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Response from NEIMA Local Community Advisory Board Questionnaire 08-30-2019 J Steinmetz
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/2019
From: Steinmetz J
- No Known Affiliation
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
Conway K
Download: ML19344C721 (2)


From: Jeff Steinmetz To: NEIMA108 Resource


Response from "NEIMA Local Community Advisory Board Questionnaire" Date: Friday, August 30, 2019 2:11:39 PM Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Jeff Steinmetz ( on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 14:17:07 through the IP using the form at and resulted in this email to related-site: San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant cab-question1: For Southern California Edison (SCE) to control all the narrative/discussion concerning San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.

cab-question2: The local Cab was established after the plant closed in June of 2013. The charter was written by SCE solely for the benefit of SCE, and the control of all the information dispersed to the public. This link will provide the charter that has no date. df cab-question3: The CEP panel meets quarterly.

cab-question4: The members of the panel are chosen by SCE and they are only members that agree with SCE or say nothing in the meetings. Many of them are politicians. The panel members that disagreed with SCE were removed from the panel by SCE. The panel is completely controlled by SCE.

cab-question5: The selection process for the board/panel is will they ask hard questions of SCE information? If they will they will not be selected.

The public has no say in who can be on the panel.

cab-question6: "Each member of the CEP will serve a two-year renewable term (following the initial staggering of terms). The inaugural panel shall have staggered terms as assigned by the SONGS Co-owners. Membership on the panel shall be renewable at the discretion of the SONGS Co-owners."

cab-question7: NO. SCE appointed Chairperson David Vicktor controls the meetings to the benefit of SCE.

cab-question8: SCE makes a video of the meetings and post it on line. However SCE makes that video un-available for download should anyone want to use part of what was discussed in the meeting. I think they do live stream the meetings.

cab-question9: SCE is the sponsor. SCE provides facility rental, PA and video services. They do not provide transcript services.

cab-question10: SCE controls the agenda completely. They discuss what they want to discuss and it does not matter what the public wants to discuss.

Members of the public have 3 minutes to talk and that is it. Most of the time our questions are not responded to. If and when questions are responded to they are not responded to with the whole truth.

cab-question11: They have no say what so ever. The board is only a sounding board and the utility does what ever they want.

cab-question12: The NRC is a captured regulatory agency and does the bidding of the utilities. SCE is no exception on this. The NRC has set in on multiple meetings and acts as deference council for SCE.

cab-question13: We get out 3 minutes and that is all.

cab-question14: They screw up all the time and say things they did not intend or things that are not in compliance with their license. informed members of the public then use this information against them. Other than that they are completely useless and i would not bother to attend.

cab-question15: It is controlled by SCE for the benefit of SCE ONLY!

cab-question16: The San Onofre CEP panel should be dissolved and a state panel like at Diablo Canyon should be created. No political appointees and the panel should include local activist.

nocab-question1: Concerning San Onofre I don't know if the state ever considered it for San Onofre. However, they did create a panel for the Diablo Cayon.



