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E-mail from Michael Hay, Subject: Sensitive Allegation Material, Minutes/Actions from the 08/26/08 Allegation Review Board
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/02/2008
From: Hay M
NRC Region 4
To: Allen D
NRC Region 4
Download: ML12116A329 (2)



Judith Walker From: Michael Hay Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:47 AM To: Don Allen; Judith Walker


RE: SENSITIVE ALLEGATION MATERIAL** MINUTES/ACTIONS FROM THE 08/26/08 ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD On Aucqust August 26, 2008, I received a nhone call (b)(7)(c)

  • l(b)(7)(C) I During the call they provided details involv g an inveS'igaTon tey-were performing involving performance of battery surviellance testing in which descrepancies were identified related to times recorded on the surveillance data sheets as compared to actual times the individuals were in the area determined by reviewing key card data. Initially, there was a concern that individuals may not have entered the areas in which the surviellances were documented as being complete. The licensee provided information in which on all ocassions reviewed electricians did enter the battery area for durations between approximately 75 minutes and 120 minutes. Based on this information we will continue to follow the results of the licensee's investigation, however, we do not currently have a concern that the surveillances were not performed based on entry into the areas by the electricians.

Mike Hay From: Don Allen Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 8:51 AM To: Michael Hay



Don From: Judith Walker Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 8:48 AM To: Don Allen


RE: SENSITIVE ALLEGATION MATERIAL** MINUTES/ACTIONS FROM THE 08/26/08 ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD Don, preferably the phone record (what licensee official updated RPBD and when and I guess the what is the statement below), since this is something that took place outside of the ARB. This makes the file complete..

Thanks Again, Judith From: Don Allen Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:03 AM To: Judith Walker


FW: SENSITIVE ALLEGATION MATERIAL** MINUTES/ACTIONS FROM THE 08/26/08 ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD Judith, Mike asked me to update this with the new information: The licensee initial investigation revealed no occasion when the electricians did not enter the area for at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 15 minutes to as long as 2 1/2 hours, which may be sufficient to perform the necessary activities to satisfy the surveillance requirements.

Information in this record was deleted inaccordance with the o* Information Act, exe 0tions. . -


How do I update this?

'Don From: R4ALLEGATION Resource Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 5:05 PM To: Anita Tannenbaum; Anton Vegel; Chuck Paulk; Claude Johnson; Don Allen; Douglas Bollock; Dwight Chamberlain; Geoffrey Miller; George Replogle; Greg Werner; Mahdi Hayes; Michael Hay; Peter Jayroe; Rick Deese; Theresa Buchanan; Thomas Farnholtz; Vincent Gaddy; Wayne Walker; William Schaup; Bernadette Baca; Dale Powers; Eduardo Uribe; Eric Ruesch; Greg Pick; Kenneth Brooks; Lenora Reyna; Linda Smith; Lynn Berger; Michael Bloodgood; Michael Shannon; Neil OKeefe; Phil Quails; Roy Caniano; Russ Bywater; Ryan Lantz; Tracy Karl; Troy Pruett; Vincent Watkins; William Jones; Crystal Holland; JoAnn McArthur; Kevin Pryer; LyndaJo Baker; Michael FitzGibbon; Christi Maier; Greg Tutak; Harry Freeman; Janet Staub; Judith Walker; Judy Kilcrease; Karla Fuller; Lucy Owen; Michael Vasquez


SENSITIVE ALLEGATION MATERIAL** MINUTES/ACTIONS FROM THE 08/26/08 ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD Please let me know if you have any questions/comments .... Judith x145 REACTOR ISSUES:

RIV-2008-A-0117 San Onofre RPBD ACES- request licensee investigation RPBD- Provide ACES with phone record from 08/26/08, phone call w/ licensee RPBD to review the licensee's investigation.

ACES- bring case back to ARB after RPBD's review of the licensee's investioation I i I IIII" 2