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NRR E-mail Capture - September 2012 FPL Marine Turtle Removal Monthly Report
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/2012
From: Weege S
- No Known Affiliation
To: Koperski M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12279A228 (7)


NRR-PMDAPEm Resource From: Stephen Weege []

Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 1:11 PM To: Meghan Koperski Cc: Dave Niebch; Dave Clark; Ed Hollowell; EndangeredSpecies Resource; Jodie Gless; Ken Frehafer; Mike Bresette;;; Shelley Norton; Vince Munne


September 2012 FPL Marine Turtle Removal Monthly Report Attachments: September 2012 Marine Turtle Captures.rtf; Monthly Report Notes 2012.pdf; FPL St Lucie Capture Summary 2012.pdf Mrs. Meghan Koperski Tequesta Field Laboratory 19100 SE Federal Highway Tequesta , FL 33469


Marine Turtle Removal Monthly Summary September 2012

Dear Meghan,

Attached, please find the monthly summary of marine turtle removals for September 2012. This month, we captured eleven (11) Caretta caretta and five (5) Chelonia mydas in the intake canal of the St. Lucie power plant on Hutchinson Island. There was one non-causal mortality and one turtle was sent for rehabilitation in September.

On September 11th, a moderately decomposed subadult loggerhead sea turtle was found dead on the temporary 5-inch barrier net in the morning. This animal was missing flesh from around the neck and throat. In addition, the scutes and scales were sloughing off from decomposition. There were healed wounds on the posterior carapace from old injuries; a small arc-shaped piece was missing from the right posterior carapace and several marginals were missing from the left posterior carapace. After consultation with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), this incident was considered to be non-causal to power plant operations.

The turtle was buried in accordance with the FWC sea turtle stranding protocol.

On September 28th, a subadult loggerhead sea turtle was hand captured while floating at the surface, immediately after entrainment into the intake canal. This animal had an apparent old boat strike injury to the anterior two-thirds of the carapace (a large crack that was mostly healed). Buoyancy issues were evidenced by the fact that the animal could not dive to avoid capture, in spite of repeated attempts. After consultation with FWC, this incident was considered to be non-causal to power plant operations. The turtle was then transported to the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach by the FWC sea turtle stranding coordinator for rehabilitation.

Throughout the month, the barrier nets experienced light-to-moderate loads of jellyfish that entered into the intake canal, whereas algae entrainment was negligible. On September 11th, Underwater Engineering Services performed quarterly net inspections on the barrier nets within the intake canal system (specifically, the temporary 5-inch; 8-inch A-1-A; and the Underwater Intrusion Detection System, or 10-inch U.I.D.S. nets). No holes were found and the nets were reported to be in good condition. Overall, the temporary barrier net has performed as designed and no turtles have been observed beyond the 5-inch net. To date, Florida Power &

Light and Morgan & Eklund, Inc. continue to work together on the installation of a permanent 5-inch barrier net.


The tag numbers and morphometric data for all turtles captured during the month have been included (see attachments/addendums). Also included is a spreadsheet for all captures, mortalities, injuries, and causal events delineated by species and by month for the year 2012. In addition, this spreadsheet tracks fresh scrapes incurred on captured turtles for the current month, as well as the entire year.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Sincerely, Steve Steve Weege Sr. Environmental Specialist Inwater Research Group, Inc.

4160 NE Hyline Dr.

Jensen Beach, FL 34957 (772) 349-7252 2

Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 499 Mail Envelope Properties (1349111470.62134.YahooMailNeo)


September 2012 FPL Marine Turtle Removal Monthly Report Sent Date: 10/1/2012 1:11:10 PM Received Date: 10/1/2012 1:11:18 PM From: Stephen Weege Created By: Recipients:

"Dave Niebch" <>

Tracking Status: None "Dave Clark" <>

Tracking Status: None "Ed Hollowell" <>

Tracking Status: None "EndangeredSpecies Resource" <>

Tracking Status: None "Jodie Gless" <>

Tracking Status: None "Ken Frehafer" <>

Tracking Status: None "Mike Bresette" <>

Tracking Status: None "" <>

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Tracking Status: None "Shelley Norton" <>

Tracking Status: None "Vince Munne" <>

Tracking Status: None "Meghan Koperski" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 3391 10/1/2012 1:11:18 PM September 2012 Marine Turtle Captures.rtf 10947 Monthly Report Notes 2012.pdf 60839 FPL St Lucie Capture Summary 2012.pdf 112850 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

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MARINE TURTLE REMOVALS ST. LUCIE PLANT INTAKE CANAL SEPTEMBER 2012 Date Species Note Tag #'s SMCL SSCL CSCL CMCW SMCW SMPL Weight Method (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (kg) 9/2/2012 Chelonia mydas 982000167824125 23.3 23.7 24.5 21.2 19.1 19.5 1.6 Dip net 9/2/2012 Chelonia mydas 1 BBR396 61.0 61.1 64.6 54.9 47.4 50.5 29.7 Hand capture 9/6/2012 Caretta caretta BBR397/BBR398 66.3 67.6 72.2 72.1 58.6 51.8 45.0 North net 9/10/2012 Caretta caretta BBR399/BBR400 64.8 65.6 68.5 66.9 58.6 51.3 40.4 North net 9/10/2012 Caretta caretta BBR401/BBR402 56.5 57.3 61.5 60.4 51.4 45.5 28.5 South net 9/11/2012 Caretta caretta 2 RCW120911-01 55.1 55.4 61.7 59.2 45.1 43.2 22.2 Barrier net 9/12/2012 Caretta caretta 3 BBR037/BBR038 64.4 64.8 69.0 63.5 52.2 48.4 37.6 North net 9/13/2012 Caretta caretta BBR403/BBR404 66.4 67.5 72.1 68.0 57.1 52.2 44.7 South net 9/14/2012 Chelonia mydas BBR405/BBR406 59.6 60.6 65.0 59.0 49.5 48.6 29.0 North net 9/16/2012 Caretta caretta BBR407/BBR408 67.9 69.1 72.2 69.8 59.9 53.4 47.1 Hand capture 9/17/2012 Caretta caretta BBR409/BBR410 62.9 63.8 68.5 65.6 53.8 49.6 37.0 Hand capture 9/18/2012 Chelonia mydas BBR411 29.2 29.6 30.9 26.3 24.2 24.4 3.4 Dip net 9/20/2012 Chelonia mydas BBR412 30.9 31.1 32.8 30.0 26.6 25.9 3.7 Hand capture 9/23/2012 Caretta caretta BBR413/BBR414 61.2 62.2 65.3 60.5 50.2 45.7 28.1 North net 9/28/2012 Caretta caretta BBR415/BBR416 60.4 61.0 66.5 64.0 52.4 47.4 31.7 South net

Date Species Note Tag #'s SMCL SSCL CSCL CMCW SMCW SMPL Weight Method (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (kg) 9/28/2012 Caretta caretta 4 STW120928-01 68.7 69.7 75.4 70.0 57.3 55.0 47.7 Hand capture


1. RECAPTURE. Turtle was removed from the intake canal, tagged and released at Hutchinson Island on 9/25/01, 8/24/05, 7/26/06, 5/29/09, 11/10/11 and 9/2/12. New inconel tag inserted in the left front flipper on this capture. Turtle has minor flipper damage. Possible old hooking wound in lower tomium.
2. DEAD (NON-CAUSAL MORTALITY). Stranding number RCW120911-01. Found dead on barrier net.

Moderately decomposed and missing flesh from neck and throat. Scutes and scale sloughing off.

Healed wounds on posterior carapace from old injuries. Turtle buried off beach.

3. RECAPTURE. Turtle was removed from the intake canal, tagged and released at Hutchinson Island on 1/13/12 and 9/12/12.
4. REHAB (NON-CAUSAL). Stranding number STW120928-01. Subadult loggerhead hand captured while floating at surface immediately after entrainment into the intake canal. Apparent old boat strike injury to anterior two-thirds of carapace (large crack that is mostly healed). Turtle has buoyancy issues.

Transported to Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach by FWC sea turtle stranding coordinator.

SMCL = Straight Minimum Carapace Length SMCL = Straight Standard Carapace Length CSCL = Curved Standard Carapace Length CMCW = Curved Maximum Carapace Width SMCW = Straight Maximum Carapace Width SMPL = Straight Midline Plastron Length

Loggerheads Green turtles Hawksbills Leatherbacks Kemp's ridley (Chelonia (Eretmochelys (Dermochelys (Lepidochelys (Caretta caretta) mydas) imbricata) coriacea) kempii) Overall Totals Year to Year to Year to Year to Year to Year to Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Captures 11 182 5 53 0 1 0 2 0 0 16 238 Causal Mortalities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-causal Mortalities 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Causal Injuries 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Sent to rehab 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 Fresh Year to Year to Year to Year to Year to Year to Scrapes Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date Sep-12 Date None 4 37 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 48 Minor 7 129 4 38 0 0 0 2 0 0 11 169 Moderate 0 16 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 21 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent with mod/sev scrapes 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 7.5% N/A 100.0% N/A 0.0% N/A N/A 0.0% 8.8%