L-14-025, Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA

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Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Davis Besse, Perry
Issue date: 02/27/2014
From: Belcher S
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EA-12-049, L-14-025, TAC MF0841, TAC MF0842, TAC MF0961, TAC MF0962
Download: ML14058A666 (21)


t FENOC 76 South Main Sfreef Akron. Ohio 44308 SamuelL. Belcher Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer February 27,2014 L-l4-025 10 cFR 2.202 ATTN: Document ControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-001


BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 DocketNo.50-334,LicenseNo.DPR-60 DocketNo.50-412,LicenseNo.NPF-T}

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation DocketNo.50-346,LicenseNo.NpF-3 PerryNuclearPowerPlant DocketNo.50-440,LicenseNo.NPF-S8 FirstEnersy NuqlearOperatinq Company's (FENOC's) SqgondSix-Month Status,Report in Response to March12,2012Commission OrderModifyino Licenses withResardto ReQuirements for Mitiqation Strateoies for Beyond-Dqqign:Basis ExternalEvents(9,fde,t NumberFA-12-,049) AndRelief/Relaxation Request (TAQ Nos.MFg841, MF08{2.

MF0961. andMF0962)

On March12,2012,the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRCor Commission) issued an order(Reference1) to FENOC.Reference1 was immediately effectiveand directs FENOCto develop,implement, andmaintainguidanceandstrategies to maintainor restorecorecooling,containment, andspentfuel poolcoolingcapabilities in the event of a beyond-design-basis externalevent. Specificrequirements are outlinedin Attachment2 of Reference1.

Reference1 requiredsubmission of an initialstatusreport60 daysfollowingissuanceof the finalinterimstaffguidance(Reference 2) andan overallintegrated planpursuantto SectionlV, ConditionC. Referen ce 2 endorsesindustryguidancedocumentNuclear EnergyInstitute(NEI)12-06,Revision0 (Reference 3) withclarificationsandexceptions identified in Reference 2. Reference 4 providedthe FENOCinitialstatusreport regardingmitigation strategies.Reference 5 providedthe FENOCoverallintegrated planfor BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 (BVPS),Davis-Besse Nuclear PowerStation(DBNPS), and PerryNuclearPowerPlant(PNPP).

Reference1 requiressubmission of a statusreportat six-monthintervals following submittalof the overallintegrated plan. Reference 3 providesdirectionregarding the contentof the statusreports.The purposeof this letteris to providethe second

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNuclearPowerPlant L-14-025 Page2 six-month statusreportpursuantto SectionlV, ConditionC.2,of Reference 1, that delineates progressmadein implementing the requirements of Reference1. The attachedreportsfor BVPS,DBNPS,and PNPP (Attachments 1,2, and 3, respectively) providean updateof milestone accomplishments sincethe laststatusreport,including any changes to the compliance method,schedule, or needfor relief/relaxation andthe basis,if any.

As describedin the BVPSstatusreport(Attachment 1),FENOCplansto request relief/relaxation of the Reference1 requirement for completion of full implementationfor UnitNo. 1 untilthe fallof 2016to allowfor reactorcoolantpumpshutdownseal installation. The requestis beingsubmittedundera separateletter.

Thislettercontainsno newregulatory commitments. lf you haveanyquestions regarding thisreport,pleasecontactMr.ThomasA. Lentz,Manager- FleetLicensing, at 330-315-6810.

I declareunderpenaltyof perjurythatthe foregoingis trueand correct.Executedon F e b r u a r ye 1 , 2 0 1 4 .

Respectfu llysubmitted, SamuelL. Belcher Attachments:

1. BeaverValleyPowerStationSecondSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies for Mitigation ExternalEvents 2 . Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationSecondSix-Month StatusReportfor the fmplementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifying Licenses withRegardto Requirements for Mitigation for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies ExternalEvents
3. Perry Nuclear PowerPlantSecond Six-Month Status Report for the fmpfementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirenrents for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies for Mitigation ExternalEvents


1. NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049,OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Beyond-Design-Basis Strategies for Mitigation ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2412

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNucfearPowerPlant L-14-025 Page3

2. NRC fnterimStaffGuidanceJLD-ISG-2012-01, Compliancewith OrderEA-12-049, Order ModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirementsfor MitigationStrategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents,Revision0, datedAugust29,2412
3. NEI 12-06,Diverseand FlexibleCopingStrategies(FLEX)lmplementation Guide, Revision0, datedAugust2012
4. FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany's(FENOC's)InitialStatusReportin Responseto March 12,2012CommissionOrderModifyingLicenseswith Regard to Requirementsfor MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents (OrderNumberEA-12-049),dated October26,2012
5. FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany's(FENOC's)OverallIntegratedPlan in Responseto March 12,2012CommissionOrderModifyingLicenseswith Regard to Requirements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-BasisExternalEvents (OrderNumberEA-12-049),datedFebruary27,2013 cc: Director,Officeof NuclearReactorRegulation(NRR)

NRC RegionI Administrator NRC Regionlll Administrator NRC ResidentInspector(BVPS)

NRC ResidentInspector(DBNPS)

NRC ResidentInspector(PNPP)

NRC ProjectManager(BVPS)

NRC ProjectManager(DBNPS)

NRC ProjectManager(PNPP)

Ms. JessicaA. Kratchman, NRFyJLD/PMB, NRC DirectorBRP/DEP(withoutAttachments)

Site BRP/DEPRepresentative (withoutAttachments)

UtilityRadiological SafetyBoard(withoutAttachments)

Attachment1 L-14-025 BeaverValleyPowerStationSecondSix-MonthStatusReportfor the lmplementation of Order EA-12-049,Order ModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirementsfor Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page 1 of 7 1 Introduction FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany(FENOC)developedan OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and 2 (Reference1 in Section8), documenting the diverseand flexiblestrategies(FLEX),in responseto Reference2. This attachmentprovidesan updateof milestoneaccomplishments since the last statusreport,includingany changesto the compliancemethod,schedule,or needfor relief/relaxation and the basis,if any.

2 MilestoneAccomplishments The followingmilestone(s) have beencompletedsinceJuly 19,2013and are currentas o f J a n u a r y3 1 , 2 0 1 4 .

. Completedthe Unit 1 plantmodificationstargetedfor 1R22(fall 2013 refueling outage).

3 MilestoneScheduleStatus The followingprovidesan updateto Attachment2 of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof each itemand whetherthe expectedcompletiondate has changed.The dates are planningdatessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed.

The revisedmilestonetargetcompletiondatesdo not impactthe orderimplementation date.

Attachment 1 L-14-A25 Page2 of 7 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Milestone Gompletion CompletionDate (as of 11311141 Date SubmitFLEXlntegratedlmplementation Plan 02t28113 Complete 6 MonthNRCStatusUpdates 08128115 Started Update1 jgt2gl13 Complete Update 2 02128114 Started Update 3 08128114 NotStarted Update 4 02127115 NotStarted Update 5 08128115 NotStarted Gomplete FLEX Strategy Review March-2013 Complete Validation February-2015 NotStarted Walk-throughs or Demonstrations February-2015 Not Started Gomplete Staffing Analysis November-2014 Started Submit NEI 12-01 Phase 1 StaffinqStudv April-2013 Complete Submit NEI 12-01 Phase2 StaffinqStudv November-2014 Started CompletePlant Modifications November-2015 Started Targetplant modificafions April-2013 Complete Unit 1 Modifications complete Mav-2015 Started Complete 1 R22 outase modificafions November-2013 Complete Completeon-line modifications Februarv-2015 Started Complete 1 R23 outaqe modifications Mav-2015 Started Unit2 Modifications complete November-2015 Started Complete 2R17 outaqe modificafrons Mav-2014 Started Complete on-line modifications Auqust-2015 Started Complete 2R1B outage modificafions November-2015 Started FLEX Storage Complete March-2015 Started CompleteBuildinq Desiqn Decemb er-2013 Started 4 June-201 Commence Construction June-2014 Not Started Complete Construction March-2015 Not Started River (UHS)Access Complete October-2014 Started Fence & Gate Modification Desiqn February-2014 Started New Fence & Gate Construction Auqust-2014 NotStarted Securitv Barrier Pipe PenetrationsDesiqn Januarv -2014 Started March-2014 Security Barrier Pipe Penetration Construction October-2014 Not Started On-site FLEX Equipment December-2414 Started Confirm FLEX Equipment Requirements November-2013 Completed FLEX Equipment Ordered Decemb er-2013 Started June-2014 FLEX Equipment Delivered Decemb er-2014 Not Started Off-siteFLEX Equipment April-2015 Started Develop Strategieswith RRC June-2014 Started Phase3 SrTeAccess Strateqiesin Place October-2A14 Started Complete Near Sife Sfaging Location (as needed) April-2015 Not Started ProceduresComplete December-2014 Started PWROG issues NSSS-specific suidelines June-2013 Complete

/ssue Beaver VallevFSG June-2014 Started

Attachment 1 L-14-025 Page3 of 7 Revised Target Target Activity Status Gompletion Milestone Completion Date (as of 11311141 Date

/ssue Maintenance Procedures December-2014 NotStarted Training Gomplete April-2015 Started Develop Traininq Plan Septemb er-2014 Started lmplement Training April-2015 NotStarted Submit CompletionReport November-2015 NotStarted 4 Changesto GomplianceMethod Thereare no changesto the compliancemethodas documentedin the OIP (Reference1).

5 Need for Relief/Relaxationand Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOCintendsto requestrelief/relaxation of the Reference2 requirement for completionof full implementation for BeaverValleyPowerStationUnit No. 1 (BVPS-1) by the springof 2015. As describedin the OlP, some requirements of the mitigation strategiesare dependentupon installation of Westinghouse low leakagereactorcoolant pump(RCP)shutdownseals(SHIELD@ seals). Due to the needto enhancethe design of theseseals,FENOCintendsto requestrelief/relaxation of the requirement for completionof full implementation at BVPS-1untilthe fall of 2016for RCP shutdownseal installation.This wouldallowtwo refuelingoutagesto installall threeenhancedRCP shutdownsealsat BVPS-1.

Open ltems from Overall IntegratedPlan and Interim Staff Evaluation The followingtablesprovidea summaryof the open itemsdocumented in the OIP orthe InterimStaffEvafuation(lSE) (Reference3) and the statusof each item.

Overall IntegratedPlan Open ltem Status Ol 1. Finalizethe locationof the FLEX storage Complete.The storage building.The deploymentroutes,distances, and buildingwill be locatedat the times provided in this reportare boundedfor the alternateproposedstorage currentlyproposedlocationsbut will be updatedas buildinglocationbetweenthe necessary. Unit1 dieselgeneratorbuilding and the switchyard, consistent withthe originalOlP.

Deploymentroutes,distances and timesare unaffected.

Ol 2. Performcontainmentevaluationbasedon the Started.A MAAP-DBA boundaryconditions describedin Section2 of calculationbasedon low NEI 12-06. Basedon the resultsof this evaluation, leakageRCP sealsis in requiredactionsto ensuremaintenance of progressand is expectedto be containmentintegrityand requiredinstrument completedby June 2414.

functionwill be developed. Basedon currentbounding L-14-025 Page4 of 7 Overall IntegratedPlan Open ltem Status assessment andprelinrinary results,containment integrity and instrument function are not chalfenged for at leastsixdays.

Ol 3. Modifythe RWST[refueling waterstorage Complete. RWSTsare desired tanklat eachunitto protectit fromtornadomissiles but not requiredto implement or identifya boratedsourcethatis protected from the baselineFLEX strategy.

tornadosandcanbe utilizedto providecorecooling For RCS inventory/boration, the whensteamgenerators are notavailable. water sources are the boric acid storagetanks with inventoryloss limitedby low leakageRCP seals. The preferredwater sourcesfor makeup to the SFPs,if needed,are the RWSTS.

However,the Ohio Riveris consideredprotectedagainst all hazardsand would be used if both RWSTswere not available.

Interim Staff EvaluationOpen ltem Status TDAFW[turbinedriven Started.

auxiliaryfeedwater]pump exhauststacksare adequatelyprotectedfrom tornadomissilehazards. of the genericconcern Complete.The analysesand associated withthe modelingof the timingand evaluations supporting the OIP uniformityof the mixingof a liquidboricacid demonstrate that the FLEX solutioninjectedintothe RCS [reactorcoolant RCS makeuppumpis being system]undernaturalcirculationconditions implemented morethanone potentiallyinvolvingtwo-phaseflow. hourpriorto the loopflow rate decreasingbelowthe loopflow rate corresponding to single-phasenaturalcirculation for the assumedhighestapplicable leakagerateof 4 gpm at normaloperatingpressureand temperaturefor the reactor coolantpumpsealsand unidentifiedreactorcoolant systemleakage.

ISE Confirmatoryltem Status Confirm thatprimary andsecondary Not started.

staqinqareasfor the RRClreqional response L-14-025 Page5 of 7 ISEConfirmatoryltem Status centerlequipment havebeenselected andwillmeet the requirements of the applicable siteresponse plan. Confirmthat the primaryand secondary Notstarted.

stagingareashave been identifiedand thatthe plan for the use of offsiteresourceswill complywith NEf 12-06,Section6.2.3.4regardingthe needto evaluatefor floodinghazard This confirmation shouldincludea descriptionof the methodsto be usedto deliverthe equipmentto the site. Confirmthatthe locationof the storage Started.

and protection buildingfor FLEXequipmenthas been identified.Confirmthat the FLEX storage buildingis designedto withstandtornadomissilesat a levelequalto, or greaterthan,the plant'stornado missiledesignbasis. licensee's planfor the Notstarted.

use of offsiteresourceswould providereasonable assurancethatthe planwill complywith NEI 12-06, Section7.3.4regardinghighwind hazards. Confirmthatthe licensee's planfor the Notstarted.

use of offsiteresourceswould providereasonable assurancethatthe planwill complywith NEI 12-06 Section8.3.4regardingsnow,ice and extremecold hazards. licenseehas verifiedthat Notstarted.

relianceon the NOTRUMPcodefor the ELAP

[extendedlossof AC power]analysisof Westinghouse plantsis limitedto the flow conditions priorto refluxcondensation initiation.This includes specifyingan acceptabledefinitionfor reflux condensation coolinq.

3 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 8C o n f i r mt h a tt h e a p p l i c a t i oonf t h e Not started.

WCAP-176A1 analysissimulating the ELAP transientis properlyestablished. Confirmthat,if the licenseecontinuesto Started.

creditSHIELDshutdownseals,as planned,(e.9.,

1 gallonper minuteleakage/seal) in the ELAP analysesfor the RCS response,then the impactsof the Westinghouse 10 CFR ParI21 report, "Notificationof the PotentialExistenceof Defects Pursuantto 10 CFR Part21:'dated July 26,2013 (ADAMSAccessionNo. ML13211A168) on the use of the low seal leakagerate in the ELAPanalysis are addressed.

L-14-025 Page6 of 7 ISE Confirmatory ltem Status Confirmthat if the sealsare changed,the Notstarted.

acceptability of the sealsused is addressed,and the RCP seal leakageratesfor use in the ELAP analysisare iustified.

3.2.2.A Sincethe RWSTsare not currentlyfully Complete.See Ol 3 above.

protectedagainsttornadomissiles,confirmthat the licenseehas completedtheir reviewto determine whetheror not the RWSTwill need to be further protectedagainstmissilehazards. Confirmthat openingdoorsprovides Notstarted.

adequateventilation for SFP lspentfuel poollarea.

3.2.3.A Confirmthat containmentevaluations for all Notstarted.

phasesare performedbasedon the boundary conditions describedin Section2 of NEI 12-06.

Basedon the resultsof this evaluation,confirmthat requiredactionsto ensuremaintenance of containmentintegrityand requiredinstrument functionhave beendeveloped. Confirmthat the licenseehas clarified Not started.

why the IntegratedPlanstatedthe maximum temperatureof the Unit 1/Unit2 AFW [auxiliary feedwaterlpump roomswould reach 115.91112.3 degreesFahrenheit('F), respectively, while Cafculation 8700-DMC-2312, describedduringthe auditprocess,indicatedthat the maximum temperature wouldreach142.9"F. licenseehas providedan Started.

analysisor calculation to demonstratethat the dissipationof heat generatedby the batteriesvia naturalcirculationwill be adequateto maintainthe temperaturesin the batteryroomswithinacceptable levels. licenseehas addressed Started.

how hydrogenconcentrationin the batteryrooms will be limitedto acceptablelevels. licenseehas completed Not started.

a reviewof Unit 1 AFW room and developedany plansrequiredto maintaina suitableenvironment.

3.4.A Confirmthat the licenseehas fullyaddressed Not started.

considerations (2) through(10)of NEI 12-06, Section12.2,MinimumCapabilityof Off-Site Resources,which requireseach siteto establisha meansto ensurethe necessaryresourceswill be availablefrom off-site.

L-14-025 Page7 of 7 7 Potential Interim Staff Evaluation lmpacts Thereare no potentialimpactsto the ISE identifiedat this time.

8 References The followingreferencessupportthe updatesto the OIP describedin this attachment.

1. FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany's(FENOC's)OveralllntegratedPlan in Responseto March 12,2012CommissionOrderModifyingLicenseswith Regard to Requirements External for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis Events(OrderNumberEA-12-049),datedFebruary27,2013.
2. NRC OrderNumberEA-12-049,OrderModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirements ExternalEvents, for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis datedMarch12,2012.
3. BeaverValleyPowerStation,Units1 and 2 - lnterimStaffEvaluationRelatedTo OverallIntegratedPlan In ResponseTo OrderEA-12-049(Mitigation Strategies),


Attachment2 L-14-025 Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStationSecondSix-MonthStatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-049,OrderModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirements ExternalEvents for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis Page 1 of 3 Introduction FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany(FENOC)developedan OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStation(Reference1 in Section8),

documentingthe diverseand flexiblestrategies(FLEX),in responseto Reference2.

This attachmentprovidesan updateof milestoneaccomplishments sincethe laststatus report,includingany changesto the compliancemethod,schedule,or needfor relief/relaxation and the basis,if any.

2 MilestoneAccomplishments The followingmilestone(s) have beencompletedsinceJuly 19,2013and are currentas of January 31, 2014.

o PWROGissuedNSSS-specific guidelines.

3 MilestoneScheduleStatus The followingprovidesan updateto Attachment2 of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof each item and whetherthe expectedcompletiondate has changed.The dates are planningdatessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed.

The revisedmilestonetargetcompletiondatesdo not impactthe orderimplementation date.

Attachment 2 L-14-025 Page2 of 3 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Milestone Completion GompletionDate (as of 11311141 Date Submit FLEX Integratedlmplementation Plan 02t28t13 Complete 6 MonthNRCStatusUpdates 02128116 Started Update 1 08128113 Complete Update 2 02128114 Started Update 3 08128114 NotStarted Update 4 02127115 NotStarted Update 5 08128115 NotStarted Update 6 02128116 Not Started Validation April-2016 NotStarted Walk-thro uqhs or Demonstrations April-2016 NotStarted Complete Staffinq Analvsis October-2015 NotStarted SubmitNEI12-01Phase2 StaffinsStudv October-2015 NotStarted CompletePlant Modifications April-2016 Started Tarqetplant modifications Mav-2013 Complete Modificationscomplete April-2016 Started Complete 1R1B outase modifications June-2014 Complete*

Complete on-line modifications February-2016 Started Complete 1Rl9 outaqe modificafrons April-2016 Started Compl ete Comm unications Modificafions April-2016 Started Complete SFP Level lndication Modifications April-2016 Started FLEX Storage Complete 6 April-201 Not Started CompleteBuildinq Desiqn Decemb er-2014 Not Started March-2015 Commence Construction June-2015 Not Started Complete Construction April-201 6 NotStarted On-site FLEX Equipment April-201 6 Started Confirm FLEX Equipment Requirements January-2014 Started Julv-2014 FLEX Equipment Ordered Januarv-2015 Not Started FLEX Equipment Delivered April-2016 Not Started Off-site FLEX Equipment April-2016 Started Develop Sfrafeqies with RRC June-2014 Started Auqust-2015 Phase3 Sife Access Strateqiesin Place April-2016 Not Started Complete Near Sife Sfaging Location (as needed) April-2016 Not Started Procedures Complete April-2016 Started PWROG issues NSSS-specific quidelines Auqust-2013 Complete

/ssue Davis-Besse FLEXStrategy Guidelines June-2015 Not Started

/ssue MaintenanceProcedures April-2016 Not Started Training Complete 6 April-201 Not Started Develop TraininqPlan Seotemb er-2015 Not Started lmplement Training 6 April-201 Not Started Submit CompletionReport April-2016 Not Started

  • Modifications are targetedfor 1R19and on-line;nonetargetedfor 1R18.

L-14-025 Page 3 of 3 4 Ghangesto ComplianceMethod Thereare no changesto the compliancemethodas documentedin the OIP (Reference1).

5 Need for Relief/Relaxationand Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOCexpectsto complywith the orderimplementation is not date. Relief/relaxation requiredat this time.

6 Open ltems from Overall IntegratedPlan and Interim Staff Evaluation The followingtablesprovidea summaryof the open itemsdocumentedin the OIP or the InterimStaffEvaluation(lSE) and the statusof each item.

Overall InteqratedPlan Open ltem Status Ol 1. Finalizelocations for FLEXstoragebuildings. Started.

Deploymentroutes,distancesand timescontained in the submittalare boundedfor the currently proposedlocationsbut will be updatedas necessary.

Ol 2. Finalizethe strategyfor providinga protected Started.

sourceof boratedwater to supportFLEX strateqies.

Ol 3. Determineif a mobileborationunitand/or Started.

water purification unit is requiredto supportthe FLEXstrategies.

Interim Staff EvaluationOpen ltem Status N/A N/A 7 PotentialInterim Staff Evaluationlmpacts Thereare no potentialimpactsto the ISE identifiedat this time.

I References The followingreferencessupportthe updatesto the OIP describedin this attachment.

1. FirstEnergy NuclearOperatingCompany's(FENOC's)OverallIntegrated Planin Responseto March12,2012Commission OrderModifyingLicenseswith Regard to Requrrements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events(OrderNumberEA-12-049), datedFebruary27,2013.
2. NRC OrderNumberEA-12-049,OrderModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents, d a t e dM a r c h1 2 , 2 0 1 2 .

Attachment3 L-14-025 PerryNuclearPowerPlantSecondSix-MonthStatusReportfor the lmplementation of Order EA-12-049,Order ModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirementsfor Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page 1 of 8 1 Introduction FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany(FENOC)developedan OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for PerryNuclearPowerPlant(Reference1 in Section8), documentingthe diverseand flexiblestrategies(FLEX),in responseto Reference2. This attachment providesan updateof milestoneaccomplishments sincethe last statusreport,including any changesto the compliancemethod,schedule,or needfor relieflrelaxation and the basis,if any.

2 MilestoneAccomplishments The followingmilestone(s) have beencompletedsinceJuly 19,2013and are currentas o f J a n u a r y3 1, 2 0 1 4 .

o Completeddevelopment of EOP TrainingPlan.

3 MilestoneScheduleStatus The followingprovidesan updateto Attachment2 of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof each item and whetherthe expectedcompletiondate has changed.The dates are planningdatessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed.

The revisedmilestonetargetcompletiondatesdo not impactthe orderimplementation date.

Attachment 3 L-14-025 Page2 of 8 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Completion Milestone CompletionDate (as of 11311141 Date Submit FLEX Integratedlmplementation Plan 02t28t13 Complete 6 MonthStatusUpdates 02127115 Started Update I 08/01/13 Complete Update 2 02128114 Started Update3 08128114 Not Started Update 4 02t27t15 NotStarted FLEX Strategy Review Mav-2013 Complete Validation March-2015 Not Started Walk-throughs or Dem on strations March-2015 NotStarted Gomplete Staffinq Analvsis October-2014 NotStarted Gomplete Plant Modifications March-2O15 Started Targetplant modifications Mav-2013 Complete Completeon-line modifications Decem ber-2014 Started Complete 1R15 outaqe modifications March-2O15 Started FLEXStorase Januarv-2015 Started Complete Unit 2 Aux Building for storage and Use Januarv-2015 Started Convert Unit 2 diese/ Building for storage and Use January-2015 Started Lake (UHS)Access Novemb er-2014 Started Regrade road to barge sliparea October-2014 NotStarted Fence & Gate Constructionmodifications October-2014 Not Started Securitv Barrier Pipe Penetrations Desiqn Februarv-2014 Started Security Barrier Pipe Penetration Construction November-2014 Not Started On-site FLEX Equipment October-2014 Started Ordered November-2413 Started March-2014 Delivered October-2014 Not Started Off-site FLEX Equipment March-2015 Not Started Develop Strateqieswith RRC June-2014 Not Started Complete Near SrTeSfaging Location (as needed) March-2015 Not Started Phase3 SffeAccess Strateqiesin Place Novemb er-2014 Not Started Procedures March-2015 Started lmplement EPG/SAG Rev 3 Guidance Auqust-2014 Started Create Perrv FSG Mav-2014 Started lmplementPerrv FSG March-2015 Not Started Create MaintenanceProcedures Julv-2014 Not Started Training March-2015 Started Develop EOP TraininsPlan Januarv-2014 Complete lmplement EOP Training March-2015 Started Develop SAMG TraininqPlan Januarv-2014 Not Started June-2014 lmplement SAMG Traininq March-2015 Not Started Develop FLEX Training Plan Auqust-2014 Started

Attachment 3 L-14-025 Page3 of B Revised Target Milestone Target Activity Status Gompletion CompletionDate (as of 11311141 Date Implement FLEX Training March-2015 NotStarted Submit Gompletion Report March-2O15 NotStarted 4 Changesto ComplianceMethod Thereare no changesto the compliancemethodas documentedin the OIP (Reference1).

5 Need for Relief/Relaxationand Basis for the Relief/Relaxation FENOCexpectsto complywith the orderimplementation date. Relief/relaxationis not requiredat this time.

6 Open ltems from Overall IntegratedPlan and Interim Staff Evaluation The followingtablesprovidea summaryof the open itemsdocumentedin the OIP orthe InterimStaffEvaluation(lSE) (Reference3) and the statusof each item.

Overall IntegratedPlan Open ltem Status N/A N/A Interim Staff EvaluationOpen ltem Status FENOChas not indicated theirintentto Complete.FENOCintendsto followthe provisions of the NRC-endorsed NEI followthe NRC-endorsed positionpaperon Shutdown/Refueling Modesthat guidancecontainedin the NEI describeshow licensees willdevelopand maintain positionpaperon an appropriateplanfor mitigatingstrategies S hutdown/Refuel ing fModes.

capabilityin all plantmodes(ADAMSAccession Nos. ML13273A514and ML13267A382). FENOC shouldeitherconfirmthat PNPPwillfollowthe endorsedguidance,or providean alternate approachacceptableto the NRC staff.

ISEConfirmatoryltem Status FENOCindicatedthatthe gravity Not started.

dischargesystem passively performsthe mitigation of groundwaterinstrusion.lt was not clearhow the passiveportionof this systemwill maintain groundwaterelevationbelowthe 590 foot elevation with no pumpingpowerwhen the flood levelaround the plantmay be at the 620 foot elevation.The licenseeneedsjustification for goundwater mitigationdurinqfloodinqconditions.

L-14-025 Page4 of 8 ISEConfirmatoryltem Status 3.1.1 .4.4 Withregardto offsiteresources, the Notstarted.

licenseewilldevelopa planthatwilladdressthe logistics for equipment transportation, areaset up, andotherneedsfor ensuring the equipment and commodities to sustainthe site'scopinqstrateqies. Duringthe audit,the licenseewas Notstarted.

requestedto providethe elevationsof FLEX equipmentthatwill be deployedor stagedacross the site. In response,the licenseestatedthat the floodingre-analysiswill need to be reviewedto determinethe potentialimpacts.Confirmthe locationof FLEXequipmentthat will be deployedor stagedis finalizedwith that consideration. mustbe identified and Notstarted.

discussedwhichdemonstratethat ModularAccident AnalysisProgram(MAAP)is an appropriatecode for the simulationof an ELAP [extendedlossof AC powerleventat PNPP,Unit 1, consistentwith the NRC endorsementof the industrypositionpaperon MAAP(ADAMSAccessionNo. ML132754318). collapsedreactor Not started.

pressurevessellevelremainsaboveTop of Active Fuel and the reactorcoolantsystemcool down rate is withintechnicalspecifications limits.

3 . 2 . 1 . 1 . CC o n f i r mt h a tM A A Pi s u s e di n Not started.

accordance withSections4.1, 4.2,4.3,4.4,and 4.5 of the June 2013 positionpaper.

3 . 2 . 1 . 1 . DC o n f i r mt h a t ,i n u s i n gM A A P ,t h e l i c e n s e e Not started.

identifiesand justifiesthe subsetof key modeling parameterscitedfrom Tables4-1 through4-6 of the "MAAPApplicationGuidance,DesktopReference for Using MAAP Software,Revision2" (Electric PowerResearchInstituteReport1020236). Calculations preparedin supportof the Not stafted.

licensee'sIntegratedPlandeterminedthe required Phase1 flow rate neededto stablilizeboil-off,using suppressionpoolwater,was well withinthe RCIC

[reactorcore isolationcooling]Systeminjection capacityof 700 gallonsper minute.The licensee indicatedthat furtherinformationregardingthe specificassumptionsand calculations for quantification of inventory losses are capturedin proprietaryanalysisused for IntegratedPlan preparation.The licenseeshoulddemonstrate adequateRCICcapacity.

L-14-025 Page5 of 8 ISEGonfirmatoryltem Status licenseestatedthat BoilingWater Notstarted.

ReactorOwnersGroup EmergencyProcedure Guideline/Severe AccidentGuideline,Revision3, wouldallowthe temperaturelimitof the suppression poolto be exceeded.The licenseeshould demonstrate why exceedingthis temperaturelimitis acceptablefor PNPP.

3.2.3.A Confirmthat containmentresponse Notstarted.

calculationis completed,commensurate with the levelof detailcontainedin GE HitachiReport NEDC-33771P/NED0-33771 , Revision1, "GEH Evaluation of FLEXlmplementation Guidelines,"

ADAMSAccessionNo. ML130370742. The licenseeshouldprovideresultsfrom Notstarted.

the successfulcompletionof the evaluationsand possiblemodifications whichdemonstratethatthe Suppression PoolCleanuppumpand pipingare seismically"robust".

3 . 2 . 4 . 2 . 4l t i s n o t c l e a rt h a t( 1 ) t h e a s s u m e d Not started.

temperatures of the variouscriticalrooms,e.9.,

RCIC Roomand ControlRoom,are adequately evaluatedfor the potentiallyhightemperaturethat may occurin theseareasor that (2) time critical actionsare not requiredto be takento maintain equipmentfunctionality or personnelhabitability limits. Confirmthat theseanalyses/evaluations are completed. licenseeprovidedinsufficient Started.

information on monitoringtemperatures and hydrogenconcentration levelsin the batteryrooms to ensuretemperatureand hydrogenconcentration levelare withinacceptablelevel. Confirmthat batteryroom temperatureand hydrogen concentration remainacceptable. proposed Not started.

communications upgradesin the licensee's communications assessmentare completedas planned. licenseeshouldconfirmthatthe Not started.

qualityof water injectedinto the reactorpressure vesselsupportsand maintainsacceptablelongterm corecooling. auditprocess,the licensee Notstarted.

indicatedthatthe basisfor the minimumbus voltage for Division1 and Division2 battervsvstemsis the L-14-025 Page6 of 8 ISEConfirmatoryltem Status coilvoltagerequiredto operatethe 4160 volt ac breakers(dieselgeneratoroutputbreakers)on the divisionalbussesand operationof Automatic Depressurization SystemSRV [safetyreliefvalve]

solenoids.Confirmthat the batteryloading analysesconsidersthe appropriateminimum voltage. applicable electricaldrawing(s) Notstarted.

providedduringthe auditprocesswere not legible.

The licenseeshouldprovidea legiblecopy of electricaldrawinqsfor NRC staff review. audit,the licenseeindicateda Not started.

total load of 429 kilowattsfor the FLEXdiesel generatorwhichdoes not appearto matchthe total sum of all the loadsprovidedduringthe audit. The licenseeshouldexplainand/orresolvethis discrepancy. respectto refuelingof deployed Notstarted.

equipment, PNPPis currentlyevaluating the feasibilityof eitherprocuringa fuel trailer(trailer mountedtankwith on-boardpumpmechanism), or mountinga fuel tank withinthe bed of a heavy-duty truck,with appropriate pumpingmechanisms.The licenseeshoudprovidea descriptionof the final plansfor refuelingonce theseevaluationsare complete. licenseeshouldprovidethe battery Not started.

dc load profilewith the requiredloadsfor the mitigatingstrategiesto maintaincore cooling, containment, and spentfuel poolcooling. licenseeshoudprovidethe final Not started.

load sheddingprocedurefor reviewwhen it is completed.

3.4.A The licenseedid not addressconsiderations Not started.

2 through10 of NEI 12-06,Section12.2,regarding offsiteresources.This information shouldbe confirmedand documented.

PotentialInterim Staff Evaluationlmpacts FENOCis currentlyevaluating enhancements to the PNPPFLEXmitigating strategies to be employedfor Phase2 copingduringa postulatedBeyond-Design-Basis External Event(BDBEE),as describedin the PNPPOlP. The supporting plantmodifications requiredto employthesestrategiesare also underevaluation.

L-14-025 Page7 of 8 As of January31,2014,thefollowing strategyenhancements areunderevaluation:

Utilization of 4160VACportablegeneratorsin lieuof the OIP-specified 480VAC units. The 4160VACgenerators,if selected,would be used to power an existing safety-relatedUnit 2 4160VACdistributionbus. Provisionswould be providedfor cross-connecting this Unit2 bus to corresponding Unit 1 4160VACdistribution buses,alongwith Unit2 480VACpoweras describedin the PNPPOlP.

Utilization of an emergencyspentfuel pool inventorymake-upcapabilityin accordancewith the guidanceof NEI 12-06(referenceTableC-3). The abilityto provideinventorymake-upwithoutaccessingthe refuelfloor,utilizinghoses,or portablespray nozzleswill be providedthroughthe use of new plantpiping and/orhose connectionpoints.This approachwouldbe used in lieuof a fixed overheadspraysystemas documentedin the PNPPOlP.

Utilization of Phase2 motor-driven pumpsstorednearthe locationof deployment withinthe emergencyservicewaterpumphouse(ESWPH),which is robustfor all applicablehazards(seismic,flood,wind,missiles).The pumpsestablish suction/discharge via deployablehosesand utilizingwater inventoryavailablevia the seismicallyrobustplantintake/discharge structures.This approachwould be used in lieuof deployablePhase2 pumps(firetrucks)establishing suction/discharge at the PNPPbargeslip.

Utilization of a closedloopcontainmentcoolingstrategyfor rejectionof suppressionpool excessheat via RHR heatexchangersutilizingprocessflow motiveforce providedby existingplant480VACpumps. Coolingwaterwill be providedby existingemergencyservicewater(ESW)systempipingwith cooling water suppliedfrom pumpsstagedin the locationof deploymentin the ESWPH.

The changesdescribedaboveare currentlybeingreviewedinternallyby FENOCto ensurecompliancewith NEI 12-06for the restoration of key safetyfunctions.Once FENOChas conclusively determinedthesestrategychangesto be in the best interest of preservingpublichealthand safetywhilecopingwith beyonddesignbasisevents, FENOCintendsto submita revisedOlP.

References The followingreferencessupportthe updatesto the OIP describedin this attachment.

1. FirstEnergy NuclearOperatingCompany's(FENOC's)OverallIntegratedPlanin Responseto March12,2012Commission OrderModifyingLicenseswith Regard to Requirements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(OrderNumberEA-12 -049),dated February27,2013.
2. NRC OrderNumberEA-12-049,OrderModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirements for MitigationStrategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents, d a t e dM a r c h1 2 , 2 0 1 2 .

L-14-A25 Page8 of 8

3. PerryNuclearPowerPlant,Unit 1 - InterimStaffEvaluationRelatingTo Overall IntegratedPlan In ResponseTo Order EA-12-49 (MitigationStrategies),dated J a n u a r y2 2 , 2 0 1 4 .