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Entergy Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit ENT000306 - Curriculum Vitea of F. Owen Hoffman
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Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2012
From: Hoffman F
SENES Oak Ridge
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML12089A633 List:
RAS 22135, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
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ENT000306 Submitted: March 29, 2012 F. OWEN HOFFMAN, Ph.D.

SENES Oak Ridge, Inc.

Center for Risk Analysis Education Ph.D. 1981 Ecology, University of Tennessee M.S. 1969 Fisheries Limnology, Oregon State University B.A. 1967 Biological Conservation, San Jose State College Capabilities Risk Analysis Environmental Health Physics Dose Reconstruction of Radionuclides and Chemicals Statistics/Quantitative Uncertainty Analysis Radioecology/ Terrestrial/Aquatic Risk Estimation/Assessment Experience Summary Dr. Hoffman, President and Director of SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., has a distinguished career of more than 38 years of experience in issues related to the evaluation of risk to humans from radionuclides and chemicals, and has worked extensively with dose assessment since 1972. Dr. Hoffman is serving as expert consultant for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) in the development of a report on uncertainties in risk estimates for cancer due to exposure to ionizing radiation. He served as an expert consultant to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and reviewer of the Blue Book, the EPA Radiogenic Cancer Risk Models and Projections for the U.S. Population (April 2011). He serves as an expert consultant to the German Research Center for Environmental Health (Helmholz Centrum München) for the development of ProZES, an interactive radioepidemiological program for the estimation of probability of causation of cancer from exposure to ionizing radiation. Dr. Hoffman is an expert consultant to the National Cancer Institute for evaluating uncertainties in dose in an epidemiological analysis of thyroid nodules and cancer among population groups who lived in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site during the atmospheric testing period from 1949 to 1962.

Dr. Hoffman has a wide variety of experience with evaluation of the transport, exposure, and environmental risk analysis of radionuclides and toxic chemicals, including the development and evaluation of methodologies used to screen and assess the health and environmental risk of inorganic and organic releases from industrial facilities. He is an author of studies on risk-based screening of off-site water and sediment contamination downstream from the Oak Ridge Reservation, and he has applied these approaches to the generic screening of contaminants at Superfund sites. These studies included a variety of radioactive and non-radioactive contaminants, including mercury in soil, vegetation, agricultural products, and aquatic biota. His research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory included the experimental determination of the transfer of contaminants from the atmosphere and hydrosphere through terrestrial and aquatic food chains. He made predictions using environmental transfer models and tested their accuracy using measured field data. In his research, he has applied formal quantitative uncertainty analyses in risk

Hoffman, F.O. continued assessment. Dr. Hoffman has experience as an expert witness in cases involving contamination from industrial releases of toxic chemicals; specifically, hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene. As a member of scientific peer review panels, he has reviewed the human health risk assessments concerning the contamination of water, sediment, and biota with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of both the Hudson and the Housatonic Rivers and their associated uncertainty analyses. Dr. Hoffman serves as an expert consultant for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. He is a Distinguished Emeritus Member of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) and a corresponding member of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. He is a member of the Society for Risk Analysis and has served as their liaison to the NCRP. He is a past member of the Radiation Advisory Committee of EPAs Science Advisory Board. He has served as an advisor to dose reconstruction projects managed by the States of Tennessee and Colorado, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Hoffman is among the first to have applied principles of uncertainty analysis to quantify the range of credibility in dose estimates for exposures to 131I. He has been the general chairman for an international guidance document (IAEA 1989) and a national guide (NCRP 1996) on the use of quantitative uncertainty analysis in environmental assessments, dose reconstruction and risk analysis. He was a consultant to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) during the 1980s on the application of uncertainty analysis in the NCI dose reconstruction of nationwide exposures to 131I in fallout from testing at the Nevada Test Site. He performed field research for the National Cancer Institute in support of the NCI nationwide dose reconstruction of exposures to Nevada Test Site fallout 131I. He was also a consultant to the National Research Council in the Institute of Medicine/NRC review (IOM/NRC 1999) of the 1997 NCI final report on nationwide 131I exposures, and has provided detailed testimony to Congress on the public health significance of the NCI 1997 report and the uncertainty in translating dose to a quantitative estimate of risk. Dr. Hoffman is internationally known for his contributions to uncertainty analysis in dose reconstruction and risk assessment. He is a member of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), and a former Chief Scientist to the International Atomic Energy Agency on the use of Chernobyl fallout data for the validation and testing of environmental exposure models. He is also a founding member of the HHS Advisory Committee for Energy Related Epidemiological Research (ACERER, 1991-2001). This committee advised the Secretary of HHS on dose reconstruction research for workers and members of the public potentially exposed to radiation and chemicals on or near Department of Energy sites throughout the USA. He was responsible for the overall SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., effort in the development of the web-based versions of IREP for NCI and NIOSH, which provide a Probability of Causation estimate for exposure to fallout from weapons testing and from occupational exposures to radiation.

Experience 1992-present President and Director; SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis 2

Hoffman, F.O. continued Expert consultant for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR ) in the development of a report on uncertainties in risk estimates for cancer due to exposure to ionizing radiation..

Expert consultant to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and reviewer of the Blue Book, the EPA Radiogenic Cancer Risk Models and Projections for the U.S. Population (April 2011).

Expert consultant to the German Research Center for Environmental Health (Helmholz Centrum München) for the development of ProZES, an interactive radioepidemiological program for the estimation of probability of causation of cancer from exposure to ionizing radiation.

Expert consultant to the National Cancer Institute for evaluating uncertainties in dose in an epidemiological analysis of thyroid nodules and cancer among population groups who lived in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site during the atmospheric testing period from 1949 to 1962.

Consultant to the IAEA on the radiological characterization carried out by the French Atomic Commission (CEA) related to French atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the environment of French Polynesia.

Chairman of a technical review panel for the evaluation of the uncertainty analysis methodology performed for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project.

Development of an updated introductory guide for the incorporation of quantitative uncertainty analyses in human health and environmental risk assessment.

Key investigator for Oak Ridge Health Studies Dose Reconstruction Project: Task Manager for evaluating 131I releases; key roles in evaluation of contaminant releases to the Clinch River, and screening for prioritization of contaminants.

Technical reviewer for several documents pertaining to the atmospheric and Columbia River pathway analyses for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project.

International model validation projects using data sets compiled following the Chernobyl accident in 1986 for testing food chain and exposure assessment models.

Uncertainty analysis for human health toxicity studies for contamination in the Clinch/Tennessee River System.

Assessment of health risks resulting from concentrations of three contaminants in East Tennessee water systems where the contamination did not result from Department of Energy operations in Oak Ridge.

Technical review of documents pertaining to environmental and human health risk assessment, quantitative uncertainty analysis, dose assessments (radiological and chemical), and various computer codes.

1976-1992 Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

1983-1992 Environmental Sciences Division 1978-1983 Health and Safety Research Division 1976-1978 Environmental Sciences Division 3

Hoffman, F.O. continued Served on ORNL Task Force 5 on evaluating health risks of mercury and other environmental contaminants in the environs surrounding the Oak Ridge Reservation.

Development and evaluation of methodologies used to screen and assess the health and environmental risk of inorganic, organic and radionuclide releases from industrial facilities.

Validation of environmental transfer model predictions using experimental field data Application of formal procedures for quantitative uncertainty analysis in risk assessment.

Experimental determination of the transfer of contaminants in the atmosphere and hydrosphere to terrestrial and aquatic food chains.

Application of uncertainty analyses in environmental risk assessments.

1971-1975 Department of Environmental Protection Institute for Reactor Safety, Cologne, Germany 1969-1971 U. S. National Park Service 1968 Fisheries Limnology, Oregon State University Professional Affiliations U. S. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1992-present)

Scientific Committees:

1-16: Uncertainties in the Estimation of Radiation Risk and the Probability of Disease Causation (consultant) 87-5: Risk Management Analysis of Decommissioned Sites (2002 -2004).

64-20: Contaminated Soil (1999) 57-16: Uncertainty in the Application of Metabolic Models (1998) 64-17: (chair): Implementing Quantitative Uncertainty Analysis (1992-1997).

64-16: (chair): Analysis of Uncertainty in Screening Models (1990-1992) 64-6: Screening Models for Radionuclides in the Environment. (1989) 64-3: Radiological Assessment Models (1984)

Society for Risk Analysis, Liaison to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (2002), SRA Councilor (1999-2001)

US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Advisory Committee for Energy-Related Epidemiological Research (1992-2001)

US Environmental Protection Agency, Radiation Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board (1992-1998)

University of Tennessee, Adjunct Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering International Commission on Radiological Protection, Correspond. Member 1996-present State of Colorado, Department of Health, Health Advisory Panel for Dose Reconstruction at Rocky Flats (1990-1997)

International Union of Radioecologists Journal of Radioecology: Editorial Board Professional Societies Society for Risk Analysis 4

Hoffman, F.O. continued Health Physics Society The George Wright Society Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry International Society of Exposure Analysis Publications Hoffman, F.O., Kocher, D.C., Apostoaei, A.I. Beyond dose assessment: Using risk with full disclosure of uncertainty in public and scientific communication. Health Physics. In press.

Hoffman F.O. and Kocher D.C. Drinking water standard for tritium - whats the risk?

Health Physics. In press.

Kocher, D.C., Apostoaei, A.I., Henshaw, R.W., Hoffman, F.O., Schubauer-Berigan, M.K., Stancescu, D.O., Thomas, B.A., Trabalka, J.R., Gilbert, E.S., Land, C.E.

Interactive Radioepidemiological Program (IREP): A web-based tool for estimating probability of causation/assigned share of radiogenic cancers. Health Physics 95(1):119-147; 2008.

Li Y, Guolo A, Hoffman FO, Carroll RJ. Shared uncertainty in measurement error problems, with application to Nevada Test Site fallout data. Biometrics 63:1226-1236; 2007.

Hoffman FO, Ruttenber AJ, Apostoaei AI, Carroll RJ, Greenland S. The Hanford Thyroid Disease Study: An alternative view of the findings. Health Phys. 92(2):99 -111; 2007.

Hoffman FO, Ruttenber AJ, Greenland S, Carroll RJ. Radiation exposure and thyroid cancer. JAMA 296(5):513; 2006.

Lyon JL, Alder SC, Bishop Stone M, Scholl A, Reading JC, Holubkov R, Sheng X, White Jr G L, Hegmann K T, Anspaugh L, Hoffman F O, Simon S L, Thomas B, Carroll R, Meikle A W. Thyroid Disease Associated with Exposure to the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site Radiation: A reevaluation based on corrected dosimetry and examination data.

Epidemiology 17: 604-614; 2006.

Simon, S., Anspaugh, L., Hoffman, O., Scholl, A. Stone, M.., Thomas, B. Lyon, J. 2004 Update of dosimetry for the Utah Thyroid Cohort Study. Rad. Research 165: 208-222; 2006.

Lyon, J., Alder, S., Stone, M., Anspaugh, L, Holubkov, R., Hoffman, O., Hegmann, K.,

Meikle, W., Reading, J., Scholl, A., Sheng, X., Simon, S., Thomas, B., White, G., 2005.

Thyroid Disease Associated with Exposure to the Nevada Test Site Radiation - A Reevaluation Based on Corrected Dosimetry and Examination of Data. Am J Epidemiol 2005; 161 (Suppl):S1- S152. 2005.

Kocher, D.C., Apostoaei, A.I., Hoffman, F.O. 2005. Radiation Effectiveness Factors for Use in Calculating Probability of Causation of Radiogenic Cancers. Health Physics 89(1): 3-32; 2005.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Apostoaei, A.I., Thomas, T.A., Kocher, D.C, Hoffman, F.O. 2005. Doses to the public from atmospheric releases of radionuclides from the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 1957-1959. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2005.

NCRP. 2004. Approaches to Risk Management in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Sites. NCRP Report No. 146. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Bethesda, MD.

Reed, E.W., Thiessen, K.M., Hoffman, F.O., Apostoaei, A.I. 2003. Comparison of doses and risks obtained from dose reconstructions for historical operations of federal facilities that supported the development, production, or testing of nuclear weapons. Health Physics, 84(6):687-697.

Land, C., Gilbert, E., Smith, J., Hoffman, F.O., Apostoaei, I.A., Thomas, B.A., Kocher, D.C.

2003. Report of the NCI-CDC Working Group to Revise the 1985 NIH Radioepidemiological Tables. Bethesda, MD: NIH/NCI.

Apostoaei, A.I., Thomas, B.A., Hoffman, F.O. 2003. Total risk of cancer from ingestion and inhalation of multiple radionuclides. Health Physics, 84(6): S244-S245.

Hoffman, F.O., Apostoaei, A.I., Thomas, B. Land, C. Gilbert, E. 2002. The role of uncertainty analysis in estimating the probability of causation of radiogenic cancer. Health Physics, 82(6): S188.

Hoffman, F.O., Apostoaei, A.I., Thomas, B.A. 2002. The public health implications of combined exposure to multiple sources of 131i released during the Cold War era: Extension of dose reconstruction to risk analysis and beyond. In: Radioprotection: The Radioecology-Ecotoxicology of Continental and Estuarine Environments. ECORAD 2001, Proceedings of the International Congress, Aix-en-Provence, 3-7 September, 2001. Brechignac, F., ed. EDP Sciences, 37, C1:147-152.

Thomas, B.A., Blaylock, B.G., Hoffman, F.O., and Kocher, D.C. 2002. An Evaluation of Results for Samples Collected at LBNL in Accordance with the 2001 Vegetation Sampling Plan for Tritium, SOR/TR-006-1025, SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN.

Hoffman, F.O., Apostoaei, A.I., and Thomas, B.A. 2002. A perspective on public concerns about exposure to fallout from the production and testing of nuclear weapons. Health Physics, 82(5): 736-748.

Mallick, B., Hoffman, F.O., and Carroll, R.J. 2002. Semiparametric regression modeling with mixtures of Berkson and classical error, with application to fallout from the Nevada Test Site. Biometrics, 58:13-20.

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). 2001. Generic models for use in assessing the impact of discharges of radioactive substances to the environment. Safety Reports Series No. 19. Vienna, Austria.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Hoffman, F.O. 2000. Peer review for the Hudson River PCBs Human Health Risk Assessment. In: Report on the Peer Review of the Hudson River PCBs Human Health Risk Assessment. Final Report. Eastern Research Group, Inc., Lexington, MA. Pp. 17-38.

Apostoaei, A.I., Nair, S.K., Thomas, B.A., Lewis, C.J., Hoffman, F.O., and Thiessen, K.M.

2000. External exposure to radionuclides accumulated in the shoreline sediments with an application to the lower Clinch River. Health Physics, 78(6):700-710.

Nair, S.K., Apostoaei, A.I., and Hoffman, F.O. 2000. A radioiodine speciation, deposition, and dispersion model with uncertainty propagation for the Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction.

Health Physics, 78(4):394-413.

Apostoaei, A.I., Burns, R.E., Hoffman, F.O., Ijaz, T., Lewis, C.J., Nair, S.K., Widner, T.E. 1999. Iodine-131 releases from radioactive lanthanum processing at the X-10 Site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1944-1956)--An Assessment of Quantities Released, Off-site Radiation Doses, and Potential Excess Risks of Thyroid Cancer. Tennessee Department of Health, Reports of the Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction, Vols. 1 and 1A, The Report of Project Task 1.

Apostoaei, A.I., Blaylock, B.G., Caldwell, B., Flack, S., Gouge, J.H., Hoffman, F.O., Lewis, C.J., Nair, S.K., Reed, E.W., Thiessen, K.M., Thomas, B.A., and Widner, T.E. 1999.

Radionuclides released to the Clinch River from White Oak Creek on the Oak Ridge Reservation-An assessment of historical quantities released, off-site radiation doses, and health risks. Reports of the Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction, Vols. 4 and 4A. The Report of Project Task 4. Tennessee Department of Health, Oak Ridge Health Studies, Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction.

EPA. 1999. Estimating Uncertainties in Radiogenic Cancer Risk. Science Advisory Board, US EPA: Washington DC; EPA-SAB-RAC-99-008.

IOM/NRC (Institute of Medicine/National Research Council). 1999. Exposure of the American people to Iodine-131 from Nevada nuclear-bomb tests. Review of the National Cancer Institute Report and Public Health Implications (F.O. Hoffman consultant). National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

NCRP. 1999. Recommended screening limits for contaminated surface soil and review of factors relevant to site-specific studies. NCRP Report No. 129. NCRP, Bethesda, Md.

Kryshev, I.I., Sazykina, T.G., Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., Blaylock, B.G., Feng, Y.,

Galeriu, D., Heling, R., Kryshev, A.I., Kononovich, A.L., and Watkins, B. 1999.

Assessment of the consequences of the radioactive contamination of aquatic media and biota for the Chernobyl NPP cooling pond: Model testing using Chernobyl data. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 42:143-156.

Konoplev, A.V., Bulgakov, A.A., Hoffman, F.O., Kanyar, B., Lyashenko, G., Nair, S.K.,

Popov, A., Raskob, W., Thiessen, K.M., Watkins, B., and Zheleznyak, M. 1999. Validation of models of radionuclide wash-off from contaminated watersheds using Chernobyl data.

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 42:131-141.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Garger, E.K., Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., Galeriu, D., Kryshev, A.I., Lev, T., Miller, C.W., Nair, S.K., Talerko, N., and Watkins, B. 1999. Test of existing mathematical models for atmospheric resuspension of radionuclides. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 42:157-175.

Ron, E., and Hoffman, F.O., (eds.). 1999. Uncertainties in radiation dosimetry and their impact on dose-response analysis. Proceedings of a Workshop at the National Cancer Institute, September 3-5, 1997. NIH Publication No. 99-4541. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.

Hoffman, F.O. 1999. Environmental Dose Reconstruction: How large can uncertainty be when models take the place of measurements? In: Uncertainties in Radiation Dosimetry and Their Impact on Dose-Response Analysis (Ron, E., and Hoffman, F.O. eds.). National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health Publication No. 99-4541.

Hoffman, F.O. 1999. Evaluation of the doses, risks and probabilities of cancer causation from the atmospheric releases of 131I and releases of radionuclides to the Columbia River from the Hanford operations since 1944. Produced for In re Berg Plaintiffs: Engstrom, Lipscomb & Lack, Los Angeles, CA.

Hoffman, F.O. 1999. Advances in environmental dose reconstruction. ASA Conference on Radiation and Health. June 14-17, 1998. Radiation Research 151:108.

Hoffman, F.O., Kaplan, S. 1999. Beyond the domain of direct observation: How to specify a probability distribution that represents the state of knowledge about uncertain inputs. Risk Analysis 19(1) 131-134.

Hoffman, F.O., Chambers, D.O., Stager, R.H. 1999. Uncertainty is part of making decisions.

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 5(2) 255-261.

Hoffman, F.O. 1998. Testimony of F. Owen Hoffman in: National Cancer Institutes Management of Radiation Studies Hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, Second Session, September 16, 1998. S. Hrg. 105-686. U.S.

Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.

NCRP (National Council for Radiation Protection and Measurements). 1998. Evaluating the reliability of biokinetic and dosimetric models and parameters used to assess individual doses for risk assessment purposes. NCRP Commentary No. 15. Prepared by Scientific Committee 57-16 on Uncertainty in the Application of Metabolic Models: A. Bouville, K.F.

Eckerman; W.C. Griffith, F.O. Hoffman, R.W. Leggett, and J. Stubbs. June 1998.

Apostoaei, A.I., Hoffman, F.O., and Hammonds, J.S. 1998. Organ-specific Risk Coefficients for Estimating Excess Lifetime Risk of Cancer Incidence. Health Physics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 1998. Minneapolis, MN. Health Physics, 74(6):S16.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Apostoaei, A.I., Lewis, C.J., Hammonds, J.H., and Hoffman, F.O. 1998. Uncertainties in Doses from Ingestion of 137Cs, 90Sr, 60Co, 106Ru, and 131I. Health Physics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 1998. Minneapolis, MN. Health Physics, 74(6):S14.

Hoffman, F.O., Hammonds, J.S., Apostoaei, A.I., Blaylock, B.G., Thomas, B.A., Thiessen, K.M. 1998. Estimation of Health Risks Based on Revised Estimates of HEDR Doses for Maximum Representative Individuals Consuming Fish and Waterfowl from the Columbia River: An Evaluation of HEDR Reports on the Columbia River Pathways. Report prepared for the National Opinion Research Center. ATSDR, Atlanta, GA.

Metzger, J.N., Fjeld, R.A., Hammonds, J.S., and Hoffman, F.O. 1998. Evaluation of software for propagating uncertainty through risk assessment models. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 4(2):263-290.

Thiessen, K.M., Hoffman, F.O., Rantavaara, A., and Hossain, S. 1997. Environmental models undergo international test: The science and art of exposure assessment modeling were tested using real-world data from the Chernobyl accident. Environmental Science &

Technology 31(8):358A-363A.

Leggett, R., Bouville, A., and Hoffman, F.O. 1997. Reliability of ICRP dose coefficients.

Radiation Protection 17(1):34-38.

Garger, E.K., Hoffman, F.O., and Thiessen, K.M. 1997. Uncertainty of the long-term resuspension factor. Atmospheric Environment 31(11):1647-1656.

Nair, S.K., Miller, C.W., Thiessen, K.M., Garger, E.K., and Hoffman, F.O. 1997. Modeling the resuspension of radionuclides in Ukrainian regions impacted by Chernobyl fallout.

Health Physics 72(1):77-85.

NCI (National Cancer Institute). 1997. Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses Received by the American People from Iodine-131 in Fallout Following Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests. A Report from the National Cancer Institute. (F.O. Hoffman, consultant). U.S.

Dept. of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD.

Nair, S.K., Chambers, D.B., Park, S.H., Radonjic, Z.R., Coutts, P.T., Lewis, C.J.,

Hammonds, J.S., and Hoffman, F.O. 1997. Review of Models Used for Determining Consequences of UF6 Release. Model Evaluation Report. NUREG/CR-6481, Vol. 2.

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.

Hoffman, F.O., Simon, S.L., and Thiessen, K.M. 1996. The Role of Uncertainty Analysis in Dose Reconstruction and Risk Assessment. 31st Annual Meeting of the NCRP. Proceedings No. 17. Pp.107-134.

Hoffman, F.O., and Thiessen, K.M. 1996. The use of Chernobyl data to test model predictions for inter-individual variability of 137Cs concentrations in humans. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 54:197-202.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Nair, S.K., Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., and Konoplev, A. 1996. Modeling the wash-off of 90Sr and 137Cs from an experimental plot established in the vicinity of the Chernobyl reactor. Health Physics 71(6):896-909.

Peterson, S.R., Hoffman, F.O., and Khler, H. 1996. Summary of the BIOMOVS A4 Scenario: Testing Models of the Air-Pasture-Cow Milk Pathway Using Chernobyl Fallout Data. Health Physics 71(2):149-159.

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). 1996. Validation of models using Chernobyl fallout data from southern Finland--Scenario S. Second Report of the VAMP Multiple Pathways Assessment Working Group. IAEA TECDOC-904.

Kocher, D.C., and Hoffman, F.O. 1996. Comment on: An approach for balancing health and ecological risks at hazardous waste sites. Risk Analysis 16(3):295-297.

Schmoyer, R.L., Beauchamp, J.J., Brandt, C.C., and Hoffman, F. O. 1996. Difficulties with the lognormal model in mean estimation and testing. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3:81-97.

NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements). 1996. A Guide for Uncertainty Analysis in Dose and Risk Assessments Related to Environmental Contamination. Chairman of Scientific Committee 64-17. NCRP Commentary No. 14.

NCRP, Bethesda, MD.

Prhl, G., and Hoffman, F.O. 1996. Radionuclide Interception and Loss Processes in vegetation. In: Modelling of radionuclide interception and loss processes in vegetation and of transfer in semi-natural ecosystems. Second Report of the VAMP Terrestrial Working Group. IAEA-TECDOC-857.

IAEA. 1996. Modelling of radionuclide interception and loss processes in vegetation and of transfer in semi-natural ecosystems. Second Report of the VAMP Terrestrial Working Group. IAEA-TECDOC-857.

Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., and Watkins, B. 1996. Opportunities for the testing of environmental transport models using data obtained following the Chernobyl accident.

Health Physics 70 (1):5-7.

Konoplev, A.V., Bulgakov, A.A., Popov, V.E., Popov, O.F., Scherbak, A.V., Shveikin, Yu.V., and Hoffman, F.O. 1996. Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data: I. Wash-off of 90Sr and 137Cs from two experimental plots established in the vicinity of the Chernobyl reactor.

Health Physics 70 (1):8-12.

Kryshev, I.I., Sazykina, T.G., Ryabov, I.N., Chumak, V.K. and Zarubin, O.L.

(Acknowledgement to F.O. Hoffman and K.M. Thiessen for help with scenario development). 1996. Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data: II assessment of the consequences of the radioactive contamination of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant cooling pond. Health Physics 70 (1):13-17.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Garger, E.K., Hoffman, F.O., and Miller, C.W. 1996. Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data:

III. Atmospheric resuspension of radionuclides in Ukrainian regions impacted by Chernobyl fallout. Health Physics 70 (1):18-24.

NCRP (Scientific Committee No. 64-6 on Screening Models). 1996. Screening Models for Releases of Radionuclides to Atmosphere, Surface Water, and Ground. NCRP Report No.

123 I. January 22, 1996.

NCRP (Scientific Committee No. 64-6 on Screening Models). 1996. Screening Models for Releases of Radionuclides to Atmosphere, Surface Water, and Ground - Work Sheets.

NCRP Report No. 123 II. January 22, 1996.

BIOMOVS II. 1996. Wash-off of Sr-90 and Cs-137 from Two Experimental Plots: Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data. Stockholm, Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, BIOMOVS II Technical Report No. 9.

BIOMOVS II. 1996. Assessment of the Consequences of the Radioactive Contamination of Aquatic Media and Biota: Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data. Stockholm, Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, BIOMOVS II Technical Report No. 10.

BIOMOVS II. 1996. Atmospheric Resuspension of Radionuclides: Model Testing Using Chernobyl Data. Stockholm, Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, BIOMOVS II Technical Report No. 11.

Hoffman, F.O., and Thiessen, K.M. 1995. Use of Chernobyl data to test predictions and uncertainty estimates from exposure assessment models. In: Environmental Impact of Radioactive Releases. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 May 1995. IAEA-SM-339/20. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency. 325-336.

Prhl, G., Hoffman F.O., and Müller, H., 1995. Interception and post-deposition retention of radionuclides by vegetation and their importance for dose assessment. In: Environmental Impact of Radioactive Releases. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 May 1995. IAEA-SM-339/142. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency.


Garger, E.K., Anspaugh, L.R., Shinn, J.H., and Hoffman, F.O. 1995. A test of resuspension-factor models against Chernobyl data. In: Environmental Impact of Radioactive Releases.

Proceedings of an International Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 May 1995. IAEA-SM-339/26. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency. 369-378.

Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., and Rael, R.M. 1995. Comparison of interception and initial retention of wet-deposited contaminants on leaves of different vegetation types.

Atmospheric Environment 29:1771-1775.

IAEA. 1995 Validation of models using Chernobyl fallout data from the Central Bohemia region of the Czech Republic- Scenario CB. First Report of the VAMP Multiple Pathways Assessment Working Group. IAEA TECDOC-795.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Apostoaei, A.I., Hoffman, F.O., and Nair, S.K. 1995. Screening Calculation to estimate the transfer factor for 131I from air to pasture to milk of cows and goats. Report prepared for the Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction Project. December 1995.

Thiessen, K.M., Hoffman, F.O., Hammonds, J.S., and White, E.I. 1995. A review of the preliminary screening analysis carried out during the Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction Feasibility Study. ChemRisk, State of Tennessee, August, 1995.

Bouville, A., Eckerman, K., Griffith, W., Hoffman, O., Leggett, R., and Stubbs, J. 1994.

Evaluating the reliability of biokinetic and dosimetric models and parameters used to assess individual doses for risk assessment purposes. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 53(1-4):211-215.

Hammonds, J.S., Hoffman, F.O., and Bartell, S.M. 1994. An introductory guide to uncertainty analysis in environmental and health risk assessment. Environmental Restoration Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ES/ER/TM-35/RI.

Hoffman, F.O., and Hammonds, J.S. 1994. Propagation of Uncertainty in Risk Assessments:

The Need to Distinguish between Uncertainty due to Lack of Knowledge and Uncertainty due to Variability. Risk Analysis 14(5):707-712.

MacIntosh, D.L., Suter, G.W., II, and Hoffman, F.O. 1994. Uses of probabilistic exposure models in ecological risk assessments of contaminated sites. Risk Analysis 14: 405-420.

NCRP. 1993. Uncertainty in NCRP screening models relating to atmospheric transport, deposition and uptake by humans. NCRP Commentary No. 8. Bethesda, MD. 1993.

Hoffman, F.O. 1993. Peer Review of HEDR Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses Plan.

Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. PNWD-2162 HEDR.

Shevenell, L., and Hoffman, F.O. 1993. Necessity of uncertainty analysis in risk assessment.

Journal of Hazardous Materials 35:369-385.

Hoffman, F.O. 1993. The Role of Risk Estimation in Dose Reconstruction. Oak Ridge Health Study Bulletin Vol. 2:2.

Hoffman, F.O., Blaylock, B.G., Frank, M.L., and Thiessen, K.M. 1993. A risk-based screening approach for prioritizing contaminants and exposure pathways at Superfund sites.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 28:221-237.

Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., Frank, M.L., and Blaylock, B.G. 1992. Quantification of the interception and initial retention of radioactive contaminants deposited on pasture grass by simulated rain. Atmospheric Environment 26(A):3313-3321.

Hammonds, J.S., Hoffman, F.O., White, R.K., and Miller, D.B. 1992. Background risk information to assist in risk management decision-making. Environmental Restoration Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ES/ER/TM-40.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Hoffman, F.O., and Hammonds, J.S. 1992. An introductory guide to uncertainty analysis in environmental and health risk assessment. Environmental Restoration Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ES/ER/TM-35.

Hoffman, F.O., Thiessen, K.M., Frank, M.L., and Blaylock, B.G. 1992. Determining the collection efficiency of gummed paper for the deposition of radioactive contaminants in simulated rain. Health Physics 62(5):439-442.

MacIntosh, D.L., Suter II, G.W., and Hoffman, F.O. 1992. Model of the PCB and mercury exposure of mink and great blue heron inhabiting the off-site environment downstream from the U. S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. September 1992. ORNL/ER-90.

Blaylock, B. G., Frank, M.L., Hoffman, F.O., Hook, L.A., Suter, G.W., and Watts, J.A.

1992. Screening of contaminants in Waste Area Grouping 2 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ORNL/ER-62/R1.

Blaylock, B.G., Frank, M.L., Hook, L.A., Hoffman, F.O., and Ford, C.L. 1992. White Oak Creek Embayment site characterization and contaminant screening report. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ORNL/ER-81.

Shevenell, L., Hoffman, F.O., and MacIntosh, D. 1992. Re-ranking of ORNL WAGs:

Prioritization based on risk assessment calculations using MEPAS, an accepted screening methodology, and an uncertainty analysis. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report.


Shevenell, L., and Hoffman, F.O. 1992. Suggestions for improvement of the methodology and use of MEPAS. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ORNL/ER-47.

Blaylock, B.G., Hoffman, F.O., and Frank, M.L. 1992. Preliminary screening of contaminants in the off-site surface water environment downstream of the US Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation. In: Proceedings of Environmental Surveillance and Data Analysis Interpretation. Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Graham, R.V., Blaylock, B.G., Hoffman, F.O., and Frank, M.L. 1991. Comparison of selenomethionine and selenite in a freshwater pond. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 62:25-42.

Kcher, D.C., and Hoffman, F.O. 1991. Regulating environmental carcinogens: where do we draw the line? Environmental Science and Technology 25: 1986-1989.

Hoffman, F.O. 1991. Environmental Dose Reconstruction, Approaches to an Inexact Science, presented at the Department of Health and Human Services Workshop on Energy-Related Epidemiologic Research Agenda, Dec. 3-4, 1991.

Hoffman, F. O. 1991. The use of Chernobyl fallout data to test model predictions of the transfer of 131I and 137Cs from the atmosphere through agriculture food chains. In:

Proceedings of the Third Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response. April 16-19, 1991. American Nuclear Society, Chicago, Illinois.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Khler, H., Peterson, S.R., and Hoffman, F.O. (eds.). 1991. Multiple model testing using Chernobyl fallout data of 131I forage and milk and 137Cs in forage, milk, beef, and grain.

BIOMOVS Technical Report, Scenario A-4. Parts 1 & 2. National Institute of Radiation Protection, Stockholm, Sweden. ISSN1100-0392.

Hoffman, F.O., Blaylock, B.G., Frank, M.L., Hook, L.A., Etnier, E.L., and Talmage, S.S.

1991. Preliminary screening of contaminants in the off-site surface water environment downstream of the US Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ORNL/ER-9.

Hoffman, F.O. 1990. Contributor, BIOMOVS Technical Report 7, Scenario A1: Mercury in Aquatic Ecosystems. Blaylock, G. Ed. National Institute of Radiation Protection.

Stockholm, Sweden.

Hoffman, F. O. 1990. Conclusions of BIOMOVS Phase I. In: BIOMOVS - On the Validity of Environmental Transfer Models. Oct. 8-10, 1990. National Institute of Radiation Protection, Stockholm, Sweden. 405-411.

Whicker, F.W., Grogan, H., Bergstrm, U., and Hoffman, F.O. 1990. BIOMOVS Scenario B-8: The relative importance of ingestion for multiple pathway dose assessments. In:

BIOMOVS - on the Validity of Environmental Transfer Models. Oct. 8-10, 1990. National Institute of Radiation Protection, Stockholm, Sweden. 333-351.

Halbert, B.E., Chambers, D.B., Cassaday, V.J., and Hoffman, F.O. 1990. Environmental assessment modelling, In: Part 3, Impact on man, The Environmental Behavior of Radium, Technical Report Series No. 310, Vol. 2. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna IAEA/STI/DOC/10/310.

Hoffman, F.O., and Hofer, E. (editors and principal authors). 1989. Evaluating the reliability of predictions made using environmental transfer models. IAEA Safety Series No. 100:1-106. STI/PUB/835.

Hoffman, F O., Larsen, I.L., Frank, M.L., Blaylock, B.G., and Olsen, C.R. 1989. The use of Chernobyl fallout to quantify the transfer of submicron aerosols from rain to vegetation and test natural Be7 as an environmental tracer. ISH-Heft 128. Institut für Strahlenhygiene, Bundesgesundheitsamt, Federal Republic of Germany. 124-128.

Hoffman, F.O., and Amaral, E.. 1989. The Use of Chernobyl Fallout to test model predictions of the transfer of radioiodine from air to vegetation to milk. Experiences with Radioecological assessment models, comparisons between predictions and observations.

ISH-Heft 128. Institut für Strahlenhygiene, Bundesgesundheitsamt, Federal Republic of Germany. 129-153.

Hoffman, F.O., Frank, M.L., Blaylock, B.G., von Bernuth, R.D., Deming, E.J., Graham, R.V., Mohrbacher, D.A., and Waters, A.E. 1989. Pasture grass interception and retention of I131, Be7 and insoluble microspheres deposited in rain. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ORNL-6542. ESD-3247.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Hoffman, F.O., Amaral, E., Mohrbacher, D.A., and Deming, E.L. 1988. The comparison of generic model predictions with Chernobyl fallout data on the transfer of radioiodine over the air-pasture-cow milk pathway. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 8:53-71.

Hoffman, F.O., and Hofer, E. 1988. An overview of an IAEA Safety Series on procedures for evaluating the reliability of predictions made by environmental transfer models. In:

Reliability of Radioactive Transfer Models, G. Desmet, ed. Commission of the European Communities, Elsevier Applied Science, London. 1-14.

Ng, Y.C. and Hoffman, F.O. 1988. A comparison of model predictions and observations of the transfer of 137Cs through the air-pasture-cow-milk pathway. In: Reliability of Radioactive Transfer Models, G. Desmet, ed. Commission of the European Communities, Elsevier Applied Science, London. 84-95.

Brenkert, A.L., Gardner, R.H., Bartell, S.M. and Hoffman, F.O. 1988. Uncertainties associated with estimates of radium accumulation in lake sediments and biota. In: Reliability of Radioactive Transfer Models, G. Desmet, ed. Commission of the European Communities, Elsevier Applied Science, London. 185-192.

Richmond, C.R., Hoffman, F.O., Blaylock, B.G., Eckerman, K.F., Lesslie, P.A., Miller, C.W., Ng, Y.C., and Till, J.E. 1988. The potential use of Chernobyl fallout data to test and evaluate the predictions of environmental radiological assessment models. ESD-3083; ORNL-6466.

Hoffman, F.O. 1987. Modelling approaches for estimating derived intervention levels in foods. In: Foodstuffs intervention levels following a nuclear accident. Commission of the European Communities. 27-30 April, Luxembourg, EUR 11232. 59-80.

Blaylock, B.G., Hoffman, F.O., and Frank, M.L. 1986. Tritium in the Aquatic Environment. Rad Prot Dos 16:1-2, 65-71.

Hoffman, F.O., Gardner, R.H., and Bartell, S.M. 1986. The significance of environmental exposure pathways for technetium. In: Technetium in the Environment, Myttenaere, C. and Desmet, G. (eds.). Elsevier Applied Science, London. 359-376.

Downing, D.J., Gardner, R.H., Hoffman, F.O. 1985. An examination of response-surface methodologies for uncertainty analysis in assessment models. Technometrics 27(2) 151-163.

Till, J.E., Shor, R.W., and Hoffman, F.O. 1985. Environmental Effects of the Uranium Fuel Cycle. A Review of Data for Technetium. NUREG/CR-3738, ORNL/TM-9150. U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.

Hoffman, F.O., Bergstrm, U., Gyllander, C., and Wilkens, A. 1984. A comparison of predictions from internationally recognized assessment models for the transfer of selected radionuclides through terrestrial food chains. Nuclear Safety 25:533-546.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Garten, C.T., Hoffman, F.O., and Bondietti, E.A. 1984. Field and greenhouse experiments on the fate of technetium in plants and soil. Health Physics 46: 647-656.

Hoffman, F.O., Blaylock, B.G., Travis, C.C., Daniels, K.L., Etnier, E.L., Cowser, K.E., and Weber, C.W. 1984. Preliminary screening of contaminants in sediments. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. ORNL/TM-9370; ESD-2400.

Hoffman, F.O., Miller, C.W., and Ng, Y.C. 1984. Uncertainties in radioecological assessment models. In: The Environmental Transfer to Man of Radionuclide Releases from Nuclear Installations, Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

Hoffman, F.O., Witherspoon, J.P., and Waite, D.A. 1984. Uncertainties in assessment models In: Radiological Assessment: Predicting the Transport, Bioaccumulation, and Intake by Man of Radionuclides Released to the Environment. NCRP Report No. 76. Bethesda, Maryland.

Bondietti, E.A., Hoffman, F.O., and Larsen I.L. 1984. Air-to-vegetation transfer rates of natural submicron aerosols. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1:5-28.

Hoffman, F.O., and Miller, C.W. 1983. Uncertainties in environmental radiological assessment models and their implications. In: Environmental Radioactivity, The Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, April 6, 1983. Washington, D.C. 110-138.

Hoffman, F.O., and Gardner, R.H. 1983. Evaluation of uncertainties in radiological assessment models. In: Radiological Assessments (J.E. Till and H.R. Meyer, eds.).

Washington, D.C., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NUREG/CR-3332, ORNL-5968.

Miller, C.W., and Hoffman, F.O. 1983. An examination of the environmental half-time for radionuclides deposited on vegetation. Health Physics 45:731-744.

Hoffman, F.O., Gardner, R.H., and Eckerman, K.F. 1982. Variability in dose estimates associated with the food chain transport and ingestion of selected radionuclides. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report. NUREG/CR-2612; ORNL/TM-8099.

Hoffman, F.O., Garten, Jr., C.T., Huckabee, J.W., and Lucas, D.M. 1982. Interception and retention of technetium by vegetation and soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 11:134-241.

Hoffman, F.O., Garten, C.T., Jr., Lucas, D.M., and Huckabee, J.W. 1982. Environmental behavior of technetium in soil and vegetation. Environmental Science and Technology 16:214-217.

IAEA. 1982. Generic models and parameters for assessing the environmental transfer of radionuclides from routine releases. Safety Series No. 57. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Kaye, S.V., Hoffman, R.O., McDowell-Boyer, L.M., Baes, C.F. 1982. Development and applications of terrestrial food chain models to assess health risks to man from releases of pollutants to the environment. In: Health Impacts of Different Health Sources of Energy.

Vienna. IAEA SM-24/63, pp. 271-299.

Hoffman, F.O. 1982. Environmental Behavior of Technetium in Soil and Vegetation:

Implications for Radiological Impact Assessment. ORNL-5856. ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN.

Schwarz, G., and Hoffman, F.O. 1981. Imprecision of dose predictions for radionuclides released to the environment: An application of a Monte Carlo simulation technique.

Environment International 4:289-297.

Schwarz, G., Hoffman, F.O. 1980. An examination of the effect in radiological assessments of high soil-plant concentration ratios for harvested vegetation. Health Physics 39 (Dec) 983-986.

Hoffman, F.O., Huckabee, J.W. 1980. Sampling of technetium-99 in vegetation and soils in the vicinity of operating gaseous diffusion facilities. ORNL/TM-7386. Oak Ridge, TN.

Hoffman, F.O., and Baes III, C.F. (eds.). 1979. A statistical analysis of selected parameters for predicting food chain transport and internal dose of radionuclides. ORNL/NUREG/TM-282.

Hoffman, F.O. 1979. Bioaccumulation factors for freshwater fish. In: A statistical analysis of selected parameters for predicting food chain transport and internal dose of radionuclides (Hoffman, F.O., and Baes, C.F., III, eds.). ORNL/NUREG/TM-282.

Schaeffer, D.L., Hoffman, F.O. 1979. Uncertainties in radiological assessments - A statistical analysis of radioiodine transport via the pasture-cow-milk pathway. Nuclear Technology 45 (Mid-August)99-106.

Till, J.E., Hoffman, F.O., Dunning, D.E. 1979. A new look at Tc-99 releases to the atmosphere. Health Physics 36 (Jan) 21-30.

Hoffman, F.O. 1978. A review of measured values of the milk transfer coefficient (fm) for iodine. Health Physics 35:413-416.

Hoffman, F.O., Miller, C.W., Shaeffer, D.L., and Garten, Jr., C.T. 1978. Computer codes for the assessment of radionuclides released to the environment. Nuclear Safety 18:343-354.

Hoffman, F.O. 1977. A Reassessment of the Deposition Velocity in the Prediction of the Environmental Transport of Radioiodine from Air to Milk. Health Physics 17:437-441.

Hoffman, F.O. 1975. A Reassessment of the Parameters Used to Predict the Environmental Transport of 131I from air to Milk (a supplement to IRS-W-6). Rep. IRS-W-13 (April 1975).

Handge, P., Hoffman, F.O. 1974. The necessity for environmental surveillance in the evaluation of nuclear power plant sites. IAEA-SM-180/29.


Hoffman, F.O. continued Hoffman, F.O.1974. Wrmebelastbarkeit des Rheins abhangig von Wasserverschmutzung (Water pollution determines the thermal capacity for the river Rhine). Umschau 21:667-668.

Hoffman, F.O. 1973. Ein Überblick uber die Ergebnisse und Voraussagen des Wrmelastplan des Rheins (A review of the results and predictions contained in the

'Wrmelastplan Rhein'). Technische Überwachung 14:147-149.

Hoffman, F.O. 1973. Environmental Variables Involved with the Estimation of the Amount of 131I in Milk and the Subsequent Dose to the Thyroid. Rep. IRS-W-6 (June 1973).

Hoffman, F.O. 1973. Parameters to be Considered When Calculating the Age-Dependent 131 I Dose to the Thyroid. Rep. IRS-W-5 (April 1973).