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Letter from James Thigpen Nuclear Nonconformance Event Number 50017
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/2014
From: Thigpen J
Baldor Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14112A481 (3)


410 ft ....... . Baldor Electric Company 2A ,-P. LD* 0. Box 250, 4349 Avery Drive A MEMBER OF THE ABB GROUP 30542 USA Flowery Branch,TelGA678.947.7350 April 15, 2014 To: Document Control Desk United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, Baldor Electric is making Written and Final Notification as required by 10CFR21.21 for event #50017.

A. Name and address of the individual informing the NRC.

James Thigpen Quality Assurance Manager Baldor Electric/Gainesville Motor Plant 4349 Avery Drive Flowery Branch, Georgia 30506 B. Identification of Basic Component being Supplied.

AC Motor C. Name of firm supplying basic component.

Baldor Electric/Gainesville Motor Plant 4349 Avery Drive Flowery Branch, Georgia 30506 D. Nature of the defect, deviation, or failure to comply.


Nuclear Nonconformance Event Number 50017 This is a reportable 10CFR21 notification because we believe it is possible that the B1038686-010 TI, 1E motor shipped by Baldor Electric, contains a design where the shaft journal is not long enough to allow the proper fit between the motor shaft and the o-ring of the inpro seal rotating element.

The motor (B1038686-010 T2) returned for evaluation under RA310488951 was in response to the inpro seal separating. Upon inspection Baldor has determined the shaft journal is not long enough to allow the proper fit between the motor shaft and the o-ring of the inpro seal rotating element.


Baldor Electric Company BAD O

  • P. 0. Box 250, 4349 Avery Drive Flowery Branch, GA 30542 USA A MEMBER OF THE ABB GROUP Tel 678.947.7350 STEPS TAKEN TO PREVENT FUTURE OCCURRENCES A review was completed by design engineering to determine this design issue has only occurred for the Specification ID B1038686, of which Baldor has only shipped the 2 motors identified below.

Baldor has notified DTE Electric Company's Quality Assurance of our findings. We have initiated replacement of the motor identified as located at DTE, Enrico Fermi Power Plant 2.

The design of the shaft/inpro seal fit has been completed to correct the issue. Motor Bill of materials for the effected specification ID B1038686 has been corrected.

Engineering has also added this specific verification for sign off during the engineering design review process documented for all nuclear orders.

CONCLUSION The two motors identified need to be repaired or replaced.

The correction of the design for Spec. ID B589345 has already been implemented and verified to be correct.

Baldor has confirmed the motor with a failed inpro seal as received is still equivalent to IP55. Grease from the DE bearing will still be retained as intended, and water ingress into the motor would only occur if sprayed directly.

Baldor recommends continued use of B1038686-01OTI until the next outage unless direct spray is expected. Baldor has notified DTE that we will be manufacturing a complete motor per the revised bill of material to replace B1038686-01OTI which is currently in service.

B1038686-010T2, which is currently in Baldor's possession, will be repaired by changing the rotating assembly with the revised design.

D. The Discovery Date.

March 13, 2014.

E. The Quantity and Location of Motors Affected.


1) B1038686-010 TI & T2 DTE P/N 100309425

Baldor Electric Company 2A El EIDO R* P.O. Box 250, 4349 Avery Drive Flowery Branch, GA 30542 USA A MEMBER OF THE ABB GROUP Tel 678.947.7350 1 2 DTE Electric PO # 4700670925L/I 4700670925L/I End User/Sold to: DTE Electric Co. DTE Electric Co.

Motor PIN 100309425 100309425 Motor S/N B1038686-010 T1 B1038686-010 T2 Shipped On: 11/14/13 11/16/13 Replacement Will remain Motor ID B1 130579-010 Ti B1038686-010 T2 Motor returned to Motor in service at Baldor ,Flowery DTE, Enrico Fermi Branch for Inpro Status Power Plant 2 seal replacement.

F. The Corrective Action which has been completed.

Baldor has notified DTE Electric Company's Quality Assurance of our findings through our sales channel. Through them we have initiated replacement of the motor identified as located at DTE, Enrico Fermi Power Plant 2.

A review was completed by design engineering to determine this design issue has only occurred for the Specification ID B1038686, of which Baldor has only shipped the 2 motors identified above. The design of the shaft/inpro seal fit has been completed to correct the issue.

Baldor initiated corrective action per Baldor CAR-00420 on March 17, 2014 which was completed and received final approval by James Thigpen QA manager Baldor. Final verification of actions will be and verified for effectiveness by 7/15/2014.

G. Other Information.

Separation of the rotating element from the inpro seal obviously reduces the full effectiveness of the inpro seal.

However, if this were to occur, the motor is still functional.

Baldor has confirmed the motor with a failed inpro seal as received is still equivalent to IP55. Grease from the DE bearing will still be retained as intended, and water ingress into the motor would only occur if sprayed directly.

Sincerely, Mr. James Thigpen Quality Assurance Manager, Gainesville Motor Plant Baldor Electric Co.