT45 Facility: Oconee Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

  • Reactor Power = 50% stable Turnover:

e 1 MS-82 and 1 MS-84 closed in support of maintenance. TDEFWP supply from AS only.

o Unit 2 has the AS header Event No.

Malfunction I Event Type

  • Event No. Description 1 Override C: BOP, SRO (TS) Failure of Unit 2 AS Controller 2 C: OATC,BOP, Override Inadvertent ES Channel 1 actuation 3 I: OATC, SRO 1 B loop RC Flow fails low 4 R: OATC SRO Oil Leak on Main Turbine requires Manual Power Reduction 5 N: BOP, SRO Swap unit auxiliaries due to Oil Leak on B LP Turbine MSSO1O MSSO2O LOHT requiring CBP feed 6 MSS26O M: All
  • PORV fails open MSS27O MSS33O (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 3 Event


Failure of Unit 2 AS Controller Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: During this Scenario, any improper actions which result in an RPS or ES actuation will automatically become Critical Step actions.

Plant response:

  • 1 MS-i 26 & 1 MS-i 29 MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS controller will indicate AS pressure < 300 psig and decreasing.

OATC Crew response:

During this event the OATC will:

  • Monitor the plant
  • Respond to direction from the SRO
  • Provide Peer Checks when requested 1SAO6/C-1O ARG Booth Cue: While the crew is referring to the ARG, call Unit 1 control room to notify them that Unit 2 AS Controller has failed and Unit 3 cannot take control. The OSM is directing you as Unit 1 to take control of AS system pressure.

SRO/BOP 3.1 IF excessive steam flow exists, reduce AS load or locate and isolate leak.

3.2 Verify proper operation of MS/AS controller on Unit supplying Auxiliary Steam Header (U2).

3.3 IF necessary, transfer AS Header to another Unit per OP/i/Ni 106/22 (Auxiliary Steam System).

3.4 IF necessary, start auxiliary boiler per OP/0/Ni 106/022 (Aux Boiler)

Initial Conditions 1.1 Verify Unit 1 in Mode 1 or 2.

NOTE to Examiner: All conditions of SLC 16.10.9 are met 1.2 Verify all conditions of SLC 16.10.9 will be met with Unit 1 supplying the Aux Steam Header. {i5}

NOTE: If ICS is in Manual, supplying Aux Steam Header from MS has the potential to affect core reactivity by changing RCS temperature.

1 .3 Verify Unit 1 ICS in AUTO. (R.M.)

This event is complete when the Unit I AS controller is in AUTO and Tech Spec determination has been made or when directed by the lead examiner.

Page 2 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 3 Event


Failure of Unit 2 AS Controller Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OP/i/Ni 106/022 (Auxiliary Steam System) End 4.2 (Transfer Aux Steam SRO/BOP From Another Unit to Unit One) 1.4 Verify Unit 1 has 100 EFPD Core burnup. {12}

1.5 Notify Secondary chemist that the AS header will be transferred Person Notified Date 1 .6 Review Limits and Precautions.

Procedure 2.1 Notify Unit 2 to reduce setpoint on AS controller. (no actions required by booth operator since pressure is below setpoint due to the failure).

2.2 Ensure 1MS-126 & 1MS-129 (MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS) controller in MANUAL.

2.3 Ensure closed 1MS-126 & 1MS-129 (MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS).

2.4 Verify Unit 2 has reduced setpoint on AS controller.

(no actions from booth are required since pressure is below setpoint due to the failure) 2.5 Perform one of the following: Open 1 MS-24 (or Open 1 MS-33)

NOTE: MS to Aux Steam flow should NOT exceed 240,000 Ibm/hr on any single unit.

2.6 Manually throttle open 1MS-126 & 1MS-129 (MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS) to increase Aux Steam Header pressure.

2.7 Continue to throttle 1MS-126 & 1MS-129 (MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS) to increase Aux Steam Header pressure to 300 psig.

2.8 WHEN Aux Steam Header is 300 psig:

2.8.2 Adjust 1MS-126 & 1MS-129 (MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS) controller setpoint to match Aux Steam Header pressure.

Place 1MS-126 & 1MS-129 (MAIN STM TO SU STM PRESS) controller to AUTO.

This event is complete when the Unit I AS controller is in AUTO and Tech Spec determination has been made or when dIrected by the lead examiner.

Page 3 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 3 Event


Failure of Unit 2 AS Controller Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior j

OP/i/Ni 106/022 (Auxiliary Steam System) End 4.2 (Transfer Aux Steam From Another Unit to Unit One)

SRO/BOP 2.9 Notify Unit 2 to secure AS supply.

2.10 IF Aux Steam will remain being supplied from Unit 1, align Condensate Returns to Unit 1 per OP/01A11104/37 (Plant Heating).

Examiner Note: Since AS pressure decreases to <250 psig and Main Steam is not available to the TDEFWP, the below TS applies. It can be exited once AS pressure returns to > 250 psig SRO The SRO should refer to TS:

TS 3.7.5 (Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System) o Condition B applies. Restore turbine driven EFW pump and EFW f low path to Operable status.

72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> AND 10 days from discovery of failure to meet LCO.

This event is complete when the Unit I AS controller is in AUTO and Tech Spec determination has been made or when directed by the lead examiner.

Page 4 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 6 Event


Inadvertent ES Channel 1 Actuation Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant response:

iSA-i/A-b ES 1 Trip 1SA-161B-1 EL CT-4 SB Bus 1 Breaker Closed 2SA-1 7/A-5 KEOWEE STATALARM PANEL ALARM 2SA-17/C-1 KHU 1 EMERGENCY START INITIATED 2SA-i 8/C-i KHU 2 EMERGENCY START IMTIATED 1SA-6/A-5, B-5, C-5, D-5, RC Pump Seal Cavity Press Hi/Low ( 1 mm later) 1SA-6/D-7, E-5, E-6, E-7 RC Pump Seal Return Temp High Both Keowee Hydro Units Emergency Start Examiner Note: Over time, rods may withdraw in response to BWST water injecting into the core.

Crew Response:

The SRQ will initiate API1IAJ1700/042 Inadvertent ES Actuation SRO/OATC/ Examiners Note: The SRO may direct either the BOP or the OATC to BOP perform steps from this AP.

4.1 Verify y of the following have inadvertently actuated:

Diverse HPI (not actuated)

ES Channel 1 ES Channel 2 (not actuated) 4.2 Perform the following on all inadvertently actuated system(s):

Ensure DIVERSE HPI BYPASS is in BYPASS (does not apply)

Ensure ES CH-i is in MANUAL Ensure ES CH-2 is in MANUAL (does not apply) 4.3 Throttle HPI, as required, to maintain desired Pzr level (CT-i)

This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS at step 4.25, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 5 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 6 Event


Inadvertent ES Channel 1 Actuation Time I Position [ Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/1/N1 700/042 Inadvertent ES Actuation (Continued)

SRO/OATCI BOP 4.4 Verify any of the following have inadvertently actuated:

ES Channel 5 (not actuated)

ES Channel 6 (not actuated)

RNO: 1. IF ES Channel 1, ES Channel 2, or Diverse HPI have inadvertently actuated, AND it is desired to restore letdown, THEN initiate AP/42 End 5.2 (Letdown Restoration) (see page 10)

2. GOTOStep4.l0 4.10 Close 1HP-24 and 1HP-25 4.1 1 Ensure AP/42 End 5.1 (Required Operator Actions) is in progress (see page 9) 4.12 Verify any of the following have inadvertently actuated:

Diverse LPI ES Channel 3 ES Channel 4 RNO: GO TO Step 4.17 4.17 Verify the Rx is critical 4.18 Verify ICS in Auto 4.19 Verify control rods are outside the desired control band RNO: GO TO Step 4.21 4.21 Verify any of the following have inadvertently actuated:

ES Channel 1 Diverse HPI 4.22 Ensure DIVERSE HPI BYPASS is BYPASSED (NOT required)

ES ELECTRICAL 1 is in MANUAL(Should be performed)

SRO 4.23 Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.3 (SSF Restoration)

SRO 4.24 Notify SPOC to investigate and repair the cause of the inadvertent ES actuation, as necessary This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS at step 4.25, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 6 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: JL.T45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 6 Event


Inadvertent ES Channel 1 Actuation Time Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior AP111N17001042 Inadvertent ES Actuation (Continued)

SRO 4.25 Initiate logging TS/SLC Entry/Exit, as applicable, lAW End 5.4 (TS/SLC Requirements) (See below) 4.26 WI-lEN of the following exist:

Reason for inadvertent ES Channel or Diverse HPI/LPI actuation has been resolved ES Channel or Diverse HPI/LPI reset is desired OSM concurs THEN continue API1IA/1 700/042 Enclosure 5.4 (TS/SLC Requirements)

SRO Examiners Note: Complete Enclosure 5.4 is on next page Any ES Channel

  • TS 3.3.7 (Engineered Safeguards Protective System (ESPS) Digital Automatic Actuation Logic Channels) due to the automatic actuation logic being blocked if any ES channel is in MANUAL or ES Voters in OVERRIDE Condition A. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> completion time.

ES Channel 1 or 2

  • TS 3.4.15 (RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation) due to Rx Bldg RIA5 being out of service (Applies until RIAs are returned to service.)

Condition B (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for grab samples) (30 days)

  • TS 3.10,1 (Standby Shutdown Facility(SSF)) for SSF inoperability due to the SSF power loss (ES Channel 1 only) While this does apply, the SSF is already inoperable due to being at a reduced power level.

Conditions A through E all apply (7 days)

  • TS 3.4.9 (Pressurizer) if PZR level is > 260 (Applies if Pzr exceeds 260)

Condition A (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />)

This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS at step 4.25, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 7 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 4 of 6 Event


Inadvertent ES Channel 1 Actuation Time Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior Enclosure 5.4 AP111A117001042 TS/SLC Requirements S RO/OATC/

BOP NOTE TS/SLCs below are included as a reference. This list may NOT be complete based on the specific situation. Reference TS/SLC manuals.

Any ES Channel

  • TS 3.3.7 (Engineered Safeguards Protective System (ESPS) Digital Automatic Actuation Logic Channels) due to the automatic actuation logic being blocked if any ES channel is in MANUAL or ES Voters in OVERRIDE
  • TS 3.3.5 (Engineered Safeguards Protective System (ESPS) Analog Instrumentation) due to inoperable ES instrumentation o TS 3.5.4 (Borated Water Storage Tank (BWST)) BWST level ES Channel 1 or SRO 2
  • TS 3.4.15 (RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation) due to Ax Bldg RIAs being out of service
  • TS 3.10.1 (Standby Shutdown Facility(SSF)) for SSF inoperability due to the SSF power loss (ES Channel 1 only)
  • TS 3.4.9 (Pressurizer) if PZR level is > 260 ES Channel 3 or 4

Any Diverse Actuation System

  • SLC 16.7.6 (Diverse Actuation Systems) due to the automatic actuation logic being blocked if any Diverse Actuation system in OVERRIDE or BYPASS.

This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS at step 4.25, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 5 of 6 Event


Inadvertent ES Channel 1 Actuation Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP111A117001042 Enclosure 5.1 Required Operator Actions SRO/OATC/

BOP 1 Initiate announcement of AP entry using the PA system 2 Verify y of the following have inadvertently actuated:

Diverse HPI (not actuated)

ES Channel 1 ES Channel 2(not actuated) 3 Open the following:

1HP-20 1HP-21 4 Open the following for operating RCPs:

1HP-228 (1A1) 1HP-226 (1A2) 1HP-232 (1B1) 1HP-230 (1B2) 5 Verify y of the following have inadvertently actuated:

ES Channel 7 (not actuated)

ES Channel 8 (not actuated)

RNO: GO TO Step 9 9 Perform the following:

A. Open the following to restore RB RlAs:

1PR-7 1PR-8 1PR-9 1PR-1O B. From the ENABLE CONTROLS screen on the RIA View Node, perform the following: (For RIAs-47,48,49,49A)

1. Select OFF for RB RIA sample pump
2. Start the RB RIA sample pump
10. Verify jy of the following have inadvertently actuated:

Diverse HPI ES Channel 1

11. Notify the following that the SSF is mop, due to the SSF power loss.

Unit 2 Unit 3


12. EXIT this enclosure This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS at step 4.25, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 6 of 6 Event


Inadvertent ES Channel 1 Actuation Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

S RO/OATC/ AP/1 /AJ1 700/042 Enclosure 5.2 Letdown Restoration BOP 1 Verify a CC pump operating 2 Verify letdown is isolated 3 Close 1 HP-5

4. Verify it is desired to place both letdown coolers in service
5. Open 1HP-1, 1HP-2, 1HP-3, and 1HP-4
6. Close 1 HP-6
7. Close 1 HP-7
8. Verify letdown temperature < 135°F
9. Open 1HP-5
10. Adjust 1 HP-7 for 20 gpm letdown
11. WHEN letdown temperature < 130°F, THEN place LETDOWN HI TEMP INTLK BYP switch in NORMAL
12. Open 1HP-6
13. Adjust 1 HP-7 to control desired letdown flow
14. IAAT it is desired to bleed letdown flow to 1 A BHUT, THEN perform the following:

A. Open the following:

1CS-26 1CS-41 B. Position 1HP-l4to BLEED C. Notify SRO

15. IAAT letdown bleed is NO longer desired, THEN position 1 HP-i 4 to NORMAL
16. WHEN SRO approves, THEN EXIT this enclosure This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS at step 4.25, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 3 Event


1 B Loop RCS Flow Fails Low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant Response:

  • 1 SA-021A-4, RC Loop B flow Low.
  • 1 SA-02/A-5, RC Total Flow Low
  • 1 SA-021A-1 2, lOS Tracking
  • 1 SA-05/A-5, 1 A RPS Trouble
  • 1 SA-04/C-1, Quadrant Power Tilt (after a couple of minutes)

Crew Response:

  • When the Statalarms are received, the candidates should utilize the Plant Transient Response (PTR) process to stabilize the plant, which should include:

OATC o lOS to HAND (Feedwater Masters and Control Rods BOP o Inserting Control Rods as needed to control RCS pressure (Performed by the BOP)

OATC o Decreasing or re-ratioing feedwater to control Reactor power and delta Tcold (Performed by the OATC (CT-2)

SRO may direct the OATC to perform the actions of the ARG for 1 SA-02/A-4 SRO/OATC statalarm, but probably will move directly from PTR to AP/28.

ARG for 1SA-02/A-4 3.1. Ensure reactor power is reduced below the flux to flow minus imbalance trip ratio.

3.2. Ensure feedwater demand re-ratios properly.

EXAMINER NOTE: This failure will cause FDW flow to re-ratio. IF the crew immediately recognizes that it is in instrument failure and not an actual loss of flow then they may choose to adjust FDW and therefore prevent high delta Tcs from being established causing high Quadrant Power Tilt values.

The SRO should direct a band for delta Tcs of 0+/-2 degrees as he establishes bands for parameters being manually controlled.

SRO SRO directs performance of AP/11A117001028, lOS Instrument Failures. (see next page)

This event is completed when at Step 6 (WHEN notified by SPOC...) of AP/28 Section 4E, or when directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 3 Event


lB Loop RCS Flow Fails Low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/1 /N1 700/028 Subsequent Actions SRO 4.1. Provide control bands as required.

SRO 4.2. Initiate notification of the following:

  • OSM to reference the following:

o OMP 1-14 (Notifications) o Emergency Plan

RNO: GO TO Step 4.5 EXAMINER NOTE: If power change was 5%, then step 4.4 will be performed. It depends on the speed of crew response to the failure.

4.4. Notify Rx Engineering and discuss the need for a maneuvering plan.

Booth Response: We will develop a maneuvering plan.

4.5. Use the following, as necessary, to determine the applicable section S RO/OATC/

from table in Step 4.6:


  • OAC alarm video
  • OAC display points
  • Control Board indications
  • SPOC assistance, as needed 4.6. GO TO the applicable section per the following table:

Section Failure 4A RCS Temperature 4B Turbine Header Pressure 4C Controlling NI 4D Feedwater Loop Flow 4E RCS Flow This event is completed when at Step 6 (WHEN notified by SPOC ) of AP/28 Section 4E, or when directed by the lead examiner Page 12 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 3 Event


1 B Loop RCS Flow Fails Low Time j Position j s Actions or Behavior 1

Applicant AP/1 IA/i 700/028 SECTION 4E NOTE The following will occur when an lOS RCS flow loop signal fails:

lOS RUNBACK Controlling Tave swaps to RCS loop with higher flow Delta Tc station re-ratios loop feedwater flows SRO/OATC/ 1. Ensure the following in HAND:


2. Ensure DIAMOND in MANUAL.
3. Notify SPOC to perform the following:
  • Select a valid RCS flow input to lOS per AM/11AI0326/020 (Control of Unit 1 Star Module Signal Selection Function).
  • Investigate and repair the failed RCS flow instrumentation.
4. PERFORM an instrumentation surveillance using applicable table in BOP End 5.2 (lOS Instrument Surveillances) for the failed instrument.

The RO will refer to Table 3 and determine that the surveillances cannot be met as written with the failed instrument and therefore the SRO would ensure that a surveillance evaluation is initiated.

5. Verify instrumentation surveillance in End 5.2 (lOS Instrument Surveillances) was performed satisfactorily as written.

BOP Inform the SRO that the surveillance cannot be met as written SRO Determine that a Surveillance Evaluation should be initiated

6. WHEN notified by SPOC that a valid RCS flow input has been restored to lOS, THEN GO TO OP/i/All 102/004 A End (Placing lOS Stations To Auto).

This event is completed when at Step 6 (WHEN notified by SPOC ) of AP/28 Section 4E, or when directed by the lead examiner Page 13 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 2 Event


Oil Leak on Main Turbine requires Manual Power Reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EXAMINER/BOOTH CUE: The booth will call the Control Room as WCC SRO and inform them that there is a large oil leak on the north end of the B LP turbine. There does not appear to be a way to isolate the leak without shutting down the oil system.

When asked, inform the Control Room that Unit 2 will handle the spill response.

The SRO will initiate AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown) to direct power reduction AP/29 SRO/BOP 4.1 Initiate End 5.1 (Support Actions During Rapid Unit Shutdown) (Details on page 16) 4.2 Announce AP entry using the PA system.

SRO/OATC 4.3 IAAT both of the following apply:

It is desired to stop power decrease.

CTP> 18%

THEN perform Steps 4.4 4.7 (Does NOT apply now)

RNO: GO TO Step 4.8 4.8 Verify lOS in AUTO (It is NOT in Auto)

RNO: 1. Initiate manual power reduction to desired power level.

OATC OATC reduces power by first reducing feedwater and then inserting control rods as necessary. (CT-3)

2. GO TO Step 4.10 4.10 Verify both Main FDW pumps running:

RNO: GO TO Step 4.13 NOTE o 1 B Main FDW Pump is the preferred pump to be shutdown first.

  • To lower 1 B Main FDW Pump suction flow, bias is adjusted counter clockwise.
  • To lower 1A Main FDW Pump suction flow, bias is adjusted clockwise.

SRO/BOP 4.11 Adjust bias for first Main FDW pump desired to be shutdown (1 B) until its suction flow is 1 X 1 6 Ibm/hr less than remaining Main FDW pump suction flow.

This event is complete Unit Auxiliaries have been transferred and the Main Turbine has been tripped or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 2 Event


Oil Leak on Main Turbine requires Manual Power Reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP129 (continued)

SRO/OATC 4.12 WHEN core thermal power is < 65% FP, THEN continue.

4.13 IAAT both Main FDW pumps running, AND both of the following exist:

1 B Main FDW Pump is first pump to be shut down.

y of the following alarms occur:

  • FWP B FLOW BELOW MIN (1 SA-1 6/A-4)

THEN trip 1 B Main FDW Pump.

SRO/OATC/ 4.14 IAAT both Main FDW pumps running, AND both of the following exists:

1A Main FDW pump is the first pump to be shut down Any of the following alarms occur:

  • FWP A FLOW MINIMUM (1 SA-1 6/A-i)
  • FWP A FLOW BELOW MIN (1 SA-1 6/A-2)

THEN trip 1A Main FDW Pump (Does not Apply) 4.15 Verify Turbine-Generator shutdown is required.


4.17 Start 1A through 1E TURBINE BRNG OIL LIFT PUMPS.


4.19 IAAT both of the following apply:

ICS in automatic NI power is 18%

THEN deselect MAXIMUM RUN BACK. (Does Not Apply) 4.20 Verify Turbine-Generator shutdown is required (it is required) 4.21 WHEN NI power <18% THEN depress turbine TRIP pushbutton (This will auto initiate Event 6)

This event is complete Unit Auxiliaries have been transferred and the Main Turbine has been tripped or as directed by the lead examiner Page 15 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 2 Event


Swapping Unit Auxiliaries due to Oil Leak Time Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior AP/29 End. 5.1 BOP 1. Notify WCC SRO to initiate End 5.2 (WCC SRO Support During Rapid Unit Shutdown).

2. Start the following pumps:
3. WHEN CTP is 80%, THEN continue.
4. Stop 1E1 HTR DRN PUMP.
5. Place 1 HD-254 switch to OPEN.
6. Stop 1E2 HTR DRN PUMP.
7. Place 1 HD-276 switch to OPEN.
8. Verify Turbine-Generator shutdown is required. (It is)
9. Place the following transfer switches to MAN:
10. Close 1TA SU 6.9 KV FDR.
11. Verify 1TA NORMAL 6.9 KV FDR opens.
12. Close 1TB SU 6.9 KV FDR.
13. Verify 1TB NORMAL 6.9KV FDR opens.
14. Place the following transfer switches to MAN:
15. Close Eli MFB1 STARTUP FDR.
16. Verify Nil MFB1 NORMAL FDR opens.
17. Close E2l MFB2 STARTUP FDR.

This event is complete Unit Auxiliaries have been transferred and the Main Turbine has been tripped or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page 2 of 2 Event


Swapping Unit Auxiliaries due to Oil Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/29 End. 5.1 (cont)

18. Verify N21 MFB2 NORMAL FDR opens.


19. Notify CR SRO that Unit auxiliaries have been transferred.
20. IAAT 1 SSH-9 is NOT closed, AND CTP is 75%,

THEN throttle 1 SSH-9 to maintain Steam Seal Header pressure 2.5 -

4.5 psig.

21. WHEN CTP 65%,

THEN place the following in MANUAL and close:

1FDW-53 1 FDW-65 This event is complete Unit Auxiliaries have been transferred and the Main Turbine has been tripped or as directed by the lead examiner Page 17 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 5 Event


LOHT requiring CBP feed D_Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant Response:

When the Main Turbine is tripped, a Loss of Main and Emergency Feedwater will occur.

SRO/OATC Crew Response:

Perform Immediate Manual Actions (IMAs) 3.1 Depress REACTOR TRIP pushbutton.

3.2 Verify reactor power < 5% FP and decreasing.

3.3 Depress turbine TRIP pushbutton.

3.4 Verify all turbine stop valves closed.

3.5 Verify RCP seal injection available.

SRO/BOP BOP will perform a Symptom Check and initiate Rule 3 (Loss of Main and /

or Emergency Feedwater)

SRO will transfer to the Loss Of Heat Transfer Tab based on Parallel Actions page.

This event is complete when RCS temperature is stabilized on Condensate Booster Pump feed and 1 RC-4 has been closed and directed by the lead Examiner Page 18 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 5 Event


LOHT requiring CBP feed fl__Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW)

1. Verify loss of Main FDW/EFDW is due to TBF.


3. IAAT NO SGs can be be fed with FDW (Main/CBP/Emergency),

AND any of the following exist:

  • RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig or NDT limit.
  • PZR level reaches 375 (340 acc)

THEN PERFORM Rule 4 (HPI Forced Cooling)

4. Start operable EFDW pumps, as required, to feed all intact SGs.
5. Verify any EFDW pump operating.

RNO: GO TO Step 7

7. Place 1 FDW-31 5 and 1 FDW-31 6 in MANUAL and closed.
8. Verify both:
  • Any CBP operating
  • TBVs available on an intact SG
9. Select OFF for both digital channels on AFIS HEADER A.
10. Select OFF for both digital channels on AFIS HEADER B.
11. Place 1 FDW-33 and 1 FDW-42 switches in OPEN
12. Simultaneously position 1 FDW-35 and 1 FDW-44 (Startup Control Valves) to 10 20% open.
13. Perform the following:
  • Place 1 FDW-31 and 1 FDW-40 switches to CLOSE.
  • Close 1 FDW-32 and 1 FDW-41.

ntis complete when RCS temperature is stabilized on Condensate Booster Pump feed and 1 RC-4 has been closed and directed by the lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 5 Event


LOHT requiring CBP feed Time I Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW)



14. Verify Rule 4 (HPI Forced Cooling) in progress.



CAUTION Until SGs are dry, lower SG pressure slowly to prevent overcooling.

  • Lower SG pressure in available SGs to 500 psig
  • Control FDW flow to stabilize RCS PIT by throttling the SU CVs and TBVs as necessary
  • Notify CRSRO that CBP feed is in progress
  • Place 1 FDW-38 and 1 FDW-47 switches to OPEN
  • Place 1 FDW-36 and 1 FDW-45 switches to CLOSE
  • GOTOStepl6
16. Verify lTD EFDW Pump is operable and available for manual start.
17. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.26 (Manual Start of TD) (PS)
18. Verify cross-tie with Unit 2 is desired.
19. Dispatch an operator to open 2FDW-31 3 & 2FDW-31 4.
20. Dispatch an operator to 1 FDW-31 3 and have them notify the CR when in position.
21. Notify alternate unit to
  • Place both EFDW control valves in MANUAL and closed.
  • Start their TD EFDW Pump
22. When either exists:
  • Operator is in position at 1 FDW-31 3
  • Unit 1 TD EFDW Pump has been manually started THEN continue.

This event is complete when RCS temperature is stabilized on Condensate Booster Pump feed and 1 RC-4 has been closed and directed by the lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 4 of 5 Event


LOHT requiring CBP teed Time Position [ s Actions or Behavior t

Applicant Loss Of Heat Transfer Tab SRO Announce plant conditions using PA system.

Notify OSM to reference the Emergency Plan and NSD 202 (Reportability).

1. Ensure Rule 3 is in progress or complete SROIBOP/ NOTE OATC Transfer to LOSCM tab is NOT required if RCS heats to the point where core SCM = 0°F.
2. IAAT the RCS heats to the point where core SCM = 0 F, THEN GO TO Step 4.
3. IAAT No SGs can be fed with FDW (Main/CBP/Emergency), AND any of the following exist:
  • RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig or NDT limit
  • PZR level reaches 375 inches (340 inches acc)

THEN GO TO Step 4 NOTE: 1A1 RCP provides the best Pzr spray.


  • Reduce operating RCPs to one pump/loop.
  • When any exists:

o EFDW flow has been re-established by Rules or Enclosures o EFDW aligned from another unit o Operator performing Rule 3 or End 5.27 reports EFDW available THEN GO TO Step 50.

NOTE SCM may be lost when the PORV is opened. Transition to LOSCM tab is NOT required.

4. PERFORM Rule 4 (HPI Forced Cooling)
5. Verify all:

e At least two HPI pumps operating o Acceptable HPI flow exists in both HPI headers per Rule 4

  • PORV open o 1 RC-4 open
6. GOTOHPICDTab This event is complete when RCS temperature is stabilized on Condensate Booster Pump feed and 1 RC-4 has been closed and directed by the lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 5 of 5 Event


LOHT requiring CBP feed Time Position

] Applicants Actions or Behavior Once the RCS has been stabilized using CBP feed, 1 RC-66 will fail open.

Plant Response:

  • RCS Pressure decreasing
  • iSA-i 8/Al (Pressurizer Relief Valve Flow) actuates Enter AP111A117001044 (Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure Control)


QATO Entry Conditions 1.1 Inability to maintain control of RC pressure due to failure of the PORV, 1 RC-1, or PZR heaters as indicated by any of the following:

  • High or Low RC pressure alarms
  • RC pressure outside of control band
  • Pressurizer Relief Valve Flow Statalarm
2. Automatic Systems Actions 2.1 In HIGH, 1 RC-66 opens at 2450 psig increasing and closes at approximately 2400 psig decreasing.

2.2 In LOW, 1 RC-66 opens at 530 psig increasing and closes at approximately 480 psig decreasing.

2.3 1 RC-l opens at 2205 psig increasing and closes at 2155 psig decreasing.

2.4 Bank #2- energizes at 2140 psig decreasing and de-energizes at 2150 psig increasing.

2.5 Bank #3- energizes at 2145 psig decreasing and de-energizes at 2175 psig increasing. (Bank #3 normally remains energized with Heater Bank

  1. 1 cycling on and off to maintain RCS pressure at set point).

2.6 Bank #4- energizes at 2130 psig decreasing and de-energizes at 2145 psig increasing.

3. Immediate Manual Actions 3.1 IAAT PORV is open, AND RC pressure is < setpoint (2400 psig (HIGH) or 480 psig (LOW)), THEN close 1 RC-4.

Examiner Note: The crew may elect to close 1 RC-4 prior to entering AP144 since it is one of the Immediate Manual Actions required from memory.

This event is complete when RCS temperature is stabilized on Condensate Booster Pump feed and 1 RC-4 has been closed and directed by the lead Examiner.

Page 22 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 EXAMINER NOTE At any time during this scenario the operator may choose to use Enclosure 5.5 to maintain RCS inventory control. See excerpt below.

ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOTOBTAINED NOTE Maintaining Pzr level >100 [180 acc] will ensure Pzr heater bundles remain covered.

1. to THEN throtlie 1HP-4lOto maintain deswed Pzr level.

. 1A HPI Pump

. lB HPI Pump

. 1HP-26

. 1 HP-i 20 setpoint or valve demand

. 1HP-5

2. IAAT makeup to the LDST is desired, THEN makeup from 1A BHUT.
3. IAAT it is desired to secure makeuD to LDST, THEN secure makeup from 1A BHUT.
4. IAAT it is desired to bleed letdown flow to 1A BHUT, THEN perform the following:

A. Open:

1CS-26 1CS-41 B. Position 1HP-l4to BLEED.

C. Notify SRO.

5. IAAT letdown bleed is NO longer desired, THEN position 1 HP-14 to NORMAL.

Page 23 of 50


6. IAAT 10 HPI PUMP is required, GO TO Step 10.

THEN perform Steps 7-9.

7. Open: 1 . IF both BWST suction valves
  • 1 HP-24 (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed, THEN perform the following:
  • 1 HP-25 A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B. Start 1 B LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running çjjjy to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-1-119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 8.

2._ IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, THEN perform the following:

A. IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

B. IF< 2 HPI pumps are operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite headers.

C._ GOTO Step 9.

Page 24 of 50


8. Start 10 HPI PUMP. IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, THEN throttle 1 HP-409 to maintain desired Pzr level.
9. Throttle the following as required to maintain 1._ IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, desired Pzr level: AND 1 HP-26 will NOT open, 1 HP-26 THEN throttle 1 HP41 0 to maintain 1 HP-27 desired Pzr level.

2._ IF 1A HPI PUMP and lB HPI PUMP are operating, AND 1 HP-27 will NOT open, THEN throttle 1 HP-409 to maintain desired Pzr level.

Page 25 of 50


10. IAAT LDST IeveICANNOT be GO TO Step 12.

maintained, THEN perform Step ii.

1 1. Perform the following: 1 . IF both BWST suction valves

  • Open 1 HP-24. (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed, THEN perform the following:

A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-i0 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running jy to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-i-i 19, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 12.

2._ IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, AND three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

Page 26 of 50


12. IAAT additional makeup flow to LDST is desired, AND 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP is operating, THEN dispatch an operator to close 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) (A-i -1 07, Unit 1 RC Bleed Transfer Pump Rm.).
13. IAAT two Letdown Filters are desired, THEN perform the following:

Open 1HP-i7.

P-i 8 14 IAAT all of the following exist: GO TO Step 34.

Letdown isolated LPSW available Letdown restoration desired Th EN pe rform Steps 15 33. (4)

15. Open: 1. Notify CR SRO that letdown CANNOT be 1 CC-7 restored due to inability to restart the CC 1 CC-8 system.

2._ GOTO Step 34.

16. Ensure only one CC pump running.
17. Place the non-running CC pump in AUTO.
18. Verify both are open: 1 . IF 1 HP-i is closed due to 1 HP-3 failing to 1HP-i close, 1 HP-2 THENGOTO Step 20.

2._ IF 1 HP-2 is closed due to 1 HP-4 failing to close, THENGOTO Step 20.

19. GOTO Step 22.

NOTE Verification of leakage requires visual observation of East Penetration Room.

20. Verify letdown line leak in East GOTO Step 22.

Penetration Room has occurred.

21. GOTO Step 34.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45


22. Monitor for unexpected conditions while restoring letdown.
23. Verify both letdown coolers to be placed 1 . IF 1 A letdown cooler is to be placed in in service, service, THEN open:

1HP-1 1HP-3 2._ IF 1 B letdown cooler is to be placed in service, THEN open:

1HP-2 1HP-4 3._ GOTO Step 25.

24. Open:

1HP-1 1HP-2 1HP-3 1 HP-4

25. Verify at least one letdown cooler is Perform the following:

aligned. A. Notify CR SRO of problem.

B. Step 34.

26. Close 1 HP-6.
27. Close 1 HP-7.
28. Verify letdown temperature < 125°F. 1 . Open 1 HP-i 3.
2. Close:

1HP-8 1HP-9&11 3._ IF jjy deborating IX is in service, THEN perform the following:

A. Select 1HP-l4to NORMAL.

B. Close 1HP-16.


Page 28 of 50


29. Open 1HP-5.
30. Adjust 1 HP-7 for 20 gpm letdown.
31. WHEN letdown temperature is


32. Open 1HP-6.
33. Adjust 1 HP-7 to control desired letdown flow.

NOTE AP/32 (Loss of Letdown) provides direction to cool down the RCS to offset increasing pressurizer level.

34. IAAT it is determined that letdown is unavailable due to equipment failures or letdown system leakage, THEN notify CR SRO to initiate AP/32 (Loss of Letdown).
35. IAAT> 1 HPI pump is operating, AND additional HPI pumps are NO longer needed, THEN perform the following:

A. Obtain SRO concurrence to reduce running HPI pumps.

B. Secure the desired HPI pumps.

C. Place secured HPI pump switch in AUTO, if desired.

36. IAAT afl the following conditions exist:

Makeup from BWST NOT required LDST level > 55 AU control rods inserted Cooldown Plateau NOT being used THEN close:

1HP-24 1HP-25 Page 29 of 50


37. Verify 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) has GOTO Step 39.

been closed to provide additional makeup flow to LDST.

38. WHEN 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) is NO longer needed to provide additional makeup flow to LDST, THEN perform the following:


B. Locally position 1 CS-48 (1 A BHUT Recirc) one turn open (A-1-107, Unit 1 RC Bleed Transfer Pump Rm.).

C. Close 1 CS-46.


E. Locally throttle 1 CS-48 (1 A BHUT Recirc) to obtain 90 110 psig discharge pressure.


39. Verify two Letdown Filters in service, GOTO Step 41.

AND only one Letdown filter is desired.

40. Perform one of the following:

Place 1 HP-i 7 switch to CLOSE.

Place 1HP-18 switch to CLOSE.

41. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THENEXIT this enclosure.

Page 30 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation)

ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Determine aM ES channels that should have actuated based on RCS pressure and RB pressure:

Actuation Associated ES Setpoint Channel (psig) 1600(RCS) 1&2 550(RCS) 3&4 3(RB) 1,2,3,4,5,&6 1O(RB) 7&8
2. Verify aM ES channels associated with NOTE actuation setpoints have actuated. Voter OVERRIDE extinguishes the TRIPPED light on the associated channels that have auto actuated. Pressing TRIP on channels previously actuated will reposition components that may have been throttled or secured by this Enclosure.

Depress TRIP on affected ES logic channels that have NOT previously been actuated.

3. IAAT additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded, THEN perform Steps 1 2.
4. Place Diverse HPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse HPI in OVERRIDE.
5. Perform both: NOTE Place ES OH 1 in MANUAL. e Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 2 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

. In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1 . IF ES OH 1 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2. IF ES OH 2 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

Page 31 of 50


6. Verify Rule 2 in progress or complete. GOTO Step 73.
7. Verify y RCP operating. GOTO Step 9.
8. Open:


...... 1HP-21

9. IAAT aM exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel require manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required

10. IAAT y RCP is operating, GOTO Step 15.

AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 11 14.-

11. Perform aM: NOTE Place ES OH 5 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 6 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.
1. IF ES OH 5 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 6 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

12. Open:

1CO-7 100-8

. 1LPSW-15 1LPSW-6

13. Ensure only one CC pump operating.
14. Ensure Standby 00 pump in AUTO.

Page 32 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 e ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE

  • RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 15._ IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, GO TO Step 53.

THEN GO TO Step 16.

16. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse LPI in OVERRIDE.
17. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 3 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 4 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 3 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 4 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

I 18.

CAUTION LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against a shutoff head. {6}

IAAT y LPI pump is operating I

against a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SROs discretion, stop affected LPI pumps. {6, 221

19. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump GOTO Step 22.

shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 20 21. -

20. Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-17. 2._ Close 1LP-17.

Start 1A LPI PUMP.

21. Perform the following: 1 . Stop 18 LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-18. 2._ Close 1LP-18.

Start lB LPI PUMP.

Page 33 of 50


22. 1 A and 1 B LPI PUMPs are GO TO Step 25.

off /tripped, AND all exist:

RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1 LP-1 9 closed 1 LP2O closed THEN perform Steps 23 24. -

23. Open:

1LP-9 1LP-1O ILP-6 1LP-7 1LP-17 1LP-18 1LP-21 1LP-22

24. Start 1C LPI PUMP.
25. IAAT 1 A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-17.
26. AAT 1 B LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-18.
27. Start:


28. Notify Unit 3 to start:



29. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 iCE-i open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1 CF-i 1 CF-2

30. Verify 1HP-4i0 closed. i._ Place 1HP-i20 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

31. Secure makeup to the LDST.
32. Verify all ES channel 1 - 4 components 1 . IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.

3._ IF 1HP-20 fails to close, ANDNO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

33. Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 36.
34. Close 2LPSW-i39.
35. Verify total LPSW flow to Unit 2 LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain total LPSW flow 6000 gpm.
36. Close 1LPSW-i39.
37. Place in FAIL OPEN:


38. Start all available LPSW pumps.

Page 35 of 50


39. Verify either: GOTO Step 41.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Tec[ Specs only requires two operable

40. Open: IF both are closed:

1LPSW-4 1 LPSW-5 LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

41. IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1600.

Swap to RBES). 2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

42. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS)
44. IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, GOTO Step 46.

THEN perform Step 45.

NOTE RBCU transfer to low speed will NOT occur until 3 minute time delay is satisfied.

45. Verify aM ES channel 5 & 6 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

Page 36 of 50


46. IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, GOTO Step 49.

THEN perform Steps 47- 48.

47. Perform all: NOTE Place ES CH 7 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 8 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES OH 7 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 8 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

48. Verify all ES channel 7 & 8 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.
49. Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.
50. Ensure gy turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.
51. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).
52. WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

Page 37 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED i_*_**_ Unit Status ES Channels 3 & 4 have NOT actuated.

53. Start:


54. Notify Unit 3 to start:


55. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 iCE-i open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1 CF-i 1CF-2

56. Verify 1HP-4lOclosed. i._ Place 1HP-l2Oin HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

57. Secure makeup to the LDST.
58. Verify all ES channel 1 & 2 components 1 . IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.

3._ IF 1HP-2Ofails to close, ANDNO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

59. Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 62.
60. Close 2LPSW-1 39.
61. Verify LPSW flow to Unit 2 LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain total LPSW flow 6000 gpm.
62. Close 1LPSW-139.

Page 38 of 50


63. Place in FAIL OPEN:

. 1LPSW-251 FAIL SWITCH 1LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH 64 Start all available LPSW pumps.

65 Verify either: GOTO Step 67.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Te Specs on ly requires two operable 66 Open: IF are closed:

1LPSW-4 1LPSW-4 1LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

67 IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1 600.

Swap to RBES). 2. Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

68. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS)
69. Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.
70. Ensureyturnoversheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.
71. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).
72. WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

END ...

Page 39 of 50


73. Open: 1 . IF both BWST suction valves 1 HP-24 (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed, 1HP-25 THEN:

A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B. Start 1 B LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1 LP-1 5 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-1O 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running çy to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-1-119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 74.

2._ IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, THEN:

A. IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

B. IF< 2 HPI pumps are operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite headers.

C._ GOTO Step 75.

Page 40 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45


74. EnsureatleasttwoHPlpumpsare operating.
75. Verify open: 1 IF HP! has been intentionally throttled, 1 HP-26 THENGOTO Step 76.

1HP-27 2. Open:

1HP-26 1HP-27 Page 41 of 50


76. IAATatleasttwoHPlpumpsare operating, AND HPI flow in gjy header that has NOT been intentionally throttled is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1, THEN open the following in the affected header:

f 1A Header i lB Header IHP-410 1HP-409 Figure 1 Required HPI Flow Per Header 010 100 200 300 400 500 6U0 Required }IPI Flow Per Header (gpm)

Page 42 of 50


77. Verify y RCP operating. GOTO Step 79.
78. Open:

1 HP-20

79. IAAT aB exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel require manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required channel.

80. IAAT RCP is operating, GOTO Step 85.

AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 81 84.-

81. Perform all: NOTE Place ES CH 5 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 6 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1 . IF ES CH 5 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 6 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

82. Open:

1CC-7 1CC-8 1LPSW-15 1LPSW-6

83. Ensure only one CC pump operating.
84. Ensure Standby CC pump in AUTO.

Page 43 of 50


85. IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, GO TO Step Error! Reference source THENGOTO Step 86. not found..
86. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse LPI in OVERRIDE.
87. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 3 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 4 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 3 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 4 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

I 88.

CAUTION LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against a shutoff head.

IAAT y LPI pump is operating against I

a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SROs discretion, stop affected LPI }

22 6


Page 44 of 50


89. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump GOTO Step 92.

shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 90 91. -

90 Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-17 2._ Close 1LP-17.

Start 1A LPI PUMP.

91 Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1 B LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-18 2._ Close 1LP-18.

Start lB LPI PUMP.

92 IAAT1Aand1BLPIPUMPsare GOTOStep95.

off / tripped, AND a exist:

RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1 LP-1 9 closed 1 LP-20 closed T,H EN pe rio rm Ste ps 9.3 -.94..

93 Open:

1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-7 1LP-17 1LP-18 1LP-21 1LP-22 94 Start 1C LPI PUMP.

95. IAAT 1A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-17.
96. IAAT 1 B LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1 LP-1 8.

Page 45 of 50


97. Start:


98. Notify Unit 3 to start:


99. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 1CF-i open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1 CF-i 1CF-2 iOO._ Verify 1HP-410 closed. i._ Place 1HP-i20 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

101 ._ Secure makeup to the LDST.

1 02._ Verify all ES channel 1 - 4 components 1. IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.

3. IF 1 HP-20 fails to close, ANDNO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230

4. Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

1 03._ Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 106.

104._ Close 2LPSW-139.

1 05._ Verify total LPSW flow to Unit 2 LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain total LPSW flow 6000 gpm.

i06._ Close 1LPSW-139.

Page 46 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 107.Place in FAIL OPEN:

1LPSW-251 FAIL SWITCH 1LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH 108. Start all available LPSW pumps.

109. Verify either: GOTO Step 111.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when fly requ ires two operable 110.Open: IFbothareclosed:

. 1LPSW-4 1 LPSW-5 LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

111 . IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1600.

Swap to RBES). 2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

112._ Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS) 1 13._ Select DECAY HEAT LOW FLOW ALARM SELECT switch to ON.

11 4._ IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, GOTO Step 116.

THEN perform Step 115.

NOTE RBCU transfer to low speed will NOT occur until 3 minute time delay is satisfied.

115._ Verify a ES channel 5 & 6 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

Page 47 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 11 6._ IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, GOTO Step 119.

THEN perform Step 117- 118.

117. Perform all: NOTE Place ES OH 7 in MANUAL.

  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 8 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES OH 7 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES OH 8 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

1 1 8._ Verify all ES channel 7 & 8 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

11 9._ Notify U2 OR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.

120._ Ensure y turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.

121._ IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).

122._ WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

Page 48 of 50

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 CRITICAL TASKS CT-I Control HPI following the inadvertent actuation such that RV P-T limits are not exceeded (prior to pressurizer being water solid). (Page 5)

CT-2 Adjust feedwater such that a Reactor Trip does not occur as a result of the instrument failure.

(Page II)

CT-3 Control Feedwater and Control Rods during the power reduction such that a Reactor Trip does not occur due to improper control. (Page 14)

CT-4 Following the loss of heat transfer, the candidate must initiate core cooling by initiating either Condensate Booster Pump feed or HPI forced cooling before the RCS pressure reaches the Safety Valves setpoint of 2500 psig. (Page 20)

Page 49 of 50

SAFETY: Take a Minute UNIT 0 (OSM)

SSF Operable: No I H KHUs Ooerable: Ui OH, U2 UG LCTs Operable: 2 I Fuel Handling: No UNIT STATUS (CR SRO)

Unit 1 Simulator Other Units Mode: 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Reactor Power: 50% Mode: 1 Mode: 5 Gross MWE: 449 100% Power 100% Power RCS Leakage: 0.11 gpm EFDW Backup: Yes EFDW Backup: Yes RBNS Rate: 0.01 gpm Technical Specifications/SLC Items (CR SRO)

Component/Train OOS Restoration TS/SLC #

Date/Time Required Date/Time SSF Yesterday / 2300 7 Days / 2300 3.10.1 A - E Shift Turnover Items (CR SRO)


. Returning to power following turbine bearing inspection

. Holding at 50% power for Main Turbine oil system evaluation by Turbine Crew

  • The SSF can be declared operable once Core Thermal Power reaches > 85% Full Power.

. Chemistry requests both Letdown Filters be left in service until Rx Power reaches 100%

Secondary 1 SSH-i, 1 SSH-3, 1 SD-2, 1 SD-5, 1 SD-i 40, 1 SD-303, 1 SD-355, 1 SD-356 and 1 SD-358 are closed with power supply breakers open per the Startup Procedure for SSF Overcooling Event.

  • 1 MS-82 and 1 MS-84 closed in support of maintenance. TDEFWP supply from AS only.

Reactivity Management (CR SRO)

RCS Boron: 89 ppmB Gp 7 Rod Position: 42%

Human Performance Emphasis (OSM)

Procedure Use and Adherence

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES D-1 1LT45 Facility: Oconee Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

  • Reactor Power = 19% Stable Turnover:
  • OP/i/Ni 106/001 End 4.1 (Turbine Generator Startup) in progress and complete up to Step 2.47

. MT at 1800 RPM Waiting on Turbine crew to Parallel T/G to grid

  • OATC Add 75 gal from CBAST(CBAST pump in Auto) to withdraw rods an additional 10% per maneuvering plan Event Malfunction Event E vent Type
  • No. No. Description Oa Override AFIS disabled Ob Override Standby LPSW Pump auto start disabled Oc 1 B RBCU fails to start on ES 1 R: OATC, SRO RCS Boration From CBAST (75 gal)

Updater ALPSW Pump trips and C LPSW Pump fails to 2 C: BOP, SRO (TS) 3 Override C: OATC, SRO, PZR Spray Valve (1 RC-1) Fails OPEN 4 MS5470 C: BOP, SRO (TS) 1C RBCU Cooler Rupture MPSO9O 1HP-120 fails closed (concurrent with Event 4) &

5 C OATC SRO restored 6 N, BOP, SRO Parallel the Generator 7a MCRO61 C: OATC, SRO Continuous Control Rod Withdrawal 1A Main Steam Line Break 7b MPS400 M: All o AFIS fails to actuate

. 1 B RBCU fails to start on ES (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 5 Event


RCS Boration from CBAST in Automatic Time Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior OP/i/Nil 03/004A, End 4.1 (RCS Boration From CBAST With CBAST Pump)

BOP During this activity, the BOP will be performing Peer Checks as required and responding to direction from the SRO when needed.


  • OP/i/Ni 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control) provides guidance for RCS boron change calculation or computer calculation for determining required volumes. (R.M.)
  • LDST temperature may increase from adding CBAST because of CBAST temperature.
  • 50 gal flush must be performed to ensure calculated volume of CBAST is added.
  • Main process piping between CBAST and LDST contains 25 gallons of DW. {16}
  • If RCS boration is for a Forced Outage, targeted boron should not exceed 200 ppm above the required SDM to prevent excessive RCS boration.

The 200 ppm above required SDM will borate the Pressurizer to the required SDM since the Pressurizer usually lags the RCS by approximately 200 ppm.

Section 2: Procedure OATC 2.1 Determine required volume of CBAST needed for desired RCS boron changes. (R.M.)

  • 50 gal of DW added due to flushing must be included in determination
  • Volume required gallons.

2.2 CBAST required volume approved (SRO). (R.M.)


Placing an idle Letdown Filter in service can change RCS boron by adding 60 gals of water to RCS at different boron (negligible for RCS boration). (R.M.)

2.3 IF two Letdown Filters are available, perform the following:

  • Ensure open 1HP-17 (iA LETDOWN FILTER INLET)
  • Ensure open 1HP-i8 (18 LETDOWN FILTER INLET) 2.4 Ensure open 1 CS-64 (CBAST OUTLET).

2.5 Open 1 CS-72 (CBAST Header to Letdown Filter Inlet). (A-2 LDST Hatch area)

This event is complete when the 50 gallon piping flush is complete or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 2 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 5 Event


RCS Boration from CBAST in Automatic Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC OPI1IAI11O3IOO4A, End 4.1 (continued) 2.6 Ensure 1HP-15 Controller reset for Normal Operations.

2.7 WHILE RCS boration in progress, monitor the following indication: {19}

  • Appropriate Range Nis
  • Primary Tank Levels
  • CRD position (if applicable)
  • Neutron error (if applicable)


If RCS Boration is being performed during a unit shutdown, CBAST pump should NOT be started until directed by OP/i/Ni 102/010 (Controlling Procedure For Unit Shutdown).

2.8 IF desired, operate the 1A CBAST pump in manual per Section 3 (Make Up With 1A CBAST Pump In Manual).


L If a Deborating IX is in service the CBAST pump must be operated in manual.

2.9 IF desired, operate the 1A CBAST pump in auto per Section 4 (Make-Up With 1A CBAST Pump In Auto) (See Page 5)


50 gal flush must be performed to ensure calculated volume of CBAST is added. (R.M.)

2.10 Perform piping flush per Section 6 (Piping Flush From CBAST)(see page 6).

2.11 IF a Deborating IX is NOT in service, verify closed 1HP-i6 (LDST MAKEUP ISOLATION) (R.M.)


If during RCS makeup the wrong volume is added an SRO should evaluate the effect on reactivity and take action to minimize reactivity management events.


2.12 Perform one of the following: (R.M.)

  • Verify correct volume added
  • Notify appropriate SRO This event is complete when the 50 gallon piping flush is complete or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 3 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 5 Event


RCS Boration from CBAST in Automatic Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC OP/i/Nil 03/004A, End 4.1 (continued) 2.13 Ensure 1HP-15 Controller reset for Normal Operation 2.14 IF Continuous Boron Dilution Bypass Keyswitch was bypassed, place Continuous Boron Dilution Bypass Keyswitch to Normal (Cable Rm).

(Continue) 2.15 Close 1CS-72 (CBAST to Letdown Filter Inlet). (A-2 LDST Hatch area) (R.M.)

2.16 Record RCS make-up volume in Auto Log.

2.17 IF desired, request RCS and Pzr sample for boron. (R.M.)

Person Notified Date NOTE:

1 B Letdown Filter is the preferred filter to leave in service for ALARA.

Booth CUE: If asked, inform the candidate it is not desired to remove one letdown filter from service.

2.18 IF desired, remove one Letdown Filter from service by performing the following:

2.18.1 Verify> 10 minutes since RCS makeup was secured. {7} (R.M.)

2.18.2 Position one of the following:

  • 1HP-17 (1A LETDOWN FILTER INLET) switch to CLOSE
  • 1HP-18(1B LETDOWN FILTER INLET) switchto CLOSE 2.18.3 Record current RCS boron in Component Boron Log for OOS Letdown Filter. {10} (R.M.)

This event is complete when the 50 gallon piping flush is complete or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 4 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page 4 of 5 Event


RCS Boration from CBAST in Automatic Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SROIOATC OP/11A11103/004A, End 4.1 (continued)

Section 4. Make-Up With 1A CBAST Pump In Auto NOTE: If a Deborating IX is in service the CBAST pump should be operated in manual.

4.1 Verify a Deborating IX is NOT in service.

4.2 Verify open 1 CS-64 (CBAST OUTLET).

NOTE: If BLEED is required, use enclosure for reducing RCS inventory in OP/i IA/i 1 03/004(Soluble Poison Control).

4.3 Perform the following:

  • IF BLEED is NOT required for makeup, open 1HP-i6
  • IF 1SA-21D-10 (CRD Continuous Boron Dilute Inhibit) in alarm AND BLEED required during makeup, perform one of the following:
3. Open 1HP-16 (LDST Makeup Isolation) (Waste Disposal Panel)
4. Perform the following:

A. Place Continuous Boron Dilution Bypass Key switch to Bypass (Cable Rm)

B. Open 1HP-16 (LDST MAKEUP ISOLATION) 4.4 Select S on 1HP-i5 Controller and enter batch size. (75 gal.)

4.5 Select P on 1HP-15 Controller.

4.6 Place 1A CBAST pump to AUTO.

NOTE: LDST temperature may increase from adding CBAST because of CBAST temperature.

4.7 Place 1A CBAST pump to ON.

NOTE: Increased makeup flow may be required during RCS boration, ZPPT, etc.!

4.8 IF AT ANY TIME increased makeup flow is required, perform Section 5 (Throttling 1CS-70 For Increased Make-up Flow).

NOTE: CBAST should NOT be pumped < 6 using 1A CBAST pump. I 4.9 WHEN desired volume is added, ensure iA CBAST pump off.

4.10 Place 1A CBAST pump to MAN.

4.11 Ensure 1 HP-iS Controller reset for Normal Operations.


4.13 WHEN desired return to next step in Section 2 (Procedure).

This event is complete when the 50 gallon piping flush is complete or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page 5 of 5 Event


RCS Boration from CBAST in Automatic Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO/OATC OP/i/Nil 03/004A, End 4.1 (continued)

Section 6. Piping Flush from CBAST NOTE:

Flush prevents boron from crystallizing in piping if heat tracing fails.

50 gal flush must be perFormed to ensure calculated volume of CBAST is added. (RM.)

Failure to properly position valves could affect CBAST boron. (R.M.)

6.1 After CBAST make-up flush header:

6.1.1 Ensure 1A CBAST pump is OFF.

6.1.2 Ensure DW make-up stopped to all units UST(s) (ensures adequate DW pressure).

6.1.3 Close 1CS-64 (CBAST OUTLET). (R.M.)

6.1.4 Ensure closed 1CS-70 (CBAST Recirc). (Unit 1 CBAST Am)


6.1.5 Ensure open 1HP-16 (LDST MAKEUP ISOLATION).

6.1 .6 Throttle 1 DW-87 (DW To 1 A CBAST Pump Suction) to establish flow. (Unit 1 CBAST Am) 6.1.7 Flush 50 gallons. (R.M.)

6.1.8 Close 1 DW-87 (DW To 1A CBAST Pump Suction). (Unit 1 CBAST Am) (R.M.)

6.1.9 Open 1CS-70 (CBAST Aecirc). (Unit 1 CBAST Am) (A.M.)

6.1.10 Open 1CS-64 (CBAST OUTLET).

6.1.11 IF a Deborating IX is NOT in service, close 1HP-16 (LDST MAKEUP ISOLATION). (A.M.)

6.2 IF make-up from CBAST is no longer needed, continue with Step 2.11 for normal alignment (page 3).

This event is complete when the 50 gallon piping flush is complete or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 6 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 3 Event


A LPSW Pump trips and C LPSW Pump fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant response:


OAC Alarm:

  • LPSW Header NB Pressure Low SRO/BOP Crew response:
  • Refer to OAC alarm response
1. Refer to AP/24 (Loss of LPSW)
2. Notify engineering
3. RefertoTS3.7.7
  • Refer to ARG for 1 SA-9/A-9 (LPSW Header A/B Press Low) 3.1 Refer to AP/1 IA/i 700/024 (Loss of LPSW) 3.2 Have Unit 2 refer to AP/2/N1700/024 (Loss of LPSW).

Booth Cue: If notified to refer to AP/2/AJ17001024, inform operator that AP/2!A/1700124 will be referenced.

AP/1 IA/i 700/024 (Loss of LPSW) steps begin on next page.

This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 3 Event


A LPSW Pump trips and C LPSW Pump fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO/BOP AP/1/A/1 700/024 (Loss of LPSW)

NOTE Unit 1 normally handles LPSW System operation unless otherwise directed by the CR SRO 4.1 Verify Unit 1 is going to handle LPSW system operations.

4.2 IAAT any LPSW pump is cavitating, THEN perform Steps 4.3 4.4 RNO:GOTO Step 4.5 4.5 Verify LPSW pressure 70 psig 4.6 Ensure Unit 1/2 Standby LPSW Pump Auto Start Ckt in Disable 4.7 IAAT a non-operating LPSW Pump is available and pump start is desired, then start the available pump (C LPSW Pump will start).

4.8 IAAT LPSW to all RBCUs has been isolated, AND LPSW header pressure is > 25 psig, THEN perform Step 4.9 RNO: GO TO Step4.10 4.10 Verify normal LPSW System operation is restored.

NOTE 1LPSW-1054, 1055, 1061, and 1062 will close to isolate RB Auxiliary Coolers on low LPSW pressure.

  • If RB Auxiliary Coolers are aligned for outage cooling with the portable chiller, sliding links have been positioned such that 1LPSW-1054, 1055, 1061, and 1062 will NOT close.

4.11 Verify that RB Auxiliary Coolers have isolated:

  • 1 LPSW-1055 closed
  • 1 LPSW-1062 closed RNO:GO TO Step 4.14 4.14 EXIT this procedure This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 3 Event


A LPSW Pump trips and C LPSW Pump fails to start Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO The SRO should refer to TS:

TS 3.7.7 (Low Pressure Service Water System) o Condition A applies. Restore required LPSW pump to operable status. 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> completion time.

o Condition B applies due to LPSW Leakage Accumulator Level Alarm (exit this TS Condition when alarm clears).

TS 3.3.28 (LPSW pump Auto-Start Circuitry) Condition A. Restore Auto Start Circuitry to operable. 7 day completion time.

This event is complete when the SRO has referred to TS, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 3 Event


PZR Spray Valve (1RC-1) Fails OPEN Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Cue: Call the Control Room as the WCC SRO and tell the BOP that during a key audit you have discovered that one of the RPS shutdown bypass keys is missing and ask if the BOP will check all 4 RPS cabinets to determine if the key was inadvertently left in the switch. One the BOP is at the RPS cabinets, FIRE TIMER 3 to initiate this event Plant Response:

  • RCS pressure will decrease

Crew Response:

Refer to Alarm Response Guide 1 SA-2/D-3 (AC PRESS HIGH/LOW) 3.2 Low Alarm 3.2.1 Refer to AP/1/N1700/044 (Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure Control)

SRO/OATC AP/1 IN1 700/044 (Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure Control)

3. Immediate Manual Actions 3.1 IAAT PORV is open AND AC Press < setpoint (2400 psig (High) or 480 psig (Low)

THEN close 1 RC-4 EXAMINER NOTE: The crew may perform Immediate Manual Action Step 3.2 from memory prior to the SRO entering AP/44.

3.2 IAAT RC Pressure < 2155 psig AND 1 RC-1 indicates open, THEN select 1 AC-i to close.

EXAMINER NOTE: If the block valve (1RC-3) is not closed, the Reactor will trip on variable low pressure and ES actuation will occur 3.3 IAAT all the following exist:

AC Press < 2155 psig AC Press decreasing without a corresponding decrease in PZF3 level Then close 1 AC-3.

This event is complete when 1 RC-3 is re-opened and 1 RC-1 is in Auto, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 3 Event


PZR Spray Valve (1 RC-1) Fails OPEN Time Position J Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/1!A/1700/044 (Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure Control) (continued)

SRO/OATC 4.1 Announce AP entry using the PA system 4.2 GO TO the applicable per the following table:

q Failure Caused Step RCS Pressure Decrease 4.3 Increase 4.18 4.3 Verify 1 RC-4 is closed.

RNO: If PORV is open and 1 RC-4 has failed to close (N/A) 4.4 Verify 1 RC-3 is closed 4.5 Position 1 RC-3 as required to maintain RC pressure within desired band.

4.6 Gotostep4.13 4.13 Verify PZR heaters maintaining RCS pressure within desired band 4.14 Notify SPOC to repair malfunctioning component 4.15 Ensure requirements of following are met: (no TS should apply)

SRO This event is complete when 1 RC-3 is opened and 1 RC-1 is in Auto, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 3 Event


PZR Spray Valve (1 RC-1) Fails OPEN Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior S RO/OATC AP/1 IA/i 700/044 (Abnormal Pressurizer Pressure Control) (continued) 4.16 WHEN repairs complete, THEN place the following components in desired position for current plant conditions as determined by CR SRO.

  • PZR heaterbank#1
  • PZR heater bank #2
  • PZR heater bank #3
  • PZR heater bank #4 BOOTH CUE: Fire Timer 14 to repafr 1RC-1 then call control room as SPOC and inform the crew that the control module for 1RC-1 had failed. It has been replaced and 1RC-lcan be returned to normal operation 4.17 When directed by the CR SRO, THEN EXIT this procedure.

This event is complete when 1 RC-3 is opened and 1 RC-1 is in Auto, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No 3 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 2 Event


1C RBCU Cooler Rupture Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Event 5 will begin concurrent with this event.

Plant Response:

  • RB normal sump level will increase
  • 1 C RBCU LPSW flow indicator indicates low on VB2 Crew Response:

ARG for 1 SA-9/D-9 (Manual Actions)

SRO/BOP 3.1 Verify alarm is valid by checking RBCU 1C Inlet Flow and RBCU 1C delta flow.

3.2 Verify 1 LPSW-24 (RBCU 1 C Outlet) throttled 3.3 Verify adequate LPSW flow is available; check LPSW pump operation 3.3.1 Verify 1LPSW-22 (10 RBCU INLET) is open.

3.3.2 IF 1 LPSW-22 (10 RBCU INLET) is NOT open, refer to Technical Specifications and Selected Licensee Commitments 3.4 Monitor RBNS Level for any unexplained increase 3.5 IF RBNS Level is increasing AND ES has actuated, notify Chemistry to sample the RBNS for boron concentration to determine if a cooler rupture has occurred based on sample results.

3.6 IF RBCU 10 Cooler rupture or line break is indicated, then:

NOTE: This sequence prevents having to call LPSW and Containment inoperable per SLC 16.9.12.

3.6.1 Isolate the 1C RBCU Cooler as follows:

A. Close 1LPSW-22 (1C RBCU INLET).

B. Close 1LPSW-24 (RBCU 1C OUTLET).

C. Evaluate TS 3.6.3 Condition C (Does NOT apply)

D. Evaluate TS 3.6.5 for inoperable RBCU E. Continue to monitor RBNS level for increase.

F. IF RBNS level is still increasing, notify TSC to evaluate further isolation of 10 RBCU.

This event is complete when the 1 C RBCU rupture is isolated, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No 3 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 2 Event


1C RBCU Cooler Rupture Time Position ApplicanVs Actions or Behavior ARG 1SA-9 I D-9 (RBCU C Cooler Rupture) (cont.):

SAC 3.6.2 Refer to Technical Specifications 3.6.3 Refer to SLC 16.912 (Does NOT apply) 3.6.4 Refer to OP/i/Ni 104/010 (LPSW) 3.6.5 Refer to OP/1/N1104/015 (RB Cooling System)

EXAMINER NOTE: The crew may decide to pump the RB Normal Sump. If so, see the steps below from OP/i/All 1 04/007 L WD System, Enclosure 4.1 Pumping RBNS to 1 OP/1/Ni104/007 Enclosure 4.1 SRO/BOP 3.1 Verify MWHUT level adequate to receive waste volume.

3.2 Position the following:

  • Ensure open 1 LWD-2 (RB NORMAL SUMP ISOLATION) 3.3 Start one or both of the following:
  • lB RB NORM SUMP PUMP 3.4 WHEN RBNS is at desired level OR at 1 (low level alarm), ensure the following:

3.5 IF required to close the valves, position the following:

SAC Identify that 1C RBCU is inoperable and enter TS 3.6.5 Condition B (7 days and 14 days from discovery of failure to meet LCO).

TS 3.6.3 Condition C does not apply since no Containment Isolation Valves are inoperable.

LT event is complete when the 1 C RBCU rupture is isolated, or as directed by the lead examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event Non: 5 Page 1 of 4 Event


1HP-120 fails closed Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior This event is concurrent with Event 4 Plant Response:

  • RCS makeup flow goes to 10 gpm (HPI Warming Flow)
  • PZR level begins to decrease
  • LDST level begins to increase
  • Valve position demand for 1 HP-i 20 begins to increase to the 100%

demand value and valve position indication will indicate closed (green light)

  • 1 SA-02/ B-i, HP LETDOWN TANK LEVEL HIGH/LOW, will illuminate after several minute time delay Crew Response:

EXAMINER NOTE: If the 1HP-120 failure is recognized before the LDST statalarm actuates, the SRO will make a direct entry into A P114 (next SRO/OATC page). Otherwise they may perform the ARG and OP below and enter AP114 when the SRO determines the entry conditions are met The crew may refer to ARG 1 SA-02/B-i, HP LETDOWN TANK LEVEL HIGH/LOW and perform the required actions.

3.1 Instrument Failed:

3.1.1 Compare alternate channels to verify alarm validity:

  • OlAi 042 LDST LEVEL 1
  • Ci Al 043 LDST LEVEL 2 3.2 Verify LDST pressure does not exceed LDST level/pressure operability requirement per OP/i/Ni 104/002, (HPI System).

3.3 High Level alarm is received:

3.3.1 Bleed as required by OP/i/Ni i03/004 (Soluble Poison Concentration Control).

This event is complete when normal HPI makeup and letdown flow have been restored, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 15 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page 2 of 4 Event


1 HP-i 20 fails closed Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EXAMINER NOTE: The crew may perform Enclosure 4.8 as necessary to reduce inventory. Enclosure 4.6 is performed to makeup/batch.

OP/1/A!1103/004, Soluble Poison Concentration Control (Enclosure 4.8 Reducing RCS Inventory)

SRO/OATC 2.1 Verify HPI System operating.

2.2 Ensure open 1CS-26 (LETDOWN TO RC BHUT).

2.3 Ensure open 1CS-41 (1A AC BHUT INLET).

2.4 Position 1HP-14 (LDST BYPASS) to BLEED.

2.5 WHEN desired LDST level achieved, position 1 HP-i 4 to NORMAL.

EXAMINER NOTE: The crew may initiate EOP End 5.5 for RCS inventory control due LDST level increase (see page 41)

Crew Response:

AP/1/A/1 700/01 4, Loss of Normal Makeup and/or RCP Seal Injection 3.1 IAAT RCP seal injection flow is lost, AND Component Cooling is lost, THEN perform the following:

A. TriptheRx B. Stop all RCPs C. Initiate AP/25 (SSF EOP) 3.2 IAAT loss of suction to operating HPI pumps is indicated:

  • Motor amps low or cycling
  • Discharge pressure low or cycling
  • Abnormal LDST level trend THEN GO TO Step 3.3 RNO: GO TO Step 4.7 4.7 Announce AP entry using PA System 4.8 Verify jy HPI pump operating This event is complete when normal HPI makeup and letdown flow have been restored, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page 3 of 4 Event


1 HP-i 20 fails closed Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/1/N1 700/01 4, Loss of Normal Makeup and/or Seal Injection (Continued)

SRO/OATC/ 4.9 Verify RCP seal injection or HPI makeup line leak indicated by jjy of the BOP following:

  • Report of line leak
  • Abnormal LDST level decrease
  • 1 RIA-32 (AUX BLDG GAS)
  • 1 RIA-45 (NORM VENT GAS)
  • RB RIAs in alarm
  • Abnormal RBNS level increase
  • Abnormal LAWT or HAWT level increase RNO: GO TO Step 4.11 4.11 Verify RCP seal injection flow exists to gy RCP 4.12 Verify 1HP-120 operable in AUTO RNO: 1 .Attempt to operate 1 HP-120 in HAND (Will NOT operate)
2. IF 1HP-120 fails to operate, THEN GO TO Step 4.176 4.176 Perform the following as necessary to maintain Pzr level >200
  • Close 1 HP-6
  • Throttle 1HP-26 4.177 Place 1HP-120 in HAND and close This event is complete when normal HPI makeup and letdown flow have been restored, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page 4 of 4 Event


1HP-120 fails closed Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior AP/1/A11700/014, Loss of Normal Makeup and/or Seal Injection SRO/OATC/ (Continued)

BOP 4.178 Notify SPOC to investigate and repair 1HP-120 Booth Cue: Fire Timer 10 to remove 1HP-120 failure, then call the CR and inform them that 1HP-120 has been repaired.

4.179 WHEN 1HP-120 is repaired, THEN slowly re-establish flow through 1HP-120 4.180 Place 1HP-120 in AUTO.

4.181 Close 1HP-26.

4.182 Verify 1HP-122 (RC VOLUMECONTROL BYPASS) throttled.

RNO: GO TO Step 4.184 4.184 Verify 1HP-5 open.

4.185 Verify 1HP-6 open.

RNO: 1. Throttle 1 HP-7 for 20 gpm letdown flow.

2. Open 1HP-6.

4.186 Adjust 1HP-7 for desired letdown 4.187 WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.

This event is complete when normal HPI makeup and letdown flow have been restored, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 3 Event


Parallel the Generator Time Position

] Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Cue: Call the Control Room as the OSM and inform them that after discussions with the Turbine Crew, Spoc, and Rx Engineering the OSM is directing the Control Room to continue with Paralleling and loading the TIG. Use Voltage Regulator in AUTO and turbine in Speed Match mode.

Reactor Engineering will then provide a maneuvering plan for continuing the power escalation.

Crew Response:

OP/1/N1106/OO1 Enclosure 4.1 (Turbine Generator Startup)

BOP 2.47 WHEN online operation is desired, perform the following:



2.47.3 Ensure closed GEN FIELD BREAKER.

2.47.4 Ensure EXCITATION is ON.

2.48 WHEN Generator Output Voltage 17.70 kV to 18.4 kV, perform the following:

2.48.1 IF synchronization with Voltage Regulator in AUTO is desired, ensure VOLTAGE REGULATOR MODE in AUTO.

2.48.2 Slowly increase GEN OUTPUT VOLTS up to rated voltage 19 KV with VOLTAGE ADJUST.


Do NOT excite Generator> 19.95 KV. Generator winding damage may result.

2.49 IF Voltage Regulator testing scheduled, perform the following:


2.49.2 Perform Voltage Regulator testing as required per IP/0/B/2005/001 (Main Generator Automatic Voltage Regulator Maintenance And Channel Transfer).

2.50 Ensure GEN U.V. UNIT BLOCKING switch (1 EB3) to NORM.

2.51 Notify System Operating Center (SOC) that Turbine Generator is ready to be paralleled to system and that Voltage Regulator Mode is one of the following:

  • AUTO

This event is complete when the TURBINE LOAD pushbutton is depressed or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 19 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 3 Event


Parallel the Generator Time_[ Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OP/1/A/1106/OO1 Enclosure 4.1 (Turbine Generator Startup) 2.53 Turn (PCB-20 OR PCB-21) SYNCHRONIZING switch to SYNCH for Generator Breaker to be closed first.

2.54 Adjust Turbine Generator speed and voltage:

  • IF automatic Speed adjustment is desired, select SPEED MATCH on SELECT SPEED TARGET.
  • IF Manual Speed adjustment is desired:

A. Ensure 1800 RPM selected on SELECT SPEED TARGET.

B. Use TURBINE SPEED CHANGER to adjust Generator speed until slow clockwise rotation of SYNCHROSCOPE pointer is established.

  • IF Generator Voltage adjustment required, use VOLTAGE ADJUST to adjust Ti OUTPUT VOLTS to match SWITCHYARD VOLTS.

2.55 Perform the following:

  • Ensure slow clockwise rotation of SYNCHROSCOPE pointer.
  • WHEN SYNCHROSCOPE pointer is vertical, ensure match of Ti OUTPUT VOLTS and SWITCHYARD VOLTS 2.56 WHEN SYNCHROSCOPE pointer is 50 before reaching vertical, parallel by closing associated GENERATOR BREAKER (PCB-20 OR PCB-21).

2.57 Observe GENERATOR BREAKER closes AND SYNCHROSCOPE pointer stops in vertical position.

2.58 Turn OFF appropriate SYNCHRONIZING switch.

2.59 Establish Generator load of 35 MWe, by using one of the following:


I Date Time This event is complete when the TURBINE LOAD pushbutton is depressed or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: ILT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 3 Event


Parallel the Generator Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OP/i/Ni 106/001 Enclosure 4.1 (Turbine Generator Startup) 2.61 To close second Generator Breaker, perform the following:

2.61.1 Turn SYNCHRONIZING switch to SYNC for second Generator Breaker.

2.61.2 WHEN SYNCHROSCOPE pointer is vertical, close second GENERATOR BREAKER.

2.61.3 Observe GENERATOR BREAKER closes.

2.61.4 Turn OFF appropriate SYNCHRONIZING switch.

NOTE: Closing PCB within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of closing associated disconnects limits degradation of PCB grading capacitors. Failure to close PCB within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> will require notification ofSwitchyard Coordinator.

2.62 IAAT PCB-20 or PCB-21 NOT closed within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of times recorded SRO/BOP/ instep 2.26, notify Switchyard Coordinator to evaluate capacitor condition.

OATC 2.63 Secure from personnel maintaining road/walkway clear east of Unit 1 Main Transformer.

2.64 Load Turbine Generator:

2.64.1 Ensure Generator Output 35 MWe.

2.64.2 Ensure TURBINE AUTO LOAD PERMISSIVE satisfied.

2.64.3 Ensure TURBINE MASTER control station to AUTO.


  • Steps 2.64.4 through 2.64.7 may be repeated as required.
  • De-selecting the TURBINE LOAD pushbutton will result in stoppage of opening the Turbine Control Valves any further. Likewise, de-selecting the TURBINE UNLOAD pushbutton will also result in stoppage of closing the Turbine Control Valves any further.

2.64.4 IF AT ANY TIME it is desired to stop loading the turbine, de-select the TURBINE LOAD Pushbutton.

2.64.5 IF AT ANY TIME it is desired to stop unloading the turbine, de-select the TURBINE UNLOAD Pushbutton.

2.64.6 IF AT ANY TIME it is desired to unload the Turbine Generator, perform the following:

A. Select TURBINE UNLOAD button.

B. Ensure TBVs throttle open C. Ensure Turbine Generator MWe decrease 2.64.7 Select TURBINE LOAD Pushbutton. (Begins Event 7a)

This event is complete when the TURBINE LOAD pushbutton is depressed or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event NoW: 7a Page 1 of 1 Event


Continuous Rod Withdrawal Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant response:

  • Nl-5 thru Nl-9 indicate increasing reactor power
  • SURs on Wide Range Nis increasing SRO/OATC Crew response:
  • The candidates should utilize the Plant Transient Response process to stabilize the plant and recognize that control rods are withdrawing without a valid signal.
  • Verbalize to the SRO reactor power level and direction of movement.
  • Place the Diamond and both FDW Masters in MANUAL to stabilize the plant.

> The crew should insert control rods and monitor reactor power and wide range startup rate to stabilize the plant

  • Report no valid (ICS) Runback and monitor RCS pressure and inventory

> Contact SPOC to investigate the continuous rod withdrawal.

Note: The OATC may elect to trip the Rx during this transient per SOMP 01-02 and OMP 1-18 Attachment J (Plant Transient Response).

6.3.3 During abnormal operating conditions a manual reactor trip shall be initiated if any of the following conditions occur:

  • Reactor power level approaches any operating limit
  • Reactor power level exceeds the pre-transient power level by greater than 5% AND the cause of the power change is NOT understood, OR is NOT controllable
  • Any time plant conditions are considered uncontrollable or unsafe EXAMINER/BOOTH NOTE: If the crew does NOT manually trip the reactor, then once they have completed PTR, fire TIMER 7 to initiate a Reactor trip and Event 7 If the Rx is tripped by the crew, Timer 7 will auto initiate a MSLB (event 7b next page)

This event is complete once the Reactor has tripped or as directed by the lead examiner Page 22 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 1 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Plant response:

  • 1 SA-1/A-1, B-i, C-i, D-1, RPS Channel Trip
  • 1SA-2/D-3, RC Press High/Low
  • Statalarm 1SA-02/A-9 (MS PRESS HIGH/LOW)
  • AFIS will fail to actuate Crew response:

SRO will direct each RO to perform a Symptoms Check (per OMP 1-18 SRO Attachment C).

OATC/BOP will perform a Symptoms Check (per OMP 1-18 Attachment C)

OATC/BOP and determine that a MSLB has occurred in the iA Steam Generator BOP performs Rule 5 (Main Steam Line Break) after receiving concurrence from the SRO (details begin on next page)

BOP will perform Rule 3 (begins on page 26) as directed by Rule 5 and Enclosure 5.9 (begins on page 27) as directed by Rule 3.

SRO refers to Parallel Actions page of the Subsequent Actions Tab and transfers to the Excessive Heat Transfer Tab SRO will direct an RO to initiate EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) (details begin on page 28)

The SRO will direct Excessive Heat Transfer Tab actions (see page 32)

The SRO will direct an RO to make a PA announcement and notify the OSM to reference the Emergency Plan and NSD-202 EXAMINER NOTE: Loss of SCM may occur during this event. If so, the RO not performing Rule 5 (EHT) will perform Rule 2 (page 35) and the SRO will transfer to the LOSCM Tab of the EOP (page 38).

This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 23 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No.:1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 2 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOP Rule 5 OA-rC/BOP 1. Perform the following on affected headers:

  • Initiate AFIS 1A SG Digital Channels 1 and 2 (CT-2)
  • Select OFF for 1A MDEFDW Pump Note: Overcooling must be stopped prior to violating NDT limits.

Note: The critical task is to stop feeding the affected SG which occurs when AFIS is manually initiated

  • Trip both Main FDW pumps
2. Verify 1 TD EFDW PUMP operating.

RNO: IF MD EFDWP for the intact SG is operating, THEN GO TO Step 5.

5. Verify 1 B SG is an affected SG.

RNO: GO TO Step 7

7. WHEN overcooling is stopped, THEN adjust steaming of unaffected SG to maintain CETCs constant using either:
  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of ADVs)

CAUTION Thermal shock conditions may develop if HPI is NOT throttled and RCS pressure NOT controlled.

8. WHEN all exist:

Core SCM >00 F Rx Pwr 1%

Pzr Level increasing, THEN continue

9. Verify ES HPI actuated
10. Place Diverse HPI in BYPASS This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.:1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 3 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOP Rule 5 (continued)

11. Place ES CH 1 and ES CH 2 in MANUAL
12. Perform the following to stabilize RCS P/T:


  • Reduce 1HP-120 setpointto> 100 (180 ACC)
  • Adjust steaming of unaffected SG (1 B SG) to maintain CETCs constant
13. WHEN CETCs have stabilized, THEN resume use of T for RCS temperature control
14. Ensure Rule 3 (Loss of Main or Emergency FDW) is in progress or complete (see next page)

Examiner Note: Conditions should not meet either of the entry conditions from RuleS below, so no actions are taken in Rule 8.

NOTE This rule is invoked under either of the following conditions:

  • A cooldown below 400°F T at> 100 °F/hr has occurred.
  • HPI has injected through an open or throttled open 1 HP-26, 27, 409, 410 with aM RCPs OFF.
15. Ensure Rule 8 (Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS)) is in progress or complete
16. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THENEXIT this rule This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.:1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 4 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: Rule 7 guidance for SG levels is located on page 40.

OATC/BOP Crew Response:

EOP Rule 3

1. Verify loss of Main FDW/EFDW is due to Turbine Building Flooding RNO: GO TO Step 3
3. IAAT NO SGs can be fed with FDW (Main/CBP/Emergency),

AND jy of the following exist:

  • RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig OR NDT limit
  • Pzr level reaches 375 [340 acc]

THEN PERFORM Rule 4 (Initiation of HPI Forced Cooling)

4. Start operable EFDW pumps, as required, to feed all intact SGs
5. Verify jy EFDW pump operating.
6. GO TO Step 37
37. IAAT an EFDW valve CANNOT control in AUTO OR manual operation if EFDW valve is desired to control flow/level, THEN perform Steps 38-42
38. Place EFDW valve in MANUAL.
39. Control EFDW flow with EFDW valve in MANUAL
40. GOTO Step 43
43. Verify y SCM 0°F RNO: IF overcooling or exceeding limits in Rule 7, THEN throttle EFDW as necessary.
44. IAAT Unit 1 EFDW is in operation, THEN initiate End 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation) (see next page)
45. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this rule This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No.:lLT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 5 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

OATC/BOP EOP Enclosure 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation)

1. Monitor EFDW parameters on EFW graphic display
2. IAAT UST level is <4, THEN GO TO Step 120
3. IAAT feeding SGs with one MD EFDWP is desired, THEN perform Steps 4-7 RNO: GOTO Step 8
8. Perform the following as required to maintain UST level > 7.5 Makeup with demin water Place CST pumps in AUTO
9. IAAT aN the following exist:

Rapid cooldown NOT in progress MD EFDWP operating for each available SG EFDW flow in each header < 600 gpm THEN place 1 TD EFDW PUMP switch in PULL TO LOCK 10 Verify 1 TD EFDW PUMP operating RNO: GOTOStep12 NOTE

  • Loss of the condensate system for 25 minutes results in cooling down to LPI using the ADVs. If NO HWPs are operating, continuing this enclosure to restore the condensate system is a priority unless the CR SRO deems EOP activities higher priority. The 25 minute criterion is satisfied when a HWP is started and iC-b is 10% open.
  • If the condensate system is operating, the remaining guidance establishes FDW recirc, monitors and maintains UST, and transfers EFDW suction to the hotwell if required.
12. Notify CR SRO to set priority based on the NOTE above gj EOP activities The SRO should determine that restoring the secondary side of the plant is SRO not a priority at this time and direct the RO to continue in Rule 3.

This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 Op-Test No.:1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 6 of 16 Event


1 A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Posifion

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response:

OATC/BOP EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation)

1. Determine aW ES channels that should have actuated based on RCS pressure and RB pressure.
  • RB3psig: Channels 1,2, 3, 4,5&6

. RB 10 psig: Channels 7 & 8

2. Verify all expected ES digital channels have actuated.
3. IAAT additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded, THEN perform Steps 1-2.
4. Place Diverse HPI in BYPASS
5. Place ES CH 1 and ES CH 2 in MANUAL
6. Verify Rule 2 in progress complete.

RNO: GO TO Step 73

73. Open 1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25
74. Ensure at least two HPI pumps are operating
75. Verify 1 HP-26 and 1 HP-27 are open
76. IAAT at least two HPI pumps are operating, AND HPI flow in jjy header that has NOT been intentionally throttled is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1, THEN open the following in the affected header:

q 1 A Header iJ 1 B Header 1HP-410 1HP-409

77. Verify gjy RCP operating
78. Open 1HP-20 and 1HP-21
79. IAAT aN exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel required manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required channel This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 28 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.:ILT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 7 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC/BOP EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) (continued)

EXAMINER NOTE: ES-3 through ES-6 may not actuate, depending on how quickly AFIS is actuated in Rule 5

80. IAAT gjy RCP is operating, AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 81-84
81. Place ES CH 5 and ES CH 6 in MANUAL
82. Open:

1CC-7 1CC-8 1LPSW-15 1LPSW-6

83. Ensure only one CC pump operating
84. Ensure Standby CC pump in AUTO
85. IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, THEN GO TO Step 86
86. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS
87. Place ES CH 3 and ES CH 4 in MANUAL CAUTION LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against shutoff head
88. IAAT jjy LPI pump is operating against shutoff head, THEN at the CR SACs discretion, stop affected LPI pumps
89. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 90-91 RNO: GOTOStep92
92. IAAT 1 A and lB LPI PUMPs are off/tripped, AND gil of the following exists RNO: GO TO Step 95
95. IAAT 1 A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1 LP-17
96. IAAT lB LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-18
98. Notify Unit 3 to start 3A and 3B OUTSIDE AIR BOOSTER FANS This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 29 of 68

Appendix D -

Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.:1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 8 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position

[ Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC/BOP EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) (continued)

99. Verify iCE-i and 1CF-2 are open 100. Verify 1HP-410 closed 101. Secure makeup to the LDST 102. Verify all ES channel 1-4 components are in the ES position 103. Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped RNO: GO TO Step 106 106. Close 1LPSW-139 107. Place 1 LPSW-251 and 1 LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH in FAIL OPEN 108. Start all available LPSW pumps 109. Verify either:

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when TS only requires two operable 110. Open 1 LPSW-4 and 1 LPSW-5 111. IAAT BWST level 19, THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Swap to RBES) 112. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service) (PS) 113. Select DECAY HEAT LOW FLOW ALARM SELECT switch to ON 114. IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, THEN perform Step 115 115. Verify all ES channel 5 & 6 components in the ES position RNO: Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position jj initiate action to place in ES position if desired Examiner Note: The lB RBCU fails to receive an ES signal.

SRO The SRO should direct the RD to attempt to start the 1 B RBCU in LOW speed.

(will operate)

This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.:1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event Nofl: 7b Page 9 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC/BOP EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation) (continued) 116. IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, THEN perform Step 117 118.

RNO: GOTO Step 119 119. Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1 -1 open.

120. Ensure any turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.

121. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery) 122. WHEN CR SRO approves, THENEXIT this enclosure This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 31 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: lLT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 10 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time_j Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Crew Response:


  • Announce plant conditions using PA system.


EOP Excessive Heat Transfer Tab (EHT)

1. Verify y SG pressure < 550 psig
2. Ensure Rule 5 (Main Steam Line Break) in progress or complete
3. Place the following in HAND and decrease demand to zero on ll affected SGs:
  • 1 FDW-32 and 1 FDW-35 (for 1 A SG)
4. Close the following on all affected SGs:
5. Verify level in th SGs < 96% O.R.
6. IAAT core SCM is > 0°F, THEN perform Steps 7 and 8
7. Throttle HPI per Rule 6 (H P1) (CT-3)

Note: HP! flow must be throttled and RCS temperature controlled to prevent a solid Pzr and subsequent operation of the PORV.

8. Verify letdown in service RNO: IF desired to restore letdown, THEN initiate End 5.5 (Pzr and LDST Level Control) (see page 41)
9. Verify y SG has an intact secondary boundary (intact SG is B)

NOTE: If only one SG is intact and has been isolated for SGTR, the following steps will unisolate and use it for heat removal.

10. Open the following on all intact SGs
  • 1 FDW-382, 1 FDW-369, and 1 MS-26
11. Start MDEFDWP associated with all intact SGs (1 B)
  • lB MD EFDWP (already running)
12. Feed and steam all intact SGs to stabilize RCS PIT using either of the following:
  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of the ADVs
13. GOTOStep32
32. Verify jy of the following:

HPI has operated in the injection mode while NO RCPs were operating A cooldown below 400°F at> 100°F/hr has occurred RNO: GOTOStep34 This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.:ILT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 11 of 16 Event


IA MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOP Excessive Heat Transfer Tab (continued)

SRO/OATC/ 34. Verify 1 MS-24 and 1 MS-33 are closed BOP RNO: 1. IF an unaffected Unit 1 SG is available to supply aux steam, THEN:

A. Open aux steam supply from unaffected SG: (1 MS-33)

B. Close aux steam supply from affected SG: (1 MS-24)

C. GO TO Step 35

35. Open 1AS-8
36. Close 1 SSH-9
37. Perform the following notifications:
  • Notify Chemistry to determine RCS boron concentration
  • Notify Secondary Chemistry to check for indications of SGTR
  • Notify RP to check for indications of a SGTR
38. IAAT RCS boron is determined to be insufficient for adequate SDM, THEN initiate End 5.11 (RCS Boration)
39. IAAT all the following exist:
  • ES Bypass Permit satisfied
  • AIISCMs>0°F
  • RCS pressure controllable THEN perform Step 40 (Bypass applicable ES)

RNO: GO TO Step 41

41. Verify jy SG is dry NOTE:

Minimizing SCM reduces tensile stress on the SG.

PORV should be used if Pzr spray is not available.

Procedure progression may continue when actions to minimize SCM are in progress.

42. Minimize SCM using the following methods as necessary:

De-energize all Pzr heaters Use Pzr spray

_Throttle HPI to maintain Pzr level> 100 [180 acc]

_UsePORV This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.:lLT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 12 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position AppHcants Actions or Behavior EOP Excessive Heat Transfer Tab (continued)

SRO/OATC/ 43. Verify any RCP operating BOP 44. Maintain RCP NPSH

  • OAC
  • End 5.18 (P/T Curves)

Examiner Note: SG tube to shell AT is not approaching either limit so the crew enters End 5.16 and then immediately Exits.

45. Initiate End 5.16 (SG Tube-to-Shell iT Control)
46. IAAT aM exist:
  • <one RCP operating in jy loop
  • AMSCMs>0°F
  • RCP available in an idle loop THEN initiate End 5.6 (RCP Restart) to start one RCP in each idle loop.
47. IAATallexist:
  • RB pressure < 10 psig
  • 1 RIA-57 NOT in alarm
  • 1 RIA-58 NOT in alarm THEN stop both RBS pumps.
48. IAAT TOId approaches 470° F, AND ii RCPs are operating, THEN ensure <four RCPs are operating.
49. IAAT BWST level is 19, THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Swap to RBES).
50. Verify Jj SCMs > 0°F
51. Verify indications of SGTR 25 gpm.

RNO: GO TO Step 53

53. Verify required RCS makeup flow within normal makeup capability.
54. Verify either:
  • y SG isolated
  • y SG has an unisolable steam leak
55. GO TO FCD Tab This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 13 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 2

1. IAAT all exist:


  • Rxpower1%
  • 2 minutes elapsed since loss of SCM THEN perform Steps 2 and 3
2. StopjRCPs
3. Notify CRSRO of RCP status.
4. Verify Blackout exists.

Step 4 RNO: GO TO Step 6

6. Open 1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25
7. Start all available HPI pumps
8. GOTOStepl3.
13. Open 1HP-26 and 1HP-27
14. Verify at least two HPI pumps are operating.
15. IAAT 2 HPI pumps operating, AND HPI flow in any header is unacceptable, THEN perform Steps 16 21.

Step 15RNO: GOTOStep17

17. IAAT flow limits are exceeded, THEN perform Steps 18-21 Step 17 RNO: GO TO Step 21
21. Notify CRSRO of HPI status.
22. Verify RCS pressure > 550 psig
23. IAAT either exists:
  • Total LPI flow 3400 gpm
  • Flow is one LPI header 2900 gpm THEN GO TO Step 24 Step 23 RNO: GO TO Step 35 This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner Page 35 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 14 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 2 (continued)

35. IAAT TBVs are unavailable:


  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of ADV5)


  • Notify CRSRO that ADVs are being aligned for use.
36. Verify 1SA-2/C-8 (AFIS HEADER A INITIATED) lit.

Step 36 RNO: Select OFF for both digital channels on AFIS HEADER A.

37. Verify 1SA-2/d-8 (AFIS HEADER B INITIATED) lit.

Step 37 RNO: Select OFF for both digital channels on AFIS HEADER B.

38. Verify any EFDW pump operating.
39. Start MD EFDW pumps on all intact SGs (1 B)
40. Verify any EFDW pump operating.
41. Verify both SGs intact.

Step 41 RNO:

  • Establish 450 gpm flow to the intact SG
  • GOTOStep43
43. Verify both MD EFDWPs operating.

Step 43 RNO:

  • IF 1 TD EFDW PUMP is operating, or NO MFDW pumps operating, THEN GO TO Step 45
  • GOTOStep47
45. Trip both Main FDW pumps.
46. Place FDW block valve switches in CLOSE:
  • 1FDW-40 This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I LT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 15 of 16 Event


1A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Rule 2 (continued)


  • SG levels must continue to increase until the SG Level Control BOP Point is reached.
  • If Main FDW is feeding y SG, Rule 7 provides a different SG Level Control Point.
  • TS cooldown rates are 50°F/ /2 hr when T 1 ld> 280°F and 0

25°F/1/2 hr when Tcojd 280°F.

47. Begin feeding all intact SGs to the appropriate SG level control point in Rule 7.
48. IAAT SG level control point is reached, THEN maintain SG level control point by feeding and steaming as necessary.
49. Notify CRSRO of SG feed status.
50. IAAT SG pressure is> RCS pressure, THEN reduce SG pressure < RCS pressure using either:
  • TBV5
  • Dispatch two operators to perform End 5.24 (Operation of ADVs)
51. Verify any Main FDW pump operating.

Step 51 RNO: GO TO Step 58

58. Ensure Rule 3 is in progress or complete.
59. WHEN directed by CRSRO, THEN EXIT.

This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lLT45 Op-Test No.: 1LT45 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7b Page 16 of 16 Event


1 A MSLB inside RB & AFIS fails to actuate Time Position

( Applicants Actions or Behavior LOSCM Tab SROIOATC/ 1. Ensure Rule 2 (Loss of SCM) is in progress or complete.

2. Verify Station ASW feeding any SG.

Step 2 RNO: GO TO Step 4.

4. Verify LOSCM caused by excessive heat transfer.
5. Verify EHT tab has been performed.

Step 5 RNO: GO TO EHT tab. (Page 32)

This event is complete when the SRO reaches step 37 in the EHT Tab, or as directed by the Lead Examiner.

Page 38 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 RULE 6 HPI Pump Throttling Limits

  • HPI must be throttled to prevent violating the RV-P/T limit.
  • HPI pump operation must be limited to two HPIPs when only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open.
  • HPI must be throttled 475 gpm/pump (including seal injection for A header) when only one HPI pump is operating in a header.
  • Total HPI flow must be throttled 950 gpm including seal injection when 1A 1 B HPI pumps are operating with 1 HP-409 open.
  • Total HPI flow must be throttled <750 gpm when aW the following exist:

- LPI suction is from the RBES

- piggyback is aligned

- either of the following exist:

  • only one piggyback valve is open (1 LP-1 5 or 1 LP-1 6)
  • only one LPI pump operating
  • HPI be throttled under the following conditions:

HPI Forced Cooling in Progress: HPI Forced Cooling NOT in Progress:

the following conditions must exist: [ the following conditions must exist:

  • Core SCM >0
  • All WR NIs 1%
  • Core SCM > 0
  • Pzr level increasing
  • SRO concurrence required if throttling following emergency boration HPI Pump Minimum Flow Limit
  • Maintain 170 gpm indicated/pump. This is an instrument error adjusted value that ensures a real value of 65 gpm/pump is maintained. HPI pump flow less than minimum is allowed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Page 39 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 Rule 7 guidance for SG levels during ACC conditions Table 4 SG Level Control Points NOTE Flow may be throttled as necessary to control cooldown during the approach to the SG Level Control Point.

Plant Condition Main FDW Pump EFDW Pump SSF ASW Pump 25 35 30 [60 acc] XSUR (use All SCMs>0°F AND RCP

[55- 65 acc] MFDW setpoint if feeding 30 [60 acc] XSUR S/U level via S/U CVs) 240 [270 acc] XSUR (use jj SCMs > 0°F 50% [50% accl Operating AND all RCPs off MFDW setpoint if feeding 240 [270 accj XSUR Range via S/U_CVs)

LOSCM setpoint LOSCM setpoint SCM = 0°F 95% [95% accl Operating (Band: +0I-5) (Band: +0I-5)

AND NO SSF Event Range (Turn-on code EFW (Turn-on code EFW 21 Per Table 5) Per Table 5) y SCM = 0°F N/A 240 [270 acc] XSUR Per AP125 AND_SSF_Event LOSCM setpoint LOSCM setpoint Superheated with CETCs 95% [95% acc] Operating (Band: +0/-5) (Band: +0/-5)

(Turn-on code EFW (Turn-on code EFW 1200°F Range r

Per Table 5) Per Table 5)

Superheated with CETCs> Per End 5.15 Per End 5.15 Per End 5.15 1200°F (ICC Full Range SG Level) (ICC Full Range SG Level) (ICC Full Range SC Level)

Page 40 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 EXAMINER NOTE At any time during this scenario the operator may choose to use Enclosure 5.5 to maintain RCS inventory control. See excerpt below.

ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOTOBTAINED NOTE Maintaining Pzr level >100 [180acc] will ensure Pzr heater bundles remain covered.

Utilize the following as necessary to IF 1 HP-26 will NOT open, maintain desired Pzr level: THEN throttle 1 HP-41 0 to maintain desired Pzr level.

. 1AHPI Pump

. 1BHPI Pump

. 1HP-26

. 1HP-7

. 1HP-120 setpoint or valve demand

. 1HP-5

2. IAAT makeur to the LDST is desired, THEN makeup from 1 A BHUT.
3. IAAT it is desired to secure makeup to LDST, THEN secure makeup from 1A BHUT.
4. IAAT it is desired to bleed letdown flow to 1A BHUT, THEN perform the following:

A. Open:

1CS-26 1CS-41 B. Position 1HP-i4to BLEED.

C. Notify SRO.

5. IAAT letdown bleed is NO longer desired, THEN position 1 HP-i 4 to NORMAL.

Page 41 of 68


6. IAAT 1C HPI PUMP is required, GO TO Step 10.

THEN perform Steps 7 9.

7. Open: 1 ._ IF both BWST suction valves
  • 1HP-25 THEN perform the following:

A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B._ Start lB LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-10 1 LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running pjyto provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-i -119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 8.

2. IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, THEN perform the following:

A. IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

B. IF< 2 HPI pumps are operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite headers.

C._ GOTO Step 9.

Page 42 of 68


8. Start 1 C HPI PUMP. IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, THEN throttle 1 HP-409 to maintain desired Pzr level.
9. Throttle the following as required to maintain 1 . IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, desired Pzr level: AND 1 HP-26 will NOT open, 1 HP-26 THEN throttle 1 HP-41 0 to maintain 1 HP-27 desired Pzr level.
2. IF1AHPIPUMPand1BHPIPUMPare operating, AND 1 HP-27 will NOT open, THEN throttle 1 HP-409 to maintain desired Pzr level.

Page 43 of 68


10. IAAT LDST level CANNOT be GO TO Step 12.

maintained, THEN perform Step 11.

1 1. Perform the following: 1 . IF both BWST suction valves

. Open 1 H P.24. (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed,

  • Open 1 HP-25. THEN perform the following:

. Close 1HP-16. A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B._ Start lB LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running ni to provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-l -1 19, U1 LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 12.

2._ IF only one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, AND three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure 18 HPI PUMP.

Page 44 of 68


12. IAAT additional makeup flow to LDST is desired, AND 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP is operating, THEN dispatch an operator to close 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) (A-1-107, Unit 1 RC Bleed Transfer Pump Rm.).
13. IAAT two Letdown Filters are desired, THEN perform the following:

Open 1HP-17.

1HF.:.1...8 14 IAATgIj of the following exist: GO TO Step 34.

Letdown isolated LPSW available Letdown restoration desired Th_EN pe ro rm Steps 15- 33. {41}

15 Open: 1 . Notify CR SRO that letdown CANNOT be 1 CC-7 restored due to inability to restart the CC 1CC-8 system.

2._ GOTO Step 34.

16. Ensure only one CC pump running.
17. Place the non-running CC pump in AUTO.
18. Verify are open: 1 . IF 1 HP-i is closed due to 1 HP-3 failing to 1HP-1 close, 1HP-2 THEN GOTO Step2O.

2._ IF 1 HP-2 is closed due to 1 HP-4 failing to close, THEN GOTO Step 20.

19. GOTO Step 22.

NOTE Verification of leakage requires visual observation of East Penetration Room.

20. Verify letdown line leak in East GOTO Step 22.

Penetration Room has occurred.

21. GOTO Step 34.

Page 45 of 68


22. Monitor for unexpected conditions while restoring letdown.
23. Verify both letdown coolers to be placed 1 . IF 1 A letdown cooler is to be placed in in service, service, THEN open:

1HP-1 1 HP-3 2._ IF 1 B letdown cooler is to be placed in service, THEN open:

1HP-2 1 HP-4 3._ GOTO Step 25.

24. Open:

1 HP-i 1 HP-2 1HP-3 1 HP-4

25. Verify at least one letdown cooler is Perform the following:

aligned. A. CR SRO of problem.

B. Step 34.

26. Close 1HP-6.
27. Close 1 HP-7.
28. Verify letdown temperature < 125°F. 1._ Open 1HP-13.
2. Close:

1HP-8 1HP-9&11

3. IF ydeborating IX is in service, THEN perform the following:

A. Select 1HP-l4to NORMAL.

B. Close 1HP-16.


Page 46 of 68


29. Open 1HP-5.
30. Adjust 1 HP-7 for 20 gpm letdown.
31. WHEN letdown temperature is


32. Open 1 HP-6.
33. Adjust 1 HP-7 to control desired letdown flow.

NOTE AP/32 (Loss of Letdown) provides direction to cool down the RCS to offset increasing pressurizer level.

34. IAAT it is determined that letdown is unavailable due to equipment failures or letdown system leakage, THEN notify CR SRO to initiate AP/32 (Loss of Letdown).
35. IAAT> 1 HPI pump is operating, AND additional HPI pumps are NO longer needed, THEN perform the following:

A. Obtain SRO concurrence to reduce running HPI pumps.

B. Secure the desired HPI pumps.

C. Place secured HPI pump switch in AUTO, if desired.

36. IAAT j the following conditions exist:

Makeup from BWST NOT required LDST level > 55 All control rods inserted Cooldown Plateau NOT being used THEN close:

1 HP-24 1HP-25 Page 47 of 68


37. Verify 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) has GO TO Step 39.

been closed to provide additional makeup flow to LDST.

38. WHEN 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) is NO longer needed to provide additional makeup flow to LDST, THEN perform the following:


B. Locally position 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) one turn open (A-1-107, Unit 1 RC Bleed Transfer Pump Am.).

C. Close 1 CS-46.


E. 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) to obtain 90 1 10 psig discharge pressure.


39. Verify two Letdown Filters in service, GO TO Step 41.

AND only one Letdown filter is desired.

40. Perform pjj of the following:

Place IHP-17 switch to CLOSE.

Place 1HP-18 switch to CLOSE.

41. WHEN directed by CR SAC, THEN EXIT this enclosure.

Page 48 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 EOP Enclosure 5.1 (ES Actuation)

ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOTOBTAINED Determine all ES channels that should have actuated based on RCS pressure and RB pressure:

. Actuation Associated ES Setpoint Channel (psig) 1600(RCS) 1&2 550(RCS) 3&4 3(RB) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,&6 1O(RB) 7&8

2. Verify j ES channels associated with NOTE actuation setpoints have actuated. Voter OVERRIDE extinguishes the TRIPPED light on the associated channels that have actuated. Pressing TRIP on channels previously actuated will reposition components that may have been throttled or secured by this Enclosure.

Depress TRIP on affected ES logic channels that have NOT previously been actuated.

3. IAAT additional ES actuation setpoints are exceeded, THEN perform Steps I 2. -
4. Place Diverse HPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse HPI in OVERRIDE.
5. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 1 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES OH 2 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.
1. IF ES OH 1 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 2 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

Page 49 of 68


6. Verify Rule 2 in progress or complete. GOTO Step 73.
7. Verifyy RCP operating. GOTO Step 9.
8. Open:

1HP-20 1 HP-21

9. IAATaH exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel require manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required channel.

10. IAAT jy RCP is operating, GOTO Step 15.

AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 11 -14.

11. Perform aH: NOTE Place ES CH 5 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 6 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 5 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 6 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

12. Open:

1CC-7 1CC-8 1LPSW-15 1 LPSW-6

13. Ensure only one CC pump operating.
14. Ensure Standby CC pump in AUTO.

Page 50 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 5._ IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are GO TO Step 53.

actuated, THEN GO TO Step 16.

16. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse LPI in OVERRIDE.
17. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 3 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of Place ES CH 4 MANUAL. the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 3 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 4 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.


[LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against a shutoff head.

18. IAAT y LPI pump is operating against a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SROs discretion, stop affected LPI pumps. {6, 22}
19. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump GOTO Step 22.

shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 20 21.

20. Perform the following: 1._ Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-17. 2._ Close 1LP-17.

Start 1A LPI PUMP.

21. Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1 B LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-18. 2._ Close 1LP-18.

. Start lB LPI PUMP.

Page 51 of 68


22. 1 A and 1 B LPI PUMPs are GO TO Step 25.

off / tripped, AND a exist:

RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1LP-19 closed 1 LP-20 closed THEN perform Steps 23 24. -

23. Open:

1LP-9 1LP-1O 1LP-6 1LP-7 1LP-17 1LP-18 1LP-21 1LP-22

24. Start 1CLPI PUMP.
25. IAAT 1A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-17.
26. IAAT 1 B LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-18.
27. Start:


28. Notify Unit 3 to start:



29. Verify open: IF CR SRO desfres 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 1CF-1 open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1CF-1 1CF-2

30. Verify 1 HP-41 0 closed. 1 . Place 1 HP-i 20 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

31. Secure makeup to the LDST.
32. Verify g ES channel 1 - 4 components 1. IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.
2. IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.
3. IF 1 HP-20 fails to close, AND NO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

33. Verify Unit turbine tripped. GOTO Step 36.
34. Close 2LPSW-139.
35. Verify LPSW flow to Unit LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit 2 LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain j LPSW flow 6000 gpm.
36. Close 1LPSW-139.
37. Place in FAIL OPEN:


38. Start all available LPSW pumps.

Page53 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 39 Verify either: GOTO Step 41.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Tech Specsonyre quires two opera I2e 40 Open: IF both are cosed:

1 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-4 1LPSW-5

_1LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

41. IAAT BWST level 19, 1 ._ Display BWST lev& using OAC Turn-THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction on Code SHOWDIG 01 P1600.

Swap to RBES).

2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

42. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS)
44. IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, GOTO Step 46.

THEN perform Step 45.

NOTE RBCU transfer to low speed will NOT occur until 3 minute time delay is satisfied.

45. Verify aB ES channel 5 & 6 components Notify SR0 to evaluate components are in the ES position. NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

Page 54 of 68


46. IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, GOTO Step 49.

THEN perform Steps 47- 48.

47. Perform aM: NOTE Place ES CH 7 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of Place ES CH 8 fl MANUAL., the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.
  • In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1 ._ IF ES CH 7 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 8 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

48. Verify jj ES channel 7 & 8 components Notify SRO to evaluate components are in the ES position. NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.
49. Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.
50. Ensure y turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.
51. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).
52. WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

... END ...

Page 55 of 68


[ Unit Status ES Channels 3 & 4 have NOT actuated.

53. Start:


54. Notify Unit 3 to start:


55. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 1CF-1 open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1CF-1 1 CF-2

56. Verify 1HP-410 closed. 1._ Place 1 HP-120 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

57. Secure makeup to the LDST.
58. Verify all ES channel 1 & 2 components 1 . IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.
2. IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.
3. IF 1 HP-20 fails to close, AND NO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230

4. Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position initiate action to place in ES position if desired.
59. Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 62.
60. Close 2LPSW-139.
61. Verify !Qj LPSW flow to Unit LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit 2 LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain LPSW flow 6000 gpm.
62. Close 1LPSW-139.

Page 56 of 68


63. Place in FAIL OPEN:


64. Start all available LPSW pumps.
65. Verify either: GOTO Step 67.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Tech Specs only requires two operable

66. Open: IF are closed:

1 LPSW-4 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-5 LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

67. IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01P1600.

Swap to RBES). 2._ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

68. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS)
69. Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.
70. Ensurejjyturnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.
71. IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).
72. WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

ii Page 57 of 68


73. Open: 1._ IF both BWST suction valves 1 HP-24 (1 HP-24 and 1 HP-25) are closed, 1HP-25 THEN:

A. Start 1A LPI PUMP.

B. Start lB LPI PUMP.

C. Open:

1LP-15 1LP-16 1LP-9 1LP-1O 1LP-6 1LP-7 D. IF two LPI Pumps are running 2.jjyto provide HPI pump suction, THEN secure one LPI pump.

E. Dispatch an operator to open 1 HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-i -119, Ui LPI Hatch Rm, N end).

F. GOTO Step 74.

2._ IFonly one BWST suction valve (1 HP-24 or 1 HP-25) is open, THEN:

A. IF three HPI pumps are operating, THEN secure lB HPI PUMP.

B. IF <2 HPI pumps are operating, THEN start HPI pumps to obtain two HPI pump operation, preferably in opposite headers.

C._ GO TO Step 75.

Page 58 of 68


74. Ensure at least two HPI pumps are operating.
75. Verify open: 1._ IF HPI has been intentionally throttled, 1 HP-26 THEN GOTO Step 76.

1HP-27 2.Open:

1HP-26 1 HP-27 Page 59 of 68


76. IAAT at least two HPI pumps are operating, AND HPI flow in jjy header that has NOT been intentionally throttled is in the Unacceptable Region of Figure 1, THEN open the following in the affected header:

i 1A Header V lB Header 1HP-410 1HP-409 Figure 1 Required HPI Flow Per Header 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 600 Required IIPI Flow Per Header (gpm)

Page 60 of 68


77. Verify y RCP operating. GOTO Step 79.
78. Open:

1HP-20 1HP-21

79. IAAT all exist:

Voter associated with ES channel is in OVERRIDE An ES channel is manually actuated Components on that channel require manipulation THEN depress RESET on the required channel.

80. IAATjjy RCP is operating, GOTO Step 85.

AND ES Channels 5 and 6 actuate, THEN perform Steps 81 84. -

81. Perform aM: NOTE Place ES CH 5 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 6 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1. IF ES CH 5 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 6 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

82. Open:

1CC-7 1CC-8 1LPSW-15 1 LPSW-6

83. Ensure only one CC pump operating.
84. Ensure Standby CC pump in AUTO.

Page 61 of 68


85. IAAT ES Channels 3 & 4 are actuated, GO TO Step 123.

THEN GO TO Step 86.

86. Place Diverse LPI in BYPASS. Place Diverse LPI in OVERRIDE.
87. Perform both: NOTE Place ES CH 3 in MANUAL.
  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 4 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 3 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 4 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

CAUTION LPI pump damage may occur if operated in excess of 30 minutes against a shutoff head. (6)

88. IAAT y LPI pump is operating against a shutoff head, THEN at the CR SROs discretion, stop affected LPI pumps.{

6 22)

Page 62 of 68


89. IAAT RCS pressure is < LPI pump GOTO Step 92.

shutoff head, THEN perform Steps 90 91.

90 Perform the following: 1._ Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-17 2._ Close 1LP-17.

Start 1A LPI PUMP.

91 Perform the following: 1 . Stop 1 B LPI PUMP.

Open 1LP-18 2._ Close 1LP-18.

Start lB LPI PUMP.

92 IAAT1Aand1BLPIPUMPsare GOTO Step 95.

off / tripped, AND aB exist:

RCS pressure < LPI pump shutoff head 1LP-19 closed 1 LP-20 closed TH EN 93 .4 93 Open:

1LP-9 1LP-10 1LP-6 1LP-7 1LP-17 1LP-18 1LP-21 1LP-22 94 Start 1CLPI PUMP.

95. IAAT 1A LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1 B LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1 LP-1 7.
96. IAAT 1 B LPI PUMP fails while operating, AND 1A LPI PUMP is operating, THEN close 1LP-18.

Page 63 of 68


97. Start:


98. Notify Unit 3 to start:


99. Verify open: IF CR SRO desires 1 CF-i and 1 CF-2 1CF-i open, 1CF-2 THEN open:

1CF-i 1CF-2 iOO._ Verify 1HP-4i0closed. i._ Place iHP-120 in HAND.

2._ Close 1HP-120.

101 . Secure makeup to the LDST.

1 02._ Verify il ES channel 1 - 4 components 1 . IF 1 HP-3 fails to close, are in the ES position. THEN close 1 HP-i.

2._ IF 1 HP-4 fails to close, THEN close 1 HP-2.

3._ IF 1 HP-20 fails to close, AND NO RCPs operating, THEN close:

1 HP-228 1 HP-226 1 HP-232 1 HP-230 4._ Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT in ES position and initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

1 03._ Verify Unit 2 turbine tripped. GOTO Step 106.

i04._ Close 2LPSW-139.

1 05._ Verify j LPSW flow to Unit a LPI Reduce LPSW to Unit 2 LPI coolers to coolers 6000 gpm. obtain LPSW flow 6000 gpm.

i06._ Close 1LPSW-139.

Page 64 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOTOBTAINED 107. Place in FAIL OPEN:

1LPSW-251 FAIL SWITCH 1 LPSW-252 FAIL SWITCH 108._ Start all available LPSW pumps.

109.Verify either: GOTO Step 111.

Three LPSW pumps operating Two LPSW pumps operating when Tech Specs only reciuires two orerable 1 10.Open: IF th are closed:

1 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-4 1 LPSW-5 LPSW-5 THEN notify SRO to initiate action to open at least one valve prior to BWST level 19.

1 1 1. IAAT BWST level 19, 1 . Display BWST level using OAC Turn-on THEN initiate End 5.12 (ECCS Suction Code SHOWDIG 01 P1600.

Swap to RBES). 2_ Notify crew of BWST level IAAT step.

112. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.2 (Placing RB Hydrogen Analyzers In Service). (PS) 11 3._ Select DECAY HEAT LOW FLOW ALARM SELECT switch to ON.

114._ IAAT ES channels 5 & 6 have actuated, GOTO Step 116.

THEN perform Step 115.

NOTE RBCU transfer to low speed will NOT occur until 3 minute time delay is satisfied.

1 1 5._ Verify a ES channel 5 & 6 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

Page 65 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 1LT45 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOTOBTAINED 1 1 6._ IAAT ES channels 7 & 8 have actuated, GOTO Step 119.

THEN perform Step 117- 118.

117. Perform all: NOTE Place ES CH 7 in MANUAL.

  • Voter OVERRIDE affects all channels of the Place ES CH 8 in MANUAL. affected ODD and/or EVEN channels.

In OVERRIDE, all components on the affected ODD and/or EVEN channels can be manually operated from the component switch.

1._ IF ES CH 7 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place ODD voter in OVERRIDE.

2._ IF ES CH 8 fails to go to MANUAL, THEN place EVEN voter in OVERRIDE.

11 8._ Verify fl ES channel 7 & 8 components Notify SRO to evaluate components NOT are in the ES position. in ES position initiate action to place in ES position if desired.

11 9._ Notify U2 CR SRO that SSF is inoperable due to OTS1-1 open.

120._ Ensure gy turnover sheet compensatory measures for ES actuation are complete as necessary.

121._ IAAT conditions causing ES actuation have cleared, THEN initiate End 5.41 (ES Recovery).

122._ WHEN CR SRO approves, THEN EXIT.

Page 66 of 68

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 ILT45 CRITICAL TASKS CT-i Manually load Main Turbine to 35 MWe. Turbine must be loaded in a controlled manner that does not result in a Reactor Trip. (Page 20)

CT-2 Manual actuation of AFIS must occur within 10 minutes of the Main Steam Line Break.

(Page 24)

CT-3 MU/HPI flow must be throttled to prevent overpressurizing the RCS when SCM exists by keeping the RC pressure below the RV P-T limit. This is accomplished by maintaining Pressurizer Level <400 inches. HPI flow must be maintained within acceptable operational bounds. This requires maintaining HPI flow greater than the minimum allowable pump flow rate and less than the pump runout flow rate. (Page 32)

Page 67 of 68

SAFETY: Take a Minute UNIT 0 (OSM)

SSF Ooerable: No H KHUs ODerable: Ui OH, U2 UG I LCTs Ooerable: 2

- - I Fuel Handlina: No UNIT STATUS (CR SRO)

Unit 1 Simulator Other Units Mode: 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Reactor Power: 19% Mode: 1 Mode: 1 Gross MWE: 0 100% Power 100% Power RCS Leakage: 0.11 gpm EFDW Backup: Yes EFDW Backup: Yes RBNS Rate: 0.01 gpm Technical Specifications/SLC Items (CR SRO)

Component/Train OOS Restoration TS/SLC #

Date/Time Required Date/Time SSF Yesterday/0100 7Days/0100 3.10.1 A-E Shift Turnover Items (CR SRO)


. The SSF can be declared operable once Core Thermal Power reaches> 85% Full Power.

  • OATC Add 75 gal from CBAST(CBAST pump in Auto) to withdraw rods an additional 10% per maneuvering plan
  • Primary Chemist requests both Letdown Filters in service until 100% power Secondary
  • MT at 1800 RPM waiting on turbine crew to complete local vibration readings to parallel the TG to the grid. (Probably 1 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />). Begin at step 2.47 of OP/i/Ni 106/001 End. 4.1 when directed to continue with paralleling T/G.

I Reactivity Management (CR SRO)

RCS Boro n 1660 ppm B Gp 7 Rod Position: Make-up to LDST as necessary per the 22% Withdrawn Maneuvering Plan.

Human Performance Emphasis (OSM)

Procedure Use and Adherence