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2014-10 - Draft Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/2014
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Entergy Operations
laura hurley
50-416/14-008, 50-417/14-008 50-416/OL-14, 50-417/OL-14
Download: ML14310A415 (363)


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 1 of 2 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.: NRC LOT 2014 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

1. Raise reactor power using Recirc Flow Control.
2. Respond to a CRD Pump Trip.
3. Respond to HCU fault.
4. Respond to loss of control power to of Division 2 Diesel Generator.
5. Respond to a RFPT Trip.
6. Respond to LPCS Jockey Pump trip.
7. Respond to 15AA lockout.
8. Take actions for a low power ATWS.
9. Respond to an unisolable FW Line A Break in the Drywell.

Initial Conditions: Operating at 85% power.

Inoperable Equipment: None Turnover:

The plant is at 85% following a sequence exchange. SSW A is operating in preparation for weekly chemical addition. Planned activities for this shift are:

  • Raise power to 90% (1300 Mwe) per IOI. Allow Reactor Engineering to perform preconditioning.

APRM Channel 2 is bypassed due to I&C troubleshooting and EOOS is GREEN. It is a division 1 work week.

Scenario Notes:

This scenario is a modified version of AUDIT 2012-1 Scenario 1.

Validation Time: 80 minutes

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 2 of 2 Event Malf. No. Event Type Event No. Description N (BOP) Raise Reactor power to 90% using FCVs (IOI 03-1-01-2 1

R (ATC) Attachment VIII)

C (BOP) CRD pump Trip (CRD Malfunctions (05-1-02-IV-1) ONEP 2 C11028b A (CREW) section 2.1.2) z024024_ HCU fault due to nitrogen pressure 1580 psig. (Alarm 3 C (ATC) 04_21 Response Instructions 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-D4)

C (BOP) Division 2 DG control power fuse failure. (Alarm Response 4 n41140b Instructions 04-1-02-1H13-P864-2A-D1 and D2, 04-1-02-1H22-TS (CRS) P401-1A-E1, TS 3.8.1)

C(ATC) A RFPT Trip (05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions, 5 fw123a A(CREW) and 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow)

C (BOP) LPCS Jockey Pump Trip (Alarm Response Instructions 04-1 6 p41148c 1H13-P601-21A-C7 and H8, TS 3.5.1, TS 3.8.1, 02-S-01-17, TS (CRS) Control of Limiting Conditions of Operability)

C (BOP) ESF 15AA bus lockout (05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power, 05-1 7 rr012a A (CREW) I-1 Reactor Scram)

Low power ATWS with reduced feed capability (EP-2A)

Crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC when EP-2A requires Emergency c11164 8 M (CREW) Depressurization.

e51044 When RPV pressure reaches the minimum steam cooling pressure, restore RPV level to greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

fw171a Feedwater Line A rupture inside the Drywell with inability to 9 C(ATC) rr063a isolate.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 3 Reactivity Manipulations 1 Total Malfunctions 8 Instrument/Component Failures 7 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 1 Major Transients 1 EP Contingencies 1 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 1 of 23 Simulator Setup:

A. Initialization

1. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
2. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 7.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

3. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
4. Set the Simulator to IC-101 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
5. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2014 NRC Scenario 1.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
6. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 2 of 23

7. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
8. Take the simulator out of freeze.
9. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
10. Verify or perform the following:
  • IC-101
  • APRMs are turned on (4,1,2,3)
  • APRM Channel 2 is bypassed and Caution tagged for I&C troubleshooting.
  • Ensure the MOC rod movement sequence available at the P680.
  • Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.
  • Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.
  • Ensure SSW A is aligned properly per 04-1-03-P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run.
  • Marked up copy of 03-1-01-2 Att. VIII, Temporary Downpower, is placed on CRS desk.
  • Marked up copy up to step 7.7 of 04-1-03-P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run, is placed on CRS desk.
11. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
12. Place the simulator in Freeze.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 3 of 23 B. File loaded verification:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 4 of 23 Crew Turnover:

A. Assign the candidates crew positions.

B. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 85%

MOC EOOS GREEN APRM Channel 2 is bypassed for I&C troubleshooting.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Raise power to 90% power.
  • SSW A is operating per 04 03-P41-1, which is complete up to step 7.7, in preparation for weekly chemical addition.
  • Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

C. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

D. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

E. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

F. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 5 of 23 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

  • Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Raise reactor power using FCVs (Normal/Reactivity):

A. If necessary, call the control room as the Shift Manager and direct the CRS to raise reactor power to 90% using IOI. All notifications have been made.

1. The crew will raise power using 03-1-01-2, Power Operations IOI, Attachment VIII, Temporary Downpower.

CRD Pump Trip (Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions ONEP):

A. CRD pump B will trip at the direction of the lead evaluator (Event 1).

B. The crew will take Immediate Operator Action per CRD malfunctions ONEP to restart CRD pump A.

C. If asked as the local operator to investigate the pump trip, wait 3 minutes and report back to the Control Room that CRD pump B breaker 152-1605 tripped on over current. If sent to the pump to investigate, report that CRD pump B is hotter than normal and is not running.

A. Give the crew time to allow them to perform a transient brief before moving to the next step.

HCU Fault due to nitrogen pressure 1580 psig:

A. At the direction of the lead evaluator (Event 8) trigger HCU 04-21 fault alarm.

B. The crew will take actions per Alarm Response Instructions 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-D4.

C. If asked as the local operator to investigate the HCU fault, wait 3 minutes and report back to the control room that HCU 04-21 nitrogen pressure is 1580 psig.

Division 2 Diesel Generator control power fuse failure:

A. When the crew has addressed all required steps of the CRD Malfunctions ONEP and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 2 to simulate Division 2 Diesel Generator control power fuse failure.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 6 of 23 B. Div 2 DSL GEN TROUBLE, 04-1-02-1H13-P864-2A-D2 and status light DG12 NOT AVAIL FOR AUTO START, 04-1-02-1H13-P864-2A-D1 on 1H13P864 will come in.

1. The crew will take actions per the ARI and send an operator to check alarms on 1H22P401. If sent to 1H22P401, as the building operator wait 3 minutes, then report local annunciator 1H22-P401-1A-E1, CONTROL CIRCUIT FUSE FAILURE is in alarm and the normal indicating lights on 1H22P401 are extinguished as if power has been lost to the panel. If sent to check breaker 72-11B36, as the building operator wait 3 minutes, then report 72-11B36 is closed.
2. If sent to investigate, as Electrical Maintenance wait 3 minutes then report you suspect a control power fuse supplying ESF power to 1H22P401 is blown and that a WO will be required for troubleshooting.
3. The CRS will determine that TS 3.8.1 Conditions B1, B3, and B4 apply and direct performance of 06-OP-1R20-W-0001, AC/DC Lineup, Att 2.
4. When requested to place Div 2 Diesel Generator in maintenance mode use remote P75058 (DG DIV 2 MAINTENANCE MODE).

A RFPT Trip:

A. When the CRS has addressed TS and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 9 to cause A RFPT overspeed trip.

B. Crew will take immediate actions in accordance with 05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions, and 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow ONEPs.

C. If dispatched as building operator to investigate cause of A RFPT trip, wait 3 minutes then report there are no local indications of reason for trip.

LPCS Jockey Pump Trip:

D. When the CRS has addressed TS and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 3 to cause LPCS Jockey Pump trip.

E. Annunciators 1H13P601-21A-C7, LPCS DISCHARGE PRESSURE ABNORMAL, 1H13P601-21A-H8, LPCS OOSVC, status light JKY PMP OVERLVD PWR LOSS and Amber light indication on LPCS Jockey Pump Handswitch will come in.

1. If sent to check breaker 52-151108, as the building operator wait 3 minutes, then report 52-151108 is tripped. If sent to the breaker as Electrical Maintenance, wait 3 minutes, then report the breaker tripped on overcurrent and that a WO will be required for troubleshooting.
2. The CRS will enter TS 3.5.1 Condition A for LPCS. The CRS will enter TS 3.8.1 Condition B2 due to Division 2 Diesel Generator also being inoperable, which

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 7 of 23 requires entry into TS 3.5.1 Condition H within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> unless either Div 2 DG or LPCS Jockey Pump is restored operable.

The CRS will also enter for SPMU instrumentation, for Post Accident monitoring instrumentation, and for Remote Shutdown instrumentation.

3. Crew may elect to prevent LPCS pump from starting by racking out breaker 152-1506.

Division 1 Bus 15AA lockout A. When the CRS has addressed TS and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 4 to cause bus 15AA to trip and lock out.

B. Multiple power loss alarms will annunciate on 1H13P864 and control room lighting will dim momentarily. Division 1 Diesel Generator will start but will not re-energize bus 15AA. Offsite feeders to bus 15AA will be prevented from being closed due to the bus lockout.

1. The BOP operator will respond and attempt to re-energize bus 15AA from ESF Transformer 12 but will be unsuccessful. The BOP operator will also recognize the Div 1 DG is running without cooling water and secure the Div 1 DG. The CRS will determine bus 15AA is unrecoverable and direct a manual scram in accordance with 05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power.

SCRAM/ATWS / FW Line Rupture:

C. When the ATC places the mode switch to shutdown, control rods will fail to fully insert due to hydraulic block. (Install EP Attachments as directed).

1. Five minutes after the scram signal, Feedwater Line A will rupture in the Drywell (Auto Event 5). Feedwater line A isolation valve 1B21F065A cannot be closed due to the bus 15AA lockout. This will prevent using Feedwater and Condensate to feed the reactor.
2. When the CRS directs Attachment 12 to be installed, install attachment 12 as Done. Before reactor level drops below -160, take the attachment paperwork to the CRS and report that attachment 12 is installed with the exception B21-F065A is not closed.
3. If it is taking too long for level to drift down following the FW line break and the ATC has established feed flow via start up level control, the lead evaluator may direct the Recirc Line Rupture severity (rr063a) be raised incrementally to 2.0.
4. Once emergency depressurization has been conducted, reduce the recirc line rupture severity (rr063a 0.1) to allow level to be stabilized above TAF.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 8 of 23 Termination:

A. Once emergency depressurization has been conducted and reactor water level is stabilized above TAF, using RHR B E12-F053B, or as directed by Lead Evaluator:

  • Take the simulator to Freeze and turn horns off.
  • Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.
  • Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

Critical Tasks:

  • Crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC when EP-2A requires Emergency Depressurization.
  • When RPV pressure reaches the minimum steam cooling pressure, restore RPV level to greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

Emergency Classification:

Site Area Emergency on SS3.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 9 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 Event


Raise Power to 90%

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Conducts reactivity brief for the planned power ascension. Power ascension is per IOI-2 attachment VIII.

CRS Directs the ATC to raise reactor power using the Recirc FCVs in slow detent.

Directs the BOP to maintain Load Demand +/- 25 MW of Load Demand Limited.

Raises power by opening the Recirc FCVs A & B using loop flow controllers ATC B33K603A & B in slow detent on P680-3B (IOI-2 attachment VIII step 12.10).

Raises Load Demand as power is reduced by depressing EHC LOAD REF DEMAND LOWER pushbutton (P680-9C) to maintain generator actual load BOP within +/- 25 MW of the load demand limited value during power reduction (IOI-2 attachment VIII step 12.9).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 10 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 3 Event


CRD Pump Trip TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports that CRD Pump B has tripped off.


Enters the CRD Malfunctions ONEP.

CRS Ensures immediate actions for CRD pump trip are performed.

ATC Monitor for HCU faults.

Take immediate operator actions per CRD malfunctions ONEP (from memory).

  • Place CRD SYS FLO CONT (C11-R600 on P601-22B) in MANUAL and REDUCE output to zero.
  • Start CRD pump A.


  • Slowly adjust CRD SYS FLO CONT to 54-66 gpm after charging pressure returns to normal. (~1700 psig)
  • Return CRD SYS FLO CONT to AUTO with tapeset at 54-66 gpm.

THERE ARE NO REQUIRED SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS FOR THIS EVENT Ensure that an operator or electrician is sent to investigate the cause of the CREW pump trip.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 11 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 Event


HCU FAULT TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Take actions per Alarm Response Instructions 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-D4.

ATC Dispatch building operator to investigate HCU fault.

CRS Ensures HCU nitrogen pressure is recharged.

ATC Dispatches building operator to recharge HCU nitrogen pressure.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 12 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 4 Event


Division 2 Diesel Generator Control Power Fuse Failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports Div 2 DG trouble as indicated by.

  • status light DG12 NOT AVAIL FOR AUTO START on 1H13P864 Sends building operator to Division 2 Diesel Generator to investigate.

Following report of loss of control power to Division 2 Diesel Generator, sends BOP building operator to check breaker 72-11B36 per ARI 1H22-P401-1A-E1, CONTROL CIRCUIT FUSE FAILURE.

Sends Electrical Maintenance to Division 2 Diesel Generator to investigate loss CRS of control power.

  • Determines that TS 3.8.1 Conditions B1, B3, and B4 apply.
  • Directs performance of 06-OP-1R20-W-0001, AC/DC Lineup, Att 2. (not CRS expected to be started due to time frame of scenario)
  • Conducts crew briefing.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 13 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 Event


A RFPT TRIP TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Dispatch a building operator to investigate cause of A RFPT ATC trip.

Enter 05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions, and 05 CRS 02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow ONEPs.

Take immediate and subsequent actions in accordance with 05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions, and 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow ONEPs.


  • Verify Reactor Recirculation System FCV runback occurs.
  • Plot location on power to flow map. Station THI watch.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 14 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 5 Event


LPCS Jockey Pump Trip TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports LPCS Jockey Pump trip as indicated by.

  • 1H13P601-21A-H8, LPCS SYS OOSVC BOP
  • Amber status light on LPCS JOCKEY PUMP handswitch
  • status light JKY PMP OVERLD/PWR LOSS on 1H13P601-21B Sends building operator to breaker 52-151108 to investigate.

CRS Sends Electrical Maintenance to breaker 52-151108 to investigate breaker trip.

  • Uses 02-S-01-17, Control of Limiting Conditions of Operability, Att II as guide for determining applicability of TS 3.8.1 Action B2, which requires TS CRS 3.5.1 Condition H to be entered within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.
  • Conducts crew briefing.
  • Prevent LPCS Pump from starting by having a plant operator rack out breaker 152-1506.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 15 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 6 Event


Lockout of bus 15AA TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports loss of power to bus 15AA.

  • As indicated by multiple power loss annunciators on 1H13P864-1A.

Takes Immediate Actions for Loss of AC Power.

BOP o 152-1511 from ESF Transformer 12 on 1H13P864.

o 152-1501 from ESF Transformer 21 on 1H13P864 o 152-1508 from Diesel Generator 11

  • Reports bus 15AA is locked out.

Recognizes and reports Div 1 DG running without cooling water not supplying the 15AA bus. Secures the Div 1 DG.

Recognizes and reports scram air header pressure low due to loss of power to ATC and failing closed of instrument air containment isolation valve 1P53F001.

  • Monitors 1H13P680 RC&IS indications for control rod drifts.

Enters the Loss of AC Power ONEP.


  • When determined that bus 15AA is unrecoverable, directs ATC to place Reactor Mode Switch to Shutdown.


Ensure that Electrical Maintenance is dispatched to recover the 15AA bus.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 16 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 7 Event


Scram/ATWS TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Place the Mode SW to SHUTDOWN as directed.

Provides a scram report:

  • Reactor Mode SW in SHUTDOWN.
  • All Rods are NOT Inserted (Hyd Block ATWS).
  • Reactor power is initially above 5%.


  • Reactor water level and trend.
  • Reactor pressure and trend.
  • Feedwater is recoverable (but will be lost when the MSIVs close on loss of air to containment).
  • Bypass valves are available (but will be lost when the MSIVs close on loss of air to containment).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 17 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 7 (Cont.)



ATWS TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enter the SCRAM ONEP and the Turbine and Generator Trips ONEP.

CRS Enter EP-2, when ATWS is discovered Enter EP-2A.

Direct actions of EP-2A steps 1 - 4:

  • Directs ATC to Verify Recirc Pumps transferred to LFMG.


  • Directs ATC to Verify ARI/RPT initiation.
  • Directs BOP to Override HPCS injection.

Verify Recirc Pumps transferred to LFMG.

ATC Verify/Initiate ARI/RPT.

Inhibits ADS.

  • Place ADS A and ADS B keylock switches to INHIBIT Override HPCS injection.


  • Place the HPCS pump handswitch to the STOP position.
  • Place the E22-F004, HPCS injection valve, handswitch to the CLOSE position.

Direct the ATC or BOP to verify Division 3 generator running with cooling water CRS and that Isolations for Reactor Level 2 are completed.

ATC / Verify Division 3 Diesel Generator is running with cooling water.

BOP Isolations for Reactor Level 2 are completed.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 18 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 7 (Cont.)



ATWS Enter EP-2A step L-6 or L-7 and direct the ATC to establish level band -70 to -

130 (The CRS may initially establish a band of 11.4 to 53.5, but since the ATWS is producing significant heat, he should opt to lower level to lower power and may override Low Pressure ECCS systems).

Enter EP-2A step P-4 and direct the BOP to establish a pressure band 800 -

1060 psig using IPC and BCV Manual Jack (The CRS may establish a pressure band of 450 - 600 psig in anticipation of MSIVs closure on Level 1 CRS and the Feed pumps subsequently running out of steam).

Enter EP-2A step Q-4. (SLC injection cannot be verified due to power loss, Attachment 28 is required)

Call for EP Attachments 8, 12, 18, 19, 20, and 28 (only attachment 12b and 28 will be useful due scram air header cannot be re-pressurized with 1P53F001 failed closed due to bus 15AA lockout, the CRS may opt to only call for these attachments).

Initiates SBLC B by placing keylock switch to START on 1H13-P601, and BOP verifies injection as directed using hard card If directed by the CRS, reduce reactor pressure using IPC (by depressing the PRESS REF LOWER PB) and BCV Manual Jack (by depressing the MAN BOP BYP ON/OFF PB and then the MAN BYP CONT LOWER PB) to pressure band 450 - 600 psig.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 19 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 7 (Cont.)



ATWS Line up Feed and Condensate systems for Startup Level Control using hard card.

  • If two Feed pumps are running, trip one.
  • Close N21-F009A and N21-F009B.
  • Open N21-F001, N21-F010A and N21-F010B.
  • Verify Closed N21-F513, N21-F510, N21-F040.
  • If no Feed pumps are in operation, start one.

o Ensure RFPT A(B) controls Manual pushbutton is backlit.

o Verify AC lube oil pump is running ATC o Open N21-F014A(B) o Depress the TRIP RESET pushbutton o Depress the RAISE pushbutton to establish Feed pump discharge pressure above reactor pressure by approx. 250 psig.

  • Open/Verify Open N21-F014A or N21-F014B
  • Maintain reactor level in Auto or Manual using the Startup level controller or Manually using N21-F040 or N21-F009A(B).

Feed the reactor using the Startup Level Controller to maintain reactor level within the set level band (11.4 to 53.5 or -70 to -130).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 1 Page 20 of 23 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 8 Event


Feedwater Line A rupture in the Drywell TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize symptoms of a FW Line A rupture in the Drywell.

  • As indicated by high feed flow to the reactor in A feed water line and near zero feed water flow in B feed water line.
  • Also indicated by rising DW pressure and temperature and drywell floor ATC drain sump level and temperature alarms on 1H13-P680-8A1.

Report the Feed water leak to the CRS.

Trip all condensate pumps. (This is necessary to stop the leak in the drywell since the feed water line isolations to the reactor, 1B21F065A and 1B21F065B, have lost power due to bus 15AA lockout.)

Depending on how long since Att. 12 was requested, may direct I&C to CRS prioritize Att. 12 for RHR B since feedwater line A has an unisolable break.

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ATWS TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Keep CRS updated with reactor level as it trends down (following the loss of ATC feed).

When EP Attachment 12 is installed or reactor level reaches -191, Exit Level and Pressure Legs of EP-2A and Enter Emergency Depressurization.


  • Crew terminates and prevents all injection except boron, CRD, and RCIC when EP-2A requires Emergency Depressurization.

Verify SP level is above 10.5 ft.

Direct the BOP or ATC operator to verify/perform Terminate and Prevent CRS injection into the RPV by overriding low pressure systems (LPCS/LPCI)

Direct BOP to Open 8 ADS valves.

When directed, Terminate and Prevent injection into the RPV.


  • Verify/perform low pressure ECCS systems overridden by ensuring BOP division 2 ECCS initiation signal is present and placing the LPCI B and C pump hand switches to off and placing the E12-F042B and C handswitches to CLOSE.

o This is verified by annunciators P601-17A-B-1, RHR INJ VLV F042B MAN OVERRD, P601-17A-C-2, RHR PMP B MAN OVERRD, P601-17A-B-4, RHR INJ VLV F042C MAN OVERRD, and P601-17A-C-5, RHR PMP C MAN OVERRD in.

BOP Opens at least 7 ADS valves.

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ATWS Enter EP-2A step L-10 (following the Emergency Depressurization).

CRS Establish reactor pressure as critical parameter for the ATC.

ATC Keep CRS updated with reactor pressure as it trends down.

When reactor pressure is below MSCP (206 psig) direct ATC to feed the reactor using RHR B via the E12-F053B with 4000 gpm and then at intervals of 1000 gpm until reactor level begins to trend up.


  • When RPV pressure reaches the minimum steam cooling pressure, restore RPV level to greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

Enter EP-2A step L-6 or L-7 and establish level band -70 to -130.

Enter EP-3 on Suppression Pool Temperature and Drywell pressure; however, CRS no substantial operator actions are expected for this entry during the scenario.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 1 of 3 Give this page to the CRS Turnover the following conditions:

Power 85%

MOC EOOS GREEN APRM Channel 2 is bypassed for I&C troubleshooting.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Raise power to 90% power.
  • SSW A is operating per 04 03-P41-1, which is complete up to step 7.7, in preparation for weekly chemical addition.
  • Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.


Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 2 of 3 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: NRC LOT 2014 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

1. Lower reactor power from 100% to 85% using Recirc FCVs.
2. Recognize and respond to APRM Channel 2 fails upscale.
3. Recognize and respond to SBGT Filter Train Fan A trip.
4. Recognize and respond to Reactor Feed Pump B Controller failure - increasing speed.
5. Respond to an inadvertent RCIC initiation.
6. RPS Motor Generator Set B trip with inadvertent scram of nine Control Rods.
7. Respond to failure of Service Transformer 21.
8. Respond to a MSL steam line break in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel, high room temps in Steam Tunnel and RCIC room with failure/inability to isolate RCIC steam supply.

Initial Conditions: Operating at 100% power.

Inoperable Equipment: None Turnover:

The plant is at 100% power preparing for a temporary down power for a control rod pattern adjustment.

Power is to be reduced to 85% slowly within IOI limitations. SBGT A is operating per surveillance, 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> into a 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> run. APRM Channel 4 is Bypassed for I&C. EOOS is green. A Division 1 work week is in effect.

Scenario Notes:

This scenario is a new scenario.

Validation Time:60 minutes Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 3 of 3 Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description N(BOP)

Lower reactor power from 100% to 85% using Recirc 1 R(ATC)

FCVs (03-1-01-2)

C(ATC) APRM Channel 2 fails full upscale. (Tech Specs 2 C51009_2 TS(CRS) Condition A, TR3.3.2.1 Condition A)


SBGT Filter Train Fan trips. (Tech Specs 3 ct155a TS(CRS)

Condition A)

Reactor Feed Pump B Controller failure - increasing C(ATC) 4 fw121b speed (Feedwater System malfunctions ONEP, 05-1 A(CREW)


C(CREW) Inadvertent RCIC initiation. (05-1-02-V-5, Loss of 5

A(CREW) Feedwater Heating)

RPS MG Set B trip with inadvertent scram of nine control A (CREW) 6 c71077b rods (EP-2, Reactor Scram ONEP 05-1-02-I-1 and z025025 M (ALL)

Turbine and Generator Trips ONEP 05-1-02-I-2)

C (ALL) Respond to trip of Service Transformer 21 7 r21113b A (CREW) (Loss of AC Power ONEP 05-1-02-I-4, EP-2)

Respond to a MSL steam line break in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel, high room temps in Steam Tunnel and ms066a M (ALL) 8 e51050 RCIC room with failure/inability to isolate RCIC steam supply. (EP-4)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS) Tech Spec (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec
  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 4 Reactivity Manipulations 1 Total Malfunctions 7 Instrument/Component Failures 5 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 2 Major Transients 2 EP Contingencies 2 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 2 Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 4 of 3 Critical Tasks:

  • Emergency depressurize the RPV when the maximum safe value temperature is exceeded in two or more areas.
  • Maintain RPV water level greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 1 of 19 Simulator Setup:

C. Initialization

13. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
14. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 7.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

15. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
16. Set the Simulator to IC-102 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
17. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2014 NRC Scenario 2.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
18. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 2 of 19

19. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
20. Take the simulator out of freeze.
21. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
22. Verify or perform the following:
  • IC-102
  • APRMs are turned on (4,1,2,3).
  • APRM Channel 4 bypassed.
  • Ensure the BOC rod movement sequence available at the P680.
  • Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.
  • Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.
  • Marked up copy of 03-1-01-2 Att. VIII, Temporary Downpower, is placed on CRS desk.
  • Flag expected alarms.
23. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
24. Place the simulator in Freeze.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 3 of 19 D. File loaded verification:

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 4 of 19 Crew Turnover:

G. Assign the candidates crew positions.

H. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%


  • The plant is at 100% power, preparations are being made for a temporary down power to 85% for a control rod pattern adjustment.

Power reduction is in progress at 03-1-01-2 Attachment VIII step 12.9.

Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy will not be provided for this scenario.

  • A Division 1 work week is in effect.
  • APRM Channel 4 is INOP and Bypassed for I&C work.
  • SBGT A is operating for surveillance, 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> into the scheduled 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> run.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Reactor Engineering has been notified and power reduction can begin immediately after turnover within the rates of IOI.

I. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

J. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

K. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

L. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 5 of 19 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

Lower reactor power

  • If necessary, call the control room as the Shift Manager and direct the CRS to lower reactor power to 85% using IOI. All notifications have been made.
1. The crew will lower power using 03-1-01-2, Power Operations IOI, Attachment VIII, Temporary Downpower..
2. No operations outside the control room are required.

APRM Channel 2 Fail Upscale A. When reactor power is lowered to 95%, Event 1 will auto trigger to fail APRM Channel 2 upscale.

1. The crew will respond to APRM Channel 2 failing upscale using applicable Alarm Response Instructions.

SBGT Filter Train Fan Trip A. When the CRS enters LCO Condition A and TR3.3.2.1 Condition A, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 2 to cause SBGT Filter Train Fan A to trip.

1. The crew will respond to SBGT Filter Train Fan Trip using applicable Alarm Response Instructions.

RFPT B Controller Failure Increasing A. When CRS enters LCO Condition A, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 3 to cause RFPT B Controller to fail increasing.

B. The crew will take Immediate Operator Action per 05-1-02-V-7, Feedwater System Malfunctions ONEP.

C. The ATC should place RFP B speed controller in manual.

D. If asked to check RFPT B vibration, report all vibration readings are < 5 mil.

Trigger Event 25 to delete malfunction p680_2a_e_12 to simulate acknowledging the alarm locally to clear the RFPT B vibration alarm.

E. When contacted as I&C, state that a work request will be required for troubleshooting.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 6 of 19 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES: (cont.)

RCIC Inadvertent Initiation, 05-1-02-V-5, Loss of Feedwater Heating A. When the Feedwater system has stabilized and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 4 to initiate RCIC.

B. The crew will respond to an initiation of RCIC.

1. The CRS will enter the Loss of Feedwater Heating ONEP.
2. The CRS will direct to lower core flow to 70 mlbm/hr.

RPS MG Set A trip, Inadvertand Scram of Nine Control Rods (ONEP 05-1-02-IV-1)

A. After reactor power, pressure, and level are stable, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 5 to trip RPS MG Set B and cause nine control rods to scram.

B. The ATC should recognize the half scram condition and control rod HCU trouble annunciator and scram valves status light. When the ATC depresses the HCU fault or scram valves pushbutton on RC&IS display, nine control rods will be indicated at position 00. The ATC should report at least eight control rods scrammed and insert a manual scram.

1. When the mode switch is taken to shutdown, Auto Event 6 will go true causing Service Transformer 21 to trip.

Service Transformer 21 Lockout / MSL Steam Leak A. The crew will enter the Scram and Turbine Trip ONEPs and EP-2.

1. If sent to reset BUV lockouts for 11HD and 14AE, trigger Event 10 to reset these lockouts (remotes r21351 and r21357).
2. Five minutes after the Scram, an un-isolable steam leak will develop in the Aux Building Steam Tunnel (Auto Event 7). The CRS will enter EP-4.
3. When 2 max safe values of EP-4 table 10 are reached (on temperature), the crew will emergency depressurize the reactor.
4. Install EP Attachments as requested.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 7 of 19 Termination:

A. Once emergency depressurization has been conducted and reactor water level is stabilized above TAF, or as directed by Lead Evaluator, take the simulator to Freeze and turn horns off.

Critical Tasks:

  • Emergency depressurize the RPV when the maximum safe value temperature is exceeded in two or more areas.
  • Maintain RPV water level greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

Emergency Classification:

  • Site Area Emergency per EAL FS1 Loss of 2 Fission Product Barriers (RC3 and PC3).

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 8 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 1 Event


Lower reactor power from 100% to 85% using Recirc FCVs TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS Conducts reactivity briefing and directs power reduction to ~85%.

Lowers power by simultaneously closing Recirc flow control valves in ATC slow detent on P680. Monitors APRMs, recirc drive flows, total core flow, reactor water level on P680 during power reduction.

Lowers turbine load demand using LOAD DEMAND LOWER BOP pushbutton on P680 to maintain the load demand limited value within 65 MW above generator actual load during the power reduction Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 9 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 2 Event


APRM Channel 2 Fail Upscale TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and Report APRM Channel 2 has failed upscale.

ATC Refer to ARI for the 04-1-02-1H13-P680-7A-A11 annunciator.

CRS Enters TS Condition A and TR Condition A.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 10 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 3 Event


SBGT Filter Train Fan Trip TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and Report SBGT A Filter Train Fan has tripped.

BOP Refer to ARI for the SGTS DIV 1 OOSVC, 04-1-02-1H13-P870-2A-C3 annunciator.

CRS Enters TS Condition A Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 11 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 4 Event


Reactor Feed Pump B Controller failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC should note the perturbation in FW controller outputs on P680 and diagnose RFP B controller is malfunctioning. The ATC should place RFP B speed controller 1C34-FK-R613 on P680 vertical section or RFP B controls on P680 apron section in manual per Feedwater System ATC Malfunctions ONEP 05-1-02-V-7 step 2.1 and stabilize the feedwater pumps. The operator may lower output on RFP B to match feed pump flows by depressing the LOWER pushbutton on the associated controller.

Enters Feedwater Systems Malfunction ONEP 05-1-02-V-7 and directs manual control of RFP B. The CRS may elect not to immediately CRS reduce RFP B speed. Suspends power ascension and formulates contingencies for the controller in manual.

CRS Notifies Duty Mgr and I&C of the controller failure.

If RFP B reaches the point at which a high vibration alarm is received, BOP directs operator to check vibration monitoring panel in the control building and to check RFP B operation locally.

If a high vibration condition exists for RFP B, may direct reducing RFP CRS B speed to reduce vibration levels in accordance with the intent of ARI 1H13-P680-2A-E12 step 4.1.

ATC Slowly lowers RFP B speed controller output as directed.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 12 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 Event


Inadvertent RCIC Initiation TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Recognize and report inadvertent RCIC initiation Enters Loss of Feedwater Heating ONEP.

CRS Directs lowering Core flow to 70 mlbm/hr.

Directs securing RCIC.

ATC Lowers core flow to 70 mlbm/hr.

BOP Secures RCIC.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 13 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6 Event


RPS MG Set B trip causing Inadvertent Scram of Nine Control Rods TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports to the CRS that Division 2 half scram has occurred due to loss of RPS B power supply.


  • Depresses SCRAM VLV and/or HCU FAULT status light push button and observes nine control rods indicated and all have scrammed to position 00.
  • Informs CRS and places the Reactor Mode Switch to shutdown per immediate action 2.4.2 of 05-1-02-IV-1, Control Rod Drive Malfunctions.

Enters Loss of One or Both RPS Buses ONEP.

When ATC reports control rods have scrammed, enters Control Rod Drive CRS Malfunctions ONEP.

  • Ensures that ATC places the Reactor Mode Switch to Shutdown.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 14 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 7 Event


Lockout on ST21 TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Provides Scram Report:

  • Reactor power decreasing
  • Reactor pressure being controlled by EHC control system Enters EP-2 on low reactor water level. Directs level band +11.4 to

+53.5 using Condensate/Feedwater.


  • May initially direct level band of -30 to +30 if Service Transformer has tripped and HPCS and RCIC are injecting and Feedwater has not yet been recovered.

At P807, recognizes and reports trip of Service Transformer 21 and loss of power to bus 14AE. Re-energizes bus 14AE via BOP Transformer BOP 11 from P807 per 05-1-02-I-4 step 2.1 and direct the building operator to reset bus 14AE undervoltage lockout relays per step 2.2.

At P601, verifies DG12 and 13 starts and re-energizes ESF bus 16AA BOP and 17AC.

ATC Recognizes and reports trip of both Reactor Feed Pumps.

Enters Loss of AC Power ONEP 05-1-02-I-4, Feedwater System Malfunctions ONEP 05-1-02-V-7, and Reactor Scram ONEP 05-1-02-I-CRS 1.

  • Directs initiation of RCIC.

If Level 2 has not already been reached, initiates RCIC by arming and BOP depressing RCIC MAN INIT pushbutton on P601.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 15 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 7 (Cont.)



Lockout on ST21 TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Reports Level 2 received:


  • Level 2 isolations At P870, verifies SSW B aligns to support DG12 and SSW A aligns to BOP support RCIC operation BOP At P870, verifies SSW C aligns to support DG13 and HPCS operation Aligns Startup Level Control per 04-1-01-N21-1 Att. VII:
  • On P680, closes the following valves:
  • N21-F009A, FW HTR 6A OUTL VLV
  • N21-F009B, FW HTR 6B OUTL VLV.
  • On P870, opens the following valves:


  • On P680, verifies the following valves are closed:
  • N21-F513, X WTR LVL SU CONTR Valve (via controller 1C34-LK-R602)
  • N21-F510, FW CU RECIRC VLV

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 16 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 7 (Cont.)



Lockout on ST21 TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recovers a RFP injection per 04-1-01-N21-1 Att. VI at P680:

(may be delayed if Level 9 was reached due to HPCS injection)

  • Restarts the A AC lube oil pump for RFPT to be restarted by depressing STOP then AUTO for the oil pump.
  • Opens RFP A(B) DISCH VLV N21-F014A(B).
  • Depresses the RFPT A(B) TRIP RESET pushbutton.


  • Raises pump speed using the RAISE pushbutton until governor position is approx. 60% or as required to obtain discharge pressure approx. 250 psig above reactor pressure.
  • Adjusts N21-F513, RX WTR LVL SU CONT valve, as necessary in MANUAL or AUTO to maintain desired Reactor level. N21-F040 and/or N21-F009A(B) may be OPEN/CLOSED as necessary to augment flow.
  • Ultimately places Startup Level Control in automatic when level is in band +11.4 to 53.5 Directs restoring isolations for Instrument Air and Drywell Chilled Water CRS to containment that isolated due to power loss to bus 15AA and Level 2 At P807, restores isolations as directed using 05-1-02-III-5 Att. II for BOP P53 Primary CTMT valves that isolated due to power loss to bus 15AA and Level 2.

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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 17 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 8 Event


Un-isolable MSL Steam Line Break TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports MSL Tunnel EQUIP AREA TEMP HI alarm (H13-P601-21A-G3) and identifies it as and EP-4 entry condition.

Confirms signal is valid by observing independent MSL Tunnel room BOP temperature alarms (1H13-P601-21A-H2 and H3), the PDS EP-4 Operator Guide, and/or Division 2 Leak Detection temperature switches on backpanel P642.

Recognizes MSIVs B21-F022A and F028A did not automatically close, as required. The BOP operator will attempt to manually close B21-BOP F022A and F028A from P601, but the valves will not close and reports isolation failure.

Enters EP-4 and assign the BOP operator to monitor EP-4 parameters CRS as a critical parameter.

Obtains EP-4 data collection operator aid at backpanel P844 And begins collecting EP-4 parameters:

  • Area Radiation Monitors (P844)
  • Division 2 LDS Temperature Switches (P642)


  • May use EP-4 Operator Guide display on PDS for confirmation (P680)

Reports EP-4 readings to CRS. Initially specifies MSL Tunnel temperature is above the Maximum Safe limit, 250°F.

May elect to lower pressure to a band of 450-600 psig using Main CRS Bypass valves to reduce the driving head of the leak per Transient Mitigation Strategy Section 6.6.6.

Recognizes and reports RCIC room Temperature rising based on EP-4 BOP readings or receipt of RCIC AMBIENT TEMP HI (H13-P601-21A-G3) and reports value Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 2 Page 18 of 19 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 8 (Cont.)



Un-isolable MSL Steam Line Break TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Depending on RCIC room temperature rate of rise, may direct fully opening Main Bypass Valves per EP-2 step P-1 due to anticipating CRS Emergency Depressurization, which would be required when Steam Tunnel temperature reached 250°F Operates Main Bypass Valves on P680, as directed, using 04-1 N32-2 Att. V:

  • Energize Manual Bypass Valve Controller by simultaneously depressing MANUAL BYPASS CONTROL RELEASE BOP pushbutton and MANUAL BYPASS VALVE CONTROLLER ON pushbutton until ON pushbutton becomes illuminated.
  • Uses the RAISE or LOWER pushbuttons to open or close the Bypass Valves to control reactor pressure Reports RCIC Room Temperature above its Maximum Safe limit, BOP 250°F. Specifies 2 area temperatures are now above Maximum safe limits.

Enters Emergency Depressurization leg of EP-2 and directs opening 8 CRS ADS/SRVs.

BOP Opens 8 ADS/SRVs at P601 Verifies Feedwater/Condensate is aligned for injection through Startup CRS Level Control in automatic Ensures Feedwater/Condensate is aligned for proper control of RPV ATC level and ensures level is maintained above -191.

Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 3 Page 1 of 3 Give this page to the CRS Crew Turnover:

M. Assign the candidates crew positions.

N. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%

MOC EOOS GREEN The plant is at 100% power, preparations are being made for a temporary down power to 85% for a control rod pattern adjustment.

Power reduction is in progress at 03-1-01-2 Attachment VIII step 12.9.

o Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy will not be provided for this scenario.

A Division 1 work week is in effect.

APRM Channel 4 is INOP and Bypassed for I&C work.

SBGT A is operating for surveillance, 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> into the scheduled 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> run.

  • Planned Evolutions this shift:
  • Reactor Engineering has been notified and power reduction can begin immediately after turnover within the rates of IOI.

Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 3 Page 2 of 3 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: NRC LOT 2014 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

1. Place Suppression Pool Cooling in service.
2. Reactor Feed Pump A High Vibration
3. Trip of the 16BB3 electric bus.
4. Control Rod drift.
5. Second Control Rod drift.
6. Unisolable LOCA with limited injection capabilities.
7. Division 3 Diesel Generator failure to start.
8. HPCS fails to auto initiate upon restoration of electrical power.

Initial Conditions: Operating at 100% power.

Inoperable Equipment: None Turnover:

A plant is operating at rated power. Suppression Pool temperature is elevated due to a weeping SRV.

The Crew will start Suppression Pool Cooling on RHR B using the 04-1-01-E12-1 RHR system SOI.

Scenario Notes:

This scenario is modified from the 2012 Audit Scenario 3.

Validation Time: 65 min Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 3 Page 3 of 3 Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type Description N (BOP) Place Suppression Pool Cooling in Service (SOI 04-1 1 TS (CRS) E12-1 section 5.2, TS 3.5.1 Condition A)

Reactor Feed Pump A High Vibration (04-1-02-1H13-P680-2 c86013x C (ATC) 2A-E2)

R (ATC) Lower reactor power from 100% to 90% using Recirc 3

N (BOP) FCVs (03-1-01-2)

C (BOP) Trip of the 16BB3 electric bus (480V LCC 16BB3 UNDERVOLT ARI (04-1-02-1H13-P864-2A-E3), TS 4 r21142z TS (CRS)

Condition A, TS 3.5.1 Condition C, TS Condition A, A (CREW) TS Condition A)

C (ATC) Control Rod Drift (Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions (05-1 5 z161161_20_49 A (Crew) IV-1) ONEP)

Second Control Rod Drift (Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions 6 z021021_20_33 M (CREW)

(05-1-02-IV-1) ONEP) rr063a r21139e Unisolable LOCA with limited injection capabilities (Scram 7 xml1r21191 M (Crew) (05-1-02-I-1) and Turbine Trip (05-1-02-I-2) ONEPs, EP-2, EP-3) xml1r21192 e12050c Division 3 Diesel Generator failure to start (Loss of AC 8 n41140c C (BOP)

Power (05-1-02-I-4) ONEP)

Loss of power to E22-F004 HPCS injection valve (02-S 9 e22648 C (ATC) 43 Transient Mitigation Strategy section 6.1.1.d)

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 2 Abnormal Events 2 Reactivity Manipulations 1 Total Malfunctions 7 Instrument/Component Failures 5 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 1 Major Transients 2 EP Contingencies 1 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 2 Revision 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 3 Page 4 of 3 Critical Tasks:

  • Emergency depressurize prior to RPV level reaching -191 inches compensated fuel zone.
  • When RPV pressure reaches the minimum steam cooling pressure, restore RPV level to greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 1 of 2 Simulator Setup:

E. Initialization

25. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
26. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 7.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

27. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
28. Set the Simulator to IC-103 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
29. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2014 NRC Scenario 3.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
30. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 2 of 2

31. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
32. Take the simulator out of freeze.
33. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
34. Verify or perform the following:
a. IC-103
b. Suppression Pool Temperature is 85.6F
c. Startup SSW B normally
d. Ensure the correct rod movement sequence available at the P680.
e. Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.
f. Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.
35. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
36. Place the simulator in Freeze.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 3 of 2 F. File loaded verification:

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 4 of 2 Crew Turnover:

O. Assign the candidates crew positions.

P. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%


  • SSW B is in service.
  • Suppression Pool temperature is elevated because of a weeping SRV.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • The Crew will place Suppression Pool Cooling in service on RHR B. Pre-start pump checks are complete for RHR B pump.

Q. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

R. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

S. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

T. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 5 of 2 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

  • Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Place Suppression Pool Cooling in service on RHR B A. The crew will place Suppression Pool Cooling in service on RHR B using 04-1 E12-1.

1. If asked to perform pre-start pump checks, wait 2 minutes and report back to the Control Room that pre-start pump checks are complete.
2. No actions outside the Control Room are required for this evolution.
3. When E12-F024B is opened, enter Tech Spec 3.5.1 for RHR B INOP.

Reactor Feed Pump A High Vibration A. When RHR B is in service, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 2 to cause hi vibration on Reactor Feed pump A. (Event 1 is not used).

B. The Crew will dispatch the Control Building Operator to P846 Vibration Panel (Drawing C86-8).

1. When sent to P846, wait 1 minute and report the following using the pager:
  • Pump Axial 7.2 mil
  • Turbine Axial 7.1 mil
  • Drive Bearing Horizontal 8.3 mil
  • Radial Vibration alarm N463A is in alarm
  • No other alarms. The remaining Vibration readings are below but near alarm.
2. When the CRS calls the engineer, tell the CRS that he needs to lower power by 10% and see how vibrations respond. Tell the CRS that you will monitor vibrations and get back to him with a recommendation. Also, tell the CRS that the Shift Manager is with you and is making all notifications for the down power.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 6 of 2 Lower reactor power A. If necessary, call the control room as the Shift Manager and direct the CRS to lower reactor power to 90% using IOI. All notifications have been made.

1. The crew will lower power using 03-1-01-2, Power Operations IOI, Attachment VIII, Temporary Downpower.
2. No operations outside the control room are required.
3. If asked, report vibrations have decreased but are still in the alert range.

Trip of the 16BB3 electric bus A. When the crew lowers reactor power, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 3 to cause 16BB3 to trip on over current.

1. When directed by the Control Room to investigate breaker 52-16301, wait 2 minutes and report the 86 lockout device has actuated that the cause of the trip is unknown. Electrical maintenance will investigate.

Control Rod Drift A. When the CRS enters TS Condition A, TS 3.5.1 Condition A (Previously entered), TS 3.8.7 Condition A, and Multiple other 7 day LCOs, and at the direction of the lead evaluator, trigger Event 4 to cause control rod 20-49 to drift out.

B. The CRS will enter the Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions ONEP

1. If sent as the Aux Building Operator to isolate rod 20-49 by closing the 103 and 105 valve, wait 45 seconds, remove the drift malfunction and report that rod 20-49 FH is isolated.
2. Four minutes later, control rod 20-33 will begin to drift inward (Auto trigger 5).

The ATC will scram the reactor.

Unisolable LOCA with limited injection capabilities A. When the reactor is scramed, Auto trigger 5 will cause the following to occur:

1. Recirc A loop non-isolable suction rupture on reactor scram.
2. Division 3 Diesel Generator will fail to start automatically. If requested the DG can be started locally.
3. ST 11 and ST 21 will be lost. Power can be restored to 17AC using ESF 12 or local start of Division 3 DG.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 7 of 2

4. RHR C pump will trip.
a. This pump is not recoverable. When the control room sends an operator and/or an electrician to investigate breaker 152-1609, wait 3 minutes and report the beaker is tripped on thermal device.
b. If sent to the pump, report that it is very hot and that the motor casing is discolored.
5. E22-F004 (HPCS Injection Valve) fails to operate. The valve can be restored by dispatching an operator to use local manual operation or local breaker operation after emergency depressurization has occurred.
6. Upon direction of emergency depressurization, the 16BB3 bus will be restored by electrical maintenance and level can be restored to -30 to 30 using RHR B.

B. Insert EP Attachments as requested by the Control Room.


A. When reactor water level is stabilized in the -30 to 50 level band using HPCS or RHR B, or as directed by Lead Evaluator:

  • Take the simulator to Freeze and turn horns off.
  • Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.
  • Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 8 of 2 Critical Tasks:

  • Emergency depressurize prior to RPV level reaching -191 inches compensated fuel zone.
  • When RPV pressure reaches the minimum steam cooling pressure, restore RPV level to greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 9 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 1 Event


Place Suppression Pool Cooling in Service TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP operator to place Suppression Pool Cooling B in service per CRS SOI 04-1-01-E12-1 section 5.2.2.b.

Place Suppression Pool Cooling B in service using SOI 04-1-01-E12-1 section 5.2.2.b as follows:

  • Place the RHR B MOV TEST switch to TEST
  • Start RHR RM B FAN COIL UNIT on P870 BOP
  • Check open E12-F003B on P601
  • Start RHR B Pump
  • Inform the CRS of the time RHR B is INOP
  • Close E12-F048B (optional, this is to maximize cooling)

CRS When E12-F024B is opened, Enter TS 3.5.1 Condition A.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 10 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 2 Event


Reactor Feed Pump A High Vibration TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report High Vibration (P680-2A-E2, RFP A VIBR HI)

ACRO Dispatch an operator to P846 panel to report vibrations.

Monitor computer points listed in ARI.

CRS Contact System Engineer Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 11 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 3 Event


Lower reactor power from 100% to 90% using Recirc FCVs TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Conducts reactivity briefing and directs power reduction to ~90% using CRS IOI-2 Att. VIII (Temporary Down Power).

Lowers power by simultaneously closing Recirc flow control valves in ATC slow detent on P680. Monitors APRMs, recirc drive flows, total core flow, reactor water level on P680 during power reduction.

Lowers load turbine demand using LOAD DEMAND LOWER BOP pushbutton on P680 to maintain the load demand limited value within 65 MW above generator actual load during the power reduction Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 12 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 4 Event


Trip of the 16BB3 electric bus TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report that 16BB3 is de-energized and that breaker 52-16301 is tripped.

As indicated by annunciator P864-2A-E-3, 480V LCC 16BB3 UNDERVOLT.

Various Division 2 components will be de-energized including:

o E12-F028B, E12-F042B, and E12-F053B o SLC Pump B o CCW Pump B o Div 2 D/G Aux LO Pump (not required for operability) o SBGT Enclosure Building Recirc Fan BOP o The entire load list is in 04-1-01-R21-16, ESF Bus 16AB SOI, Attachment 1 pages 15-17.

Per immediate actions of ARI for annunciator P864-2A-E-3:

  • Check 4160V ESF Bus 16AB Voltage (should still be 4160V).
  • Verify automatic actions occur:

o CCW pump B trips (already in STBY, the STBY white indicating light should be off) o Enclosure building Recirc fan trips (already off, SGTS not in service) o Diesel Engine Aux Main LO Pump trips (local indication only).

  • Check concurrent annunciators that may aid in locating the problem.

Per the subsequent actions of ARI for annunciator P864-2A-E-3:

  • Determine and report what equipment is without power.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 13 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 4 cont.



Trip of the 16BB3 electric bus TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enters Loss of AC Power ONEP (there are no helpful actions from this ONEP).

Ensure actions of ARI for annunciator P864-2A-E-3 are implemented.

Ensure the BOP operator takes actions per the ARI for 480V LCC 16BB3 UNVERVOLT annunciator.

Directs the BOP to evaluate Control Room panels to determine what equipment is affected the loss of 16BB3 (this is directed by the alarm response instruction for the loss of 16BB3).

Directs local operator to determine the cause for the breaker trip.

Uses SOI 04-1-01-R21-16 to determine what equipment is affected by the loss CRS of 16BB3.

Enters the following Tech Specs (due to the completion time constraints and expected plant response organization to this event, only the bolded TS is required for credit in this case):

  • TS 3.5.1 Condition A (previously entered)

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 14 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5/6 Event


Control Rod Drift TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports that Control Rod 24-33 FH is drifting out.

As indicated by annunciator P680-4A2-E4, CONT ROD DRIFT.

The operator will depress the ROD DRIFT RC&IS push button to determine which rod is drifting. The operator will then select that ATC control rod for display on the full core display and determine the direction of the rod drift. (This action is described in the ARI for the above annunciator)

Applies a continuous insert signal for control rod 24-33 FH per the Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions ONEP immediate operator actions until HCU is isolated.

Enters the Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions ONEP.

CRS Ensures all immediate operator actions are carried out.

Monitors for rod drift by periodically depressing the rod drift pushbutton on ATC RC&IS (This action is required in order to detect a second rod drift)

Recognize and report that a second control rod, 28-33GH, is drifting inward.

ATC Places Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.

This is indicated the same as the original rod drift Directs the ATC to insert a manual scram (per CRD malfunctions ONEP CRS immediate actions).

Enter Scram and Turbine Trip ONEPs.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 15 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5/6 Cont.



Control Rod Drift Inserts a manual scram by placing the Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN.

Provides a scram report:

  • Reactor Mode SW in SHUTDOWN.
  • Reactor power is 0%.


  • Reactor water level and trend.
  • Reactor pressure and trend.
  • Bypass valves are not available.

Initiate HPCS and RCIC in anticipation of a loss of feedwater (this is part of the BOP /

crews responsibility to maintain reactor water level within the desired band and ATC is primarily the responsibility of the ATC).

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 16 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 7 Event


Unisolable LOCA with limited injection capabilities TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report 15AA bus lockout as indicated by the 4.16KV BUSS 15AA TRIP annunciator and no power to the bus.

BOP The BOP should attempt to energize the bus using the ESF 12, ESF 21 and Diesel Generator feeder breakers.

Recognize and report indications of a LOCA in the Drywell as indicated by rising drywell pressure and temperature (P680-5A-C3, DRWL PRESS HI/LO; CREW P680-5A-C2, DRWL PRESS HI HI; HPCS and ECCS initiations due to 1.39 psig in the drywell).

Enter EP-2 and EP-3 Direct actions of EP-2:

  • Verify isolations for Reactor Level 2 and Drywell Pressure 1.39 psig.
  • Enter the Alternate Level Control procedure of EP-2.


  • Establish a pressure band of 800 -1060 psig.
  • Establish a level band of +30 to -50 in.
  • Maximize CRD for flow.

When directed, maximize CRD for flow (only CRD B pump is available).

  • Re-energize 16B42 on P864
  • Start the CRD B Aux Oil Pump ATC
  • Start the CRD B Pump
  • Although there are other actions per the procedure, only these listed will accomplish anything.

Update the CRS with reactor water level as it continues to lower.

When directed, Inhibit ADS by placing both ADS inhibit switches to INHIBIT.

BOP Dispatch operators to recover out of service water injection sources.

Evaluate and deliver ECCS Status Report to the CRS (hard card).

When E22-F004 HPCS injection valve is opened, control reactor water level in ATC the established level band by either starting and stopping the HPCS pump as required if valve is opened manually or stroking valve using handswitch.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 17 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 8 Event


Division 3 Diesel Generator failure to start TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes that electric bus 17AC is de-energized (HPCS diesel has failed to start and take the bus) and shuts the feeder breaker from ESF 12 transformer to re-energize the 17AC bus.

This is indicated by many indications, but primarily the following annunciators P601-16A-H-3, HPCS SYS OOSVC BOP P601-16A-H-1, HPCS SYS NOT READY FOR AUTO START P601-16A-D-3, HPCS DSL ENG TROUBLE P601-16A-F-2, HPCS SYS UNDERVOLT Many indicating lights will be de-energized on the P601-16 section of the P601.

Report the status of Division 3 Diesel Generator and 17AC to the CRS.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 18 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 9 Event


Division 2 Diesel Generator running without cooling water TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes that Division 2 Diesel Generator is running without cooling water and places the Division 2 Diesel Generator in Maintenance Mode.

As indicated by P41-F018B being de-energized and a lack of annunciator P870-7A-A-2, SSW DIV 2 OPER (this annunciator is BOP expected when SSW auto initiates and all valves have repositioned to their required position).

Re-energizes electrical bus 16AB using ESF 12.

Report the status of Division 2 Diesel Generator and 16AB to the CRS.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 19 of 2 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 10 Event


Loss of power to E22-F004 HPCS injection valve TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Ensure an operator is sent to manually open E22-F004.

Crew Ensure an operator is sent to restore electrical power to E22-F004.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 20 of 2 Give this sheet to the CRS Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%


  • SSW B is in service.
  • Suppression Pool temperature is elevated because of a weeping SRV.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • The Crew will place Suppression Pool Cooling in service on RHR B. Pre-start pump checks are complete for RHR B pump.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 21 of 2 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 4 Op-Test No.: NRC LOT-2014 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

1. Shutdown Standby Service Water (SSW) A following weekly chemical addition.
2. SSW Pump A Discharge valve breaker trip while closing
3. Turbine Building Cooling Water Pump B trip with failure of TBCW Pump C to auto start.
4. Narrow Range Level indicator C fails upscale.
5. Fuel leak
6. Hydraulic Block ATWS.
7. Main Steam Line Hi Rad
8. Standby Liquid Control System squib valves fail to open.

Initial Conditions: Plant is operating at 100% power. Standby Service Water A is aligned for chemical addition.

Inoperable Equipment: none Turnover:

  • Plant is in steady state operation at 100% power.
  • Standby Service Water A is aligned for chemical addition. Plant Chemistry is adding chemicals and will contact the control Room to secure SSW A immediately following turnover.
  • This is a Division 1 work week.

Scenario Notes:

This is a modified version of 2013 AUDIT scenario 4.

Validation Time (60-90 min): 70 min Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 22 of 2 Event Malf. No. Event Type Event No. Description Secure SSW A following chemical addition. (04-1-03-P41-1 step 1 N (BOP) 7.8).

C (BOP) 1P41F001A, SSW Pump A Discharge valve, breaker trip while 2 p41f001a_i TS (CRS) closing (ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P870-1A-C2, TS 3.7.1).

Turbine Building Cooling Water Pump B trip with failure of C (BOP) 3 p43152b TBCW Pump C to auto start (05-1-02-V-2 Loss of Turbine A (CREW)

Building Cooling Water, ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P870-5A-B4).

I (ATC) 4 fw126c Narrow Range Level indicator C failure upscale. (TS 6.3.7)


A(CREW) Fuel leak (ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-E7; 05-1-02-II-2, Off-5 rr071 R(ATC) Gas Activity High).

Manual Scram, hydraulic block ATWS, power > 5%, level/power control (05-1-02-I-1 Reactor Scram, 05-1-02-I-2 Turbine and Generator Trips, EP-2A ATWS RPV Control, EP-3 Containment Control)

Crew terminates and prevents Condensate/ Feedwater and ECCS injection per EP-2A step L-8 when Suppression Pool temperature reaches 110°F.

6 c11164 M (CREW) Crew restores injection using Condensate/Feedwater to maintain level between the point to which level was lowered in step L-8 and -191 per EP-2A step L-9, when power decreases to below 5% or reactor water level drops to -167 on compensated fuel zone.

Crew directs installation of EP Attachments 18, 19, and 20 and inserts control rods by manual scram and/or normal rod insertion per EP-2A step Q-1 following the ATWS.


C_4 P601_19A_

7 C(ATC) MSL Hi-Hi Rad signal requiring closure of MSIVs; EP-4 C_4 P601_19A_

D_4 c41f004a_a Standby Liquid Control System squib valves fail to open (SOI 8 C(BOP) c41f004b_a 04-1-01-C41-1 Attachment VI; EP Attachment 28)

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 2 Reactivity Manipulations 1 Total Malfunctions 7 Instrument/Component Failures 5 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 2 Major Transients 1 EP Contingencies 2 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 3 Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 1 of 21 Simulator Setup:

G. Initialization

37. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
38. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 6.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

39. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
40. Set the Simulator to IC-104 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
41. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2014 NRC scenario 4.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
42. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 2 of 21

43. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
44. Take the simulator out of freeze.
45. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
46. Verify or perform the following:
  • IC-104
  • Power approximately 100%
  • Ensure the BOC movement sequence available at the P680.
  • Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.
  • Ensure APRM recorders are displaying APRM trend mode.
  • Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.
  • Ensure SSW A is running aligned to all loads per 04-1-03-P41-1.
  • Mark up copy of 04-1-03-P41-1 through step 7.7 and place on CRO desk.
47. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
48. Place the simulator in Freeze.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 3 of 21 H. File loaded verification:

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 4 of 21 Crew Turnover:

A. Assign the candidates crew positions.

B. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%

MOC EOOS GREEN Work Week Division 1

  • Plant is in steady state operation at 100% power.
  • Standby Service Water A is aligned for chemical addition per 04-1 P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run. Step 7.7 is complete.
  • SSW A MOV Test switch has been in TEST for 15 minutes under LCO TR6.8.2 Condition A.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Plant Chemistry is adding chemicals and will contact the control Room to secure SSW A in accordance with 04-1-03-P41-1, beginning at step 7.8, immediately following turnover.
  • Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

C. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

D. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

E. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

F. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 5 of 21 SCENARIO ACTIVITIES:

  • Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Secure Standby Service Water A following chemical addition (04-1-03-P41-1 section 7.8):

A. The crew will secure Standby Service Water A from the chemical addition lineup (04-1-03-P41-1 section 7.8).

1. As soon as the crew assumes the shift and completes any pre-shift brief, call the control room by telephone as Plant Chemistry and notify the operator chemical addition to SSW A is complete and SSW A can be secured.
2. When 1P41F001A is closed, its breaker will trip 25 seconds after the valve begins to stroke (Auto Event 1).
3. If requested to check breaker 52-155107 for 1P41F001A, wait 5 minutes, then as the building operator report the breaker is tripped. If requested to investigate as Electrical Maintenance, report a WO and tagout will be required for troubleshooting before attempting to reset the breaker.
4. If asked for local valve position, wait 2 minutes and as the building operator report 1P41F001A indicates 45% open by the dial on the actuator.

Turbine Building Cooling Water pump B trip with failure of the standby pump, C, to auto start.

A. When the CRS enters LCO 3.7.1 Condition D, and any briefs are complete, at the Lead Evaluators discretion, trigger Event 2 to cause TBCW pump B trip. (TBCW pump C indicates it should auto start but will not. It can be started manually using the HS on P870.)

B. The crew will respond using 05-1-02-V-2 Loss of Turbine Building Cooling Water for a partial loss and manually start TBCW pump C from 1H13P870.

1. If sent to TBCW pump B breaker 152-1421 to investigate, as the building operator report the breaker is tripped and overcurrent flags are indicated on all phases.
2. If sent to TBCW pumps to investigate, as the building operator report TBCW pump B motor feels hotter than normal. Also report TBCW pump C is running normally, if asked.
3. If requested to investigate as Electrical Maintenance, report a WO and tagout will be required for troubleshooting.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 6 of 21 Narrow Range Level Indicator C fails upscale:

A. When ONEP and ARI actions have been addressed and any briefs are complete, at the Lead Evaluators discretion, trigger Event 3 to cause Narrow Range Level indicator to fail downscale.

B. The crew will respond using ARIs 04-1-02-1H13-P680-4A2-C5, 5A2-C10.

1. If requested to investigate, as I&C after approximately 5 minutes report a work order will be required for troubleshooting.

Fuel leak:

A. When the CRS has addressed LCO for TS 6.3.7 and any transient briefs are complete, at the Lead Evaluators discretion, trigger Event 4 to cause a fuel leak.

B. The crew will respond using ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-E7 and 05-1-02-II-2, Off-Gas Activity High, and when power is reduced, 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate.

C. If contacted to verify preconditioning margin and/or to activate the failed fuel action plan, as Reactor Engineering acknowledge the request.

D. If contacted to monitor ventilation release points, as the Chemist acknowledge the request.

E. If contacted to monitor in-plant radiation levels, as the RP acknowledge the request.

F. If contacted for guidance, as Reactor Engineering and/or the Duty Manager, acknowledge the request but do not give advice.

G. Do not allow the crew to insert more than 2 CRAM gangs. Raise the severity or reduce the ramp time for malfunction rtd17k612_d as necessary to raise Pretreatment activity to > 14000 mr/hr.

H. The crew will manually scram the reactor when the CRS determines Offgas Pretreatment Radiation level cannot be maintained below 14,000 mr/hr. A hydraulic block ATWS will occur.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 7 of 21 ATWS:

A. The crew will respond to an ATWS above 5% power.

1. 7 minutes after the manual scram, MSL Hi rad will alarm requiring MSIV closure per EP-4 (Auto Event 5).
2. Standby Liquid Control will not inject due to failure of the squib injection valves 1C41F004A/B to open (Auto Events 6 and 7).
3. The crew will implement Level/Power Control due to Suppression Pool Temperature above 110°F.

(Do NOT install EP Attachment 18 or 20 until the CRS has directed lowering water level in accordance with EP-2A step L8. Install other EP Attachments as directed).


A. Once the crew has begun control rod insertion and is maintaining the reactor within established level and pressure bands, and as directed by the lead evaluator,

  • Place the simulator in Freeze and turn horns off.
  • Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.
  • Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

Critical Tasks:

  • Crew terminates and prevents Condensate/ Feedwater and ECCS injection per EP-2A step L-8 when Suppression Pool temperature reaches 110°F.
  • Crew restores injection using Condensate/Feedwater to maintain level between the point to which level was lowered in step L-8 and -191 per EP-2A step L-9, when power decreases to below 5% or reactor water level drops to -167 on compensated fuel zone.

Emergency Classification:

Site Area Emergency on SS3.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 8 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 1 Event


Secure Standby Service Water A TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs ATC to shut down SSW A per 04-1-03-P41-1, SSW A Chemical CRS Addition Run.

  • Performs pre-job brief Removes loads from SSW A in accordance with 04-1-03-P41-1 section 7.8, as BOP directed on 1H13P870-3A (SSW A loads may be removed in any order).

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 9 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 1 (cont.) / 2 Event


Secure Standby Service Water A / SSW Pump A Discharge valve breaker trip while closing TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Begins shut down of SSW A as follows:


o FULLY CLOSE F005A, SSW LOOP A RTN TO CLG TWR (throttle valve).



The breaker for F001A will trip 25 seconds after the handswitch is taken to CLOSE. Full stroke for F001A takes approximately 60 seconds.

Recognizes and reports the following for 1P41F001A:

  • Status light SSW D1 MOV OVERLD PWRLOSS
  • Loss of indication above F001A handswitch
  • Recognizes and reports F001A is less than fully open Refers to ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P870-1A-C2
  • Identifies 1P41F001A as an input to this alarm BOP
  • Identifies breaker for F001A from SOI 04-1-01-P41-1
  • Sends operator to check breaker 52-155107 for F001A
  • Determines whether to leave SSW A pump running or to shut pump down.

(Expected the CRS will leave SSW A running in recirc pending failure investigation, but it is acceptable if CRS directs stopping the pump since F014A and F005A are closed.)


  • Contacts work management for assistance.
  • May direct placing Division 1 Diesel Generator in Maintenance mode if adequate cooling availability is considered questionable.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 10 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 3 Event


Turbine Building Cooling Water Pump B trip with failure of TBCW Pump C to auto start TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Responds to and reports annunciators 04-1-02-1H13-P870-5A-B4 TBCW PMP B TRIP and 5A-C4 TBCW PMPS DISCH PRESS LO (momentary alarm):

  • Reports TBCW pump B and C not running and TBCW discharge header pressure low, ~50 psig.
  • Refers to Alarm Response Instruction.
  • Identifies TBCW pump C should have auto started (white standby light on) but did not.
  • Starts TBCW pump C using handswitch on P870-5C.


  • Checks TBCW discharge pressure returns to normal (~79 psig) on indicator 1P43R601 on P870-5B.
  • Check computer point P43N021 (TBCW Pumps Discharge Flow) for system flow.
  • Dispatches operators to check TBCW pump B motor and breaker and to check TBCW pump C for proper operation.
  • Advocates ONEP 05-1-02-V-2, Loss of Turbine Building Cooling Water, to CRS.
  • Enters ONEP 05-1-02-V-2, Loss of Turbine Building Cooling Water.
  • Directs manually starting TBCW pump C.
  • Exits ONEP when TBCW parameters return to normal.


  • Notifies work management of TBCW pump B trip. Requests support for Electrical troubleshooting. Also, notifies work management of failure of TBCW pump C to auto start. Requests support for I&C/Electrical troubleshooting.
  • Displays Loss of TBCW ONEP guide on PDS.


  • Reports TBCW parameters and trends to CRS.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 11 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 4 Event


Narrow Range Level Indicator C Fail Upscale TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Responds to and reports annunciator 1H13-P680-4A2-C5 RX LEVEL SIG FAILURE ATC

  • Observes Narrow Range indications on 1H13-P680 and determines the affected level indicator is C.


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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 12 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 5 Event


Fuel leak TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Responds to and reports annunciator ARI 04-1-02-1H13-P601-19A-E7 OG PRE-TREAT RAD HI:

  • Checks Offgas Pre-Treatment activity rate on PDS and/or back panel BOP recorder 1D17R604. Notes and reports activity rate trending up.
  • Checks Main Steam Line Rad Monitors (B modeled on back panel 1H13P670) Offgas Post-Treatment Rad Monitors readings. Notes and reports readings steady.
  • Notifies Reactor Engineering of elevated Offgas Pre-Treatment activity.
  • Designates Offgas Pre-Treatment radiation level as a critical parameter and directs frequent monitoring.

CRS Enters 05-1-02-II-2, Off-Gas Activity High based on rising Pre-Treatment radiation level:

  • Directs core flow reduction to 70 mlbm/hr when anticipated Offgas Pre-Treatment radiation level cannot be maintained below 460 mr/hr (for actual offgas flow rate 142 scfm)
  • Consults with with Reactor Engineering AND Duty Manager for further power reduction using control rod insertion.
  • Reduces core flow to 70 mlbm/hr using Reactor Recirc FCVs A/B, as ATC directed.
  • Plots point of operation in OPRM Enabled Region of Power/Flow map.

Enters 05-1-02-III-3, Reduction in Recirculation System Flow Rate:

  • Directs ATC to monitor for Thermal Hydraulic Instability, concurrent CRS duties allowed.
  • Directs BOP to verify at least 3 OPRMs are enabled (not bypassed).

Monitors APRMs, LPRMs, SRM Period meters, and OPRM PDS trends on ATC 1H13P680 for Thermal Hydraulic Instability with no .concurrent duties until reactor conditions are stable.

BOP Verifies OPRMs are enabled on PDS and/or back panel PRNM cabinets.

Following power reduction continues to monitor and report Offgas Pre-BOP Treatment radiation level.

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Fuel leak (cont.)

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When Offgas Pre-Treatment radiation level exceeds 460 mr/hr (EAL Table S3 limit for Offgas flow rates 131-200 scfm), activates the Emergency Plan in accordance with 10-S-01-1 and declares an Unusual Event based on EAL CRS SU9.

(CRS has 15 minutes to make this declaration, which may not occur due to scenario event timing.)

Directs manual scram when determined Offgas Pre-Treatment radiation level CRS cannot be maintained below 14,000 mr/hr based on value and trend.

Places Reactor Mode Switch to Shutdown, as directed.

Provides scram report:


  • All rods not fully inserted, hydraulic block ATWS.
  • MSIVs and Bypass valves available Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 14 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 6 Event


ATWS TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enter SCRAM ONEP and EP-2A, ATWS RPV CONTROL Direct actions of EP-2A, ATWS RPV CONTROL steps 1 - 4:

  • Directs ATC to Verify Recirc Pumps transferred to LFMG.


  • Directs ATC to Verify ARI/RPT initiation.
  • Directs BOP to Override HPCS injection.

Verify Recirc Pumps A and B transferred to LFMG.

ATC Verify/Initiate ARI/RPT.

Inhibits ADS.

  • Place ADS A and ADS B keylock switches to INHIBIT Override HPCS injection on 1H13P601-16C.


  • Holds the HPCS pump handswitch in the STOP position.
  • Arms and depresses HPCS MAN INIT pushbutton (1H13P601-16B)
  • Places the E22-F004, HPCS injection valve, handswitch to the CLOSE position.

Enter EP-2A step L-7 and direct the ATC to establish level band -70 to -130 on Startup Level Control and direct BOP to initiate and override low pressure ECCS.

CRS Enter EP-2A step Q-4. (SLC will not inject, Attachment 28 is required)

Enter EP-2A step P-4 and direct the BOP to establish a pressure band 800 -

1060 psig using IPC and/or BCV Manual Jack.

Call for EP Attachments 8, 12, 18, 19, 20.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 15 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 6 (Cont.)



ATWS (cont.)

TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Line up Feed and Condensate systems for Startup Level Control using 04 01-N21-1, Feedwater System attachment VII, Transferring to Startup Level Control hard card.

  • If two Feed pumps are running, trip one.
  • Close N21-F009A and N21-F009B.
  • Open N21-F001, N21-F010A, and N21-F010B.
  • Verify Closed N21-F513, N21-F510, N21-F040.
  • If no Feed pumps are in operation, start one.

o Ensure RFPT A(B) controls Manual pushbutton is backlit.

ATC o Verify AC lube oil pump is running o Open N21-F014A(B) o Depress the TRIP RESET pushbutton o Depress the RAISE pushbutton to establish Feed pump discharge pressure above reactor pressure by approx. 250 psig.

  • Open/Verify Open N21-F014A or N21-F014B
  • Maintain reactor level in Auto or Manual using the Startup level controller or Manually using N21-F040 or N21-F009A(B).

Feed the reactor using the Startup Level Controller to maintain reactor level within the set level band (-70 to -130).

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 16 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 6 (Cont.) / 7 Event


ATWS (cont.) / MSL Rad Hi TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Initiates Div 1 and 2 ECCS and overrides LPCS and LPCI A/B/C on 1H13P601:

  • Arms and depresses LPCS/RHR A MAN INIT and RHR B/RHR C MAN INIT pushbuttons.
  • Places handswitches for injection MOVs 1E21F005, 1E12F042A, 1E12F042B, and 1E12F042C to close.
  • Verifies amber override alarms for LPCS, RHR A, RHR B, and RHR C pump and injection MOV annunciate and seal in.

Recognize and report that Main Steam Line Radiation is above setpoint by CREW P601-19A(18A)-B6, EP-4 entry.

Enters EP-4 Direct the BOP to manually Close all MSIVs and Drains per EP-4 CRS Control reactor pressure in the band of 450 to 600 psig using SRVs.

Direct the BOP to lineup RHR A and B for Suppression Pool Cooling using 04-1-01-E12-1, Residual Heat Removal System attachment VI, Maximizing Suppression Pool Cooling hard card.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 17 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 6 / 7 (Cont.)



ATWS / MSL Rad Hi TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Manually closes all 8 MSIVs and MSL drain valves.

Open and Close SRVs as required to maintain reactor pressure within the established band. (This will be a continuing action for the remainder of the scenario)

When directed to lineup RHR A and B for Suppression Pool Cooling on 1H13P601-:

  • Ensure SSW is in service by observing the following:

o SSW A(B) Pump running o P41-F001A(B), SSW PMP A(B) DISCH VLV is Open BOP o P41-F005A(B), SSW LOOP A(B) RTN TO CLG TWR is Open o P41-F014A(B), SSW INL TO RHR HX A(B) OUTL VLV is Open o P41-F006A(B), SSW PMP RECIRC VLV is closed

  • Verify Open E12-F003A(B), RHR HX OUTL VLV
  • Open E12-F024A(B), RHR TEST RTN TO SUPP POOL Close E12-F048A(B), RHR HX BYP VLV (when 10.85 min TD has elapsed from ECCS manual initiation)

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 18 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 8 Event


Failure of Standby Liquid Control injection TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior After placing SLC A/B key switches to start, reports failure of SLC squib valves BOP to open.

Call for SLC Injection CRS Call for EP Attachment 28.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-2 NRC 2014 Scenario 4 Page 19 of 21 Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 4 Event No: 6 / 7 / 8 (Cont.)



ATWS TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When Suppression Pool Temperature reaches 110F Enter EP-2A step L-8 and direct the following:

  • ATC: Terminate and prevent Feedwater by Closing the Startup Level Control valve, N21-F040, N21-F009A, and N21-F009B.
  • BOP: If not already performed, terminate and prevent high pressure and low pressure ECCS injection by ensuring ECCS is initiated and overriding LPCS, RHR A/B/C, HPCS pump off and injection valve shut.
  • When Suppression Pool temperature reaches 110°F, crew terminates and prevents Condensate/ Feedwater and ECCS injection per EP-2A CRS step L-8.

Allow level to lower until:

  • Power is below 5%


  • Level drops to -167 (Compensated Fuel Zone)


  • All SRVs stay closed and DW pressure stays below 1.23 psig Establish a new level band of -191 to the level to which level was lowered, above.

Reestablish Feedwater to maintain level within the new level band.

  • When power decreases to below 5% or reactor water level drops to -

ATC 167 on compensated fuel zone, crew restores injection using Condensate/Feedwater to maintain level between the point to which level was lowered in step L-8 and -191 per EP-2A step L-9.

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ATWS TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS Directs BOP to maximize CRD flow.

Maximizes CRD for flow per 04-1-01-C11-1 Att. VIII hard card:

  • Places CRD SYS FLO CONT C11-R600 in MANUAL on 1H13P601-22B.


  • Using CRD SYS FLOW CONT C11-R600, fully opens C11-F002A(B),


  • Fully opens C11-F003, CRD DRIVE WTR PRESS CONT VLV on 1H13P601-22C.

When Attachments 18, 19, and 20 are reported installed, directs ATC to reset CRS scram and BOP to maximize CRD drive water pressure.

Resets RPS A and/or B by placing RPS Div 1 & 3 and/or 2 & 4 Reset switches ATC to RESET on P680.

Maximizes CRD drive water pressure by fully closing C11-F003, CRD DRIVE BOP WTR PRESS CONT VLV on P601 Inserts Control Rods by scramming rods using RPS scram arm/depress pushbuttons and/or by selecting control rods on RC&IS and depressing IN TIMER SKIP or INSERT pushbutton on P680.



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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 5 Page 1 of 3 Give this page to the CRS Turnover the following conditions:

Power 100%

MOC EOOS GREEN Work Week Division 1

  • Plant is in steady state operation at 100% power.
  • Standby Service Water A is aligned for chemical addition per 04-1 P41-1, SSW A Chemical Addition Run. Step 7.7 is complete.
  • SSW A MOV Test switch has been in TEST for 15 minutes under LCO TR6.8.2 Condition A.

Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Plant Chemistry is adding chemicals and will contact the control Room to secure SSW A in accordance with 04-1-03-P41-1, beginning at step 7.8, immediately following turnover.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 5 Page 2 of 3 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Scenario No.: 5 Op-Test No.: NRC LOT 2014 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Objectives: To evaluate the candidates ability to operate the facility in response to the following evolutions:

1. Start a Condensate Pump.
2. Withdraw Control Rods to Establish Main Turbine BCVs 10% open.
3. Inability to move Control Rod
4. One IRM channel fails upscale.
5. Startup Level Control Valve Fails Open.
6. Loss of ESF Transformer 21.
7. CRD Pumps trip.
8. Recirc System Line Break in Drywell
9. RCIC fails to start on initiation.

Initial Conditions: Reactor startup in progress.

  • Reactor pressure is 400 psig
  • Reactor power is 5%

Inoperable Equipment: None Turnover:

  • A reactor startup is in progress.

o Step 112b of Control Rod Movement Sequence is complete o SJAE B is in warm up 04-01-N62-1 step 4.2.2r o IRM H is INOP and bypassed o Step 29 of Attachment XV in 03-1-01-1

  • The Condensate system is lined up as follows:

o CFFF is in service o Precoat Filters are not in service o 4 Deepbed demins are in service Scenario Notes:

This scenario is a modified version of the 2012 NRC Exam Scenario 2.

Validation Time (60-90 min): 70 min Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 5 Page 3 of 3 Event Malf. No. Event Type Event No. Description 1 N (BOP) Start a Condensate Pump (04-1-01-N19-1 Condensate System)

Withdraw Control Rods to Establish Main Turbine BCVs 10%

2 R (ATC) open (04-1-01-C11-2 Rod Control and Information System)

C (CREW) Inability to move Control Rod (05-1-02-IV-1, Control Rod/Drive 3 c71077a A (CREW) Malfunctions)

I (ATC) 4 c51004g One IRM channel fails upscale, (TS and TR

TS (CRS) ai_1c34r602 C (ATC) Startup Level Control Valve Fails Open (05-1-02-V-7, 5

_sp A(CREW) Feedwater System Malfunctions)

C (BOP) r21180 Loss of ESF Transformer 21 (05-1-02-I-4, Loss of AC Power) 6 A(CREW) r21218 Division 2 LSS Failure (TS 3.8.1)

TS(CRS) r21180 C (BOP) CRD Pumps tripped. (05-1-02-IV-1, Control Rod/Drive 7

r21218 A (CREW) Malfunctions) 8 rr192a M (Crew) Recirc System Line Break in Drywell (EP-2, 3)

Limited Injection sources:

e51043 RCIC fails to start on initiation (SOI 04-1-01-E51-1) e22177 HPCS system fail to auto initiate e21051 LPCS pump trip e12050a 9 C (Crew) RHR A pump trip e12272b Loss of power to E12-F042B e12272c Loss of power to E12-F042C fw115a Condensate Pump A trip fw226a Condensate Booster pump A shaft sheer r21139b Loss of bus 14AE (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (A)bnormal (TS) Tech Spec

  • Critical Task (As defined in NUREG 1021 Appendix D)

Quantitative Attributes Table Normal Events 1 Abnormal Events 4 Reactivity Manipulations 1 Total Malfunctions 7 Instrument/Component Failures 6 EP Entries (Requiring substantive action) 1 Major Transients 1 EP Contingencies 1 Tech Spec Calls 2 Critical Tasks 2 Revision 0

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 NRC 2014 Scenario 5 Page 4 of 3 Critical Tasks:

Scram the reactor prior to drywell pressure reaching 2.0 psig or RPV level reaching level 2.

Restore HPCS and maintain RPV water level greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

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Simulator Setup:

I. Initialization

49. Log off all simulator PDS and SPDS computers (PDS and SPDS must come up after the simulator load for proper operation).
50. Startup the simulator using Simulator Instructors Job Aid section 6.3.


Prior to running the Schedule File, ensure no Event Files are Open. If an existing Event File is Open prior to running the Schedule File, then any associated Event Files will not automatically load.

51. Open Schedule.exe and Director.exe by clicking on the Icon in the Thunder Bar.
52. Set the Simulator to IC-105 and perform switch check (Using Quick Reset in Director).
53. Click on Open in the Schedule window and Open Schedule File 2014 NRC Scenario 5.sch (in the Schedule Directory)
54. In Schedule window, click on the Stopped red block. The red block will change to a green arrow and indicate the scenario is active (Running).

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55. Click the Summary tab in the Director window. Verify the schedule files are loaded and opened per Section B below. (Note: Any actions in the schedule file without a specific time will not load into the director until triggered.)
56. Take the simulator out of freeze.
57. Log on to all simulator PDS and SPDS computers.
58. Verify or perform the following:
  • IC-105
  • Ensure the correct rod movement sequence available at the P680 and marked up to step 135 complete.
  • Ensure all procedures are marked as indicated for turnover conditions.
  • Set IRM recorder scales
  • Advance all chart recorders and ensure all pens inking properly.
  • Clear any graphs and trends off of SPDS.
59. Run through any alarms and ensure alarms are on. (Note: On T-Rex, to verify alarms are ON, the indicator will indicate Alarms On).
60. Place the simulator in Freeze.

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J. File loaded verification:

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Crew Turnover:

B. Assign the candidates crew positions.

C. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 4%

Pressure 400 psig MOC EOOS GREEN Work Week Division 2

  • A reactor startup is in progress.

o Step 112b of Control Rod Movement Sequence is complete o SJAE B is in warm up 04-01-N62-1 step 4.2.2r o IRM H is INOP and bypassed o Step 29 of Attachment XV in 03-1-01-1

  • The Condensate system is lined up as follows:

o CFFF is in service (3 filters) o Precoat Filters are not in service o 4 Deepbed demins are in service Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Continue with startup IOI-1 step 30 of Attachment XV.

o Start Condensate Pump C (Pre-start Pump Checks are complete and all prerequisites are met).

o Withdraw control rods to establish all main turbine BCVs 10% open.

  • Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

D. Allow the crew to perform pre-shift brief and review procedures for planned evolutions.

E. Bring the crew into the Simulator, place the simulator is in RUN.

F. Allow the crew to walk down panels.

G. When the crew assumes the shift begin Scenario Activities.

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  • Start SBT report and any other required recording devices (Video recording not allowed for NRC exams).

Start a Condensate Pump:

A. The crew will start Condensate Pump C using 04-1-01-N19-1, Condensate System SOI.

1. If asked as the local operator, report that FK-R001 and FK-R003 are in cascade.
2. When directed to isolate PI-R002C, report that N19-FX019 was closed to isolate PI-R002C.
3. When directed to un-isolate PI-R002C, report that N19-FX019 is open.

Withdraw Control Rods to Establish Main Turbine BCVs 10% OPEN:

A. The crew will withdraw control rods per 04-1-01-C11-2, Rod Control and Information System SOI (Information Use Procedure), to establish 10% Bypass Valve opening.

1. There are no actions for this outside the Control Room.

Stuck Control Rod :

A. When the crew has completed step 113a of the sequence sheet, Auto trigger Event 1 to cause control rod to stick.

1. The crew will recognize the inability to move the control rod.
2. After Drive water dp has been raised to 300 psid the control will move to the intended step.

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One IRM channel failure:

A. When the crew has completed actions for stuck control rod and at the Lead Evaluators discretion, Trigger Event 2 to cause IRM B to fail upscale.

B. The crew will use the ARI and range IRM B to range.

1. If asked as I&C to investigate IRM B, report that IRM B is Full Scale and a work package is being written.
2. If an operator comes to the booth to look at IRM B, tell the operator that it is Full Scale.

C. The duty manager says to stay at this power until the half scram is reset.

Startup Level Control Valve Fail Closed:

A. When the CRS enters LCO and TR F and any transient briefs are complete, at the Lead Evaluators discretion, Trigger Event 3 to cause Startup Level Control Valve Fail Open.

B. The crew will respond to a Startup Level Control Valve Fail Open by entering the Feedwater System Malfunctions ONEP.

1. The crew will take manual control of the Startup Level Control valve to maintain Reactor water level.

Loss of ESF Transformer 21:

A. When the CRS enters LCO 3.8.1 Trigger Event 4 to insert a loss of ESF Transformer 21.

B. The crew will enter Loss of AC ONEP and reenergize 16AB via an alternate feeder.

C. If requested to reset RC&IS, use remote c11647 to reset RC&IS (Event 30).

CRD Pumps Trip:

A. When loss of ESF Transformer 21 occurs, CRD Pumps will lose power.

B. The crew will enter Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions ONEP.

C. BOB will restore power to the CRD pumps and restart CRD pumps as necessary.

Unisolable line break in Drywell/RCIC Fail to start on initiation/HPCS fail to start:

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A. When the crew stabilizes reactor water level, and at the Lead Evaluators discretion, Trigger Event 5 to cause a line break in the Drywell.

B. The crew will respond to rising Drywell parameters due to a Recirculation system leak and determine a manual scram is required.

C. When the crew scrams the reactor, Condensate Pump A will trip and Condensate Booster Pump A will have a shaft shear (prevents feeding with condensate after loss of 14AE). One minute later the 14AE bus will trip. This prevents using condensate to feed the reactor (Auto Triggers 5,6,7). All low pressure ECCS systems will fail so that only HPCS, RCIC, and SLC will be available for injection.

RCIC must be manually lined up (fails to auto initiate). (Install EP Attachments as directed).


A. Once the HPCS has stabilized reactor water level in band (-30 to 50) or as directed by Lead Evaluator:

  • Take the simulator to Freeze and turn horns off.
  • Stop and save the SBT report and any other recording devices.
  • Instruct the crew to not erase any markings or talk about the scenario until after follow-up questions are asked.

Critical Tasks:

Scram the reactor prior to drywell pressure reaching 2.0 psig or RPV level reaching level 2.

Restore HPCS and maintain RPV water level greater than -191 inches compensated fuel zone.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 1 Event


Start a Condensate Pump TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to start Condensate Pump C using 04-1-01-N19-1, CRS Condensate System.

Start Condensate Pump C by:

  • Direct a local operator to CLOSE the Instrument Isolation valve for the pressure indicator associated with Condensate Pump C.
  • DEPRESS CNDS PMP C START pushbutton. (Condensate Pump C BOP discharge valve will automatically open after 5 seconds)
  • CHECK discharge pressure is approximately 250 psig on PI-R607.
  • CHECK total condensate flow by observing CNDS PMPS MIN FLO indicator FI-R621 for minimum pump flow indication of > 5.0 mlbm/hr.
  • Direct a local operator to un-isolate the pressure indicator for Condensate Pump C.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 2 Event


Withdraw Control Rods to Establish Main Turbine BCVs 10% open TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Conduct a reactivity brief (this was performed prior to the crew entering the simulator)

Directs the BOP and ATC to coordinate and withdraw control rods IAW the approved Control Rod Movement Sequence and 04-1-01-C11-2, Rod Control CRS and Information System.

NOTE: Event 3 will begin when step 137 of the Control Rod Movement Sequence is complete or when directed by the Lead Evaluator (CRS Evaluator).

ATC Peer Check Control Rod Selection while monitoring reactor parameters.

Select Control Rods per step 136 of the Control Rod Movement Sequence sheets (Should be in Gang mode and may use either continuous or notch withdraw).

Step 136 Rods: 28-05, 36-61, 60-29, 04-37 Step 137 Rods: 16-09, 48-57, 56-17, 08-49 BOP For continuous withdraw, simultaneously DEPRESS and HOLD WITHDRAW and CONT WITHDRAW pushbuttons.

For notch withdraw MOMENTARILY DEPRESS WITHDRAW pushbutton and observe proper response.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 3 Event


Inability to move Control Rod TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports control Rod XX-XX not moving with command signal.


  • As indicated by depressing withdraw pushbutton without rod motion.

Enters the Control Rod/Drive Malfunction ONEP, 05-1-02-IV-1.

CRS Direct the BOP to raise drive water dp by 25 psig increments.

Direct the ATC to attempt to move Control Rod.

BOP When directed raise drive water dp by 25 psig increments per ONEP.

When directed attempt to move control rod when adjustments are made on ATC drive water dp.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 4 Event


One IRM channel fails upscale TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports IRM G has failed upscale.

As indicated by annunciators P680-4A2-C5, CONT ROD WITHDRAW ATC BLOCK, and P680-7A-A9, IRM UPSC ALM, and P680-7A-A2, RX SCRAM TRIP, and P680-5A-B8, RPS CH C IRM UPSC TRIP/INOP IRM G will be pegged high.

Directs the ATC to take actions for 04-1-02-1H13-P680-5A-B8 RPS CH C IRM UPSC TRIP/INOP alarm response procedure.

  • Determine that IRM G is upscale
  • Range IRM G up to range 10 CRS

Note: the CRS may opt to simply bypass the affected IRM and reset the half scram. This is acceptable.

Using 04-1-02-1H13-P680-5A-B8 RPS CH C IRM UPSC TRIP/INOP alarm response:

  • Range IRM G up to range 10.
  • Reset the half scram by momentarily placing RPS Channel 3 SCRAM RESET switch to RESET Revision 0 Page 23 of 23

Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 5 Event


Startup Level Control Valve Fails Open TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports Startup Level Control Valve Failure by the following:


  • P680-5A-D5, Reactor Water LVL HI/LO
  • Reactor Power rises CRS Enter the Feedwater System Malfunctions ONEP, 05-1-02-V-7.

Places Startup Level Control valve in Manual and adjust to maintain normal ATC level.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 6 Event


Loss of ESF Transformer 21/Division 2 LSS failure TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognize and report ESF Transformer Lockout as indicated by:

Annunciator P807-4A-B5, ESF XFMR 21 LOCKOUT TRIP Annunciator P807-4A-F2, ESF XFMR 21 TROUBLE Division 3 DG will start and reenergize the 17AC bus (16AB and 17AC is de-energized on a loss of ESF Transformer 21)

There are also other alarms associated with the loss of power.

CREW Recognize and report 16AB bus de-energized and Division 2 DG did not reenergize the bus as indicated by:

Half of the Control Room lights go out and stay out until the 16AB bus is reenergized.

Annunciator P864-2A-H1, DIV 2 LSS SYS FAIL Annunciator P864-2A-3A, 4.16KV BUS 16AB UNDERVOLTAGE There are also other alarms associated with the loss of power.

Enter Loss of AC Power ONEP, 05-1-02-I-2.

CRS Direct the BOP to Reenergize 16AB using an alternate feeder breaker and Reenergize 16B42.

Reenergize 16AB with an alternate feeder breaker using one of the following sources:

  • ESF 12 via 152-1611
  • Div 2 DG via 152-1608 Reenergize 16B42 via 52-16405 Perform a board walk down and determine and report the cause for 16AB not automatically reenergizing was due to a failure of Division 2 LSS as indicated by annunciator P864-2A-H1, DIV 2 LSS SYS FAIL and the DIV 2 LSS PNL FAIL status light (on P864-2B panel) being lit.

Recognize and Enter LCO 3.8.1 Condition F CRS Note: The CRS will begin to develop a plan to restore plant systems to normal; however, due to time restraints the next event should be initiated when satisfied with the crews response.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 7 Event


Recirc System Line Break in Drywell TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC/ Recognize rising Drywell parameters by observing the following:


  • Drywell sump alarms Monitor Drywell pressure and before reaching 1.23 psig order a manual scram.

Following the reactor scram the CRS will:

Enter the SCRAM ONEP, 05-1-02-I-1.

Enter EP-2, RPV Control CRS Evacuate Containment Establish a level band of 11.4 - 53.5.

When Drywell pressure exceeds 1.23 psig, the CRS will enter EP-3, Containment Control May attempt to restore Condensate Pumps; however, 50 seconds following the scram the 14AE bus will lockout preventing the restoration of feedwater.

Manually initiate RCIC by arming and depressing the RCIC MAN INIT ATC pushbutton.

May also manually initiate HPCS by arming and depressing the HPCS MAN INIT pushbutton.

Maintain the reactor within the established level band.

After entering EP-3, Containment Control, direct the BOP to energize H2 CRS igniters.

When directed to energize H2 igniters, Place the H2 IGNITER SYS A & B BOP switches to the ON position.

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Op-Test No: NRC LOT 2014 Scenario No: 5 Event No: 8 Event


RCIC fails to start on initiation TIME Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes that RCIC does not start when manually initiated using Initiate push button.

As indicated when nothing happens after the Initiate PB is depressed.

Manually starts RCIC using Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System SOI 04-1-01-E51-1 Attachment VI.

  • Shift RCIC Flo controller to manual and reduce output to minimum.
  • Open E51-F046.
  • Start Gland Seal Compressor.


  • Open E51-F095.


  • After 6 seconds, Open E51-F045.
  • Raise turbine speed using flow controller in manual to develop pressure greater than reactor pressure.
  • Open E51-F013.
  • Adjust flow as necessary with Flo controller.
  • Verify SSW A is running with adequate flow path.

Establish and maintain reactor water level in the established band (11.4 to 53.5)

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Give this page to the CRS H. Turnover the following conditions:

Power 4%

Pressure 400 psig MOC EOOS GREEN Work Week Division 2

  • A reactor startup is in progress.

o Step 112b of Control Rod Movement Sequence is complete o SJAE B is in warm up 04-01-N62-1 step 4.2.2r o IRM H is INOP and bypassed o Step 29 of Attachment XV in 03-1-01-1

  • The Condensate system is lined up as follows:

o CFFF is in service o Precoat Filters are not in service o 4 Deepbed demins are in service Planned Evolutions this shift:

  • Continue with startup IOI-1 step 30 of Attachment XV.

o Start Condensate Pump C (Pre-start Pump Checks are complete and all prerequisites are met).

o Withdraw control rods to establish all main turbine BCVs 10% open.

  • Note that an independent Reactivity Management SRO per Operations Philosophy 6.8.1 will not be provided for this scenario.

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Revision 0 Page 23 of 23 Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 JPM


Review Cooldown Record Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-AAD03 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: James Mergner 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 Review Cooldown Record Setting: Classroom Type: RO Task: CRO-ADMIN-07 K&A: 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2) 2.1.23 (4.3/4.4)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): 03-1-01-3, Plant Shutdown; TS 3.4.11 Handout(s): 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3 with data (Attached)

Current TS Figure PLTR Figure 1

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 2 Group: N/A Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard(s):
  • Review the cooldown record data sheet for plant shut down in accordance with 03-1 3 and Tech Spec 3.4.11 and identify the Tech Spec and Administrative cooldown rate limits have been exceeded.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The Plant is in Mode 3.
  • Plant cooldown is in progress for a planned shutdown.
  • A non-licensed operator has collected cooldown data using 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3, but no reviews have been performed.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to review the cooldown data recorded by the non-licensed operator as the Reactor Operator in accordance with 03-1-01-3 to determine whether any limits have been exceeded.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 Review Cooldown Record Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • The operator will review cooldown data recorded on 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3 and identify the Tech Spec limit of 100F/hr has been exceeded.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3

  • Review temperature data on 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3 and determine:
  • The administrative limit of 90F was exceeded
  • The Tech Spec limit of 100F was exceeded Standard: The operator will calculate cooldown rates for reactor vessel temperatures and determine if any limits were exceeded. The operator will compare the pressures and temperatures recorded to curve B of TS Figure 3.4.11-1. The operator identifies the Administrative Limit of 90F/hr and the TS limit of 100F/hr was exceeded in the hour from 0300 to 0400 on Recirc Suction Temperatures A and B respectively.


Notes: R643 pt. 5 reads 311F at 0300 and 215F at 0400 for a 96F/hr cooldown rate during this period.

R643 pt. 6 reads 313F at 0300 and 212F at 0400 for a 101F/hr cooldown rate during this period.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 Step 2: 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3

  • Complete the review section of the cooldown data sheet of 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3 page 1 of 3.
  • Check the Tech Spec Acceptance Criteria as Unacceptable
  • Check the Admin Limit Criteria as Unacceptable Initial as Verifier on right column of the Cooldown table Sign the Review performed by line at the bottom of the page Standard: Fills out the data sheet correctly Cue:

Notes: See attached Key SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

Review the cooldown record data sheet for plant shut down in accordance with 03-1-01-3 and Tech Spec 3.4.11 and identify the Tech Spec and Administrative cooldown rate limits have been exceeded.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 5 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


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DATA SHEET I PLANT SHUTDOWN HEATUP/COOLDOWN DATA SHEETS SAFETY RELATED SHEET 1 of 1 Record Every 30 Minutes; Recorder 1B21-R643 suggested for temps, IF NOT available, PDS May be used.



0200 430 308 401 349 370 372 184 Y mp (Start Time) 406 284 388 325 344 345 112 Y mp 02 30**

375 258 359 303 311 313 85 Y mp 03 00 348 231 329 249 264 266 49 Y mp 03 30 305 188 289 217 215 212 37 Y mp 04 00 297 175 294 199 201 203 22 Y mp 04 30 289 158 279 194 197 199 10 Y mp 05 00

  • Tech Spec Acceptance Criteria: *Verifier to EVALUATE every 60-minute segment to ensure H/U, C/D limits (< 100°F/Hr) are NOT exceeded.
    • Every 30 minutes COMPARE head flange temperature, shell flange temperature AND reactor pressure to ENSURE reactor metal temperature vs. reactor pressure is to the right of the curve as required in Tech Spec SR

Tech Spec Acceptance Criteria: Acceptable [ ] Unacceptable [X ] Admin Limit Criteria ( 90°F/HR): Acceptable [ ] Unacceptable [ X ]

Review performed by / /

(Reactor Operator) Date Time DEFICIENCIES: CR Issued # LCO Entered #

APPROVAL: Shift Supv/Mgr Date

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The Plant is in Mode 3.
  • Plant cooldown is in progress for a planned shutdown.
  • A non-licensed operator has collected cooldown data using 03-1-01-3 Attachment 3, but no reviews have been performed.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You have been directed to review the cooldown data recorded by the non-licensed operator as the Reactor Operator in accordance with 03-1-01-3 to determine whether any limits have been exceeded.

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION INTEGRATED OPERATING INSTRUCTION 03-1-01-3 Revision: 118 Attachment III Page 2 of 3 DATA SHEET I PLANT SHUTDOWN HEATUP/COOLDOWN DATA SHEETS SAFETY RELATED SHEET 1 of 1 Record Every 30 Minutes; Recorder 1B21-R643 suggested for temps, IF NOT available, PDS May be used.



0200 430 308 401 349 370 372 184 Y mp (Start Time) 406 284 388 325 344 345 112 Y mp 02 30**

375 258 359 303 311 313 85 Y mp 03 00 348 231 329 249 264 266 49 Y mp 03 30 305 188 289 217 215 212 37 Y mp 04 00 297 175 294 199 201 203 22 Y mp 04 30 289 158 279 194 197 199 10 Y mp 05 00

  • Tech Spec Acceptance Criteria: *Verifier to EVALUATE every 60-minute segment to ensure H/U, C/D limits (< 100°F/Hr) are NOT exceeded.
    • Every 30 minutes COMPARE head flange temperature, shell flange temperature AND reactor pressure to ENSURE reactor metal temperature vs. reactor pressure is to the right of the curve as required in Tech Spec SR

Tech Spec Acceptance Criteria: Acceptable [ ] Unacceptable [ ] Admin Limit Criteria ( 90°F/HR): Acceptable [ ] Unacceptable [ ]

Review performed by / /

(Reactor Operator) Date Time DEFICIENCIES: CR Issued # LCO Entered #

APPROVAL: Shift Supv/Mgr Date


Recirc A Recirc B Bottom Head Drain MAINTAIN the Heatup or Cooldown Rate less than the slope of the curve.

(Administrative limit of 90 degree F/hr.)

600 TEMPERATURE (20 °F increments) 500 400 300 200 100 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ELASPED TIME (HOURS) 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ENTER TIME (tic marks are 15 minute increments)

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 JPM


Electrical Print Reading Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-AZ5101______

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 20 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Jesse Turnage 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 Electrical Print Reading Setting: Classroom Type: RO Task: CRO-ADMIN-05 K&A: 2.2.41 (3.5/3.9) 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): P&ID M-0049, E-0131, E-0300 Handout(s): P&ID M-0049 E-0131-0, E-0131-8, E-0131-9, E-0131-21 E-0300

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 1 Group: N/A Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Revision 0 Page 2 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • Z51-F001, CONT RM PURGE OTBD EXH VLV, requires maintenance.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • Using the provided references, you are directed to determine the following:

o What fuse(s) to pull in order to remove air from Z51-F001 for a tagout o Where the fuse(s) is/are located to include panel and terminal location o What is the fail position for Z51-F001 when air is removed Revision 0 Page 3 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 Electrical Print Reading Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • The operator will determine fuse locations to remove air from Z51-F001 using plant mechanical and electrical prints. The operator will also determine the fail position for Z51-F001.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1:

  • Using provided references:
  • Determine Fuse Z51F013 and/or Z51F015 are the correct fuses to be removed
  • Determine Fuse Z51F013 is in panel 1H13-P849A at TB-J Fuse 07 Determine Fuse Z51F015 is in panel 1H13-P871D at TB-F Fuse 14
  • Determine Z51-F001 will fail closed when air/fuses are removed Standard: Either or both fuses are sufficient to remove air from Z51-F001.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 Task Standard(s):

Using provided references, determine the correct fuse(s), location(s), and fail position for Z51-F001 when fuse(s) removed.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 5 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR3 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 6 of 7

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • Z51-F001, CONT RM PURGE OTBD EXH VLV, requires maintenance.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • Using the provided references, you are directed to determine the following:

o What fuse(s) to pull in order to remove air from Z51-F001 for a tagout o Where the fuse(s) is/are located to include panel and terminal location o What is the fail position for Z51-F001 when air is removed

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 JPM


Emergency Exposure Limits Facility Number: N/A_____________

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Gabe Hargrove 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 8

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 Emergency Exposure Limits Setting: Classroom Type: RO Task: CRO-ADMIN-15 K&A: 2.3.4 (3.2/3.7)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): 10-S-01-17 (Emergency Personnel Exposure Control)

EN-RP-201 (Dosimetry Administration)

Handout(s): 10-S-01-17 EN-RP-201 Calculator

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 4 Group: N/A Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard(s):
  • Determines the correct stay time for this task is 1.75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br /> to remain below the current limit. Also determines no approval is required to receive this dose.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • An Alert has been declared due to radiation levels in containment.
  • Max expected radiation exposure for containment entry is 2,000 mrem/hr.
  • Your current year-to-date exposure TEDE is 1500 mrem.
  • A task you are qualified to perform in containment is required to mitigate the radiation concern.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to enter containment to mitigate the radiation concern.
  • Calculate the maximum stay time before the current federal exposure limit is exceeded.
  • Who must approve your exposure limits for this task?
  • Considering only TEDE and your exposure inside containment.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 Emergency Exposure Limits Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • The operator will evaluate a condition involving abnormally high radiological conditions and determine actions required to administratively control the dose received by determining who authorizes dose extensions in various situations.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: Calculation

  • Determine total dose to limit.

5,000 mrem (exposure limit) - 1,500 mrem (ytd exposure) = 3,500 mrem Standard: Determines the correct does limit due to Alert be declared and correct dose to be received before the exposure limit is exceeded.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 Step 2: Calculation

  • Determine total stay time prior to exceeding limit.

3,500 mrem = 1.75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br /> 2,000 mrem Standard: Determines the correct stay time before the exposure limit is exceeded.



SAT / UNSAT Step 3: EN-RP-201 section 5.4

  • Determine that no approval is required.

Standard: Determines correct approval requirements.



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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 Task Standard(s):

Determines the correct stay time for this task is 1.75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br /> to remain below the current limit. Also determines no approval is required to receive this dose.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 6 of 8

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR4 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


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Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • An Alert has been declared due to radiation levels in containment.
  • Max expected radiation exposure for containment entry is 2,000 mrem/hr.
  • Your current year-to-date exposure TEDE is 1500 mrem.
  • A task you are qualified to perform in containment is required to mitigate the radiation concern.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to enter containment to mitigate the radiation concern.
  • Calculate the maximum stay time before the current exposure limit is exceeded.
  • Who must approve your exposure limits for this task?
  • Considering only TEDE and your exposure inside containment.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 JPM


Emergency Notifications Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-AEM01 _

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Gabe Hargrove 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Emergency Notifications Setting: Classroom Type: RO Task: AON-EP-001 K&A: Generic 2.4.43: 3.2/3.8 Safety Function: N/A Time Required: 15 minutes Time Critical: No Faulted: No Performance: Perform Reference(s): 10-S-01-6 Notification of Offsite Agencies and Plant On-Call Emergency Personnel Handout(s): Completed Emergency Notification Form (ATTACHED) 10-S-01-6 Notification of Offsite Agencies and Plant On-Call Emergency Personnel

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 6 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Operational Hotline (OHL) telephone used for drills in the simulator. The OHL should be disconnected and may be placed in any desired location for conducting the JPM. An Alternate location may be used as conditions dictate.

Safety Concerns:

  • None Revision 0 Page 2 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The Plant is at rated power.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are the Communicator.
  • Review the attached Emergency Notification Form for completeness and identify any errors or omissions.
  • Notify State and Local offsite agencies in accordance with 10-S-01-6. Use the OHL designated by the evaluator.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Emergency Notifications Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • Begin the JPM by providing the following initial cue: As the SRO, review the information listed on the Emergency Notification Form with the candidate by reading the information provided in sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 13, SKIPPING ITEM 5.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to identify errors/omissions on an Emergency Notification Form and then make the required notifications to state and local agencies using the Operational Hotline (OHL). This task will be simulated using a disconnected OHL telephone. Licensed and Non-Licensed Operators are designated to perform the duties of Control Room Communicator.

Tasks: Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 10-S-01-6

  • Reviews the Emergency Notification Form and identifies item 5, Recommended Protective Actions has not been completed.

Standard: Candidate identifies information is missing for item 5, Recommended Protective Actions.

Cue: When asked about item 5, tell the student there are no PARs at this time and check box A under item 5 on the Emergency Notification Form.

Notes: If candidate finds this error and makes correction during the notification, this is acceptable.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Step 2: 10-S-01-6

  • Initiates ring down of state and local agencies by lifting the receiver of the OHL and allows 30 seconds for the agencies to answer.

Standard: In accordance with 10-S-01-6 steps 6.2.1a and b, student lifts the receiver of the OHL and waits 30 seconds for agencies to come on line. (An occasional "Grand Gulf Standby" may be used during this period to let them know that the hotline is in operation). Student checks off agencies on the Emergency Notification Form as each responds and may record the time of notification.

Cue: After the student has lifted the receiver of the OHL, respond as the various state and local agencies waiting approximately 5 seconds between each individual agency:

  • Claiborne County Sheriffs Office
  • Governors Office of Homeland Security/Emergency Preparedness
  • Mississippi Emergency Management Agency DO NOT respond for Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office.

If the student inquires regarding Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office, say nothing.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Step 3: 10-S-01-6

  • Performs roll call of state and local agencies using the OHL.

Standard: Candidate announces "THIS IS GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION. STANDBY FOR AN INITIAL ROLL-CALL by depressing the pushbutton on receiver to talk and releasing button to listen to agency responses. Performs initial roll call in accordance with 10-S-01-6 step 6.2.1f as follows:

(1) Reads agency names for all agencies not already checked off during initial ring down..

(2) Check off the responding agencies.

(3) Record the time of notification on the notification form, if not already done.

Cue: Answer as Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, but DO NOT respond as Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Step 4: 10-S-01-6

  • Identifies Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office did not respond and initiates an attempt to contact them immediately.

Standard: Because Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office does not answer, since they are the only agency listed on line 4 of the Emergency Notification Form, the communicator should have another communicator attempt to contact them immediately in accordance with 10-S-01-6 step 6.2.1f(4).

Cue: Tell the student another communicator will contact Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office via commercial telephone.


SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 10-S-01-6

  • Reads required items from the Emergency Notification Form to state and local agencies.

Standard: Candidate reads items 1 through 13 from the Emergency Notification Form.

Candidate should read the items slowly and deliberately because the agencies must copy the message word for word. Critical items that must be read correctly are items 1through 9.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Step 6: 10-S-01-6 Inquires whether there are any questions.


Cue: Answer as offsite agencies, There are no questions.


SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 10-S-01-6

  • Performs final roll call of state and local agencies using the OHL.

Standard: Candidate performs final roll call in accordance with 10-S-01-6 step 6.2.1i as follows:

(1) Reads all agency names (2) Checks off the responding agencies.

(2) Notes absence of Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office.

Cue: Respond as each agency as the student reads the name but DO NOT respond as Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office.

Notes: When the student has completed the final roll call and hangs up the OHL receiver, the evaluator will end the JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Task Standard(s):

Notification of the Offsite Agencies has been performed per 10-S-01-6 and the absence of the Tensas Parish Sheriffs Office noted.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AR5 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 10 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The Plant is at rated power.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are the Communicator.
  • Review the attached Emergency Notification Form for completeness and identify any errors or omissions.
  • Notify State and Local offsite agencies in accordance with 10-S-01-6. Use the OHL designated by the evaluator.


Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 JPM


Inadequate Decay Heat Removal Required Actions Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-AON01____

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 20 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Jason Overcash 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 8

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 Inadequate Decay Heat Removal Required Actions Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-A&E-OFFNORM-2 K&A: 2.1.20 (4.6/4.6)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): 05-1-02-III-1 (Inadequate Decay Heat Removal)

Handout(s): 05-1-02-III-1

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 1 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Revision 0 Page 2 of 8

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • A refuel outage is in progress with the core shuffle and reload in progress (irradiated fuel is still in the core).
  • The reactor has been shutdown 10 days.
  • The 15AA bus is tagged out for major bus work.
  • RHR B was in SDC mode maintaining A Recirc Suction temperature at 105F.
  • RHR B pump tripped at 0410 on the night shift.
  • Shift turnover is in progress.
  • The current time is 0600.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The Shift Manager directs you to determine what the shift priority should be next with regards to the Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP.
  • Only those actions discussed in the attached narrative logs have been performed.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 Inadequate Decay Heat Removal Required Actions Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task requires the operator to evaluate plant conditions and determine the next course of action that should be implemented using plant procedures.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 05-1-02-V-12

  • Determine by reviewing the CRSs narrative log that:

The reactor is heating up at a rate of about 14°F/hr.

Adequate Decay Heat Removal has not been established.

ONEP step 3.5.3g is required to establish Adequate Decay Heat Removal. This will require an evacuation of Containment and the Aux Building.

Standard: Correctly identifies the need to establish secondary containment.


Notes: The operator may determine to perform 06-OP-1T10-M-001 (this is acceptable).

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 8

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 Task Standard(s):

Determines from a review of CRSs narrative logs and Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP that the Crews next priority is to establish secondary containment.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 5 of 8

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS1 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 6 of 8

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • A refuel outage is in progress with the core shuffle and reload in progress (irradiated fuel is still in the core).
  • The reactor has been shutdown 10 days.
  • The 15AA bus is tagged out for major bus work.
  • RHR B was in SDC mode maintaining A Recirc Suction temperature at 105F.
  • RHR B pump tripped at 0410 on the night shift.
  • Shift turnover is in progress.
  • The current time is 0600.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The Shift Manager directs you to determine what the shift priority should be next with regards to the Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP.
  • Only those actions discussed in the attached narrative logs have been performed.

CRS Narrative Log GGNS Operations Nights Today 04:10:59 RHR B pump tripped. Entered Inadequate Decay Heat Removal ONEP.

Today 04:13:11 E12-F042C will not stroke open (thermal overload tripped).

Today 04:35:21 E12-F042C is mechanically bound. Mechanical maintenance is working to free the valve.

Refuel floor supervisor was notified of the loss of decay heat removal.

Today 04:41:08 Verified that fuel pool cooling is maximized. RWCU reject flow is maximized.

Today 05:11:15 A Recirc Suction temperature is 119.1 F. RHR B pump shaft is seized.

Today 05:15:32 Due to maintenance in progress, all steam lines are plugged and the first plug removal will take 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

The 15AA bus cannot be restored for another 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Today 05:50:10 A Recirc Suction temperature is 128.3 F.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 JPM


Determine Reportability Facility Number: _____ GJPM-OPS-ADMS86 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical 15 min Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 min Applicant: Examiner: _________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Jason Overcash 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 9

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Determine Reportability Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-M&S-011 K&A: 2.1.20 (4.6/4.6); 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): EN-LI-108, Event Notification and Reporting 01-S-06-5, Reportable Events or Conditions Handout(s): EN-LI-108, Event Notification and Reporting 01-S-06-5, Reportable Events or Conditions Blank notification forms (01-S-06-5, Atts. I and II)

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 2 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard(s):
  • Reportability is determined to be an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> report to the NRC Operations Center per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv), and 01-S-06-5 Attachment II is complete.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The Plant is in Mode 3.
  • RCIC is OOSVC and isolated.
  • While aligning Shutdown Cooling A, an error caused flow to be diverted to the Suppression Pool via the minimum flow valve.
  • As reactor water level decreased, RHR isolations and a reactor scram signal initiated at Reactor Level 3.
  • Reactor water level dropped to -15 inches Wide Range before the inventory reduction was terminated by the successful RHR isolation.
  • CRD has been used to raise water level back to the normal band.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are the Shift Manager.
  • Determine the MOST limiting reportability of this incident and complete Attachments I and II of 01-S-06-5, if applicable.
  • Another SRO will complete any other administrative requirements such as initiating LCOs, CRs, Work Requests, etc.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Determine Reportability Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to use plant and corporate procedures and given plant conditions to determine the reportability and complete applicable notification form.

Tasks: Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 01-S-06-5 & EN-LI-108 Reviews 01-S-06-5 and EN-LI-108 for notification criteria and determines the relationship of plant conditions to conditions listed as reportable, the associated time frames and who is notified.

Standard: Candidate Reviews 01-S-06-5 and EN-LI-108 for notification criteria and determines the relationship of plant conditions to conditions listed as reportable, the associated time frames and who is notified.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 9

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Step 2: 01-S-06-5 & EN-LI-108

  • Determines the RPS initiation due to a valid signal while the reactor is shut down is an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> reportable event reportable to the NRC Operations Center.

Standard: Candidate determines the initiation of RPS is an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> reportable event reportable to the NRC Operations Center in accordance with 01-S-06-5 Attachment III Item III.2 per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv).

Cue: None Notes: The candidate may use the Quick Reference Table SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 9

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Step 3: 01-S-06-5 & EN-LI-108

  • Complete Attachment II of 01-S-06-5.

Standard: Candidate completes Attachment II of 01-S-06-5. The critical items are for the Reactor Plant Event Notification Worksheet and are:

1) the correct plant mode,
2) the description of the event includes the valid RPS actuation while the reactor was shut down, and
3) 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> item 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv) is denoted under Event Classification.

Cue: If asked the CR number is 20XX-XXX. Another SRO will complete any other administrative requirements such as initiating LCOs, CRs, Work Requests, etc. Role play as Duty Manager, if required, but provide no information.

If asked Rx pressure is 105 psig and Rx Temperature is 340°F Notes: Evaluator may refer to attached samples of completed forms. The students entries should be similar to those represented on the evaluators copies Attachment I is NOT required.

When the student has completed Attachment II, the evaluator will end the JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 9

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Task Standard(s):

  • Reportability was determined to be an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> report to the NRC Operations Center per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv), and 01-S-06-5 Attachments II is completed.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 7 of 9

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 8 of 9

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The Plant is in Mode 3.
  • RCIC is OOSVC and isolated.
  • While aligning Shutdown Cooling A, an error caused flow to be diverted to the Suppression Pool via the minimum flow valve.
  • As reactor water level decreased, RHR isolations and a reactor scram signal initiated at Reactor Level 3.
  • Reactor water level dropped to -15 inches Wide Range before the inventory reduction was terminated by the successful RHR isolation.
  • CRD has been used to raise water level back to the normal band.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are the Shift Manager.
  • Determine the MOST limiting reportability of this incident and complete Attachments I and II of 01-S-06-5, if applicable.
  • Another SRO will complete any other administrative requirements such as initiating LCOs, CRs, Work Requests, etc.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 GGNS 2014 Audit Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 JPM


Determine Shutdown Risk Levels Facility Number: ______GJPM-OPS-AAD14 ___

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical 15 min Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 min Applicant: Examiner: _________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Jason Overcash 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/11/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 Determine Shutdown Risk Levels Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-ADMIN-024 K&A: 2.1.25 (3.9/4.2); 2.2.18 (2.6/3.9)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): Shutdown Operations Protection Plan (SOPP)

Handout(s): Shutdown Operations Protection Plan (SOPP)

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 2 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard(s):
  • Determines the Shutdown Risk Level for Decay Heat Removal is YELLOW and for Inventory Control is GREEN for the stated conditions.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is in Mode 5, seven days after reactor shutdown.
  • The reactor cavity is drained with the pool gates installed.
  • Reactor Recirc pump A is operating in slow speed.
  • Both FPCCU trains are available.
  • ADHR is has been filled, vented, and flushed and is standby.
  • RHR C is in standby.
  • Suppression Pool level is 18.5 feet.
  • All other systems are available, and no other activities are in progress.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are the CRS. The Shift Manager directs you to determine the Shutdown Condition and Risk Levels for Decay Heat Removal and Inventory Control.

Use the Shutdown Operations Protection Plan (SOPP), provided.

Revision 0 Page 3 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 Determine Shutdown Risk Levels Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • For the stated conditions, the candidate will use the SOPP to determine the plant is in Shutdown Condition 2, then using the SOPP charts, determine the risk levels for Decay Heat Removal and Inventory Control.
  • Sequence is not critical for steps 2 and 3.

Tasks: Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: SOPP

  • Determines the plant is in Shutdown Condition 2.

Standard: Using the following reactor variables:

  • Location of the fuel (any fuel in the RPV or all fuel in the spent fuel pool)
  • RPV head off or installed (Mode 4 or 5)
  • Amount of inventory in the RCS Determines the plant is in Shutdown Condition 2 based on initial conditions:
  • The reactor is fueled (implicit in initial conditions)
  • Mode 5
  • The reactor cavity is drained Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 Step 2: SOPP

Standard: Using the SOPP (page 23) table for Decay Heat Removal for Shutdown Condition 2, determines the risk level is YELLOW based on only two systems, RHR B and ADHR, are available for decay heat removal.

Cue: None Notes:


  • Determine the shutdown risk level for Inventory Control is GREEN.

Standard: Using the SOPP (page 24) table for Inventory Control for Shutdown Condition 2, determines the risk level is GREEN based on three systems, RHR C, HPCS, and RHR B (via manual realignment), are available for Inventory Control.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

  • Determines the Shutdown Risk Level for Decay Heat Removal is YELLOW and for Inventory Control is GREEN for the stated conditions.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 5 of 7

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS3 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 6 of 7

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is in Mode 5, seven days after reactor shutdown.
  • The reactor cavity is drained with the pool gates installed.
  • Reactor Recirc pump A is operating in slow speed.
  • Both FPCCU trains are available.
  • ADHR is has been filled, vented, and flushed and is standby.
  • RHR C is in standby.
  • Suppression Pool level is 18.5 feet.
  • All other systems are available, and no other activities are in progress.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are the CRS. The Shift Manager directs you to determine the Shutdown Condition and Risk Levels for Decay Heat Removal and Inventory Control.

Use the Shutdown Operations Protection Plan (SOPP), provided.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 JPM


Authorize Emergency Exposure Facility Number: NA (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 20 min Applicant: _______________________________ Examiner: ____________________________

Performance Time: _____________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Jason Overcash 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/21/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Authorize Emergency Exposure Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-A&E-EMERGENCY-22 K&A: 2.3.4 (3.2/3.7)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): 10-S-01-17 (Emergency Personnel Exposure Control)

EN-RP-201 (Dosimetry Administration)

Handout(s): 10-S-01-17 EN-RP-201 Calculator

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 5 Group: N/A Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard(s):
  • Determines the following:

o Current dose limit is 5 rem TEDE o Operator #1 is less than the limit and no additional approvals are required.

o Operator #2 will exceed the limit and requires approval from the Emergency Director OR Emergency Plant Manager.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • A Site Area Emergency has been declared.
  • There are high radiation levels in containment. The general area dose rate on elevation 135 ft. Containment is 9,200 mR/hr.
  • Containment entry is required to perform EP Attachment 23 to manually Vent the Scram Air Header.
  • Task is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
  • Only two qualified operators are available to perform the task. Both are required for the task.
  • Operator #1 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 200 mrem.
  • Operator #2 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 700 mrem.
  • The site Emergency Plan has been activated for the current conditions.

Initiating Cue(s):

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4

  • You are directed by the SM to
  • determine the current administrative exposure limit,
  • and determine approval requirements for this task.
  • Consider only TEDE with respect to exposure and limits.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Authorize Emergency Exposure Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • The operator will evaluate a condition involving abnormally high radiological conditions and determine actions required to administratively control the dose received by determining who authorizes dose extensions in various situations.

Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

(Steps may be performed out of sequence)

Step 1: 10-S-01-1 section 6.1

  • Determine the exposure limit is 5 rem TEDE per 10-S-01-17.

Standard: Determines per 10-S-01-17 steps 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 that 10CFR20 whole body limit of 5 rem TEDE is in effect due to Site Area Emergency Classification.



Revision 0 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Step 2: Calculation for Operator #1

  • Determine expected final exposure following the task for Operator #1.

9,200 mrem 1 hr 30 min = 4,600 mrem + 200 mrem = 4,800 mrem hr 60min Standard: Determines the correct exposure.



SAT / UNSAT Step 3: Calculation for Operator #2

  • Determine expected final exposure following the task for Operator #2.

9,200 mrem 1 hr 30 min = 4,600 mrem + 700 mrem = 5,300 mrem hr 60min Standard: Determines the correct exposure.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Cue:


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Step 5: 10-S-01-17 section 6.1

  • Determine no additional approval is required for Operator #1.

Standard: Determines Operator #1 will not exceed the limit of 5 rem TEDE if he performs the task, per 10-S-01-17 steps 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 that administrative exposure limits are automatically suspended and Emergency Response personnel are automatically administratively extended to 10CFR20 limits for the current emergency classification.

Since Operator #1 will not exceed the 10CFR20 limit of 5 rem TEDE, no additional approval is required.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Step 6: 10-S-01-17 section 6.1

  • Determine Operator #2 is required to have extension of limit by the Emergency Director or Emergency Plant Manager.

Standard: Determines per 10-S-01-17 steps 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 that administrative exposure limits are automatically suspended and Emergency Response personnel are automatically administratively extended to 10CFR20 limits for the current emergency classification. Since Operator #2 will exceed the 10CFR20 limit of 5 rem TEDE, additional approval is required.



SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

  • Determines the following:

o Current dose limit is 5 rem TEDE o Operator #1 is less than the limit and no additional approvals are required.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 o Operator #2 will exceed the limit and requires approval from the Emergency Director OR Emergency Plant Manager.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 11 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS4 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 12 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • A Site Area Emergency has been declared.
  • There are high radiation levels in containment. The general area dose rate on elevation 135 ft. Containment is 9,200 mR/hr.
  • Containment entry is required to perform EP Attachment 23 to manually Vent the Scram Air Header.
  • Task is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
  • Only two qualified operators are available to perform the task. Both are required for the task.
  • Operator #1 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 200 mrem.
  • Operator #2 has a current year-to-date exposure TEDE of 700 mrem.
  • The site Emergency Plan has been activated for the current conditions.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • You are directed by the SM to
  • determine the current administrative exposure limit,
  • and determine approval requirements for this task.
  • Consider only TEDE with respect to exposure and limits.




P 6 mph E

N 231 deg F




Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 GGNS 2013 Audit Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 JPM


PAR Determination Facility Number: N/A (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical 15 MIN Alternate Path Validation Time: 10 min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Jason Overcash 8/11/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/21/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Protective Action Recommendation Determination Setting: Classroom Type: SRO Task: SRO-A&E-41 K&A: 2.4.44 (2.4/4.4)

Safety Function: N/A Performance: Actual Reference(s): 10-S-01-12 (Radiological Assessment and Protective Action Recommendations) 10-S-01-1 (Activation of the Emergency Plan)

EPP 06-01 (Emergency Notification Form)

Handout(s): 10-S-01-12 EPP 06-01 (Attached)

  1. Manipulations: N/A
  1. Critical Steps: 3 Group: N/A Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • None Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard(s):
  • Within 15 minutes determine that a Standard PAR is warranted and sectors C, D, and E should be evacuated to 5 miles.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant was shut down at 0245 this morning by inserting a manual scram.
  • A site General Emergency was declared at 0718 due to a loss of two barriers and a potential loss of third barrier (FG1).
  • A new Emergency Notification form (EPP-06-01) has been completed except for item 5, Recommended Protective Actions.
  • INFORM is INOP Initiating Cue(s):
  • The Shift Manager directs you to recommend a PAR and complete item 5 of the Emergency Notification Form.
  • Directions from 10-S-01-6 (Notification of Offsite Agencies and Plant On-Call Emergency Personnel) to complete item 5 of the Emergency Notification Form are as follows:

o Select the correct Protective Action Recommendation on line 5 in accordance with 10-S 12 (Radiological Assessment and Protective Action Recommendations).

  • This Task is time critical.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Revision 0 Page 4 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 PAR Determination Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to use GGNS procedure 01-S-18-12 (Radiological Assessment and Protective Action Recommendations) to determine appropriate PAR actions.

Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 10-S-01-12 Section 6.2

  • Using dose data from item 12 of Notification Form, determine that dose is not high enough for an extended PAR, so the standard PAR is warranted with evacuation of all sectors 2 miles and sectors C, D, and E to 5 miles.

Standard: Determines PAR.


Notes: This can be determined using only section 6.2.1 or can also reference section 6.2.5.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Revision 0 Page 6 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Step 2: 10-S-01-12 Section 6.2.5.d-f

  • Determine that sectors C, D, and E are the only sectors to be filled in on the Emergency Notification form.

Standard: Determines evacuation for correct sectors.


Notes: Attachments V & VI also guide the operator on which sectors to include on the Emergency Notification form.

SAT / UNSAT Step 3: Emergency Notification form

  • Check box 5B on the Emergency Notification form and list sectors C, D, and E as the sectors to evacuate to 5 miles.

Standard: Completes the form correctly.


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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Task Standard(s):

Within 15 minutes determine that a Standard PAR is warranted and sectors C, D, and E should be evacuated to 5 miles.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 9 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014AS5 Revision 0 Page 11 of 12

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant was shut down at 0245 this morning by inserting a manual scram.
  • A site General Emergency was declared at 0718 due to a loss of two barriers and a potential loss of third barrier (FG1).
  • A new Emergency Notification form (EPP-06-01) has been completed except for item 5, Recommended Protective Actions.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The Shift Manager directs you to recommend a PAR and complete item 5 of the Emergency Notification Form.
  • Directions from 10-S-01-6 (Notification of Offsite Agencies and Plant On-Call Emergency Personnel) to complete item 5 of the Emergency Notification Form are as follows:

o Select the correct Protective Action Recommendation on line 5 in accordance with 10-S-01-12 (Radiological Assessment and Protective Action Recommendations).

o Reference attachment VI of 10-S-01-12 for guidance on what sectors to include.

  • This Task is time critical.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 JPM


Control Rod Operability Surveillance Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-C11207 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Carlos Calderon 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Control Rod Operability Surveillance Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-C11(1)-005, 010 K&A: 201005 A4.01 (3.7/3.7)

Safety Function: 1 - Reactivity Control Performance: Actual Reference(s): 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, 04-1-01-C11-2, 05-1-02-IV-1 Handout(s) 06-OP-1C11-M-0001

  1. Manipulations: 13
  1. Critical Steps: 11 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Reset Simulator to IC-106
  • Run Schedule file 2014 NRC JPM 1 & 6
  • Perform the following for 06-OP-1C11-M-0001 Attachment 1 Data Sheet I o Complete/sign Steps 2.1 and 2.2 on Page 1 of Att. I.

o Obtain an edit of Control Rod positions.

o Complete/sign Steps 4.0, 4.8, 4.9, 4.12 o N/A step $5.3.4b for all rods not residing at notch 48 o On one of the P680 PDS screens call up Process Diagram, MISC: APRM BAR CHARTS -


  • Reset to IC-24.
  • Ensure INDIV DRIVE mode selected.
  • Select ALT Mode on DATA MODE pushbutton
  • Perform the following for 06-OP-1C11-M-0001 Attachment 1 Data Sheet I o Complete/sign Steps 2.1 and 2.2 on Page 1 of Att. I.

o Complete/sign Steps 4.0, 4.8, 4.9, 4.12 o Obtain an edit of Control Rod positions.

o N/A step $5.3.4b for all rods not residing at notch 48 o On one of the P680 PDS screens call up Process Diagram, MISC: APRM BAR CHARTS -


  • Go to Ph.D Expert and type the following: trg 1 286146
  • Put MFs z025025_20_45 and z025025_24_29 on Trigger 1 and hit INSERT Revision 0 Page 2 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Safety Concerns:

  • None Task Standard:
  • All tasks associated with this portion of surveillance 06-OP-1C11-M-0001 have been completed IAW the surveillance.
  • Immediately reduces core flow to approximately 70 mlbm/hr IAW section 2.4 of 05 02-IV-1.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is in Mode 1.
  • Reactor Power is 95%.
  • All prerequisites are complete.
  • The CRS has given permission to begin the test.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to perform 06-OP-1C11-M-0001 test.
  • Reactor Engineering has verified to perform the control rod in the order listed.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Control Rod Operability Surveillance Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P680.
  • Sequence of steps which exercise each control rod is critical, but the order in which control rods are selected and exercised is not critical. Control rods may be tested in any order. The first two tasks must be done before exercising any control rod.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to perform surveillance 06-OP-1C11-M-0001.
  • Respond to two control rods inadvertently scram per ONEP 05-1-02-IV-1 by reducing core flow to 70 mlbm/hr.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.1.2 Performer to RECORD Test Start Time on Data Package Cover Sheet.

Standard: Enters Start time on data package cover sheet.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.2 On 1H13-P680-6C, SELECT individual drive USING DRIVE MODE push-button on the operator's control console.

Standard: At the RC&IS Operator Control Module on panel 1H13-P680-6C, ensure Individual drive is selected by the INDIV DRIVE half of the GANG DRIVE/INDIV DRIVE status light above the pushbutton is illuminated.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 3: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.2 On 1H13-P680-6C, SELECT a control rod to test. 20-61 Standard: Selects control rod 20-61 by simultaneously depressing the pushbuttons marked 20 and 61 on the RC&IS Operator Control Module and observes the rods notch position appearing on the RC&IS Rod Display Panel Cue: If asked for a verification that the correct control rod is selected, respond that I understand verification is required and to continue with the task.


SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.3 RECORD "As Found" position (of control rod 20-61)

Standard: Records the notch position of rod 20-61 in the space provided Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 5: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.4 a For rods at Position 48, OBTAIN withdraw stall flow by DEPRESSING "WITHDRAW" AND "CONT WITHDRAW" push-buttons simultaneously. HOLD signal until a stable drive pressure of 240 to 260 psi is observed.

Standard: Depresses "WITHDRAW" AND "CONT WITHDRAW" push-buttons simultaneously, verifies a stable drive pressure of 240 to 260 psi is observed and records Stall Flow in gpm.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 6: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.4 b


1) Inserts control rod 20-61 one notch by depressing the INSERT control pushbutton on the RC&IS Operator Control Module
2) Monitors the RC&IS Rod Display Panel to observe that the rods notch position goes down and settles on notch 46
3) Observes the rods red FULL OUT LED next to its position indicating digits de-energizes
4) Initials the 'IN' ONE NOTCH block for rod 20-61 Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 7: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.4 c

  • RETURN the selected control rod to the original position. VERIFY rod position indication changes for the selected control rod by OBSERVING the rod display module on 1H13-P680. (20-61)


1) Withdraws control rod 20-61 one notch to its original position by depressing the WITHDRAW control pushbutton on the RC&IS Operator Control Module
2) Monitors the RC&IS Rod Display Panel to observe that the rods notch position goes up and settles on notch 48
3) Observes the rods red FULL OUT LED next to its position indicating digits energizes
4) Initials the 'OUT' ONE NOTCH block for rod 20-61 Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 8: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.4 d IF moving control rod to Position 48, THEN PERFORM a coupling check AND VERIFY Full Out indication. INITIAL on Data Sheet I. (N/A block IF rod NOT left at Notch 48.)


1) Attempts to further withdraw control rod 20-61 by again depressing the WITHDRAW control pushbutton on the RC&IS Operator Control Module
2) Monitors the RC&IS Rod Display Panel to observe rods notch position remains at notch
48. and the absence of a ROD UNCOUPLED alarm light
3) Observes the presence of an energized FULL OUT LED from either Channel 1 or 2
4) Observes the presence of a digital indication of notch 48 from either Channel 1 or 2
5) If the coupling check was successful, initials the ROD COUPLED/FULL OUT INDICATION block for rod 20-61 Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 9: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.5 RECORD "As Left" position.

Standard: Records the AS LEFT POSITION of rod 20-61 in the space provided Cue: None.


SAT / UNSAT Step 10: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.6 INITIAL "Performed by" block on Data Sheet I.

Standard: Initials in the space provided.

Cue: None.

Notes: If asked for a verification, respond that verification is required and to continue with the task.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 11: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.2 On 1H13-P680-6C, SELECT a control rod to test. (24-61)

Standard: Selects control rod 24-61 by simultaneously depressing the pushbuttons marked 24 and 61 on the RC&IS Operator Control Module and observes the rods notch position appearing on the RC&IS Rod Display Panel Cue: If asked for a verification that the correct control rod is selected, respond that verification is required and to continue with the task.


SAT / UNSAT Step 12: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.3 RECORD "As Found" position (of control rod 24-61)

Standard: Records the notch position of rod 24-61 in the space provided Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 13: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.4 a For rods at Position 48, OBTAIN withdraw stall flow by DEPRESSING "WITHDRAW" AND "CONT WITHDRAW" push-buttons simultaneously. HOLD signal until a stable drive pressure of 240 to 260 psi is observed.

Standard: Depresses "WITHDRAW" AND "CONT WITHDRAW" push-buttons simultaneously, verifies a stable drive pressure of 240 to 260 psi is observed and records Stall Flow in gpm.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 14: 06-OP-1C11-M-0001, Step 5.3.4 b


1) Inserts control rod 20-61 one notch by depressing the INSERT control pushbutton on the RC&IS Operator Control Module
2) Monitors the RC&IS Rod Display Panel to observe that the rods notch position goes down and settles on notch 46
3) Observes the rods red FULL OUT LED next to its position indicating digits de-energizes Cue: None Notes: When control rod 24-61 reaches notch position 46, two control rods, 20-45 and 24-29, will scram in.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Step 15: 05-1-02-IV-1 Observes two control rods have SCRAM.

Standard: Recognizes by annunciation and indications that control rods 20-45 and 24-29 have inadvertently scrammed full in Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 16: 05-1-02-IV-1, Step 2.4

  • IF more than one but less than eight Control Rods have scrammed, THEN: REDUCE Reactor core flow to 70 Mlbm/hr.

Standard: Uses the RECIRC LOOP A/B FLOW controllers to reduce core flow to 70 mlbm/hr as indicated by the red pen on recorder B33-R613 on P680-3B Cue: As CRS, instruct the candidate to verify documentation of actions to this point and suspend the surveillance until the control rod failures have been investigated.

Inform the student that other operators will perform any remaining actions of the CRD Malfunctions ONEP and Reduction in Recirc System Flow Rate ONEP Notes: End of Task.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Task Standard(s):

  • All tasks associated with this portion of surveillance 06-OP-1C11-M-0001 have been completed IAW the surveillance.
  • Immediately reduces core flow to approximately 70 mlbm/hr IAW section 2.4 of 05 02-IV-1.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 17 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR1 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 18 of 19

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is in Mode 1.
  • Reactor Power is 95%.
  • All prerequisites are complete.
  • The CRS has given permission to begin the test.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to perform 06-OP-1C11-M-0001 test.
  • Reactor Engineering has verified to perform the control rod in the order listed.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 JPM


RCIC Manual Startup Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-E5102 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Todd Chamblee 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 RCIC Manual Startup Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-E51-003 K&A: 217000: A4.04 (3.6/3.6)

Safety Function: 2 - Reactor Water Inventory Control Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-E51-1, Rev. 132 04-1-02-1H13-P601-21A-G3, Rev. 154 Handout(s) 04-1-01-E51-1; Precautions / Limitations and section 5.2.2, Rev. 132

  1. Manipulations: 12
  1. Critical Steps: 9 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Reset Simulator to IC-107
  • Run Schedule File 2014 NRC JPM 2 & 7 OR
  • Reset Simulator to any full power IC.
  • Insert Malf. E51050 at severity 100 on trigger 5, "steam leak in RCIC room upstream of E51F045
  • Insert EP Attachment 3 as DONE, RCIC Div 1 and 2 Isolations bypassed.
  • Start SSW A per the SOI.
  • Ensure P11-F064 and P11-F065 auxiliary building isolation valves are open on P870.

Safety Concerns:

  • None Task Standard:
  • RCIC was started IAW SOI 04-1-01-E51-1. RCIC steam supply line was isolated by closing E51F063 or E51F064 to isolate the steam leak in the RCIC room.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • RCIC is in STANDBY mode.
  • SSW A is in service.
  • RP has set up an air sampler in the RCIC room and is ready to take an air sample when RCIC starts.
  • RP states Containment High Volume Purge is not required due to the short duration of RCIC operation.
  • Another operator is monitoring Suppression Pool temperature per 06-OP-1M24-V-0001.
  • RCIC turbine oil level is between upper scribe marks in sight glass.
  • RCIC pump inboard and outboard bearing oil levels were checked and were visible in bulb.
  • All Prerequisites are met Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to perform a controlled manual startup of RCIC from the Control Room IAW 04-1-01-E51-1 section 5.2.2b with the following parameters:

o 800 gpm flow o 300 psig discharge pressure Revision 0 Page 3 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 RCIC Manual Startup Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P601.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task starts the RCIC system by manual operation of the system's individual components and controls.

o The normal means of starting RCIC for Rx level control would be automatic as a function of Rx level or depressing the system's automatic initiation pushbutton.

  • The critical skills examined here are the operator's ability to locate and operate RCIC system controls in a manner that would provide for safe, uninterrupted operation of the system without reliance on the logic that would automatically operate this system in the same manner. Also, diagnostics involved for recognition of a steam line break and failure of the automatic isolation to occur, along with effecting the required isolation will be examined.
  • The fault in this task is a RCIC Steam Line break in the RCIC room with failure of the automatic isolation.

o Continued operation of RCIC in this condition without isolating the steam supply line would lead to damage of equipment in the RCIC room and restricted personnel habitability, possibly spreading to other areas within the auxiliary building Revision 0 Page 4 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 3.10 Place the RCIC DIV 1 and 2 MOV TEST switches in TEST position.

Standard: Turns the RCIC DIV 1 and DIV 2 MOV TEST switches clockwise to the TEST position as indicated by status lights RCIC DI(D2) MOV IN TEST STATUS and RCIC OOSVC alarm.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 b START RCIC RM FAN COIL UNIT USING RCIC RM FAN COIL UNIT handswitch on 1H13-P870-1C.

Standard: Starts the RCIC fan coil unit by turning its handswitch on P870 clockwise to the START position and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 3: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 d IF desired to run RCIC in recirculation mode only, CLOSE F268, PRESS LOCK ISOL FOR F013; to PREVENT flow to the reactor due to disc flexing of E51-F013.

Standard: Directs a local operator to close E51-F268 Cue: E51-F268 is closed and the concurrent verification is completed.


SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 f


Standard: Places controller E51-R600 in manual by sliding its mode control switch to the left until it snaps into the MAN position.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 5: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 g

  • REDUCE RCIC FLO CONT output to minimum.

Standard: Reduces controller E51-R600's output to minimum by depressing the left-hand (CLOSE) output demand pushbutton until the horizontal output meter indicates 0%.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 h

Standard: Opens E51-F046 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 7: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 i START Turbine Gland Seal compressor USING RCIC GL SEAL COMPR handswitch.

Standard: Starts the RCIC Gland Seal Compressor by turning its control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to the START position, and observes its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 j

Standard: Opens E51-F095 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 12 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 9: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 k

  • After 6 seconds, OPEN F045 USING RCIC STM SPLY TO RCIC TURB handswitch..

Standard: Approximately six seconds after E51-F095 is opened, opens E51-F045 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 10: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 l

  • RAISE turbine speed to develop greater than 2000 rpm USING RCIC FLO CONT in MANUAL.

Standard: Increases RCIC turbine speed above 2000 rpm by depressing the right hand (OPEN) output demand pushbutton on controller E51-R600 and observing RCIC speed on meter E51-R605.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 14 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 11: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 m WHEN discharge pressure is above 125 psig, ESTABLISH RCIC discharge flow path.

Standard: Check discharge pressure gauge E51-R601 for an indication of at least 125 psig.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 12: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 m (1) (a)


Standard: Opens E51-F059 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 16 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 13: 04-1-01-E51-1, Step 5.2.2 m (1) (b)

Standard: Opens E51-F022 by turning is control handswitch on P601 in the clockwise direction to OPEN, and observing its red light is on and its green light is off.

Cue: None Notes: As E51-F022 starts to open verify a steam line break in the RCIC room (if using manual triggers then insert trigger 1)

SAT / UNSAT Step 14: 1H13-P601-21A-H2, H3, G3, C1 & D1 Recognize symptoms of a steam line break in the RCIC room and the failure of RCIC to isolate when RCIC room temperature exceeds 185°F.

Standard: Acknowledges RCIC area temperature high alarms (1H13-P601-21A-H2, H3, G3) and RCIC steam line high P alarms (1H13-P601-21A-C1, D1) , and may validate alarms using PDS EP-4 operator guide and/or E31N602B on 1H13P642.

Cue: If asked for guidance, as the CRS direct the student to ensure automatic actions occur.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Step 15: 1H13-P601-21A-H2, H3, G3, C1 & D1

  • Close E51F063 or E51F064, RCIC Steam Supply Isolation Valves to isolate the steam leak in the RCIC room.

Standard: Closes either E51F063 or E51F064 or both steam supply isolation MOVs turning their key lock hand switches on P601-21C counter clockwise to CLOSE and observing their respective green light is on and red light is off.

Cue: None Notes: In addition to closing E51F063 or E51F064 in this step, the student may also close other RCIC steam supply valves and/or trip RCIC. This is acceptable but not required. Also, it is acceptable if the operator places the RCIC MOV TEST switches in NORM, but is not required.

Depressing RCIC MAN ISOL pushbutton will not isolate RCIC steam supply and is not functional unless RCIC has been manually or automatically initiated.

Once RCIC has isolated and the student begins to monitor for isolation then the task may be ended by the evaluator.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Task Standard(s):

  • RCIC was started IAW SOI 04-1-01-E51-1. RCIC steam supply line was isolated by closing E51F063 or E51F064 to isolate the steam leak in the RCIC room.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 20 of 22

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


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Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • RCIC is in STANDBY mode.
  • SSW A is in service.
  • RP has set up an air sampler in the RCIC room and is ready to take an air sample when RCIC starts.
  • RP states Containment High Volume Purge is not required due to the short duration of RCIC operation.
  • Another operator is monitoring Suppression Pool temperature per 06-OP-1M24-V-0001.
  • RCIC turbine oil level is between upper scribe marks in sight glass.
  • RCIC pump inboard and outboard bearing oil levels were checked and were visible in bulb.
  • All Prerequisites are met Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to perform a controlled manual startup of RCIC from the Control Room IAW 04-1-01-E51-1 section 5.2.2b with the following parameters:

o 800 gpm flow o 300 psig discharge pressure

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 GGNS 2012 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 JPM


Place Main GeneratorVoltage Regulator in AUTO.

Facility Number:

(If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time:

Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Carlos Calderon 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Place Main Generator Voltage Regulator in AUTO Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-N51-NORMAL-1 K&A: 245000 A4.02 (3.1/2.9), A3.10 (2.5/2.6) 700000 AA1.03 (3.8/3.7) 2.1.30 (4.4/4.0), 2.1.20 (4.6/4.6)

Safety Function: 4 - Heat Removal From the Reactor Core Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-N40-1 (Main Generator and Auxiliaries SOI)

Handout(s): 04-1-01-N40-1

  1. Manipulations: 8
  1. Critical Steps: 6 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Reset Simulator to IC 108.
  • Run Schedule File 2014 NRC JPM 4 & 8
  • Circle and Slash all prerequisites in the 04-1-01-N40-1 OR
  • Circle and Slash all prerequisites in the 04-1-01-N40-1
  • Any Power IC. With Generator on line.
  • Place Generator Voltage Regulator in MANUAL.

Safety Concerns:

  • None Task Standard:
  • The operator transfers the TVR back to AUTO mode (in accordance with 04-1-01-N40-1).
  • Adjust Main Generator Reactive Load to +50 MVAR Revision 0 Page 2 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • Repairs to the Main Generator Automatic Voltage Regulator are complete
  • The plant is operating at 67 % power.
  • All prerequisites are met for this evolution.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to place the Main Generator Voltage Regulator in AUTO using SOI.
  • SOC request to adjust Main Generator Reactive Load to +50 MVAR.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Place Main Generator Voltage Regulator in AUTO Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P680.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • The operator will place the Main Generator Voltage Regulator to Automatic and adjuct MVAR to +50 MVAR (+/-10 MVAR).

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-N40-1, Step 5.2.2a

  • SIMULTANEOUSLY DEPRESS TVR MODE SEL MATCH AND REL pushbuttons on 1H13-P680-9C. TVR Will remain in MANUAL operation.

Standard: DEPRESS TVR MODE SEL MATCH AND REL pushbuttons on 1H13-P680-9C.

Cue: None Notes: The TVR will remain in MANUAL SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Step 2: 04-1-01-N40-1, Step 5.2.2a(1)

ENSURE TVR MODE SEL MATCH AND MAN lights are illuminated on P680-9C.

Standard: Ensures MATCH and MAN lights are illuminated.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Step 3: 04-1-01-N40-1, Step 5.2.2b DEPRESS TVR CONT LOWER OR RAISE pushbuttons as necessary on 1H13-P680-9C AND ENSURE the following occurs:

(1) AUTOMATIC setpoint indicator GEN OTPT (N51-R602) responds on 1H13-P680-9D.

(2) VOLT BAL meter (N51-R603) responds on 1H13-P680-9D.

(3) Generator MVARS does NOT change.

Standard: Ensures the following occurs:

(1) AUTOMATIC setpoint indicator GEN OTPT (N51-R602) responds on 1H13-P680-9D.

(2) VOLT BAL meter (N51-R603) responds on 1H13-P680-9D.

(3) Generator MVARS does NOT change.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Step 4: 04-1-01-N40-1, Step 5.2.2c

  • DEPRESS TVR CONT LOWER OR RAISE pushbutton(s) as necessary until TVR MAN VOLT BAL (N51-R603) indicator is as close to zero as possible.

Standard: Lowers TVR MAN VOLT BAL (N51-R603) until indicator is as close to zero as possible.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 04-1-01-N40-1, Step 5.2.2d

  • SIMULTANEOUSLY DEPRESS TVR MODE SEL AUTO AND REL pushbutton on 1H13-P680-9C until AUTO light illuminates, AND MANUAL AND MATCH lights are extinguished. A minor change in generator MVARS May occur.

Standard: DEPRESS TVR MODE SEL AUTO AND REL pushbuttons on 1H13-P680-9C.

Cue: None Notes: Student may want to inform the SOC that the TVR is now in Automatic.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Step 6: 04-1-01-N40-1, Step 4.4.2

  • RAISE/LOWER Main Generator MVARS by DEPRESSING the TVR CONT RAISE/LOWER pushbutton on 1H13-P680-9C until desired MVARS is obtained on GEN MEGAVARS recorder 1N41-R608.

Standard: Depresses RAISE/LOWER pushbutton to adjust to +50 MVARS (+/-10 MVAR).

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Task Standard(s):

  • The operator transfers the TVR back to AUTO mode (in accordance with 04-1-01-N40-1).
  • Adjust Main Generator Reactive Load to +50 MVAR SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 9 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR4 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


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Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • Repairs to the Main Generator Automatic Voltage Regulator are complete
  • The plant is operating at 67 % power.
  • All prerequisites are met for this evolution.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to place the Main Generator Voltage Regulator in AUTO using SOI.
  • SOC request to adjust Main Generator Reactive Load to +50 MVAR.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 JPM


Defeat MSIV/MSL Drain Level 1 Isolation Interlocks Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-EOP008 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 20 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Todd Chamblee 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Defeat MSIV/MSL Drain Level 1 Isolation Interlocks Setting: Control Room Type: RO Task: CRO-EP-008 K&A: 223002 A4.03 (3.6/3.5)

Safety Function: 5 - Containment Integrity Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 05-S-01-EP-1/Att. 8, Rev 31 Handout(s) 05-S-01-EP-1/Att. 8

  1. Manipulations: 5
  1. Critical Steps: 4 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Control Room operating panels and backpanels P692 and P694 are accessible, with permission from the Shift Manager to open panels for inspection only.

Safety Concerns:

  • Possible electric shock while inspecting interior of panels - Do not break the plane of any panels (student should use an appropriate indicating device to identify component /

connection locations).

Task Standard:

  • Steps 2.2 through 2.6 of EOP Att. 8 are completed IAW the procedure.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • EOPs have been entered
  • EP Attachment 7 is complete Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to perform steps 2.2 through 2.6 of EP Attachment 8.
  • Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this attachment when directed.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Defeat MSIV/MSL Drain Level 1 Isolation Interlocks Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • Panels P691 and P693 are in the Upper Control Room; panels P692 and P694 are in the Main Control Room
  • Jumper kits are in the Control Room emergency locker. Typical relay terminal block as shown:

B3 T3 M3 R3 R1 M1 T1 B1 B4 T4 M4 R4 R2 M2 T2 B2 Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task overrides the logic that automatically closes the MSIV's and MSL Drains on low reactor water level so that the Main Condenser can be maintained as a heat sink for the reactor under emergency conditions.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Defeat MSIV/MSL Drain Level 1 Isolation Interlocks Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

NOTE: The sequence of the following steps is critical unless otherwise noted.

Step 1: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att. 8, Step 2.2 OBTAIN Jumper Kit No. 8 from Control Room emergency locker.

  • INSPECT kit for 4 jumpers.

Standard: Locates Jumper Kit No. 8 in the Control Room Emergency Locker and verifies the presence of four jumpers Cue: None.

Notes: After student locates the locker box for the attachments and indicates the correct package for attachment 8, tell the student they have position of the correct number of jumpers. The student will ensure the package is stored in the correct location and return the locker box to its original place.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Step 2: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att. 8, Step 2.3

  • INSTALL Jumper No. 1.

JUMPER Terminal T1 on relay block B21H-K1B TO Terminal M1 on relay block B21H-K1B.


  • Locates relay B21H-K1B in panel P692, Bay A, 2nd row from top, 1st relay from left (labeled 1B21-K001B)
  • Simulates inserting the jumper's male banana plugs into the female banana plugs located at terminals T1 and M1 of the relay block for B21H-K1B Cue: Jumpers installed Notes: Location: Main Control Room 1H13-P692 Bay A (2nd row of agastat relays from top, 1st relay from left, labeled 1B21-K001B. 1st row only has one relay.)

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Step 3: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att. 8, Step 2.4

  • INSTALL Jumper No. 2.

JUMPER Terminal T1 on relay block B21H-K1D TO Terminal M1 on relay block B21H-K1D.


  • Locates relay B21H-K1D in panel P694, Bay A, 2nd row from top, 5th relay from left (labeled 1B21H-K001D)
  • Simulates inserting the jumper's male banana plugs into the female banana plugs located at terminals T1 and M1 of the relay block for B21H-K1D Cue: Jumpers installed Notes: Location: Main Control Room 1H13-P694 Bay A (2nd row of agastat relays from top, 5th relay from left, labeled 1B21H-K001D )

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Step 4: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att. 8, Step 2.5

  • INSTALL Jumper No. 3.

JUMPER Terminal T1 on relay block B21H-K1A TO Terminal M1 on relay block B21H-K1A.


  • Locates relay B21H-K1A in panel P691, 1st row from top, 1st relay from left (labeled 1B21H-K001A)
  • Simulates inserting the jumper's male banana plugs into the female banana plugs located at terminals T1 and M1 of the relay block for B21H-K1A Cue: Jumpers installed Notes: Location: Upper Control Room 1H13-P691 Bay A (1st row of agastat relays from top, 1st relay from left, labeled 1B21H-K001A)

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Step 5: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att. 8, Step 2.6

  • INSTALL Jumper No. 4.

JUMPER Terminal T1 on relay block B21H-K1C TO Terminal M1 on relay block B21H-K1C.


  • Locates relay B21H-K1C in panel P693, 2nd row from top, 4th relay from left (labeled 1B21H-K001C)
  • Simulates inserting the jumper's male banana plugs into the female banana plugs located at terminals T1 and M1 of the relay block for B21H-K1C Cue: Jumpers installed Notes: Location: Upper Control Room 1H13-P693 Bay A (2nd row of agastat relays from top, 4th relay from left, labeled 1B21H-K001C)

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

  • Steps 2.2 through 2.6 of EOP Att. 8 are completed IAW the procedure Revision 0 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 10 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR5 Revision 0 Page 12 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • EOPs have been entered
  • EP Attachment 7 is complete Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to perform steps 2.2 through 2.6 of EP Attachment 8.
  • Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this attachment when directed.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 JPM


Start and Parallel D/G 13 with Offsite Facility Number: N/A (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Todd Chamblee 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Start and Parallel D/G 13 with Offsite Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-P81-002 K&A: 264000 A4.01 (3.3/3.4), A4.02 (3.4/3.4), A4.04 (3.7/3.7)

Safety Function: 6 - Electrical Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-P81-1 Handout(s) 04-1-01-P81-1

  1. Manipulations: 10
  1. Critical Steps: 7 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Reset Simulator to IC 106
  • Install schedule file 2014 NRC JPM 1 & 6 OR
  • Reset to any IC.
  • Insert 17BO1 trip on trigger 1 Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard:
  • D/G 13 is running in parallel with offsite power and loaded to approximately 2000 KW and +200 KVARS.
  • Secure D/G 13 after loss of 17BO1 LCC due to loss of cooling water.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • D/G 13 in Standby
  • All D/G bearing and governor oil levels are within the acceptable range.
  • P81-F810 is closed
  • Engines have been rolled and primed Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to manually start Div. 3 D/G and parallel it with offsite power.
  • Perform a SOI run of D/G 13 and load to approximately 2000 KW and +200 KVAR.
  • The D/G will not be run for more than one hour.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Start and Parallel D/G 13 with Offsite Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P601.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task ensures the operator can perform a synchronization of D/G 13 to the off site power source and load the D/G in accordance with the SOI.
  • Respond to loss of 17BO1 LCC, which causes a loss of cooling water, D/G 13 will have to be shutdown.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.1.2 Place SSW Div. 3 MOV TEST switch to TEST.

Standard: Rotates SSW Div. 3 MOV TEST switch on panel P870 section 5C, clockwise to the TEST position.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.1.2f

Standard: Places control handswitch to START and verifies the following:

  • The diesel engine starts.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Step 3: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.1.2g On 1H13-P870-5C VERIFY the following:

  • The SSW LOOP C RTN TO CLG TWR A has Opened.

Standard: Verifies HPCS SVC WTR PMP starts and valve SSW LOOP C RTN TO CLG TOWER P41-F011 opens as indicated by energized red status lights and de-energized green status lights.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.1.2h VERIFY DG13 O/A FAN (1X77-C002) in operation with 1X77-F003 Damper open.

Standard: Verifies DG 13 O/A Fan 1X77-C002 starts and damper 1X77-F003 opens as indicated by energized red status lights.

Cue: If asked inlet air temperature, report that temperature is 80°F.

Notes: Inlet air temperature is required to determine fast or slow speed for fan.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Step 5: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.1.2i CHECK that governor oil level is stable and visible in sightglass.

Standard: Notifies local operator to check governor oil level is stable and visible in sightglass.

Cue: Governor oil level is stable and visible in sightglass.


SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.2.2a

  • PLACE the SYNC CONT FDR 152-1701 keyswitch to ON position.

Standard: Rotates switch SYNC CONT FDR 152-1701 clockwise to the ON position and verifies that INCOMING and RUNNING meters 1E22-R611 and 1E22-R614 activate.

Cue: None Revision 0 Page 9 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Step 7: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.2.2b

  • ADJUST the diesel generator INCM VOLT indicator to approximately 70 volts above the offsite RUNNING VOLT indicator by JOGGING the DG13 VR MAN CONT handswitch to the RAISE OR LOWER position as necessary.

Standard: Uses the D/G 13 VR MAN CONT handswitch, as required, to make D/G output voltage (INCM VOLT meter 1E22-R611) approximately 70 volts greater than bus voltage (RUNNING VOLT meter 1E22-R614).

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.2.2c

  • ADJUST the diesel generator speed to bring the frequency within the range of the bus frequency by JOGGING the DG13 GOV MAN CONT handswitch as necessary to cause the synchroscope to rotate SLOWLY in the FAST (clockwise) direction.

Standard: Uses the D/G GOV MAN CONT handswitch, as required, to make synchroscope 1E22-R613 turn slowly in the FAST direction.

Cue: None Notes:

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 12 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Step 9: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.2.2f

  • WHEN SYNCHROSCOPE position is approximately five minutes before the 12 o'clock position, CLOSE the Diesel Generator Output Breaker 152-1701 USING the 17AC FDR FM DG13 handswitch.

Standard: Closes breaker 152-1701 when the synchroscope indicates approximately 5 minutes before the 12 oclock position and verifies the breaker closes as indicated by an energized red status light and de-energized green status light.

Cue: None.

Notes: Student must IMMEDIATELY PICK UP load on generator after closing output breaker, to prevent generator from tripping on reverse power.

If breaker does not close, student will have to repeat this step to ensure breaker closes.

SAT / UNSAT Step 10: 04-1-01-P81-1, Step 5.2.2g

  • SLOWLY RAISE generator load to establish minimum load of 350 kW, by JOGGING DG13 GOV MAN CONT handswitch to the RAISE position.

Standard: Rotates the D/G GOV MAN CONT handswitch clockwise to the RAISE position as required to raise generator load to approximately 350 KW as indicated by 1E22-R609.

Cue: None.

Notes: 20 seconds after Diesel Generator feeder Breaker is closed, LCC 17B01 Revision 0 Page 13 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 incoming feeder will trip, causing a loss of cooling water for the Diesel engine.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 14 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Step 11: 04-1-01-P81-1 Recognize loss of cooling water to D/G 13.

Standard: Recognize loss of cooling water by observing indication on P870 section 6C SSW C.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 12: 04-1-01-P81-1

  • Shutdown D/G 13 Standard: Shutdown D/G 13 by one of the following actions:
  • Depress the Emergency Shutdown pushbutton
  • Place control switch to the STOP position Cue: None Notes: Any of the two actions will cause the output breaker to trip, the student may elect to trip the output breaker before applying a stop signal.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 After D/G 13 is stopped end the JPM.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 16 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Task Standard(s):

  • This task ensures the operator can perform a synchronization of D/G 13 to the off site power source and load the D/G in accordance with the SOI.
  • Respond to loss of 17BO1 LCC, which causes a loss of cooling water, D/G 13 will have to be shutdown.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 17 of 19

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR6 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 18 of 19

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • D/G 13 in Standby
  • All D/G bearing and governor oil levels are within the acceptable range.
  • P81-F810 is closed
  • Engines have been rolled and primed Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to manually start Div. 3 D/G and parallel it with offsite power.
  • Perform a SOI run of D/G 13 and load to approximately 2000 KW and +200 KVAR.
  • The D/G will not be run for more than one hour.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 JPM


Transfer RPS B to Normal Power Source and RPS A to Alternate Power Source Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-C7104 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Carlos Calderon 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Transfer RPS B to Normal Power Source and RPS A to Alternate Power Source Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-C71-004 K&A: 212000: A2.02 (3.7/3.9); A4.14 (3.8/3.8); Generic 2.1.30 (4.4/4.0)

Safety Function: 7 - Instrumentation Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-C71-1 Handout(s) 04-1-01-C71-1

  1. Manipulations: 6
  1. Critical Steps: 6 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Reset Simulator to IC-107
  • Run schedule file NRC JPM 2 & 7
  • Place block at the end of P601 (at Div 1 D/G panel)
  • Make sure one RPS key inserted, RPS B to ALT.


  • Reset to any IC.
  • Place RPS B in ALTERNATE power source
  • Reset 1/2 scram Safety Concerns:
  • None Task Standard:
  • RPS B has been transferred to its Normal power source and RPS A was transferred to its Alternate power source.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is at rated power.
  • Electrical Maintenance is taking readings on all RPS EPA breakers under a routine preventive maintenance task.
  • RPS A is aligned to its Normal source.
  • RPS B is aligned to its Alternate source.
  • RPS B Motor Generator Set has been verified to be operating normally in accordance with 04-1-01-C71-1 section 4.1.
  • It has been verified no other work is in progress that could cause half scrams or half isolations.
  • MSIV solenoids have been verified to be energized Initiating Cue(s):
  • Re-align RPS B to its Normal source in accordance with section 5.2 of 04-1-01-C71-1. THEN align RPS A to its Alternate source in accordance with section 5.1 of 04-1-01-C71-1.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Transfer RPS B to Normal Power Source and RPS A to Alternate Power Source Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P680 and P610.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to align RPS B power to be supplied from its Normal source, the Motor Generator Set, and to align RPS A power to be supplied from its Alternate source, 480V ESF breaker 52-154204.

Revision 0 Page 4 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-C71-1, Step 5.2.2a CHECK GENERATOR A(B) NORMAL FEED AVAILABLE lights are lit on 1H13-P610.

Standard: Checks GENERATOR B NORMAL FEED AVAILABLE white light is lit on back panel P610.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-C71-1, Step 5.2.2b

Standard: Places handswitch MG SET B TRANSFER to MG B on P610.

Cue: None Revision 0 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Notes: This step will cause a B (DIV 2) 1/2 scram and loss of power to B MSIV solenoids.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Step 3: 04-1-01-C71-1, Step 5.2.2c

  • PLACE SCRAM RESET handswitch(es) for tripped channel(s) in RESET on 1H13-P680.

Standard: Places handswitches RPS DIV 2 SCRAM RESET and RPS DIV 4 SCRAM RESET in RESET on P680-7C1 and Verifies half scram resets by observing annunciator RX SCRAM TRIP (P680-7A-A2) clears and the following continuity lights above manual scram pushbuttons illuminate:

Cue: None Notes: Student may ask if all solenoid indicating lights are on for the MSIVs, answer YES.

SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-C71-1, Step 5.1.1a CHECK GENERATOR A(B) ALTERNATE FEED AVAILABLE white lights are lit on 1H13-P610.

Standard: Checks GENERATOR A ALTERNATE FEED AVAILABLE white light is lit on back panel P610.

Cue: If student begins to verify section 4.3 complete per step 5.1.1a cue the student that section 4.3 is complete.

Revision 0 Page 7 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Step 5: 04-1-01-C71-1, Step 5.1.1b

Standard: Places handswitch MG SET A TRANSFER to ALT A on P610.

Cue: None Notes: This step will cause a A (DIV 1) 1/2 scram and loss of power to B MSIV solenoids.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Step 6: 04-1-01-C71-1, Step 5.1.1b

  • PLACE SCRAM RESET handswitch(es) for tripped channel(s) in RESET on 1H13-P680.

Standard: Places handswitches RPS DIV 1 SCRAM RESET and RPS DIV 3 SCRAM RESET in RESET on P680-5C1 and Verifies half scram resets by observing annunciator RX SCRAM TRIP (P680-7A-A2) clears and the following continuity lights above manual scram pushbuttons illuminate:

Cue: None Notes: Student may ask if all solenoid indicating lights are on for the MSIVs, answer YES.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Task Standard(s):

  • RPS B has been transferred to its Normal power source and RPS A was transferred to its Alternate power source.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 11 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR7 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 12 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is at rated power.
  • Electrical Maintenance is taking readings on all RPS EPA breakers under a routine preventive maintenance task.
  • RPS A is aligned to its Normal source.
  • RPS B is aligned to its Alternate source.
  • RPS B Motor Generator Set has been verified to be operating normally in accordance with 04-1-01-C71-1 section 4.1.
  • It has been verified no other work is in progress that could cause half scrams or half isolations.
  • MSIV solenoids have been verified to be energized Initiating Cue(s):
  • Re-align RPS B to its Normal source in accordance with section 5.2 of 04-1-01-C71-1. THEN align RPS A to its Alternate source in accordance with section 5.1 of 04-1-01-C71-1.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 JPM


Rotate CCW Pumps Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-P4271 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Todd Chamblee 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Rotate CCW Pumps Setting: Simulator Type: RO Task: CRO-P42-007; CRO-P42-004 K&A: 400000 A4.01: 3.1/3.0; A2.01: 3.3/3.4 2.1.30: 3.9/3.4; 2.1.31: 4.2/3.9; 295018 AK3.04: 3.3/3.3; AA1.01: 3.3/3.4 Safety Function: 8 - Plant Service Systems Performance: Actual Reference(s): 04-1-01-P42-1 section 5.2 05-1-02-V-1 section 3.1.1 Handout(s) 04-1-01-P42-1

  1. Manipulations: 4
  1. Critical Steps: 3 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Reset Simulator to IC-108
  • Run schedule file NRC JPM 4 & 8 OR
  • Simulator in any power IC
  • Insert Malfunction p42151c CCW Pump C Trip on a unique trigger number.
  • Assign the trigger number chosen above to trigger file ccwaoff.

Safety Concerns:

  • None Task Standard:
  • CCW Pumps A and B are operating with discharge valves open.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is at rated power.
  • Electrical Maintenance has requested Component Cooling Water (CCW) Pump A be secured in preparation for tagout and preventive maintenance.
  • CCW Pumps A and C are currently in operation..
  • All prerequisites are complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to rotate CCW pumps to have CCW Pumps B and C operating, with CCW Pump A secured, per SOI 04-1-01-P42-1 section 5.2.
  • An operator is standing by at the CCW pumps ready to rotate pumps.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Rotate CCW Pumps Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls and indications for this task are on panel 1H13-P870.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to rotate CCW Pumps per SOI. During the evolution, a trip will occur on one of the operating CCW pumps requiring the restart of the non-operating CCW pump per the Loss of CCW ONEP.

Revision 0 Page 4 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-P42-1, Step 5.2.2 a REMOVE Standby pump from STANDBY by PLACING respective pump handswitch listed below to STOP.

Standard: Places control switch for B CCW pump to STOP position Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 04-1-01-P42-1, Step 5.2.2 b

  • AFTER white STANDBY light for pump goes out, START CCW pump using its respective handswitch listed in Step 5.2.2a.

Standard: Verify STANDBY white light goes out and starts CCW pump B by placing control switch in the START position.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Step 3: 04-1-01-P42-1, Step 5.2.2 c CLOSE discharge valve for pump to be shut down.

Standard: Notifies local operator to close discharge valve for the A CCW pump Cue: CCW pump A discharge valve is closed.


SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 04-1-01-P42-1, Step 5.2.2 d

  • STOP CCW pump to be placed in STANDBY USING its respective handswitch listed in Step 5.2.2a.

Standard: Stops CCW pump A by placing control switch to the STOP position.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Step 5: 04-1-01-P42-1, Step 5.2.2 e REOPEN discharge valve for pump that was just shut down Standard: Notifies local operator to open discharge valve for the A CCW pump.

Cue: Discharge valve for A CCW pump is OPEN.

Notes: 30 seconds after A CCW pump is started C CCW pump will trip.

SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-P42-1 Recognize C CCW pump trip.

Standard: Recognize and report C CCW pump trip from alarm.

Cue: None Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Step 7: 05-1-02-V-1, Step 3.2.1

  • IF CCW header pressure is low, THEN VERIFY standby CCW pump starts OR START manually.

Standard: Recognizes standby CCW pump B did not start and manually starts CCW pump B by placing control switch to START position.

Cue: None Notes: After STANDBY CCW pump is started, END OF TASK.

This action is a subsequent action and is required to be performed with procedure in hand and directed by CRS, however, it is also an automatic action that did not occur, therefore, the operator is required to ensure auto actions without direction.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Task Standard(s):

  • CCW Pumps A and B are operating with discharge valves open.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 9 of 11

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR8 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 10 of 11

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The plant is at rated power.
  • Electrical Maintenance has requested Component Cooling Water (CCW) Pump A be secured in preparation for tagout and preventive maintenance.
  • CCW Pumps A and C are currently in operation..
  • All prerequisites are complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to rotate CCW pumps to have CCW Pumps B and C operating, with CCW Pump A secured, per SOI 04-1-01-P42-1 section 5.2.
  • An operator is standing by at the CCW pumps ready to rotate pumps.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 JPM


Secure Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-Z5101 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Carlos Calderon 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Secure Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit Setting: Control Room Type: RO Task: CRO-Z51-001 K&A: 290003 A4.01 (3.2/3.2)

A2.01 (3.1/3.2) 2.1.30 (4.4/4.0)

Safety Function: 9 - Radioactivity Release Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 04-S-01-Z51-1, Rev 55 Handout(s) 04-S-01-Z51-1

  1. Manipulations: 14
  1. Critical Steps: 13 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Shift Manager/ Control Room Supervisor must approve simulation in the Control Room.
  • Notifiy the Control Room Operator and Operator At the Controls of the simulation.

Safety Concerns:

  • Do NOT allow candidate to manipulate Control Room controls.

Task Standard:

  • Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit A is secured to Standby.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit A(B) is operating due to an I&C surveillance. The surveillance is complete and all signals are cleared and reset.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to secure Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit A(B) and return it to Standby per the SOI.

Revision 0 Page 3 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Secure Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • All controls are located on P855 or P854 panels.
  • Either A or B Control Room HVAC Standby Fresh Air Unit can be secured depending upon divisional work week. Div 1 components are listed with Div 2 in ( ).

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to secure the Control Room HVAC Standby Fresh Air Unit per the SOI.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

NOTE: The sequence of the following steps is critical unless otherwise noted.

Step 1: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 a

Standard: Candidate opens Z51-F010.

Cue: Red light on, green light off..


Revision 0 Page 4 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Step 2: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 b


Standard: Candidate opens Z51-F011.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 c STOP the running CONT RM FRESH AIR UNIT A(B) Fan(s).

Standard: Candidate stops Control Room Fresh Air Unit A fan.

Cue: Green light on, red light off.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Revision 0 Page 7 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Step 4: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 d CHECK that the following valves are Closed:

(1) Div 1 F007 CONT RM FRESH AIR UNIT A INL VLV F008 CONT RM FRESH AIR UNIT A RECIRC VLV (2) Div 2 F016 CONT RM FRESH AIR UNIT B INL VLV F014 CONT RM FRESH AIR UNIT B RECIRC VLV Standard: Candidate observes Z51-F007 and F008 (Z51-F016 / F014) are closed.

Cue: Green light on, red light off.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Step 5: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 e

Standard: Candidate opens Z51-F003.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 f


Standard: Candidate opens Z51-F004.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 9 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Step 7: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 g START the CONT RM UTILITY EXH FAN from SH13-P854.

Standard: Candidate starts Control Room Utility Exhaust fan.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 h

  • MOMENTARILY go to CLOSE on Both CONT RM PURGE OTBD EXH VLV Z51-F001 AND CONT RM PURGE INBD EXH VLV Z51-F002 handswitches on SH13-P854.

(1) CHECK that Both valves are CLOSED.

Standard: Candidate takes handswitch for F001 and F002 to the close position.

Cue: Green lights on and red lights are off Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Revision 0 Page 11 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Step 9: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 i

  • MOMENTARILY go to OPEN on Both Z51-F001 AND Z51-F002 handswitches on SH13-P855.

(1) CHECK that the associated white lights come On AND the valves remain Closed.

Standard: Candidate takes handswitch for F001 and F002 to the open position.

Cue: White lights for F001 and F002 are on and the valves are closed.

Notes: None SAT / UNSAT Step 10: 04-1-01-Z51-1, Step 5.3.2 j NOTIFY Rad Protection that Control Room Sampling is no longer required.

Standard: Notifies Rad Protection.

Cue: Rad Protection is notified.

Notes: None Revision 0 Page 12 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 13 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Task Standard(s):

  • Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit A is secured to Standby.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 14 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 15 of 17

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014CR9 Revision 0 Page 16 of 17

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit A(B) is operating due to an I&C surveillance. The surveillance is complete and all signals are cleared and reset.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to secure Control Room Standby Fresh Air Unit A(B) and return it to Standby per the SOI.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 JPM


Install Nitrogen Bottles On ADS Air Supply Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-EOP007 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 st 1 Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Russell Burditt 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Install Nitrogen Bottles on ADS Air Supply Setting: Plant (Inside CAA)

Type: NLO Task: AON-EP-002 K&A: 218000 A2.03 (3.4/3.6) 295019 AA1.01 (3.5/3.3)

Safety Function: 3 - Reactor Pressure Control Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 05-S-01-EP-1/Att. 7, Rev 31 Handout(s) 05-S-01-EP-1/Att. 7

  1. Manipulations: 9
  1. Critical Steps: 6 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • 9/139 and 9/166 are accessible Safety Concerns:
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • No climbing. Point up or down while you explain what you are going to do.

Task Standard:

  • Steps 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 of EOP Att. 7 are complete in accordance with the procedure.

Revision 0 Page 2 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • EOPs have been entered
  • Valves P53-F001, F007, F026A and F026B are open.
  • Four nitrogen bottles are installed at the connection downstream of P53-FA01, with the regulators attached.
  • B21-R702A and B indicate < 125 psig Initiating Cue(s):
  • The CRS directs you to perform steps 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 of EP Attachment 7.
  • Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this attachment when directed.

Revision 0 Page 3 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Install Nitrogen Bottles on ADS Air Supply Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • Valve P53-FA01 is located in Area 9, El. 139'. Valves P53-FA02 and P53-F043 are located in Area 9, El. 166'.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task provides a back-up source of Safety/relief valve operating air when the normal air source is either isolated or otherwise unavailable.

Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

NOTE: The sequence of the following steps is critical unless otherwise noted.

Step 1: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.1 a CLOSE OR CHECK CLOSED P53F003 (1H13-P870-3C).

Standard: Contacts Control Room to verify 1P53-F003 is closed.

Cue: The Control Room reports that 1P53-F003 is closed.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Step 2: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.1 b CLOSE OR CHECK CLOSED 1P53FA02 (Area 9, El.166).

Standard: Closes / checks closed valve 1P53-FA02 by turning the valve's handwheel in the clockwise direction.

Cue: For valve 1P53-FA02, resistance is felt in the clockwise direction.


SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.1 c CLOSE OR CHECK CLOSED the ADS Nitrogen bottles Manifold Isolation Valves (Area 9/139)

  • V1
  • V2
  • V3
  • V4 Standard: Closes / checks closed manifold isolation valves V1, V2, V3 and V4 by turning the valve's handle in the clockwise direction.

Cue: For ALL FOUR VALVES, resistance is felt in the clockwise direction.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Step 4: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.2 a

  • OPEN (1) gas cylinder valve AND ADJUST gas cylinder regulator for that Nitrogen bottle to approximately 125 psig output pressure.

Standard: Rotates gas cylinder outlet valve in the counter-clockwise direction until resistance if felt.

Adjust gas cylinder regulator by rotating the regulator pressure adjustment valve in the clockwise direction until pressure is approximately 125 psig.

Cue: Resistance is felt in the counter-clockwise direction.

Gas cylinder regulator is indicating 125 psig.


SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.2 b

Only OPEN (1) Manifold valve. (Area 9/139)

  • V1
  • V2
  • V3
  • V4 Standard: Opens manifold isolation valve V1, V2, V3 or V4 by turning the valve's handle in the counter-clockwise direction.

Cue: For manifold isolation valve V1, V2, V3 or V4, resistance is felt in the counter-clockwise direction.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Step 6: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.2 c

  • OPEN P53-FA01. (Area 9/139)

Standard: Opens valve 1P53-FA01 by turning the valve's handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction.

Cue: For valve 1P53-FA01, resistance is felt in the counter-clockwise direction.


SAT / UNSAT Step 7: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.2 d

  • UNLOCK AND OPEN P53-FX004 to valve in the local pressure gauge.

Standard: Removes the tie-wrap from valve 1P53-FX004 and opens the valve by turning its handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction.

Cue: For valve 1P53-FX004, resistance is felt in the counter-clockwise direction.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Step 8: 05-S-01-EP-1 Att 7, Step 2.4.2 e

  • UNLOCK AND Slowly OPEN 1P53F043 (Area 9, El. 166), OBSERVING pressure on P53-R028.

Standard: Removes the tie-wrap from valve 1P53-F043 and opens the valve by turning its handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction, while monitoring pressure on 1P53-PI-R028.


  • For valve 1P53-F043, resistance is felt in the counter-clockwise direction.


SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

  • Steps 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 of EOP Att. 7 are complete in accordance with the procedure.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 8 of 10

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS1 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 9 of 10

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • EOPs have been entered
  • Valves P53-F001, F007, F026A and F026B are open.
  • Four nitrogen bottles are installed at the connection downstream of P53-FA01, with the regulators attached.
  • B21-R702A and B indicate < 125 psig Initiating Cue(s):
  • You have been directed to perform steps 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 of EP Attachment 7.
  • Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this attachment when directed
  • This task is not time critical.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 JPM


Startup RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling from the Remote Shutdown Panels Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-C6101 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Todd Chamblee 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Startup RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling from the Remote Shutdown Panels Setting: Plant Type: RO Task: CRO-C61-001; CRO-C61-009; CRO-E12-019; CRO-P41-001 K&A: 219000 A4.01 (3.8/3.7) 295016 AA1.07, (4.2/4.3)

AK2.01, (4.4/4.5)

AK3.03, (3.5/3.7) 295013 AA1.01, (3.9/3.9)

Safety Function: 5 - Containment Integrity Performance: Simulated Reference(s): 05-1-02-II-1, Rev 43 Handout(s) 05-1-02-II-1, Attachment IX

  1. Manipulations: 10
  1. Critical Steps: 7 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Area is accessible
  • Do not operate plant equipment Safety Concerns:
  • Do NOT operate plant equipment.
  • For Protected Train concerns, use either RHR A or B using Attachment VIII or IX.

Task Standard:

  • RHR A(B)is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling with E12-F048 A(B) full closed and E12-F003 A(B) full open and SSW A(B) in service to the RHR A(B) Heat Exchangers.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • The Control Room has been evacuated due to noxious fumes.
  • Another operator is assigned for radio communications and is monitoring reactor level and pressure.
  • A Plant Shutdown Operator is stationed in the Auxiliary Building if needed.
  • The reactor is shutdown
  • RPV water level is within band of +30 to -30 on wide range level.
  • RPV pressure is within band of 900 to 1000 psig.
  • RHR Transfer switches have been placed in EMERG position per step 3.6 of the Shutdown from the Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP.
  • Standby Service Water A and B are not running and are in Standby lineup per the P41 SOI.
  • RCIC will be started after RHR A or B is placed in suppression pool cooling mode.
  • 05-1-02-II-1 step 3.2.4 is complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to place RHR A(B) in Suppression Pool Cooling per Attachment IX or X of the Shutdown from the Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Startup RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling from the Remote Shutdown Panels Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • Remote Shutdown Panels are located on the 111 elevation of the Control Building.
  • This JPM may be performed using RHR A or B for protected train concerns.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to startup RHR A or B in Suppression Pool Cooling from the Remote Shutdown Panels per the ONEP. This includes starting up SSW A or B.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Startup RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling from the Remote Shutdown Panels Critical tasks are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

NOTE: The sequence of the following steps is critical unless otherwise noted.

Step 1: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (1)


Standard: Checks open or opens P41-F068A(B).

Cue: Red light on, green light off.


SAT / UNSAT Step 2: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (2)

Standard: Starts SSW Pump A(B) by taking handswitch to the START position.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Step 3: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (3)

Standard: Opens P41-F001A(B) by taking handswitch to the OPEN position.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.


SAT / UNSAT Step 4 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (4)

Standard: Opens P41-F014A(B) by taking handswitch to the OPEN position.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Step 5 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (5)

Standard: Opens P41-F005A(B) by taking handswitch to the OPEN position.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.

Notes: This is a JOG handswitch.

SAT / UNSAT Step 6 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (6)


Standard: Checks closed P41-F006A(B).

Cue: Green light on, red light off.

Notes: Valve will auto close if not performed when RHR A(B) pump started.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Step 7: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (7)


Standard: Starts SSW Cooling Tower Fan A (C) by taking handswitch to the START position.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.


SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 a (8)


Standard: Starts SSW Cooling Tower Fan A (C) by taking handswitch to the START position.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Step 9 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 b OPEN OR CHECK OPEN the following valves:

Standard: Observes the above listed valves are open.

Cue: All of the valves indicate Red light on, green light off.

Notes: Notes: These valves are already in their normal lineup.

SAT / UNSAT Step 10 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 c

Standard: Closes E12-F048A(B) using handswitch.

Cue: Red light off, green light on.

Notes: This is a JOG handswitch SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 9 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Step 11: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 d

Standard: Starts RHR Pump A(B) using handswitch.

Cue: Red light off, green light on.


SAT / UNSAT Step 12: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 e


Standard: Opens E12-F024 A(B) using handswitch.

Cue: Red light on, green light off.

SRO in charge desires to maintain this RHR suppression pool cooling loop with maximum cooling flow.

Notes: Operator should leave E12-F048A(B) closed and E12-F003A(B) full open.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 10 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Step 13: 05-1-02-II-1, Att. IX, Step 3.2.12 f At panel 1H22-P295 CLOSE/CHECK CLOSED Q1E12-F064A-A MIN FLOW TO SUPPR POOL [SSD].

Standard: Requests Plant Shutdown Operator in Aux Bldg to close or check/closed E12-F064A RHR PMP A MIN FLO VLV at 1H22-P295.

Cue: Plant operator reports Green light on, red light off.

Notes: This step is not applicable if RHR B is being started in suppression pool cooling.

SAT / UNSAT Task Standard(s):

  • RHR A(B)is operating in Suppression Pool Cooling with E12-F048 A(B) full closed and E12-F003 A(B) full open and SSW A(B) in service to the RHR A(B) Heat Exchangers.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 11 of 13

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS2 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 12 of 13

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • The Control Room has been evacuated due to noxious fumes.
  • Another operator is assigned for radio communications and is monitoring reactor level and pressure.
  • A Plant Shutdown Operator is stationed in the Auxiliary Building if needed.
  • The reactor is shutdown
  • RPV water level is within band of +30 to -30 on wide range level.
  • RPV pressure is within band of 900 to 1000 psig.
  • RHR Transfer switches have been placed in EMERG position per step 3.6 of the Shutdown from the Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP.
  • Standby Service Water A and B are not running and are in Standby lineup per the P41 SOI.
  • RCIC will be started after RHR A or B is placed in suppression pool cooling mode.
  • 05-1-02-II-1 step 3.2.4 is complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to place RHR A(B) in Suppression Pool Cooling per Attachment IX or X of the Shutdown from the Remote Shutdown Panel ONEP.

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 GGNS 2014 NRC Operating Test Job Performance Measure JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 JPM


Startup Static Inverter 1Y81 Facility Number: GJPM-OPS-L62-1 (If Bank or Modified from Bank)

JPM Attributes:

New Modified Direct from bank Time Critical Alternate Path Validation Time: 15 Min Applicant: ________________________________ Examiner: _________________________________

Performance Time: ________________________ Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Comments:

Prepared By: Gabe Kimich 5/21/2014 Exam Developer Date Ops Review: Sean Dunfee 5/22/2014 1st Validation by Ops Rep or Ops Validation Crew Date Validated By: Russell Burditt 8/19/2014 2nd Validation by Ops Validation Crew Date Approved By: Steve Reeves 8/19/2014 Project Lead or Exam Team Lead Date Revision 0 Page 1 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Startup Static Inverter 1Y81 Setting: Plant Type: RO/NLO Task: NLO-L62-002 K&A: 262002 A4.01 (2.8/3.1)

Safety Function: 6 - Electrical Performance: Simulate Reference(s): 04-1-01-L62-1 Handout(s) 04-1-01-L62-1

  1. Manipulations: 6
  1. Critical Steps: 7 Simulator Setup/Required Plant Conditions:
  • Area 25A elevation 148 accessible.

Safety Concerns:

  • Do NOT allow candidate to manipulate plant equipment.
  • Due to Protected Train concerns may substitute Inverter 1Y79 or 1Y80. If this is done review the SOI for the alternate circuit breaker numbers.

Task Standard:

  • Inverter 1Y81 has been started and load transferred to the Normal supply of the Inverter powering load per 04-1-01-L62-1 section 4.1.

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Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Name: ___________________________ Time Start: _______ Time Stop: _______

Initial Condition(s):

  • Inverter 1Y81 is shutdown with both Battery Input breaker CB1 and Inverter Output breaker CB2 Open.
  • The Alternate Source is supplying the loads for 1Y81.
  • DC Bus 11DL is energized and circuit breaker 72-11L04 is closed.
  • The Manual Bypass Switch for Inverter 1Y81 is selected to Alternate Source To Load.
  • The Alternate (AC) Power feeder breaker 52-164226 is closed.
  • The Alternate Source AC Input breaker CB4 is open.
  • Attachment III, Electrical Lineup Checksheet, is complete for 1Y81.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to startup Inverter 1Y81 and transfer the loads to the Normal Source per SOI 04-1-01-L62-1 Revision 0 Page 3 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Startup Static Inverter 1Y81 Notes: (Notes to Evaluator)

  • If Division 2 is the Protected Train, an alternate Static Inverter may be substituted.

Task Overview: (Detailed description of task)

  • This task is to startup a BOP Static Inverter and transfer the Uninterruptable Power Supply loads to the inverter per the SOI.

Critical steps are underlined, italicized, and denoted by an (*)

Step 1: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2b ENSURE REVERSE POLARITY light is Off.

Standard: Candidate checks REVERSE POLARITY light is off.



SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 4 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Step 2: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2c

  • DEPRESS PRECHARGE PUSHBUTTON until PRECHARGE light comes On. This Should take about ten seconds.

Standard: Depresses PRECHARGE PUSHBUTTON until PRECHARGE light comes On Cue: PRECHARGE light is ON.


SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2d

  • CLOSE BATTERY INPUT breaker Standard: Closes Battery input breaker and ensures the following:

(1) DC INPUT voltmeter reads approximately 125 Vdc.

(2) Both AC OUTPUT voltmeters read 125 Vac + 5.0 Vac.

(3) AC OUTPUT frequency meter reads 60 + 0.6 Hz.

Cue: Inform the student of the following (1) DC INPUT voltmeter reads approximately 125 Vdc.

(2) Both AC OUTPUT voltmeters reads 125.

(3) AC OUTPUT frequency meter reads 60 Hz.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 5 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Step 4: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2e


Standard: Closes ALTERNATE SOURCE AC INPUT breaker.

Cue: Breaker is CLOSED Notes:

SAT / UNSAT Step 5: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2f

  • IF Manual Bypass switch is in the ALTERNATE SOURCE TO LOAD position, PLACE it in the NORMAL OPERATION position.

Standard: Rotates manual bypass switch to the NORMAL OPERATION position.

Cue: Switch in the NORMAL OPERATION position Notes: Load Should now be powered from the Alternate Source through the Static Switch.

SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 6 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Step 6: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2g


Standard: Closes Inverter Output breaker.

Cue: INVERTER OUTPUT breaker is closed.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 7 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Step 7: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2h ENSURE that the Static switch transferred back to normal supply Standard: Verifies the following:

(1) PRECHARGE light is On.


(3) IN SYNC light is On.

(4) All other lights are Off.

(5) Both AC OUTPUT ammeters read a positive value IF inverter is Loaded.

Cue: Report to student the following:

(1) PRECHARGE light is On.


(3) IN SYNC light is On.

(4) All other lights are Off.

(5) Both AC OUTPUT ammeters read a positive value IF inverter is Loaded.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 8 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Step 8: 04-1-01-L62-1, Step 4.1.2j ENSURE associated INVERTER TROUBLE alarm on SH13-P807 is Clear Standard: Notifies Control Room to verify alarms are clear.

Cue: All Inverter Alarms are clear.


SAT / UNSAT Revision 0 Page 9 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Task Standard(s):

  • Inverter 1Y81 has been started and load transferred to the Normal supply of the Inverter powering load per 04-1-01-L62-1 section 4.1.

SAT / UNSAT Remember to record stop time Revision 0 Page 10 of 12

Date of Examination: 10/20/2014 Operating Test Number: LOT 2014 Facility: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JPM Number: GJPM-OPS-2014PS3 Follow-Up Questions & Answers:


Revision 0 Page 11 of 12

Give this page to the student Initial Condition(s):

  • Inverter 1Y81 is shutdown with both Battery Input breaker CB1 and Inverter Output breaker CB2 Open.
  • The Alternate Source is supplying the loads for 1Y81.
  • DC Bus 11DL is energized and circuit breaker 72-11L04 is closed.
  • The Manual Bypass Switch for Inverter 1Y81 is selected to Alternate Source To Load.
  • The Alternate (AC) Power feeder breaker 52-164226 is closed.
  • The Alternate Source AC Input breaker CB4 is open.

Initiating Cue(s):

  • The CRS directs you to startup Inverter 1Y81 and transfer the loads to the Normal Source per SOI 04-1-01-L62-1